Esempio n. 1
// This assumes that both Surfaces are the same format and bit depth
/*static*/ void Surface::ScaledBlit( const Surface& Src, Surface& Dest, int Scalar )

    ASSERT( Src.GetWidth() * Scalar == Dest.GetWidth() );
    ASSERT( Src.GetHeight() * Scalar == Dest.GetHeight() );

    const byte* SrcPixels = Src.GetPointerAt( 0, 0 );
    int SrcIncrement = Src.GetStride() * 2 - Src.GetPadding();	// Roll forward (padding) to end of line then roll back two lines (stride*2)
    int DestIncrement = Dest.GetStride() + Scalar * BYTES;	// Roll back scalar width plus one line

    for( int SrcY = 0; SrcY < Src.GetHeight(); ++SrcY )
        for( int SrcX = 0; SrcX < Src.GetWidth(); ++SrcX )
            byte B = *SrcPixels++;
            byte G = *SrcPixels++;
            byte R = *SrcPixels++;
            byte* DestPixels = Dest.GetPointerAt( SrcX * Scalar, SrcY * Scalar );
            for( int j = 0; j < Scalar; ++j )
                for( int i = 0; i < Scalar; ++i )
                    *DestPixels++ = B;
                    *DestPixels++ = G;
                    *DestPixels++ = R;
                DestPixels -= DestIncrement;
        SrcPixels -= SrcIncrement;
Esempio n. 2
/*static*/ void Surface::MaskBlendBlit( const Surface& Src, Surface& Dest, int dx, int dy, int w, int h, int sx, int sy, uint ColorKey )
    if( !ClipRectangles( Src, Dest, dx, dy, w, h, sx, sy ) )

    int Length = w * BYTES;
    int SrcIncrement = ( Src.GetWidth() * BYTES ) + Src.GetPadding() + Length;
    int DestIncrement = ( Dest.GetWidth() * BYTES ) + Dest.GetPadding() + Length;

    byte* DestPixels = Dest.GetPointerAt( dx, dy );
    const byte* SrcPixels = Src.GetPointerAt( sx, sy );

    // Would it be faster to iterate forward (Pixels += ...)? for cache reasons...?
    for( int j = 0; j < h; ++j )
        for( int i = 0; i < w; ++i )
            // Conditional: bad, but coming up with a *faster* mathy way is hard
            if( ( *(unsigned int*)SrcPixels & 0x00ffffff ) != ColorKey )
                *DestPixels++ = ( *DestPixels + *SrcPixels++ ) >> 1;
                *DestPixels++ = ( *DestPixels + *SrcPixels++ ) >> 1;
                *DestPixels++ = ( *DestPixels + *SrcPixels++ ) >> 1;
                DestPixels += BYTES;
                SrcPixels += BYTES;
Esempio n. 3
void Framework3D::CreateSplashWindow(const uint WindowIcon,
                                     const char* const Title) {

  const char* const pSplashImage =
      ConfigManager::GetString(sSplashImage, nullptr, sFramework);
  if (!pSplashImage) {

  const Surface SplashSurface =
      Surface(PackStream(pSplashImage), Surface::ESFT_BMP);
  const int SplashWindowWidth = SplashSurface.GetWidth();
  const int SplashWindowHeight = SplashSurface.GetHeight();

  m_SplashWindow = new Window;

  const DWORD WindowStyle = WS_POPUP;
  const DWORD WindowExStyle =
      WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW;  // Prevents this window appearing in the taskbar
  const int ScreenWidth =
      m_Display->m_Fullscreen ? m_Display->m_Width : m_Display->m_ScreenWidth;
  const int ScreenHeight =
      m_Display->m_Fullscreen ? m_Display->m_Height : m_Display->m_ScreenHeight;

  m_SplashWindow->Init(Title, "SplashWindowClass", WindowStyle, WindowExStyle,
                       SplashWindowWidth, SplashWindowHeight, m_hInstance, NULL,
                       WindowIcon, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight);

  // The window needs to be shown before we can blit to it.
  // TODO SDL: Unify interface?
  m_SplashWindow->Init(Title, Flags, SplashWindowWidth, SplashWindowHeight);

