Esempio n. 1
std::pair<Sym, bool> do_mutate(Sym sym, double p, const LanguageTable& table) {
    bool changed = false;
    SymVec args = sym.args();
    if (rng.flip(p)) {
	token_t new_token = table.get_random_function(sym.token(), args.size());
	if (new_token != sym.token()) {
	    changed = true;
	    sym = Sym(new_token, args);

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
	std::pair<Sym,bool> r = do_mutate(args[i], p, table);	
	changed |= r.second;
	if (r.second) 
	    args[i] = r.first;

    if (changed)
	return std::make_pair(Sym(sym.token(), args), true);
    // else
    return std::make_pair(sym, false);
Esempio n. 2
/* finds and inserts the full code in a hashmap */
HashMap::iterator find_code(Sym sym, HashMap& map) {
    HashMap::iterator result = map.find(sym);

    if (result == map.end()) { // new entry
	const SymVec& args = sym.args();
	vector<string> argstr(args.size());
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
	    argstr[i] = find_code(args[i], map)->second;

	// write out the code
	const FunDef& fun = get_element(sym.token());
	string code = fun.c_print(argstr, vector<string>());
	result = map.insert( make_pair(sym, code) ).first; // only want iterator
    return result;
Esempio n. 3
std::pair<Sym,bool> insert_subtree_impl(const Sym& cur, size_t w, const Sym& nw) {
    if (w-- == 0) return make_pair(nw, !(nw == cur));
    const SymVec& vec = cur.args();
    std::pair<Sym,bool> result;
    unsigned i; 
    for (i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) {
	if (w < vec[i].size()) {
	    result = insert_subtree_impl(vec[i], w, nw);
	    if (result.second == false) return std::make_pair(cur, false); // unchanged
	w -= vec[i].size();
    SymVec newvec = cur.args();
    newvec[i] = result.first;
    return make_pair(Sym(cur.token(), newvec), true);
Esempio n. 4
HashMap::iterator find_entry(const Sym& sym, string& str, HashMap& map) {
    HashMap::iterator result = map.find(sym);

    if (result == map.end()) { // new entry
	const SymVec& args = sym.args();
	vector<string> argstr(args.size());
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
	    argstr[i] = find_entry(args[i], str, map)->second;

	string var = make_var(map.size()); // map.size(): unique id
	string code;	
	// write out the code
	const FunDef& fun = get_element(sym.token());
	code = fun.c_print(argstr, vector<string>() );
	str += "double " + var + "=" + code + ";\n";
	result = map.insert( make_pair(sym, var ) ).first; // only want iterator
    return result;