Esempio n. 1
    void initialise (const String& commandLine)
        // initialise our settings file..

        PropertiesFile::Options options;
        options.applicationName     = "Juce Audio Plugin Host";
        options.filenameSuffix      = "settings";
        options.osxLibrarySubFolder = "Preferences";

        appProperties = new ApplicationProperties();
        appProperties->setStorageParameters (options);

        commandManager = new ApplicationCommandManager();

        AudioPluginFormatManager::getInstance()->addFormat (new InternalPluginFormat());

        mainWindow = new MainHostWindow();
        //mainWindow->setUsingNativeTitleBar (true);

        commandManager->registerAllCommandsForTarget (this);
        commandManager->registerAllCommandsForTarget (mainWindow);


        if (commandLine.isNotEmpty() && mainWindow->getGraphEditor() != 0)
           #if JUCE_MAC
            if (! commandLine.trimStart().startsWith ("-"))
                mainWindow->getGraphEditor()->graph.loadFrom (File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory()
                                                                .getChildFile (commandLine), true);
Esempio n. 2
void LibraryModule::findAndAddCompiledCode (ProjectExporter& exporter, ProjectSaver& projectSaver,
                                            const File& localModuleFolder, Array<File>& result) const
    const var compileArray (moduleInfo.moduleInfo ["compile"]); // careful to keep this alive while the array is in use!

    if (const Array<var>* const files = compileArray.getArray())
        for (int i = 0; i < files->size(); ++i)
            const var& file = files->getReference(i);
            const String filename (file ["file"].toString());

            if (filename.isNotEmpty()
                 && fileTargetMatches (exporter, file ["target"].toString()))
                const File compiledFile (localModuleFolder.getChildFile (filename));
                result.add (compiledFile);

                Project::Item item (projectSaver.addFileToGeneratedGroup (compiledFile));

                if (file ["warnings"].toString().equalsIgnoreCase ("disabled"))
                    item.getShouldInhibitWarningsValue() = true;

                if (file ["stdcall"])
                    item.getShouldUseStdCallValue() = true;
void FileBrowserComponent::comboBoxChanged (ComboBox*)
    const String newText (currentPathBox.getText().trim().unquoted());

    if (newText.isNotEmpty())
        const int index = currentPathBox.getSelectedId() - 1;

        StringArray rootNames, rootPaths;
        getRoots (rootNames, rootPaths);

        if (rootPaths [index].isNotEmpty())
            setRoot (File (rootPaths [index]));
            File f (newText);

            for (;;)
                if (f.isDirectory())
                    setRoot (f);

                if (f.getParentDirectory() == f)

                f = f.getParentDirectory();
void AudioDeviceManager::setDefaultMidiOutput (const String& deviceName)
    if (defaultMidiOutputName != deviceName)
        Array<AudioIODeviceCallback*> oldCallbacks;

            const ScopedLock sl (audioCallbackLock);
            oldCallbacks.swapWith (callbacks);

        if (currentAudioDevice != nullptr)
            for (int i = oldCallbacks.size(); --i >= 0;)

        defaultMidiOutput = nullptr;
        defaultMidiOutputName = deviceName;

        if (deviceName.isNotEmpty())
            defaultMidiOutput = MidiOutput::openDevice (MidiOutput::getDevices().indexOf (deviceName));

        if (currentAudioDevice != nullptr)
            for (int i = oldCallbacks.size(); --i >= 0;)
                oldCallbacks.getUnchecked(i)->audioDeviceAboutToStart (currentAudioDevice);

            const ScopedLock sl (audioCallbackLock);
            oldCallbacks.swapWith (callbacks);

Esempio n. 5
void UnitTestRunner::addFail (const String& failureMessage)
        const ScopedLock sl (results.getLock());

        TestResult* const r = results.getLast();
        jassert (r != 0); // You need to call UnitTest::beginTest() before performing any tests!


