Esempio n. 1

TAO::TypeCode::Union<char const *,
                     CORBA::TypeCode_ptr const *,
                     TAO::TypeCode::Case<char const *,
                                         CORBA::TypeCode_ptr const *> const * const *,
                     TAO::Null_RefCount_Policy>::tao_marshal (
  TAO_OutputCDR & cdr,
  CORBA::ULong offset) const
  // A tk_union TypeCode has a "complex" parameter list type (see
  // Table 15-2 in Section "TypeCode" in the CDR section of
  // the CORBA specification), meaning that it must be marshaled into
  // a CDR encapsulation.

  // Create a CDR encapsulation.
  TAO_OutputCDR enc;

  // Account for the encoded CDR encapsulation length and byte order.
  // Aligning on an octet since the next value after the CDR
  // encapsulation length will always be the byte order octet/boolean
  // in this case.
  offset = ACE_Utils::truncate_cast<CORBA::ULong> (
              ACE_align_binary (offset + 4,

  bool const success =
    (enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_boolean (TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER))
    && (enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_string (this-> (), 0))
    && (enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_string (this-> (), 0))
    && marshal (enc,
                Traits<char const *>::get_typecode (this->discriminant_type_),
                ACE_Utils::truncate_cast<CORBA::ULong> (
                    offset + enc.total_length ()))
    && (enc << this->default_index_)
    && (enc << this->ncases_);

  if (!success)
      return false;

  // Note that we handle the default case below, too.

  for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->ncases_; ++i)
      case_type const & c = *this->cases_[i];

      if (!c.marshal (enc, offset))
          return false;

    cdr << static_cast<CORBA::ULong> (enc.total_length ())
    && cdr.write_octet_array_mb (enc.begin ());
Esempio n. 2
                     RefCountPolicy>::tao_marshal (TAO_OutputCDR & cdr,
                                                   CORBA::ULong offset) const
  // A tk_alias TypeCode has a "complex" parameter list type (see
  // Table 15-2 in Section "TypeCode" in the CDR section of
  // the CORBA specification), meaning that it must be marshaled into
  // a CDR encapsulation.

  // Create a CDR encapsulation.

  TAO_OutputCDR enc;

  // Account for the encoded CDR encapsulation length and byte order.
  // Aligning on an octet since the next value after the CDR
  // encapsulation length will always be the byte order octet/boolean
  // in this case.
  offset = ACE_Utils::truncate_cast<CORBA::ULong> (
              ACE_align_binary (offset + 4,

    enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_boolean (TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER)
    && enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_string (this-> (), 0)
    && enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_string (this-> (), 0)
    && marshal (enc,
                Traits<StringType>::get_typecode (this->content_type_),
                ACE_Utils::truncate_cast<CORBA::ULong> (
                    offset + enc.total_length ()))
    && cdr << static_cast<CORBA::ULong> (enc.total_length ())
    && cdr.write_octet_array_mb (enc.begin ());
Esempio n. 3
                     RefCountPolicy>::tao_marshal (
  TAO_OutputCDR & cdr,
  CORBA::ULong offset) const
  // A tk_value TypeCode has a "complex" parameter list type (see
  // Table 15-2 in Section "TypeCode" in the CDR section of
  // the CORBA specification), meaning that it must be marshaled into
  // a CDR encapsulation.

  // Create a CDR encapsulation.
  TAO_OutputCDR enc;

  // Account for the encoded CDR encapsulation length and byte order.
  // Aligning on an octet since the next value after the CDR
  // encapsulation length will always be the byte order octet/boolean
  // in this case.
  offset = ACE_align_binary (offset + 4,

  bool const success =
    (enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_boolean (TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER))
    && (enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_string (this-> (), 0))
    && (enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_string (this-> (), 0))
    && (enc << this->type_modifier_)
    && marshal (enc,
                Traits<StringType>::get_typecode (this->concrete_base_),
                offset + enc.total_length ())
    && (enc << this->nfields_);

  if (!success)
    return false;

