SurfacePatch* TraversabilityGrassfire::getNearestPatchWhereRobotFits(size_t x, size_t y, double height, bool &isObstacle) { SurfacePatch *bestMatchingPatch = NULL; double minDistance = std::numeric_limits< double >::max(); isObstacle = true; MLSGrid::iterator it = mlsGrid->beginCell(x, y); MLSGrid::iterator itEnd = mlsGrid->endCell(); for(; it != itEnd; it++) { //HACK filter outliers if(it->getMeasurementCount() < config.outliertFilterMinMeasurements && it->getStdev() > config.outliertFilterMaxStdDev) { continue; } double curFloorHeight = it->getMean() + it->getStdev(); //we need to check for patches blocking our way from the current height to this coorindate double curPatchTop = it->getMean() + it->getStdev(); double curPatchBottom = it->getMean() - it->getStdev(); if(curPatchBottom > (height + config.robotHeight + config.maxStepHeight)) { //robot can never reach this patch, so it is not part of the drive plane //discard it continue; } //check if patch blocks the robot 'at the top' if(curPatchBottom < height + config.robotHeight && curPatchTop > height + config.robotHeight) { //found a patch that is blocking the robot bestMatchingPatch = &(*it); return bestMatchingPatch; } //check if patch blocks the robot 'at the ground' if(curPatchBottom < height + config.maxStepHeight && curPatchTop > height + config.maxStepHeight) { //found a patch that is blocking the robot bestMatchingPatch = &(*it); return bestMatchingPatch; } double curDist = fabs(curFloorHeight - height); if(curDist < minDistance) { minDistance = curDist; bestMatchingPatch =&(*it); } } if(!bestMatchingPatch) return bestMatchingPatch; double curFloorHeight; bool gapTooSmall = true; while(gapTooSmall) { //now we need to check if there is a blocking patch above this matching patch MLSGrid::iterator hcIt= mlsGrid->beginCell(x, y); MLSGrid::iterator hcItEnd = mlsGrid->endCell(); gapTooSmall = false; curFloorHeight = bestMatchingPatch->getMean() + bestMatchingPatch->getStdev(); //check if selected patch is allready an obstacle if(curFloorHeight - height > config.maxStepHeight) return bestMatchingPatch; for(; hcIt != hcItEnd; hcIt++) { //HACK filter outliers if(hcIt->getMeasurementCount() < config.outliertFilterMinMeasurements && hcIt->getStdev() > config.outliertFilterMaxStdDev) { continue; } //check if the robot can pass between this and the other patches double otherCeilingHeight = hcIt->getMean() - hcIt->getStdev(); if((curFloorHeight < otherCeilingHeight) && otherCeilingHeight - curFloorHeight < config.robotHeight) { bestMatchingPatch = &(*hcIt); gapTooSmall = true; break; } } } isObstacle = false; return bestMatchingPatch; }
void TraversabilityGrassfire::setTraversability(size_t x, size_t y) { bool debug = false; totalCnt++; SurfacePatch *currentPatch = bestPatchMap[y][x]; if(!currentPatch) { (*trData)[y][x] = UNKNOWN; return; } numeric::PlaneFitting<double> fitter; int count = 0; double thisHeight = currentPatch->getMean() + currentPatch->getStdev(); const double scaleX =mlsGrid->getScaleX(); const double scaleY = mlsGrid->getScaleY(); if(debug) { std::cout << "x " << x << " y " << y << " height " << thisHeight << " mean " << currentPatch->getMean() << " stdev " << currentPatch->getStdev() << std::endl; } for(int yi = -1; yi <= 1; yi++) { for(int xi = -1; xi <= 1; xi++) { if(yi == 0 && xi == 0) continue; size_t newX = x + xi; size_t newY = y + yi; if(newX < mlsGrid->getCellSizeX() && newY < mlsGrid->getCellSizeY()) { SurfacePatch *neighbourPatch = bestPatchMap[newY][newX]; if(neighbourPatch) { count++; double neighbourHeight = neighbourPatch->getMean() + neighbourPatch->getStdev(); if(debug) { std::cout << "Nx " << newX << " Ny " << newY << " height " << neighbourHeight << " mean " << neighbourPatch->getMean() << " stdev " << neighbourPatch->getStdev() << std::endl; } if(fabs(neighbourHeight - thisHeight) > config.maxStepHeight) { if(debug) { std::cout << "Step do hight" << std::endl; } stepTooHigh++; (*trData)[y][x] = OBSTACLE; return; } Eigen::Vector3d input(xi * scaleX, yi * scaleY, thisHeight - neighbourHeight); if(debug) { std::cout << "Input to plane fitter " << input.transpose() << std::endl; } fitter.update(input); } else { if(debug) { std::cout << "Nx " << newX << " Ny " << newY << " is unknown " << std::endl; } } } } } fitter.update(Eigen::Vector3d(0,0,0)); if (count < 5) { if(debug) { std::cout << "count to small " << count << "Setting patch to unknown " << std::endl; } (*trData)[y][x] = UNKNOWN; return; } Eigen::Vector3d fit(fitter.getCoeffs()); const double divider = sqrt(fit.x() * fit.x() + fit.y() * fit.y() + 1); double slope = acos(1 / divider); if(debug) { std::cout << "slope is " << slope << std::endl; } if(slope > config.maxSlope) { if(debug) { std::cout << "slope is to hight " << std::endl; } slopeTooHigh++; (*trData)[y][x] = OBSTACLE; return; } double drivability = 1.0 - (slope / config.maxSlope); //-0.00001 to get rid of precision problems... (*trData)[y][x] = OBSTACLE + ceil((drivability - 0.00001) * config.numTraversabilityClasses); if(debug) { std::cout << "Setting tr class " << ceil((drivability - 0.00001) * config.numTraversabilityClasses) << std::endl; } drivable++; }
bool TraversabilityGrassfire::determineDrivePlane(base::Vector3d startPos, bool searchSourunding) { size_t startX; size_t startY; if(!mlsGrid->toGrid(startPos, startX, startY, mlsGrid->getEnvironment()->getRootNode())) return false; //make shure temp maps have correct size bestPatchMap.resize(boost::extents[mlsGrid->getCellSizeY()][mlsGrid->getCellSizeX()]); visited.resize(boost::extents[mlsGrid->getCellSizeY()][mlsGrid->getCellSizeX()]); trData->resize(boost::extents[mlsGrid->getCellSizeY()][mlsGrid->getCellSizeX()]); //fill them with defautl values SurfacePatch *emptyPatch = NULL; //Note passing directly NULL to fill makes the compiler cry.... std::fill(, + bestPatchMap.num_elements(), emptyPatch); std::fill(, + visited.num_elements(), false); std::fill(trData->data(), trData->data() + trData->num_elements(), UNKNOWN); //init probability with zero TraversabilityGrid::ArrayType *probabilityArray = &(trGrid->getGridData(TraversabilityGrid::PROBABILITY)); std::fill(probabilityArray->data(), probabilityArray->data() + probabilityArray->num_elements(), 0); double bestHeightDiff = std::numeric_limits< double >::max(); SurfacePatch *bestMatchingPatch = NULL; size_t correctedStartX = startX; size_t correctedStartY = startY; //search the sourounding of the start pos for a start patch for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for(int yi = -i; yi <= i; yi++) { for(int xi = -i; xi <= i; xi++) { //only check the 'outer rim' if(abs(yi) != i && abs(xi) != i) continue; size_t newX = startX + xi; size_t newY = startY + yi; if(newX < mlsGrid->getCellSizeX() && newY < mlsGrid->getCellSizeY()) { bool isObstacle; //look for patch with best height SurfacePatch *curPatch = getNearestPatchWhereRobotFits(newX, newY, startPos.z(), isObstacle); if(curPatch) { double curHeightDiff = fabs(startPos.z() - curPatch->getMean() + curPatch->getStdev()); if(curHeightDiff < bestHeightDiff) { bestMatchingPatch = curPatch; bestHeightDiff = curHeightDiff; correctedStartX = newX; correctedStartY = newY; } } } } } if(bestMatchingPatch) break; } if(!bestMatchingPatch) { //we are screwed, can't start the grassfire return false; } //recuse to surounding patches addNeightboursToSearchList(correctedStartX, correctedStartY, bestMatchingPatch); return true; }