//------------------------------------------------------------------- void TestReadStuple() { TChain *myTree = new TChain("Stuple"); //DATA //myTree->Add("/mnt/autofs/misc/nbay03.a/samantha/RESULTS/STUPLES/StupleV2_noMinVtx_noMinJet_TLphoEleRemoved.root"); myTree->Add("/mnt/autofs/misc/nbay03.a/samantha/RESULTS/STUPLES/Stuple_noMinVtx_noMinJet_TLphoEleRemoved.root"); Stuple *myStuple = new Stuple; myTree->SetBranchStatus("pho_num", 1); // number of electrons so we know how much to read from arrays myTree->SetBranchStatus("ele_num", 1); myTree->SetBranchStatus("jet_num", 1); myTree->SetBranchStatus("ele_Index", 1); myTree->SetBranchStatus("ele_Etc", 1); myTree->SetBranchStatus("ele_Ntight", 1); myTree->SetBranchStatus("ele_Nloose", 1); myTree->SetBranchStatus("ele_matchJetIndex", 1); //if a matching jet is found and removed from jet list myTree->SetBranchAddress("pho_num", &myStuple->pho_num); // number of electrons so we know how much to read from arrays myTree->SetBranchAddress("ele_num", &myStuple->ele_num); myTree->SetBranchAddress("jet_num", &myStuple->jet_num); myTree->SetBranchAddress("ele_Ntight", &myStuple->ele_Ntight); myTree->SetBranchAddress("ele_Nloose", &myStuple->ele_Nloose); myTree->SetBranchAddress("ele_Index", &myStuple->ele_Index); myTree->SetBranchAddress("ele_Etc", &myStuple->ele_Etc); myTree->SetBranchAddress("ele_matchJetIndex", &myStuple->ele_matchJetIndex); //if a matching jet is found and removed from jet list //for (unsigned i =0 ; i < myTree->GetEntries(); ++i) { for (unsigned i =0 ; i < 100; ++i) { myTree->GetEntry(i); std::cout << myStuple->ele_num << std::endl; for (unsigned j = 0 ; j < myStuple->ele_num; ++j) { std::cout << myStuple->ele_matchJetIndex[j] << std::endl; } } }
int main(int argc, char** argv){//main //Input output and config options std::string cfg; bool concept; //size of signal region to perform Chi2 position fit. //in units of 2.5mm cells to accomodate different granularities unsigned nSR; //maximum value of residuals to use in error matrix: discard positions that are too far away double residualMax;//mm unsigned pNevts; std::string filePath; std::string digifilePath; unsigned nRuns; std::string simFileName; std::string recoFileName; std::string outPath; unsigned nSiLayers; //0:do just the energies, 1:do fit+energies, 2: do zpos+fit+energies unsigned redoStep; unsigned debug; bool applyPuMixFix; po::options_description preconfig("Configuration"); preconfig.add_options()("cfg,c",po::value<std::string>(&cfg)->required()); po::variables_map vm; po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(preconfig).allow_unregistered().run(), vm); po::notify(vm); po::options_description config("Configuration"); config.add_options() //Input output and config options //->required() ("concept", po::value<bool>(&concept)->default_value(true)) ("nSR", po::value<unsigned>(&nSR)->default_value(3)) ("residualMax", po::value<double>(&residualMax)->default_value(25)) ("pNevts,n", po::value<unsigned>(&pNevts)->default_value(0)) ("filePath,i", po::value<std::string>(&filePath)->required()) ("digifilePath", po::value<std::string>(&digifilePath)->default_value("")) ("nRuns", po::value<unsigned>(&nRuns)->default_value(0)) ("simFileName,s", po::value<std::string>(&simFileName)->required()) ("recoFileName,r", po::value<std::string>(&recoFileName)->required()) ("outPath,o", po::value<std::string>(&outPath)->required()) ("nSiLayers", po::value<unsigned>(&nSiLayers)->default_value(2)) ("redoStep", po::value<unsigned>(&redoStep)->default_value(0)) ("debug,d", po::value<unsigned>(&debug)->default_value(0)) ("applyPuMixFix", po::value<bool>(&applyPuMixFix)->default_value(false)) ; // ("output_name,o", po::value<std::string>(&outputname)->default_value("tmp.root")) po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(config).allow_unregistered().run(), vm); po::store(po::parse_config_file<char>(cfg.c_str(), config), vm); po::notify(vm); std::string inFilePath = filePath+simFileName; size_t end=outPath.find_last_of("."); std::string outFolder = outPath.substr(0,end); std::cout << " -- Input parameters: " << std::endl << " -- Input file path: " << filePath << std::endl << " -- Digi Input file path: " << digifilePath << std::endl << " -- Output file path: " << outPath << std::endl << " -- Output folder: " << outFolder << std::endl << " -- Requiring " << nSiLayers << " si layers." << std::endl << " -- Number cells in signal region for fit: " << nSR << " cells" << std::endl << " -- Residual max considered for filling matrix and fitting: " << residualMax << " mm" << std::endl << " -- Apply PUMix fix? " << applyPuMixFix << std::endl << " -- Processing "; if (pNevts == 0) std::cout << "all events." << std::endl; else std::cout << pNevts << " events." << std::endl; TRandom3 lRndm(1); std::cout << " -- Random number seed: " << lRndm.GetSeed() << std::endl; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //input ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::ostringstream inputsim; inputsim << filePath << "/" << simFileName; std::ostringstream inputrec; if (digifilePath.size()==0) inputrec << filePath << "/" << recoFileName; else inputrec << digifilePath << "/" << recoFileName; //std::cout << inputsim.str() << " " << inputrec.str() << std::endl; HGCSSInfo * info; TChain *lSimTree = new TChain("HGCSSTree"); TChain *lRecTree = 0; TFile * simFile = 0; TFile * recFile = 0; if (recoFileName.find("Digi") != recoFileName.npos) lRecTree = new TChain("RecoTree"); else lRecTree = new TChain("PUTree"); if (nRuns == 0){ if (!testInputFile(inputsim.str(),simFile)) return 1; lSimTree->AddFile(inputsim.str().c_str()); if (!testInputFile(inputrec.str(),recFile)) return 1; lRecTree->AddFile(inputrec.str().c_str()); } else { for (unsigned i(0);i<nRuns;++i){ std::ostringstream lstr; lstr << inputsim.str() << "_run" << i << ".root"; if (testInputFile(lstr.str(),simFile)){ if (simFile) info =(HGCSSInfo*)simFile->Get("Info"); else { std::cout << " -- Error in getting information from simfile!" << std::endl; return 1; } } else continue; lSimTree->AddFile(lstr.str().c_str()); lstr.str(""); lstr << inputrec.str() << "_run" << i << ".root"; if (!testInputFile(lstr.str(),recFile)) continue; lRecTree->AddFile(lstr.str().c_str()); } } if (!lSimTree){ std::cout << " -- Error, tree HGCSSTree cannot be opened. Exiting..." << std::endl; return 1; } if (!lRecTree){ std::cout << " -- Error, tree RecoTree cannot be opened. Exiting..." << std::endl; return 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Info ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const double cellSize = info->cellSize(); const unsigned versionNumber = info->version(); const unsigned model = info->model(); //models 0,1 or 3. //bool isTBsetup = (model != 2); bool isCaliceHcal = versionNumber==23;//inFilePath.find("version23")!=inFilePath.npos || inFilePath.find("version_23")!=inFilePath.npos; //extract input energy std::cout << " -- Version number is : " << versionNumber << ", model = " << model << ", cellSize = " << cellSize << std::endl; //initialise detector HGCSSDetector & myDetector = theDetector(); myDetector.buildDetector(versionNumber,concept,isCaliceHcal); const unsigned nLayers = myDetector.nLayers(); const unsigned nSections = myDetector.nSections(); std::cout << " -- N layers = " << nLayers << std::endl << " -- N sections = " << nSections << std::endl; HGCSSGeometryConversion geomConv(inFilePath,model,cellSize); //set granularity to get cellsize for PU subtraction std::vector<unsigned> granularity; granularity.resize(nLayers,4); geomConv.setGranularity(granularity); ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////// Output File // ///////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// TFile *outputFile = TFile::Open(outPath.c_str(),"RECREATE"); if (!outputFile) { std::cout << " -- Error, output file " << outPath << " cannot be opened. Please create output directory. Exiting..." << std::endl; return 1; } else { std::cout << " -- output file " << outputFile->GetName() << " successfully opened." << std::endl; } outputFile->cd(); ///initialise PU density object HGCSSPUenergy puDensity("data/EnergyDensity.dat"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////// positionFit ///////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// const unsigned nEvts = ((pNevts > lSimTree->GetEntries() || pNevts==0) ? static_cast<unsigned>(lSimTree->GetEntries()) : pNevts) ; PositionFit lChi2Fit(nSR,residualMax,nLayers,nSiLayers,applyPuMixFix,debug); lChi2Fit.initialise(outputFile,"PositionFit",outFolder,geomConv,puDensity); //try getting z position from input file, if doesn't exit, //perform first loop over simhits to find z positions of layers if ((redoStep<2 && !lChi2Fit.getZpositions(versionNumber)) || redoStep>1) lChi2Fit.getZpositions(versionNumber,lSimTree,nEvts); //perform second loop over events to find positions to fit and get energies SignalRegion SignalEnergy(outFolder, nLayers, nEvts, geomConv, puDensity,applyPuMixFix,versionNumber); SignalEnergy.initialise(outputFile,"Energies"); //initialise bool dofit = redoStep>0 || !SignalEnergy.initialiseFitPositions(); if (!dofit && redoStep==0) std::cout << " -- Info: fit positions taken from file on disk." << std::endl; else std::cout << " -- Info: redoing least square fit." << std::endl; if (redoStep>0 || (redoStep==0 && dofit)){ lChi2Fit.getInitialPositions(lSimTree,lRecTree,nEvts); lChi2Fit.finaliseErrorMatrix(); lChi2Fit.initialiseLeastSquareFit(); } //loop on events HGCSSEvent * event = 0; std::vector<HGCSSSamplingSection> * ssvec = 0; std::vector<HGCSSSimHit> * simhitvec = 0; std::vector<HGCSSRecoHit> * rechitvec = 0; std::vector<HGCSSGenParticle> * genvec = 0; unsigned nPuVtx = 0; lSimTree->SetBranchAddress("HGCSSEvent",&event); lSimTree->SetBranchAddress("HGCSSSamplingSectionVec",&ssvec); lSimTree->SetBranchAddress("HGCSSSimHitVec",&simhitvec); lSimTree->SetBranchAddress("HGCSSGenParticleVec",&genvec); lRecTree->SetBranchAddress("HGCSSRecoHitVec",&rechitvec); if (lRecTree->GetBranch("nPuVtx")) lRecTree->SetBranchAddress("nPuVtx",&nPuVtx); const unsigned nRemove = 12; std::vector<unsigned> lToRemove; unsigned list[nRemove] = {25,27,15,1,10,3,18,5,12,7,23,20}; for (unsigned ievt(0); ievt<nEvts; ++ievt){//loop on entries if (debug) std::cout << "... Processing entry: " << ievt << std::endl; else if (ievt%50 == 0) std::cout << "... Processing entry: " << ievt << std::endl; lSimTree->GetEntry(ievt); lRecTree->GetEntry(ievt); if (dofit) { bool found = lChi2Fit.setTruthInfo(genvec,1); if (!found) continue; //mask layers in turn lToRemove.clear(); for (unsigned r(0); r<nRemove+1;++r){ FitResult fit; if ( lChi2Fit.performLeastSquareFit(ievt,fit,lToRemove)==0 ){ //SignalEnergy.fillEnergies(ievt,(*ssvec),(*simhitvec),(*rechitvec),nPuVtx,fit); } else std::cout << " -- remove " << r << " Fit failed." << std::endl; if (r<nRemove) lToRemove.push_back(list[r]); } } else SignalEnergy.fillEnergies(ievt,(*ssvec),(*simhitvec),(*rechitvec),nPuVtx); }//loop on entries //finalise if (dofit) lChi2Fit.finaliseFit(); SignalEnergy.finalise(); outputFile->Write(); //outputFile->Close(); std::cout << " - End of egammaResolution program." << std::endl; return 0; }//main
void PDFSystCalculator_Powheg12Bin() { typedef std::pair<double,double> pairOfDouble; set<pairOfDouble> uniqueEventsTrue; typedef std::pair<int,int> pairOfInt; set<pairOfInt> uniqueEventsReco; double mLow = 60.; // Z mass double mHigh = 120.; // Z mass double ptLow = 0.; double ptHigh = 4000.; //variable related PDF systematic uncertainty //double weightedSelectedEvents[18][53]; //double weighted2SelectedEvents[18][53]; double weightedSelectedEvents[12][53]; double weighted2SelectedEvents[12][53]; double events_central[nptBins] = {0.0}; double events2_central[nptBins] = {0.0}; double wa[nptBins] = {0.0}; double wb[nptBins] = {0.0}; double wplus[nptBins] = {0.0}; double wminus[nptBins] = {0.0}; char tmpName[30]; // std::ofstream Fout; // TString FoutName = "Zpt_12BinWeightedSelectedEvents.txt"; // Fout.open(FoutName); // Fout << fixed << setprecision(3); // read input root file TChain* tree = new TChain("tree"); for(int i(1);i<95;i++) { //sprintf(tmpName,"DYJetsToLL_%d.root",i); //sprintf(tmpName,"/d1/scratch/sangilpark/Zpt/CMSSW_5_3_14_patch1/src/TerraNova/NtupleMaker/test/ZpT_Powheg_LowPU/DYJetsToLL_%d.root",i); sprintf(tmpName,"/d2/scratch/Storage_Area/ZpT8TeV_Powheg_LowPU/DYJetsToLL_%d.root",i); tree->AddFile(tmpName); // Powheg Ntuple } TH1D* hPtMCTot = new TH1D("hPtMCTot", "", nptBins, xbins_pt); // no cut TH1D* hPtMCAcc = new TH1D("hPtMCAcc", "", nptBins, xbins_pt); // acc.cuts TH1D* hPtMCEff = new TH1D("hPtMCEff", "", nptBins, xbins_pt); // acc + all selection cuts //Hammid MC truth information pre FSR _TrackInfo true1PreFSR, true2PreFSR; tree->SetBranchAddress("true1PreFSR", &true1PreFSR); tree->SetBranchAddress("true2PreFSR", &true2PreFSR); float trueMassPreFSR, truePtPreFSR; tree->SetBranchAddress("trueMassPreFSR", &trueMassPreFSR); tree->SetBranchAddress("truePtPreFSR", &truePtPreFSR); vector<float> *weights_CT10; TBranch *b_weights_CT10; weights_CT10 = 0; tree->SetBranchAddress("weights_CT10", &weights_CT10, &b_weights_CT10); // Initialize variable for(int iBin(0); iBin<nptBins; iBin++) { { for(int j=0; j<53; j++) { weightedSelectedEvents[iBin][j] = 0; weighted2SelectedEvents[iBin][j] = 0; // cout << "initialized weightedSelectedEvents : " << weightedSelectedEvents[iBin][j] << endl; } } } // Print # of events cout << "Loop over the " << tree->GetEntries() << " entries ...\n"; // Fill histogram for(int iEvt(0); iEvt<tree->GetEntries(); iEvt++) //for(int iEvt(0); iEvt<20; iEvt++) { if ( (iEvt % 100000)==0 ) cout << "event " << iEvt << endl; tree -> GetEntry(iEvt); //nocut start pairOfDouble trueMassPtPreFSR(trueMassPreFSR,truePtPreFSR); if( !uniqueEventsTrue.insert( trueMassPtPreFSR ).second ) continue; if (trueMassPreFSR < mLow) continue; if (trueMassPreFSR > mHigh) continue; hPtMCTot -> Fill( truePtPreFSR ); // acc cut start if (true1PreFSR.charge == -999) continue; if (true2PreFSR.charge == -999) continue; if (true1PreFSR.charge*true2PreFSR.charge>0) continue; if (trueMassPreFSR < mLow) continue; if (trueMassPreFSR > mHigh) continue; if (true1PreFSR.pt < 20 || true2PreFSR.pt < 20 ) continue; if (fabs(true1PreFSR.eta) > 2.1 || fabs(true2PreFSR.eta) > 2.1) continue; hPtMCAcc -> Fill( truePtPreFSR ); //cout << "trueMassPreFSR : " << trueMassPreFSR << endl; //cout << "true1PreFSR : " << true1PreFSR.pt << endl; //cout << "truePtPreFSR : " << truePtPreFSR << endl; //cout << "weights size : " << weights_CT10->size() << endl; // Check weight numbers are normal. //cout << Form("iEvt : %d ============================= ",iEvt) << endl; //for(int i(0); i<weights_CT10->size(); i++) //{ // cout << "weights_CT10 : " << (*weights_CT10)[i] << endl; //} // Save weights each bin for(int iBin(0); iBin<nptBins; iBin++) { if(truePtPreFSR >= xbins_pt[iBin] && truePtPreFSR < xbins_pt[iBin+1]) { for(int j=0; j<weights_CT10->size(); j++) { weightedSelectedEvents[iBin][j] += (*weights_CT10)[j]; weighted2SelectedEvents[iBin][j] += (*weights_CT10)[j] * (*weights_CT10)[j]; //cout << Form("weightedSelectedEvents[%d][%d] : %f \t weighted2SelectedEvents[%d][%d] : %f \t weights_CT10[%d] : %f ",iBin,j,weightedSelectedEvents[iBin][j],iBin,j,weighted2SelectedEvents[iBin][j], j, (*weights_CT10)[j]) << endl; } } } } double weightedSelectedEventsCentTot=0; for(int iBin(0);iBin<nptBins;iBin++) { weightedSelectedEventsCentTot += weightedSelectedEvents[iBin][0]; for (unsigned int j=0; j<weights_CT10->size(); ++j) { cout << fixed << setprecision(5); cout<<iBin<<"\t"<<j<<"\t"<<weightedSelectedEvents[iBin][j]<<endl; } } // Calculate PDF syst for(int iBin(0);iBin<nptBins;iBin++) { unsigned int nmembers = weights_CT10->size(); unsigned int npairs = (nmembers-1)/2; events_central[iBin] = weightedSelectedEvents[iBin][0]/weightedSelectedEventsCentTot/(xbins_pt[iBin+1]-xbins_pt[iBin]); events2_central[iBin] = weighted2SelectedEvents[iBin][0]; if(npairs>0){ for (unsigned int j=0; j<npairs; ++j) { double weightedSelectedEventsXPlusTot=0; double weightedSelectedEventsXMinusTot=0; for(int iBin(0);iBin<nptBins;iBin++) { weightedSelectedEventsXPlusTot += weightedSelectedEvents[iBin][2*j+1]; weightedSelectedEventsXMinusTot += weightedSelectedEvents[iBin][2*j+2]; } cout << "events central : " << events_central[iBin] << endl; //wa[iBin] = weightedSelectedEvents[iBin][2*j+1]/events_central[iBin]-1.; //wb[iBin] = weightedSelectedEvents[iBin][2*j+2]/events_central[iBin]-1.; wa[iBin] = (weightedSelectedEvents[iBin][2*j+1]/weightedSelectedEventsXPlusTot/(xbins_pt[iBin+1]-xbins_pt[iBin]))/events_central[iBin]-1.; wb[iBin] = (weightedSelectedEvents[iBin][2*j+2]/weightedSelectedEventsXMinusTot/(xbins_pt[iBin+1]-xbins_pt[iBin]))/events_central[iBin]-1.; if (wa[iBin]>wb[iBin]){ if (wa[iBin]<0.) wa[iBin] = 0.; if (wb[iBin]>0.) wb[iBin] = 0.; wplus[iBin] += wa[iBin]*wa[iBin]; wminus[iBin] += wb[iBin]*wb[iBin]; }else{ if (wb[iBin]<0.) wb[iBin] = 0.; if (wa[iBin]>0.) wa[iBin] = 0.; wplus[iBin] += wb[iBin]*wb[iBin]; wminus[iBin] += wa[iBin]*wa[iBin]; } } if (wplus[iBin]>0) wplus[iBin] = sqrt(wplus[iBin]); if (wminus[iBin]>0) wminus[iBin] = sqrt(wminus[iBin]); }else{ cout << "\tNO eigenvectors for uncertainty estimation" << endl; } //cout <<iBin+1<<" Bin: Relative uncertainty with respect to central member: +" << 100.*wplus[iBin] << " / -" << 100.*wminus[iBin] << " [%]" << endl; cout <<iBin+1<<" + " << 100.*wplus[iBin] << " / -" << 100.*wminus[iBin] << " [%]" << endl; } for(int i(0); i<nptBins; i++) { cout << i+1 << " bin Events number : " << hPtMCAcc->GetBinContent(i+1) << endl; } TFile* Hist_out = new TFile("ZptPreFSR_Powheg12Bin.root","recreate"); hPtMCTot->Write(); hPtMCAcc->Write(); //Fout.close(); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------// //Main Method //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// int main(int argc, char** argv) { TApplication *App = new TApplication("Application",(Int_t*)&argc, argv); TCanvas *Canvas = new TCanvas("canvas", "Canvas", 640, 640); // Set up ROOT as we require. SetupROOT(); // Get list of files to run over. TString fileName("/storage/epp2/phseaj/exercise/basket_2010b.list"); std::ifstream inputFile(fileName.Data(), ios::in); // Declare a TChain for the TGlobalPID module TChain *gRecon = new TChain("ReconDir/Global"); TChain *gGenVtx = new TChain("TruthDir/Vertices"); // Check if the file exists. if (!inputFile.is_open()){ std::cout << "ERROR: File prod4 files not found!" << std::endl; std::cout << " - This file should contain a list of all data files to be processed." << std::endl; return 0; } else{ std::string curFileName; // Add the input files to the TChains. //only doing 10 of the basket files, revert to while to do whole run // while(getline(inputFile,curFileName)){ for(int l = 0; l<10; l++){ if(getline(inputFile,curFileName)){ gRecon->Add(curFileName.c_str()); gGenVtx->Add(curFileName.c_str()); } } } std::cout << "Got input file(s)." << std::endl; //Setup access to the Recon tree int NPIDs(0); // This variable counts the number of particles per event int NVtxFGD1(0), NVtxFGD2(0); // Declare a TClonesArray to hold objects of type TGlobalPID TClonesArray *globalPIDs = new TClonesArray("ND::TGlobalReconModule::TGlobalPID",50); TClonesArray *VtxFGD1 = new TClonesArray("ND::TTruthVerticesModule::TTruthVertex",50); TClonesArray *VtxFGD2 = new TClonesArray("ND::TTruthVerticesModule::TTruthVertex",50); // Associate the right branch in the TTree to the right local variable gRecon->SetBranchAddress("NPIDs",&NPIDs); gRecon->SetBranchAddress("PIDs",&globalPIDs); gGenVtx->SetBranchAddress("VtxFGD1", &VtxFGD1); gGenVtx->SetBranchAddress("NVtxFGD1", &NVtxFGD1); gGenVtx->SetBranchAddress("VtxFGD2", &VtxFGD2); gGenVtx->SetBranchAddress("NVtxFGD2", &NVtxFGD2); //check that truthdir and recon have the same number of entries if(gRecon->GetEntries() != gGenVtx->GetEntries()) cout<<"not equal entries, probably wrong"<<endl; // Loop over the entries in the TChain. //======================================================== // Declare Graphs n stuff here //======================================================== //adding tclones arrays for use with detectors Int_t NTPCs; TClonesArray *TPC; Int_t NFDGs; TClonesArray *FDG; Int_t NECALs; TClonesArray *ECAL; Int_t NPODs; TClonesArray *POD; Int_t NSMRDs; TClonesArray *SMRD; //adding a 2d graph general purpose, change titles each time! TH1D *graph1 = new TH1D("graph1","Momenta of TPC PIDs from FDGs", 100, -50.0 , 50.0); Int_t ninteract(0), nfgd(0),nfgdqes(0),fgdqesneu(0); //======================================================== // end Declare Graphs n stuff here //======================================================== // Loop over the entries in the TChain. (only 1/1000 of whole entries atm) for(unsigned int i = 0; i < gRecon->GetEntries()/10; ++i) { if((i+1)%10000 == 0) std::cout << "Processing event: " << (i+1) << std::endl; //display status every 10,000 th entry // Get an entry for the Recon tree gRecon->GetEntry(i); gGenVtx->GetEntry(i); ND::TGlobalReconModule::TGlobalPID *gTrack = NULL; //added new loop for truth vertex gGenVtx->GetEntry(i); for (int j=0; j<NPIDs; j++) { // Get a specific track from the TClonesArray gTrack = (ND::TGlobalReconModule::TGlobalPID*)globalPIDs->At(j); //get truevertex (in example, also gets trueparticle, can add in later) ND::TTrueVertex vtx = gTrack->TrueParticle.Vertex; //get position lorrentz vector TLorentzVector vec = vtx.Position; ninteract++; if(ABS(vec.X())<832.2 && ABS(vec.Y()-55)<832.2 && ((vec.Z()>123.45&&vec.Z()<446.95)||(vec.Z()>1481.45&&vec.Z()<1807.95))){ //is it in one of the FGDs? nfgd++; if(vtx.ReactionCode.find("Weak[NC],QES;",0)!=-1){ unsigned long det; det = gTrack->Detectors; string detstr; stringstream stream; stream << det; detstr = stream.str(); if(detstr.find("1",0)||detstr.find("2",0)||detstr.find("3",0)){ graph1->Fill((Double_t)gTrack->FrontMomentum); } nfgdqes++; } } TClonesArray *TPCObjects = new TClonesArray("ND::TGlobalReconModule::TTPCObject",gTrack->NTPCs); ND::TGlobalReconModule::TObject *tpcTrack = NULL; for ( int k = 0 ; k < gTrack->NTPCs; k++) { tpcTrack = (ND::TGlobalReconModule::TObject*) TPCObjects->At(k); //now we can access variables through tpcTrack->PullEle for example } } } // End loop over events //plotting bits at the end :D graph1->Draw(); App->Run(); return 0; }
void TreeFiller(string inFiles, string outFile, string histName) { TChain *origFiles = new TChain("treeVars", "treeVars"); origFiles->Add(inFiles.c_str()); int nEntries = origFiles->GetEntries(); cout << "The old chain contains " << nEntries << " entries." << endl; float jet1Eta, jet2Eta, deltaY, genTopPt1, genTopPt2, jet1Mass, jet2Mass, jet1MinMass, jet2MinMass, jet1BDisc, jet2BDisc, jet1SubjetMaxBDisc, jet2SubjetMaxBDisc, jet1tau32, jet2tau32, jet1Pt, jet2Pt, jetPtForMistag, mttMass, mttMassPred, mistagWt, mistagWtAll, mistagWtNsubAll, mistagWtNsub, index, cutflow, NNoutput, ptReweight; int jet1NSubjets, jet2NSubjets; origFiles->SetBranchAddress("jet1Eta", &jet1Eta); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("jet2Eta", &jet2Eta); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("deltaY", &deltaY); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("jet1Mass", &jet1Mass); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("jet2Mass", &jet2Mass); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("jet1minMass", &jet1MinMass); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("jet2minMass", &jet2MinMass); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("jet1Nsubj", &jet1NSubjets); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("jet2Nsubj", &jet2NSubjets); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("jet1BDisc", &jet1BDisc); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("jet2BDisc", &jet2BDisc); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("jet1SubjetMaxBDisc", &jet1SubjetMaxBDisc); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("jet2SubjetMaxBDisc", &jet2SubjetMaxBDisc); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("jet1tau32", &jet1tau32); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("jet2tau32", &jet2tau32); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("jet1Pt", &jet1Pt); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("jet2Pt", &jet2Pt); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("jetPtForMistag", &jetPtForMistag); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("mttMass", &mttMass); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("mttMassPred", &mttMassPred); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("index", &index); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("cutflow", &cutflow); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("NNoutput", &NNoutput); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("mistagWt", &mistagWt); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("genTopPt1", &genTopPt1); origFiles->SetBranchAddress("genTopPt2", &genTopPt2); TFile *newFile = new TFile(outFile.c_str(), "RECREATE"); TTree *newTree = origFiles->CloneTree(0); newTree->Branch("mistagWtNsub", &mistagWtNsub, "mistagWtNsub/F"); newTree->Branch("mistagWtNsubAll", &mistagWtNsubAll, "mistagWtNsubAll/F"); newTree->Branch("mistagWtAll", &mistagWtAll, "mistagWtAll/F"); newTree->Branch("ptReweight", &ptReweight, "ptReweight/F"); newTree->SetBranchAddress("mistagWtNsub", &mistagWtNsub); newTree->SetBranchAddress("misagWtNsubAll", &mistagWtNsubAll); newTree->SetBranchAddress("mistagWtAll", &mistagWtAll); newTree->SetBranchAddress("ptReweight", &ptReweight); /* TMVA::Reader* reader = new TMVA::Reader(); reader->AddVariable("jet1Eta", &jet1Eta); reader->AddVariable("jet2Eta", &jet2Eta); reader->AddVariable("deltaY", &deltaY); reader->AddVariable("jet1Mass", &jet1Mass); reader->AddVariable("jet2Mass", &jet2Mass); reader->AddVariable("jet1BDisc", &jet1BDisc); reader->AddVariable("jet2BDisc", &jet2BDisc); reader->AddVariable("jet1SubjetMaxBDisc", &jet1SubjetMaxBDisc); reader->AddVariable("jet2SubjetMaxBDisc", &jet2SubjetMaxBDisc); reader->AddVariable("jet1tau32", &jet1tau32); reader->AddVariable("jet2tau32", &jet2tau32); reader->AddVariable("jet1Pt", &jet1Pt); reader->AddVariable("jet2Pt", &jet2Pt); reader->AddVariable("mttMass", &mttMass); reader->BookMVA("MLP", "weights/TMVA_tt_Zp_MLP.weightsZp10_cut4.xml"); */ //TFile *mistagFileLow = new TFile("notCSVL_notCSVM_mistag.root"); //TFile *mistagFileMed = new TFile("CSVL_notCSVM_mistag.root"); //TFile *mistagFileHi = new TFile("CSVM_mistag.root"); TFile *mistagFileLow = new TFile("Jan21_mistag.root");//data_LowBscore_mistag_Dec16.root"); TFile *mistagFileMed = new TFile("Jan21_mistag.root");//data_MedBscore_mistag_Dec16.root"); TFile *mistagFileHi = new TFile("Jan21_mistag.root");//data_HiBscore_mistag_Dec16.root"); TFile *mistagFile = new TFile("Jan21_mistag.root");//data_AllBscore_mistag_Dec16.root"); histName = "MISTAG_RATE_SUB_TTBAR_Inclusive"; TH1F *mistagRateHistAll = (TH1F *) mistagFile->Get( histName.c_str() )->Clone(); TH1F *mistagRateHistLow = (TH1F *) mistagFileLow->Get( histName.c_str() )->Clone(); TH1F *mistagRateHistMed = (TH1F *) mistagFileMed->Get( histName.c_str() )->Clone(); TH1F *mistagRateHistHi = (TH1F *) mistagFileHi->Get( histName.c_str() )->Clone(); string histName2 = "MISTAG_RATE_SUB_TTBAR_InclNsub"; TH1F *mistagRateHistNSAll = (TH1F *) mistagFile->Get( histName2.c_str() )->Clone(); TH1F *mistagRateHistNSLow = (TH1F *) mistagFileLow->Get( histName2.c_str() )->Clone(); TH1F *mistagRateHistNSMed = (TH1F *) mistagFileMed->Get( histName2.c_str() )->Clone(); TH1F *mistagRateHistNSHi = (TH1F *) mistagFileHi->Get( histName2.c_str() )->Clone(); cout << histName << endl; cout << "Entries " << mistagRateHistAll->Integral() << endl; cout << "Entries2 " << mistagRateHistNSHi->Integral() << endl; for (int i = 0; i < origFiles->GetEntries(); i++){ origFiles->GetEntry(i); if (i % 1000000 == 0) cout << 100*(float(i) / float(nEntries)) << " Percent Complete." << endl; mistagWt = 0.000; mistagWtNsub = 30.0000; if (cutflow == 4 || index == 1){ if (genTopPt1 > 400) genTopPt1 = 400; if (genTopPt2 > 400) genTopPt2 = 400; //NNoutput = reader->EvaluateMVA("MLP"); ptReweight = sqrt( exp(0.156 - 0.00137*genTopPt1)*exp(0.156 - 0.00137*genTopPt2) ); if (index == 1) { float bScore = -9.99; float tauScore = 9.99; int probeJet = 0; if (jet1Pt == jetPtForMistag) { probeJet = 1; bScore = jet1SubjetMaxBDisc; tauScore = jet2tau32; } if (jet2Pt == jetPtForMistag) { bScore = jet2SubjetMaxBDisc; tauScore = jet1tau32; probeJet = 2; } if (bScore > 0.679) mistagWt = mistagRateHistHi->GetBinContent( mistagRateHistHi->FindBin( jetPtForMistag ) ); else if (bScore > 0.244) mistagWt = mistagRateHistMed->GetBinContent( mistagRateHistMed->FindBin( jetPtForMistag ) ); else mistagWt = mistagRateHistLow->GetBinContent( mistagRateHistLow->FindBin( jetPtForMistag ) ); mistagWtAll = mistagRateHistAll->GetBinContent( mistagRateHistAll->FindBin( jetPtForMistag ) ); if (tauScore < 0.7){ if (bScore > 0.679) mistagWtNsub = mistagRateHistNSHi->GetBinContent( mistagRateHistNSHi->FindBin( jetPtForMistag ) ); else if (bScore > 0.244) mistagWtNsub = mistagRateHistNSMed->GetBinContent( mistagRateHistNSMed->FindBin( jetPtForMistag ) ); else mistagWtNsub = mistagRateHistNSLow->GetBinContent( mistagRateHistNSLow->FindBin( jetPtForMistag ) ); mistagWtNsubAll = mistagRateHistNSAll->GetBinContent( mistagRateHistNSAll->FindBin( jetPtForMistag ) ); } else { mistagWtNsub = 0.0; mistagWtNsubAll = 0.0; } //mttMass = mttMassPred; //NNoutput = reader->EvaluateMVA("MLP"); } newTree->Fill(); } } newTree->Draw("mistagWtNsub", "index == 1"); newFile->cd(); newTree->Write(); newFile->Write(); newFile->Close(); }