  Value_Field<StringType, TypeCodeType> const * const begin =
  Value_Field<StringType, TypeCodeType> const * const end =
    begin + this->nfields_;

  for (Value_Field<StringType, TypeCodeType> const * i = begin; i != end; ++i)
      Value_Field<StringType, TypeCodeType> const & field = *i;

      if (!(enc << Traits<StringType>::get_string (
          || !marshal (enc,
                       Traits<StringType>::get_typecode (field.type),
                       offset + enc.total_length ())
          || !(enc << field.visibility))
        return false;

    cdr << static_cast<CORBA::ULong> (enc.total_length ())
    && cdr.write_octet_array_mb (enc.begin ());
Esempio n. 4
TAO_ChunkInfo::reserve_chunk_size(TAO_OutputCDR &strm)
  // This is called in the start_chunk().
  // Reserve the chunk size the first time the start_chunk () is called
  // if there are several start_chunk () called continuously without
  // calling end_chunk (). This could happen in the _tao_marshal_state()
  // in the most derived valuetype.

  if (this->chunk_size_pos_ == 0)
      // Align the wr_ptr before we reserve the space for chunk size.
      strm.align_write_ptr (ACE_CDR::LONG_SIZE);
      // Remember begin of the chunk (at chunk size position) that is needed
      // when we write back actual chunk size to the stream.
      this->chunk_size_pos_ = strm.current ()->wr_ptr ();

      // Insert four bytes here as a place-holder, we need to go back
      // later and write the actual size.
      if (! strm.write_long (0))
          return 0;

      // Remember length before writing chunk data. This is used to calculate
      // the actual size of the chunk.
      this->length_to_chunk_octets_pos_ = strm.total_length ();

  return 1;
Esempio n. 5
TAO_ChunkInfo::write_previous_chunk_size(TAO_OutputCDR &strm)
  if (this->chunk_size_pos_ != 0)
      // Calculate the chunk size.
      CORBA::Long const chunk_size =
          static_cast<CORBA::Long> (strm.total_length () - this->length_to_chunk_octets_pos_);

      // This should not happen since this is called in end_chunk() and
      // the idl generated code always have the matched start_chunk() and
      // end_chunk() pair. There is always data written to the stream between
      // the start_chunk() and end_chunk() calls.
      if (chunk_size == 0)
          return false;

      // Write the actual chunk size to the reserved chunk size position
      // in the stream.
      if (!strm.replace (chunk_size, this->chunk_size_pos_))
          return false;

      // We finish writing the actual chunk size, now we need reset the state.
      this->chunk_size_pos_ = 0;
      this->length_to_chunk_octets_pos_ = 0;

  return true;
Esempio n. 6

TAO::TypeCode::Enum<char const *,
                    char const * const *,
                    TAO::Null_RefCount_Policy>::tao_marshal (
  TAO_OutputCDR & cdr,
  CORBA::ULong) const
  // A tk_enum TypeCode has a "complex" parameter list type (see
  // Table 15-2 in Section "TypeCode" in the CDR section of
  // the CORBA specification), meaning that it must be marshaled into
  // a CDR encapsulation.

  // Create a CDR encapsulation.
  TAO_OutputCDR enc;

  bool const success =
    (enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_boolean (TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER))
    && (enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_string (this-> (), 0))
    && (enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_string (this-> (), 0))
    && (enc << this->nenumerators_);

  if (!success)
    return false;

  char const * const * const begin = &this->enumerators_[0];
  char const * const * const end   = begin + this->nenumerators_;

  for (char const * const * i = begin; i != end; ++i)
      char const * const & enumerator = *i;

      if (!(enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_string (
              Traits<char const *>::get_string (enumerator), 0)))
        return false;

    cdr << static_cast<CORBA::ULong> (enc.total_length ())
    && cdr.write_octet_array_mb (enc.begin ());
Esempio n. 7

TAO::TypeCode::Objref<char const *, TAO::Null_RefCount_Policy>::tao_marshal (
  TAO_OutputCDR & cdr,
  CORBA::ULong) const
  // A tk_objref TypeCode has a "complex" parameter list type (see
  // Table 15-2 in Section "TypeCode" in the CDR section of
  // the CORBA specification), meaning that it must be marshaled into
  // a CDR encapsulation.

