Esempio n. 1
// Locate the next occurrence of the given character in the receiver between the specified indices.
BOOL __fastcall Interpreter::primitiveStringNextIndexOfFromTo()
	Oop integerPointer = stackTop();
	if (!ObjectMemoryIsIntegerObject(integerPointer))
		return primitiveFailure(0);				// to not an integer
	const SMALLINTEGER to = ObjectMemoryIntegerValueOf(integerPointer);

	integerPointer = stackValue(1);
	if (!ObjectMemoryIsIntegerObject(integerPointer))
		return primitiveFailure(1);				// from not an integer
	SMALLINTEGER from = ObjectMemoryIntegerValueOf(integerPointer);

	Oop valuePointer = stackValue(2);

	StringOTE* receiverPointer = reinterpret_cast<StringOTE*>(stackValue(3));

	Oop answer = ZeroPointer;
	if ((ObjectMemory::fetchClassOf(valuePointer) == Pointers.ClassCharacter) && to >= from)

		// Search a byte object

		const SMALLINTEGER length = receiverPointer->bytesSize();
		// We can only be in here if to>=from, so if to>=1, then => from >= 1
		// furthermore if to <= length then => from <= length
		if (from < 1 || to > length)
			return primitiveFailure(2);

		// Search is in bounds, lets do it
		CharOTE* oteChar = reinterpret_cast<CharOTE*>(valuePointer);
		Character* charObj = oteChar->m_location;
		const char charValue = static_cast<char>(ObjectMemoryIntegerValueOf(charObj->m_asciiValue));

		String* chars = receiverPointer->m_location;

		while (from < to)
			if (chars->m_characters[from++] == charValue)
				answer = ObjectMemoryIntegerObjectOf(from);

	stackValue(3) = answer;
	return primitiveSuccess();
Esempio n. 2
// This primitive handles PositionableStream>>next, but only for Arrays, Strings and ByteArrays
// Unary message, so does not modify stack pointer, and is therefore called directly from the ASM 
// primitive table without indirection through an ASM thunk.
BOOL __fastcall Interpreter::primitiveNext()
	PosStreamOTE* streamPointer = reinterpret_cast<PosStreamOTE*>(stackTop());		// Access receiver
	// Only works for subclasses of PositionableStream (or look alikes)
	//ASSERT(!ObjectMemoryIsIntegerObject(streamPointer) && ObjectMemory::isKindOf(streamPointer, Pointers.ClassPositionableStream));
	PositionableStream* readStream = streamPointer->m_location;
	// Ensure valid stream - unusually this validity check is included in the Blue Book spec
	// and appears to be implemented in most Smalltalks, so we implement here too.
	if (!ObjectMemoryIsIntegerObject(readStream->m_index) ||
		return primitiveFailure(0);	// Receiver fails invariant check

	SMALLINTEGER index = ObjectMemoryIntegerValueOf(readStream->m_index);
	SMALLINTEGER limit = ObjectMemoryIntegerValueOf(readStream->m_readLimit);

	// Is the current index within the limits of the collection?
	// Remember that the index is 1 based (it's a Smalltalk index), and we're 0 based,
	// so we don't need to increment it until after we've got the next object
	if (index < 0 || index >= limit)
		return primitiveFailure(2);		// No, fail it

	OTE* oteBuf = readStream->m_array;
	BehaviorOTE* bufClass = oteBuf->m_oteClass;
	if (bufClass == Pointers.ClassString)
		StringOTE* oteString = reinterpret_cast<StringOTE*>(oteBuf);

		// A sanity check - ensure within bounds of object too (again in Blue Book spec)
		if (MWORD(index) >= oteString->bytesSize())
			return primitiveFailure(3);

		String* buf = oteString->m_location;
		stackTop() = reinterpret_cast<Oop>(Character::New(buf->m_characters[index]));
	// We also support ByteArrays in our primitiveNext (unlike BB).
	else if (bufClass == Pointers.ClassByteArray)
		ByteArrayOTE* oteBytes = reinterpret_cast<ByteArrayOTE*>(oteBuf);

		if (MWORD(index) >= oteBytes->bytesSize())
			return primitiveFailure(3);

		ByteArray* buf = oteBytes->m_location;
		stackTop() = ObjectMemoryIntegerObjectOf(buf->m_elements[index]);
	else if (bufClass == Pointers.ClassArray)
		ArrayOTE* oteArray = reinterpret_cast<ArrayOTE*>(oteBuf);
		if (MWORD(index) >= oteArray->pointersSize())
			return primitiveFailure(3);

