void WriteBufferFromPocoSocket::nextImpl()
    if (!offset())

    Stopwatch watch;

    size_t bytes_written = 0;
    while (bytes_written < offset())
        ssize_t res = 0;

        /// Add more details to exceptions.
            res = socket.impl()->sendBytes(working_buffer.begin() + bytes_written, offset() - bytes_written);
        catch (const Poco::Net::NetException & e)
            throw NetException(e.displayText() + ", while writing to socket (" + peer_address.toString() + ")", ErrorCodes::NETWORK_ERROR);
        catch (const Poco::TimeoutException &)
            throw NetException("Timeout exceeded while writing to socket (" + peer_address.toString() + ")", ErrorCodes::SOCKET_TIMEOUT);
        catch (const Poco::IOException & e)
            throw NetException(e.displayText() + ", while writing to socket (" + peer_address.toString() + ")", ErrorCodes::NETWORK_ERROR);

        if (res < 0)
            throw NetException("Cannot write to socket (" + peer_address.toString() + ")", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_WRITE_TO_SOCKET);

        bytes_written += res;

    ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::NetworkSendElapsedMicroseconds, watch.elapsedMicroseconds());