Esempio n. 1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  char *fin;

  if (argc < 2)
      cout << "Arguments are:  <input filename> [<number of nodes to use>]" << endl;
      return -1;

  // number of nodes to use
  int nnodes = -1;

  if (argc > 2)
    nnodes = atoi(argv[2]);

  int doiters = 10;
  if (argc > 3)
    doiters = atoi(argv[3]);

  fin = argv[1];

  // node translation
  std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector3d> > ntrans;
  // node rotation
  std::vector< Eigen::Vector4d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector4d> > nqrot;
  // constraint indices
  std::vector< Eigen::Vector2i, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector2i> > cind;
  // constraint local translation 
  std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector3d> > ctrans;
  // constraint local rotation as quaternion
  std::vector< Eigen::Vector4d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector4d> > cqrot;
  // constraint covariance
  std::vector< Eigen::Matrix<double,6,6>, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Matrix<double,6,6> > > cvar;
  // tracks
  std::vector<struct tinfo> tracks;


  cout << "# [ReadSPAFile] Found " << (int)ntrans.size() << " nodes and " 
       << (int)cind.size() << " constraints" << endl;

  if (nnodes < 0)
    nnodes = ntrans.size();
  if (nnodes > (int)ntrans.size()) nnodes = ntrans.size();

  // system
  SysSPA spa;
  //  spa.useCholmod(true);
  spa.csp.useCholmod = true;

  // add first node
  Node nd;

  // rotation
  Quaternion<double> frq;
  frq.coeffs() = nqrot[0];
  if (frq.w() <= 0.0) frq.coeffs() = -frq.coeffs();
  nd.qrot = frq.coeffs();

  // translation
  Vector4d v;
  v.head(3) = ntrans[0];
  v(3) = 1.0;
  nd.trans = v;
  nd.setTransform();        // set up world2node transform

  // add to system

  double cumtime = 0.0;
  //cout << nd.trans.transpose() << endl << endl;

  // add in nodes
  for (int i=0; i<nnodes-1; i+=doiters)
      for (int j=0; j<doiters; ++j)
        if (i+j+1 < nnodes)
          addnode(spa, i+j+1, ntrans, nqrot, cind, ctrans, cqrot, cvar);

      long long t0, t1;

      spa.nFixed = 1;           // one fixed frame

      t0 = utime();
      //      spa.doSPA(1,1.0e-4,SBA_SPARSE_CHOLESKY);
      t1 = utime();
      cumtime += t1 - t0;

        << "nodes= " << spa.nodes.size()
        << "\tedges= " << spa.p2cons.size()
        << "\t chi2= " << spa.calcCost()
        << "\t time= " << (t1 - t0) * 1e-6
        << "\t cumTime= " << cumtime*1e-6
        << endl;


  printf("[TestSPA] Compute took %0.2f ms/node, total squared cost %0.2f ms\n", 0.001*(double)cumtime/(double)nnodes, cumtime*0.001);

  //ofstream ofs("sphere-ground.txt");
  //for (int i=0; i<(int)ntrans.size(); ++i)
    //ofs << ntrans[i].transpose() << endl;

  //ofstream ofs2("sphere-opt.txt");
  //for (int i=0; i<(int)spa.nodes.size(); ++i)
    //ofs2 << spa.nodes[i].trans.transpose().head(3) << endl;


  return 0;
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  // args
  double lscale = 0.0;
  double con_weight = 1.0;

  printf("Args: <lscale 0.0>  <scale weight 1.0>\n");

  if (argc > 1)
    lscale = atof(argv[1]);

  if (argc > 2)
    con_weight = atof(argv[2]);

  // set up markers for visualization
  ros::init(argc, argv, "VisBundler");
  ros::NodeHandle n ("~");
  ros::Publisher link_pub = n.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>("links", 0);
  ros::Publisher cam_pub = n.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>("cameras", 0);

  // set up system
  SysSPA spa;
  Node::initDr();               // set up fixed jacobians

  vector<Matrix<double,6,1>,Eigen::aligned_allocator<Matrix<double,6,1> > > cps;
  double kfang = 5.0;
  double kfrad = kfang*M_PI/180.0;

  // create a spiral test trajectory
  // connections are made between a frame and its three successors

  spa.nFixed = 1;               // three fixed frames
  spa_spiral_setup(spa, true, cps, // use cross links
#if 1
                   n2prec, n2vprec, n2aprec, n2bprec,  // rank-deficient
                   diagprec, diagprec, diagprec, diagprec,
                   kfang, M_PI/2.0-3*kfrad, 220*kfang/360.0, // angle per node, init angle, total nodes
                   0.01, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1, 5.0); // node noise (m,deg), scale noise (increment),

  cout << "[SPA Spiral] Initial cost is " << spa.calcCost() << endl;
  cout << "[SPA Spiral] Number of constraints is " << spa.p2cons.size() << endl;  

#if 0
  // write out pose results and originals
  cout << "[SPAsys] Writing pose file" << endl;  
  ofstream ofs3("P400.init.txt");
  for (int i=0; i<(int)cps.size(); i++)
      Vector3d tpn = spa.nodes[i].trans.head(3);
      ofs3 << tpn.transpose() << endl;