int main (int argc, char** argv) { gROOT->ProcessLine("#include <vector>"); //TFile* f1 = new TFile(argv[1]); TChain *tree = new TChain("tree"); for (int i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++) { std::cout << "Adding file " << argv[i] << std::endl; tree->Add(argv[i]); } //play with input names // std::string inputFileName = // find the number of channels directly from the tchain file // before creating the variables // first, get the list of leaves TObjArray *leavescopy = tree->GetListOfLeaves(); int nLeaves = leavescopy->GetEntries(); std::vector<std::string> leavesName; // fill a vector with the leaves names // std::cout << nLeaves << std::endl; for(int i = 0 ; i < nLeaves ; i++) { // std::cout << i << std::endl; leavesName.push_back(leavescopy->At(i)->GetName()); } // count the entries that start with "ch" int numOfCh = 0; int numOfCry = 0; std::string det_prefix("detector"); std::string cry_prefix("cry"); for(int i = 0 ; i < nLeaves ; i++) { // leavesName.push_back(leavescopy->At(i)->GetName()); if (!leavesName[i].compare(0, det_prefix.size(), det_prefix)) numOfCh++; if (!leavesName[i].compare(0, cry_prefix.size(), cry_prefix)) numOfCry++; } //the string "cry" appears 4 times per crystal.. numOfCry = numOfCry / 4; std::cout << numOfCh << std::endl; std::cout << numOfCry << std::endl; Long64_t Seed; int Run; int Event; float totalEnergyDeposited; int NumOptPhotons; int NumCherenkovPhotons; std::vector<float> *CryEnergyDeposited; std::vector<float> **pCryEnergyDeposited; std::vector<float> *PosXEnDep; std::vector<float> **pPosXEnDep; std::vector<float> *PosYEnDep; std::vector<float> **pPosYEnDep; std::vector<float> *PosZEnDep; std::vector<float> **pPosZEnDep; // DetectorHit = new Short_t [numOfCh]; CryEnergyDeposited = new std::vector<float> [numOfCry]; pCryEnergyDeposited = new std::vector<float>* [numOfCry]; PosXEnDep = new std::vector<float> [numOfCry]; pPosXEnDep = new std::vector<float>* [numOfCry]; PosYEnDep = new std::vector<float> [numOfCry]; pPosYEnDep = new std::vector<float>* [numOfCry]; PosZEnDep = new std::vector<float> [numOfCry]; pPosZEnDep = new std::vector<float>* [numOfCry]; // short RunDetectorHit[16]; std::vector<float> **pEdep; std::vector<float> **px; std::vector<float> **py; std::vector<float> **pz; pEdep = new std::vector<float>* [numOfCry]; px = new std::vector<float>* [numOfCry]; py = new std::vector<float>* [numOfCry]; pz = new std::vector<float>* [numOfCry]; for (int i = 0 ; i < numOfCry ; i++) { pEdep[i] = 0; px[i] = 0; py[i] = 0; pz[i] = 0; } Short_t *detector; detector = new Short_t [numOfCh]; tree->SetBranchAddress("Seed",&Seed); tree->SetBranchAddress("Run",&Run); tree->SetBranchAddress("Event",&Event); tree->SetBranchAddress("totalEnergyDeposited",&totalEnergyDeposited); tree->SetBranchAddress("NumOptPhotons",&NumOptPhotons); tree->SetBranchAddress("NumCherenkovPhotons",&NumCherenkovPhotons); for (int i = 0 ; i < numOfCry ; i++) { std::stringstream snames; snames << "cry" << i; tree->SetBranchAddress(snames.str().c_str(),&pEdep[i]); snames.str(""); snames<< "cry" << i << "PosXEnDep"; tree->SetBranchAddress(snames.str().c_str(),&px[i]); snames.str(""); snames<< "cry" << i << "PosYEnDep"; tree->SetBranchAddress(snames.str().c_str(),&py[i]); snames.str(""); snames<< "cry" << i << "PosZEnDep"; tree->SetBranchAddress(snames.str().c_str(),&pz[i]); } for (int i = 0 ; i < numOfCh ; i++) { std::stringstream snames; snames << "detector" << i; tree->SetBranchAddress(snames.str().c_str(),&detector[i]); } //output ttree long long int DeltaTimeTag,ExtendedTimeTag; Short_t charge[32]; //adc type is always 32 channels Float_t RealX,RealY,RealZ; Short_t CrystalsHit; Short_t NumbOfInteractions; std::vector <float> TotalCryEnergy; std::vector <float>* pTotalCryEnergy; pTotalCryEnergy = &TotalCryEnergy; TTree* t1 = new TTree("adc","adc"); t1->Branch("ExtendedTimeTag",&ExtendedTimeTag,"ExtendedTimeTag/l"); //absolute time tag of the event t1->Branch("DeltaTimeTag",&DeltaTimeTag,"DeltaTimeTag/l"); //delta time from previous event t1->Branch("TotalCryEnergy","std::vector<float>",&pTotalCryEnergy); //branches of the 32 channels data for (int i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i++) { //empty the stringstreams std::stringstream snames,stypes; charge[i] = 0; snames << "ch" << i; stypes << "ch" << i << "/S"; t1->Branch(snames.str().c_str(),&charge[i],stypes.str().c_str()); } t1->Branch("RealX",&RealX,"RealX/F"); t1->Branch("RealY",&RealY,"RealY/F"); t1->Branch("RealZ",&RealZ,"RealZ/F"); t1->Branch("CrystalsHit",&CrystalsHit,"CrystalsHit/S"); t1->Branch("NumbOfInteractions",&NumbOfInteractions,"NumbOfInteractions/S"); long int counter = 0; int nEntries = tree->GetEntries(); std::cout << "nEntries = " << nEntries << std::endl; for(int i = 0; i < nEntries ; i++) { tree->GetEvent(i); ExtendedTimeTag = 1e-9; DeltaTimeTag = 1e-9; NumbOfInteractions = 0; CrystalsHit = 0; for(int i = 0; i < numOfCh ; i++) { //convert to ADC channels, as if it was data from a digitizer //mppc gain = 1.25e6 //adc channel binning 156e-15 C double adcCh = detector[i]*1.25e6*1.6e-19/156e-15; charge[i*2] = (Short_t) adcCh; } RealX = RealY = RealZ = 0; // calculate a weigthed energy deposition in x,y,z for(int i = 0; i < numOfCry ; i++) //first total energy deposited { Float_t SumEnergy = 0; NumbOfInteractions += px[i]->size(); if(px[i]->size()) CrystalsHit++; for(int j = 0; j < px[i]->size(); j++) { RealX += (px[i]->at(j) * pEdep[i]->at(j))/totalEnergyDeposited; } for(int j = 0; j < px[i]->size(); j++) { RealY += (py[i]->at(j) * pEdep[i]->at(j))/totalEnergyDeposited; } for(int j = 0; j < px[i]->size(); j++) { RealZ += (pz[i]->at(j) * pEdep[i]->at(j))/totalEnergyDeposited; } for(int j = 0; j < px[i]->size(); j++) { SumEnergy += pEdep[i]->at(j); } TotalCryEnergy.push_back(SumEnergy); } /* //find crystal with max energy deposition Float_t MaxEnergyCry = 0; Short_t MaxEnergyCryNum = -1; MaxEnergyCry = *std::max_element(TotalCryEnergy.begin(), TotalCryEnergy.end()); MaxEnergyCryNum = std::distance(TotalCryEnergy.begin(), (std::max_element(TotalCryEnergy.begin(), TotalCryEnergy.end()))); */ if(NumbOfInteractions > 0) // discard events with no energy deposition (they would never trigger the detectors anyway..) { t1->Fill(); } counter++; int perc = ((100*counter)/nEntries); //should strictly have not decimal part, written like this... if( (perc % 10) == 0 ) { std::cout << "\r"; std::cout << perc << "% done... "; //std::cout << counter << std::endl; } TotalCryEnergy.clear(); } std::cout << std::endl; std::string outFile = "Tree_OUT.root"; TFile* fOut = new TFile(outFile.c_str(),"recreate"); t1->Write(); // f1->Close(); fOut->Close(); return 0; }
void process() { Int_t raw[512]; // buffer for input signal and bkg trees // buffers for output trees Int_t sig[512]; Int_t cmsig[512]; Int_t cm[16]; // pedestal const char* fbkg_name = "Raw_Data_FZ320P_05_MSSD_2_250V_K237_Pedestal.dat-events.root"; TFile* fbkg = TFile::Open(fbkg_name); if (!fbkg) cout<< "File not found: " << fbkg <<endl<<exitl; TTree* tree = (TTree*) fbkg->Get("etree"); tree->SetBranchAddress("raw", &raw); TH2* h2d = (TH2*) fbkg->Get("h2d"); new TCanvas; h2d->Draw(); TProfile* profile = (TProfile*) fbkg->Get("profile"); //new TCanvas; //profile->Draw(); Int_t pedestal[512]; for (int i=0; i<512; i++) { // pedestal[i] = profile->GetBinContent(i+1) - 0.5; // pedestal[i] = profile->GetBinContent(i+1) + 0.5; pedestal[i] = profile->GetBinContent(i+1); } // cout << "\nPedestals for every channel\n" << endl; // for (int i=0; i<512; i++) { // cout << pedestal[i] << " "; // if (i>0 && (i+1)%128==0) // cout << endl; // } cout<< "processing bkg" <<endl; // output file with tree const char* obfname = "FZ320P_05_MSSD_2-bkg.root"; TFile* obfile = TFile::Open(obfname, "recreate"); TTree* btree = new TTree("btree", "btree"); btree->Branch("sig", &sig, "sig[512]/I"); btree->Branch("cmsig", &cmsig, "cmsig[512]/I"); btree->Branch("cm", &cm, "cm[16]/I"); btree->SetMarkerStyle(6); btree->SetMarkerColor(2); for (int jentry=0; jentry<tree->GetEntries(); ++jentry) { tree->GetEvent(jentry); // sig for (int i=0; i<512; ++i) { sig[i] = raw[i] - pedestal[i]; } // calc common mode Int_t group32[32]; Int_t index32[32]; for (int igroup=0; igroup<16; ++igroup) { for (int istrip=0; istrip<32; ++istrip) // istrip is number inside group of 32 { group32[istrip] = sig[igroup*32 + istrip]; } // sort array group32 in ascending order TMath::Sort(32, group32, index32, kFALSE); Int_t median = group32[index32[14]]; cm[igroup] = median; } // subtract common mode for (int istrip=0; istrip<512; ++istrip) { Int_t igroup = istrip/32; cmsig[istrip] = sig[istrip] - cm[igroup]; } // Fill sig, cmsig, cm btree->Fill(); } obfile->Write(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // // signal tree // ///////////////////////////////////////////////// cout<< "processing signal" <<endl; TChain* chain = new TChain("etree"); chain->Add("Raw_Data_FZ320P_05_MSSD_250V_K237_Position_1.dat-events.root"); chain->Add("Raw_Data_FZ320P_05_MSSD_250V_K237_Position_2.dat-events.root"); chain->Add("Raw_Data_FZ320P_05_MSSD_2_250V_K237_Position_3.dat-events.root"); chain->Add("Raw_Data_FZ320P_05_MSSD_2_250V_K237_Position_4.dat-events.root"); chain->SetBranchAddress("raw", &raw); // output file with tree const char* osfname = "FZ320P_05_MSSD_2-signal.root"; TFile* osfile = TFile::Open(osfname, "recreate"); TTree* stree = new TTree("stree", "stree"); stree->Branch("sig", &sig, "sig[512]/I"); stree->Branch("cmsig", &cmsig, "cmsig[512]/I"); stree->Branch("cm", &cm, "cm[16]/I"); stree->SetMarkerStyle(6); stree->SetMarkerColor(2); for (int jentry=0; jentry<chain->GetEntries(); ++jentry) { chain->GetEvent(jentry); // sig for (int i=0; i<512; ++i) { sig[i] = raw[i] - pedestal[i]; } // calc common mode Int_t group32[32]; Int_t index32[32]; for (int igroup=0; igroup<16; ++igroup) { for (int istrip=0; istrip<32; ++istrip) // istrip is number inside group of 32 { group32[istrip] = sig[igroup*32 + istrip]; } // sort array group32 in ascending order TMath::Sort(32, group32, index32, kFALSE); Int_t median = group32[index32[14]]; cm[igroup] = median; } // subtract common mode for (int istrip=0; istrip<512; ++istrip) { Int_t igroup = istrip/32; cmsig[istrip] = sig[istrip] - cm[igroup]; } // Fill sig, cmsig, cm stree->Fill(); } osfile->Write(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // process trees // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// cout<< "results" <<endl; Double_t a, mean, sigma; TH1F* h_sigma_bkg = new TH1F("h_sigma_bkg","CM subtr. noise for groups", 16,0,16); TH1F* h_mean_sig = new TH1F("h_mean_sig","CM subtr. signal for groups", 16,0,16); TH1F* h_SN = new TH1F("h_SN","Signal to Noise Ratio for groups", 16,0,16); new TCanvas; btree->Draw("cmsig","Iteration$>=0&&Iteration$<32"); fitgr(0,0, "Q", "goff", btree->GetHistogram()); pargaus(a,mean,sigma,"htemp"); //cout<< "mean = " << mean << " sigma = " << sigma <<endl; //-- png("FZ320P_05_MSSD_2-bkg-ex"); new TCanvas; // for (int igroup=0; igroup<16; ++igroup) { for (int igroup=0; igroup<15; ++igroup) { Int_t ch1 = igroup*32; Int_t ch2 = (igroup+1)*32; btree->Draw("cmsig",Form("Iteration$>=%d&&Iteration$<%d",ch1,ch2),""); fitgr(0,0, "", "", btree->GetHistogram()); pargaus(a,mean,sigma,"htemp"); // h_sigma_bkg->Fill(igroup, sigma); h_sigma_bkg->SetBinContent(igroup+1, sigma); } new TCanvas; h_sigma_bkg->Draw(); //-- png("FZ320P_05_MSSD_2-bkg-allgroups"); // signal new TCanvas; stree->Draw("cmsig","cmsig>8 &&Iteration$>=0&&Iteration$<32"); //-- png("FZ320P_05_MSSD_2-sig-ex"); new TCanvas; // for (int igroup=0; igroup<16; ++igroup) { for (int igroup=0; igroup<15; ++igroup) { Int_t ch1 = igroup*32; Int_t ch2 = (igroup+1)*32; stree->Draw("cmsig",Form("cmsig>8 &&Iteration$>=%d&&Iteration$<%d",ch1,ch2),""); gPad->Update(); gPad->Modified(); mean = stree->GetHistogram()->GetMean(); h_mean_sig->SetBinContent(igroup+1, mean); } new TCanvas; h_mean_sig->Draw(); //-- png("FZ320P_05_MSSD_2-signal-allgroups"); for (int igroup=0; igroup<16; ++igroup) { Double_t signal32 = h_mean_sig->GetBinContent(igroup+1); Double_t noise32 = h_sigma_bkg->GetBinContent(igroup+1); Double_t snr = 0; if (noise32 > 0) snr = signal32 / noise32; h_SN->SetBinContent(igroup+1, snr); } new TCanvas; h_SN->Draw(); //-- png("FZ320P_05_MSSD_2-SN-allgroups"); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // LatinosTreeScript //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LatinosTreeScript(TString rootPath, Float_t luminosity, Int_t jetChannel, TString flavorChannel, TString theSample, TString systematic, Bool_t verbose) { TH1::SetDefaultSumw2(); TString path = Form("rootfiles/%s/%djet/%s/", systematic.Data(), jetChannel, flavorChannel.Data()); gSystem->mkdir(path, kTRUE); TFile* output = new TFile(path + theSample + ".root", "recreate"); // Counting histograms //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TH1F* hWTrigger = new TH1F("hWTrigger", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hWMetCut = new TH1F("hWMetCut", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hWLowMinv = new TH1F("hWLowMinv", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hWZVeto = new TH1F("hWZVeto", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hWpMetCut = new TH1F("hWpMetCut", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hWJetVeto = new TH1F("hWJetVeto", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hWDeltaPhiJet = new TH1F("hWDeltaPhiJet", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hWSoftMuVeto = new TH1F("hWSoftMuVeto", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hWExtraLepton = new TH1F("hWExtraLepton", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hWPtll = new TH1F("hWPtll", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hWTopTagging = new TH1F("hWTopTagging", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hWeffTrigger = new TH1F("hWeffTrigger", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hWeffMetCut = new TH1F("hWeffMetCut", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hWeffLowMinv = new TH1F("hWeffLowMinv", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hWeffZVeto = new TH1F("hWeffZVeto", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hWeffpMetCut = new TH1F("hWeffpMetCut", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hWeffJetVeto = new TH1F("hWeffJetVeto", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hWeffDeltaPhiJet = new TH1F("hWeffDeltaPhiJet", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hWeffSoftMuVeto = new TH1F("hWeffSoftMuVeto", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hWeffExtraLepton = new TH1F("hWeffExtraLepton", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hWeffPtll = new TH1F("hWeffPtll", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hWeffTopTagging = new TH1F("hWeffTopTagging", "", 3, 0, 3); // WW level histograms //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TH1F* hPtLepton1WWLevel = new TH1F("hPtLepton1WWLevel", "", 200, 0, 200); TH1F* hPtLepton2WWLevel = new TH1F("hPtLepton2WWLevel", "", 200, 0, 200); TH1F* hPtDiLeptonWWLevel = new TH1F("hPtDiLeptonWWLevel", "", 200, 0, 200); TH1F* hMinvWWLevel = new TH1F("hMinvWWLevel", "", 200, 0, 200); TH1F* hMtWWLevel = new TH1F("hMtWWLevel", "", 250, 0, 250); TH1F* hNJets30WWLevel = new TH1F("hNJetsPF30WWLevel", "", 10, 0, 10); TH1F* hpfMetWWLevel = new TH1F("hpfMetWWLevel", "", 150, 0, 150); TH1F* hppfMetWWLevel = new TH1F("hppfMetWWLevel", "", 150, 0, 150); TH1F* hchMetWWLevel = new TH1F("hchMetWWLevel", "", 150, 0, 150); TH1F* hpchMetWWLevel = new TH1F("hpchMetWWLevel", "", 150, 0, 150); TH1F* hpminMetWWLevel = new TH1F("hpminMetWWLevel", "", 150, 0, 150); TH1F* hDeltaRLeptonsWWLevel = new TH1F("hDeltaRLeptonsWWLevel", "", 50, 0, 5); TH1F* hDeltaPhiLeptonsWWLevel = new TH1F("hDeltaPhiLeptonsWWLevel", "", 32, 0, 3.2); TH1F* hDPhiPtllJetWWLevel = new TH1F("hDPhiPtllJetWWLevel", "", 32, 0, 3.2); TH1F* h_WWLevel_TightFailEvents = new TH1F("h_WWLevel_TightFailEvents", "", 3, 0 , 3); TH1F* h_WWLevel_TightTightEvents = new TH1F("h_WWLevel_TightTightEvents", "", 3, 0 , 3); TH1F* h_WWLevel_TightLooseEvents = new TH1F("h_WWLevel_TightLooseEvents", "", 3, 0 , 3); // TwoLeptons level histograms //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TH1F* hPtLepton1TwoLeptonsLevel = new TH1F("hPtLepton1TwoLeptonsLevel", "", 200, 0, 200); TH1F* hPtLepton2TwoLeptonsLevel = new TH1F("hPtLepton2TwoLeptonsLevel", "", 200, 0, 200); TH1F* hPtDiLeptonTwoLeptonsLevel = new TH1F("hPtDiLeptonTwoLeptonsLevel", "", 200, 0, 200); TH1F* hMinvTwoLeptonsLevel = new TH1F("hMinvTwoLeptonsLevel", "", 200, 0, 200); TH1F* hMtTwoLeptonsLevel = new TH1F("hMtTwoLeptonsLevel", "", 250, 0, 250); TH1F* hNJets30TwoLeptonsLevel = new TH1F("hNJetsPF30TwoLeptonsLevel", "", 10, 0, 10); TH1F* hpfMetTwoLeptonsLevel = new TH1F("hpfMetTwoLeptonsLevel", "", 150, 0, 150); TH1F* hppfMetTwoLeptonsLevel = new TH1F("hppfMetTwoLeptonsLevel", "", 150, 0, 150); TH1F* hchMetTwoLeptonsLevel = new TH1F("hchMetTwoLeptonsLevel", "", 150, 0, 150); TH1F* hpchMetTwoLeptonsLevel = new TH1F("hpchMetTwoLeptonsLevel", "", 150, 0, 150); TH1F* hpminMetTwoLeptonsLevel = new TH1F("hpminMetTwoLeptonsLevel", "", 150, 0, 150); TH1F* hDeltaRLeptonsTwoLeptonsLevel = new TH1F("hDeltaRLeptonsTwoLeptonsLevel", "", 50, 0, 5); TH1F* hDeltaPhiLeptonsTwoLeptonsLevel = new TH1F("hDeltaPhiLeptonsTwoLeptonsLevel", "", 32, 0, 3.2); TH1F* hDPhiPtllJetTwoLeptonsLevel = new TH1F("hDPhiPtllJetTwoLeptonsLevel", "", 32, 0, 3.2); TH1F* h_TwoLeptons_TightFailEvents = new TH1F("h_TwoLeptons_TightFailEvents", "", 3, 0 , 3); TH1F* h_TwoLeptons_TightTightEvents = new TH1F("h_TwoLeptons_TightTightEvents", "", 3, 0 , 3); TH1F* h_TwoLeptons_TightLooseEvents = new TH1F("h_TwoLeptons_TightLooseEvents", "", 3, 0 , 3); // Dilepton level differential histograms //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //differential in dilepton (eta, pt, ptll, mll, dphill), jets (jetpt1, njet), transverse mass? 2-jet bin? Double_t pt1bins[8] = {20,40,60,80,100,125,150,200}; Double_t eta1bins[9] = {-2.4,-1.8,-1.2,-0.6,0,0.6,1.2,1.8,2.4}; Double_t mllbins[9] = {20,40,60,80,100,125,150,175,200}; Double_t dphibins[13] = {0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1,1.25,1.5,1.75,2,2.25,2.5,2.75,3}; Double_t ptllbins[8] = {30,40,50,60,70,85,120,150}; TH1F* hPtLepton1DilepLevel_Diff = new TH1F("hPtLepton1DilepLevel_Diff", "", 7, pt1bins); TH1F* hEtaLepton1DilepLevel_Diff = new TH1F("hEtaLepton1DilepLevel_Diff", "", 8, eta1bins); TH1F* hDileptonDilepLevel_Diff = new TH1F("hDileptonDilepLevel_Diff", "", 7, ptllbins); TH1F* hMinvDilepLevel_Diff = new TH1F("hMinvDilepLevel_Diff", "", 8, mllbins); TH1F* hDeltaPhiDilepLevel_Diff = new TH1F("hDeltaPhiDilepLevel_Diff", "", 12, dphibins); // WW level differential histograms //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TH1F* hPtLepton1WWLevel_Diff = new TH1F("hPtLepton1WWLevel_Diff", "",7, pt1bins); TH1F* hEtaLepton1WWLevel_Diff = new TH1F("hEtaLepton1WWLevel_Diff", "", 8, eta1bins); TH1F* hDileptonWWLevel_Diff = new TH1F("hDileptonWWLevel_Diff", "", 7, ptllbins); TH1F* hMinvWWLevel_Diff = new TH1F("hMinvWWLevel_Diff", "", 8, mllbins); TH1F* hDeltaPhiWWLevel_Diff = new TH1F("hDeltaPhiWWLevel_Diff", "", 12, dphibins); // Data-driven methods: Z+jets //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TH1F* hNinZevents [numberDYMVACuts]; TH1F* hNoutZevents [numberDYMVACuts]; TH1F* hNinLooseZevents[numberDYMVACuts]; TH1F* hMassInZevents [numberDYMVACuts]; TH1F* hMassOutZevents [numberDYMVACuts]; for (Int_t nC=0; nC<numberDYMVACuts; nC++) { hNinZevents [nC] = new TH1F(Form("hNinZevents%.1i", nC+1 ), "", 3, 0, 3); hNoutZevents [nC] = new TH1F(Form("hNoutZevents%.1i", nC+1 ), "", 3, 0, 3); hNinLooseZevents[nC] = new TH1F(Form("hNinLooseZevents%.1i", nC+1 ), "", 3, 0, 3); hMassInZevents [nC] = new TH1F(Form("hMassInZevents%.1i", nC+1 ), "", 200, 0, 200); hMassOutZevents [nC] = new TH1F(Form("hMassOutZevents%.1i", nC+1 ), "", 200, 0, 200); } // Data-driven methods: Top //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TH1F* hTopTaggedEvents = new TH1F("hTopTaggedEvents", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hNTopControlRegion = new TH1F("hNTopControlRegion", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hNTopTaggedTopControlRegion = new TH1F("hNTopTaggedTopControlRegion", "", 3, 0, 3); TH1F* hbTagDisTopTaggedEvents = new TH1F("hbTagDisTopTaggedEvents", "", 300, -10, 20); TH1F* hbTagDisNTopControlRegion = new TH1F("hbTagDisNTopControlRegion", "", 300, -10, 20); TH1F* hbTagDisNTopTaggedTopControlRegion = new TH1F("hbTagDisNTopTaggedTopControlRegion", "", 300, -10, 20); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Input files //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TString filesPath; if (runAtOviedo) filesPath = " /hadoop/LatinosSkims/ReducedTrees/R53X_S1_V08_S2_V09_S3_V13/"; if (runAtIfca) filesPath = "/gpfs/csic_projects/tier3data/LatinosSkims/ReducedTrees/Systematics2013_nominals_fromMaiko/"; if (runEOS) filesPath = "root://eoscms.cern.ch//eos/cms/store/group/phys_higgs/cmshww/amassiro/RunI/trees/tree_skim_wwmin_09Jan2014/"; if (rootPath != "") filesPath = rootPath; TChain* tree = new TChain("latino", "latino"); if (theSample == "DataRun2012_Total") { tree->Add(filesPath + "/data/" + "latino_RunA_892pbinv.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/data/" + "latino_RunB_4404pbinv.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/data/" + "latino_RunC_7032pbinv.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/data/" + "latino_RunD_7274pbinv.root"); } else if (theSample == "WJetsFakes_Total_old") { tree->Add("/gpfs/csic_projects/tier3data/LatinosSkims/ReducedTrees/R53X_S1_V08_S2_V09_S3_V13/Moriond13/latino_LooseLoose_19.5fb.root"); } else if (theSample == "WJetsFakes_Total") { tree->Add(filesPath + "/wjets/" + "latino_RunA_892pbinv_LooseLoose.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/wjets/" + "latino_RunB_4404pbinv_LooseLoose.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/wjets/" + "latino_RunC_7032pbinv_LooseLoose.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/wjets/" + "latino_RunD_7274pbinv_LooseLoose.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/wjets/" + "latino_082_WGstarToElNuMad.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/wjets/" + "latino_083_WGstarToMuNuMad.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/wjets/" + "latino_084_WGstarToTauNuMad.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/wjets/" + "latino_085_WgammaToLNuG.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/wjets/" + "latino_086_ZgammaToLLuG.root"); } else if (theSample == "ggWWto2L") { tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_001_GluGluToWWTo4L.root"); } else if (theSample == "WWTo2L2Nu") { tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_000_WWJets2LMad.root"); } else if (theSample == "WWTo2L2Nu_pow") { tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_006_WWJets2LPowheg.root"); } else if (theSample == "WWTo2L2Nu_nonSkim_pow") { tree->Add("/gpfs/csic_projects/tier3data/LatinosSkims/ReducedTrees/DiferentialXSection/NoSkim_puW_effW_triggW/latino006.root"); } else if (theSample == "WWTo2L2Nu_mcnlo") { tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_002_WWto2L2NuMCatNLO.root"); } else if (theSample == "WWTo2L2Nu_mcnlo_nnll") { tree->Add("/gpfs/csic_projects/cms/calderon/WWGEN/nnllResummation/latino002_nll_ewk.root"); } else if (theSample == "WWTo2L2Nu_pow_nnll") { tree->Add("/gpfs/csic_projects/cms/calderon/WWGEN/nnllResummation/latino006_nll_ewk.root"); } else if (theSample == "WWTo2L2Nu_mad_nnll") { tree->Add("/gpfs/csic_projects/cms/calderon/WWGEN/nnllResummation/latino000_nll_ewk.root"); } else if (theSample == "WZ") { tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_074_WZJetsMad.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_078_WZTo2L2QMad.root"); } else if (theSample == "ZZ") { tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_075_ZZJetsMad.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_079_ZZTo2L2QMad.root"); } else if (theSample == "TTbar") { tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_019_TTTo2L2Nu2B.root"); } else if (theSample == "TW") { tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_011_TtWFullDR.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_012_TbartWFullDR.root"); } else if (theSample == "Top") { tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_019run_TTTo2L2Nu2B.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_011_TtWFullDR.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_012_TbartWFullDR.root"); } else if (theSample == "DY") { tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_036_DY10toLLMad.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_037_DY50toLLMad.root"); } else if (theSample == "DYtautau") { // Only for OF channels!!! tree->Add(filesPath + "/templates/" + "latino_DYtt_19.5fb.root"); // CHECK PATH } else if (theSample == "Zgamma") { tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_086_ZgammaToLLuG.root"); } else if (theSample == "WgammaNoStar") { tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_085_WgammaToLNuG.root"); } else if (theSample == "WgammaStar") { tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_082_WGstarToElNuMad.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_083_WGstarToMuNuMad.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_084_WGstarToTauNuMad.root"); } else if (theSample == "HWW125") { tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_1125_ggToH125toWWTo2LAndTau2Nu.root"); } else if (theSample =="GamGamWW"){ tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_008_GamGamWW.root"); } else if (theSample == "WJets") { tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_080_WJetsToLNuMad.root"); //CHECK PATH: tree->Add("/gpfs/csic_projects/tier3data/LatinosSkims/ReducedTrees/R53X_S1_V08_S2_V09_S3_V13/MC_LooseLoose/4L/latino_080_WJetsToLNuMad.root"); } else if (theSample == "VVV") { tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_088_WWGJets.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_089_WZZJets.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_090_ZZZJets.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_091_WWZJets.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_092_WWWJets.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_093_TTWJets.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_094_TTZJets.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_095_TTWWJets.root"); tree->Add(filesPath + "/" + systematic + "/" + "latino_096_TTGJets.root"); } else { return; } // Declaration of leaf types //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Float_t baseW; tree->SetBranchAddress("baseW" , &baseW); Float_t channel; tree->SetBranchAddress("channel" , &channel); Float_t chmet; tree->SetBranchAddress("chmet" , &chmet); Float_t dataset; tree->SetBranchAddress("dataset" , &dataset); Float_t dphill; tree->SetBranchAddress("dphill" , &dphill); Float_t dphilljet; tree->SetBranchAddress("dphilljet" , &dphilljet); Float_t dphilljetjet; tree->SetBranchAddress("dphilljetjet", &dphilljetjet); Float_t drll; tree->SetBranchAddress("drll" , &drll); Float_t effW; tree->SetBranchAddress("effW" , &effW); Float_t jeteta1; tree->SetBranchAddress("jeteta1" , &jeteta1); Float_t jeteta2; tree->SetBranchAddress("jeteta2" , &jeteta2); Float_t jeteta3; tree->SetBranchAddress("jeteta3" , &jeteta3); Float_t jetpt1; tree->SetBranchAddress("jetpt1" , &jetpt1); Float_t jetpt2; tree->SetBranchAddress("jetpt2" , &jetpt2); Float_t jetpt3; tree->SetBranchAddress("jetpt3" , &jetpt3); Float_t jettche1; tree->SetBranchAddress("jettche1" , &jettche1); Float_t jettche2; tree->SetBranchAddress("jettche2" , &jettche2); Float_t mctruth; tree->SetBranchAddress("mctruth" , &mctruth); Float_t mll; tree->SetBranchAddress("mll" , &mll); Float_t mpmet; tree->SetBranchAddress("mpmet" , &mpmet); Float_t mth; tree->SetBranchAddress("mth" , &mth); Float_t nbjet; tree->SetBranchAddress("nbjet" , &nbjet); Float_t nbjettche; tree->SetBranchAddress("nbjettche" , &nbjettche); Float_t nextra; tree->SetBranchAddress("nextra" , &nextra); Float_t njet; tree->SetBranchAddress("njet" , &njet); Float_t nvtx; tree->SetBranchAddress("nvtx" , &nvtx); Float_t pchmet; tree->SetBranchAddress("pchmet" , &pchmet); Float_t pfmet; tree->SetBranchAddress("pfmet" , &pfmet); Float_t ppfmet; tree->SetBranchAddress("ppfmet" , &ppfmet); Float_t pt1; tree->SetBranchAddress("pt1" , &pt1); Float_t pt2; tree->SetBranchAddress("pt2" , &pt2); Float_t eta1; tree->SetBranchAddress("eta1" , &eta1); Float_t eta2; tree->SetBranchAddress("eta2" , &eta2); Float_t ch1; tree->SetBranchAddress("ch1" , &ch1); Float_t ch2; tree->SetBranchAddress("ch2" , &ch2); Float_t ptll; tree->SetBranchAddress("ptll" , &ptll); Float_t softtche; tree->SetBranchAddress("softtche" , &softtche); Float_t trigger; tree->SetBranchAddress("trigger" , &trigger); Float_t triggW; tree->SetBranchAddress("triggW" , &triggW); Int_t bveto; tree->SetBranchAddress("bveto" , &bveto); Int_t bveto_ip; tree->SetBranchAddress("bveto_ip" , &bveto_ip); Int_t bveto_mu; tree->SetBranchAddress("bveto_mu" , &bveto_mu); Int_t bveto_nj30; tree->SetBranchAddress("bveto_nj30" , &bveto_nj30); Int_t dphiveto; tree->SetBranchAddress("dphiveto" , &dphiveto); Int_t sameflav; tree->SetBranchAddress("sameflav" , &sameflav); Int_t zveto; tree->SetBranchAddress("zveto" , &zveto); UInt_t event; tree->SetBranchAddress("event" , &event); UInt_t lumi; tree->SetBranchAddress("lumi" , &lumi); UInt_t run; tree->SetBranchAddress("run" , &run); Int_t pass2012ICHEP1; tree->SetBranchAddress("pass2012ICHEP1", &pass2012ICHEP1); Int_t pass2012ICHEP2; tree->SetBranchAddress("pass2012ICHEP2", &pass2012ICHEP2); Float_t dymva1; tree->SetBranchAddress("dymva1" , &dymva1); Float_t nllW = 1; if ( theSample.Contains("_nnll") && jetChannel == 0) tree->SetBranchAddress("nllW", &nllW); Float_t fakeW; if (theSample.Contains("WJetsFakes")) tree->SetBranchAddress("fakeW", &fakeW); Float_t puW; if (!theSample.Contains("WJetsFakes") && !theSample.Contains("Data")) tree->SetBranchAddress("puW", &puW); // Set the channel //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Float_t SelectedChannel = -999; if (flavorChannel == "MuMu") SelectedChannel = 0; else if (flavorChannel == "EE" ) SelectedChannel = 1; else if (flavorChannel == "EMu" ) SelectedChannel = 2; else if (flavorChannel == "MuE" ) SelectedChannel = 3; else if (flavorChannel == "OF" ) SelectedChannel = 4; else if (flavorChannel == "SF" ) SelectedChannel = 5; // else if (flavorChannel == "All" ) SelectedChannel = -1; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Loop //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- for (int ievent=0; ievent<tree->GetEntries(); ievent++) { tree->GetEntry(ievent); Double_t efficiencyW = effW * triggW; Double_t totalW = -999; Double_t mybaseW = 5984.0/999864; //5812.3/539594; // mcnlo //5812.3/1933235; // madgraph (1933232) // 5812.3/999864; // powheg (999860) if (theSample.Contains("Data")) totalW = 1.0; else if (theSample.Contains("WJetsFakes")) { totalW = fakeW; if ( dataset >= 82 && dataset <= 85 ) totalW = fakeW * (1 + 0.5 * (dataset >= 82 && dataset <= 84)) * baseW * puW * effW * triggW * luminosity; } else if (theSample.Contains("_nnll") ) { efficiencyW = puW * effW * triggW *nllW; totalW = (1 + 0.5 * (dataset >= 82 && dataset <= 84)) * mybaseW * efficiencyW * luminosity; } else { efficiencyW = puW * effW * triggW ; totalW = (1 + 0.5 * (dataset >= 82 && dataset <= 84)) * baseW * efficiencyW * luminosity; } //cout <<mybaseW << endl; //if (theSample.Contains("DYtautau") && dataset != 86) totalW *= (19.4/12.1); // Help variables //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Int_t dphiv = ((njet <= 1 && dphiveto) || (njet > 1 && dphilljetjet < 165.*TMath::DegToRad())); Int_t dphiv = (njet <= 1 || (njet > 1 && dphilljetjet < 165.*TMath::DegToRad())); Float_t metvar = (njet <= 1) ? mpmet : pfmet; Float_t jetbin = njet; Float_t dyMVA = ( !sameflav || ( (njet!=0 || dymva1>0.88) && (njet!=1 || dymva1>0.84) && ( njet==0 || njet==1 || (pfmet > 45.0)) ) ); if (njet == 3) jetbin = 2; Int_t vbfsel = ((jetpt3 <= 30 || !