Esempio n. 1
  //! Compute automatic stretch for a portion of the cube
  void ChipViewport::computeStretch(Stretch &stretch, bool force) {
    if (p_stretchLocked && !force) {
      stretch = *p_stretch;
    else {
      Statistics stats;
      for (int line = 1; line < p_chip->Lines(); line++) {
        for (int samp = 1; samp < p_chip->Samples(); samp++) {
          double value = p_chip->GetValue(samp, line);
          stats.AddData(&value, 1);

      Histogram hist(stats.BestMinimum(), stats.BestMaximum());
      for (int line = 1; line <= p_chip->Lines(); line++) {
        for (int samp = 1; samp <= p_chip->Samples(); samp++) {
          double value = p_chip->GetValue(samp, line);
          hist.AddData(&value, 1);

      if (hist.Percent(0.5) != hist.Percent(99.5)) {
        stretch.AddPair(hist.Percent(0.5), 0.0);
        stretch.AddPair(hist.Percent(99.5), 255.0);
      else {
        stretch.AddPair(-DBL_MAX, 0.0);
        stretch.AddPair(DBL_MAX, 255.0);

      *p_stretch = stretch;
Esempio n. 2
void IsisMain() {

    // Setup the input and output cubes
    ProcessByLine p;  // used for getting histograms from input cubes
    Cube *icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM", Isis::OneBand);
    p.SetOutputCube ("TO");

    // Histogram parameters
    UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface(); 
    double minimum = ui.GetDouble("MINPER");
    double maximum = ui.GetDouble("MAXPER");
    int increment = ui.GetInteger("INCREMENT");

    // Histograms from input cubes
    Histogram *from = icube->Histogram();
    Histogram *match = icube->Histogram();

    double fromMin = from->Percent(minimum);
    double fromMax = from->Percent(maximum);
    int fromBins = from->Bins();
    double data[fromBins];
    double slope = (fromMax - fromMin) / (fromBins - 1);

    // Set "match" to have the same data range and number of bins as "to"
    match->SetValidRange(fromMin, fromMax);
    for (int i = 0; i < fromBins; i++) {
        data[i] = fromMin + (slope * i);
    match->AddData(data, fromBins);

		double lastPer = from->Percent(minimum);
    stretch.AddPair(lastPer, match->Percent(minimum));
    for (double i = increment+minimum; i < maximum; i += increment) {
				double curPer = from->Percent(i);
        if (lastPer < curPer) {
						if(abs(lastPer - curPer) > DBL_EPSILON) {
  	          stretch.AddPair(curPer, match->Percent(i));
							lastPer = curPer;
		double curPer = from->Percent(maximum);
		if (lastPer < curPer && abs(lastPer - curPer) > DBL_EPSILON) {
			stretch.AddPair(curPer, match->Percent(maximum));

    // Start the processing
Esempio n. 3
void IsisMain() {
  // Setup the input and output cubes along with histograms
  ProcessByLine p;
  Cube *mcube = p.SetInputCube("MATCH", Isis::OneBand);
  Histogram *match = mcube->histogram();
  Cube *icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM", Isis::OneBand);
  Histogram *from = icube->histogram();

  // Histogram specifications
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  double minimum = ui.GetDouble("MINPER");
  double maximum = ui.GetDouble("MAXPER");


  // CDF mode selected
  if(ui.GetString("STRETCH") == "CDF") {
    int increment = ui.GetInteger("INCREMENT");
    double lastPer = from->Percent(minimum);
    stretch.AddPair(lastPer, match->Percent(minimum));
    for(double i = increment + minimum; i < maximum; i += increment) {
      double curPer = from->Percent(i);
      if(lastPer < curPer && abs(lastPer - curPer) > DBL_EPSILON) {
        stretch.AddPair(curPer, match->Percent(i));
        lastPer = curPer;
    double curPer = from->Percent(maximum);
    if(lastPer < curPer && abs(lastPer - curPer) > DBL_EPSILON) {
      stretch.AddPair(curPer, match->Percent(maximum));

  // Modal mode is selected
  else {
    stretch.AddPair(from->Percent(minimum), match->Percent(minimum));
    stretch.AddPair(from->Mode(), match->Mode());
    stretch.AddPair(from->Percent(maximum), match->Percent(maximum));

  // Start the processing
Esempio n. 4
void IsisMain ()

    for (int i=0; i<6; i++) {
        gapCount[i] = 0;
        suspectGapCount[i] = 0;
        invalidCount[i] = 0;
        lisCount[i] = 0;
        hisCount[i] = 0;
        validCount[i] = 0;

    void TranslateHiriseEdrLabels (Filename &labelFile, Cube *);
    void SaveHiriseCalibrationData (ProcessImportPds &process, Cube *,
                                    Pvl &pdsLabel);
    void SaveHiriseAncillaryData (ProcessImportPds &process, Cube *);
    void FixDns8 (Buffer &buf);
    void FixDns16 (Buffer &buf);

    ProcessImportPds p;
    Pvl pdsLabel;
    UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

    // Get the input filename and make sure it is a HiRISE EDR
    Filename inFile = ui.GetFilename("FROM");
    iString id;
    bool projected;
    try {
        Pvl lab(inFile.Expanded());
        id = (string) lab.FindKeyword ("DATA_SET_ID");
        projected = lab.HasObject("IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION");
    catch (iException &e) {
        string msg = "Unable to read [DATA_SET_ID] from input file [" +
                     inFile.Expanded() + "]";
        throw iException::Message(iException::Io,msg, _FILEINFO_);