  // Create a CDR encapsulation.
  TAO_OutputCDR enc;

    enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_boolean (TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER)
    && enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_string (this-> (), 0)
    && enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_string (this-> (), 0)
    && cdr << static_cast<CORBA::ULong> (enc.total_length ())
    && cdr.write_octet_array_mb (enc.begin ());
Esempio n. 8
int ACE_TMAIN (int, ACE_TCHAR *[])
  // setup mb's
  char buf[1024];
  m1=new ACE_Message_Block(1024);
  m2=new ACE_Message_Block(1024);
  m3=new ACE_Message_Block(1024);

  dump("expect 1,1,1");

  ACE_Message_Block* m = ACE_Message_Block::duplicate (m1);
  dump("expect 2,2,2");

    TAO_OutputCDR cdr;
    dump("expect 3,3,3"); // that's what I expected, anyway
    ACE_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, "total cdr length is %u\n",
                static_cast<u_int> (cdr.total_length())));
  dump("expect 2,2,2"); // that's what I expected, anyway

  ACE_Message_Block::release (m);
  dump("expect 1,1,1"); // that's what I expected, anyway
  ACE_Message_Block::release (m1);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 9
ECMS_Driver::supplier_task (Test_Supplier *supplier,
                            void* /* cookie */)
      ACE_Time_Value tv (0, this->event_period_);

      CORBA::ULong n = this->event_size_;

      ECM_IDLData::Info info;
      info.mobile_name = CORBA::string_dup ("test");
      info.mobile_speed = 1;
      info.trajectory.length (n);

      ECM_Data other;
      other.description = CORBA::string_dup ("some data");

      for (CORBA::ULong j = 0; j < n; ++j)
          info.trajectory[j].x = j;
          info.trajectory[j].y = j * j;
          other.inventory.bind (j, j + 1);

                  "The inventory contains (%d) elements\n",
                  other.inventory.current_size ()));

      // We have to make it big enough so we get a contiguous block,
      // otherwise the octet sequence will not work correctly.
      // NOTE: we could pre-allocate enough memory in the CDR stream
      // but we want to show that chaining works!
      TAO_OutputCDR cdr;

      CORBA::Boolean byte_order = TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER;
      cdr << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (byte_order);

      // The typecode name standard, the encode method is not (in
      // general the CDR interface is not specified).
      if (!(cdr << info))
        throw CORBA::MARSHAL ();

      // Here we marshall a non-IDL type.
      cdr << other;

      if (!cdr.good_bit ())
        ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "Problem marshalling C++ data\n"));

      const ACE_Message_Block* mb = cdr.begin ();
      // NOTE: total_length () return the length of the complete
      // chain.
      CORBA::ULong mblen = cdr.total_length ();

      for (CORBA::Long i = 0; i < this->event_count_; ++i)
          RtecEventComm::EventSet event (1);
          event.length (1);
          event[0].header.source = supplier->supplier_id ();
          event[0].header.ttl = 1;

          ACE_hrtime_t t = ACE_OS::gethrtime ();
          ORBSVCS_Time::hrtime_to_TimeT (event[0].header.creation_time, t);

          if (i == static_cast<CORBA::Long> (this->event_count_) - 1)
            event[0].header.type = ACE_ES_EVENT_SHUTDOWN;
          else if (i % 2 == 0)
            event[0].header.type = this->event_a_;
            event[0].header.type = this->event_b_;

          // We use replace to minimize the copies, this should result
          // in just one memory allocation;
          event[0].data.payload.replace (mblen, mb);
          // If the replace method is not available, we will need
          // to do the copy manually.  First, set the octet sequence length.
          event[0].data.payload.length (mblen);