(jetpt3 > 30 && ((jeteta1-jeteta3 > 0 && jeteta2-jeteta3 < 0) || (jeteta2-jeteta3 > 0 && jeteta1-jeteta3 < 0))))); // The selection begins here //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (theSample == "DY" && mctruth == 2 && (flavorChannel == "EMu" || flavorChannel == "MuE")) continue; if (run == 201191) continue; if (trigger != 1) continue; if (pt2 <= 20) continue; // increase the pt of the leptons to further reduce Wjets if (pt1 <= 20) continue; // increase the pt of the leptons to further reduce Wjets if (ch1*ch2 > 0) continue; if (dataset == 86 && (flavorChannel == "MuMu" || flavorChannel == "EE")) continue; if ((SelectedChannel == -1) || (channel == SelectedChannel) || (SelectedChannel == 4 && (channel == 2 || channel == 3) ) || (SelectedChannel == 5 && (channel == 0 || channel == 1) ) ) { //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // // Data-driven methods // //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // if (pfmet > 20 && mpmet > 20 && mll > 12 && ptll > 45 && nextra == 0 && (dphiv || !sameflav)) { OLD CUTS // if( pfmet > 20 && mpmet > 20 && mll > 12&& nextra == 0 && (dphiv || !sameflav) && dyMVA && ptll>30 && (!sameflav || ptll>45) ) { if( pfmet > 20 && mpmet > 20 && mll > 12&& nextra == 0 && (dphiv || !sameflav) && ptll>30 && (!sameflav || ptll>45) ) { //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // // Z+jets // //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //if (dphiv && jetbin == jetChannel && bveto_mu && (bveto_ip && (nbjettche == 0 || njet > 3))) { OLD CUTS if( jetbin == jetChannel && bveto_mu && bveto_ip==1 && nbjettche==0 && ptll > 45) { // Loop over the metvar bins //-------------------------------------------------------------------- for (size_t mc=0; mc<numberDYMVACuts; mc ++) { if ( jetbin == 0 ) { if ( dymva1 > DYMVACut_0j[mc] && fabs(mll - ZMASS) < 7.5) { hNinLooseZevents[mc]->Fill(1,totalW); } if (dymva1 > DYMVACut_0j[mc] && dymva1 < DYMVACut_0j[mc+1]) { if (fabs(mll - ZMASS) < 7.5) { hNinZevents[mc] ->Fill( 1, totalW); hMassInZevents[mc]->Fill(mll, totalW); } else if (fabs(mll - ZMASS) > 15) { hNoutZevents[mc] ->Fill( 1, totalW); hMassOutZevents[mc]->Fill(mll, totalW); } } } if ( jetbin == 1 ) { if ( dymva1 > DYMVACut_1j[mc] && fabs(mll - ZMASS) < 7.5) { hNinLooseZevents[mc]->Fill(1,totalW); } if (dymva1 > DYMVACut_1j[mc] && dymva1 < DYMVACut_1j[mc+1]) { if (fabs(mll - ZMASS) < 7.5) { hNinZevents[mc] ->Fill( 1, totalW); hMassInZevents[mc]->Fill(mll, totalW); } else if (fabs(mll - ZMASS) > 15) { hNoutZevents[mc] ->Fill( 1, totalW); hMassOutZevents[mc]->Fill(mll, totalW); } } } } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // // Top // //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // if (zveto && metvar > (20 + 25*sameflav)) { OLD CUTS if ( zveto && dyMVA ) { // btag_eff denominator if ((jetChannel == 0 && njet == 1 && nbjet == 1) || // jetBProbabilityBJetTags discriminator (jetChannel == 1 && njet == 2 && jettche2 > 2.1) || (jetChannel == 2)) { hNTopControlRegion->Fill(1, totalW); hbTagDisNTopControlRegion->Fill(jettche2, totalW); // btag_eff numerator if ((jetChannel == 0 && !bveto_nj30) || // bveto_nj30 == tche>2.1 && jetPt[10,30] && softMuonVeto for jetPt<30 (jetChannel == 1 && jettche1 > 2.1) || (jetChannel == 2)) { hNTopTaggedTopControlRegion->Fill(1, totalW); hbTagDisNTopTaggedTopControlRegion->Fill(jettche2, totalW); } } } // Top-tagged events for ttbar estimation //---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (zveto && dyMVA) { if ((jetChannel == 0 && njet == 0 && !bveto) || (jetChannel == 1 && njet == 1 && bveto && jettche1 > 2.1) || // bveto == bveto_nj30 == tche>2.1 && jetPt[10,30] && softMuonVeto (no pt requirement) (jetChannel == 2)) { hTopTaggedEvents->Fill(1, totalW); hbTagDisTopTaggedEvents->Fill(jettche2, totalW); } } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // // Main analisis // //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hWTrigger ->Fill(1, totalW); hWeffTrigger->Fill(1, efficiencyW); hPtLepton1TwoLeptonsLevel ->Fill(pt1, totalW); hPtLepton2TwoLeptonsLevel ->Fill(pt2, totalW); hPtDiLeptonTwoLeptonsLevel ->Fill(ptll, totalW); hMinvTwoLeptonsLevel ->Fill(mll, totalW); hMtTwoLeptonsLevel ->Fill(mth, totalW); hNJets30TwoLeptonsLevel ->Fill(njet, totalW); hpfMetTwoLeptonsLevel ->Fill(pfmet, totalW); hppfMetTwoLeptonsLevel ->Fill(ppfmet, totalW); hchMetTwoLeptonsLevel ->Fill(chmet, totalW); hpchMetTwoLeptonsLevel ->Fill(pchmet, totalW); hpminMetTwoLeptonsLevel ->Fill(mpmet, totalW); hDeltaRLeptonsTwoLeptonsLevel ->Fill(drll, totalW); hDeltaPhiLeptonsTwoLeptonsLevel->Fill(dphill, totalW); hDPhiPtllJetTwoLeptonsLevel ->Fill(dphilljet, totalW); //if ( (pass2012ICHEP1 && !pass2012ICHEP2) || (!pass2012ICHEP1 && pass2012ICHEP2)) h_TwoLeptons_TightFailEvents ->Fill(1, totalW); if ( pass2012ICHEP1 && pass2012ICHEP2) h_TwoLeptons_TightTightEvents ->Fill(1, totalW); if ( pass2012ICHEP1 || pass2012ICHEP2) h_TwoLeptons_TightLooseEvents ->Fill(1, totalW); if (nextra == 0) { hWExtraLepton->Fill(1, totalW); hWeffExtraLepton->Fill(1, efficiencyW); if (pfmet > 20 ) { // removed for differential xsec hWMetCut->Fill(1, totalW); hWeffMetCut->Fill(1, efficiencyW); if (mll > 12) { hWLowMinv->Fill(1, totalW); hWeffLowMinv->Fill(1, efficiencyW); if (zveto==1 || !sameflav) { hWZVeto->Fill(1, totalW); hWeffZVeto->Fill(1, efficiencyW); if (mpmet > 20 && dyMVA ) { hWpMetCut->Fill(1, totalW); hWeffpMetCut->Fill(1, efficiencyW); if (dphiv || !sameflav) { hWDeltaPhiJet->Fill(1, totalW); hWeffDeltaPhiJet->Fill(1, efficiencyW); if (bveto_mu) { //--> third soft lepton with pt> 3GeV hWSoftMuVeto->Fill(1, totalW); hWeffSoftMuVeto->Fill(1, efficiencyW); if ( ptll>30 && (!sameflav || ptll>45) ) { hWPtll->Fill(1, totalW); hWeffPtll->Fill(1, efficiencyW); if (jetbin == jetChannel) { hWJetVeto->Fill(1, totalW); hWeffJetVeto->Fill(1, efficiencyW); if (bveto_ip==1 && nbjettche==0) { hWTopTagging->Fill(1, totalW); hWeffTopTagging->Fill(1, efficiencyW); hPtLepton1WWLevel ->Fill(pt1, totalW); hPtLepton2WWLevel ->Fill(pt2, totalW); hPtDiLeptonWWLevel ->Fill(ptll, totalW); hMinvWWLevel ->Fill(mll, totalW); hMtWWLevel ->Fill(mth, totalW); hNJets30WWLevel ->Fill(njet, totalW); hpfMetWWLevel ->Fill(pfmet, totalW); hppfMetWWLevel ->Fill(ppfmet, totalW); hchMetWWLevel ->Fill(chmet, totalW); hpchMetWWLevel ->Fill(pchmet, totalW); hpminMetWWLevel ->Fill(mpmet, totalW); hDeltaRLeptonsWWLevel ->Fill(drll, totalW); hDeltaPhiLeptonsWWLevel->Fill(dphill, totalW); hDPhiPtllJetWWLevel ->Fill(dphilljet, totalW); hPtLepton1WWLevel_Diff ->Fill(pt1, totalW); hEtaLepton1WWLevel_Diff ->Fill(eta1, totalW); hDileptonWWLevel_Diff ->Fill(ptll, totalW); hMinvWWLevel_Diff ->Fill(mll, totalW); hDeltaPhiWWLevel_Diff ->Fill(dphill, totalW); //if ( (pass2012ICHEP1 && !pass2012ICHEP2) || (!pass2012ICHEP1 && pass2012ICHEP2)) h_WWLevel_TightFailEvents ->Fill(1, totalW); if ( (pass2012ICHEP1 && pass2012ICHEP2)) h_WWLevel_TightTightEvents ->Fill(1, totalW); if ( pass2012ICHEP1 || pass2012ICHEP2) h_WWLevel_TightLooseEvents ->Fill(1, totalW); } } } } } } } } } } } } verbose = true; // Print //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (verbose) { float norm = 1933235; /* cout << "Dilepton Level TF " << h_TwoLeptons_TightFailEvents ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << "Dilepton Level TT " << h_TwoLeptons_TightTightEvents ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << "Dilepton Level TL " << h_TwoLeptons_TightLooseEvents ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << "Dilepton Level TF " << h_TwoLeptons_TightFailEvents ->GetSumOfWeights() << endl; cout << "Dilepton Level TT " << h_TwoLeptons_TightTightEvents ->GetSumOfWeights() << endl; cout << "Dilepton Level TL " << h_TwoLeptons_TightLooseEvents ->GetSumOfWeights() << endl; cout << "WW Level TF " << h_WWLevel_TightFailEvents ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << "WW Level TT " << h_WWLevel_TightTightEvents ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << "WW Level TL " << h_WWLevel_TightLooseEvents ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << "WW Level TF " << h_WWLevel_TightFailEvents ->GetSumOfWeights() << endl; cout << "WW Level TT " << h_WWLevel_TightTightEvents ->GetSumOfWeights() << endl; cout << "WW Level TL " << h_WWLevel_TightLooseEvents ->GetSumOfWeights() << endl; */ cout << endl; cout << " Expected number of RAW events for " << theSample.Data() << endl; cout << " ------------------+-----------" << endl; cout << " trigger | " << hWTrigger ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << " extra lepton veto | " << hWExtraLepton->GetEntries() << endl; cout << " MET cut | " << hWMetCut ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << " low minv cut | " << hWLowMinv ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << " Z veto | " << hWZVeto ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << " projected MET cut | " << hWpMetCut ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << " DeltaPhiJet veto | " << hWDeltaPhiJet->GetEntries() << endl; cout << " soft muon veto | " << hWSoftMuVeto ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << " ptll cut | " << hWPtll ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << " jet veto | " << hWJetVeto ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << " top tagging | " << hWTopTagging ->GetEntries() << endl; /* cout << hWTrigger ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << hWExtraLepton->GetEntries() << endl; cout << hWMetCut ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << hWLowMinv ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << hWZVeto ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << hWpMetCut ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << hWDeltaPhiJet->GetEntries() << endl; cout << hWSoftMuVeto ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << hWTopTagging ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << hWPtll ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << hWJetVeto ->GetEntries() << endl; cout << endl; */ /* if (!theSample.Contains("Data")) { cout << endl; cout << " Normalized to " << luminosity << " 1/fb" << endl; cout << " ------------------+-----------" << endl; cout << " trigger | " << hWTrigger ->GetSumOfWeights() << endl; cout << " extra lepton veto | " << hWExtraLepton->GetSumOfWeights() << endl; cout << " MET cut | " << hWMetCut ->GetSumOfWeights() << endl; cout << " low minv cut | " << hWLowMinv ->GetSumOfWeights() << endl; cout << " Z veto | " << hWZVeto ->GetSumOfWeights() << endl; cout << " projected MET cut | " << hWpMetCut ->GetSumOfWeights() << endl; cout << " DeltaPhiJet veto | " << hWDeltaPhiJet->GetSumOfWeights() << endl; cout << " soft muon veto | " << hWSoftMuVeto ->GetSumOfWeights() << endl; cout << " jet veto | " << hWJetVeto ->GetSumOfWeights() << endl; cout << " top tagging | " << hWTopTagging ->GetSumOfWeights() << endl; cout << endl; } */ //cout << hWTopTagging->GetBinContent(2) << " +- " << hWTopTagging->GetBinError(2) << endl; } // Save the histograms //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- output->cd(); output->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite); output->Close(); }
void draw() { TChain *chain = new TChain("Events"); chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_1.root"); chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_10.root"); chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_100.root"); chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_101.root"); chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_102.root"); chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_103.root"); chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_104.root"); chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_105.root"); chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_106.root"); chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_107.root"); chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_108.root"); chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_109.root"); chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_11.root"); chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_110.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_111.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_112.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_113.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_114.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_115.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_116.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_117.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_118.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_119.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_12.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_120.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_121.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_122.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_123.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_124.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_125.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_126.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_127.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_128.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_129.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_13.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_130.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_131.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_132.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_133.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_134.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_135.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_136.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_137.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_138.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_139.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_14.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_140.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_141.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_142.root"); //chain->AddFile("/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jlawhorn/HighPtJet80/HCALTree_143.root"); cout << chain->GetEntries() << endl; Double_t pulse[10], ped[10]; chain->SetBranchAddress("pulse", &pulse); chain->SetBranchAddress("ped", &ped); vector<Double_t> ucut; vector<Double_t> lcut; const int nbin=11; for (int i=0; i<nbin; i++) { lcut.push_back(25+i*25); ucut.push_back(50+i*25); } Double_t avgPulse[nbin][10], avgPulse2[nbin][10], adcUnc[nbin][10], totUnc[nbin][10]; for (UInt_t i=0; i<nbin; i++) { for (UInt_t j=0; j<10; j++) {avgPulse[i][j]=0; avgPulse2[i][j]=0; adcUnc[i][j]=0; totUnc[i][j]=0;} } Int_t nPulses[nbin]={0}; TFile *outf = new TFile("test_hist.root", "recreate"); TH1D *hQ = new TH1D("hq", "hq",50, 0, 400); for (UInt_t i=0; i<chain->GetEntries(); i++) { //for (UInt_t i=0; i<1000; i++) { chain->GetEntry(i); Double_t sumQ=0; for (UInt_t j=0; j<10; j++) { sumQ+=pulse[j];} hQ->Fill(sumQ); if (sumQ<25 || sumQ>300) continue; Int_t ibin= floor( sumQ/25-1 ); //cout << sumQ << ", " << ibin << endl; nPulses[ibin]++; for (UInt_t j=0; j<10; j++) { avgPulse[ibin][j]+=pulse[j]/sumQ; avgPulse2[ibin][j]+=pulse[j]*pulse[j]/sumQ; adcUnc[ibin][j]+=(sigma(pulse[j])*sigma(pulse[j])+1)/(pulse[j]*pulse[j]); } } //hQ->Draw("hist"); //TH1D *h = new TH1D("h1", "h1", 10, -0.5, 9.5); vector<TGraphErrors*> grs; for (UInt_t i=0; i<nbin; i++) { char gname[50]; sprintf(gname,"graph_%i",i); grs.push_back(new TGraphErrors(0)); grs[i]->SetName(gname); cout << lcut[i] << " < Q_10 < " << ucut[i] << ": " << nPulses[i] << endl; for (UInt_t j=0; j<10; j++) { avgPulse[i][j]/=nPulses[i]; avgPulse2[i][j]/=nPulses[i]; adcUnc[i][j]=sqrt(adcUnc[i][j])/nPulses[i]; totUnc[i][j]=sqrt(adcUnc[i][j] + avgPulse2[i][j] - avgPulse[i][j]*avgPulse[i][j])/sqrt(nPulses[i]); //cout << "avgPulse[" << j << "] = " << avgPulse[j] << " +/- " << totUnc[j] << endl; grs[i]->SetPoint(j, j, avgPulse[i][j]); grs[i]->SetPointError(j, 0, totUnc[i][j]); } grs[i]->Write(); } outf->Write(); outf->Close(); }
void createPlot(std::vector<TString> samples, std::vector<TString> files, std::vector<TString> legend) { TString y_title = "Number of Entries"; const int nHist = files.size(); // number of files // Declare the histograms to be saved TH1F *h_mll[nHist]; TH1F *h_dilpt[nHist]; TH1F *h_dphill[nHist]; TH1F *h_leadleppt[nHist]; TH1F *h_trailleppt[nHist]; TH1F *h_met[nHist]; TH1F *h_mt[nHist]; // Get the histograms from the ntuples for (int i=0;i<nHist;i++) { TString treeName = "angles"; TChain *chain = new TChain(treeName); chain->Add(files[i]); assert(chain); // declare histograms to fill Color_t color = kBlack; TString sampleName = samples[i]; if ( sampleName.Contains("SMHiggs",TString::kExact )) color = kBlue; if ( sampleName.Contains("PSHiggs", TString::kExact)) color = kMagenta; if ( sampleName.Contains("T", TString::kExact)) color = kRed; if ( sampleName.Contains("THiggs", TString::kExact)) color = kRed; // define the histograms to plot // dilmass h_mll[i] = new TH1F(TString("HWW_"+sampleName+"_hdilmass"), TString("HWW_"+sampleName+"_hdilmass"), 20, 0, 200); h_mll[i]->SetLineColor(color); h_mll[i]->SetMarkerColor(color); // leading lepton pT h_leadleppt[i] = new TH1F(TString("HWW_"+sampleName+"_hleadleppt"), TString("HWW_"+sampleName+"_hleadleppt"), 20, 0, 100); h_leadleppt[i]->SetLineColor(color); h_leadleppt[i]->SetMarkerColor(color); // trailing lepton pT h_trailleppt[i] = new TH1F(TString("HWW_"+sampleName+"_htrailleppt"), TString("HWW_"+sampleName+"_htrailleppt"), 20, 0, 100); h_trailleppt[i]->SetLineColor(color); h_trailleppt[i]->SetMarkerColor(color); // MET h_met[i] = new TH1F(TString("HWW_"+sampleName+"_hmet"), TString("HWW_"+sampleName+"_hmet"), 20, 0, 100); h_met[i]->SetLineColor(color); h_met[i]->SetMarkerColor(color); // dilepton pT h_dilpt[i] = new TH1F(TString("HWW_"+sampleName+"_hdilpt"), TString("HWW_"+sampleName+"_hdilpt"), 30, 20, 100); h_dilpt[i]->SetLineColor(color); h_dilpt[i]->SetMarkerColor(color); // deltaphi (ll) h_dphill[i] = new TH1F(TString("HWW_"+sampleName+"_hdphi"), TString("HWW_"+sampleName+"_hdphi"), 18, 0, 180.0); h_dphill[i]->SetLineColor(color); h_dphill[i]->SetMarkerColor(color); // transverse mass h_mt[i] = new TH1F(TString("HWW_"+sampleName+"_hmt"), TString("HWW_"+sampleName+"_hmt"), 20, 0, 200); h_mt[i]->SetLineColor(color); h_mt[i]->SetMarkerColor(color); std::cout << "Processing " << chain->GetEntries() << " entries. \n"; int nEntries = chain->GetEntries() ; int nSelected = 0; // mcfm variables to be used double mll_ = 0.0; double leadleppt_ = 0.0; double trailleppt_ = 0.0; double leadlepeta_ = 0.0; double traillepeta_ = 0.0; double dphill_ = 0.0; double met_ = 0.0; double mt_ = 0.0; double dilpt_ = 0.0; double wt_ = 1.0; if (chain->GetBranchStatus("mll")) chain->SetBranchAddress("mll", &mll_); if (chain->GetBranchStatus("leadleppt")) chain->SetBranchAddress("leadleppt", &leadleppt_); if (chain->GetBranchStatus("trailleppt")) chain->SetBranchAddress("trailleppt", &trailleppt_); if (chain->GetBranchStatus("dphill")) chain->SetBranchAddress("dphill", &dphill_); if (chain->GetBranchStatus("met")) chain->SetBranchAddress("met", &met_); if (chain->GetBranchStatus("mt")) chain->SetBranchAddress("mt", &mt_); if (chain->GetBranchStatus("dilpt")) chain->SetBranchAddress("dilpt", &dilpt_); if (chain->GetBranchStatus("leadlepeta")) chain->SetBranchAddress("leadlepeta", &leadlepeta_); if (chain->GetBranchStatus("traillepeta")) chain->SetBranchAddress("traillepeta", &traillepeta_); if (chain->GetBranchStatus("wt")) chain->SetBranchAddress("wt", &wt_); for ( int ievt = 0; ievt < chain->GetEntries(); ievt++) { chain->GetEntry(ievt); // // apply WW selections // if ( ievt == 0 ) std::cout << leadleppt_ << "\t" << trailleppt_ << "\t" << dilpt_ << "\t" << met_ << "\t" << mll_ << "\n"; float weight = wt_; if ( leadleppt_ < 20. ) continue; if ( trailleppt_ < 10. ) continue; if ( TMath::Abs(leadlepeta_) > 2.5) continue; if ( TMath::Abs(traillepeta_) > 2.5) continue; /* if ( dilpt_ < 45.) continue; if ( mll_ < 12.) continue; if ( met_ < 20.) continue; */ h_mll[i]->Fill(mll_, weight); h_dilpt[i]->Fill(dilpt_, weight); h_dphill[i]->Fill(dphill_ * 180. / TMath::Pi(), weight); h_leadleppt[i]->Fill(leadleppt_, weight); h_trailleppt[i]->Fill(trailleppt_, weight); h_mt[i]->Fill(mt_, weight); h_met[i]->Fill(met_, weight); // // apply HWW selections for 125 // if ( higgselection(mH, mt_, mll_, dphill_, leadleppt_, trailleppt_) ) nSelected++; } // end of event loop in each sample std::cout << Form("sample %s: selection effiency is %i / %i = %.2f\n", samples[i].Data(), nSelected, nEntries, float(nSelected)/float(nEntries)); } drawsingle("mll", nHist, h_mll, samples, legend, "Dilepton Invariant Mass [GeV]"); drawsingle("dphill", nHist, h_dphill, samples, legend, "#Delta#phi(leptons) [degrees]"); drawsingle("mt", nHist, h_mt, samples, legend, "Transverse Higgs Mass [GeV]"); drawsingle("met", nHist, h_met, samples, legend, "Transverse Missing Energy [GeV]"); drawsingle("dilpt", nHist, h_dilpt, samples, legend, "Dilepton pT [GeV]"); output_file->cd(); for(int i=0;i<nHist;i++) { h_mll[i]->Write(); h_dphill[i]->Write(); h_leadleppt[i]->Write(); h_trailleppt[i]->Write(); h_met[i]->Write(); h_mt[i]->Write(); h_dilpt[i]->Write(); } // tidy up for ( int i = 0; i<nHist;i++) { delete h_mll[i]; delete h_dphill[i]; delete h_leadleppt[i]; delete h_trailleppt[i]; delete h_met[i]; delete h_mt[i]; delete h_dilpt[i]; } }
void _tag() { TCanvas * c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "The 3d view",0,0,1000,500); c1->Divide(2,1); TChain* T2 = new TChain("Stats"); T2->Add("TrashMCTest.root"); TChain* T = new TChain("Primaries"); T->Add("VertexRestorer.root"); float _primeCostheta[MAXN]; int _tag = 0; int _primariesTotal = 0; T2->SetBranchAddress("tag", &_tag); T->SetBranchAddress("primariesTotal", &_primariesTotal); T->SetBranchAddress("primeCostheta", &_primeCostheta); int mTotalNumberOfEvents = T2->GetEntries(); int nbins = 30; int maxd = 1; TH1F * probhist = new TH1F("Pw","# of tracks comparison",nbins,-1,maxd); TH1F * taghist = new TH1F("Pw","# of tracks comparison",nbins,-1,maxd); for (int i = 0; i < mTotalNumberOfEvents; i++) { T2->GetEntry(i); T->GetEntry(i); if (_tag == 0) { for (int j = 0; j < _primariesTotal; j++) { probhist->Fill(_primeCostheta[j]); } } else { for (int j = 0; j < _primariesTotal; j++) { taghist->Fill(_primeCostheta[j]); } } } c1->cd(1); THStack * stack = new THStack("d",";cos"); stack->Add(probhist); stack->Add(taghist); probhist->SetLineWidth(3); //probhist->SetFillColor(kBlue); taghist->SetLineWidth(3); taghist->SetLineColor(kYellow+1); //taghist->SetFillColor(kYellow); probhist->Draw(); taghist->Draw("same"); stack->Draw(); c1->cd(2); TFile * file = TFile::Open("TrashRecoTest.root"); file->cd(); TTree * tree = Jets; TH1F * bhist = new TH1F("bhist","# of tracks comparison",nbins,-1,maxd); TH1F * bbarhist = new TH1F("bbarhist","# of tracks comparison",nbins,-1,maxd); TH1F * whist = new TH1F("whist",";cos#theta",nbins,-1,maxd); tree->Project("bhist", "costhetaJetParticles", "costhetaJetParticles > -1 && mcpdg < 0"); tree->Project("bbarhist", "costhetaJetParticles", "costhetaJetParticles > -1 && mcpdg > 0"); tree->Project("whist", "costhetaJetParticles", "costhetaJetParticles > -1 && mcpdg == 0"); whist->SetLineWidth(3); whist->SetLineColor(kBlue); whist->SetMinimum(0); whist->Draw("same"); bhist->SetLineWidth(3); bhist->SetLineColor(kGreen); bhist->Draw("same"); bbarhist->SetLineWidth(3); bbarhist->SetLineColor(kRed); bbarhist->Draw("same"); TLegend *legendMean = new TLegend(0.17,0.7,0.5,0.92,NULL,"brNDC"); legendMean->SetFillColor(kWhite); legendMean->SetBorderSize(0); legendMean->AddEntry(bhist,"b-jet","fp"); legendMean->AddEntry(bbarhist,"#bar{b}-jet","fp"); legendMean->AddEntry(whist,"w-jets","fp"); legendMean->Draw(); gPad->Modified(); }
void fitSingleMass( const std::string& basedir, float mass, const std::string& width, TGraphErrors* gr_mean, TGraphErrors* gr_sigma, TGraphErrors* gr_width, TGraphErrors* gr_alpha1, TGraphErrors* gr_n1, TGraphErrors* gr_alpha2, TGraphErrors* gr_n2 ) { std::string outdir = "genSignalShapes"; system( Form("mkdir -p %s", outdir.c_str()) ); std::string dataset( Form( "GluGluSpin0ToZGamma_ZToLL_W_%s_M_%.0f_TuneCUEP8M1_13TeV_pythia8", width.c_str(), mass ) ); std::cout << "-> Starting: " << dataset << std::endl; system( Form("ls %s/%s/crab_%s/*/0000/genAna_1.root >> toBeAdded.txt", basedir.c_str(), dataset.c_str(), dataset.c_str() ) ); TChain* tree = new TChain("mt2"); ifstream ifs("toBeAdded.txt"); while( ifs.good() ) { std::string fileName; ifs >> fileName; TString fileName_tstr(fileName); if( !fileName_tstr.Contains("pnfs") ) continue; tree->Add(Form("$DCAP/%s/mt2", fileName.c_str()) ); } system( "rm toBeAdded.txt" ); if( tree->GetEntries()==0 ) return; int ngenPart; tree->SetBranchAddress( "ngenPart", &ngenPart ); float genPart_pt[100]; tree->SetBranchAddress( "genPart_pt", genPart_pt ); float genPart_eta[100]; tree->SetBranchAddress( "genPart_eta", genPart_eta ); float genPart_phi[100]; tree->SetBranchAddress( "genPart_phi", genPart_phi ); float genPart_mass[100]; tree->SetBranchAddress( "genPart_mass", genPart_mass ); int genPart_pdgId[100]; tree->SetBranchAddress( "genPart_pdgId", genPart_pdgId ); int genPart_motherId[100]; tree->SetBranchAddress( "genPart_motherId", genPart_motherId ); int genPart_status[100]; tree->SetBranchAddress( "genPart_status", genPart_status ); RooRealVar* x = new RooRealVar("boss_mass", "boss_mass", mass, 0.5*mass, 1.5*mass ); RooDataSet* data = new RooDataSet( "data", "data", RooArgSet(*x) ); int nentries = tree->GetEntries(); for( int iEntry = 0; iEntry<nentries; ++iEntry ) { if( iEntry % 25000 == 0 ) std::cout << " Entry: " << iEntry << " / " << nentries << std::endl; tree->GetEntry(iEntry); TLorentzVector leptPlus; TLorentzVector leptMinus; TLorentzVector photon; bool foundLeptPlus = false; bool foundLeptMinus = false; bool foundPhoton = false; bool tauEvent = false; for( int iPart=0; iPart<ngenPart; ++iPart ) { if( genPart_status[iPart]!=1 ) continue; if( abs(genPart_pdgId[iPart])==15 ) { tauEvent = true; break; } if( (genPart_pdgId[iPart]==+11 || genPart_pdgId[iPart]==+13) && genPart_motherId[iPart]==23 ) { leptMinus.SetPtEtaPhiM( genPart_pt[iPart], genPart_eta[iPart], genPart_phi[iPart], genPart_mass[iPart] ); foundLeptMinus = true; } if( (genPart_pdgId[iPart]==-11 || genPart_pdgId[iPart]==-13) && genPart_motherId[iPart]==23 ) { leptPlus.SetPtEtaPhiM( genPart_pt[iPart], genPart_eta[iPart], genPart_phi[iPart], genPart_mass[iPart] ); foundLeptPlus = true; } if( genPart_pdgId[iPart]==22 && genPart_motherId[iPart]==25 ) { photon.SetPtEtaPhiM( genPart_pt[iPart], genPart_eta[iPart], genPart_phi[iPart], genPart_mass[iPart] ); foundPhoton = true; } } // for genparts if( tauEvent ) continue; if( !foundLeptPlus || !foundLeptMinus || !foundPhoton ) continue; if( photon.Pt() < 40. ) continue; float ptMax = TMath::Max( leptPlus.Pt(), leptMinus.Pt() ); float ptMin = TMath::Min( leptPlus.Pt(), leptMinus.Pt() ); if( ptMax<25. ) continue; if( ptMin<20. ) continue; if( fabs( photon.Eta() ) > 2.5 ) continue; if( fabs( photon.Eta())>1.44 && fabs( photon.Eta())<1.57 ) continue; if( fabs( leptPlus.Eta() ) > 2.4 ) continue; if( fabs( leptMinus.Eta() ) > 2.4 ) continue; if( photon.DeltaR( leptPlus ) < 0.4 ) continue; if( photon.DeltaR( leptMinus ) < 0.4 ) continue; TLorentzVector zBoson = leptPlus + leptMinus; if( zBoson.M() < 50. ) continue; TLorentzVector boss = zBoson + photon; if( boss.M() < 200. ) continue; if( photon.Pt()/boss.M()< 40./150. ) continue; x->setVal(boss.M()); data->add(RooArgSet(*x)); } //RooRealVar* bw_mean = new RooRealVar( "bw_mean", "Breit-Wigner Mean" , mass, 0.2*mass, 1.8*mass ); //RooRealVar* bw_gamma = new RooRealVar( "bw_gamma", "Breit-Wigner Width", 0.01*mass, 0., 0.3*mass ); //RooBreitWigner* model = new RooBreitWigner( "bw", "Breit-Wigner", *x, *bw_mean, *bw_gamma); // Crystal-Ball RooRealVar mean( "mean", "mean", mass, 0.9*mass, 1.1*mass ); RooRealVar sigma( "sigma", "sigma", 0.015*mass, 0., 0.07*mass ); RooRealVar alpha1( "alpha1", "alpha1", 1.2, 0., 2.5 ); RooRealVar n1( "n1", "n1", 3., 0., 5. ); RooRealVar alpha2( "alpha2", "alpha2", 1.2, 0., 2.5 ); RooRealVar n2( "n2", "n2", 3., 0., 10. ); RooDoubleCBShape* model = new RooDoubleCBShape( "cb", "cb", *x, mean, sigma, alpha1, n1, alpha2, n2 ); model->fitTo( *data ); int npoints = gr_mean->GetN(); gr_mean ->SetPoint( npoints, mass, mean.getVal() ); gr_sigma ->SetPoint( npoints, mass, sigma.getVal() ); gr_width ->SetPoint( npoints, mass, sigma.getVal()/mean.getVal() ); gr_alpha1->SetPoint( npoints, mass, alpha1.getVal() ); gr_alpha2->SetPoint( npoints, mass, alpha2.getVal() ); gr_n1 ->SetPoint( npoints, mass, n1.getVal() ); gr_n2 ->SetPoint( npoints, mass, n2.getVal() ); gr_mean ->SetPointError( npoints, 0., mean.getError() ); gr_sigma ->SetPointError( npoints, 0., sigma.getError() ); gr_width ->SetPointError( npoints, 0., sigma.getError()/mean.getVal() ); gr_alpha1->SetPointError( npoints, 0., alpha1.getError() ); gr_alpha2->SetPointError( npoints, 0., alpha2.getError() ); gr_n1 ->SetPointError( npoints, 0., n1.getError() ); gr_n2 ->SetPointError( npoints, 0., n2.getError() ); //gr_mean ->SetPoint ( npoints, mass, bw_mean->getVal() ); //gr_gamma->SetPoint ( npoints, mass, bw_gamma->getVal() ); //gr_width->SetPoint ( npoints, mass, bw_gamma->getVal()/bw_mean->getVal() ); //gr_mean ->SetPointError( npoints, 0., bw_mean->getError() ); //gr_gamma->SetPointError( npoints, 0., bw_gamma->getError()/bw_mean->getVal() ); //gr_width->SetPointError( npoints, 0., bw_gamma->getError()/bw_mean->getVal() ); RooPlot* plot = x->frame(); data->plotOn(plot); model->plotOn(plot); TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas( "c1", "", 600, 600 ); c1->cd(); plot->Draw(); c1->SaveAs( Form("%s/fit_m%.0f_%s.eps", outdir.c_str(), mass, width.c_str()) ); c1->SaveAs( Form("%s/fit_m%.0f_%s.pdf", outdir.c_str(), mass, width.c_str()) ); c1->SetLogy(); c1->SaveAs( Form("%s/fit_m%.0f_%s_log.eps", outdir.c_str(), mass, width.c_str()) ); c1->SaveAs( Form("%s/fit_m%.0f_%s_log.pdf", outdir.c_str(), mass, width.c_str()) ); //delete bw_mean; //delete bw_gamma; delete c1; delete data; delete model; delete plot; delete x; }
void fit_JVBF(int erg_tev=8, float mSample=0){ float mPOLE=mSample; if (mPOLE<=0) mPOLE=125.6; float wPOLE=4.15e-3; char TREE_NAME[] = "TestTree"; TString cinput; if (mSample>0) cinput = Form("HZZ4lTree_jvbfMELA_H%.0f_%iTeV.root", mSample, erg_tev); else cinput = Form("HZZ4lTree_jvbfMELA_HAll_%iTeV.root", erg_tev); TFile* foutput; if (mSample>0) foutput = new TFile(Form("jvbfMELA_Fits_H%.0f_%iTeV.root", mSample, erg_tev), "recreate"); else foutput = new TFile(Form("jvbfMELA_fits_wide_%iTeV.root", erg_tev), "recreate"); TLorentzVector nullFourVector(0, 0, 0, 0); float MC_weight_noxsec; float pjvbf_VAJHU; float pjvbf_VAJHU_first; float pjvbf_VAJHU_second; float jet1Pt, jet2Pt; float jet1Eta, jet2Eta; float jet1Phi, jet2Phi; float jet1E, jet2E; float jet1Pt_Fake, jet2Pt_Fake; float jet1Eta_Fake, jet2Eta_Fake; float jet1Phi_Fake, jet2Phi_Fake; float jet1E_Fake, jet2E_Fake; float jet1px, jet1py, jet1pz; float jet2px, jet2py, jet2pz; float ZZPx, ZZPy, ZZPz, ZZE, dR; short NJets30; float ZZMass; TChain* tree = new TChain(TREE_NAME); tree->Add(cinput); tree->SetBranchAddress("MC_weight_noxsec", &MC_weight_noxsec); tree->SetBranchAddress("ZZMass", &ZZMass); tree->SetBranchAddress("pjvbf_VAJHU", &pjvbf_VAJHU); tree->SetBranchAddress("pjvbf_VAJHU_first", &pjvbf_VAJHU_first); tree->SetBranchAddress("pjvbf_VAJHU_second", &pjvbf_VAJHU_second); tree->SetBranchAddress("NJets30", &NJets30); tree->SetBranchAddress("jet1Pt", &jet1Pt); tree->SetBranchAddress("jet1Eta", &jet1Eta); tree->SetBranchAddress("jet1Phi", &jet1Phi); tree->SetBranchAddress("jet1E", &jet1E); tree->SetBranchAddress("jet2Pt", &jet2Pt); tree->SetBranchAddress("jet2Eta", &jet2Eta); tree->SetBranchAddress("jet2Phi", &jet2Phi); tree->SetBranchAddress("jet2E", &jet2E); tree->SetBranchAddress("jet1_Fake_Pt", &jet1Pt_Fake); tree->SetBranchAddress("jet1_Fake_Eta", &jet1Eta_Fake); tree->SetBranchAddress("jet1_Fake_Phi", &jet1Phi_Fake); tree->SetBranchAddress("jet1_Fake_E", &jet1E_Fake); tree->SetBranchAddress("jet2_Fake_Pt", &jet2Pt_Fake); tree->SetBranchAddress("jet2_Fake_Eta", &jet2Eta_Fake); tree->SetBranchAddress("jet2_Fake_Phi", &jet2Phi_Fake); tree->SetBranchAddress("jet2_Fake_E", &jet2E_Fake); const int nbinsx=6; double bins_mzz[nbinsx+1]={70, 140, 190, 240, 340, 520, 20000}; double sum_w[nbinsx]={ 0 }; double sum_mzz[nbinsx][2]={ { 0 } }; const int nbins_eta = 8; double bins_eta[nbins_eta+1]={ 0, 0.75, 1.5, 2.25, 3, 4, 5.5, 10.5, 12 }; TProfile* hProb[nbinsx]; TH1D* hProb_all; TProfile* hEta[nbinsx+1]; TH1D* hDist[nbinsx+1]; for (int bin=0; bin<nbinsx+1; bin++){ if (bin<nbinsx) hProb[bin] = new TProfile(Form("njets1_pjvbf_bin_%i", bin+1), Form("m_{4l}: [%.0f, %.0f] GeV", bins_mzz[bin], bins_mzz[bin+1]), nbins_eta, bins_eta); else hProb_all = new TH1D("njets1_pjvbf_all", Form("m_{4l}: [%.0f, %.0f] GeV", bins_mzz[0], bins_mzz[nbinsx]), nbins_eta, bins_eta); if (bin<nbinsx) hEta[bin] = new TProfile(Form("njets1_eta_bin_%i", bin+1), Form("m_{4l}: [%.0f, %.0f] GeV", bins_mzz[bin], bins_mzz[bin+1]), nbins_eta, bins_eta); else hEta[bin] = new TProfile("njets1_eta_all", Form("m_{4l}: [%.0f, %.0f] GeV", bins_mzz[0], bins_mzz[nbinsx]), nbins_eta, bins_eta); if (bin<nbinsx) hDist[bin] = new TH1D(Form("njets1_dist_bin_%i", bin+1), Form("m_{4l}: [%.0f, %.0f] GeV", bins_mzz[bin], bins_mzz[bin+1]), nbins_eta, bins_eta); else hDist[bin] = new TH1D("njets1_dist_all", Form("m_{4l}: [%.0f, %.0f] GeV", bins_mzz[0], bins_mzz[nbinsx]), nbins_eta, bins_eta); if (bin<nbinsx) hProb[bin]->Sumw2(); else hProb_all->Sumw2(); hEta[bin]->Sumw2(); hDist[bin]->Sumw2(); } int nEntries = tree->GetEntries(); cout << nEntries << endl; for (int ev = 0; ev < nEntries; ev++){ tree->GetEntry(ev); int massbin=-1; for (int bin=0; bin<nbinsx; bin++){ if (ZZMass>=bins_mzz[bin] && ZZMass<bins_mzz[bin+1]){ massbin=bin; } } if (NJets30==1){ hProb[massbin]->Fill(fabs(jet2Eta_Fake), pjvbf_VAJHU_second, MC_weight_noxsec); hEta[massbin]->Fill(fabs(jet2Eta_Fake), fabs(jet2Eta_Fake), MC_weight_noxsec); hDist[massbin]->Fill(fabs(jet2Eta_Fake), MC_weight_noxsec); hEta[nbinsx]->Fill(fabs(jet2Eta_Fake), fabs(jet2Eta_Fake), MC_weight_noxsec); hDist[nbinsx]->Fill(fabs(jet2Eta_Fake), MC_weight_noxsec); } } for (int bin=0; bin<nbinsx; bin++){ hProb[bin]->Scale(1./hProb[bin]->Integral("width")); } for (int bin=0; bin<nbinsx+1; bin++){ for (int bineta=1; bineta<=nbins_eta; bineta++){ double bincontent = hDist[bin]->GetBinContent(bineta); double binerror = hDist[bin]->GetBinError(bineta); double binwidth = hDist[bin]->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(bineta); bincontent /= binwidth; binerror /= binwidth; hDist[bin]->SetBinContent(bineta, bincontent); hDist[bin]->SetBinError(bineta, binerror); } hDist[bin]->Scale(1./hDist[bin]->Integral("width")); } for (int bineta=1; bineta<=nbins_eta; bineta++){ double sum_invwsq=0; double sum_prob_invwsq=0; for (int bin=0; bin<nbinsx; bin++){ double bincontent = hProb[bin]->GetBinContent(bineta); double binerror = hProb[bin]->GetBinError(bineta); double invwsq = 0, prob_invwsq = 0; if (binerror!=0){ invwsq = 1./pow(binerror, 2); prob_invwsq = bincontent*invwsq; } sum_invwsq += invwsq; sum_prob_invwsq += prob_invwsq; } if (sum_invwsq>0){ sum_prob_invwsq /= sum_invwsq; sum_invwsq = 1./sqrt(sum_invwsq); } hProb_all->SetBinContent(bineta, sum_prob_invwsq); hProb_all->SetBinError(bineta, sum_invwsq); } hProb_all->Scale(1./hProb_all->Integral("width")); double eta_center_all[nbins_eta]; double prob_center_all[nbins_eta]; double eta_center_all_err[nbins_eta]; double prob_center_all_err[nbins_eta]; int nNonEmpty_all = 0; for (int bineta=1; bineta<=nbins_eta; bineta++){ if (hProb_all->GetBinError(bineta)>0){ eta_center_all[nNonEmpty_all] = hEta[nbinsx]->GetBinContent(bineta); eta_center_all_err[nNonEmpty_all] = hEta[nbinsx]->GetBinError(bineta); prob_center_all[nNonEmpty_all] = hProb_all->GetBinContent(bineta); prob_center_all_err[nNonEmpty_all] = hProb_all->GetBinError(bineta); cout << nNonEmpty_all << '\t' << prob_center_all[nNonEmpty_all] << '\t' << prob_center_all_err[nNonEmpty_all] << endl; nNonEmpty_all++; } } TGraphErrors* tg_all = new TGraphErrors(nNonEmpty_all, eta_center_all, prob_center_all, eta_center_all_err, prob_center_all_err); tg_all->SetNameTitle("tg_njets1_pjvbf_all", Form("m_{4l}: [%.0f, %.0f] GeV", bins_mzz[0], bins_mzz[nbinsx])); tg_all->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta"); tg_all->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("<P_{VBF}>"); TF1* fit_tg_all = new TF1("fit_tg_njets1_pjvbf_all", "gaus*(1+gaus(3))", bins_eta[0], bins_eta[nbins_eta]); const int npars = 6; double mypars[npars]={ 0.155, 5.193, 1.46, 0.362, 3.524, 0.715 }; fit_tg_all->SetParameters(mypars); fit_tg_all->SetParLimits(0, 0, 1); fit_tg_all->SetParLimits(3, 0, 1); fit_tg_all->SetParLimits(1, 0, 20); fit_tg_all->SetParLimits(4, 0, 20); fit_tg_all->SetParLimits(2, 0, 20); fit_tg_all->SetParLimits(5, 0, 20); tg_all->Fit(fit_tg_all); double* par_postfit = fit_tg_all->GetParameters(); double* parerr_postfit = fit_tg_all->GetParErrors(); double parIndex[npars]; double parIndexErr[npars]={ 0 }; for (int ip=0; ip<npars; ip++) parIndex[ip] = (double)ip; double integral = 0.5*par_postfit[0]*(1.+TMath::Erf(par_postfit[1]/par_postfit[2]/TMath::Sqrt(2))); double integral2 = 1./(2.*TMath::Sqrt(2.*TMath::Pi()*(TMath::Power(par_postfit[2], 2)+TMath::Power(par_postfit[5], 2)))); integral2 *= par_postfit[0]*par_postfit[3]*TMath::Exp(-0.5*pow(par_postfit[1]-par_postfit[4], 2)/(TMath::Power(par_postfit[2], 2)+TMath::Power(par_postfit[5], 2)))* (1.+TMath::Erf((TMath::Power(par_postfit[2], 2)*par_postfit[4]+TMath::Power(par_postfit[5], 2)*par_postfit[1]) / (par_postfit[2]*par_postfit[5]*TMath::Sqrt(2.*(TMath::Power(par_postfit[2], 2)+TMath::Power(par_postfit[5], 2)))))); integral += integral2; cout << integral << endl; par_postfit[0] /= integral; parerr_postfit[0] /= integral; TGraphErrors* tg_pars = new TGraphErrors(npars, parIndex, par_postfit, parIndexErr, parerr_postfit); tg_pars->SetNameTitle("njets1_pjvbf_pars", "gaus*(1+gaus(3))"); tg_pars->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Parameter index"); tg_pars->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Parameter"); foutput->WriteTObject(tg_pars); delete tg_pars; foutput->WriteTObject(tg_all); delete tg_all; for (int bin=0; bin<nbinsx+1; bin++){ if (bin<nbinsx) foutput->WriteTObject(hProb[bin]); else foutput->WriteTObject(hProb_all); foutput->WriteTObject(hEta[bin]); foutput->WriteTObject(hDist[bin]); delete hDist[bin]; delete hEta[bin]; if (bin<nbinsx) delete hProb[bin]; else delete hProb_all; } delete tree; foutput->Close(); }