        String message ("!!! Test ");
        message << (r->failures + r->passes) << " failed";

        if (failureMessage.isNotEmpty())
            message << ": " << failureMessage;

        r->messages.add (message);

        logMessage (message);


    if (assertOnFailure) { jassertfalse }
const Array<Range<int> > CtrlrLuaMethodCodeEditor::searchForMatchesInDocument(CodeDocument &doc, const String &search)
	Array<Range<int> > results;
	int position			= -1;
	lastFoundPosition		= -1;
		String documentContent = doc.getAllContent();
		if (documentContent.isNotEmpty())
			if (editorComponent->isCaseSensitiveSearch())
				position = documentContent.indexOfIgnoreCase (lastFoundPosition+1, search);
				position = documentContent.indexOf (lastFoundPosition+1, search);

		if (position >= 0)
			lastFoundPosition		= position;
			results.add (Range<int> (lastFoundPosition, lastFoundPosition+search.length()));
			lastFoundPosition = -1;
	while (lastFoundPosition >= 0);

	return (results);
void TooltipWindow::displayTip (Point<int> screenPos, const String& tip)
    jassert (tip.isNotEmpty());
    if (tipShowing != tip)

    tipShowing = tip;

    if (Component* const parent = getParentComponent())
        updatePosition (tip, parent->getLocalPoint (nullptr, screenPos),
        updatePosition (tip, screenPos, Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays()
                                            .getDisplayContaining (screenPos).userArea);

        addToDesktop (ComponentPeer::windowHasDropShadow
                        | ComponentPeer::windowIsTemporary
                        | ComponentPeer::windowIgnoresKeyPresses);

    toFront (false);
void ComboBox::addSectionHeading (const String& headingName)
    // you can't add empty strings to the list..
    jassert (headingName.isNotEmpty());

    if (headingName.isNotEmpty())
        if (separatorPending)
            separatorPending = false;
            items.add (new ItemInfo (String::empty, 0, false, false));

        items.add (new ItemInfo (headingName, 0, true, true));
String& GeneratedCode::getCallbackCode (const String& requiredParentClass,
                                        const String& returnType,
                                        const String& prototype,
                                        const bool hasPrePostUserSections)
    String parentClass (requiredParentClass);
    if (parentClass.isNotEmpty()
         && ! (parentClass.startsWith (T("public "))
                || parentClass.startsWith (T("private "))
                || parentClass.startsWith (T("protected "))))
        parentClass = T("public ") + parentClass;

    for (int i = callbacks.size(); --i >= 0;)
        CallbackMethod* const cm = callbacks.getUnchecked(i);

        if (cm->requiredParentClass == parentClass
             && cm->returnType == returnType
             && cm->prototype == prototype)
            return cm->content;

    CallbackMethod* const cm = new CallbackMethod();
    callbacks.add (cm);

    cm->requiredParentClass = parentClass;
    cm->returnType = returnType;
    cm->prototype = prototype;
    cm->hasPrePostUserSections = hasPrePostUserSections;
    return cm->content;
void OldSchoolLookAndFeel::drawProgressBar (Graphics& g, ProgressBar& progressBar,
                                            int width, int height,
                                            double progress, const String& textToShow)
    if (progress < 0 || progress >= 1.0)
        LookAndFeel::drawProgressBar (g, progressBar, width, height, progress, textToShow);
        const Colour background (progressBar.findColour (ProgressBar::backgroundColourId));
        const Colour foreground (progressBar.findColour (ProgressBar::foregroundColourId));

        g.fillAll (background);
        g.setColour (foreground);

        g.fillRect (1, 1,
                    jlimit (0, width - 2, roundToInt (progress * (width - 2))),
                    height - 2);

        if (textToShow.isNotEmpty())
            g.setColour (Colour::contrasting (background, foreground));
            g.setFont (height * 0.6f);

            g.drawText (textToShow, 0, 0, width, height, Justification::centred, false);
const String GeneratedCode::getCallbackDefinitions() const
    String s;

    for (int i = 0; i < callbacks.size(); ++i)
        CallbackMethod* const cm = callbacks.getUnchecked(i);

        const String userCodeBlockName (T("User")
            + makeValidCppIdentifier (cm->prototype.upToFirstOccurrenceOf (T("("), false, false),
                                      true, true, false).trim());