          // Now copy over each byte.
          char* base = mb->data_block ()->base ();
          for(CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < mblen; i++)
              event[0].data.payload[i] = base[i];

          supplier->consumer_proxy ()->push(event);

          // ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%t) supplier push event\n"));

          ACE_OS::sleep (tv);
  catch (const CORBA::SystemException& sys_ex)
      sys_ex._tao_print_exception ("SYS_EX");
  catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex)
      ex._tao_print_exception ("NON SYS EX");
  return 0;
Esempio n. 10

TAO::TypeCode::Struct<char const *,
                      CORBA::TypeCode_ptr const *,
                      TAO::TypeCode::Struct_Field<char const *,
                                                  CORBA::TypeCode_ptr const *> const *,
                      TAO::Null_RefCount_Policy>::tao_marshal (
  TAO_OutputCDR & cdr,
  CORBA::ULong offset) const
  // A tk_struct TypeCode has a "complex" parameter list type (see
  // Table 15-2 in Section "TypeCode" in the CDR section of
  // the CORBA specification), meaning that it must be marshaled into
  // a CDR encapsulation.

  // Create a CDR encapsulation.
  TAO_OutputCDR enc;

  // Account for the encoded CDR encapsulation length and byte order.
  // Aligning on an octet since the next value after the CDR
  // encapsulation length will always be the byte order octet/boolean
  // in this case.
  offset = ACE_Utils::truncate_cast<CORBA::ULong> (
              ACE_align_binary (offset + 4,

  bool const success =
    (enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_boolean (TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER))
    && (enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_string (this-> (), 0))
    && (enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_string (this-> (), 0))
    && (enc << this->nfields_);

  if (!success)
    return false;

  Struct_Field<char const *, CORBA::TypeCode_ptr const *> const * const begin =
  Struct_Field<char const *, CORBA::TypeCode_ptr const *> const * const end =
    begin + this->nfields_;

  for (Struct_Field<char const *, CORBA::TypeCode_ptr const *> const * i =
       i != end;
      Struct_Field<char const *, CORBA::TypeCode_ptr const *> const & field =

      if (!(enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_string (
                       Traits<char const *>::get_string (, 0))
          || !marshal (enc,
                       Traits<char const *>::get_typecode (field.type),
                       ACE_Utils::truncate_cast<CORBA::ULong> (
                           offset + enc.total_length ())))
        return false;

    cdr << static_cast<CORBA::ULong> (enc.total_length ())
    && cdr.write_octet_array_mb (enc.begin ());
Esempio n. 11
TAO::SSLIOP::Acceptor::create_shared_profile (const TAO::ObjectKey &object_key,
                                              TAO_MProfile &mprofile,
                                              CORBA::Short priority)
  size_t index = 0;
  TAO_Profile *pfile = 0;
  TAO_SSLIOP_Profile *ssliop_profile = 0;

  // First see if <mprofile> already contains a SSLIOP profile.
  for (TAO_PHandle i = 0; i != mprofile.profile_count (); ++i)
      pfile = mprofile.get_profile (i);
      if (pfile->tag () == IOP::TAG_INTERNET_IOP)
          ssliop_profile = dynamic_cast<TAO_SSLIOP_Profile *> (pfile);
          if (ssliop_profile == 0)
            return -1;

  // If <mprofile> doesn't contain SSLIOP_Profile, we need to create
  // one.
  if (ssliop_profile == 0)
      // @@ We need to create an SSLIOP::SSL component for the object
      //    we're creating an MProfile for.  This will allow us to
      //    properly embed secure invocation policies in the generated
      //    IOR, i.e. secure invocation policies on a per-object
      //    basis, rather than on a per-endpoint basis.  If no secure
      //    invocation policies have been set then we should use the
      //    below default SSLIOP::SSL component.
      ACE_NEW_RETURN (ssliop_profile,
                      TAO_SSLIOP_Profile (this->hosts_[0],
                                            this->addrs_[0].get_port_number (),