void test_JVBF(int erg_tev=8, float mSample=0, bool isggH=false){ float mPOLE=mSample; if (mPOLE<=0) mPOLE=125.6; float wPOLE=4.15e-3; char TREE_NAME[] = "SelectedTree"; // TVar::VerbosityLevel verbosity = TVar::INFO; Mela mela(erg_tev, mPOLE); TFile* foutput; if (!isggH){ if (mSample>0) foutput = new TFile(Form("HZZ4lTree_jvbfMELA_H%.0f_%iTeV.root", mSample, erg_tev), "recreate"); else foutput = new TFile(Form("HZZ4lTree_jvbfMELA_HAll_%iTeV.root", erg_tev), "recreate"); } else{ if (mSample>0) foutput = new TFile(Form("HZZ4lTree_jvbfMELA_ggH%.0f_%iTeV.root", mSample, erg_tev), "recreate"); else foutput = new TFile(Form("HZZ4lTree_jvbfMELA_ggHAll_%iTeV.root", erg_tev), "recreate"); } TLorentzVector nullFourVector(0, 0, 0, 0); float MC_weight_noxsec; float pjvbf_VAJHU; float pjvbf_VAJHU_first; float pjvbf_VAJHU_second; float phj_VAJHU_first; float phj_VAJHU_second; float pAux_vbf; float pAux_vbf_first; float pAux_vbf_second; float jet1Pt, jet2Pt; float jet1Eta, jet2Eta; float jet1Phi, jet2Phi; float jet1E, jet2E; float jet1Pt_Fake, jet2Pt_Fake; float jet1Eta_Fake, jet2Eta_Fake; float jet1Phi_Fake, jet2Phi_Fake; float jet1E_Fake, jet2E_Fake; float jet1px, jet1py, jet1pz; float jet2px, jet2py, jet2pz; float ZZPx, ZZPy, ZZPz, ZZE, dR; short NJets30; std::vector<double> * JetPt=0; std::vector<double> * JetEta=0; std::vector<double> * JetPhi=0; std::vector<double> * JetMass=0; std::vector<double> myJetPt; std::vector<double> myJetCosTheta; std::vector<double> myJetEta; std::vector<double> myJetPhi; std::vector<double> myJetMass; TBranch* bJetPt=0; TBranch* bJetEta=0; TBranch* bJetPhi=0; TBranch* bJetMass=0; float ZZMass, ZZPt, ZZPhi, ZZEta; int GenLep1Id, GenLep2Id, GenLep3Id, GenLep4Id; TChain* tree = new TChain(TREE_NAME); char* user_folder[3]={ "4mu", "4e", "2mu2e" }; TString cinput_main = "/scratch0/hep/ianderso/CJLST/140519/PRODFSR"; if (erg_tev==8) cinput_main.Append("_8TeV"); // TString cinput_main = "/afs/cern.ch/work/u/usarica/HZZ4l-125p6-FullAnalysis/LHC_"; // cinput_main.Append(Form("%iTeV", erg_tev)); for (int ff=0; ff<3; ff++){ if (!isggH){ if (mSample>0) tree->Add(Form("%s/%s/HZZ4lTree_VBFH%.0f.root", cinput_main.Data(), user_folder[ff], mSample)); else tree->Add(Form("%s/%s/HZZ4lTree_VBFH*.root", cinput_main.Data(), user_folder[ff])); } else{ if (mSample>0) tree->Add(Form("%s/%s/HZZ4lTree_minloH%.0f.root", cinput_main.Data(), user_folder[ff], mSample)); else tree->Add(Form("%s/%s/HZZ4lTree_minloH*.root", cinput_main.Data(), user_folder[ff])); } } tree->SetBranchAddress("MC_weight_noxsec", &MC_weight_noxsec); tree->SetBranchAddress("NJets30", &NJets30); tree->SetBranchAddress("JetPt", &JetPt, &bJetPt); tree->SetBranchAddress("JetEta", &JetEta, &bJetEta); tree->SetBranchAddress("JetPhi", &JetPhi, &bJetPhi); tree->SetBranchAddress("JetMass", &JetMass, &bJetMass); tree->SetBranchAddress("ZZMass", &ZZMass); tree->SetBranchAddress("ZZPt", &ZZPt); tree->SetBranchAddress("ZZEta", &ZZEta); tree->SetBranchAddress("ZZPhi", &ZZPhi); TTree* newtree = new TTree("TestTree", ""); newtree->Branch("MC_weight_noxsec", &MC_weight_noxsec); newtree->Branch("ZZMass", &ZZMass); newtree->Branch("pAux_vbf", &pAux_vbf); newtree->Branch("pAux_vbf_first", &pAux_vbf_first); newtree->Branch("pAux_vbf_second", &pAux_vbf_second); newtree->Branch("pjvbf_VAJHU", &pjvbf_VAJHU); newtree->Branch("pjvbf_VAJHU_first", &pjvbf_VAJHU_first); newtree->Branch("pjvbf_VAJHU_second", &pjvbf_VAJHU_second); newtree->Branch("phj_VAJHU_first", &phj_VAJHU_first); newtree->Branch("phj_VAJHU_second", &phj_VAJHU_second); newtree->Branch("NJets30", &NJets30); newtree->Branch("jet1Pt", &jet1Pt); newtree->Branch("jet1Eta", &jet1Eta); newtree->Branch("jet1Phi", &jet1Phi); newtree->Branch("jet1E", &jet1E); newtree->Branch("jet2Pt", &jet2Pt); newtree->Branch("jet2Eta", &jet2Eta); newtree->Branch("jet2Phi", &jet2Phi); newtree->Branch("jet2E", &jet2E); newtree->Branch("jet1_Fake_Pt", &jet1Pt_Fake); newtree->Branch("jet1_Fake_Eta", &jet1Eta_Fake); newtree->Branch("jet1_Fake_Phi", &jet1Phi_Fake); newtree->Branch("jet1_Fake_E", &jet1E_Fake); newtree->Branch("jet2_Fake_Pt", &jet2Pt_Fake); newtree->Branch("jet2_Fake_Eta", &jet2Eta_Fake); newtree->Branch("jet2_Fake_Phi", &jet2Phi_Fake); newtree->Branch("jet2_Fake_E", &jet2E_Fake); newtree->Branch("JetPt", &myJetPt); // newtree->Branch("JetCosTheta", &myJetCosTheta); newtree->Branch("JetPhi", &myJetPhi); newtree->Branch("JetMass", &myJetMass); int nEntries = tree->GetEntries(); double selfDHggcoupl[SIZE_HGG][2] ={ { 0 } }; double selfDHvvcoupl[SIZE_HVV_VBF][2] ={ { 0 } }; double selfDHwwcoupl[SIZE_HWW_VBF][2] ={ { 0 } }; double ggvvcoupl[2]={ 0, 0 }; mela.setProcess(TVar::SelfDefine_spin0, TVar::JHUGen, TVar::ZZGG); int recorded=0; for (int ev = 0; ev < nEntries; ev++){ pjvbf_VAJHU=-1; pjvbf_VAJHU_first=-1; pjvbf_VAJHU_second=-1; jet1Pt=-1; jet2Pt=-1; jet1Eta=0; jet2Eta=0; tree->GetEntry(ev); GenLep1Id=11; GenLep2Id=-11; GenLep3Id=11; GenLep4Id=-11; myJetPt.clear(); myJetEta.clear(); myJetPhi.clear(); myJetMass.clear(); myJetCosTheta.clear(); TLorentzVector jet1(0, 0, 1e-3, 1e-3), jet2(0, 0, 1e-3, 1e-3), higgs(0, 0, 0, 0); TLorentzVector p4[3], jets[2]; higgs.SetPtEtaPhiM(ZZPt, ZZEta, ZZPhi, ZZMass); for (int i = 0; i < NJets30; i++){ myJetPt.push_back(JetPt->at(i)); myJetEta.push_back(JetEta->at(i)); myJetPhi.push_back(JetPhi->at(i)); myJetMass.push_back(JetMass->at(i)); myJetCosTheta.push_back(eta_to_costheta(JetEta->at(i))); } int filled = 0; if (myJetPt.size()>=1){ jets[0].SetPxPyPzE(0, 0, 0, 1); jets[1].SetPxPyPzE(0, 0, 0, 1); for (int i = 0; i < myJetPt.size(); i++){ jets[filled].SetPtEtaPhiM(myJetPt[i], myJetEta[i], myJetPhi[i], myJetMass[i]); if (filled==0){ double jetE = jets[filled].Energy(); double jetP = jets[filled].P(); double ratio = (jetP>0 ? jetE/jetP : 1); ratio = 1.; jet1.SetPxPyPzE(jets[filled].Px()*ratio, jets[filled].Py()*ratio, jets[filled].Pz()*ratio, jetE); filled++; jet1Pt = jet1.Pt(); jet1Eta = jet1.Eta(); jet1Phi = jet1.Phi(); jet1E = jet1.E(); jet2.SetXYZT(0, 0, 0, 0); } else if(filled==1){ double jetE = jets[filled].Energy(); double jetP = jets[filled].P(); double ratio = (jetP>0 ? jetE/jetP : 1); ratio = 1.; jet2.SetXYZT(jets[filled].Px()*ratio, jets[filled].Py()*ratio, jets[filled].Pz()*ratio, jetE); filled++; jet2Pt = jet2.Pt(); jet2Eta = jet2.Eta(); jet2Phi = jet2.Phi(); jet2E = jet2.E(); } else continue; /* if (filled == 0){ if (jets[filled].Pt()>jet1.Pt()){ jet1.SetPxPyPzE(jets[filled].Px(), jets[filled].Py(), jets[filled].Pz(), jetE); jet1Pt = jet1.Pt(); } if (i == myJetPt.size() - 1){ filled++; i = 0; } } else{ if (jets[filled].Pt()<jet1.Pt() && jets[filled].Pt()>jet2.Pt()){ jet2.SetPxPyPzE(jets[filled].Px(), jets[filled].Py(), jets[filled].Pz(), jetE); jet2Pt = jet2.Pt(); } if (i == myJetPt.size() - 1){ filled++; } } if (filled == 2) break; */ } //cos(atan(exp(-jet2Eta))*2) if (filled == 2){ mela.setProcess(TVar::HSMHiggs, TVar::JHUGen, TVar::JJVBF); mela.computeProdP(jet1, 2, jet2, 2, higgs, 25, nullFourVector, 0, pjvbf_VAJHU); mela.get_PAux(pAux_vbf); TLorentzVector pTotal; pTotal.SetXYZT(0, 0, 0, 0); mela.setProcess(TVar::HSMHiggs, TVar::JHUGen, TVar::JJVBF); mela.computeProdP(jet1, 2, pTotal, 2, higgs, 25, nullFourVector, 0, pjvbf_VAJHU_first); mela.get_PAux(pAux_vbf_first); mela.setProcess(TVar::HSMHiggs, TVar::JHUGen, TVar::JH); mela.computeProdP(jet1, 2, pTotal, 2, higgs, 25, nullFourVector, 0, phj_VAJHU_first); mela::computeFakeJet(jet1, higgs, pTotal); jet2Pt_Fake = pTotal.Pt(); jet2Eta_Fake = pTotal.Eta(); jet2Phi_Fake = pTotal.Phi(); jet2E_Fake = pTotal.E(); pTotal.SetXYZT(0, 0, 0, 0); mela.setProcess(TVar::HSMHiggs, TVar::JHUGen, TVar::JJVBF); mela.computeProdP(pTotal, 2, jet2, 2, higgs, 25, nullFourVector, 0, pjvbf_VAJHU_second); mela.get_PAux(pAux_vbf_second); mela.setProcess(TVar::HSMHiggs, TVar::JHUGen, TVar::JH); mela.computeProdP(pTotal, 2, jet2, 2, higgs, 25, nullFourVector, 0, phj_VAJHU_second); mela::computeFakeJet(jet2, higgs, pTotal); jet1Pt_Fake = pTotal.Pt(); jet1Eta_Fake = pTotal.Eta(); jet1Phi_Fake = pTotal.Phi(); jet1E_Fake = pTotal.E(); newtree->Fill(); } else if (filled == 1){ /* TLorentzVector pTotal = higgs+jet1; pTotal.SetVect(-pTotal.Vect()); pTotal.SetE(pTotal.P()); jet2 = pTotal; jet2Pt = jet2.Pt(); jet2Eta = jet2.Eta(); jet2Phi = jet2.Phi(); jet2E = jet2.E(); jet1Pt_Fake = jet1.Pt(); jet1Eta_Fake = jet1.Eta(); jet1Phi_Fake = jet1.Phi(); jet1E_Fake = jet1.E(); jet2Pt_Fake = jet2.Pt(); jet2Eta_Fake = jet2.Eta(); jet2Phi_Fake = jet2.Phi(); jet2E_Fake = jet2.E(); mela.setProcess(TVar::HSMHiggs, TVar::JHUGen, TVar::JJVBF); mela.computeProdP(jet1, 2, jet2, 2, higgs, 25, nullFourVector, 0, pjvbf_VAJHU); */ // jet2.SetXYZT(0,0,0,0); mela.setProcess(TVar::HSMHiggs, TVar::JHUGen, TVar::JJVBF); mela.computeProdP(jet1, 2, jet2, 2, higgs, 25, nullFourVector, 0, pjvbf_VAJHU); mela.get_PAux(pAux_vbf); mela.setProcess(TVar::HSMHiggs, TVar::JHUGen, TVar::JH); mela.computeProdP(jet1, 2, jet2, 2, higgs, 25, nullFourVector, 0, phj_VAJHU_first); mela::computeFakeJet(jet1, higgs, jet2); /* cout << "TEST:" << " Higgs Pz: " << higgs.Pz() << " Higgs P: " << higgs.P() << " Higgs E: " << higgs.T() << " Jet 1 Pz: " << jet1.Pz() << " Jet 1 P: " << jet1.P() << " Jet 1 E: " << jet1.T() << " Jet 2 Pz: " << jet2.Pz() << " Jet 2 P: " << jet2.P() << " Jet 2 E: " << jet2.T() << '\n' << endl; */ jet2Pt = jet2.Pt(); jet2Eta = jet2.Eta(); jet2Phi = jet2.Phi(); jet2E = jet2.E(); jet1Pt_Fake = jet1.Pt(); jet1Eta_Fake = jet1.Eta(); jet1Phi_Fake = jet1.Phi(); jet1E_Fake = jet1.E(); jet2Pt_Fake = jet2.Pt(); jet2Eta_Fake = jet2.Eta(); jet2Phi_Fake = jet2.Phi(); jet2E_Fake = jet2.E(); // pjvbf_VAJHU_first = pjvbf_VAJHU; pjvbf_VAJHU_second = pjvbf_VAJHU; pAux_vbf_first = pAux_vbf; pAux_vbf_second = pAux_vbf; phj_VAJHU_second = phj_VAJHU_first; newtree->Fill(); } } } foutput->WriteTObject(newtree); delete newtree; foutput->Close(); delete tree; }
int main(int argc, char** argv){//main if (argc < 6) { std::cout << " Usage: " << argv[0] << " <nEvts to process (0=all)>" << " <path to input files>" << " <name of input reco file>" << " <full path to output file>" << " <number of si layers to consider: 1,2 or 3>" << " <optional: debug (default=0)>" << std::endl; return 1; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Hardcoded config //////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //for HGCAL, true means only 12 FHCAL layers considered (24 are simulated) bool concept = true; bool selectEarlyDecays = false; double minX=-1700,maxX=1700; double minY=-1700,maxY=1700; double minZ=3170,maxZ=5070; unsigned nX=(maxX-minX)/10,nY=(maxY-minY)/10; unsigned nZ=maxZ-minZ; //// End Hardcoded config //////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const unsigned pNevts = atoi(argv[1]); std::string filePath = argv[2]; std::string recoFileName = argv[3]; std::string outPath = argv[4]; unsigned nSiLayers = 2; nSiLayers = atoi(argv[5]); unsigned debug = 0; if (argc >7) debug = atoi(argv[7]); bool isEM = false; if (selectEarlyDecays && isEM) { selectEarlyDecays = false; } std::cout << " -- Input parameters: " << std::endl << " -- Input file path: " << filePath << std::endl << " -- Output file path: " << outPath << std::endl << " -- Requiring " << nSiLayers << " si layers." << std::endl << " -- Processing "; if (pNevts == 0) std::cout << "all events." << std::endl; else std::cout << pNevts << " events." << std::endl; TRandom3 lRndm(1); std::cout << " -- Random number seed: " << lRndm.GetSeed() << std::endl; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //input ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TFile *recFile = new TFile(); TChain *lRecTree = new TChain("RecoTree"); if(recoFileName.find("*")!=recoFileName.npos){ ofstream myscript; myscript.open("eosls.sh"); myscript<<"#!/bin/bash" << std::endl; myscript<<"/afs/cern.ch/project/eos/installation/0.3.15/bin/eos.select ls " << filePath << std::endl; myscript.close(); FILE *script = popen("bash eosls.sh", "r"); char eoslsName[100]; int nF =0; while(fgets(eoslsName, 100, script)) { std::ostringstream input; std::string temp = std::string(eoslsName).substr(0,strlen(eoslsName)-1); if(temp.find("HG")!=temp.npos)continue; input << filePath << temp; lRecTree->AddFile(input.str().c_str()); if(nF==0)recFile=TFile::Open(input.str().c_str()); nF+=1; } pclose(script); system("rm ./eosls.sh"); } else { std::ostringstream input; input << filePath << recoFileName; lRecTree->AddFile(input.str().c_str()); recFile=TFile::Open(input.str().c_str()); } if (!recFile) { std::cout << " -- Error, input file cannot be opened. Exiting..." << std::endl; return 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Info ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HGCSSInfo * info=(HGCSSInfo*)recFile->Get("Info"); const double cellSize = info->cellSize(); const unsigned versionNumber = info->version(); const unsigned model = info->model(); //models 0,1 or 3. bool isCaliceHcal = versionNumber==23;//inFilePath.find("version23")!=inFilePath.npos || inFilePath.find("version_23")!=inFilePath.npos; std::cout << " -- Version number is : " << versionNumber << ", model = " << model << ", cellSize = " << cellSize << std::endl; //initialise detector HGCSSDetector & myDetector = theDetector(); myDetector.buildDetector(versionNumber,concept,isCaliceHcal); //initialise calibration class HGCSSDigitisation myDigitiser; myDigitiser.setRandomSeed(lRndm.GetSeed()); const unsigned nLayers = myDetector.nLayers(); const unsigned nSections = myDetector.nSections(); std::cout << " -- N layers = " << nLayers << std::endl << " -- N sections = " << nSections << std::endl; ofstream EnDensity; EnDensity.open("../test/EnergyDensity.dat"); TFile *outputFile = TFile::Open(outPath.c_str(),"RECREATE"); if (!outputFile) { std::cout << " -- Error, output file " << outPath << " cannot be opened. Please create output directory. Exiting..." << std::endl; return 1; } else { std::cout << " -- output file " << outputFile->GetName() << " successfully opened." << std::endl; } std::cout << " -- 2-D histograms: " << std::endl << " -- X: " << nX << " " << minX << " " << maxX << std::endl << " -- Y: " << nY << " " << minY << " " << maxY << std::endl << " -- Z: " << nZ << " " << minZ << " " << maxZ << std::endl ; outputFile->cd(); TH1F *p_nRecHits = new TH1F("p_nRecHits","n(RecHits)", 1000,0,500000); p_nRecHits->StatOverflows(); TProfile *p_EvsLayer = new TProfile("p_EvsLayer","Average E vs Layer",30,1,30); TProfile *p_AveE[nLayers]; std::ostringstream p_AveE_Name; for(unsigned iL(0); iL<nLayers; iL++){ p_AveE_Name.str(""); p_AveE_Name << "p_AveE_layer" <<iL+1; p_AveE[iL] = new TProfile(p_AveE_Name.str().c_str(),"Average Energy vs eta",40,1.5,3.5); } TH2F *p_Occupancy[nLayers]; for(unsigned iL(0); iL<nLayers; iL++){ p_AveE_Name.str(""); p_AveE_Name << "p_Occupancy_Layer" <<iL+1; p_Occupancy[iL] = new TH2F(p_AveE_Name.str().c_str(),"RecoHits Occupancy",340,-170,170,340,-170,170); } std::vector<HGCSSRecoHit> * rechitvec = 0; lRecTree->SetBranchAddress("HGCSSRecoHitVec",&rechitvec); const unsigned nEvts = ((pNevts > lRecTree->GetEntries() || pNevts==0) ? static_cast<unsigned>(lRecTree->GetEntries()) : pNevts) ; std::cout << "- Processing = " << nEvts << " events out of " << lRecTree->GetEntries() << std::endl; //Initialise histos //necessary to have overflows ? gStyle->SetOptStat(0); double Z_layer[nLayers]; for(unsigned iL(0);iL<nLayers;iL++){ Z_layer[iL]=0; } double CellNumber[nLayers][40]; for(unsigned iL(0);iL<nLayers;iL++){ for(unsigned iEta(0);iEta<40;iEta++){ CellNumber[iL][iEta] =0; } } std::map<unsigned,bool> channelAlive; for (unsigned ievt(0); ievt<nEvts; ++ievt){//loop on entries if (debug) std::cout << "... Processing entry: " << ievt << std::endl; else if (ievt%50 == 0) std::cout << "... Processing entry: " << ievt << std::endl; lRecTree->GetEntry(ievt); double EvsLayer[nLayers][40]; double EtotRec[nLayers]; for(unsigned iL(0);iL<nLayers;iL++){ EtotRec[iL]=0; for(unsigned iEta(0);iEta<40;iEta++){ EvsLayer[iL][iEta] =0; } } for (unsigned iH(0); iH<(*rechitvec).size(); ++iH){//loop on rechits HGCSSRecoHit lHit = (*rechitvec)[iH]; double energy = lHit.energy();//in MIP already... unsigned layer = lHit.layer(); int x = lHit.get_x()/10; int y = lHit.get_y()/10; double eta = lHit.eta(); if (layer >= nLayers) { //std::cout << " WARNING! RecoHits with layer " << layer << " outside of detector's definition range ! Please fix the digitiser or the detector definition used here. Ignoring..." << std::endl; continue; } p_Occupancy[layer]->Fill(x,y); if(ievt==0){ if(Z_layer[layer] ==0)Z_layer[layer]=lHit.get_z()/10.0;} for(unsigned iEta(0);iEta<40;iEta++){ if(eta>1.5+iEta*0.05 && eta<1.5+(iEta+1)*0.05)EvsLayer[layer][iEta]+=energy; } if(eta>1.5 && eta<3.5)EtotRec[layer] += energy; if (debug>1) std::cout << "-hit" << iH << "-" << layer << " " << energy << " " << EtotRec[layer]; }//loop on rechits p_nRecHits->Fill((*rechitvec).size()); for(unsigned iL(0); iL<nLayers; iL++){ p_EvsLayer->Fill(iL+1, EtotRec[iL]); } if(ievt==0){ for(unsigned iL(0);iL<nLayers;iL++){ for(int iX(-170); iX < 170; iX++){ for(int iY(-170);iY < 170; iY++){ double radius = sqrt(iX*iX + iY*iY); if(radius > 170 || radius < 15)continue; double R = sqrt(radius*radius + Z_layer[iL]*Z_layer[iL]); double theta = acos(Z_layer[iL]/R); double eta = -log(tan(theta/2.)); for(unsigned iEta(0); iEta < 40; iEta++){ if(eta>1.5+iEta*0.05 && eta<1.5+(iEta+1)*0.05)CellNumber[iL][iEta]+=1; } } } } } for(unsigned iEta(0);iEta<40;iEta++){ for(unsigned iL(0);iL<nLayers;iL++){ p_AveE[iL]->Fill(1.5+iEta*0.05,EvsLayer[iL][iEta]/CellNumber[iL][iEta]); } } }//loop on entries outputFile->Write(); //outputFile->Close(); // Fit the Energy Density EnDensity << "f(x) = exp(p0+p1*x)" << std::endl; EnDensity << "layer p0 p1" << std::endl; for(unsigned iL(0);iL<nLayers;iL++){ TF1 *expofit = new TF1("density","expo",1.5,3.0); p_AveE[iL]->Fit("density","R"); double p0 = expofit->GetParameter(0); double p1 = expofit->GetParameter(1); EnDensity << iL << " " << p0 << " " << p1 << std::endl; } EnDensity.close(); return 0; }//main
int process(TChain *trigOnlyChain, MAPJson *jsonMap, MAPTrigOnly mapTo, TString nameChain, TString file, int iFile, int nEntries, TString dirIn, TString dirOut, TString usr_hlt, int iJson, bool GetTrigOnly, bool debug) { // TrigOnly MAP // MAPTrigOnly::iterator iterMapTo; pair<int,int> runevtTo; int iEntryTo=-1; // OUTPUT FILE // if(debug) cout << "--- define output file : " ; ostringstream ossi(""); ossi << iFile ; // TFile *outfile = new TFile(dirIn+"spikes_"+ossi.str()+".root","RECREATE"); //ofstream outcheckdata(dirIn+"logcheckdata_"+ossi.str()+".txt",ios::out); ofstream outlog(dirOut+"/logs/log_"+ossi.str()+".txt",ios::out); ofstream outcheckL1(dirOut+"/checkL1/checkL1_"+ossi.str()+".txt",ios::out); //outlog << "TRY TRY TRY" << endl; //outcheckL1 << "TRY TRY TRY" << endl; //outcheckdata << "TRY TRY TRY" << endl; if(debug) cout << "spikes_"+ossi.str()+".root" << endl; ossi.str(""); // INPUT TREE // if(debug) cout << "--- add data trees to myChain" << endl; TChain * myChain = new TChain(nameChain); myChain->Add(file); // VARIABLES // int nEvent, nRun, nLumi ; // data int nEvent_To, nRun_To, nLumi_To; // trigOnly // Vertices // int vtx_N; double _vtx_x[200], _vtx_y[200], _vtx_z[200]; double _vtx_normalizedChi2[200], _vtx_ndof[200], _vtx_nTracks[200], _vtx_d0[200]; // Trigger Paths // int trig_hltInfo[250]; //int _trig_isEleHLTpath; int trig_HLT_path[4]; // unbias, EG5, EG8, EG12 char trig_fired_names[5000]; vector<string> m_HLT_pathsV; vector<string> m_HLT_triggered; vector<int> m_HLT_pathsV_check; // Spikes int spike_N,spike_TTieta[5000], spike_TTiphi[5000], spike_Rieta[5000], spike_Riphi[5000], spike_severityLevel[5000], spike_outOfTime[5000], spike_TT_sFGVB[5000], spike_TT_adc[5000], spike_TT_sFGVB_E[5000][5], spike_TT_adc_E[5000][5], spike_TT_t[5000], spike_TT_tE[5000]; double spike_Et[5000], spike_eta[5000], spike_phi[5000], spike_theta[5000]; int spike_RCTL1iso[5000], spike_RCTL1noniso[5000], spike_RCTL1iso_To[5000], spike_RCTL1noniso_To[5000], spike_RCTL1iso_M_To[5000], spike_RCTL1noniso_M_To[5000], spike_maxEGtrig[5000], spike_maxEGtrig_To[5000], spike_maxEGtrig_M_To[5000]; int spike_out_TTieta, spike_out_TTiphi, spike_out_Rieta, spike_out_Riphi, spike_out_severityLevel, spike_out_outOfTime, spike_out_TT_sFGVB, spike_out_TT_adc, spike_out_TT_sFGVB_E[5], spike_out_TT_adc_E[5], spike_out_TT_t, spike_out_TT_tE; double spike_out_Et, spike_out_eta, spike_out_phi, spike_out_theta; int spike_out_RCTL1iso, spike_out_RCTL1noniso, spike_out_RCTL1iso_To, spike_out_RCTL1noniso_To, spike_out_RCTL1iso_M_To, spike_out_RCTL1noniso_M_To, spike_out_maxEGtrig, spike_out_maxEGtrig_To, spike_out_maxEGtrig_M_To; // TP info const int nTow = 4032; int trig_tower_N,trig_tower_ieta[nTow],trig_tower_iphi[nTow],trig_tower_adc[nTow],trig_tower_sFGVB[nTow],trig_tower_FG[nTow]; int trig_tower_N_M,trig_tower_ieta_M[nTow],trig_tower_iphi_M[nTow],trig_tower_adc_M[nTow],trig_tower_sFGVB_M[nTow], trig_tower_FG_M[nTow]; int trig_tower_N_E,trig_tower_ieta_E[nTow],trig_tower_iphi_E[nTow],trig_tower_adc_E[nTow][5],trig_tower_sFGVB_E[nTow][5], trig_tower_FG_E[nTow][5]; // HCAL TP // int trig_tower_hcal_N, trig_tower_hcal_ieta[4032], trig_tower_hcal_iphi[4032], trig_tower_hcal_FG[4032],trig_tower_hcal_et[4032]; // L1 Candidates // int trig_L1emIso_N, trig_L1emNonIso_N; int trig_L1emIso_N_To, trig_L1emNonIso_N_To, trig_L1emIso_N_M_To, trig_L1emNonIso_N_M_To; // L1 candidates info // int trig_L1emIso_ieta[4], trig_L1emIso_iphi[4], trig_L1emIso_rank[4]; int trig_L1emNonIso_ieta[4], trig_L1emNonIso_iphi[4], trig_L1emNonIso_rank[4]; int trig_L1emIso_ieta_To[4], trig_L1emIso_iphi_To[4], trig_L1emIso_rank_To[4]; int trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_To[4], trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_To[4], trig_L1emNonIso_rank_To[4]; int trig_L1emIso_ieta_M_To[4], trig_L1emIso_iphi_M_To[4], trig_L1emIso_rank_M_To[4]; int trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_M_To[4], trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_M_To[4], trig_L1emNonIso_rank_M_To[4]; // INITIALIZATION // // // Global nEvent = 0; nRun = 0; nLumi = 0; // // Vertices vtx_N = 0; for(int iv=0;iv<200;iv++) { _vtx_normalizedChi2[iv] = 0.; _vtx_ndof[iv] = 0.; _vtx_nTracks[iv] = 0.; _vtx_d0[iv] = 0.; _vtx_x[iv] = 0.; _vtx_y[iv] = 0.; _vtx_z[iv] = 0.; } // // L1 candidates trig_L1emIso_N = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_N = 0; trig_L1emIso_N_M_To = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_N_M_To = 0; for(int il1=0 ; il1<4 ; il1++) { trig_L1emIso_ieta[il1] = 0; trig_L1emIso_iphi[il1] = 0; trig_L1emIso_rank[il1] = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_ieta[il1] = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_iphi[il1] = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_rank[il1] = 0; trig_L1emIso_ieta_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emIso_iphi_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emIso_rank_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_rank_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emIso_ieta_M_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emIso_iphi_M_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emIso_rank_M_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_M_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_M_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_rank_M_To[il1] = 0; } // Trigger towers trig_tower_N = 0; for(int iTow=0 ; iTow<nTow ; iTow++) { trig_tower_ieta[iTow] = trig_tower_iphi[iTow] = -999; trig_tower_adc[iTow] = trig_tower_sFGVB[iTow] = trig_tower_FG[iTow] = -999; } trig_tower_N_M = 0; for(int iTow=0 ; iTow<nTow ; iTow++) { trig_tower_ieta_M[iTow] = trig_tower_iphi_M[iTow] = -999; trig_tower_adc_M[iTow] = trig_tower_sFGVB_M[iTow] = trig_tower_FG_M[iTow] = -999; } trig_tower_N_E = 0; for(int iTow=0 ; iTow<nTow ; iTow++) { trig_tower_ieta_E[iTow] = trig_tower_iphi_E[iTow] = -999; for(int i=0 ; i<5 ; i++) trig_tower_adc_E[iTow][i] = trig_tower_sFGVB_E[iTow][i] = trig_tower_FG_E[iTow][i] = -999; } trig_tower_hcal_N = 0; for(int iTow=0 ; iTow<nTow ; iTow++) { trig_tower_hcal_ieta[iTow] = trig_tower_hcal_iphi[iTow] = -999; trig_tower_hcal_FG[iTow] = trig_tower_hcal_et[iTow] = -999; } // SPIKES // spike_N = 0; for(int isp=0 ; isp<5000 ; isp++) { spike_outOfTime[isp] = -999; spike_severityLevel[isp] = -999 ; //spike_SwissCross[isp] = -999 ; spike_Et[isp] = -999 ; spike_phi[isp] = -999 ; spike_eta[isp] = -999 ; spike_theta[isp] = -999 ; spike_TTiphi[isp] = -999 ; spike_TTieta[isp] = -999 ; spike_TT_t[isp] = -999 ; spike_TT_tE[isp] = -999 ; spike_TT_sFGVB[isp] = -999 ; spike_TT_adc[isp] = -999 ; spike_Riphi[isp] = -999 ; spike_Rieta[isp] = -999 ; for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { spike_TT_sFGVB_E[isp][i] = -999 ; spike_TT_adc_E[isp][i] = -999 ; } } spike_out_outOfTime = -999; spike_out_severityLevel = -999 ; //spike_out_SwissCross = -999 ; spike_out_Et = -999 ; spike_out_phi = -999 ; spike_out_eta = -999 ; spike_out_theta = -999 ; spike_out_TTiphi = -999 ; spike_out_TTieta = -999 ; spike_out_TT_t = -999 ; spike_out_TT_tE = -999 ; spike_out_TT_sFGVB = -999 ; spike_out_TT_adc = -999 ; spike_out_Riphi = -999 ; spike_out_Rieta = -999 ; for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { spike_out_TT_sFGVB_E[i] = -999 ; spike_out_TT_adc_E[i] = -999 ; } myChain->SetBranchAddress("nEvent",&nEvent); myChain->SetBranchAddress("nRun",&nRun); myChain->SetBranchAddress("nLumi",&nLumi); // Vertices myChain->SetBranchAddress("vtx_N",&vtx_N); //myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_HLT_path",&trig_HLT_path); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_fired_names",&trig_fired_names); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_hltInfo",&trig_hltInfo); // L1 candidates myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emIso_N", &trig_L1emIso_N); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emIso_ieta", &trig_L1emIso_ieta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emIso_iphi", &trig_L1emIso_iphi); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emIso_rank", &trig_L1emIso_rank); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emNonIso_N", &trig_L1emNonIso_N); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emNonIso_ieta", &trig_L1emNonIso_ieta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emNonIso_iphi", &trig_L1emNonIso_iphi); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emNonIso_rank", &trig_L1emNonIso_rank); // Spikes myChain->SetBranchAddress("spike_N",&spike_N); myChain->SetBranchAddress("spike_TTieta",&spike_TTieta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("spike_TTiphi",&spike_TTiphi); myChain->SetBranchAddress("spike_Rieta",&spike_Rieta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("spike_Riphi",&spike_Riphi); myChain->SetBranchAddress("spike_severityLevel",&spike_severityLevel); myChain->SetBranchAddress("spike_outOfTime",&spike_outOfTime); myChain->SetBranchAddress("spike_Et",&spike_Et); myChain->SetBranchAddress("spike_eta",&spike_eta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("spike_phi",&spike_phi); myChain->SetBranchAddress("spike_theta",&spike_theta); // TrigOnly Chain // trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("nRun", &nRun_To); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("nLumi", &nLumi_To); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("nEvent", &nEvent_To); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_HLT_path",&trig_HLT_path); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_N", &trig_tower_N); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_ieta", &trig_tower_ieta); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_iphi", &trig_tower_iphi); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_adc", &trig_tower_adc); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_sFGVB", &trig_tower_sFGVB); //trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_FG", &trig_tower_FG); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_N_E", &trig_tower_N_E); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_ieta_E", &trig_tower_ieta_E); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_iphi_E", &trig_tower_iphi_E); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_adc_E", &trig_tower_adc_E); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_sFGVB_E", &trig_tower_sFGVB_E); //trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_FG_E", &trig_tower_FG_E); // HCAL TP trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_hcal_N", &trig_tower_hcal_N); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_hcal_ieta", &trig_tower_hcal_ieta); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_hcal_iphi", &trig_tower_hcal_iphi); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_hcal_et", &trig_tower_hcal_et); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_hcal_FG", &trig_tower_hcal_FG); // L1 candidates collections trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emIso_N", &trig_L1emIso_N_To); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emIso_ieta", &trig_L1emIso_ieta_To); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emIso_iphi", &trig_L1emIso_iphi_To); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emIso_rank", &trig_L1emIso_rank_To); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emNonIso_N", &trig_L1emNonIso_N_To); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emNonIso_ieta", &trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_To); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emNonIso_iphi", &trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_To); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emNonIso_rank", &trig_L1emNonIso_rank_To); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emIso_N_M", &trig_L1emIso_N_M_To); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emIso_ieta_M", &trig_L1emIso_ieta_M_To); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emIso_iphi_M", &trig_L1emIso_iphi_M_To); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emIso_rank_M", &trig_L1emIso_rank_M_To); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emNonIso_N_M", &trig_L1emNonIso_N_M_To); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_M", &trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_M_To); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_M", &trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_M_To); trigOnlyChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emNonIso_rank_M", &trig_L1emNonIso_rank_M_To); // OUTPUT TREE // TTree * outtree = new TTree("Spikes","Spikes"); // General informations // outtree->Branch("nRun",&nRun,"nRun/I"); outtree->Branch("nLumi",&nLumi,"nLumi/I"); outtree->Branch("nEvent",&nEvent,"nEvent/I"); // Vertices // outtree->Branch("vtx_N",&vtx_N,"vtx_N/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_HLT_path",&trig_HLT_path,"trig_HLT_path[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_fired_names",&trig_fired_names,"trig_fired_names[5000]/C"); outtree->Branch("trig_hltInfo",&trig_hltInfo,"trig_hltInfo[250]/I"); // Trigger towers // outtree->Branch("trig_tower_N",&trig_tower_N,"trig_tower_N/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_ieta",&trig_tower_ieta,"trig_tower_ieta[4032]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_iphi",&trig_tower_iphi,"trig_tower_iphi[4032]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_adc",&trig_tower_adc,"trig_tower_adc[4032]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_sFGVB",&trig_tower_sFGVB,"trig_tower_sFGVB[4032]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_FG",&trig_tower_FG,"trig_tower_FG[4032]/I"); // outtree->Branch("trig_tower_N_E",&trig_tower_N_E,"trig_tower_N_E/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_ieta_E",&trig_tower_ieta_E,"trig_tower_ieta_E[4032]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_iphi_E",&trig_tower_iphi_E,"trig_tower_iphi_E[4032]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_adc_E",&trig_tower_adc_E,"trig_tower_adc_E[4032][5]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_sFGVB_E",&trig_tower_sFGVB_E,"trig_tower_sFGVB_E[4032][5]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_FG_E",&trig_tower_FG_E,"trig_tower_FG_E[4032][5]/I"); // HCAL TP outtree->Branch("trig_tower_hcal_N", &trig_tower_hcal_N, "trig_tower_hcal_N/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_hcal_ieta", &trig_tower_hcal_ieta, "trig_tower_hcal_ieta[trig_tower_N]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_hcal_iphi", &trig_tower_hcal_iphi, "trig_tower_hcal_iphi[trig_tower_N]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_hcal_et", &trig_tower_hcal_et, "trig_tower_hcal_et[trig_tower_N]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_hcal_FG", &trig_tower_hcal_FG, "trig_tower_hcal_FG[trig_tower_N]/I"); // L1 candidates from Data outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_N", &trig_L1emIso_N, "trig_L1emIso_N/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_ieta", &trig_L1emIso_ieta, "trig_L1emIso_ieta[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_iphi", &trig_L1emIso_iphi, "trig_L1emIso_iphi[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_rank", &trig_L1emIso_rank, "trig_L1emIso_rank[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_N", &trig_L1emNonIso_N, "trig_L1emNonIso_N/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_ieta", &trig_L1emNonIso_ieta, "trig_L1emNonIso_ieta[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_iphi", &trig_L1emNonIso_iphi, "trig_L1emNonIso_iphi[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_rank", &trig_L1emNonIso_rank, "trig_L1emNonIso_rank[4]/I"); // L1 candidates from TrigOnly outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_N_To", &trig_L1emIso_N_To, "trig_L1emIso_N_To/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_ieta_To", &trig_L1emIso_ieta_To, "trig_L1emIso_ieta_To[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_iphi_To", &trig_L1emIso_iphi_To, "trig_L1emIso_iphi_To[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_rank_To", &trig_L1emIso_rank_To, "trig_L1emIso_rank_To[4]/I"); // outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_N_To", &trig_L1emNonIso_N_To, "trig_L1emNonIso_N_To/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_To", &trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_To, "trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_To[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_To", &trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_To, "trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_To[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_rank_To", &trig_L1emNonIso_rank_To, "trig_L1emNonIso_rank_To[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_N_M_To", &trig_L1emIso_N_M_To, "trig_L1emIso_N_M_To/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_ieta_M_To", &trig_L1emIso_ieta_M_To, "trig_L1emIso_ieta_M_To[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_iphi_M_To", &trig_L1emIso_iphi_M_To, "trig_L1emIso_iphi_M_To[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_rank_M_To", &trig_L1emIso_rank_M_To, "trig_L1emIso_rank_M_To[4]/I"); // outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_N_M_To", &trig_L1emNonIso_N_M_To, "trig_L1emNonIso_N_M_To/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_M_To", &trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_M_To, "trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_M_To[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_M_To", &trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_M_To, "trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_M_To[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_rank_M_To", &trig_L1emNonIso_rank_M_To, "trig_L1emNonIso_rank_M_To[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("spike_TTieta",&spike_out_TTieta,"spike_TTieta/I"); outtree->Branch("spike_TTiphi",&spike_out_TTiphi,"spike_TTiphi/I"); // outtree->Branch("spike_TT_t",&spike_out_TT_t,"spike_TT_t/I"); outtree->Branch("spike_TT_sFGVB",&spike_out_TT_sFGVB,"spike_TT_sFGVB/I"); outtree->Branch("spike_TT_adc",&spike_out_TT_adc,"spike_TT_adc/I"); outtree->Branch("spike_TT_tE",&spike_out_TT_tE,"spike_TT_tE/I"); outtree->Branch("spike_TT_sFGVB_E",&spike_out_TT_sFGVB_E,"spike_TT_sFGVB[5]/I"); outtree->Branch("spike_TT_adc_E",&spike_out_TT_adc_E,"spike_TT_adc[5]/I"); // outtree->Branch("spike_Rieta",&spike_out_Rieta,"spike_Rieta/I"); outtree->Branch("spike_Riphi",&spike_out_Riphi,"spike_Riphi/I"); outtree->Branch("spike_severityLevel",&spike_out_severityLevel,"spike_severityLevel/I"); outtree->Branch("spike_outOfTime",&spike_out_outOfTime,"spike_outOfTime/I"); outtree->Branch("spike_Et",&spike_out_Et,"spike_Et/D"); outtree->Branch("spike_eta",&spike_out_eta,"spike_eta/D"); outtree->Branch("spike_phi",&spike_out_phi,"spike_phi/D"); outtree->Branch("spike_theta",&spike_out_theta,"spike_theta/D"); // outtree->Branch("spike_maxEGtrig",&spike_out_maxEGtrig,"spike_maxEGtrig/I"); outtree->Branch("spike_maxEGtrig_To",&spike_out_maxEGtrig_To,"spike_maxEGtrig_To/I"); outtree->Branch("spike_maxEGtrig_M_To",&spike_out_maxEGtrig_M_To,"spike_maxEGtrig_M_To/I"); // outtree->Branch("spike_RCTL1iso",&spike_out_RCTL1iso,"spike_RCTL1iso/I"); outtree->Branch("spike_RCTL1noniso",&spike_out_RCTL1noniso,"spike_RCTL1noniso/I"); outtree->Branch("spike_RCTL1iso_To",&spike_out_RCTL1iso_To,"spike_RCTL1iso_To/I"); outtree->Branch("spike_RCTL1noniso_To",&spike_out_RCTL1noniso_To,"spike_RCTL1noniso_To/I"); outtree->Branch("spike_RCTL1iso_M_To",&spike_out_RCTL1iso_M_To,"spike_RCTL1iso_M_To/I"); outtree->Branch("spike_RCTL1noniso_M_To",&spike_out_RCTL1noniso_M_To,"spike_RCTL1noniso_M_To/I"); // Variables bool isGoodRun, evt_trig_EG12; TString filename; // Map TT MAPTT adcTT; MAPTT::iterator iterTT; pair<int,int> coords; int TT_t, TT_tE; int numEntries = myChain->GetEntries () ; int nProcess = numEntries; if(nEntries>=0 && nEntries<numEntries) nProcess = nEntries; int nCurrentRun = -999; outlog << "will process " << nProcess << "/" << numEntries << "entries" << endl; // Loop over entries // for (int iEvent = 0 ; iEvent < nProcess ; iEvent++ ) { // TP Initialization trig_tower_N = 0; for(int iTow=0 ; iTow<nTow ; iTow++) { trig_tower_ieta[iTow] = trig_tower_iphi[iTow] = -999; trig_tower_adc[iTow] = trig_tower_sFGVB[iTow] = -999; } trig_tower_N_M = 0; for(int iTow=0 ; iTow<nTow ; iTow++) { trig_tower_ieta_M[iTow] = trig_tower_iphi_M[iTow] = -999; trig_tower_adc_M[iTow] = trig_tower_sFGVB_M[iTow] = -999; } trig_tower_N_E = 0; for(int iTow=0 ; iTow<nTow ; iTow++) { trig_tower_ieta_E[iTow] = trig_tower_iphi_E[iTow] = -999; for(int i=0 ; i<5 ; i++) trig_tower_adc_E[iTow][i] = trig_tower_sFGVB_E[iTow][i] = -999; } // L1 candidates trig_L1emIso_N = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_N = 0; trig_L1emIso_N_M_To = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_N_M_To = 0; trig_L1emIso_N_To = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_N_To = 0; for(int il1=0 ; il1<4 ; il1++) { trig_L1emIso_ieta[il1] = 0; trig_L1emIso_iphi[il1] = 0; trig_L1emIso_rank[il1] = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_ieta[il1] = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_iphi[il1] = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_rank[il1] = 0; trig_L1emIso_ieta_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emIso_iphi_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emIso_rank_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_rank_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_M_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_M_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_rank_M_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emIso_ieta_M_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emIso_iphi_M_To[il1] = 0; trig_L1emIso_rank_M_To[il1] = 0; } for(int isp=0 ; isp<5000 ; isp++) { spike_outOfTime[isp] = -999; spike_severityLevel[isp] = -999 ; //spike_SwissCross[isp] = -999 ; spike_Et[isp] = -999 ; spike_phi[isp] = -999 ; spike_eta[isp] = -999 ; spike_theta[isp] = -999 ; spike_TTiphi[isp] = -999 ; spike_TTieta[isp] = -999 ; spike_TT_t[isp] = -999 ; spike_TT_tE[isp] = -999 ; spike_TT_sFGVB[isp] = -999 ; spike_TT_adc[isp] = -999 ; spike_Riphi[isp] = -999 ; spike_Rieta[isp] = -999 ; for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { spike_TT_sFGVB_E[isp][i] = -999 ; spike_TT_adc_E[isp][i] = -999 ; } } myChain->GetEntry (iEvent) ; // show processed file if(iEvent==0) { filename = myChain->GetFile()->GetName() ; outlog << "File : " << filename << endl << endl; } else if( filename != myChain->GetFile()->GetName() ) { filename = myChain->GetFile()->GetName() ; outlog << "File : " << myChain->GetFile()->GetName() << endl << endl; } // show current run/iCat processed if(iEvent==0) { nCurrentRun = nRun ; outlog << "nRun=" << nRun << endl; } else if(nRun!=nCurrentRun) { nCurrentRun=nRun ; outlog << "nRun=" << nRun << endl; } if(debug) cout << "iJson = " << iJson << endl; if( iJson>-1 && iJson<5) { isGoodRun = AcceptEventByRunAndLumiSection(nRun, nLumi, jsonMap[iJson]); if(!isGoodRun) { outlog << "failed JSON" << endl; continue; } } // JSON selection //////////////////////////////////////////// if(debug) cout << "iJson = " << iJson << endl; if( iJson>-1 && iJson<5) { isGoodRun = false; isGoodRun = AcceptEventByRunAndLumiSection(nRun, nLumi, jsonMap[iJson]); if(!isGoodRun) { outlog << "failed JSON" << endl; continue; } } // HLT selection // if(usr_hlt=="unbias") if(trig_HLT_path[0]==0) continue; // Map the trigger tower ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// adcTT.clear(); for(int t=0 ; t<trig_tower_N ; t++) { coords = make_pair( trig_tower_ieta[t] , trig_tower_iphi[t] ); adcTT[coords].first = t; } for(int t=0 ; t<trig_tower_N_E ; t++) { coords = make_pair( trig_tower_ieta_E[t] , trig_tower_iphi_E[t] ); iterTT = adcTT.find( coords ); if( iterTT != adcTT.end() ) { adcTT[coords].second = t; } } // Load trigOnly information //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if( GetTrigOnly ) { runevtTo = make_pair(nRun,nEvent); iterMapTo = mapTo.find( runevtTo ); // if( iterMapTo != mapTo.end() ) iEntryTo = mapTo[ runevtTo ]; else iEntryTo = -1; // outlog << "trigOnly info : nRun=" << nRun << " | nEvent=" << nEvent << " | iEntryTo=" << iEntryTo << endl; // if(iEntryTo>=0) { trigOnlyChain->GetEntry( iEntryTo ); if(debug) cout << "----> got entry from trigOnlyChain" << endl; } else { if(debug) cout << "----> entry not mapped" << endl; continue; } } // MATCHING SPIKE / L1-CANDIDATE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// evt_trig_EG12=false; outcheckL1 << "ISO_N_data : " ; for(int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) { outcheckL1 << "(" << trig_L1emIso_ieta[i] << ";" << trig_L1emIso_iphi[i] << ")=" << trig_L1emIso_rank[i] << " | "; if(trig_L1emIso_rank[i] >= 12) evt_trig_EG12=true; } outcheckL1 << endl << "NONISO_N_data : "; for(int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) { outcheckL1 << "(" << trig_L1emNonIso_ieta[i] << ";" << trig_L1emNonIso_iphi[i] << ")=" << trig_L1emNonIso_rank[i] << " | "; if(trig_L1emNonIso_rank[i] >= 12) evt_trig_EG12=true; } if(!evt_trig_EG12) continue; outcheckL1 << endl << "ISO_N : " ; for(int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) outcheckL1 << "(" << trig_L1emIso_ieta_To[i] << ";" << trig_L1emIso_iphi_To[i] << ")=" << trig_L1emIso_rank_To[i] << " | "; outcheckL1 << endl << "NONISO_N : "; for(int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) outcheckL1 << "(" << trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_To[i] << ";" << trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_To[i] << ")=" << trig_L1emNonIso_rank_To[i] << " | "; outcheckL1 << endl << "ISO_M : "; for(int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) outcheckL1 << "(" << trig_L1emIso_ieta_M_To[i] << ";" << trig_L1emIso_iphi_M_To[i] << ")=" << trig_L1emIso_rank_M_To[i] << " | "; outcheckL1 << endl << "NONISO_M : "; for(int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) outcheckL1 << "(" << trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_M_To[i] << ";" << trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_M_To[i] << ")=" << trig_L1emNonIso_rank_M_To[i] << " | "; outcheckL1 << endl << endl; /////////////////////////////////////// // LOOP OVER SPIKES /////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////// for(int iS=0 ; iS<spike_N ; iS++) { if(iS>=5000) break; if(spike_Et[iS]<=0) continue; // Find spikes'TT informations coords = make_pair( spike_TTieta[iS] , spike_TTiphi[iS] ); iterTT = adcTT.find( coords ); if( iterTT != adcTT.end() ) { TT_t = (iterTT->second).first ; TT_tE = (iterTT->second).second ; if(TT_t<0 || TT_t >= 4032) continue; spike_TT_t[iS] = TT_t ; spike_TT_sFGVB[iS] = trig_tower_sFGVB[ TT_t ]; spike_TT_adc[iS] = trig_tower_adc[ TT_t ]; if(TT_tE<0 || TT_tE >= 4032) continue; spike_TT_tE[iS] = TT_tE ; for(int iSam=0 ; iSam<5 ; iSam++) { spike_TT_sFGVB_E[iS][iSam] = trig_tower_sFGVB_E[ TT_tE ][iSam]; spike_TT_adc_E[iS][iSam] = trig_tower_adc_E[ TT_tE ][iSam]; } } // Match spike to L1 candidate spike_maxEGtrig[iS] = spike_maxEGtrig_To[iS] = spike_maxEGtrig_M_To[iS] = 0; matchL1toSpike( trig_L1emIso_N, trig_L1emIso_ieta, trig_L1emIso_iphi, trig_L1emIso_rank, spike_Rieta[iS], spike_Riphi[iS], spike_RCTL1iso[iS], spike_maxEGtrig[iS], outcheckL1 ); matchL1toSpike( trig_L1emIso_N, trig_L1emIso_ieta, trig_L1emIso_iphi, trig_L1emIso_rank, spike_Rieta[iS], spike_Riphi[iS], spike_RCTL1noniso[iS], spike_maxEGtrig[iS], outcheckL1 ); matchL1toSpike( trig_L1emIso_N_To, trig_L1emIso_ieta_To, trig_L1emIso_iphi_To, trig_L1emIso_rank_To, spike_Rieta[iS], spike_Riphi[iS], spike_RCTL1iso_To[iS], spike_maxEGtrig_To[iS], outcheckL1 ); matchL1toSpike( trig_L1emIso_N_To, trig_L1emIso_ieta_To, trig_L1emIso_iphi_To, trig_L1emIso_rank_To, spike_Rieta[iS], spike_Riphi[iS], spike_RCTL1noniso_To[iS], spike_maxEGtrig_To[iS], outcheckL1 ); matchL1toSpike( trig_L1emIso_N_M_To, trig_L1emIso_ieta_M_To, trig_L1emIso_iphi_M_To, trig_L1emIso_rank_M_To, spike_Rieta[iS], spike_Riphi[iS], spike_RCTL1iso_M_To[iS], spike_maxEGtrig_M_To[iS], outcheckL1 ); matchL1toSpike( trig_L1emIso_N_M_To, trig_L1emIso_ieta_M_To, trig_L1emIso_iphi_M_To, trig_L1emIso_rank_M_To, spike_Rieta[iS], spike_Riphi[iS], spike_RCTL1noniso_M_To[iS], spike_maxEGtrig_M_To[iS], outcheckL1 ); // Fill the tree // spike_out_outOfTime = spike_outOfTime[iS] ; spike_out_severityLevel = spike_severityLevel[iS] ; spike_out_Et = spike_Et[iS] ; spike_out_phi = spike_phi[iS] ; spike_out_eta = spike_eta[iS] ; spike_out_theta = spike_theta[iS] ; spike_out_TTiphi = spike_TTiphi[iS] ; spike_out_TTieta = spike_TTieta[iS] ; spike_out_TT_t = spike_TT_t[iS] ; spike_out_TT_tE = spike_TT_tE[iS] ; spike_out_TT_sFGVB = spike_TT_sFGVB[iS] ; spike_out_TT_adc = spike_TT_adc[iS] ; spike_out_Riphi = spike_Riphi[iS] ; spike_out_Rieta = spike_Rieta[iS] ; spike_out_maxEGtrig = spike_maxEGtrig[iS]; spike_out_maxEGtrig_To = spike_maxEGtrig_To[iS]; spike_out_maxEGtrig_M_To = spike_maxEGtrig_M_To[iS]; spike_out_RCTL1iso = spike_RCTL1iso[iS]; spike_out_RCTL1noniso = spike_RCTL1noniso[iS]; spike_out_RCTL1iso_To = spike_RCTL1iso_To[iS]; spike_out_RCTL1noniso_To = spike_RCTL1noniso_To[iS]; spike_out_RCTL1iso_M_To = spike_RCTL1iso_M_To[iS]; spike_out_RCTL1noniso_M_To = spike_RCTL1noniso_M_To[iS]; for(int i=0;i<5;i++) { spike_out_TT_sFGVB_E[i] = spike_TT_sFGVB_E[iS][i] ; spike_out_TT_adc_E[i] = spike_TT_adc_E[iS][i] ; } outtree->Fill(); } } // Record tree outlog << "recording tree..." << endl; outtree->Write(); outlog << "recorded !" << endl; outfile->Close(); outlog << "file closed." << endl; return 1; }
void StatisticTest(string statTest, double & testEstimator, double & testPvalue, TString cut, TChain * chain, TString variable, TF1 * f, double RangeMin, double RangeMax) //, TH1D * hh, int nbOfBins) { //for Kolmogorov-Smirnov test you have put statTest = "KS" //for Anderson-Darling statTest = "AD" // ------------------------------------------ // // create a table of our variable (with cuts) // // ------------------------------------------ // TChain * ReducedChain = (TChain *) chain->CopyTree(cut); float value; ReducedChain->SetBranchAddress(variable,&value); int nEvents = ReducedChain->GetEntries(); Double_t * sample = new Double_t[nEvents]; //Double_t * sample2 = new Double_t[nbOfBins]; for (int ievt = 0 ; ievt < nEvents; ievt++) { ReducedChain->GetEntry(ievt); //sample.push_back(value); sample[ievt] = value; } /* for (int ievt = 0 ; ievt < nbOfBins; ievt++) { sample2[ievt] = hh->GetBinContent(ievt + 1); //cout<<endl<<"sample2[ievt] = "<<sample2[ievt]<<endl; } */ // -------------------------------------- // // Transform the TF1 and create a GoFTest // // -------------------------------------- // ROOT::Math::WrappedTF1 wf1(*f); ROOT::Math::GoFTest* goftest_1 = new ROOT::Math::GoFTest(nEvents, sample, wf1, ROOT::Math::GoFTest::kPDF, RangeMin, RangeMax); //ROOT::Math::GoFTest* goftest_1 = new ROOT::Math::GoFTest(nbOfBins, sample2, wf1, ROOT::Math::GoFTest::kCDF, RangeMin, RangeMax); // ---------------------------------------- // // Return the test statistic and the pvalue // // ---------------------------------------- // if(statTest == "KS") { testEstimator = goftest_1-> KolmogorovSmirnovTest("t"); testPvalue = goftest_1-> KolmogorovSmirnovTest(); } if(statTest == "AD") { testEstimator = goftest_1-> AndersonDarlingTest("t"); testPvalue = goftest_1-> AndersonDarlingTest(); } delete sample; delete goftest_1; sample = 0; goftest_1 = 0; }
int process(TString nameChain, TString file, int iFile, int nEntries, TString dirOut, ofstream& outlog, int iJson, TString RunPhase, bool debug) { // OUTPUT FILE // ostringstream ossi(""); ossi << iFile ; // std::cout<<"ossi is what?? "<<ossi<<std::endl; // std::cout<<"ossi is what?? "<<ossi<<std::endl; // std::cout<<"ossi.str() is what?? "<<ossi.str()<<std::endl; TString name=(TString)("elepairs_"+ossi.str()+".root"); TFile *outfile = new TFile(name,"RECREATE"); ossi.str(""); // INPUT TREE // TChain * myChain = new TChain(nameChain); myChain->Add(file); int nEvent, nRun, nLumi ; // Vertices // int _vtx_N; double _vtx_x[200], _vtx_y[200], _vtx_z[200]; double _vtx_normalizedChi2[200], _vtx_ndof[200], _vtx_nTracks[200], _vtx_d0[200]; // Trigger Paths // int trig_hltInfo[250]; int _trig_isEleHLTpath; int trig_HLT_path[4]; // unbias, EG5, EG8, EG12 char trig_fired_names[5000]; // vector<string> m_HLT_pathsV; vector<string> m_HLT_triggered; vector<int> m_HLT_pathsV_check; // m_HLT_pathsV.clear(); // m_HLT_pathsV_check.clear(); // for(int iP=0 ; iP<(int)HLT_paths_.size() ; iP++) { // m_HLT_pathsV.push_back( HLT_paths_[iP]); // m_HLT_pathsV_check.push_back(0); // } // Electrons TClonesArray * electrons = new TClonesArray ("TLorentzVector"); int ele_N, sc_hybrid_N; int ele_outOfTimeSeed[10],ele_severityLevelSeed[10]; double ele_he[10], ele_sigmaietaieta[10]; double ele_hcalDepth1TowerSumEt_dr03[10], ele_hcalDepth2TowerSumEt_dr03[10]; double ele_ecalRecHitSumEt_dr03[10], ele_tkSumPt_dr03[10]; double ele_sclEta[10], ele_sclEt[10]; //double ecalIsoRel03,hcalIsoRel03,trackIsoRel03; double ele_deltaphiin[10], ele_deltaetain[10]; double ele_conv_dist[10], ele_conv_dcot[10]; double ele_fbrem[10]; int ele_expected_inner_hits[10]; //int ele_ambiguousGsfTracks[10]; int ele_isConversion[10]; int ele_echarge[10]; // int ele_RCTeta[10], ele_RCTphi[10], ele_RCTL1iso[10], ele_RCTL1noniso[10], ele_RCTL1iso_M[10], ele_RCTL1noniso_M[10]; int ele_TTetaVect[10][50], ele_TTphiVect[10][50]; double ele_TTetVect[10][50]; int ele_RCTetaVect[10][10], ele_RCTphiVect[10][10], ele_RCTL1isoVect[10][10], ele_RCTL1nonisoVect[10][10],ele_RCTL1isoVect_M[10][10], ele_RCTL1nonisoVect_M[10][10]; double ele_RCTetVect[10][10]; // TP info const int nTow = 4032; int trig_tower_N,trig_tower_ieta[nTow],trig_tower_iphi[nTow],trig_tower_adc[nTow],trig_tower_sFGVB[nTow]; int trig_tower_N_modif,trig_tower_ieta_modif[nTow],trig_tower_iphi_modif[nTow],trig_tower_adc_modif[nTow],trig_tower_sFGVB_modif[nTow]; int trig_tower_N_emul,trig_tower_ieta_emul[nTow],trig_tower_iphi_emul[nTow],trig_tower_adc_emul[nTow][5],trig_tower_sFGVB_emul[nTow][5]; // HCAL TP int trig_tower_hcal_N, trig_tower_hcal_ieta[4032], trig_tower_hcal_iphi[4032], trig_tower_hcal_FG[4032],trig_tower_hcal_et[4032]; int trig_L1emIso_N, trig_L1emNonIso_N, trig_L1emIso_N_M, trig_L1emNonIso_N_M; // L1 candidates info int trig_L1emIso_ieta[4], trig_L1emIso_iphi[4], trig_L1emIso_rank[4]; int trig_L1emNonIso_ieta[4], trig_L1emNonIso_iphi[4], trig_L1emNonIso_rank[4]; int trig_L1emIso_ieta_M[4], trig_L1emIso_iphi_M[4], trig_L1emIso_rank_M[4]; int trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_M[4], trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_M[4], trig_L1emNonIso_rank_M[4]; // L1 prefiring int trig_preL1emIso_N; int trig_preL1emNonIso_N; int trig_preL1emIso_ieta[4], trig_preL1emIso_iphi[4], trig_preL1emIso_rank[4]; int trig_preL1emNonIso_ieta[4], trig_preL1emNonIso_iphi[4],trig_preL1emNonIso_rank[4]; // L1 postfiring int trig_postL1emIso_N; int trig_postL1emNonIso_N; int trig_postL1emIso_ieta[4], trig_postL1emIso_iphi[4], trig_postL1emIso_rank[4]; int trig_postL1emNonIso_ieta[4], trig_postL1emNonIso_iphi[4],trig_postL1emNonIso_rank[4]; // Masking int trig_nMaskedRCT, trig_nMaskedCh; int trig_iMaskedRCTeta[100], trig_iMaskedRCTphi[100], trig_iMaskedRCTcrate[100], trig_iMaskedTTeta[100], trig_iMaskedTTphi[100]; int trig_strip_mask_N; int trig_strip_mask_TTieta[1000], trig_strip_mask_TTiphi[1000], trig_strip_mask_status[1000], trig_strip_mask_StripID[1000], trig_strip_mask_PseudoStripID[1000], trig_strip_mask_TccID[1000], trig_strip_mask_CCU[1000], trig_strip_mask_xtal_ix[1000][5], trig_strip_mask_xtal_iy[1000][5], trig_strip_mask_xtal_iz[1000][5]; int trig_xtal_mask_N; // [EB+EE] int trig_xtal_mask_ieta[1000],trig_xtal_mask_iphi[1000], // for EE : xtal ieta->ix ; iphi -> iy trig_xtal_mask_TTieta[1000],trig_xtal_mask_TTiphi[1000], // but for EE towers, still ieta, iphi... trig_xtal_mask_Rieta[1000],trig_xtal_mask_Riphi[1000], trig_xtal_mask_status[1000], trig_xtal_mask_EBEE[1000]; // EBEE = {0,1} => 0=EB ; 1=EE //double trig_xtal_mask_eT[1000]; // INITIALIZATION // // // Global nEvent = 0; nRun = 0; nLumi = 0; // // Vertices _vtx_N = 0; for(int iv=0;iv<200;iv++) { _vtx_normalizedChi2[iv] = 0.; _vtx_ndof[iv] = 0.; _vtx_nTracks[iv] = 0.; _vtx_d0[iv] = 0.; _vtx_x[iv] = 0.; _vtx_y[iv] = 0.; _vtx_z[iv] = 0.; } // // L1 candidates trig_L1emIso_N = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_N = 0; trig_preL1emIso_N = 0; trig_preL1emNonIso_N = 0; trig_postL1emIso_N = 0; trig_postL1emNonIso_N = 0; // for(int il1=0 ; il1<4 ; il1++) { trig_L1emIso_ieta[il1] = 0; trig_L1emIso_iphi[il1] = 0; trig_L1emIso_rank[il1] = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_ieta[il1] = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_iphi[il1] = 0; trig_L1emNonIso_rank[il1] = 0; trig_preL1emIso_ieta[il1] = 0; trig_preL1emIso_iphi[il1] = 0; trig_preL1emIso_rank[il1] = 0; trig_preL1emNonIso_ieta[il1] = 0; trig_preL1emNonIso_iphi[il1] = 0; trig_preL1emNonIso_rank[il1] = 0; trig_postL1emIso_ieta[il1] = 0; trig_postL1emIso_iphi[il1] = 0; trig_postL1emIso_rank[il1] = 0; trig_postL1emNonIso_ieta[il1] = 0; trig_postL1emNonIso_iphi[il1] = 0; trig_postL1emNonIso_rank[il1] = 0; } // // Trigger towers trig_tower_N = 0; for(int iTow=0 ; iTow<nTow ; iTow++) { trig_tower_ieta[iTow] = trig_tower_iphi[iTow] = -999; trig_tower_adc[iTow] = trig_tower_sFGVB[iTow] = -999; } trig_tower_N_modif = 0; for(int iTow=0 ; iTow<nTow ; iTow++) { trig_tower_ieta_modif[iTow] = trig_tower_iphi_modif[iTow] = -999; trig_tower_adc_modif[iTow] = trig_tower_sFGVB_modif[iTow] = -999; } trig_tower_N_emul = 0; for(int iTow=0 ; iTow<nTow ; iTow++) { trig_tower_ieta_emul[iTow] = trig_tower_iphi_emul[iTow] = -999; for(int i=0 ; i<5 ; i++) trig_tower_adc_emul[iTow][i] = trig_tower_sFGVB_emul[iTow][i] = -999; } trig_tower_hcal_N = 0; for(int iTow=0 ; iTow<nTow ; iTow++) { trig_tower_hcal_ieta[iTow] = trig_tower_hcal_iphi[iTow] = -999; trig_tower_hcal_FG[iTow] = trig_tower_hcal_et[iTow] = -999; } // // Masked Towers trig_nMaskedRCT=0; trig_nMaskedCh=0; // for (int ii=0;ii<100;ii++) { trig_iMaskedRCTeta[ii] = -999; trig_iMaskedRCTphi[ii] = -999; trig_iMaskedRCTcrate[ii] = -999; trig_iMaskedTTeta[ii] = -999; trig_iMaskedTTphi[ii] = -999; } // // Masked strip/xtals trig_strip_mask_N = 0; trig_xtal_mask_N = 0; // for(int i=0 ; i<1000 ; i++) { trig_strip_mask_TTieta[i] = -999; trig_strip_mask_TTiphi[i] = -999; trig_strip_mask_status[i] = -999; trig_strip_mask_StripID[i] = -999; trig_strip_mask_PseudoStripID[i] = -999; trig_strip_mask_TccID[i] = -999; trig_strip_mask_CCU[i] = -999; // for(int j=0 ; j<5 ; j++) { trig_strip_mask_xtal_ix[i][j] = -999; trig_strip_mask_xtal_iy[i][j] = -999; trig_strip_mask_xtal_iz[i][j] = -999; } trig_xtal_mask_ieta[i] = -999; trig_xtal_mask_iphi[i] = -999; trig_xtal_mask_TTieta[i] = -999; trig_xtal_mask_TTiphi[i] = -999; trig_xtal_mask_Rieta[i] = -999; trig_xtal_mask_Riphi[i] = -999; trig_xtal_mask_status[i] = -999; trig_xtal_mask_EBEE[i] = -999; } // Disable useless branches //myChain->SetBranchStatus("spike_*",0); //myChain->SetBranchStatus("vtx_*",0); //myChain->SetBranchStatus("skim_*",0); //myChain->SetBranchStatus("trig_pre*",0); //myChain->SetBranchStatus("trig_post*",0); //myChain->SetBranchStatus("trig_HLT*",0); //myChain->SetBranchStatus("BS*",0); //myChain->SetBranchStatus("MC_*",0); //myChain->SetBranchStatus("ele_MC*",0); ////myChain->SetBranchStatus("ele_eid*",0); ////myChain->SetBranchStatus("ele_Seed*",0); //myChain->SetBranchStatus("ele_charge*",0); //myChain->SetBranchStatus("met_*",0); //myChain->SetBranchStatus("muons*",0); //myChain->SetBranchStatus("jets*",0); myChain->SetBranchStatus("sc*",0); //myChain->SetBranchStatus("sc_hybrid_N",1); //myChain->SetBranchStatus("",0); // Global myChain->SetBranchAddress("nEvent",&nEvent); myChain->SetBranchAddress("nRun",&nRun); myChain->SetBranchAddress("nLumi",&nLumi); // Trigger // myChain->SetBranchAddress ("trig_HLT_triggered", &m_HLT_triggered); // myChain->SetBranchAddress ("trig_HLT_pathsV", &m_HLT_pathsV); // myChain->SetBranchAddress ("trig_HLT_pathsV_check", &m_HLT_pathsV_check); // myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_HLT_path",&trig_HLT_path); // unbias, EG5, EG8, EG12 // myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_fired_names",&trig_fired_names); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_hltInfo",&trig_hltInfo); // SC //myChain->SetBranchAddress("sc_hybrid_N", &sc_hybrid_N); // Electrons myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_N", &ele_N); myChain->SetBranchAddress("electrons",&electrons); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_severityLevelSeed", &ele_severityLevelSeed); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_he",&ele_he); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_sigmaietaieta",&ele_sigmaietaieta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_hcalDepth1TowerSumEt_dr03", &ele_hcalDepth1TowerSumEt_dr03); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_hcalDepth2TowerSumEt_dr03", &ele_hcalDepth2TowerSumEt_dr03); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_ecalRecHitSumEt_dr03", &ele_ecalRecHitSumEt_dr03); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_tkSumPt_dr03",&ele_tkSumPt_dr03); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_sclEta",&ele_sclEta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_sclEt",&ele_sclEt); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_expected_inner_hits",&ele_expected_inner_hits); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_deltaphiin",&ele_deltaphiin); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_deltaetain",&ele_deltaetain); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_conv_dist",&ele_conv_dist); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_conv_dcot",&ele_conv_dcot); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_fbrem",&ele_fbrem); //myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_ambiguousGsfTracks", &ele_ambiguousGsfTracks); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_isConversion",&ele_isConversion); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_echarge",&ele_echarge); // L1 electron informations myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_TTetaVect", &ele_TTetaVect); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_TTphiVect", &ele_TTphiVect); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_TTetVect", &ele_TTetVect); // myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_RCTeta", &ele_RCTeta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_RCTphi", &ele_RCTphi); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_RCTL1iso", &ele_RCTL1iso); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_RCTL1noniso", &ele_RCTL1noniso); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_RCTL1iso_M", &ele_RCTL1iso_M); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_RCTL1noniso_M", &ele_RCTL1noniso_M); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_RCTetaVect", &ele_RCTetaVect); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_RCTphiVect", &ele_RCTphiVect); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_RCTetVect", &ele_RCTetVect); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_RCTL1isoVect", &ele_RCTL1isoVect); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_RCTL1nonisoVect", &ele_RCTL1nonisoVect); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_RCTL1isoVect_M", &ele_RCTL1isoVect_M); myChain->SetBranchAddress("ele_RCTL1nonisoVect_M", &ele_RCTL1nonisoVect_M); // L1 candidates myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emIso_N", &trig_L1emIso_N); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emIso_ieta", &trig_L1emIso_ieta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emIso_iphi", &trig_L1emIso_iphi); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emIso_rank", &trig_L1emIso_rank); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emNonIso_N", &trig_L1emNonIso_N); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emNonIso_ieta", &trig_L1emNonIso_ieta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emNonIso_iphi", &trig_L1emNonIso_iphi); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emNonIso_rank", &trig_L1emNonIso_rank); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emIso_N_M", &trig_L1emIso_N_M); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emIso_ieta_M", &trig_L1emIso_ieta_M); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emIso_iphi_M", &trig_L1emIso_iphi_M); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emIso_rank_M", &trig_L1emIso_rank_M); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emNonIso_N_M", &trig_L1emNonIso_N_M); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_M", &trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_M); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_M", &trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_M); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_L1emNonIso_rank_M", &trig_L1emNonIso_rank_M); // Pre/post - firing L1 candidates myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_preL1emIso_N", &trig_preL1emIso_N); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_preL1emIso_ieta", &trig_preL1emIso_ieta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_preL1emIso_iphi", &trig_preL1emIso_iphi); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_preL1emIso_rank", &trig_preL1emIso_rank); // myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_preL1emNonIso_N", &trig_preL1emNonIso_N); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_preL1emNonIso_ieta", &trig_preL1emNonIso_ieta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_preL1emNonIso_iphi", &trig_preL1emNonIso_iphi); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_preL1emNonIso_rank", &trig_preL1emNonIso_rank); // myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_postL1emIso_N", &trig_postL1emIso_N); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_postL1emIso_ieta", &trig_postL1emIso_ieta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_postL1emIso_iphi", &trig_postL1emIso_iphi); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_postL1emIso_rank", &trig_postL1emIso_rank); // myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_postL1emNonIso_N", &trig_postL1emNonIso_N); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_postL1emNonIso_ieta", &trig_postL1emNonIso_ieta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_postL1emNonIso_iphi", &trig_postL1emNonIso_iphi); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_postL1emNonIso_rank", &trig_postL1emNonIso_rank); // Trigger Towers // normal collection myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_N", &trig_tower_N); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_ieta", &trig_tower_ieta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_iphi", &trig_tower_iphi); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_adc", &trig_tower_adc); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_sFGVB", &trig_tower_sFGVB); // modified collection myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_N_modif", &trig_tower_N_modif); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_ieta_modif", &trig_tower_ieta_modif); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_iphi_modif", &trig_tower_iphi_modif); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_adc_modif", &trig_tower_adc_modif); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_sFGVB_modif", &trig_tower_sFGVB_modif); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_N_emul", &trig_tower_N_emul); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_ieta_emul", &trig_tower_ieta_emul); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_iphi_emul", &trig_tower_iphi_emul); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_adc_emul", &trig_tower_adc_emul); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_sFGVB_emul", &trig_tower_sFGVB_emul); // HCAL TP myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_hcal_N", &trig_tower_hcal_N); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_hcal_ieta", &trig_tower_hcal_ieta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_hcal_iphi", &trig_tower_hcal_iphi); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_hcal_et", &trig_tower_hcal_et); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_tower_hcal_FG", &trig_tower_hcal_FG); // Strip masking myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_strip_mask_N", &trig_strip_mask_N); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_strip_mask_TTieta", &trig_strip_mask_TTieta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_strip_mask_TTiphi", &trig_strip_mask_TTiphi); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_strip_mask_StripID", &trig_strip_mask_StripID); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_strip_mask_PseudoStripID", &trig_strip_mask_PseudoStripID); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_strip_mask_TccID", &trig_strip_mask_TccID); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_strip_mask_CCU", &trig_strip_mask_CCU); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_strip_mask_xtal_ix", &trig_strip_mask_xtal_ix); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_strip_mask_xtal_iy", &trig_strip_mask_xtal_iy); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_strip_mask_xtal_iz", &trig_strip_mask_xtal_iz); // // Crystal masking myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_xtal_mask_N", &trig_xtal_mask_N); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_xtal_mask_ieta", &trig_xtal_mask_ieta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_xtal_mask_iphi", &trig_xtal_mask_iphi); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_xtal_mask_TTieta", &trig_xtal_mask_TTieta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_xtal_mask_TTiphi", &trig_xtal_mask_TTiphi); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_xtal_mask_Rieta", &trig_xtal_mask_Rieta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_xtal_mask_Riphi", &trig_xtal_mask_Riphi); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_xtal_mask_status", &trig_xtal_mask_status); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_xtal_mask_EBEE", &trig_xtal_mask_EBEE); // Masking myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_nMaskedRCT", &trig_nMaskedRCT); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_iMaskedRCTeta", &trig_iMaskedRCTeta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_iMaskedRCTcrate", &trig_iMaskedRCTcrate); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_iMaskedRCTphi", &trig_iMaskedRCTphi); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_nMaskedCh", &trig_nMaskedCh); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_iMaskedTTeta", &trig_iMaskedTTeta); myChain->SetBranchAddress("trig_iMaskedTTphi", &trig_iMaskedTTphi); if(debug) cout << "got the input tree, start to define output tree" << endl; // OUTPUT TREE // TTree * outtree = new TTree("ElePairs","ElePairs"); // General informations outtree->Branch("nRun",&nRun,"nRun/I"); outtree->Branch("nLumi",&nLumi,"nLumi/I"); outtree->Branch("nEvent",&nEvent,"nEvent/I"); // Vertices outtree->Branch("vtx_N",&_vtx_N,"vtx_N/I"); outtree->Branch("vtx_normalizedChi2",&_vtx_normalizedChi2,"vtx_normalizedChi2[200]/D"); outtree->Branch("vtx_ndof",&_vtx_ndof,"vtx_ndof[200]/D"); outtree->Branch("vtx_nTracks",&_vtx_nTracks,"vtx_nTracks[200]/D"); outtree->Branch("vtx_d0",&_vtx_d0,"vtx_d0[200]/D"); outtree->Branch("vtx_x",&_vtx_x,"vtx_x[200]/D"); outtree->Branch("vtx_y",&_vtx_y,"vtx_y[200]/D"); outtree->Branch("vtx_z",&_vtx_z,"vtx_z[200]/D"); // HLT informations // outtree->Branch ("trig_HLT_triggered", &m_HLT_triggered, 256000,0); // outtree->Branch ("trig_HLT_pathsV", &m_HLT_pathsV, 256000,0); // outtree->Branch ("trig_HLT_pathsV_check", &m_HLT_pathsV_check, 256000,0); // outtree->Branch("trig_HLT_path",&trig_HLT_path,"trig_HLT_path[4]/I"); // unbias, EG5, EG8, EG12 // outtree->Branch("trig_fired_names",&trig_fired_names,"trig_fired_names[5000]/C"); outtree->Branch("trig_hltInfo",&trig_hltInfo,"trig_hltInfo[250]/I"); // Trigger towers outtree->Branch("trig_tower_N",&trig_tower_N,"trig_tower_N/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_ieta",&trig_tower_ieta,"trig_tower_ieta[4032]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_iphi",&trig_tower_iphi,"trig_tower_iphi[4032]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_adc",&trig_tower_adc,"trig_tower_adc[4032]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_sFGVB",&trig_tower_sFGVB,"trig_tower_sFGVB[4032]/I"); // outtree->Branch("trig_tower_N_modif",&trig_tower_N_modif,"trig_tower_N_modif/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_ieta_modif",&trig_tower_ieta_modif,"trig_tower_ieta_modif[4032]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_iphi_modif",&trig_tower_iphi_modif,"trig_tower_iphi_modif[4032]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_adc_modif",&trig_tower_adc_modif,"trig_tower_adc_modif[4032]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_sFGVB_modif",&trig_tower_sFGVB_modif,"trig_tower_sFGVB_modif[4032]/I"); // outtree->Branch("trig_tower_N_emul",&trig_tower_N_emul,"trig_tower_N_emul/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_ieta_emul",&trig_tower_ieta_emul,"trig_tower_ieta_emul[4032]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_iphi_emul",&trig_tower_iphi_emul,"trig_tower_iphi_emul[4032]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_adc_emul",&trig_tower_adc_emul,"trig_tower_adc_emul[4032][5]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_sFGVB_emul",&trig_tower_sFGVB_emul,"trig_tower_sFGVB_emul[4032][5]/I"); // HCAL TP outtree->Branch("trig_tower_hcal_N", &trig_tower_hcal_N, "trig_tower_hcal_N/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_hcal_ieta", &trig_tower_hcal_ieta, "trig_tower_hcal_ieta[trig_tower_N]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_hcal_iphi", &trig_tower_hcal_iphi, "trig_tower_hcal_iphi[trig_tower_N]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_hcal_et", &trig_tower_hcal_et, "trig_tower_hcal_et[trig_tower_N]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_tower_hcal_FG", &trig_tower_hcal_FG, "trig_tower_hcal_FG[trig_tower_N]/I"); // Strip masking outtree->Branch("trig_strip_mask_N", &trig_strip_mask_N, "trig_strip_mask_N/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_strip_mask_TTieta", &trig_strip_mask_TTieta, "trig_strip_mask_TTieta[trig_strip_mask_N]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_strip_mask_TTiphi", &trig_strip_mask_TTiphi, "trig_strip_mask_TTiphi[trig_strip_mask_N]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_strip_mask_StripID", &trig_strip_mask_StripID, "trig_strip_mask_StripID[trig_strip_mask_N]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_strip_mask_PseudoStripID", &trig_strip_mask_PseudoStripID, "trig_strip_mask_PseudoStripID[trig_strip_mask_N]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_strip_mask_TccID", &trig_strip_mask_TccID, "trig_strip_mask_TccID[trig_strip_mask_N]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_strip_mask_CCU", &trig_strip_mask_CCU, "trig_strip_mask_CCU[trig_strip_mask_N]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_strip_mask_xtal_ix", &trig_strip_mask_xtal_ix, "trig_strip_mask_xtal_ix[trig_strip_mask_N][5]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_strip_mask_xtal_iy", &trig_strip_mask_xtal_iy, "trig_strip_mask_xtal_iy[trig_strip_mask_N][5]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_strip_mask_xtal_iz", &trig_strip_mask_xtal_iz, "trig_strip_mask_xtal_iz[trig_strip_mask_N][5]/I"); // // Crystal masking outtree->Branch("trig_xtal_mask_N", &trig_xtal_mask_N, "trig_xtal_mask_N/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_xtal_mask_ieta", &trig_xtal_mask_ieta, "trig_xtal_mask_ieta[trig_xtal_mask_N]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_xtal_mask_iphi", &trig_xtal_mask_iphi, "trig_xtal_mask_iphi[trig_xtal_mask_N]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_xtal_mask_TTieta", &trig_xtal_mask_TTieta, "trig_xtal_mask_TTieta[trig_xtal_mask_N]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_xtal_mask_TTiphi", &trig_xtal_mask_TTiphi, "trig_xtal_mask_TTiphi[trig_xtal_mask_N]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_xtal_mask_Rieta", &trig_xtal_mask_Rieta, "trig_xtal_mask_Rieta[trig_xtal_mask_N]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_xtal_mask_Riphi", &trig_xtal_mask_Riphi, "trig_xtal_mask_Riphi[trig_xtal_mask_N]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_xtal_mask_status", &trig_xtal_mask_status, "trig_xtal_mask_status[trig_xtal_mask_N]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_xtal_mask_EBEE", &trig_xtal_mask_EBEE, "trig_xtal_mask_EBEE[trig_xtal_mask_N]/I"); // L1 candidates outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_N", &trig_L1emIso_N, "trig_L1emIso_N/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_ieta", &trig_L1emIso_ieta, "trig_L1emIso_ieta[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_iphi", &trig_L1emIso_iphi, "trig_L1emIso_iphi[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_rank", &trig_L1emIso_rank, "trig_L1emIso_rank[4]/I"); //outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_eta", &trig_L1emIso_eta, "trig_L1emIso_eta[4]/D"); //outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_phi", &trig_L1emIso_phi, "trig_L1emIso_phi[4]/D"); // outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_energy",&trig_L1emIso_energy,"trig_L1emIso_energy[4]/D"); // outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_et", &trig_L1emIso_et, "trig_L1emIso_et[4]/D"); // outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_N", &trig_L1emNonIso_N, "trig_L1emNonIso_N/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_ieta", &trig_L1emNonIso_ieta, "trig_L1emNonIso_ieta[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_iphi", &trig_L1emNonIso_iphi, "trig_L1emNonIso_iphi[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_rank", &trig_L1emNonIso_rank, "trig_L1emNonIso_rank[4]/I"); // outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_eta", &trig_L1emNonIso_eta, "trig_L1emNonIso_eta[4]/D"); // outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_phi", &trig_L1emNonIso_phi, "trig_L1emNonIso_phi[4]/D"); // outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_energy",&trig_L1emNonIso_energy,"trig_L1emNonIso_energy[4]/D"); // outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_et", &trig_L1emNonIso_et, "trig_L1emNonIso_et[4]/D"); // outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_N_M", &trig_L1emIso_N_M, "trig_L1emIso_N_M/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_ieta_M", &trig_L1emIso_ieta_M, "trig_L1emIso_ieta_M[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_iphi_M", &trig_L1emIso_iphi_M, "trig_L1emIso_iphi_M[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_rank_M", &trig_L1emIso_rank_M, "trig_L1emIso_rank_M[4]/I"); // outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_eta_M", &trig_L1emIso_eta_M, "trig_L1emIso_eta_M[4]/D"); // outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_phi_M", &trig_L1emIso_phi_M, "trig_L1emIso_phi_M[4]/D"); // outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_energy_M",&trig_L1emIso_energy_M,"trig_L1emIso_energy_M[4]/D"); // outtree->Branch("trig_L1emIso_et_M", &trig_L1emIso_et_M, "trig_L1emIso_et_M[4]/D"); // outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_N_M", &trig_L1emNonIso_N_M, "trig_L1emNonIso_N_M/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_M", &trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_M, "trig_L1emNonIso_ieta_M[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_M", &trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_M, "trig_L1emNonIso_iphi_M[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_rank_M", &trig_L1emNonIso_rank_M, "trig_L1emNonIso_rank_M[4]/I"); // outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_eta_M", &trig_L1emNonIso_eta_M, "trig_L1emNonIso_eta_M[4]/D"); // outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_phi_M", &trig_L1emNonIso_phi_M, "trig_L1emNonIso_phi_M[4]/D"); // outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_energy_M",&trig_L1emNonIso_energy_M,"trig_L1emNonIso_energy_M[4]/D"); // outtree->Branch("trig_L1emNonIso_et_M", &trig_L1emNonIso_et_M, "trig_L1emNonIso_et_M[4]/D"); // pre-post firing L1 candidates outtree->Branch("trig_preL1emIso_N", &trig_preL1emIso_N, "trig_preL1emIso_N/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_preL1emIso_ieta", &trig_preL1emIso_ieta, "trig_preL1emIso_ieta[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_preL1emIso_iphi", &trig_preL1emIso_iphi, "trig_preL1emIso_iphi[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_preL1emIso_rank", &trig_preL1emIso_rank, "trig_preL1emIso_rank[4]/I"); // outtree->Branch("trig_preL1emNonIso_N", &trig_preL1emNonIso_N, "trig_preL1emNonIso_N/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_preL1emNonIso_ieta", &trig_preL1emNonIso_ieta, "trig_preL1emNonIso_ieta[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_preL1emNonIso_iphi", &trig_preL1emNonIso_iphi, "trig_preL1emNonIso_iphi[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_preL1emNonIso_rank", &trig_preL1emNonIso_rank, "trig_preL1emNonIso_rank[4]/I"); // outtree->Branch("trig_postL1emIso_N", &trig_postL1emIso_N, "trig_postL1emIso_N/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_postL1emIso_ieta", &trig_postL1emIso_ieta, "trig_postL1emIso_ieta[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_postL1emIso_iphi", &trig_postL1emIso_iphi, "trig_postL1emIso_iphi[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_postL1emIso_rank", &trig_postL1emIso_rank, "trig_postL1emIso_rank[4]/I"); // outtree->Branch("trig_postL1emNonIso_N", &trig_postL1emNonIso_N, "trig_postL1emNonIso_N/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_postL1emNonIso_ieta", &trig_postL1emNonIso_ieta, "trig_postL1emNonIso_ieta[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_postL1emNonIso_iphi", &trig_postL1emNonIso_iphi, "trig_postL1emNonIso_iphi[4]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_postL1emNonIso_rank", &trig_postL1emNonIso_rank, "trig_postL1emNonIso_rank[4]/I"); // outtree->Branch("trig_nMaskedRCT", &trig_nMaskedRCT, "trig_nMaskedRCT/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_iMaskedRCTeta", &trig_iMaskedRCTeta, "trig_iMaskedRCTeta[trig_nMaskedRCT]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_iMaskedRCTcrate", &trig_iMaskedRCTcrate,"trig_iMaskedRCTcrate[trig_nMaskedRCT]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_iMaskedRCTphi", &trig_iMaskedRCTphi, "trig_iMaskedRCTphi[trig_nMaskedRCT]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_nMaskedCh", &trig_nMaskedCh, "trig_nMaskedCh/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_iMaskedTTeta", &trig_iMaskedTTeta, "trig_iMaskedTTeta[trig_nMaskedCh]/I"); outtree->Branch("trig_iMaskedTTphi", &trig_iMaskedTTphi, "trig_iMaskedTTphi[trig_nMaskedCh]/I"); // Pairs informations double pair_M; double pair_eta[2], pair_sclEta[2], pair_sclEt[2], pair_phi[2], pair_pT[2], pair_eT[2], pair_E[2]; int pair_cuts[2], pair_HLT_Ele27_cut[2], pair_fidu[2], pair_charge[2], pair_RCTeta[2], pair_RCTphi[2], pair_L1iso[2], pair_L1noniso[2], pair_L1iso_M[2], pair_L1noniso_M[2]; int pair_RCTetaVect[2][10], pair_RCTphiVect[2][10], pair_L1isoVect[2][10], pair_L1nonisoVect[2][10],pair_L1isoVect_M[2][10], pair_L1nonisoVect_M[2][10]; double pair_RCTetVect[2][10]; int pair_TTetaVect[2][50], pair_TTphiVect[2][50]; double pair_TTetVect[2][50]; // outtree->Branch("pair_M",&pair_M,"pair_M/D"); // outtree->Branch("pair_cuts",&pair_cuts,"pair_cuts[2]/I"); // 0 : noCut | 1 : VBTF 95 | 2 : VBTF 80 | 3 : VBTF 60 outtree->Branch("pair_HLT_Ele27_cut",&pair_HLT_Ele27_cut,"pair_HLT_Ele27_cut[2]/I"); outtree->Branch("pair_fidu",&pair_fidu,"pair_fidu[2]/I"); // outtree->Branch("pair_eta",&pair_eta,"pair_eta[2]/D"); outtree->Branch("pair_sclEta",&pair_sclEta,"pair_sclEta[2]/D"); outtree->Branch("pair_phi",&pair_phi,"pair_phi[2]/D"); outtree->Branch("pair_RCTeta",&pair_RCTeta,"pair_RCTeta[2]/I"); outtree->Branch("pair_RCTphi",&pair_RCTphi,"pair_RCTphi[2]/I"); // outtree->Branch("pair_charge",&pair_charge,"pair_charge[2]/I"); outtree->Branch("pair_pT",&pair_pT,"pair_pT[2]/D"); outtree->Branch("pair_eT",&pair_eT,"pair_eT[2]/D"); outtree->Branch("pair_sclEt",&pair_sclEt,"pair_sclEt[2]/D"); outtree->Branch("pair_E",&pair_E,"pair_E[2]/D"); outtree->Branch("pair_TTetaVect", &pair_TTetaVect,"pair_TTetaVect[2][50]/I"); outtree->Branch("pair_TTphiVect", &pair_TTphiVect,"pair_TTphiVect[2][50]/I"); outtree->Branch("pair_TTetVect", &pair_TTetVect,"pair_TTetVect[2][50]/D"); outtree->Branch("pair_L1iso",&pair_L1iso,"pair_L1iso[2]/I"); outtree->Branch("pair_L1noniso",&pair_L1noniso,"pair_L1noniso[2]/I"); outtree->Branch("pair_L1iso_M",&pair_L1iso_M,"pair_L1iso_M[2]/I"); outtree->Branch("pair_L1noniso_M",&pair_L1noniso_M,"pair_L1noniso_M[2]/I"); // outtree->Branch("pair_RCTetVect",&pair_RCTetVect,"pair_RCTetVect[2][10]/D"); outtree->Branch("pair_RCTetaVect",&pair_RCTetaVect,"pair_RCTetaVect[2][10]/I"); outtree->Branch("pair_RCTphiVect",&pair_RCTphiVect,"pair_RCTphiVect[2][10]/I"); outtree->Branch("pair_L1isoVect",&pair_L1isoVect,"pair_L1isoVect[2][10]/I"); outtree->Branch("pair_L1nonisoVect",&pair_L1nonisoVect,"pair_L1nonisoVect[2][10]/I"); outtree->Branch("pair_L1isoVect_M",&pair_L1isoVect_M,"pair_L1isoVect_M[2][10]/I"); outtree->Branch("pair_L1nonisoVect_M",&pair_L1nonisoVect_M,"pair_L1nonisoVect_M[2][10]/I"); if(debug) cout << "output tree defined" << endl; // USEFUL VARIABLES // vector<int> pairIdx; int cutEle[2], fidu[2]; bool cut_HLT_Ele27[2]; TLorentzVector * cand[2]; TLorentzVector total; bool isGoodRun; TString filename; // // JSON FILE READER // // // string jsonDir = "/data_CMS/cms/ndaci/" ; // const int nJson = 10; // string jsonFile[nJson]; // 2010B, May10, Aug05, Prompt // map<int, vector<pair<int, int> > > jsonMap[nJson] ; // // jsonFile[0] = jsonDir + "ndaci_2011A/JSON/goodrunlist_json.txt" ; // jsonFile[1] = jsonDir + "ndaci_2011A/JSON/Cert_160404-163869_7TeV_May10ReReco_Collisions11_JSON_v3.txt" ; // jsonFile[2] = jsonDir + "ndaci_2011A/JSON/Cert_170249-172619_7TeV_ReReco5Aug_Collisions11_JSON_v3.txt" ; // jsonFile[3] = jsonDir + "ndaci_2011A/JSON/Cert_160404-180252_7TeV_PromptReco_Collisions11_JSON.txt" ; // jsonFile[4] = jsonDir + "ndaci_2011A/JSON/Cert_160404-180252_7TeV_ReRecoNov08_Collisions11_JSON.txt" ; // // // 2012 // jsonFile[5] = jsonDir + "ndaci_2012/JSON/Cert_190456-203002_8TeV_PromptReco_Collisions12_JSON.txt"; // jsonFile[6] = jsonDir + "ndaci_2012/JSON/Cert_190456-196531_8TeV_13Jul2012ReReco_Collisions12_JSON_v2.txt"; // jsonFile[7] = jsonDir + "ndaci_2012/JSON/Cert_190782-190949_8TeV_06Aug2012ReReco_Collisions12_JSON.txt"; // jsonFile[8] = jsonDir + "ndaci_2012/JSON/Cert_198022-198523_8TeV_24Aug2012ReReco_Collisions12_JSON.txt"; // jsonFile[9] = jsonDir + "ndaci_2012/JSON/Cert_190456-208357_8TeV_PromptReco_Collisions12_JSON.txt"; // // for(int i=0 ; i<nJson ; i++) // jsonMap[i] = readJSONFile(jsonFile[i]); // // if(debug) cout << "JSON defined" << endl; if(debug) cout << "skipping JSON definition and JSON checks" << endl; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LOOP OVER EVENTS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(debug) cout << "gonna loop over events" << endl; int numEntries = myChain->GetEntries () ; int nProcess = numEntries; if(nEntries>=0 && nEntries<numEntries) nProcess = nEntries; int nCurrentRun = -999; outlog << "will process " << nProcess << "/" << numEntries << "entries" << endl; for (int iEvent = 0 ; iEvent < nProcess ; iEvent++ ) { // HLT information for(int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) trig_HLT_path[i]=0; for(int i=0 ; i<250 ; i++) trig_hltInfo[i]=0; // TP Initialization trig_tower_N = 0; for(int iTow=0 ; iTow<nTow ; iTow++) { trig_tower_ieta[iTow] = trig_tower_iphi[iTow] = -999; trig_tower_adc[iTow] = trig_tower_sFGVB[iTow] = -999; } trig_tower_N_modif = 0; for(int iTow=0 ; iTow<nTow ; iTow++) { trig_tower_ieta_modif[iTow] = trig_tower_iphi_modif[iTow] = -999; trig_tower_adc_modif[iTow] = trig_tower_sFGVB_modif[iTow] = -999; } trig_tower_N_emul = 0; for(int iTow=0 ; iTow<nTow ; iTow++) { trig_tower_ieta_emul[iTow] = trig_tower_iphi_emul[iTow] = -999; for(int i=0 ; i<5 ; i++) trig_tower_adc_emul[iTow][i] = trig_tower_sFGVB_emul[iTow][i] = -999; } myChain->GetEntry (iEvent) ; // show processed file if(iEvent==0) { filename = myChain->GetFile()->GetName() ; outlog << "File : " << filename << endl << endl; } else if( filename != myChain->GetFile()->GetName() ) { filename = myChain->GetFile()->GetName() ; outlog << "File : " << myChain->GetFile()->GetName() << endl << endl; } // show current run/iCat processed if(iEvent==0) { nCurrentRun = nRun ; outlog << "nRun=" << nRun << endl; } else if(nRun!=nCurrentRun) { nCurrentRun=nRun ; outlog << "nRun=" << nRun << endl; } // // run selection (using both json files) // //int iJson = detJson(nRun); // //int iJson = 4; // if(debug) cout << "iJson = " << iJson << endl; // outlog << "iJson = " << iJson << endl; // if( iJson>-1 && iJson<9) { // isGoodRun = AcceptEventByRunAndLumiSection(nRun, nLumi, jsonMap[iJson]); // if(!isGoodRun) { // outlog << "failed JSON" << endl; // continue; // } // } // else { // outlog << "no proper JSON file" << endl; // //continue; // } // at least 2 electrons if(ele_N<2) continue; else outlog << "ele_N=" << ele_N << endl; // LOOP OVER ELECTRONS // if(debug) cout << "<-- ele_N=" << ele_N << endl << "--- electrons.size=" << electrons->GetSize() << endl; for( int iEle1=0 ; iEle1<ele_N ; iEle1++ ) { if(debug) cout << "--- get ele #" << iEle1 << endl; cand[0] = (TLorentzVector*) (electrons->At (iEle1)) ; if(debug) cout << "--- got it" << endl; // severity selection if( ele_severityLevelSeed[iEle1] >= 3 ) continue; // check whether electrons of the pair pass HLT_Ele27 Id/Iso cuts if(debug) cout << "--- checks VBTF cuts" << endl; cut_HLT_Ele27[0] = VBTFcuts( "HLT_Ele27", RunPhase, cand[0]->Pt(), cand[0]->Et(), ele_sclEta[iEle1], cand[0]->Eta(), ele_tkSumPt_dr03[iEle1], ele_ecalRecHitSumEt_dr03[iEle1], ele_hcalDepth1TowerSumEt_dr03[iEle1], ele_hcalDepth2TowerSumEt_dr03[iEle1], ele_expected_inner_hits[iEle1], ele_deltaphiin[iEle1], ele_deltaetain[iEle1], ele_he[iEle1], ele_sigmaietaieta[iEle1], ele_conv_dist[iEle1], ele_conv_dcot[iEle1], ele_fbrem[iEle1], ele_isConversion[iEle1] ) ; // check if ele is a good tag candidate : pass VBTF 95 and has pT>5 GeV cutEle[0] = 0; cutEle[0] = whichCuts( RunPhase, cand[0]->Pt(), cand[0]->Et(), ele_sclEta[iEle1], cand[0]->Eta(), ele_tkSumPt_dr03[iEle1], ele_ecalRecHitSumEt_dr03[iEle1], ele_hcalDepth1TowerSumEt_dr03[iEle1], ele_hcalDepth2TowerSumEt_dr03[iEle1], ele_expected_inner_hits[iEle1], ele_deltaphiin[iEle1], ele_deltaetain[iEle1], ele_he[iEle1], ele_sigmaietaieta[iEle1], ele_conv_dist[iEle1], ele_conv_dcot[iEle1], ele_fbrem[iEle1], ele_isConversion[iEle1] ) ; fidu[0] = 0; if ( fabs(ele_sclEta[iEle1]) < 2.5 && ( fabs(ele_sclEta[iEle1]) > 1.566 || fabs(ele_sclEta[iEle1])<1.4442 ) ) fidu[0] = 1 ; if( cutEle[0]>0 && cand[0]->Et()>=5. ) { if(debug) cout << "--- ele #" << iEle1 << " is a good tag candidate" << endl; // loop to find probe candidates for( int iEle2=0 ; iEle2<ele_N ; iEle2++ ) { if(debug) cout << "----- looks Ele #" << iEle2 << endl; cand[1] = (TLorentzVector*) (electrons->At (iEle2)) ; // severity if( ele_severityLevelSeed[iEle2] >= 3 ) continue; // check HLT_Ele27 cuts cut_HLT_Ele27[1] = VBTFcuts( "HLT_Ele27", RunPhase, cand[1]->Pt(), cand[1]->Et(), ele_sclEta[iEle1], cand[1]->Eta(), ele_tkSumPt_dr03[iEle1], ele_ecalRecHitSumEt_dr03[iEle1], ele_hcalDepth1TowerSumEt_dr03[iEle1], ele_hcalDepth2TowerSumEt_dr03[iEle1], ele_expected_inner_hits[iEle1], ele_deltaphiin[iEle1], ele_deltaetain[iEle1], ele_he[iEle1], ele_sigmaietaieta[iEle1], ele_conv_dist[iEle1], ele_conv_dcot[iEle1], ele_fbrem[iEle1], ele_isConversion[iEle1] ) ; // check cuts passed by probe candidate cutEle[1] = whichCuts( RunPhase, cand[1]->Pt(), cand[0]->Et(), ele_sclEta[iEle2], cand[1]->Eta(), ele_tkSumPt_dr03[iEle2], ele_ecalRecHitSumEt_dr03[iEle2], ele_hcalDepth1TowerSumEt_dr03[iEle2], ele_hcalDepth2TowerSumEt_dr03[iEle2], ele_expected_inner_hits[iEle2], ele_deltaphiin[iEle2], ele_deltaetain[iEle2], ele_he[iEle2], ele_sigmaietaieta[iEle2], ele_conv_dist[iEle2], ele_conv_dcot[iEle2], ele_fbrem[iEle2], ele_isConversion[iEle2] ) ; fidu[1] = 0; if ( fabs(ele_sclEta[iEle2]) < 2.5 && ( fabs(ele_sclEta[iEle2]) > 1.566 || fabs(ele_sclEta[iEle2])<1.4442 ) ) fidu[1] = 1 ; if( cutEle[1]>0 && iEle2<=iEle1 ) continue; // prevents to create several times the same pair if(debug) cout << "---> OK to form a pre-selected pair <--" << endl; // get the pair informations total = (*cand[0]) + (*cand[1]) ; // keep only pairs with Mee > 30 GeV if( total.M() < 30. ) continue; pair_M = total.M() ; pairIdx.clear(); pairIdx.push_back(iEle1); pairIdx.push_back(iEle2); for(int iP=0 ; iP<2 ; iP++) { pair_cuts[iP] = cutEle[iP]; pair_fidu[iP] = fidu[iP]; pair_HLT_Ele27_cut[iP] = cut_HLT_Ele27[iP]; // pair_eta[iP] = cand[iP]->Eta(); pair_sclEta[iP] = ele_sclEta[pairIdx[iP]]; pair_phi[iP] = cand[iP]->Phi(); pair_RCTeta[iP] = ele_RCTeta[pairIdx[iP]]; pair_RCTphi[iP] = ele_RCTphi[pairIdx[iP]]; // pair_charge[iP] = ele_echarge[pairIdx[iP]]; pair_pT[iP] = cand[iP]->Pt(); pair_eT[iP] = cand[iP]->Et(); pair_sclEt[iP] = ele_sclEt[pairIdx[iP]]; pair_E[iP] = cand[iP]->E(); // pair_L1iso[iP] = ele_RCTL1iso[pairIdx[iP]]; pair_L1noniso[iP] = ele_RCTL1noniso[pairIdx[iP]]; pair_L1iso_M[iP] = ele_RCTL1iso_M[pairIdx[iP]]; pair_L1noniso_M[iP] = ele_RCTL1noniso_M[pairIdx[iP]]; // for(int iV=0 ; iV<10 ; iV++) { pair_RCTetVect[iP][iV] = ele_RCTetVect[pairIdx[iP]][iV]; pair_RCTetaVect[iP][iV] = ele_RCTetaVect[pairIdx[iP]][iV]; pair_RCTphiVect[iP][iV] = ele_RCTphiVect[pairIdx[iP]][iV]; pair_L1isoVect[iP][iV] = ele_RCTL1isoVect[pairIdx[iP]][iV]; pair_L1nonisoVect[iP][iV] = ele_RCTL1nonisoVect[pairIdx[iP]][iV]; pair_L1isoVect_M[iP][iV] = ele_RCTL1isoVect_M[pairIdx[iP]][iV]; pair_L1nonisoVect_M[iP][iV] = ele_RCTL1nonisoVect_M[pairIdx[iP]][iV]; } // for(int iV=0 ; iV<50 ; iV++) { pair_TTetaVect[iP][iV] = ele_TTetaVect[pairIdx[iP]][iV]; pair_TTphiVect[iP][iV] = ele_TTphiVect[pairIdx[iP]][iV]; pair_TTetVect[iP][iV] = ele_TTetVect[pairIdx[iP]][iV]; } } if(debug) cout << "outtree->Fill();" << endl; outtree->Fill(); } // loop for probe } // endif ele1 is good tag candidate } // loop over electrons }//loop over events if(debug) cout << "End loop events" << endl; outlog << "End loop events" << endl; // Record tree if(debug) cout << "recording tree..." << endl; outlog << "recording tree..." << endl; outtree->Write(); if(debug) cout << "recorded !" << endl; outlog << "recorded !" << endl; outfile->Close(); if(debug) cout << "file closed." << endl; outlog << "file closed." << endl; return 1; }
void Campaign4Example() { std::ostringstream os; std::string path = "../../data/ds10/data/test_processing/Run"; std::vector<int> run_id_list; run_id_list.push_back(3007); run_id_list.push_back(3008); TChain *chain = new TChain("Events"); if (! USE_DB) { std::cout<<"WARNING: Database access disabled ! Make sure to check run list manually"<<std::endl; } //Check runs for validity and add them to the TChain for(vector<int>::const_iterator it = run_id_list.begin(); it != run_id_list.end(); it++) { if (USE_DB) { if ( ! DB_does_run_exist("rundb", "daqruns", *it)) { std::cout<<"Run "<<(*it)<<" does not exist in the database"<<std::endl; continue; } if(DB_get_string("rundb", "daqruns", *it, "comment").find("HARDWARE_ISSUE") != string::npos) { std::cout << "Run" << *it << " has HARDWARE ISSUES. Skipping ..." <<std::endl; continue; } if(DB_get_string("rundb", "daqruns", *it, "type").find("laser") == string::npos && DB_get_string("rundb", "daqruns", *it, "type").find("*junk") == string::npos && DB_get_string("rundb", "daqruns", *it, "type").find("darkbox") == string::npos && DB_get_string("rundb", "daqruns", *it, "type").find("other") == string::npos) { os.str(""); os << path << setw(6) << setfill('0') << *it << ".root"; chain->Add(os.str().c_str()); } } else { os.str(""); os << path << setw(6) << setfill('0') << *it << ".root"; chain->Add(os.str().c_str()); } } //Create EventData object to store information from ROOT TTree EventData* event = NULL; chain->SetBranchAddress("event", &event); int n_events = chain->GetEntries(); //Create output histograms TFile* f = new TFile ("Run4example.root", "RECREATE"); TH1F* s1_hist = new TH1F("s1_hist", "S1 Spectrum", 100, 0, 2000); TH2F* s2s1_f90_hist = new TH2F("s2s1_f90_hist", "Log(S2/S1) vs F90", 100, 0, 1, 100, -3, 3.2); //Loop over all events in TTree for(int n = 0; n < n_events; n = n + 1) { if ( n % 10000 == 0) std::cout<<"Processing Event: "<<n<<"/"<<n_events<<std::endl; chain->GetEntry(n); //Identify S1 and S2 pulses Int_t s1_pulse_number; std::vector<Int_t> s2_pulse_number; s1s2_Identifier(event, s1_pulse_number, s2_pulse_number); if (s1_pulse_number == -1) continue; Int_t s2_multiplicity = s2_pulse_number.size(); if (s2_multiplicity != 1) continue; //Calculate energies Double_t s1_fixed = -1; if (event->sum_of_int[s1_pulse_number].fixed_npe1_valid) s1_fixed = event->sum_of_int[s1_pulse_number].fixed_npe1; Double_t s2_fixed = -1; if (event->sum_of_int[s2_pulse_number[0]].fixed_npe2_valid) s2_fixed = event->sum_of_int[s2_pulse_number[0]].fixed_npe2; //Calculate drift time Double_t t_drift = -1; if (s2_multiplicity > 0) t_drift = drift_time_eval (event, s1_pulse_number, s2_pulse_number[0]); //CUTS if ( start_time(event) && more_one_pulses(event) && nosat(event) && nodesync(event) && s1_fixed > 4. && s1_fixed < 600. && s2_multiplicity == 1 && s2_fixed > 10. && t_drift > 10. && t_drift < 85. && ! late_peak (event, s1_pulse_number)) { s1_hist->Fill(s1_fixed); s2s1_f90_hist->Fill(event->sum_of_int[s1_pulse_number].f90, TMath::Log10(s2_fixed/s1_fixed)); } }//Finish loop over events s1_hist->Write(); s2s1_f90_hist->Write(); f->Close(); }