  // Load icon from package file instead of compiled resource.
  const char* const pIconImage =
      ConfigManager::GetString(sIconImage, nullptr, sFramework);
  if(pIconImage) {
    const Surface IconSurface =
        Surface(PackStream(pIconImage), Surface::ESFT_BMP);

Esempio n. 4
Bitmap::Bitmap(const Surface& surface)
	width  = surface.GetWidth();
	height = surface.GetHeight();
	format = surface.GetPixelFormat();
	pitch  = width * format.GetBytes();
	image  = new uint8[height*pitch];

	// copy image
Esempio n. 5
/*static*/ void Surface::MaskBlit( const Surface& Src, Surface& Dest, int dx, int dy, int w, int h, int sx, int sy, uint ColorKey )
    if( !ClipRectangles( Src, Dest, dx, dy, w, h, sx, sy ) )

    int Length = w * BYTES;
    int SrcIncrement = ( Src.GetWidth() * BYTES ) + Src.GetPadding() + Length;
    int DestIncrement = ( Dest.GetWidth() * BYTES ) + Dest.GetPadding() + Length;

    byte* DestPixels = Dest.GetPointerAt( dx, dy );
    const byte* SrcPixels = Src.GetPointerAt( sx, sy );

    // Would it be faster to iterate forward (Pixels += ...)? for cache reasons...?
    for( int j = 0; j < h; ++j )
        for( int i = 0; i < w; ++i )
            // Fixed this when last three bytes can't be converted to a uint because end of block.
            // The other methods need to use this version when/if I ever actually dust this class off.
            byte B = *SrcPixels++;
            byte G = *SrcPixels++;
            byte R = *SrcPixels++;
            if( RGB_TO_COLOR( R, G, B ) == ColorKey )
                DestPixels += BYTES;
                *DestPixels++ = B;
                *DestPixels++ = G;
                *DestPixels++ = R;
        DestPixels -= DestIncrement;
        SrcPixels -= SrcIncrement;
Esempio n. 6
/*static*/ void Surface::StandardBlit( const Surface& Src, Surface& Dest, int dx, int dy, int w, int h, int sx, int sy )
    if( !ClipRectangles( Src, Dest, dx, dy, w, h, sx, sy ) )

    int Length = w * BYTES;
    int SrcIncrement = ( Src.GetWidth() * BYTES ) + Src.GetPadding();
    int DestIncrement = ( Dest.GetWidth() * BYTES ) + Dest.GetPadding();

    byte* DestPixels = Dest.GetPointerAt( dx, dy );
    const byte* SrcPixels = Src.GetPointerAt( sx, sy );

    // Would it be faster to iterate forward (Pixels += ...)? for cache reasons...?
    for( int j = 0; j < h; ++j )
        memcpy( DestPixels, SrcPixels, Length );
        DestPixels -= DestIncrement;
        SrcPixels -= SrcIncrement;
Esempio n. 7
// takes ownership of image data
Image* ResourceManager::LoadImage(const string &aPath)
	Surface* pSurface = PngToSurface(aPath.c_str());
	Image* pImage = NULL;

	if (pSurface)
		pImage = new Image();
		pImage->_pPathName = aPath;
		pImage->_width = pSurface->GetWidth();
		pImage->_height = pSurface->GetHeight();

		_preloadData.push_back(ImageSurfacePair(pImage, pSurface));

	return pImage;
Esempio n. 8
File: Map.cpp Progetto: ZealousV/ART
void Map::DrawBackground(Window screen, Graphics* assets){
	Point2D dim = GetMapDimension();
	Surface* surface =& (assets->forest[0]);
	Surface* parallax = & (assets->forestParallax);
	int forestStart = (int)dim.Y;//The bottom of the map