      TAO_SSLIOP_Endpoint * const ssliop_endp =
        dynamic_cast<TAO_SSLIOP_Endpoint *> (ssliop_profile->endpoint ());

      if (!ssliop_endp)
        return -1;

      ssliop_endp->priority (priority);
      ssliop_endp->iiop_endpoint ()->priority (priority);

      if (mprofile.give_profile (ssliop_profile) == -1)
          ssliop_profile->_decr_refcnt ();
          ssliop_profile = 0;
          return -1;

      if (this->orb_core_->orb_params ()->std_profile_components () != 0)
          ssliop_profile->tagged_components ().set_orb_type (TAO_ORB_TYPE);

          TAO_Codeset_Manager *csm = this->orb_core_->codeset_manager();
          if (csm)

          IOP::TaggedComponent component;
          component.tag = ::SSLIOP::TAG_SSL_SEC_TRANS;
          // @@???? Check this code, only intended as guideline...
          TAO_OutputCDR cdr;
          cdr << TAO_OutputCDR::from_boolean (TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER);

          // @@ We need to create an SSLIOP::SSL component for the
          //    object we're creating an MProfile for.  This will
          //    allow us to properly embed secure invocation policies
          //    in the generated IOR, i.e. secure invocation policies
          //    on a per-object basis, rather than on a per-endpoint
          //    basis.  If no secure invocation policies have been set
          //    then we should use the below default SSLIOP::SSL
          //    component.
          cdr << this->ssl_component_;

          // TAO extension, replace the contents of the octet sequence with
          // the CDR stream
          CORBA::ULong length = cdr.total_length ();
          component.component_data.length (length);
          CORBA::Octet *buf = component.component_data.get_buffer ();
          for (const ACE_Message_Block *i = cdr.begin ();
               i != 0;
               i = i->cont ())
              ACE_OS::memcpy (buf, i->rd_ptr (), i->length ());
              buf += i->length ();

          ssliop_profile->tagged_components ().set_component (component);

      index = 1;

  // Add any remaining endpoints to the SSLIOP_Profile.
  for (;
       index < this->endpoint_count_;
      TAO_SSLIOP_Endpoint *ssl_endp = 0;
      TAO_IIOP_Endpoint *iiop_endp = 0;
      ACE_NEW_RETURN (iiop_endp,
                      TAO_IIOP_Endpoint (this->hosts_[index],
                                         this->addrs_[index].get_port_number (),
      iiop_endp->priority (priority);

      ACE_NEW_RETURN (ssl_endp,
                      TAO_SSLIOP_Endpoint (&(this->ssl_component_),

      ssl_endp->priority (priority);
      ssliop_profile->add_endpoint (ssl_endp);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 12
TAO::SSLIOP::Acceptor::create_new_profile (const TAO::ObjectKey &object_key,
                                           TAO_MProfile &mprofile,
                                           CORBA::Short priority)
  // Adding this->endpoint_count_ to the TAO_MProfile.
  const int count = mprofile.profile_count ();
  if ((mprofile.size () - count) < this->endpoint_count_
      && mprofile.grow (count + this->endpoint_count_) == -1)
    return -1;

  // Create a profile for each acceptor endpoint.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < this->endpoint_count_; ++i)
      TAO_SSLIOP_Profile *pfile = 0;

      // @@ We need to create an SSLIOP::SSL component for the object
      //    we're creating an MProfile for.  This will allow us to
      //    properly embed secure invocation policies in the generated
      //    IOR, i.e. secure invocation policies on a per-object
      //    basis, rather than on a per-endpoint basis.  If no secure
      //    invocation policies have been set then we should use the
      //    below default SSLIOP::SSL component.
      ACE_NEW_RETURN (pfile,
                      TAO_SSLIOP_Profile (this->hosts_[i],
                                            this->addrs_[i].get_port_number (),
      pfile->endpoint ()->priority (priority);

      if (mprofile.give_profile (pfile) == -1)
          pfile->_decr_refcnt ();
          pfile = 0;
          return -1;

      if (this->orb_core_->orb_params ()->std_profile_components () == 0)

      pfile->tagged_components ().set_orb_type (TAO_ORB_TYPE);