// The actual job void backgroundFits_qqzz_1Dw(int channel, int sqrts, int VBFtag) { if(sqrts==7)return; TString schannel; if (channel == 1) schannel = "4mu"; else if (channel == 2) schannel = "4e"; else if (channel == 3) schannel = "2e2mu"; else cout << "Not a valid channel: " << schannel << endl; TString ssqrts = (long) sqrts + TString("TeV"); cout << "schannel = " << schannel << " sqrts = " << sqrts << " VBFtag = " << VBFtag << endl; TString outfile; if(VBFtag<2) outfile = "CardFragments/qqzzBackgroundFit_" + ssqrts + "_" + schannel + "_" + Form("%d",int(VBFtag)) + ".txt"; if(VBFtag==2) outfile = "CardFragments/qqzzBackgroundFit_" + ssqrts + "_" + schannel + ".txt"; ofstream of(outfile,ios_base::out); of << "### background functions ###" << endl; gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$ROOFITSYS/include"); gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ../CreateDatacards/include/tdrstyle.cc"); setTDRStyle(false); gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.16); TString filepath; if (sqrts==7) { filepath = filePath7TeV; } else if (sqrts==8) { filepath = filePath8TeV; } TChain* tree = new TChain("SelectedTree"); tree->Add( filepath+ "/" + (schannel=="2e2mu"?"2mu2e":schannel) + "/HZZ4lTree_ZZTo*.root"); RooRealVar* MC_weight = new RooRealVar("MC_weight","MC_weight",0.,2.) ; RooRealVar* ZZMass = new RooRealVar("ZZMass","ZZMass",100.,1000.); RooRealVar* NJets30 = new RooRealVar("NJets30","NJets30",0.,100.); RooArgSet ntupleVarSet(*ZZMass,*NJets30,*MC_weight); RooDataSet *set = new RooDataSet("set","set",ntupleVarSet,WeightVar("MC_weight")); Float_t myMC,myMass; Short_t myNJets; int nentries = tree->GetEntries(); tree->SetBranchAddress("ZZMass",&myMass); tree->SetBranchAddress("MC_weight",&myMC); tree->SetBranchAddress("NJets30",&myNJets); for(int i =0;i<nentries;i++) { tree->GetEntry(i); if(VBFtag==1 && myNJets<2)continue; if(VBFtag==0 && myNJets>1)continue; ntupleVarSet.setRealValue("ZZMass",myMass); ntupleVarSet.setRealValue("MC_weight",myMC); ntupleVarSet.setRealValue("NJets30",(double)myNJets); set->add(ntupleVarSet, myMC); } double totalweight = 0.; double totalweight_z = 0.; for (int i=0 ; i<set->numEntries() ; i++) { //set->get(i) ; RooArgSet* row = set->get(i) ; //row->Print("v"); totalweight += set->weight(); if (row->getRealValue("ZZMass") < 200) totalweight_z += set->weight(); } cout << "nEntries: " << set->numEntries() << ", totalweight: " << totalweight << ", totalweight_z: " << totalweight_z << endl; gSystem->Load("libHiggsAnalysisCombinedLimit.so"); //// --------------------------------------- //Background RooRealVar CMS_qqzzbkg_a0("CMS_qqzzbkg_a0","CMS_qqzzbkg_a0",115.3,0.,200.); RooRealVar CMS_qqzzbkg_a1("CMS_qqzzbkg_a1","CMS_qqzzbkg_a1",21.96,0.,200.); RooRealVar CMS_qqzzbkg_a2("CMS_qqzzbkg_a2","CMS_qqzzbkg_a2",122.8,0.,200.); RooRealVar CMS_qqzzbkg_a3("CMS_qqzzbkg_a3","CMS_qqzzbkg_a3",0.03479,0.,1.); RooRealVar CMS_qqzzbkg_a4("CMS_qqzzbkg_a4","CMS_qqzzbkg_a4",185.5,0.,200.); RooRealVar CMS_qqzzbkg_a5("CMS_qqzzbkg_a5","CMS_qqzzbkg_a5",12.67,0.,200.); RooRealVar CMS_qqzzbkg_a6("CMS_qqzzbkg_a6","CMS_qqzzbkg_a6",34.81,0.,100.); RooRealVar CMS_qqzzbkg_a7("CMS_qqzzbkg_a7","CMS_qqzzbkg_a7",0.1393,0.,1.); RooRealVar CMS_qqzzbkg_a8("CMS_qqzzbkg_a8","CMS_qqzzbkg_a8",66.,0.,200.); RooRealVar CMS_qqzzbkg_a9("CMS_qqzzbkg_a9","CMS_qqzzbkg_a9",0.07191,0.,1.); RooRealVar CMS_qqzzbkg_a10("CMS_qqzzbkg_a10","CMS_qqzzbkg_a10",94.11,0.,200.); RooRealVar CMS_qqzzbkg_a11("CMS_qqzzbkg_a11","CMS_qqzzbkg_a11",-5.111,-100.,100.); RooRealVar CMS_qqzzbkg_a12("CMS_qqzzbkg_a12","CMS_qqzzbkg_a12",4834,0.,10000.); RooRealVar CMS_qqzzbkg_a13("CMS_qqzzbkg_a13","CMS_qqzzbkg_a13",0.2543,0.,1.); if (channel == 1){ ///* 4mu CMS_qqzzbkg_a0.setVal(103.854); CMS_qqzzbkg_a1.setVal(10.0718); CMS_qqzzbkg_a2.setVal(117.551); CMS_qqzzbkg_a3.setVal(0.0450287); CMS_qqzzbkg_a4.setVal(185.262); CMS_qqzzbkg_a5.setVal(7.99428); CMS_qqzzbkg_a6.setVal(39.7813); CMS_qqzzbkg_a7.setVal(0.0986891); CMS_qqzzbkg_a8.setVal(49.1325); CMS_qqzzbkg_a9.setVal(0.0389984); CMS_qqzzbkg_a10.setVal(98.6645); CMS_qqzzbkg_a11.setVal(-7.02043); CMS_qqzzbkg_a12.setVal(5694.66); CMS_qqzzbkg_a13.setVal(0.0774525); //*/ } else if (channel == 2){ ///* 4e CMS_qqzzbkg_a0.setVal(111.165); CMS_qqzzbkg_a1.setVal(19.8178); CMS_qqzzbkg_a2.setVal(120.89); CMS_qqzzbkg_a3.setVal(0.0546639); CMS_qqzzbkg_a4.setVal(184.878); CMS_qqzzbkg_a5.setVal(11.7041); CMS_qqzzbkg_a6.setVal(33.2659); CMS_qqzzbkg_a7.setVal(0.140858); CMS_qqzzbkg_a8.setVal(56.1226); CMS_qqzzbkg_a9.setVal(0.0957699); CMS_qqzzbkg_a10.setVal(98.3662); CMS_qqzzbkg_a11.setVal(-6.98701); CMS_qqzzbkg_a12.setVal(10.0536); CMS_qqzzbkg_a13.setVal(0.110576); //*/ } else if (channel == 3){ ///* 2e2mu CMS_qqzzbkg_a0.setVal(110.293); CMS_qqzzbkg_a1.setVal(11.8334); CMS_qqzzbkg_a2.setVal(116.91); CMS_qqzzbkg_a3.setVal(0.0433151); CMS_qqzzbkg_a4.setVal(185.817); CMS_qqzzbkg_a5.setVal(10.5945); CMS_qqzzbkg_a6.setVal(29.6208); CMS_qqzzbkg_a7.setVal(0.0826); CMS_qqzzbkg_a8.setVal(53.1346); CMS_qqzzbkg_a9.setVal(0.0882081); CMS_qqzzbkg_a10.setVal(85.3776); CMS_qqzzbkg_a11.setVal(-13.3836); CMS_qqzzbkg_a12.setVal(7587.95); CMS_qqzzbkg_a13.setVal(0.325621); //*/ } else { cout << "disaster" << endl; } RooqqZZPdf_v2* bkg_qqzz = new RooqqZZPdf_v2("bkg_qqzz","bkg_qqzz",*ZZMass, CMS_qqzzbkg_a0,CMS_qqzzbkg_a1,CMS_qqzzbkg_a2,CMS_qqzzbkg_a3,CMS_qqzzbkg_a4, CMS_qqzzbkg_a5,CMS_qqzzbkg_a6,CMS_qqzzbkg_a7,CMS_qqzzbkg_a8, CMS_qqzzbkg_a9,CMS_qqzzbkg_a10,CMS_qqzzbkg_a11,CMS_qqzzbkg_a12,CMS_qqzzbkg_a13); RooArgSet myASet(*ZZMass, CMS_qqzzbkg_a0,CMS_qqzzbkg_a1,CMS_qqzzbkg_a2,CMS_qqzzbkg_a3,CMS_qqzzbkg_a4, CMS_qqzzbkg_a5,CMS_qqzzbkg_a6,CMS_qqzzbkg_a7); myASet.add(CMS_qqzzbkg_a8); myASet.add(CMS_qqzzbkg_a9); myASet.add(CMS_qqzzbkg_a10); myASet.add(CMS_qqzzbkg_a11); myASet.add(CMS_qqzzbkg_a12); myASet.add(CMS_qqzzbkg_a13); RooFitResult *r1 = bkg_qqzz->fitTo( *set, Save(kTRUE), SumW2Error(kTRUE) );//, Save(kTRUE), SumW2Error(kTRUE)) ; cout << endl; cout << "------- Parameters for " << schannel << " sqrts=" << sqrts << endl; cout << " a0_bkgd = " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a0.getVal() << endl; cout << " a1_bkgd = " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a1.getVal() << endl; cout << " a2_bkgd = " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a2.getVal() << endl; cout << " a3_bkgd = " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a3.getVal() << endl; cout << " a4_bkgd = " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a4.getVal() << endl; cout << " a5_bkgd = " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a5.getVal() << endl; cout << " a6_bkgd = " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a6.getVal() << endl; cout << " a7_bkgd = " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a7.getVal() << endl; cout << " a8_bkgd = " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a8.getVal() << endl; cout << " a9_bkgd = " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a9.getVal() << endl; cout << " a10_bkgd = " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a10.getVal() << endl; cout << " a11_bkgd = " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a11.getVal() << endl; cout << " a12_bkgd = " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a12.getVal() << endl; cout << " a13_bkgd = " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a13.getVal() << endl; cout << "}" << endl; cout << "---------------------------" << endl; of << "qqZZshape a0_bkgd " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a0.getVal() << endl; of << "qqZZshape a1_bkgd " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a1.getVal() << endl; of << "qqZZshape a2_bkgd " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a2.getVal() << endl; of << "qqZZshape a3_bkgd " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a3.getVal() << endl; of << "qqZZshape a4_bkgd " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a4.getVal() << endl; of << "qqZZshape a5_bkgd " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a5.getVal() << endl; of << "qqZZshape a6_bkgd " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a6.getVal() << endl; of << "qqZZshape a7_bkgd " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a7.getVal() << endl; of << "qqZZshape a8_bkgd " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a8.getVal() << endl; of << "qqZZshape a9_bkgd " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a9.getVal() << endl; of << "qqZZshape a10_bkgd " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a10.getVal() << endl; of << "qqZZshape a11_bkgd " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a11.getVal() << endl; of << "qqZZshape a12_bkgd " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a12.getVal() << endl; of << "qqZZshape a13_bkgd " << CMS_qqzzbkg_a13.getVal() << endl; of << endl << endl; of.close(); cout << endl << "Output written to: " << outfile << endl; double qqzznorm; if (channel == 1) qqzznorm = 20.5836; else if (channel == 2) qqzznorm = 13.8871; else if (channel == 3) qqzznorm = 32.9883; else { cout << "disaster!" << endl; } ZZMass->setRange("fullrange",100.,1000.); ZZMass->setRange("largerange",100.,600.); ZZMass->setRange("zoomrange",100.,200.); double rescale = qqzznorm/totalweight; double rescale_z = qqzznorm/totalweight_z; cout << "rescale: " << rescale << ", rescale_z: " << rescale_z << endl; // Plot m4l and RooPlot* frameM4l = ZZMass->frame(Title("M4L"),Range(100,600),Bins(250)) ; set->plotOn(frameM4l, MarkerStyle(20), Rescale(rescale)) ; //set->plotOn(frameM4l) ; RooPlot* frameM4lz = ZZMass->frame(Title("M4L"),Range(100,200),Bins(100)) ; set->plotOn(frameM4lz, MarkerStyle(20), Rescale(rescale)) ; int iLineColor = 1; string lab = "blah"; if (channel == 1) { iLineColor = 2; lab = "4#mu"; } if (channel == 3) { iLineColor = 4; lab = "2e2#mu"; } if (channel == 2) { iLineColor = 6; lab = "4e"; } bkg_qqzz->plotOn(frameM4l,LineColor(iLineColor),NormRange("largerange")) ; bkg_qqzz->plotOn(frameM4lz,LineColor(iLineColor),NormRange("zoomrange")) ; //second shape to compare with (if previous comparison code unceommented) //bkg_qqzz_bkgd->plotOn(frameM4l,LineColor(1),NormRange("largerange")) ; //bkg_qqzz_bkgd->plotOn(frameM4lz,LineColor(1),NormRange("zoomrange")) ; double normalizationBackground_qqzz = bkg_qqzz->createIntegral( RooArgSet(*ZZMass), Range("fullrange") )->getVal(); cout << "Norm all = " << normalizationBackground_qqzz << endl; frameM4l->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{4l} [GeV]"); frameM4l->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("a.u."); frameM4lz->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{4l} [GeV]"); frameM4lz->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("a.u."); char lname[192]; sprintf(lname,"qq #rightarrow ZZ #rightarrow %s", lab.c_str() ); char lname2[192]; sprintf(lname2,"Shape Model, %s", lab.c_str() ); // dummy! TF1* dummyF = new TF1("dummyF","1",0.,1.); TH1F* dummyH = new TH1F("dummyH","",1, 0.,1.); dummyF->SetLineColor( iLineColor ); dummyF->SetLineWidth( 2 ); dummyH->SetLineColor( kBlue ); TLegend * box2 = new TLegend(0.4,0.70,0.80,0.90); box2->SetFillColor(0); box2->SetBorderSize(0); box2->AddEntry(dummyH,"Simulation (POWHEG+Pythia) ","pe"); box2->AddEntry(dummyH,lname,""); box2->AddEntry(dummyH,"",""); box2->AddEntry(dummyF,lname2,"l"); TPaveText *pt = new TPaveText(0.15,0.955,0.4,0.99,"NDC"); pt->SetFillColor(0); pt->SetBorderSize(0); pt->AddText("CMS Preliminary 2012"); TPaveText *pt2 = new TPaveText(0.84,0.955,0.99,0.99,"NDC"); pt2->SetFillColor(0); pt2->SetBorderSize(0); TString entag;entag.Form("#sqrt{s} = %d TeV",sqrts); pt2->AddText(entag.Data()); TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c","c",800,600); c->cd(); frameM4l->Draw(); frameM4l->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,0.4); if(channel == 3)frameM4l->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,0.7); box2->Draw(); pt->Draw(); pt2->Draw(); TString outputPath = "bkgFigs"; outputPath = outputPath+ (long) sqrts + "TeV/"; TString outputName; if(VBFtag<2) outputName = outputPath + "bkgqqzz_" + schannel + "_" + Form("%d",int(VBFtag)); if(VBFtag==2) outputName = outputPath + "bkgqqzz_" + schannel; c->SaveAs(outputName + ".eps"); c->SaveAs(outputName + ".png"); TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2",1000,500); c2->Divide(2,1); c2->cd(1); frameM4l->Draw(); box2->Draw("same"); c2->cd(2); frameM4lz->Draw(); box2->Draw("same"); if (VBFtag<2) outputName = outputPath + "bkgqqzz_" + schannel + "_z" + "_" + Form("%d",int(VBFtag)); if (VBFtag==2) outputName = outputPath + "bkgqqzz_" + schannel + "_z"; c2->SaveAs(outputName + ".eps"); c2->SaveAs(outputName + ".png"); /* TO make the ratio btw 2 shapes, if needed for compairson TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("c3","c3",1000,500); if(sqrts==7) sprintf(outputName, "bkgFigs7TeV/bkgqqzz_%s_ratio.eps",schannel.c_str()); else if(sqrts==8) sprintf(outputName, "bkgFigs8TeV/bkgqqzz_%s_ratio.eps",schannel.c_str()); const int nPoints = 501.; double masses[nPoints] ; int j=0; for (int i=100; i<601; i++){ masses[j] = i; j++; } cout<<j<<endl; double effDiff[nPoints]; for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++){ ZZMass->setVal(masses[i]); double eval = (bkg_qqzz_bkgd->getVal(otherASet)-bkg_qqzz->getVal(myASet))/(bkg_qqzz->getVal(myASet)); //cout<<bkg_qqzz_bkgd->getVal(otherASet)<<" "<<bkg_qqzz->getVal(myASet)<<" "<<eval<<endl; effDiff[i]=eval; } TGraph* grEffDiff = new TGraph( nPoints, masses, effDiff ); grEffDiff->SetMarkerStyle(20); grEffDiff->Draw("AL"); //c3->SaveAs(outputName); */ if (VBFtag<2) outputName = outputPath + "bkgqqzz_" + schannel + "_z" + "_" + Form("%d",int(VBFtag)) + ".root"; if (VBFtag==2) outputName = outputPath + "bkgqqzz_" + schannel + "_z" + ".root"; TFile* outF = new TFile(outputName,"RECREATE"); outF->cd(); c2->Write(); frameM4l->Write(); frameM4lz->Write(); outF->Close(); delete c; delete c2; }
void rateStudy() { const int NRUNS = 25; const int NCH = 32; const int NBINS = 32; TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "c1", 800, 600); TMultiGraph *mg = new TMultiGraph(); TLegend *legend=new TLegend(0.65,0.15,0.88,0.55); legend->SetNColumns(4); legend->SetFillColor(0); TH1F* hRate = new TH1F("hRate", "hist", 32.0, 0, 8.0); //Color buffer const int NCOLORS = 32; int color[NCOLORS] = {73, 2, 3, 4, 99, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 28, 32, 34, 28, 50, 51, 56, 58, 88, 99, 1, 208, 209, 218, 212, 210, 221, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228 }; ifstream fin; //fin.open("runlist.txt"); fin.open("filter_runlist.txt"); string line = ""; TFile* out = new TFile("outtemp.root", "REACREATE"); TH1F* h = new TH1F("h","hist", NBINS, 0, NBINS); TF1* pois = new TF1("pois","[0]*TMath::Poisson(x,[1])",0,50); TF1* ppp = new TF1("ppp","[0]*TMath::Power(0.5,x*[1])",0.01,1.0); for (int ch = 0; ch < NCH; ++ch) { //if ( ch==26 || ch==27 ) //continue; //Graph points and errors Double_t x[NRUNS]; Double_t y[NRUNS]; Double_t errX[NRUNS] = {0}; Double_t errY[NRUNS] = {0}; int fileCounter = 0; while(getline(fin, line)) { vector<double> data = parse(line); stringstream filePath; filePath << "pmtratestudy/run" << data[0] << "*.root"; cout << "opening file at " << filePath.str() << endl; cout << "file counter: " << fileCounter << " channel=" << ch << endl; //TFile* f = new TFile(filePath.str().c_str()); //TTree* t = (TTree *)f->Get("eventtree"); TChain* t = new TChain("eventtree"); t->Add( filePath.str().c_str() ); out->cd(); x[fileCounter] = data[1]; int nfires[NCH] = {0}; int samples = 0; float chmax = 0.0; t->SetBranchAddress("nfires", &nfires); t->SetBranchAddress("samples", &samples); t->SetBranchAddress("chmax", &chmax); h->Reset(); int nentries = t->GetEntries(); for (int entry = 0; entry < nentries; ++entry) { t->GetEntry(entry); if (chmax < 100.0) { h->Fill(nfires[ch]); } } pois->SetParameter(0,1); pois->SetParameter(1, h->GetMean()); h->Fit(pois,"RQ","",0,50); //TF1 *myfit = (TF1 *)h->GetFunction("pois"); TF1 *myfit = (TF1 *)pois; Double_t lambda = myfit->GetParameter(1); h->Draw(); stringstream histFileName; histFileName << "hist/h" << data[0] << "_ch" << ch << ".png"; c1->SaveAs(histFileName.str().c_str()); //Graph with poisson method #if 1 y[fileCounter] = lambda / ((samples - 1) * 15.625E-6); errY[fileCounter] = myfit->GetParError(1) / ((samples - 1) * 15.625E-6); #endif //Graph with mean method #if 0 y[fileCounter] = h->GetMean() / ((samples - 1) * 15.625E-6); errY[fileCounter] = h->GetMeanError() / ((samples - 1) * 15.625E-6); #endif cout << x[fileCounter] << ", " << y[fileCounter] << " | " << (samples - 1) << endl; delete t; //f->Close(); fileCounter++; } ppp->SetParameter(0,1); ppp->SetParameter(1,0.4); TGraphErrors* gr = new TGraphErrors(NRUNS, x, y, errX, errY); gr->SetLineColor(color[ch % NCOLORS]); cout << "color: " << color[ch % NCOLORS] << endl; gr->SetLineWidth(2); gr->SetMarkerStyle(7); gr->Fit("ppp","R0","Q0",0.045,2.0); TF1 *afit = (TF1 *)gr->GetFunction("ppp"); Double_t aRate = 1/afit->GetParameter(1); if (aRate > 0) { hRate->Fill(aRate); } gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Run Date"); gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Rate [kHz]"); stringstream entryName, fileName; entryName << "Channel" << ch; gr->SetTitle(entryName.str().c_str()); fileName << "plots/" << ch << ".png"; legend->AddEntry(gr, entryName.str().c_str()); gr->Draw("alp"); c1->SaveAs(fileName.str().c_str()); mg->Add(gr); cout << "added plot to mg\n"; fin.clear(); fin.seekg(0, ios::beg); } // loop over channel hRate->Draw(); hRate->Fit("gaus"); c1->SaveAs("hrate.pdf"); mg->Draw("alp"); mg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Days since first run"); mg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Rate [kHz]"); mg->SetTitle("All channels: Rate vs. Days since first Run"); legend->Draw(); c1->SaveAs("mg.pdf"); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { TFile* file = new TFile("neutrons.root", "recreate"); TChain* chain = createChain(argc, argv); // Assign addresses double target_charge, veto_charge, target_cb, veto_cb; unsigned long long time; chain->SetBranchAddress("target_total", &target_charge); chain->SetBranchAddress("veto_total", &veto_charge); chain->SetBranchAddress("target_cb", &target_cb); chain->SetBranchAddress("veto_cb", &veto_cb); chain->SetBranchAddress("time", &time); const int chainEntries = chain->GetEntries(); const double adc2us = 4/1000.0; const int maxCharge = 30000; TH1F* histogram = new TH1F("timing", "timing", 2000, 0, 2000); TH1F* neutrons = new TH1F("nspec", "neutron spectrum", 200, 0, maxCharge); TH1F* hydrogen = new TH1F("nhspec", "capture on hydrogen", 200, 0, maxCharge); TH1F* externals = new TH1F("externspec", "externals", 200, 0, maxCharge); TH1F* tsa_neutrons = new TH1F("tsa_spec", "neutron spectrum from tsa plot", 200, 0, maxCharge); TH1I* multiplicity = new TH1I("mult", "Event multiplicity", 20, 0, 20); unsigned long long t1=0; unsigned long long t2=0; unsigned long long t3=0; // cuts const double max_target_cb = 0.5; const double max_veto_charge = 500; const double min_target_charge = 0; const double tale_min = 800; const double tale_max = 2000; const double neutrons_min = 0; const double neutrons_time = 50; const double hydro_min = 100; const double hydro_max = 150; double previous_charge = 0; // TSA Plots const int nbins = 100; double logmin = -0.3; double logmax = 4.5; double binwidth = (logmax-logmin)/double(nbins); double bin_array[nbins+1]; bin_array[0]=std::pow(10, logmin); for(int i=1; i<=nbins; i++) bin_array[i]=bin_array[0]+std::pow(10,logmin + i*binwidth); TH2F* tsa = new TH2F("tsa", "time series analysis", nbins, bin_array, nbins, bin_array); // Keep track of timing in order to get multiplicity std::vector<unsigned long long> time_vec; time_vec.resize(1, 0); for(int evt=0; evt<chainEntries; ++evt) { // Print out progress if(!(evt%1000)) std::cout << std::floor(double(evt)/chainEntries*100) << "%\r"; previous_charge = target_charge; chain->GetEvent(evt); if(veto_charge<max_veto_charge && target_charge>min_target_charge && target_cb < max_target_cb ) { t3=t2; t2=t1; t1=time; double d12 = (t1-t2)*adc2us; double d23 = (t2-t3)*adc2us; tsa->Fill(d23, d12); if((time-time_vec[0])*adc2us < 50) time_vec.push_back(time); else { multiplicity->Fill(time_vec.size()); time_vec.clear(); time_vec.push_back(time); } histogram->Fill(d12); if(d12 < neutrons_time && d12 > neutrons_min) neutrons->Fill(target_charge); if(d12 < tale_max && d12 > tale_min) externals->Fill(target_charge); if(d12 < hydro_max && d12 > hydro_min) hydrogen->Fill(target_charge); if(d12 < neutrons_time && d23 < neutrons_time) tsa_neutrons->Fill(previous_charge); } } std::cout << std::endl; // Events in tale: TF1* fitter_extern = new TF1("fitter_extern", "[0]*TMath::Exp([1]*x)", 0, 2000); fitter_extern->SetParameters(1000, -4e-4); histogram->Fit(fitter_extern, "QO", "", tale_min, tale_max); TF1* fitter_h = new TF1("fitter_h", "[0]*TMath::Exp([1]*x)", 0, 2000); fitter_h->SetParameters(1000, -4e-3); histogram->Fit(fitter_h, "QO+", "", hydro_min, hydro_max); int tale_events = fitter_extern->Integral(tale_min, tale_max); int bkg_events = fitter_extern->Integral(neutrons_min, neutrons_time); int h_long_events = fitter_h->Integral(hydro_min, hydro_max); int h_short_events = fitter_h->Integral(neutrons_min, neutrons_time); double talebkgratio = bkg_events / double(tale_events); externals->Scale(talebkgratio); double h_ratio = h_short_events / h_long_events; hydrogen->Scale(h_ratio); TH1F* pureNeutrons = new TH1F("pureNeutrons", "pureNeutrons", 200, 0, maxCharge); for(int i=0; i<neutrons->GetNbinsX(); i++) pureNeutrons->SetBinContent(i, neutrons->GetBinContent(i) - externals->GetBinContent(i) - hydrogen->GetBinContent(i)); file->Write(); std::cout << "Wrote histograms to neutrons.root" << std::endl; // TRint* app = new TRint("EVIL", &argc, argv); // TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas(); //c1->Divide(1,2); //c1->cd(1); //histogram->Draw(); //fitter_h->Draw("same"); //fitter_extern->Draw("same"); //c1->cd(2); // externals->SetLineColor(kBlack); // neutrons->SetLineColor(kGreen); // pureNeutrons->SetLineColor(kRed); // hydrogen->SetLineColor(kBlue); // neutrons->Draw(); // externals->Draw("same"); // hydrogen->Draw("same"); // pureNeutrons->Draw("same"); //app->Run(); delete histogram; delete externals; delete neutrons; delete pureNeutrons; //delete c1; delete chain; delete file; return 0; }
void closure_jetfakepho(){//main int channel = 1; // 1 = eg; 2 = mg TChain *sigtree = new TChain("signalTree"); if(channel == 1)sigtree->Add("../../../data/resTree_egsignal_2016.root"); else if(channel ==2)sigtree->Add("../../../data/resTree_mgsignal_2016.root"); TChain *controltree = new TChain("jetTree"); if(channel == 1)controltree->Add("../../../data/resTree_egsignal_2016.root"); else if(channel == 2)controltree->Add("../../../data/resTree_mgsignal_2016.root"); std::ostringstream outputname; if(channel == 1)outputname << "jet-fake-pho_egpt.root"; else if(channel == 2)outputname << "jet-fake-pho_mgpt.root"; TFile *outputfile = TFile::Open(outputname.str().c_str(),"RECREATE"); outputfile->cd(); //*********** histo list **********************// // TH1F *p_controlPhoEt = new TH1F("p_controlPhoEt","#gamma E_{T}; E_{T} (GeV)",300,35,335); // TH1F *p_sigPhoEt = new TH1F("p_sigPhoEt","#gamma E_{T}; E_{T} (GeV)",300,35,335); // TH1F *p_fakesPhoEt = new TH1F("p_fakesPhoEt","#gamma E_{T}; E_{T} (GeV)",300,35,335); // TH1F *p_elebkgPhoEt = new TH1F("p_elebkgPhoEt","#gamma E_{T}; E_{T} (GeV)",300,35,335); TH1F *p_controlPhoEt = new TH1F("p_controlPhoEt",";pt;",115,35,150); TH1F *p_sigPhoEt = new TH1F("p_sigPhoEt",";pt;",115,35,150); TH1F *p_fakesPhoEt = new TH1F("p_fakesPhoEt",";pt;",115,35,150); TH1F *p_elebkgPhoEt = new TH1F("p_elebkgPhoEt",";pt;",115,35,150); sigtree->Draw("phoEt >> p_sigPhoEt", "sigMET < 70"); controltree->Draw("phoEt >> p_controlPhoEt", "sigMET < 70"); //p_sigPhoEt->SetBinContent(115, p_sigPhoEt->GetBinContent(115) + p_sigPhoEt->GetBinContent(116)); //p_controlPhoEt->SetBinContent(115, p_controlPhoEt->GetBinContent(115) + p_controlPhoEt->GetBinContent(116)); p_sigPhoEt->Sumw2(); p_controlPhoEt->Sumw2(); //************ Proxy Tree **********************// if(channel == 1){ TChain *proxytree = new TChain("proxyTree"); proxytree->Add("../../../data/resTree_egsignal_2016.root"); float proxyphoEt(0); float proxysigMET(0); proxytree->SetBranchAddress("phoEt", &proxyphoEt); proxytree->SetBranchAddress("sigMET", &proxysigMET); for (unsigned ievt(0); ievt<proxytree->GetEntries(); ++ievt){//loop on entries proxytree->GetEntry(ievt); if(proxysigMET > 70)continue; double w_ele = 1; for(unsigned i(0); i<nelePtBins-1; i++){ if(proxyphoEt > elePtBins[i] && proxyphoEt < elePtBins[i+1])w_ele=elefakepho[i]; } if(proxyphoEt >= 120)w_ele = 0.0124176; p_elebkgPhoEt->Fill(proxyphoEt,w_ele); } p_elebkgPhoEt->Sumw2(); p_sigPhoEt->Add(p_elebkgPhoEt, -1); } for(unsigned ibin(1); ibin < p_sigPhoEt->GetSize()-1; ibin++){ double xvalue = p_sigPhoEt->GetBinCenter(ibin); double frac(0),fracerror(0); for(unsigned i(0); i<19; i++) if(xvalue >= PtBin[i] && xvalue < PtBin[i+1]){ frac = fracHad[i]; fracerror = fracHadError[i]; } if(xvalue >= 140){ frac = (fracHad[18]+fracHad[17])/2; fracerror = fracHadError[18];} double binvalue = p_sigPhoEt->GetBinContent(ibin)*frac; double binerror = p_sigPhoEt->GetBinError(ibin); if(binvalue == 0)continue; double totalerror = sqrt(binvalue*binvalue*fracerror*fracerror + binerror*binerror*frac*frac); p_fakesPhoEt->SetBinContent(ibin, binvalue); p_fakesPhoEt->SetBinError(ibin, binerror); } outputfile->Write(); Double_t plotPtBins[]={35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,100,110,120,130,140,160,200}; gStyle->SetOptStat(0); TCanvas *c_pt = new TCanvas("Photon_Pt", "Photon P_{T}",800,800); c_pt->cd(); TPad *pad1 = new TPad("pad1", "pad1", 0, 0.3, 1, 1.0); pad1->SetBottomMargin(0.1); pad1->Draw(); pad1->cd(); gPad->SetLogy(); TH1 *new_controlPhoEt = p_controlPhoEt->Rebin(5); TH1 *new_fakesPhoEt = p_fakesPhoEt->Rebin(5); new_controlPhoEt->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(35,150); new_fakesPhoEt->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(35,150); new_controlPhoEt->Draw("EP"); new_controlPhoEt->SetLineColor(kBlack); new_controlPhoEt->SetMarkerStyle(20); new_fakesPhoEt->SetLineColor(kRed); new_fakesPhoEt->SetMarkerStyle(20); new_fakesPhoEt->SetMarkerColor(kRed); new_fakesPhoEt->Draw("EP same"); TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.6,0.7,0.9,0.9); leg->SetFillStyle(0); gStyle->SetLegendBorderSize(1); gStyle->SetLegendFillColor(0); leg->AddEntry(new_controlPhoEt,"hadron proxies"); leg->AddEntry(new_fakesPhoEt,"fake photons"); leg->Draw("same"); TF1 *fitfunc_num = new TF1("fitfunc_num","expo(0)+expo(3)",35,150); TF1 *fitfunc_den = new TF1("fitfunc_den","expo(0)+expo(3)",35,150); c_pt->cd(); TPad *pad2 = new TPad("pad2", "pad2", 0, 0.05, 1, 0.25); pad2->Draw(); pad2->cd(); TH1F *ratio=(TH1F*)new_fakesPhoEt->Clone("transfer factor"); ratio->Divide(new_controlPhoEt); ratio->SetTitle(""); ratio->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("proxies/fake"); ratio->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(63); ratio->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(14); ratio->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(63); ratio->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(14); ratio->Draw(); RooRealVar pt("pt","",35,150); //pt.setBins(33); new_controlPhoEt->SetMaximum(new_controlPhoEt->GetEntries()); new_fakesPhoEt->SetMaximum(new_fakesPhoEt->GetEntries()); RooDataHist* hist_den = new RooDataHist("hist_den","hist_den",pt,new_controlPhoEt); RooDataHist* hist_num = new RooDataHist("hist_num","hist_num",pt,new_fakesPhoEt); RooHistPdf* pdf_den = new RooHistPdf("pdf_den","pdf_den", pt, *hist_den); RooHistPdf* pdf_num = new RooHistPdf("pdf_num","pdf_num", pt, *hist_num); RooRealVar coeff1_den("coeff1_den","coeff1", 1, -15, 10*new_controlPhoEt->GetEntries()); RooRealVar coeff2_den("coeff2_den","coeff2", 1, -15, 10*new_controlPhoEt->GetEntries()); RooRealVar lambda1_den("lambda1_den","lambda1", 0.02, -1, 1); RooRealVar lambda2_den("lambda2_den","lambda2", 0.02, -1, 1); RooExponential expo1_den("expo1_den", "exponential PDF", pt, lambda1_den); RooExponential expo2_den("expo2_den", "exponential PDF", pt, lambda2_den); RooAddPdf model_den("model_den","",RooArgList(expo1_den, expo2_den),RooArgList(coeff1_den, coeff2_den)); RooRealVar coeff1_num("coeff1_num","coeff1", 1, -15, 10*new_fakesPhoEt->GetEntries()); RooRealVar coeff2_num("coeff2_num","coeff2", 1, -15, 10*new_fakesPhoEt->GetEntries()); RooRealVar lambda1_num("lambda1_num","lambda1", 0.02, -1, 1); RooRealVar lambda2_num("lambda2_num","lambda2", 0.02, -1, 1); RooExponential expo1_num("expo1_num", "exponential PDF", pt, lambda1_num); RooExponential expo2_num("expo2_num", "exponential PDF", pt, lambda2_num); RooAddPdf model_num("model_num","",RooArgList(expo1_num, expo2_num),RooArgList(coeff1_num, coeff2_num)); //RooMCStudy* mcstudy_den = new RooMCStudy(*pdf_den,pt,RooFit::FitModel(model_den),RooFit::Binned(kTRUE),RooFit::Silence(),RooFit::Extended(), // RooFit::FitOptions(RooFit::Save(kTRUE),RooFit::PrintEvalErrors(0))); //RooMCStudy* mcstudy_num = new RooMCStudy(*pdf_num,pt,RooFit::FitModel(model_num),RooFit::Binned(kTRUE),RooFit::Silence(),RooFit::Extended(), // RooFit::FitOptions(RooFit::Save(kTRUE),RooFit::PrintEvalErrors(0))); //RooChi2MCSModule chi2mod_den; //RooChi2MCSModule chi2mod_num; //mcstudy_den->addModule(chi2mod_den); //mcstudy_num->addModule(chi2mod_num); //mcstudy_den->generateAndFit(1000,new_controlPhoEt->GetEntries()); //mcstudy_num->generateAndFit(1000,new_fakesPhoEt->GetEntries()); //TH1* chi2_den = mcstudy_den->fitParDataSet().createHistogram("chi2"); //TH1* prob_den = mcstudy_den->fitParDataSet().createHistogram("prob"); //TH1* chi2_num = mcstudy_num->fitParDataSet().createHistogram("chi2"); //TH1* prob_num = mcstudy_num->fitParDataSet().createHistogram("prob"); //TH1* result_den = mcstudy_den->fitParDataSet().createHistogram("hh"); //TH1* result_den = mcstudy_den->fitResult(0)->correlationHist("c000") ; //chi2_num->SetLineColor(kRed) ; //prob_num->SetLineColor(kRed) ; TCanvas* mccan = new TCanvas("mccan","mccan",800,400) ; mccan->Divide(2) ; //mccan->cd(1) ; gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.15) ; chi2_den->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4) ; chi2_den->Draw() ; chi2_num->Draw("esame") ; //mccan->cd(2) ; gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.15) ; prob_den->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4) ; prob_den->Draw() ; prob_num->Draw("esame") ; RooPlot* den_frame = pt.frame(RooFit::Title("jet proxies")); RooPlot* num_frame = pt.frame(RooFit::Title("candidate photon X hadron factor")); mccan->cd(1); gPad->SetLogy(); den_frame->SetMaximum(new_controlPhoEt->GetEntries()); RooFitResult* reden = model_den.fitTo(*hist_den,RooFit::SumW2Error(kTRUE),RooFit::Save()); hist_den->plotOn(den_frame); model_den.plotOn(den_frame, RooFit::FillColor(kBlue-4)); den_frame->Draw(); mccan->cd(2); gPad->SetLogy(); num_frame->SetMaximum(10000); num_frame->SetMinimum(10); RooFitResult* renum = model_num.fitTo(*hist_num,RooFit::SumW2Error(kTRUE),RooFit::Save()); hist_num->plotOn(num_frame); model_num.plotOn(num_frame, RooFit::FillColor(kBlue-4)); num_frame->Draw(); pt.setRange("signal",35,150); RooAbsReal* igx_den1 = expo1_den.createIntegral(pt,RooFit::Range("signal")); RooAbsReal* igx_den2 = expo2_den.createIntegral(pt,RooFit::Range("signal")); RooAbsReal* igx_num1 = expo1_num.createIntegral(pt,RooFit::Range("signal")); RooAbsReal* igx_num2 = expo2_num.createIntegral(pt,RooFit::Range("signal")); std::cout << "inte den1=" << igx_den1->getVal() << " den2=" << igx_den2->getVal() << " num1=" << igx_num1->getVal() << " num2=" << igx_num2->getVal() << std::endl; std::cout << "totalden=" << new_controlPhoEt->GetEntries() << std::endl; fitfunc_den->SetParameter(1,lambda1_den.getVal()); fitfunc_den->SetParameter(3,lambda2_den.getVal()); fitfunc_num->SetParameter(1,lambda1_num.getVal()); fitfunc_num->SetParameter(3,lambda2_num.getVal()); new_fakesPhoEt->Fit("fitfunc_num"); new_controlPhoEt->Fit("fitfunc_den"); c_pt->cd(); pad1->cd(); fitfunc_den->Draw("same"); fitfunc_num->Draw("same"); if(channel == 1)c_pt->SaveAs("JetFake_ratio_eg.pdf"); else if(channel == 2)c_pt->SaveAs("JetFake_ratio_mg.pdf"); // NO. NAME VALUE ERROR SIZE DERIVATIVE // 1 p0 9.73181e+00 2.26898e-01 2.78046e-05 9.10547e-03 // 2 p1 -3.34186e-02 1.55081e-03 4.43967e-07 7.43686e-01 // 3 p3 9.55643e+00 2.70401e-01 3.31514e-05 7.64064e-03 // 4 p4 -3.34188e-02 1.82847e-03 5.28578e-07 5.89368e-01 //FCN=95.1209 FROM MIGRAD STATUS=CONVERGED 253 CALLS 254 TOTAL // EDM=2.21358e-08 STRATEGY= 1 ERROR MATRIX ACCURATE // EXT PARAMETER STEP FIRST // NO. NAME VALUE ERROR SIZE DERIVATIVE // 1 p0 2.27259e+00 1.40250e+00 3.06094e-04 -1.34231e-05 // 2 p1 2.05848e-02 9.68368e-03 2.22428e-06 -1.31028e-02 // 3 p3 1.24698e+01 9.85422e-03 9.76944e-06 -3.21533e-02 // 4 p4 -4.47018e-02 2.05076e-04 1.63128e-07 -1.91568e+00 mccan->SaveAs("JetFake_ptfitting.pdf"); for(unsigned i(0); i< 23; i++){ Double_t bincenter = i*5.0+2.5; std::cout << "bin" << i << " " << ratio->GetBinContent(i) << " predict = " << fitfunc_num->Eval(bincenter)/fitfunc_den->Eval(bincenter) << std::endl; } }