  // add in distance constraint
  // works with either n0 -> ni or ni -> ni+1 constraints
#if 1
  ConScale con;
  con.w = con_weight;                // weight
  for (int i=0; i<(int)cps.size()-3; i++)
      int k = i;
      if (i > 200)
          k = 0;
          con.nd0 = i;              // first node
          con.nd1 = i+1;            // second node
  = k;              // scale index
          con.ks  = (cps[con.nd1].head(3) - cps[con.nd0].head(3)).squaredNorm(); // measured distance

          con.nd0 = i+1;            // first node
          con.nd1 = i+2;            // second node
  = k;              // scale index
          con.ks  = (cps[con.nd1].head(3) - cps[con.nd0].head(3)).squaredNorm(); // measured distance

          con.nd0 = i+2;            // first node
          con.nd1 = i+3;            // second node
  = k;              // scale index
          con.ks  = (cps[con.nd1].head(3) - cps[con.nd0].head(3)).squaredNorm(); // measured distance

          con.nd0 = i;              // first node
          con.nd1 = i+3;            // second node
  = k;              // scale index
          con.ks  = (cps[con.nd1].head(3) - cps[con.nd0].head(3)).squaredNorm(); // measured distance

          Node nd0;
          Node nd1;

          con.nd0 = i;              // first node
          con.nd1 = i+1;            // second node
  = k;              // scale index
          nd0 = spa.nodes[con.nd0];
          nd1 = spa.nodes[con.nd1];
          con.ks  = (nd1.trans.head(3) - nd0.trans.head(3)).squaredNorm(); // measured distance

          con.nd0 = i+1;            // first node
          con.nd1 = i+2;            // second node
  = k;              // scale index
          nd0 = spa.nodes[con.nd0];
          nd1 = spa.nodes[con.nd1];
          con.ks  = (nd1.trans.head(3) - nd0.trans.head(3)).squaredNorm(); // measured distance

          con.nd0 = i+2;            // first node
          con.nd1 = i+3;            // second node
  = k;              // scale index
          nd0 = spa.nodes[con.nd0];
          nd1 = spa.nodes[con.nd1];
          con.ks  = (nd1.trans.head(3) - nd0.trans.head(3)).squaredNorm(); // measured distance

          con.nd0 = i;              // first node
          con.nd1 = i+3;            // second node
  = k;              // scale index
          nd0 = spa.nodes[con.nd0];
          nd1 = spa.nodes[con.nd1];
          con.ks  = (nd1.trans.head(3) - nd0.trans.head(3)).squaredNorm(); // measured distance

#if 0                           // doesn't seem to help...
      if (i>2)
          con.nd0 = i-3;              // first node
          con.nd1 = i+1;            // second node
  = 0;              // scale index
          con.ks  = (cps[con.nd1].head(3) - cps[con.nd0].head(3)).squaredNorm(); // measured distance


  // add in cross-link distance constraint
  // not much effect here...
#if 0
    ConScale con;
    con.w = 0.1;                // weight
    for (int i=72; i<(int)cps.size()-20; i++)
        con.nd0 = i;              // first node
        con.nd1 = i-2;            // second node  = i-72;           // scale index
        Node nd0 = spa.nodes[con.nd0];
        Node nd1 = spa.nodes[con.nd1];
        con.ks  = (nd1.trans.head(3) - nd0.trans.head(3)).squaredNorm(); // measured distance
        con.ks  = (cps[con.nd1].head(3) - cps[con.nd0].head(3)).squaredNorm(); // measured distance

        con.nd0 = i-72;
        con.nd1 = i;  = i-72;
        nd0 = spa.nodes[con.nd0];
        nd1 = spa.nodes[con.nd1];
        con.ks  = (nd1.trans.head(3) - nd0.trans.head(3)).squaredNorm(); // measured distance
        con.ks  = (cps[con.nd1].head(3) - cps[con.nd0].head(3)).squaredNorm(); // measured distance

  // this adds in a global constraint connecting the two sides
  // and connecting first and last points

  if (lscale > 0.0)

      // cross-links
#if 0
        ConP2 con;
        con.ndr = 0;
        con.nd1 = 36;
        Node nd0 = spa.nodes[con.ndr];
        Node nd1 = spa.nodes[con.nd1];
        Vector4d trans;
        trans.head(3) = cps[con.nd1].head(3);
        trans(3) = 1.0;

        con.prec = 1000*diagprec;

        con.tmean = lscale * nd0.w2n * trans; // translation offset
        Quaternion<double> q0,q1;
        q0.coeffs() = nd0.qrot;
        q1.coeffs() = nd1.qrot;
        con.qpmean = (q0.inverse()*q1).inverse();


        ConP2 con;
        con.ndr = 72;
        con.nd1 = 36+72;
        Node nd0 = spa.nodes[con.ndr];
        Node nd1 = spa.nodes[con.nd1];
        Vector4d trans;
        trans.head(3) = cps[con.nd1].head(3);
        trans(3) = 1.0;

        con.prec = 1000*diagprec;