        if (userCodeBlockName.isNotEmpty() && cm->hasPrePostUserSections)
            s << cm->returnType << " " << className << "::" << cm->prototype
              << "\n{\n    //[" << userCodeBlockName << "_Pre]\n    //[/" << userCodeBlockName
              << "_Pre]\n\n    "
              << indentCode (cm->content.trim(), 4)
              << "\n\n    //[" << userCodeBlockName << "_Post]\n    //[/" << userCodeBlockName
              << "_Post]\n}\n\n";
            s << cm->returnType << " " << className << "::" << cm->prototype
              << "\n{\n    "
              << indentCode (cm->content.trim(), 4)
              << "\n}\n\n";

    return s;
Esempio n. 12
    bool getIndentForCurrentBlock (CodeDocument::Position pos, const String& tab,
                                   String& blockIndent, String& lastLineIndent)
        int braceCount = 0;
        bool indentFound = false;

        while (pos.getLineNumber() > 0)
            pos = pos.movedByLines (-1);

            const String line (pos.getLineText());
            const String trimmedLine (line.trimStart());

            braceCount += getBraceCount (trimmedLine.getCharPointer());

            if (braceCount > 0)
                blockIndent = getLeadingWhitespace (line);
                if (! indentFound)
                    lastLineIndent = blockIndent + tab;

                return true;

            if ((! indentFound) && trimmedLine.isNotEmpty())
                indentFound = true;
                lastLineIndent = getLeadingWhitespace (line);

        return false;
bool PluginDirectoryScanner::scanNextFile (const bool dontRescanIfAlreadyInList)
    String file (filesOrIdentifiersToScan [nextIndex]);

    if (file.isNotEmpty() && ! list.isListingUpToDate (file))
        OwnedArray <PluginDescription> typesFound;

        // Add this plugin to the end of the dead-man's pedal list in case it crashes...
        StringArray crashedPlugins (getDeadMansPedalFile());
        crashedPlugins.removeString (file);
        crashedPlugins.add (file);
        setDeadMansPedalFile (crashedPlugins);

        list.scanAndAddFile (file,

        // Managed to load without crashing, so remove it from the dead-man's-pedal..
        crashedPlugins.removeString (file);
        setDeadMansPedalFile (crashedPlugins);

        if (typesFound.size() == 0)
            failedFiles.add (file);

    return skipNextFile();
    void paintCell (Graphics& g, int row, int columnId, int width, int height, bool /*rowIsSelected*/) override
        String text;
        bool isBlacklisted = row >= list.getNumTypes();

        if (isBlacklisted)
            if (columnId == nameCol)
                text = list.getBlacklistedFiles() [row - list.getNumTypes()];
            else if (columnId == descCol)
                text = TRANS("Deactivated after failing to initialise correctly");
        else if (const PluginDescription* const desc = list.getType (row))
            switch (columnId)
                case nameCol:         text = desc->name; break;
                case typeCol:         text = desc->pluginFormatName; break;
                case categoryCol:     text = desc->category.isNotEmpty() ? desc->category : "-"; break;
                case manufacturerCol: text = desc->manufacturerName; break;
                case descCol:         text = getPluginDescription (*desc); break;

                default: jassertfalse; break;

        if (text.isNotEmpty())
            g.setColour (isBlacklisted ? Colours::red
                                       : columnId == nameCol ? Colours::black
                                                             : Colours::grey);
            g.setFont (Font (height * 0.7f, Font::bold));
            g.drawFittedText (text, 4, 0, width - 6, height, Justification::centredLeft, 1, 0.9f);
    void finish (bool shouldKill)
        String result;
        Array<URL> selection;

        if (shouldKill)
            result = child.readAllProcessOutput().trim();

        if (result.isNotEmpty())
            StringArray tokens;

            if (selectMultipleFiles)
                tokens.addTokens (result, separator, "\"");
                tokens.add (result);

            for (auto& token : tokens)
                selection.add (URL (File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getChildFile (token)));

        if (! shouldKill)
            child.waitForProcessToFinish (60 * 1000);
            owner.finished (selection);
Esempio n. 16
bool File::isAbsolutePath (const String& path)
    return path.startsWithChar (separator)
           #if JUCE_WINDOWS
            || (path.isNotEmpty() && path[1] == ':');
            || path.startsWithChar ('~');
Esempio n. 17
void LibraryModule::getLocalCompiledFiles (const File& localModuleFolder, Array<File>& result) const
    const var compileArray (moduleInfo.moduleInfo ["compile"]); // careful to keep this alive while the array is in use!