	int Xstart = 0;
	int Xcount = 0;
	int parallaxStartX =0;
	//(Bottom of map - (the current camera position + the height of the screen)) divided by the height of the background surface -1
	//== (bottom of map - the bottom of the screen)/height of background -1
	//==how many backgrounds are already beneath this position?
	int Ycount = (int)((forestStart - (_mapPosition.Y+screen.GetHeight())) / surface->GetHeight()) - 1;
	//the starting point for the background to draw
	int Ystart = (int)dim.Y - surface->GetHeight()*Ycount;
		//The vertical height determines the kind of background
		if(Ycount == 0)
		{surface = &(assets->forest[0]); parallax=&(assets->forestParallax);}
		else if(Ycount == 1)
		{surface =&( assets->air[0]);parallax=0;}
		else if(Ycount == 2)
		{surface = &(assets->space1);parallax=0;}
		else if(Ycount < 0)
		else {surface = &(assets->space2);parallax=0;}
		//This one is handled, go the next one
		Ystart -= surface->GetHeight();
		//The starting position of the next background to render
		Xstart = (int)(_mapPosition.X - ((Uint32)_mapPosition.X % (Uint32)surface->GetWidth()));
		//How many backgrounds are already left of this?
		Xcount = (int)(_mapPosition.X/surface->GetWidth());
		if (parallax!=0 && parallax->IsInit())
			int parallaxStartX=(int)(_mapPosition.X/2 - ((Uint32)(_mapPosition.X/2) % (Uint32)parallax->GetWidth()));
			while(parallaxStartX < _mapPosition.X + screen.GetWidth()){		
				parallax->Draw(screen,(Uint32)(parallaxStartX-_mapPosition.X/2), (Uint32)(Ystart-_mapPosition.Y)+400);
				parallax->Draw(screen,(Uint32)(parallaxStartX-_mapPosition.X/2), (Uint32)(Ystart-_mapPosition.Y)+400);
				parallaxStartX += parallax->GetWidth();
		while(Xstart < _mapPosition.X + screen.GetWidth()){
			//Handle the current image for the looping backgrounds
			if(Ycount == 1){
				if(Xcount>2)Xcount = Xcount%3;
				surface = &(assets->air[Xcount]);
			else if(Ycount == 0){
				if(Xcount>3) Xcount = Xcount%4;
				surface = &(assets->forest[Xcount]);
			surface->Draw(screen, (Uint32)(Xstart-_mapPosition.X), (Uint32)(Ystart-_mapPosition.Y));	
			Xstart += surface->GetWidth();
Esempio n. 9
void ResourceManager::GenerateTextures(const Vector2i &maxSize)
	// sort by size
	for (uint16 i=0; i<_preloadData.size()-1; ++i)
		Surface* s1 = _preloadData[i].second;
		Surface* s2 = _preloadData[i+1].second;

		if (s1->GetArea() < s2->GetArea())
			Surface* temp = s1;
			s1 = s2;
			s2 = s1;

	vector<Surface*> masterTextures;

	int masterTextureCount = 0;
	while(!_preloadData.empty() && masterTextureCount < MAX_TEXTURES)
		Surface* masterSurface = new Surface(NULL, maxSize.x, maxSize.y, 4);
		masterTextureCount ++;
		vector<Image*> imagesOnSurface;

		Node rootNode;
		rootNode.rect = Rect(0, 0, maxSize.x, maxSize.y);

		for (vector<ImageSurfacePair>::iterator it = _preloadData.begin(); it != _preloadData.end();)
			Image* image = it->first;
			Surface* surface = it->second;

			Rect rect = Rect(0, 0, surface->GetWidth(), surface->GetHeight());
			Node* node = rootNode.Insert(rect);
			if (node)
				// we managed to fit it inside the master texture
				rect = node->rect;
				masterSurface->BlitSurface(surface, rect.x, rect.y);
				image->_textureX = (float)rect.x / masterSurface->GetWidth();
				image->_textureY = (float)rect.y / masterSurface->GetHeight();
				image->_textureW = (float)rect.width / masterSurface->GetWidth();
				image->_textureH = (float)rect.height / masterSurface->GetHeight();
				it = _preloadData.erase(it);				

		// OpenGl has reversed Y axis

		GLuint texture = masterSurface->CreateGLTexture();
		for (uint16 i=0; i<imagesOnSurface.size(); ++i)
			imagesOnSurface[i]->_texture = texture;