Esempio n. 1
void print_vine_ir(asm_program_t *prog, vector<vine_block_t *> vblocks )
    unsigned int i, j;
    for ( i = 0; i < vblocks.size(); i++ )
        vine_block_t *block =;
        vector<Stmt *> *inner = block->vine_ir;

	//        cout << "Vine Block " << i << endl;
        cout << "  {" << endl;
// 	declvis vis;
// 	vis.compute(inner);
// 	print_decls(vis.decls);
	//        cout << "    ";
	ostringstream os;
	ostream_insn(prog, block->inst, os);
	cout << "   // " << os.str() << endl;

	vector<VarDecl *> globals = get_reg_decls();
	map<string,reg_t> context;
        for(vector<VarDecl *>::const_iterator gi = globals.begin();
	    gi != globals.end(); gi++){
           VarDecl *vd = *gi;
           context.insert(pair<string, reg_t>(vd->name, vd->typ));

        for ( j = 0; j < inner->size(); j++ )
	  try {
	  if (typecheck_stmt(&context,  inner->at(j)) < 0) {
	    cout <<"Type error found at:" <<endl;
	  } catch (TypeError &e) {
	    cout <<"Type Error: " << e.what() <<endl;
	    cout <<"Found at:" <<endl;
	  Stmt *s = inner->at(j);
	  cout << "     " << s->tostring();
// 	  if(s->stmt_type == LABEL)
// 	    cout << endl;
// 	  else
// 	    cout << ";" << endl;
	  cout << endl;

        cout << "  }" << endl;
Esempio n. 2
void print_merged_ir( vector<Stmt *> ir )
    unsigned int i;

    for ( i = 0; i < ir.size(); i++ )
        Stmt *stmt =;

        cout << stmt->ir_address << "\t\t" << stmt->tostring() << endl;
Esempio n. 3
void print_globals(){

  vector<VarDecl *> globals = get_reg_decls();
  for(vector<VarDecl *>::const_iterator it = globals.begin();
	it != globals.end(); it++){
	VarDecl *s = *it;
	cout << s->tostring() << endl;

  cout << "var mem:reg8_t[reg32_t];" << endl;

  vector<Stmt *> helpers = gen_eflags_helpers();
  for(vector<Stmt *>::const_iterator it = helpers.begin();
      it != helpers.end(); it++){
    Stmt *s = *it;
    cout << s->tostring() << endl;
Esempio n. 4
void CReilFromBilTranslator::process_bil(reil_raw_t *raw_info, bap_block_t *block)
    int size = block->bap_ir->size();


    if (raw_info)
        current_raw_info = raw_info;

    log_write(LOG_BIL, "BAP {");

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        // enumerate BIL statements        
        Stmt *s = block->bap_ir->at(i);
        log_write(LOG_BIL, "   %s", s->tostring().c_str());

    if (is_unknown_insn(block))
        log_write(LOG_BIL, "   // %.8llx was not translated", raw_info->addr);

        // add metainformation about unknown instruction into the code

        goto _end;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        current_stmt = i;

        // enumerate BIL statements        
        Stmt *s = block->bap_ir->at(i);
        uint64_t inst_flags = IOPT_ASM_END;    

        for (int n = i + 1; n < size; n++)
            // check for last IR instruction
            Stmt *s_next = block->bap_ir->at(n);

            if (s_next->stmt_type == MOVE || 
                s_next->stmt_type == CJMP ||
                s_next->stmt_type == JMP)
                inst_flags = 0;

        if (i < size - 1)
            Stmt *s_next = block->bap_ir->at(i + 1);

            // check for the special statement that following current
            if (s_next->stmt_type == SPECIAL)
                Special *special = (Special *)s_next;
                // translate special statement to the REIL instruction options
                inst_flags |= convert_special(special);

        // convert statement to REIL code
        process_bil_stmt(s, inst_flags);

    if (inst_count == 0)
        // add I_NONE


    if (inst_handler)
        vector<reil_inst_t *>::iterator it;

        // enumerate translated instructions
        for (it = translated_insts.begin(); it != translated_insts.end(); ++it)
            reil_inst_t *reil_inst = *it;

            // check for JCC with label
            if (reil_inst->op == I_JCC && reil_inst->c.type == A_LOC &&
                strlen(reil_inst-> > 0)
                vector<BAP_LABEL *>::iterator it_l;
                bool label_found = false;

                // find label by name
                for (it_l = translated_labels.begin(); it_l != translated_labels.end(); ++it_l)
                    BAP_LABEL *label = *it_l;

                    if (!strcmp(reil_inst->, label->first.c_str()))
                        reil_inst->c.val = label->second.first;
                        reil_inst->c.inum = label->second.second;

                        memset(reil_inst->, 0, MAX_REG_NAME_LEN);
                        label_found = true;


                reil_assert(label_found, "unresolved label");                

        // enumerate translated instructions
        for (it = translated_insts.begin(); it != translated_insts.end(); ++it)
            reil_inst_t *reil_inst = *it;

            // call user-specified REIL instruction handler
            inst_handler(reil_inst, inst_handler_context);

    log_write(LOG_BIL, "}");

    // cleanup

Esempio n. 5
void CReilFromBilTranslator::process_bil(reil_raw_t *raw_info, bap_block_t *block)
    int size = block->bap_ir->size();


    if (raw_info)
        current_raw_info = raw_info;

    log_write(LOG_BIL, "BAP {");

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        // enumerate BIL statements        
        Stmt *s = block->bap_ir->at(i);
        log_write(LOG_BIL, "   %s", s->tostring().c_str());

    if (is_unknown_insn(block))
        log_write(LOG_BIL, "   // %.8llx was not translated", raw_info->addr);

        // add metainformation about unknown instruction into the code

        goto _end;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        current_stmt = i;

        // enumerate BIL statements        
        Stmt *s = block->bap_ir->at(i);
        uint64_t inst_flags = IOPT_ASM_END;    

        for (int n = i + 1; n < size; n++)
            // check for last IR instruction
            Stmt *s_next = block->bap_ir->at(n);

            if (s_next->stmt_type == MOVE || 
                s_next->stmt_type == CJMP ||
                s_next->stmt_type == JMP)
                inst_flags = 0;

        if (i < size - 1)
            // check for the special statement that following current
            Stmt *s_next = block->bap_ir->at(i + 1);
            if (s_next->stmt_type == SPECIAL)
                Special *special = (Special *)s_next;
                // translate special statement to the REIL instruction options
                inst_flags |= convert_special(special);

        // convert statement to REIL code
        process_bil_stmt(s, inst_flags);

    if (inst_count == 0)
        // add I_NONE


    log_write(LOG_BIL, "}");