    //Checks if in file is rdr
    if( projected ) {
        string msg = "[" + inFile.Name() + "] appears to be an rdr file.";
        msg += " Use pds2isis.";
        throw iException::Message(iException::User,msg, _FILEINFO_);

    id.Trim(" ");
    if (id != "MRO-M-HIRISE-2-EDR-V1.0") {
        string msg = "Input file [" + inFile.Expanded() + "] does not appear to be " +
                     "in HiRISE EDR format. DATA_SET_ID is [" + id + "]";
        throw iException::Message(iException::Io,msg, _FILEINFO_);

    p.SetPdsFile (inFile.Expanded(), "", pdsLabel);

    // Make sure the data we need for the BLOBs is saved by the Process

    // Let the Process create the output file but override any commandline
    // output bit type and min/max. It has to be 16bit for the rest of hi2isis
    // to run.
    // Setting the min/max to the 16 bit min/max keeps all the dns (including
    // the 8 bit special pixels from changing their value when they are mapped
    // to the 16 bit output.
    CubeAttributeOutput &outAtt = ui.GetOutputAttribute("TO");
    outAtt.PixelType (Isis::SignedWord);
    Cube *ocube = p.SetOutputCube(ui.GetFilename("TO"), outAtt);
    p.StartProcess ();
    TranslateHiriseEdrLabels (inFile, ocube);

    // Pull out the lookup table so we can apply it in the second pass
    // and remove it from the labels.
    // Add the UNLUTTED keyword to the instrument group so we know
    // if the lut has been used to convert back to 14 bit data
    PvlGroup &instgrp = ocube->GetGroup("Instrument");
    PvlKeyword lutKey = instgrp["LookupTable"];
    PvlSequence lutSeq;
    lutSeq = lutKey;

    // Set up the Stretch object with the info from the lookup table
    // If the first entry is (0,0) then no lut was applied.
    if ((lutKey.IsNull()) ||
            (lutSeq.Size()==1 && lutSeq[0][0]=="0" && lutSeq[0][1]=="0")) {
        stretch.AddPair(0.0, 0.0);
        stretch.AddPair(65536.0, 65536.0);
        instgrp.DeleteKeyword ("LookupTable");
    // The user wants it unlutted
    else if (ui.GetBoolean("UNLUT")) {
        for (int i=0; i<lutSeq.Size(); i++) {
            stretch.AddPair(i, (((double)lutSeq[i][0] + (double)lutSeq[i][1]) / 2.0));
        instgrp.DeleteKeyword ("LookupTable");
    // The user does not want the data unlutted
    else {
        stretch.AddPair(0.0, 0.0);
        stretch.AddPair(65536.0, 65536.0);

    // Save the calibration and ancillary data as BLOBs. Both get run thru the
    // lookup table just like the image data.
    SaveHiriseCalibrationData (p, ocube, pdsLabel);
    SaveHiriseAncillaryData (p, ocube);

    // Save off the input bit type so we know how to process it on the
    // second pass below.
    Isis::PixelType inType = p.PixelType();

    // All finished with the ImportPds object
    p.EndProcess ();

    // Make another pass thru the data using the output file in read/write mode
    // This allows us to correct gaps, remap special pixels and accumulate some
    // counts
    lsbGap = ui.GetBoolean("LSBGAP");
    ProcessByLine p2;
    string ioFile = ui.GetFilename("TO");
    CubeAttributeInput att;
    p2.SetInputCube(ioFile, att, ReadWrite);
    p2.Progress()->SetText("Converting special pixels");
    section = 4;
    p2.StartProcess((inType == Isis::UnsignedByte) ? FixDns8 : FixDns16);

    // Log the results of the image conversion
    PvlGroup results("Results");
    results += PvlKeyword ("From", inFile.Expanded());

    results += PvlKeyword ("CalibrationBufferGaps", gapCount[0]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("CalibrationBufferLIS", lisCount[0]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("CalibrationBufferHIS", hisCount[0]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("CalibrationBufferPossibleGaps", suspectGapCount[0]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("CalibrationBufferInvalid", invalidCount[0]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("CalibrationBufferValid", validCount[0]);

    results += PvlKeyword ("CalibrationImageGaps", gapCount[1]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("CalibrationImageLIS", lisCount[1]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("CalibrationImageHIS", hisCount[1]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("CalibrationImagePossibleGaps", suspectGapCount[1]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("CalibrationImageInvalid", invalidCount[1]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("CalibrationImageValid", validCount[1]);

    results += PvlKeyword ("CalibrationDarkGaps", gapCount[2]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("CalibrationDarkLIS", lisCount[2]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("CalibrationDarkHIS", hisCount[2]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("CalibrationDarkPossibleGaps", suspectGapCount[2]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("CalibrationDarkInvalid", invalidCount[2]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("CalibrationDarkValid", validCount[2]);

    results += PvlKeyword ("ObservationBufferGaps", gapCount[3]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("ObservationBufferLIS", lisCount[3]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("ObservationBufferHIS", hisCount[3]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("ObservationBufferPossibleGaps", suspectGapCount[3]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("ObservationBufferInvalid", invalidCount[3]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("ObservationBufferValid", validCount[3]);

    results += PvlKeyword ("ObservationImageGaps", gapCount[4]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("ObservationImageLIS", lisCount[4]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("ObservationImageHIS", hisCount[4]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("ObservationImagePossibleGaps", suspectGapCount[4]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("ObservationImageInvalid", invalidCount[4]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("ObservationImageValid", validCount[4]);

    results += PvlKeyword ("ObservationDarkGaps", gapCount[5]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("ObservationDarkLIS", lisCount[5]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("ObservationDarkHIS", hisCount[5]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("ObservationDarkPossibleGaps", suspectGapCount[5]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("ObservationDarkInvalid", invalidCount[5]);
    results += PvlKeyword ("ObservationDarkValid", validCount[5]);

    // Write the results to the log