		Array* buf = oteArray->m_location;
		stackTop() = buf->m_elements[index];
		return primitiveFailure(1);		// Collection cannot be handled by primitive, rely on Smalltalk code
	// When incrementing the index we must allow for it overflowing a SmallInteger, even though
	// this is extremely unlikely in practice
	readStream->m_index = Integer::NewSigned32WithRef(index+1);

	return primitiveSuccess();									// Succeed
Esempio n. 3
// Non-standard, but has very beneficial effect on performance
BOOL __fastcall Interpreter::primitiveNextPutAll()
	Oop* sp = m_registers.m_stackPointer;
	WriteStreamOTE* streamPointer = reinterpret_cast<WriteStreamOTE*>(*(sp-1));		// Access receiver under argument

	WriteStream* writeStream = streamPointer->m_location;
	// Ensure valid stream - checks from Blue Book
	if (!ObjectMemoryIsIntegerObject(writeStream->m_index) ||
		return primitiveFailure(0);	// Fails invariant check

	SMALLINTEGER index = ObjectMemoryIntegerValueOf(writeStream->m_index);
	SMALLINTEGER limit = ObjectMemoryIntegerValueOf(writeStream->m_writeLimit);

	if (index < 0)
		return primitiveFailure(2);

	Oop value = *(sp);
	OTE* oteBuf = writeStream->m_array;
	BehaviorOTE* bufClass = oteBuf->m_oteClass;

	MWORD newIndex;

	if (bufClass == Pointers.ClassString)
		BehaviorOTE* oteClass = ObjectMemory::fetchClassOf(value);
		if (oteClass != Pointers.ClassString && oteClass != Pointers.ClassSymbol)
			return primitiveFailure(4);	// Attempt to put non-string

		StringOTE* oteString = reinterpret_cast<StringOTE*>(value);
		String* str = oteString->m_location;
		MWORD valueSize = oteString->bytesSize();
		newIndex = MWORD(index)+valueSize;

		if (newIndex >= static_cast<MWORD>(limit))			// Beyond write limit
			return primitiveFailure(2);

		if (static_cast<int>(newIndex) >= oteBuf->bytesSizeForUpdate())
			return primitiveFailure(3);	// Attempt to write off end of buffer

		String* buf = static_cast<String*>(oteBuf->m_location);
		memcpy(buf->m_characters+index, str->m_characters, valueSize);
	else if (bufClass == Pointers.ClassByteArray)
		if (ObjectMemory::fetchClassOf(value) != bufClass)
			return primitiveFailure(4);	// Attempt to put non-ByteArray

		ByteArrayOTE* oteBytes = reinterpret_cast<ByteArrayOTE*>(value);
		ByteArray* bytes = oteBytes->m_location;
		MWORD valueSize = oteBytes->bytesSize();
		newIndex = MWORD(index)+valueSize;

		if (newIndex >= (MWORD)limit)			// Beyond write limit
			return primitiveFailure(2);

		if (static_cast<int>(newIndex) >= oteBuf->bytesSizeForUpdate())
			return primitiveFailure(3);	// Attempt to write off end of buffer

		ByteArray* buf = static_cast<ByteArray*>(oteBuf->m_location);
		memcpy(buf->m_elements+index, bytes->m_elements, valueSize);
	else if (bufClass == Pointers.ClassArray)
		if (ObjectMemory::fetchClassOf(value) != Pointers.ClassArray)
			return primitiveFailure(4);	// Attempt to put non-Array

		ArrayOTE* oteArray = reinterpret_cast<ArrayOTE*>(value);
		Array* array = oteArray->m_location;
		MWORD valueSize = oteArray->pointersSize();
		newIndex = MWORD(index) + valueSize;

		if (newIndex >= (MWORD)limit)			// Beyond write limit
			return primitiveFailure(2);

		if (static_cast<int>(newIndex) >= oteBuf->pointersSizeForUpdate())
			return primitiveFailure(3);	// Attempt to write off end of buffer

		Array* buf = static_cast<Array*>(oteBuf->m_location);

		for (MWORD i = 0; i < valueSize; i++)
			ObjectMemory::storePointerWithValue(buf->m_elements[index + i], array->m_elements[i]);
		return primitiveFailure(1);
	writeStream->m_index = Integer::NewUnsigned32WithRef(newIndex);		// Increment the stream index

	// As we no longer pop stack here, the receiver is still under the argument
	*(sp-1) = value;

	return sizeof(Oop);		// Pop 4 bytes