    if (const Array<var>* const files = compileArray.getArray())
        for (int i = 0; i < files->size(); ++i)
            const var& file = files->getReference(i);
            const String filename (file ["file"].toString());

            if (filename.isNotEmpty()
                  #if JUCE_MAC
                   && exporterTargetMatches ("xcode", file ["target"].toString())
                  #elif JUCE_WINDOWS
                   && exporterTargetMatches ("msvc",  file ["target"].toString())
                  #elif JUCE_LINUX
                   && exporterTargetMatches ("linux", file ["target"].toString())
                result.add (localModuleFolder.getChildFile (filename));
Esempio n. 18
void ProjectExporter::addVSTFolderToPath (bool isVST3)
    const String vstFolder (getVSTPathValue (isVST3).toString());

    if (vstFolder.isNotEmpty())
        addToExtraSearchPaths (RelativePath (vstFolder, RelativePath::projectFolder), 0);
Esempio n. 19
void CodeDocument::insert (const String& text, const int insertPos, const bool undoable)
    if (text.isNotEmpty())
        if (undoable)
            undoManager.perform (new CodeDocumentInsertAction (*this, text, insertPos));
            Position pos (*this, insertPos);
            const int firstAffectedLine = pos.getLineNumber();

            CodeDocumentLine* const firstLine = lines [firstAffectedLine];
            String textInsideOriginalLine (text);

            if (firstLine != nullptr)
                const int index = pos.getIndexInLine();
                textInsideOriginalLine = firstLine->line.substring (0, index)
                                         + textInsideOriginalLine
                                         + firstLine->line.substring (index);

            maximumLineLength = -1;
            Array <CodeDocumentLine*> newLines;
            CodeDocumentLine::createLines (newLines, textInsideOriginalLine);
            jassert (newLines.size() > 0);

            CodeDocumentLine* const newFirstLine = newLines.getUnchecked (0);
            newFirstLine->lineStartInFile = firstLine != nullptr ? firstLine->lineStartInFile : 0;
            lines.set (firstAffectedLine, newFirstLine);

            if (newLines.size() > 1)
                lines.insertArray (firstAffectedLine + 1, newLines.getRawDataPointer() + 1, newLines.size() - 1);

            int lineStart = newFirstLine->lineStartInFile;
            for (int i = firstAffectedLine; i < lines.size(); ++i)
                CodeDocumentLine& l = *lines.getUnchecked (i);
                l.lineStartInFile = lineStart;
                lineStart += l.lineLength;


            const int newTextLength = text.length();
            for (int i = 0; i < positionsToMaintain.size(); ++i)
                CodeDocument::Position& p = *positionsToMaintain.getUnchecked(i);

                if (p.getPosition() >= insertPos)
                    p.setPosition (p.getPosition() + newTextLength);

   (&CodeDocument::Listener::codeDocumentTextInserted, text, insertPos);
static void addZenityArgs (StringArray& args, String& separator,
                           const String& title, const File& file, const String& filters,
                           bool isDirectory, bool isSave, bool selectMultipleFiles)
    args.add ("zenity");
    args.add ("--file-selection");

    if (title.isNotEmpty())
        args.add ("--title=" + title);

    if (selectMultipleFiles)
        separator = ":";
        args.add ("--multiple");
        args.add ("--separator=" + separator);
        if (isDirectory)  args.add ("--directory");
        if (isSave)       args.add ("--save");

    if (filters.isNotEmpty() && filters != "*" && filters != "*.*")
        StringArray tokens;
        tokens.addTokens (filters, ";,|", "\"");

        for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i)
            args.add ("--file-filter=" + tokens[i]);

    if (file.isDirectory())
    else if (file.getParentDirectory().exists())
        File::getSpecialLocation (File::userHomeDirectory).setAsCurrentWorkingDirectory();

    if (! file.getFileName().isEmpty())
        args.add ("--filename=" + file.getFileName());