        Quaternion<double> q0,q1;
        q0.vec() = cps[con.ndr].segment(3,3);
        q0.w() = sqrt(1.0 - q0.vec().squaredNorm());
        q1.vec() = cps[con.nd1].segment(3,3);
        q1.w() = sqrt(1.0 - q1.vec().squaredNorm());

        Matrix<double,3,4> w2n;
        Vector4d t0;
        t0.head(3) = cps[con.ndr].head(3);
        t0(3) = 1.0;
        con.tmean = lscale * w2n * trans; // translation offset
        con.qpmean = (q0.inverse()*q1).inverse();

#endif  // global cross-loop constraint

      // global
        ConP2 con;
        con.ndr = 0;
        con.nd1 = 3*72;
        Node nd0 = spa.nodes[con.ndr];
        Node nd1 = spa.nodes[con.nd1];
        Vector4d trans;
        trans.head(3) = cps[con.nd1].head(3);
        trans(3) = 1.0;

        con.prec = 1000*diagprec;

        con.tmean = lscale * nd0.w2n * trans; // translation offset
        Quaternion<double> q0,q1;

        q0 = nd0.qrot;
        q1 = nd1.qrot;
        con.qpmean = (q0.inverse()*q1).inverse();

    } // end of global constraints

  // test results
  double sqerr = 0.0;
  double asqerr = 0.0;
  for (int i=0; i<(int)cps.size(); i++)
      Matrix<double,6,1> &cp = cps[i]; // old camera pose
      Vector3d tp = cp.head(3);
      Vector3d tpn = spa.nodes[i].trans.head(3);

      //      printf("\n[TestSPA] Cam %d orig: %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", i, tp[0], tp[1], tp[2]);
      //      printf("[TestSPA] Cam %d new:  %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", i, tpn[0], tpn[1], tpn[2]);

      Vector3d err = tp-tpn;
      sqerr += err.squaredNorm();

      Quaternion<double> qr;
      qr.vec() = cp.block<3,1>(3,0);
      qr.w() = sqrt(1.0 - qr.vec().squaredNorm());
      Quaternion<double> qn;
      qn = spa.nodes[i].qrot;
      double da = qr.angularDistance(qn);
      asqerr += da;

  sqerr = sqerr / (double)(cps.size());
  asqerr = asqerr / (double)(cps.size());
  printf("\n[TestSPA] RMSE pos is %0.3f m, angle is %0.3f deg\n", 
         sqrt(sqerr), sqrt(asqerr));

  // why do we have to draw twice????
  cout << endl << "drawing..." << endl << endl;
  printf("Press <ret> to continue\n");

  // optimize
  int iters = 20;
  long long t0, t1;
  double ttime = 0.0;
  for (int i=0; i<iters; i++)
      t0 = utime();
      int niters = spa.doSPA(1,0.0);
      t1 = utime();
      ttime += (double)(t1-t0);

  printf("[TestSPA] Compute took %0.2f ms/iter\n", 0.001*ttime/(double)iters);

#if 0
  // write out A matrix
  cout << "[SPAsys] Writing file" << endl;

#if 0
  // write out pose results and originals
  cout << "[SPAsys] Writing pose file" << endl;  
  ofstream ofs1("P400.ground.txt");
  ofstream ofs2("P400.optim.txt");
  for (int i=0; i<(int)cps.size(); i++)
      Matrix<double,6,1> &cp = cps[i]; // old camera pose
      Vector3d tp = cp.head(3);
      Vector3d tpn = spa.nodes[i].trans.head(3);

      //      printf("\n[TestSPA] Cam %d orig: %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", i, tp[0], tp[1], tp[2]);
      //      printf("[TestSPA] Cam %d new:  %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", i, tpn[0], tpn[1], tpn[2]);

      ofs1 << tp.transpose() << endl;
      ofs2 << tpn.transpose() << endl;

  // test results
  double sqerr = 0.0;
  double asqerr = 0.0;
  for (int i=0; i<(int)cps.size(); i++)
      Matrix<double,6,1> &cp = cps[i]; // old camera pose
      Vector3d tp = cp.head(3);
      Vector3d tpn = spa.nodes[i].trans.head(3);

      //      printf("\n[TestSPA] Cam %d orig: %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", i, tp[0], tp[1], tp[2]);
      //      printf("[TestSPA] Cam %d new:  %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f\n", i, tpn[0], tpn[1], tpn[2]);

      Vector3d err = tp-tpn;
      sqerr += err.squaredNorm();

      Quaternion<double> qr;
      qr.vec() = cp.block<3,1>(3,0);
      qr.w() = sqrt(1.0 - qr.vec().squaredNorm());
      Quaternion<double> qn;
      qn = spa.nodes[i].qrot;
      double da = qr.angularDistance(qn);
      asqerr += da;

  sqerr = sqerr / (double)(cps.size());
  asqerr = asqerr / (double)(cps.size());
  printf("\n[TestSPA] RMSE pos is %0.3f m, angle is %0.3f deg\n", 
         sqrt(sqerr), sqrt(asqerr));

  // draw graph
  cout << endl << "drawing..." << endl << endl;

  return 0;