      TAO_Codeset_Manager *csm = this->orb_core_->codeset_manager();
      if (csm)
        csm->set_codeset (pfile->tagged_components());

      IOP::TaggedComponent component;
      component.tag = ::SSLIOP::TAG_SSL_SEC_TRANS;

      // @@???? Check this code, only intended as guideline...
      TAO_OutputCDR cdr;
      cdr << TAO_OutputCDR::from_boolean (TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER);

      // @@ We need to create an SSLIOP::SSL component for the object
      //    we're creating an MProfile for.  This will allow us to
      //    properly embed secure invocation policies in the generated
      //    IOR, i.e. secure invocation policies on a per-object
      //    basis, rather than on a per-endpoint basis.  If no secure
      //    invocation policies have been set then we should use the
      //    below default SSLIOP::SSL component.
      cdr << this->ssl_component_;

      // TAO extension, replace the contents of the octet sequence with
      // the CDR stream
      const CORBA::ULong length = cdr.total_length ();
      component.component_data.length (length);
      CORBA::Octet *buf = component.component_data.get_buffer ();
      for (const ACE_Message_Block *i = cdr.begin ();
           i != 0;
           i = i->cont ())
          ACE_OS::memcpy (buf, i->rd_ptr (), i->length ());
          buf += i->length ();

      pfile->tagged_components ().set_component (component);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 13
  /*static*/ CORBA::Boolean
  PG_Utils::set_tagged_component (
      PortableGroup::ObjectGroup *&ior,
      PortableGroup::TagGroupTaggedComponent &tg)
    if (ior->_stubobj () == 0)
      return 0;

    // We need to apply the property for every profile in the IOR
    TAO_MProfile &tmp_pfiles =
      ior->_stubobj ()->base_profiles ();

    // Create the output CDR stream
    TAO_OutputCDR cdr;

    IOP::TaggedComponent tagged_components;
    tagged_components.tag = IOP::TAG_FT_GROUP;

    // Encode the property in to the tagged_components
    CORBA::Boolean retval =
      PG_Utils::encode_properties (cdr,

    if (retval == 0)
      return retval;

    // Get the length of the CDR stream
    CORBA::ULong length = static_cast<CORBA::ULong> (cdr.total_length ());

    // Set the length
    tagged_components.component_data.length (length);

    // Get the pointer to the underlying buffer
    CORBA::Octet *buf =
      tagged_components.component_data.get_buffer ();

    for (const ACE_Message_Block *i = cdr.begin ();
         i != 0;
         i = i->cont ())

        ACE_OS::memcpy (buf, i->rd_ptr (), i->length ());
        buf += i->length ();
    const IOP::TaggedComponent &tmp_tc = tagged_components;

    // Get the profile count.
    CORBA::ULong count =
      ior->_stubobj ()->base_profiles ().profile_count ();

    // Go through every profile and set the TaggedComponent field
    for (CORBA::ULong p_idx = 0; p_idx < count ; ++p_idx)
        // Get the tagged components in the profile
        TAO_Tagged_Components &tag_comp =
          tmp_pfiles.get_profile (p_idx)->tagged_components ();

        // Finally set the <tagged_component> in the
        // <TAO_Tagged_Component>
        tag_comp.set_component (tmp_tc);

    // Success
    return 1;
Esempio n. 14

  cerr << "OUT: "
       << e.header.fixed_header.event_type.domain_name << "::"
       << e.header.fixed_header.event_type.type_name << " "
       << e.header.fixed_header.event_name << endl;

  TAO_OutputCDR cdr;

  cdr << e;

  CORBA::ULong size (ACE_Utils::truncate_cast<CORBA::ULong> (cdr.total_length ()));