    // supplying the window ID of the topmost window makes sure that Zenity pops up..
    if (uint64 topWindowID = getTopWindowID())
        setenv ("WINDOWID", String (topWindowID).toRawUTF8(), true);
void Graphics::drawTextAsPath (const String& text, const AffineTransform& transform) const
    if (text.isNotEmpty())
        GlyphArrangement arr;
        arr.addLineOfText (context.getFont(), text, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        arr.draw (*this, transform);
void CodeEditorComponent::copy()

    const String selection (document.getTextBetween (selectionStart, selectionEnd));

    if (selection.isNotEmpty())
        SystemClipboard::copyTextToClipboard (selection);
void CodeEditorComponent::insertTextAtCaret (const String& newText)
    document.deleteSection (selectionStart, selectionEnd);

    if (newText.isNotEmpty())
        document.insertText (caretPos, newText);

File File::getLinkedTarget() const
    String f (getLinkedFile (getFullPathName()));

    if (f.isNotEmpty())
        return getSiblingFile (f);

    return *this;
Esempio n. 25
void GeneratedCode::addImageResourceLoader (const String& imageMemberName, const String& resourceName)
        << "Image " << imageMemberName << ";\n";

    if (resourceName.isNotEmpty())
        constructorCode << imageMemberName << " = ImageCache::getFromMemory ("
                        << resourceName << ", " << resourceName << "Size);\n";
Esempio n. 26
    static File getFontFile (const String& family, const String& style)
        String path ("/system/fonts/" + family);

        if (style.isNotEmpty())
            path << '-' << style;

        return File (path + ".ttf");
// Set
void GFXPrimitiveBufferHandle::set(GFXDevice *theDevice, U32 indexCount, U32 primitiveCount, GFXBufferType bufferType, String desc)
   StrongRefPtr<GFXPrimitiveBuffer>::operator=( theDevice->allocPrimitiveBuffer(indexCount, primitiveCount, bufferType) );

   if( desc.isNotEmpty() )
      getPointer()->mDebugCreationPath = desc;
Esempio n. 28
        void appendText (const AttributedString& text, const Range<int>& stringRange,
                         const Font& font, const Colour& colour)
            String stringText (text.getText().substring (stringRange.getStart(), stringRange.getEnd()));
            String::CharPointerType t (stringText.getCharPointer());
            String currentString;
            int lastCharType = 0;

            for (;;)
                const juce_wchar c = t.getAndAdvance();
                if (c == 0)

                int charType;
                if (c == '\r' || c == '\n')
                    charType = 0;
                else if (CharacterFunctions::isWhitespace (c))
                    charType = 2;
                    charType = 1;

                if (charType == 0 || charType != lastCharType)
                    if (currentString.isNotEmpty())
                        tokens.add (new Token (currentString, font, colour,
                                               lastCharType == 2 || lastCharType == 0));

                    currentString = String::charToString (c);

                    if (c == '\r' && *t == '\n')
                        currentString += t.getAndAdvance();
                    currentString += c;

                lastCharType = charType;

            if (currentString.isNotEmpty())
                tokens.add (new Token (currentString, font, colour, lastCharType == 2));
Esempio n. 29
    File DataPath::resolvePath (const String& path)
        jassert (path.isNotEmpty());
        jassert (! File::isAbsolutePath (path));
        if (path.substring (0, 1) != "/")
            return factoryContentPath().getChildFile (path);

        File file (path);
        return file;
Esempio n. 30
void ScopeSync::changeConfiguration(int uid)
    if (uid != 0)
        String fileName = UserSettings::getInstance()->getConfigurationFilePathFromUID(uid);

        if (fileName.isNotEmpty())