Esempio n. 1
vector<Symbol> apply_rule ( Symbol &node_parent, GNode *rule )
	// 1) create a new vector<Symbol> node_child as the return value;
	vector<Symbol> node_child;

	// 2) compare the rule -> function with the function name and decide the function we will apply

	// "Scale" => void Symbol::S(double x, double y, double z);

	if ( rule -> function == "scale" )
		vector< double > p;
		int dim = 0;
		for ( vector< pair< float, float > > :: iterator it = rule -> parameters.begin(); it != rule -> parameters.end(); it ++ )
			if ( it -> first == -1 )			// convert the dimention keyword from {-1,-2,-3} to {0,1,2}
				p.push_back ( node_parent.scale[0] * ( it -> second ) / node_parent.scale[dim] );
			else if ( it -> first == -2 )
				p.push_back ( node_parent.scale[1] * ( it -> second ) / node_parent.scale[dim] );
			else if ( it -> first == -3 )
				p.push_back ( node_parent.scale[2] * ( it -> second ) / node_parent.scale[dim] );
				p.push_back ( ( it -> first ) * ( it -> second ) );
			dim ++;
		node_child.push_back ( node_parent.S ( p[0], p[1], p[2], rule -> symbolNames[0]));
	} // no return value

	// "Trans" => void Symbol::T(double x, double y, double z);
	else if ( rule -> function == "trans" )
		vector< double > p;
		for ( vector< pair< float, float > > :: iterator it = rule -> parameters.begin(); it != rule -> parameters.end(); it ++ )
			if ( it -> first == -1 )			// convert the dimention keyword from {-1,-2,-3} to {0,1,2}
				p.push_back ( node_parent.scale[0] * ( it -> second ) );
			else if ( it -> first == -2 )
				p.push_back ( node_parent.scale[1] * ( it -> second ) );
			else if ( it -> first == -3 )
				p.push_back ( node_parent.scale[2] * ( it -> second ) );
				p.push_back ( ( it -> first ) * ( it -> second ) );
		node_child.push_back ( node_parent.T ( p[0], p[1], p[2], rule -> symbolNames[0]) );
	}	// no return value

	// "extrude" => Symbol extrude ( vector<double> p, string n) // extrude the 2D or 1D Symbol into 3D.
	// give pair or pairs of parameter and extrude the Symbol
	if ( rule -> function == "extrude" )
		vector< double > p;
		for ( vector< pair< float, float > > :: iterator it = rule -> parameters.begin(); it != rule -> parameters.end(); it ++ )
			if ( it -> first == -1 )			// convert the dimention keyword from {-1,-2,-3} to {0,1,2}
				p.push_back ( node_parent.scale[0] * ( it -> second ) );
			else if ( it -> first == -2 )
				p.push_back ( node_parent.scale[1] * ( it -> second ) );
			else if ( it -> first == -3 )
				p.push_back ( node_parent.scale[2] * ( it -> second ) );
				p.push_back ( ( it -> first ) * ( it -> second ) );
		node_child.push_back ( node_parent.extrude ( p, rule -> symbolNames[0]));
	//	"Rotate" => not valid at the moment

	//	"Rename" => rename ( string symbolName ); // if name = "epsilon", then active = 0; else change the name
	else if ( rule -> function == "rename" )
		node_child = node_parent.rename ( rule -> symbolNames[0] );

	//	"Subdiv" => vector<Symbol>Symbol::subDiv( int d, vector<double>&splits, vector<string> &symbols);	// 0-x, 1-y, 2-z; splits are absolute value
	else if ( rule -> function == "subDiv" )
		vector< pair< float, float > > :: iterator it = rule -> parameters.begin();
		int d;					// parameter shows the cordinate we Subdiv along
		d = ( it -> first ) * ( -1 ) - 1; // convert the dimention keyword from {-1,-2,-3} to {0,1,2}
		vector<double> splits;	// absolute value of the splits part.
		int r_count =0;			// count of the relative value
		int i = 0;				// index of the relative value
		vector<int> idx;		// list of index for the relative values
		double sum_absolute = 0;
		it ++;
		while ( it != rule -> parameters.end() )
			if ( it -> first == -1 )		
				splits.push_back ( node_parent.scale[0] * ( it -> second ) );
				sum_absolute += * (splits.end() - 1);
			else if ( it -> first == -2 )
				splits.push_back ( node_parent.scale[1] * ( it -> second ) );
				sum_absolute += * (splits.end() - 1);
			else if ( it -> first == -3 )
				splits.push_back ( node_parent.scale[2] * ( it -> second ) );
				sum_absolute += * (splits.end() - 1);
			else if ( it -> first == -4 )
				splits.push_back ( it -> second );
				r_count += it -> second;
				idx.push_back ( i );
				splits.push_back ( ( it -> first ) * ( it -> second ) );
				sum_absolute += * ( splits.end() -1);
			i ++;		// index of the relative value
			it ++;
		double r = ( node_parent.scale[d] - sum_absolute ) / r_count;
		for ( int it_of_idx = 0; it_of_idx < idx.size(); it_of_idx ++)
			splits [ idx[ it_of_idx ] ] *= r;

		node_child = node_parent.subDiv ( d, splits, rule -> symbolNames );

	//	"Component_split" => vector<Symbol>Symbol::comp( vector<string> symbols);	// s gives us the name of the new Symbol
	else if ( rule -> function == "comp" )
		node_child = node_parent.comp ( rule -> symbolNames );
	//	"Repeat" => vector<Symbol>Symbol::repeat( int dim, double size, string symbol);	// 0-x, 1-y, 2-z;
	else if ( rule -> function == "repeat" )
		// take the parameters and symbol_IDs of the result
		vector< pair< float, float > > :: iterator it = rule -> parameters.begin();
		int d = ( it -> first ) * ( -1 ) - 1; // convert the dimention keyword from {-1,-2,-3} to {0,1,2}
		it ++;
		double size;
		if ( it -> first == -1 )			// convert the dimention keyword from {-1,-2,-3} to {0,1,2}
			size = node_parent.scale[0] * ( it -> second );
		else if ( it -> first == -2 )
			size = node_parent.scale[1] * ( it -> second );
		else if ( it -> first == -3 )
			size = ( node_parent.scale[2] * ( it -> second ));
			size = ( it -> first ) * ( it -> second );
		string name = rule -> symbolNames [0];	// convert symbol name

		// pass parameter to the Symbol functions
		node_child = node_parent.repeat ( d, size, name );

	//	"Occlusion" => 

	return node_child;