  OctetSeq seq (size);
  seq.length (size);

  char* buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*> (seq.get_buffer ());

    char* buf = buffer;

    for (ACE_Message_Block const* mb = cdr.begin ();
         mb != 0;
         mb = mb->cont ())
      ACE_OS::memcpy (buf, mb->rd_ptr (), mb->length ());
      buf += mb->length ();
Esempio n. 15
ReplicaController::send_reply (
  PortableInterceptor::ServerRequestInfo_ptr ri)
  FT::FTRequestServiceContext_var ftr (
    extract_context (ri));

              "(%P|%t) Sending reply for %s with rid %i\n",
              ftr-> (),

  // Prepare reply for logging.

  CORBA::Any_var result =
    ri->result ();

  TAO_OutputCDR cdr;
  result->impl ()->marshal_value (cdr);

  Dynamic::ParameterList_var pl =
    ri->arguments ();

  CORBA::ULong len = pl->length ();

  for (CORBA::ULong index = 0; index != len ; ++index)
    //@@ No chance for PARAM_OUT
    if ((*pl)[index].mode == CORBA::PARAM_INOUT)
      (*pl)[index].argument.impl ()->marshal_value (cdr);

  CORBA::OctetSeq_var reply;

  ACE_NEW (reply.out (), CORBA::OctetSeq (cdr.total_length ()));

  reply->length (cdr.total_length ());

  CORBA::Octet* buf = reply->get_buffer ();

  // @@ What if this throws an exception??  We don't have any way to
  // check whether this succeeded
  for (ACE_Message_Block const* mb = cdr.begin ();
       mb != 0;
       mb = mb->cont ())
    ACE_OS::memcpy (buf, mb->rd_ptr (), mb->length ());
    buf += mb->length ();

  // Logging the reply and state update.

  // First send message to members.
    // Extract state update.

    CORBA::OctetSeq_var oid = ri->object_id ();
    PortableInterceptor::AdapterName_var an = ri->adapter_name ();

    CORBA::Any_var state = ri->get_slot (state_slot_id ());

    CORBA::TypeCode_var tc = state->type ();

    if (tc->kind () == CORBA::tk_null)
      ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Slot update is void\n"));

      PortableServer::POA_var poa = resolve_poa ( ());

      PortableServer::ServantBase_var servant =
        poa->id_to_servant ( ());

      Checkpointable* target =
        dynamic_cast<Checkpointable*> ( ());

      if (target)
        CORBA::Any_var tmp = target->get_state ();

        if (tmp.ptr () != 0) state = tmp._retn ();

    TAO_OutputCDR cdr;

    cdr << ();
    cdr << ();
    cdr << ftr-> ();
    cdr << ftr->retention_id;
    cdr << ();
    cdr << ();

    size_t size = cdr.total_length ();

    CORBA::OctetSeq_var msg;

    ACE_NEW (msg.out (), CORBA::OctetSeq (size));

    msg->length (size);

      CORBA::Octet* buf = msg->get_buffer ();

      for (ACE_Message_Block const* mb = cdr.begin ();
           mb != 0;
           mb = mb->cont ())
        ACE_OS::memcpy (buf, mb->rd_ptr (), mb->length ());
        buf += mb->length ();

    CORBA::Octet* buf = msg->get_buffer ();

    // Crash point 1.
    if (crash_point == 1 && ftr->retention_id > 2) ACE_OS::exit (1);

      while (true)
          group_->send (buf, size);
          ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Sent log record of length %i\n", size));
        catch (ACE_TMCast::Group::Aborted const&)
          ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Retrying to send log record.\n"));
    catch (ACE_TMCast::Group::Failed const&)
                  "Group failure. Perhaps, I am alone in the group.\n"));

  // Now perform local logging.
  RecordId rid (ftr-> (), ftr->retention_id);

  // This is slow but eh-safe ;-).
  log_.insert (rid, reply);

  // Crash point 2.
  if (crash_point == 2 && ftr->retention_id > 2) ACE_OS::exit (1);