int MC_Ratio(int leptonId, double* par1, int npar1bins, double* par2, int npar2bins, TString sel_den , TString sel_num, double cut_num , TString par_x , TString par_y , TString option ){ setTDRStyle(); /////////////// //Get the TTree /////////////// //Location of the .root file TString location2 = "/Users/GLP/Desktop/CERN_data/dyjetsnew/postprocessed/"; //Reading the tree // TChain* tree = new TChain("treeProducerSusyMultilepton"); //DY events //tree->Add(location+"DYJetsToLLM50_PU_S14_POSTLS170.root"); tree->Add(location2+"dyjets_good.root"); //Plot the result Long64_t n = tree->GetEntries(); //Path for input and output file. Written in FitDataPath.txt TString _path = "/Users/GLP/Dropbox/Physique/Master_Thesis/plots_root/MC_eff/"; ////////////////////// //Name for the plots// ////////////////////// TString _filetag = ""; TString pname; TString _pname; TString _par; TString _sel_num; TString _sel_den; TString _option; ////Writing string //particle string if(abs(leptonId) == 11){pname = "e"; _pname = "e";} if(abs(leptonId) == 13){pname = " #mu"; _pname = "mu";} //Parameter string if(par_x == "Pt"){_par = "P_{t}";} else if(par_x == "eta"){_par = "#eta";} else if(par_x == "phi"){_par = "#phi";} //sel_den string if((sel_den == "tightmva")&&(leptonId == 13)){cout<<"ERROR: no tightId MVA defined for the muon !"<<endl;return 1;} if(sel_den == "tightcut"){_sel_den = "tightcut";} else if(sel_den == "tightmva"){_sel_den = "tightmva";} else if(sel_den == "loose"){_sel_den = "loose";} else if(sel_den == ""){_sel_den = "";} else{cout<<"ERROR: wrong sel_denion !";return 1;} //sel_num string if((sel_num == "tightmva")&&(leptonId == 13)){cout<<"ERROR: no tightId MVA defined for the muon !"<<endl;return 1;} if(sel_num == "tightcut"){_sel_num = "tightcut";} else if(sel_num == "tightmva"){_sel_num = "tightmva";} else if(sel_num == ""){_sel_num = "";} else if(sel_num == "loose"){_sel_num = "loose";} else if(sel_num == "reliso3"){_sel_num = Form("reliso3_%0.3lf",cut_num);} else if(sel_num == "reliso4"){_sel_num = Form("reliso4_%0.3lf",cut_num);} else if(sel_num == "chiso3"){_sel_num = Form("chiso3_%0.3lf",cut_num);} else if(sel_num == "chiso4"){_sel_num = Form("chiso4_%0.3lf",cut_num);} else if(sel_num == "dxy"){_sel_num = Form("dxy_%0.3lf",cut_num);} else if(sel_num == "dz"){_sel_num = Form("dz_%0.3lf",cut_num);} else{cout<<"ERROR: wrong numerator name !";return 1;} //option string option.Append(" "); option.Prepend(" "); if(option.Contains(" ll ")){_option += "_ll";} if(option.Contains(" unmatched ")){_option += "_unmatched";} if(option.Contains(" alleta ")){_option += "_alleta";} if(option.Contains(" short ")){_option += "_short";} _option += "_"; //parameter range string TString _par1range; _par1range = Form("%0.3f_"+par_x+"%0.3f",par1[0],par1[npar1bins]); TString _par2range; _par2range = Form("%0.3f_"+par_y+"%0.3f",par2[0],par2[npar2bins]); ///////////////////////////////////// //Write the name of the output file// ///////////////////////////////////// TString _fname = "MCeff"+_filetag+_option+_pname+_par1range+"_"+_par2range+"_den_"+_sel_den+"_num_"+_sel_num; //Output file cout<<"going to create the file"<<endl; //Check if the file exists TFile *fcheck = TFile::Open(_path+_fname+".root", "READ"); if (fcheck) { cout << "File "<<_fname<<" exists ! Please change name" << endl; return 1; } TFile* file_out = new TFile(_path+_fname+".root","recreate"); cout<<"done ! "<<endl; //Declaration of histogram TH1D **histo_num = new TH1D*[npar2bins]; TH1D **histo_den = new TH1D*[npar2bins]; TH1D **eff = new TH1D*[npar2bins]; //Par1 distribution histogram TH1D** histo_par1 = new TH1D*[npar2bins]; //Distribution of the cut parameter whose efficiency is studied TH1D *histo_other_sel = new TH1D("histo_other_sel","h",5,0,5); TH1D *histo_good_sel = new TH1D("histo_good_sel","h",5,0,5); //Histo separate in Lep_good Lep_other // TH1D **histo_num_O = new TH1D*[npar2bins]; TH1D **histo_den_O = new TH1D*[npar2bins]; TH1D **eff_O = new TH1D*[npar2bins]; TH1D **histo_num_G = new TH1D*[npar2bins]; TH1D **histo_den_G = new TH1D*[npar2bins]; TH1D **eff_G = new TH1D*[npar2bins]; //Counter LepGood vs LepOther TH1D **histo_counter = new TH1D*[npar2bins]; TH1D **histo_counter_G_par1 = new TH1D*[npar2bins]; TH1D **histo_counter_O_par1 = new TH1D*[npar2bins]; TH1D **histo_counter_par1 = new TH1D*[npar2bins]; for(int _i = 0; _i < npar2bins; ++_i){ histo_num[_i] = new TH1D("histo_num","Pt",npar1bins,par1[0],par1[npar1bins]); histo_den[_i] = new TH1D("histo_den","Pt",npar1bins,par1[0],par1[npar1bins]); eff[_i] = new TH1D("eff","Pt",npar1bins,par1[0],par1[npar1bins]); // histo_par1[_i] = new TH1D("histo_par1","par1",npar1bins*25,par1[0],par1[npar1bins]); // histo_num_O[_i] = new TH1D("histo_num_O","Pt",npar1bins,par1[0],par1[npar1bins]); histo_den_O[_i] = new TH1D("histo_den_O","Pt",npar1bins,par1[0],par1[npar1bins]); eff_O[_i] = new TH1D("eff_O","Pt",npar1bins,par1[0],par1[npar1bins]); histo_num_G[_i] = new TH1D("histo_num_G","Pt",npar1bins,par1[0],par1[npar1bins]); histo_den_G[_i] = new TH1D("histo_den_G","Pt",npar1bins,par1[0],par1[npar1bins]); eff_G[_i] = new TH1D("eff_G","Pt",npar1bins,par1[0],par1[npar1bins]); histo_counter_G_par1[_i] = new TH1D("histo_counter_G_par1","count",npar1bins,par1[0],par1[npar1bins]); histo_counter_O_par1[_i] = new TH1D("histo_counter_O_par1","count",npar1bins,par1[0],par1[npar1bins]); histo_counter_par1[_i] = new TH1D("histo_counter_par1","count",npar1bins,par1[0],par1[npar1bins]); histo_counter[_i] = new TH1D("histo_counter","count",2,0,2); } //Event variables Int_t evt_id; Double_t scale; //Generated Double_t gen_phi[200]; Double_t gen_eta[200]; Double_t Pt[200]; Double_t m[200]; Int_t Id[200]; Int_t Mo[200]; Double_t charge[200]; Int_t status[200]; Int_t GrMa[200]; Int_t ngenPart; Int_t source[200]; Int_t pile_up; //not loose Int_t On; Int_t Oid[200]; Double_t Opt[200]; Double_t Om[200]; Double_t Oeta[200]; Double_t Ophi[200]; Int_t Oq[200]; Int_t Otight[200]; Int_t Otighte[200]; //Double_t Omvaid[200]; Int_t Oloose[200]; Double_t Oiso3[200]; Double_t Oiso4[200]; Double_t Ochiso3[200]; Double_t Ochiso4[200]; Double_t Odxy[200]; Double_t Odz[200]; //loose Int_t Gn; Int_t Gid[200]; Double_t Gpt[200]; Double_t Gm[200]; Double_t Geta[200]; Double_t Gphi[200]; Int_t Gq[200]; Int_t Gtight[200]; Int_t Gtighte[200]; Int_t Gloose[200]; Double_t Giso3[200]; Double_t Giso4[200]; Double_t Gchiso3[200]; Double_t Gchiso4[200]; Double_t Gdxy[200]; Double_t Gdz[200]; //Assigne branches tree->SetBranchAddress("evt_scale1fb", &scale); tree->SetBranchAddress("evt_id", &evt_id); //generated tree->SetBranchAddress("nGenPart", &ngenPart); tree->SetBranchAddress("GenPart_pdgId", &Id); tree->SetBranchAddress("GenPart_sourceId", &source); tree->SetBranchAddress("GenPart_eta", &gen_eta); tree->SetBranchAddress("GenPart_phi", &gen_phi); tree->SetBranchAddress("GenPart_pt", &Pt); tree->SetBranchAddress("GenPart_mass", &m); tree->SetBranchAddress("GenPart_charge", &charge); tree->SetBranchAddress("GenPart_status", &status); //not loose tree->SetBranchAddress("nLepOther",&On); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepOther_pdgId",&Oid); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepOther_pt",&Opt); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepOther_mass",&Om); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepOther_eta",&Oeta); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepOther_phi",&Ophi); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepOther_charge",&Oq); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepOther_tightId",&Otight); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepOther_eleCutIdCSA14_50ns_v1",&Otighte); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepOther_relIso03",&Oiso3); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepOther_relIso04",&Oiso4); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepOther_chargedHadRelIso03",&Ochiso3); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepOther_chargedHadRelIso04",&Ochiso4); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepOther_dxy",&Odxy); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepOther_dz",&Odz); //Loose tree->SetBranchAddress("nLepGood",&Gn); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepGood_pdgId",&Gid); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepGood_pt",&Gpt); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepGood_mass",&Gm); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepGood_eta",&Geta); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepGood_phi",&Gphi); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepGood_charge",&Gq); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepGood_tightId",&Gtight); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepGood_eleCutIdCSA14_50ns_v1",&Gtighte); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepGood_relIso03",&Giso3); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepGood_relIso04",&Giso4); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepGood_chargedHadRelIso03",&Gchiso3); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepGood_chargedHadRelIso04",&Gchiso4); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepGood_dxy",&Gdxy); tree->SetBranchAddress("LepGood_dz",&Gdz); int count = 0; //Count lepgood/other int goodcount = 0; int othercount = 0; if(option.Contains(" short ")){n = 100000;} //Start loop over all events for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k) { //Declaration of event parameters Int_t evtn; Int_t evtloose[200]; Int_t evtid[200]; Double_t evtpt[200]; Double_t evtm[200]; Double_t evteta[200]; Double_t evtphi[200]; Int_t evtq[200]; Int_t evttight[200]; Int_t evttighte[200]; Double_t evtiso3[200]; Double_t evtiso4[200]; Double_t evtchiso3[200]; Double_t evtchiso4[200]; Double_t evtdxy[200]; Double_t evtdz[200]; if( 100*(double)k/n> count){cout<<count<<endl;++count;} tree->GetEntry(k); //Selection on denominator for(int j = 0; j < Gn+On; ++j){ //Separate here other from loose if(j < On){ evtloose[j] = 0; evtid[j] = Oid[j]; evtpt[j] = Opt[j]; evtm[j] = Om[j]; evteta[j] = Oeta[j]; evtphi[j] = Ophi[j]; evtq[j] = Oq[j]; evttight[j] = Otight[j]; evttighte[j] = Otighte[j]; evtiso3[j] = Oiso3[j]; evtiso4[j] = Oiso4[j]; evtchiso3[j] = Ochiso3[j]; evtchiso4[j] = Ochiso4[j]; evtdxy[j] = Odxy[j]; evtdz[j] = Odz[j]; }else if((j >= On)&&(j < Gn+On)){ evtloose[j] = 1; evtid[j] = Gid[j-On]; evtpt[j] = Gpt[j-On]; evtm[j] = Gm[j-On]; evteta[j] = Geta[j-On]; evtphi[j] = Gphi[j-On]; evtq[j] = Gq[j-On]; evttight[j] = Gtight[j-On]; evttighte[j] = Gtighte[j-On]; evtiso3[j] = Giso3[j-On]; evtiso4[j] = Giso4[j-On]; evtchiso3[j] = Gchiso3[j-On]; evtchiso4[j] = Gchiso4[j-On]; evtdxy[j] = Gdxy[j-On]; evtdz[j] = Gdz[j-On]; } if((!option.Contains(" ll "))||((option.Contains(" ll "))&&(Gn+On == 2)&&(evtq[0] == -evtq[1]))){ if(abs(evtid[j]) == leptonId){ //Cut on the denominator //if((sel_den != "loose")||(evtloose[j] == 1)){ //if(evtloose[j] == 1){ if((sel_den != "tightcut")||(((abs(evtid[j]) == 13)&&(sel_den == "tightcut")&&(evttight[j] == 1 ))||((abs(evtid[j]) == 11)&&(sel_den == "tightcut")&&(evttighte[j] >= 3)))){ if((sel_den != "tightmva")||((abs(evtid[j]) == 11)&&(sel_den == "tightmva")&&(evttight[j] == 1))){ //Veto the EE-EB gape //Variable for matching double R = 999; double delta_P = 999; double delta_charge = 999; //Parameter on the xaxis double par; double par_2; //loop over all generated particles to do the matching for (int i = 0; i < ngenPart; ++i) { if((abs(Id[i]) == leptonId)){ //Electrons selection double R2 = DeltaR(gen_eta[i],evteta[j],gen_phi[i],evtphi[j] ); //Minimise DeltaR and Fill the other variables if (R > R2) { R = R2; delta_P = abs(evtpt[j]-Pt[i])/Pt[i]; delta_charge = abs(evtq[j] - charge[i]); } } } //Choose the parameter to be filled for the eff. if(par_x == "Pt"){par = evtpt[j];} else if(par_x == "eta"){par = evteta[j];} else if(par_x == "phi"){par = evtphi[j];} if(par_y == "Pt"){par_2 = evtpt[j];} else if(par_y == "eta"){par_2 = abs(evteta[j]);} else if(par_y == "phi"){par_2 = abs(evtphi[j]);} //Fill Pt only for matched events if(((R<0.1)&&(delta_P < 0.2)&&(delta_charge < 0.5))||option.Contains(" unmatched ")){ for(int ii = 0; ii < npar2bins; ++ii){ if((par_2 > par2[ii])&&(par_2 <= par2[ii+1])){histo_den[ii]->Fill(par);histo_par1[ii]->Fill(par); if(evtloose[j] == 1){histo_good_sel->Fill(evttighte[j]);} else if(evtloose[j] == 0){histo_other_sel->Fill(evttighte[j]);} else{cout<<"Error !"<<endl; return 1;} } } //Additional cut on the numerator int a = 0; if((sel_num == "tightcut")&&(abs(evtid[j]) == 13)&&(evttight[j] == 1)){a = 1;} if((sel_num == "tightcut")&&(abs(evtid[j]) == 11)&&(evttighte[j] >= 3)){a = 1;} if((sel_num == "reliso3")&&(evtiso3[j] <= cut_num)){a = 2;} if((sel_num == "reliso4")&&(evtiso4[j] <= cut_num)){a = 3;} if((sel_num == "chiso3")&&(evtchiso3[j] <= cut_num)){a = 4;} if((sel_num == "chiso4")&&(evtchiso4[j] <= cut_num)){a = 5;} if((sel_num == "dxy")&&(abs(evtdxy[j]) <= cut_num)){a = 6;} if((sel_num == "dz")&&(abs(evtdz[j]) <= cut_num)){a = 7;} if((sel_num == "tightmva")&&(abs(evtid[j]) == 11)&&(evttight[j] == 1)){a = 9;} if((sel_num == "loose")&&(evtloose[j]) == 1){a = 8;} //Find the corresponding histogram for par2 TH1D* hist; TH1D* hist_evt; bool found = false; for(int _i = 0; _i < npar2bins; ++_i){ if((par_2 > par2[_i])&&(par_2 <= par2[_i+1])){hist = histo_num[_i];found = true;} } if(!found){a = 0;} switch(a){ case 0: break; case 1: hist->Fill(par); break; case 2: hist->Fill(par); break; case 3: hist->Fill(par); break; case 4: hist->Fill(par); break; case 5: hist->Fill(par); break; case 6: hist->Fill(par); break; case 7: hist->Fill(par); break; case 8: hist->Fill(par); break; case 9: hist->Fill(par); break; } } } } } //} } } } mkdir(_path+_fname+"_PDF/", S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); /////////////////// //Draw histograms// /////////////////// //Canvas declaration for(int i = 0; i < npar2bins; ++i){ //////////////////// //Build histograms// //////////////////// histo_num[i]->Sumw2(); histo_den[i]->Sumw2(); eff[i]->Divide(histo_num[i],histo_den[i],1,1,"B"); //histo_num_O[i]->Sumw2(); //histo_den_O[i]->Sumw2(); //eff_O[i]->Divide(histo_num_O[i],histo_den_O[i],1,1,"B"); //histo_num_G[i]->Sumw2(); //histo_den_G[i]->Sumw2(); //eff_G[i]->Divide(histo_num_G[i],histo_den_G[i],1,1,"B"); //histo_counter_G_par1[i]->Sumw2(); //histo_counter_O_par1[i]->Sumw2(); //histo_counter_par1[i]->Divide(histo_counter_O_par1[i],histo_counter_G_par1[i],1,1,"B"); //histo_counter[i]->Fill(0.5,goodcount); //histo_counter[i]->Fill(1.5,othercount); //String for name of the ouput files and histograms titles // TString _parybin; //Parameter string if(par_y == "Pt"){_parybin = Form("%0.f_Pt%0.f",par2[i],par2[i+1]);} else if(par_y == "eta"){_parybin = Form("%0.3f_eta%0.3f",par2[i],par2[i+1]);cout<<"it works !"<<endl;} else if(par_y == "phi"){_parybin = Form("%0.3f_phi%0.3f",par2[i],par2[i+1]);} TString _parytitle; //Title string if(par_y == "Pt"){_parytitle = Form("%0.f #leq P_{t} #leq %0.f",par2[i],par2[i+1]);} else if(par_y == "eta"){_parytitle = Form("%0.3f #leq #||{#eta} #leq %0.3f",par2[i],par2[i+1]);cout<<"it works !"<<endl;} else if(par_y == "phi"){_parytitle = Form("%0.3f #leq #||{#phi} #leq %0.3f",par2[i],par2[i+1]);} //Draw histograms TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1"); c1->cd(); eff[i]->Draw(); eff[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#epsilon"); eff[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(_par); eff[i]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,1.1); eff[i]->SetMarkerStyle(20); eff[i]->SetMarkerSize(1); eff[i]->SetMarkerColor(4); eff[i]->SetLineColor(4); eff[i]->SetTitle(_sel_num+" for "+_sel_den+" "+pname+" "+_parytitle); TCanvas* c_par1 = new TCanvas("cpar1","cpar1"); TString _partitle = _par + (TString)" distribution for "+pname+", "+_parytitle+", "+sel_num; c_par1->cd(); histo_par1[i]->Draw(); histo_par1[i]->SetTitle(_partitle); histo_par1[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(_par); histo_par1[i]->SetLineWidth(2); histo_par1[i]->SetLineColor(4); histo_par1[i]->SetMarkerColor(4); histo_good_sel->Add(histo_other_sel); TCanvas* csel = new TCanvas("csel","csel"); csel->cd(); histo_good_sel->Draw(); ///////////////////// //Saving the output// ///////////////////// //Write pdf TString cname = "eff"+_filetag+_option+_pname+_par1range+"_"+_parybin+"_den_"+_sel_den+"_num_"+_sel_num; c1->SaveAs(_path+_fname+"_PDF/"+cname+".pdf"); c_par1->SaveAs(_path+_fname+"_PDF/"+cname+"par_distr.pdf"); csel->SaveAs(_path+_fname+"_PDF/"+cname+"sel.pdf"); //Write in output file file_out->cd(); eff[i]->Write("eff"+_parybin); histo_good_sel->Write("sel"+_parybin); //histo_par1[i]->Write("histo_par1_"+_parybin); } file_out->Close(); return 0; }
void Draw_BDiJetImbalance() { gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); //==========================================================================// // SET RUNNING CONDITIONS //==========================================================================// bool print_plots = true; bool is_pp = false; // const char* inFile = "HFtag_bjet.root"; // const char* inFile = "HFtag_bjet_pp.root"; // const char* inFile = "/phenix/plhf/dcm07e/sPHENIX/bjetsims/test.root"; // if (!is_pp) // const char* inFile = "HFtag_bjet_AuAu0-10.root"; const char* inDir = "/phenix/plhf/dcm07e/sPHENIX/bjetsims/ana"; // // desired nn integrated luminosity [pb^{-1}] // double lumiDesired = 175; // if ( !is_pp ) // lumiDesired = 229; // AuAu 0-10% central (10B events) // desired nn integrated luminosity [pb^{-1}] double lumiDesired = 200; TString scol("p + p #sqrt{s_{_{NN}}} = 200 GeV"); TString slumi(Form("#int L dt = %.0f pb^{-1} |z| < 10 cm", lumiDesired)); if ( !is_pp ) { // equivelant nn luminosity: // N_{evt}^{NN} / sigma_NN = N_{evt}^{AA}*Ncoll / sigma_NN // = 10e9 * 962 / 42e9 pb = 229 pb^-1 double evntDesired = 24e9; // AuAu 0-10% central lumiDesired = evntDesired * 962 / 42e9; // AuAu 0-10% central scol = "0-10% Au + Au #sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200 GeV"; slumi = Form("%.0fB events |z| < 10 cm", evntDesired / 1.e9); } // luminosity per file generated [pb^{-1}] double lumiPerFile = 99405 / (4.641e-06 * 1e12); double lumiRead = 0; double pT1min = 20; double pT2min = 10; // double etamax = 1.0; double etamax = 0.7; // double bJetEff = 0.5; // b-jet tagging efficiency double bJetEff = 0.60; // p+p b-jet tagging efficiency if ( !is_pp ) bJetEff = 0.40; double bJetPur = 0.40; // b-jet tagging purity double RAA = 1.0; if (!is_pp) RAA = 0.6; const int NETACUT = 3; double etacut[] = {1.3, 1.0, 0.7}; double etaColor[] = {kBlue, kRed, kBlack}; const int PTCUT = 3; double ptcut[] = {10, 20, 40}; double ptColor[] = {kBlue, kRed, kBlack}; //==========================================================================// // DECLARE VARIABLES //==========================================================================// //-- tree variables TChain *ttree; Int_t event; Int_t truthjet_n; Int_t truthjet_parton_flavor[100]; Int_t truthjet_hadron_flavor[100]; Float_t truthjet_pt[100]; Float_t truthjet_eta[100]; Float_t truthjet_phi[100]; //-- histograms TH1D* hjet_pT = new TH1D("hjet_pT", ";p_{T}^{jet} [GeV/c]", 20, 0, 100); TH1D* hjet_eta = new TH1D("hjet_eta", ";#eta^{jet}", 40, -2., 2.); TH1D* hjet_phi = new TH1D("hjet_phi", ";#phi^{jet}", 40, -4, 4); TH1D* hdijet_pT1 = new TH1D("hdijet_pT1", ";p_{T,1}^{jet} [GeV/c]", 20, 0, 100); TH1D* hdijet_pT2 = new TH1D("hdijet_pT2", ";p_{T,2}^{jet} [GeV/c]", 20, 0, 100); TH1D* hdijet_xj = new TH1D("hdijet_xj", ";x_{j} = p_{T,2} / p_{T,1}; event fraction", 10, 0, 1); TH1D* hdijet_dphi = new TH1D("hdijet_dphi", ";|#Delta#phi_{12}|; event fraction", 10, 0, TMath::Pi()); TH1D* hdijet_sing_pT1 = new TH1D("hdijet_sing_pT1", ";p_{T,1} [GeV/c];Fraction of Dijet / Single Accepted", 20, 00, 100); TH1D* hdijet_sing_eta2 = new TH1D("hdijet_sing_eta2", ";#eta_{2};Fraction of Dijet / Single Accepted", 15, -1.5, 1.5); TH1D* hdijet_eff_pT1[3]; TH1D* hdijet_eff_eta2[3]; for (int i = 0; i < NETACUT; i++) { hdijet_eff_pT1[i] = new TH1D(Form("hdijet_eff_pT1_%i", i), ";p_{T,1} [GeV/c];Fraction of Dijet / Single Accepted", 20, 00, 100); hdijet_eff_pT1[i]->SetLineColor(etaColor[i]); hdijet_eff_pT1[i]->SetLineWidth(2); } // i for (int i = 0; i < PTCUT; i++) { hdijet_eff_eta2[i] = new TH1D(Form("hdijet_eff_eta2_%i", i), ";#eta;Fraction of Dijet / Single Accepted", 15, -1.5, 1.5); hdijet_eff_eta2[i]->SetLineColor(etaColor[i]); hdijet_eff_eta2[i]->SetLineWidth(2); } // i hjet_pT->Sumw2(); hjet_eta->Sumw2(); hjet_phi->Sumw2(); hdijet_pT1->Sumw2(); hdijet_pT2->Sumw2(); hdijet_dphi->Sumw2(); hdijet_xj->Sumw2(); // for fixing the uncertainties TH1D* hdijet_xj_fix; //-- other TRandom3 *rand = new TRandom3(); bool acc[100]; //==========================================================================// // LOAD TTREE //==========================================================================// // cout << endl; // cout << "--> Reading data from " << inFile << endl; // TFile *fin = TFile::Open(inFile); // if (!fin) // { // cout << "ERROR!! Unable to open " << inFile << endl; // return; // } // ttree = (TTree*) fin->Get("ttree"); // if (!ttree) // { // cout << "ERROR!! Unable to find ttree in " << inFile << endl; // return; // } cout << endl; cout << "--> Reading data from dir: " << inDir << endl; // calculate the number of files necessary for the desired luminosity int nfiles = (int)(lumiDesired / lumiPerFile); cout << " desired luminosity : " << lumiDesired << endl; cout << " luminosity per file: " << lumiPerFile << endl; cout << " N files needed : " << nfiles << endl; // check the number of files found in the directory int nfound = (gSystem->GetFromPipe(Form("ls %s/*.root | wc -l", inDir))).Atoi(); cout << " N files found : " << nfound << endl; if (nfound < nfiles) { cout << "WARNING!! There are not enough files for the desired luminosity." << endl; cout << " Will scale the statistical uncertainties accordingly." << endl; // return; } // chain the desired files ttree = new TChain("ttree"); int nread = 0; TString fileList = gSystem->GetFromPipe(Form("ls %s/*.root", inDir)); int spos = fileList.First("\n"); while (spos > 0 && nread < nfiles) { TString tfile = fileList(0, spos); // cout << tsub << endl; ttree->Add(tfile.Data()); // chop off the file fileList = fileList(spos + 1, fileList.Length()); spos = fileList.First("\n"); nread++; } cout << " successfully read in " << nread << " files" << endl; lumiRead = lumiPerFile * nread; ttree->SetBranchAddress("event", &event); ttree->SetBranchAddress("truthjet_n", &truthjet_n); ttree->SetBranchAddress("truthjet_parton_flavor", truthjet_parton_flavor); ttree->SetBranchAddress("truthjet_hadron_flavor", truthjet_hadron_flavor); ttree->SetBranchAddress("truthjet_pt", truthjet_pt); ttree->SetBranchAddress("truthjet_eta", truthjet_eta); ttree->SetBranchAddress("truthjet_phi", truthjet_phi); Long64_t nentries = ttree->GetEntries(); //==========================================================================// // GET MOMENTUM IMBALANCE //==========================================================================// cout << endl; cout << "--> Running over " << nentries << endl; int iprint = 0; for (Long64_t ientry = 0; ientry < nentries; ientry++) { ttree->GetEntry(ientry); if (ientry % 100000 == 0) cout << "----> Processing event " << ientry << endl; //-- apply acceptance to each jet for (int i = 0; i < truthjet_n; i++) acc[i] = (rand->Uniform() < bJetEff); // acc[i] = (rand->Uniform() < bJetEff) && (rand->Uniform() < RAA); //-- get kinematics for all b-jets for (int i = 0; i < truthjet_n; i++) { if (TMath::Abs(truthjet_parton_flavor[i]) != 5) continue; // single b-jet kinematics hjet_pT->Fill(truthjet_pt[i]); hjet_eta->Fill(truthjet_eta[i]); hjet_phi->Fill(truthjet_phi[i]); for (int j = i + 1; j < truthjet_n; j++) { if (TMath::Abs(truthjet_parton_flavor[j]) != 5) continue; // find the leading and subleading jets int i1, i2; double pT1, pT2; double phi1, phi2; double eta1, eta2; bool acc1, acc2; if (truthjet_pt[i] > truthjet_pt[j]) { i1 = i; i2 = j; } else { i1 = j; i2 = i; } pT1 = truthjet_pt[i1]; phi1 = truthjet_phi[i1]; eta1 = truthjet_eta[i1]; acc1 = acc[i1]; pT2 = truthjet_pt[i2]; phi2 = truthjet_phi[i2]; eta2 = truthjet_eta[i2]; acc2 = acc[i2]; if (iprint < 20) { cout << " ientry: " << ientry << endl << " i1:" << i1 << " pT1:" << pT1 << " eta1:" << eta1 << " acc1:" << acc1 << endl << " i2:" << i2 << " pT2:" << pT2 << " eta2:" << eta2 << " acc2:" << acc2 << endl; iprint++; } // check if we accept the leading jet // only take RAA hit once if ( pT1 < pT1min || TMath::Abs(eta1) > etamax || !acc1 || rand->Uniform() > RAA) continue; // calculate the delta phi double dphi = TMath::Abs(TMath::ATan2(TMath::Sin(phi1 - phi2), TMath::Cos(phi1 - phi2))); if (dphi > TMath::Pi()) cout << " " << truthjet_phi[i] << " " << truthjet_phi[j] << " " << dphi << endl; // calculate efficiency for finding the dijet hdijet_sing_pT1->Fill(pT1); // cut on the subleading jet if ( pT2 < pT2min || TMath::Abs(eta2) > etamax || !acc2 ) continue; hdijet_sing_eta2->Fill(eta2); // fill efficiency for finding the dijet for (int k = 0; k < NETACUT; k++) { if ( TMath::Abs(eta2) < etacut[k]) hdijet_eff_pT1[k]->Fill(pT1); } for (int k = 0; k < PTCUT; k++) { if (pT2 > ptcut[k]) hdijet_eff_eta2[k]->Fill(eta2); } hdijet_dphi->Fill(dphi); if ( dphi < 2.*TMath::Pi() / 3) continue; // fill diagnostic histograms hdijet_pT1->Fill(pT1); hdijet_pT2->Fill(pT2); hdijet_xj->Fill(pT2 / pT1); } // j } // i } // ientry // first get some statistics cout << " N b dijets: " << hdijet_dphi->Integral() << endl; cout << " N b dijets w / dphi cut: " << hdijet_xj->Integral() << endl; // calculate efficiencies for (int i = 0; i < NETACUT; i++) { hdijet_eff_pT1[i]->Divide(hdijet_sing_pT1); cout << " i: " << hdijet_eff_pT1[i]->GetMaximum() << endl; } for (int i = 0; i < PTCUT; i++) { hdijet_eff_eta2[i]->Divide(hdijet_sing_eta2); } //-- normalize to integral 1 hdijet_dphi->Scale(1. / hdijet_dphi->Integral()); hdijet_xj->Scale(1. / hdijet_xj->Integral()); //-- scale statistical uncertainties if not enough simulated events if ( lumiRead < lumiDesired ) { cout << endl; cout << "-- Scaling statistical uncertainties by:" << endl; cout << " sqrt(" << lumiRead << "/" << lumiDesired << ") = " << TMath::Sqrt(lumiRead / lumiDesired) << endl; for (int ix = 1; ix <= hdijet_xj->GetNbinsX(); ix++) { double be = hdijet_xj->GetBinError(ix); be = be * TMath::Sqrt(lumiRead / lumiDesired); hdijet_xj->SetBinError(ix, be); } // ix } //-- fix statistical uncertainties for purity hdijet_xj_fix = (TH1D*) hdijet_xj->Clone("hdijet_xj_fix"); hdijet_xj_fix->SetLineColor(kRed); hdijet_xj_fix->SetMarkerColor(kRed); for (int ix = 1; ix <= hdijet_xj->GetNbinsX(); ix++) { double bc = hdijet_xj->GetBinContent(ix); double be = hdijet_xj->GetBinError(ix); // increase the bin error due to the purity // need to square it, once for each bjet be = be / TMath::Sqrt(bJetPur * bJetPur); hdijet_xj_fix->SetBinError(ix, be); } // ix //==========================================================================// // <x_j> //==========================================================================// cout << endl; cout << "--> Calculating <x_j>" << endl; double sum = 0; double w = 0; double err = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= hdijet_xj->GetNbinsX(); i++) { double c = hdijet_xj->GetBinContent(i); if (c > 0) { sum += c * hdijet_xj->GetBinCenter(i); w += c; err += TMath::Power(c * hdijet_xj->GetBinError(i), 2); } } double mean = sum / w; err = TMath::Sqrt(err) / w; cout << " <x_j>=" << mean << " +/- " << err << endl; //==========================================================================// // PLOT OBJECTS //==========================================================================// cout << endl; cout << "-- > Plotting" << endl; hdijet_xj->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle); hdijet_xj->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); hdijet_xj->SetLineColor(kBlack); // hdijet_xj->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(63); // hdijet_xj->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(24); // hdijet_xj->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); // hdijet_xj->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(63); // hdijet_xj->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(20); // hdijet_xj->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(63); // hdijet_xj->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(24); // hdijet_xj->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.0); // hdijet_xj->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(63); // hdijet_xj->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(20); hdijet_xj_fix->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle); hdijet_xj_fix->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); hdijet_xj_fix->SetLineColor(kBlack); hdijet_dphi->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle); hdijet_dphi->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); hdijet_dphi->SetLineColor(kBlack); hdijet_dphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(63); hdijet_dphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(24); hdijet_dphi->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); hdijet_dphi->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(63); hdijet_dphi->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(20); hdijet_dphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(63); hdijet_dphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(24); hdijet_dphi->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.0); hdijet_dphi->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(63); hdijet_dphi->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(20); hdijet_pT1->SetLineColor(kBlue); hdijet_pT2->SetLineColor(kRed); TH1D* heff_axis_pt = new TH1D("heff_axis_pt", "; p_{T, 1} [GeV / c]; Fraction of Dijet / Single Accepted", 20, 00, 100); heff_axis_pt->SetMinimum(0); heff_axis_pt->SetMaximum(1.); heff_axis_pt->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(63); heff_axis_pt->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(24); heff_axis_pt->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); heff_axis_pt->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(63); heff_axis_pt->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(20); heff_axis_pt->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(63); heff_axis_pt->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(24); heff_axis_pt->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.0); heff_axis_pt->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(63); heff_axis_pt->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(20); TH1D* heff_axis_eta = new TH1D("heff_axis_eta", "; #eta_{2}; Fraction of Dijet / Single Accepted", 150, -1.5, 1.5); heff_axis_eta->SetMinimum(0); heff_axis_eta->SetMaximum(1.); heff_axis_eta->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(63); heff_axis_eta->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(24); heff_axis_eta->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); heff_axis_eta->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(63); heff_axis_eta->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(20); heff_axis_eta->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(63); heff_axis_eta->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(24); heff_axis_eta->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.0); heff_axis_eta->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(63); heff_axis_eta->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(20); for (int i = 0; i < NETACUT; i++) hdijet_eff_pT1[i]->SetLineColor(etaColor[i]); //-- legends TLegend *leg_jetpt = new TLegend(0.6, 0.5, 0.95, 0.95); leg_jetpt->SetFillStyle(0); leg_jetpt->SetBorderSize(0); leg_jetpt->SetTextFont(63); leg_jetpt->SetTextSize(12); leg_jetpt->AddEntry(hjet_pT, "Inclusive b - jet", "L"); leg_jetpt->AddEntry(hdijet_pT1, "leading b - jet", "L"); leg_jetpt->AddEntry(hdijet_pT2, "subleading b - jet", "L"); //-- other TLatex ltxt; ltxt.SetNDC(); ltxt.SetTextFont(63); ltxt.SetTextSize(20); //==========================================================================// // PLOT //==========================================================================// // plot b-jet kinematics TCanvas *cjet = new TCanvas("cjet", "b - jet", 1200, 400); cjet->SetMargin(0, 0, 0, 0); cjet->Divide(3, 1); cjet->GetPad(1)->SetMargin(0.12, 0.02, 0.12, 0.02); cjet->GetPad(2)->SetMargin(0.12, 0.02, 0.12, 0.02); cjet->GetPad(3)->SetMargin(0.12, 0.02, 0.12, 0.02); cjet->cd(1); gPad->SetLogy(); hjet_pT->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.5, 1.5 * hjet_pT->GetMaximum()); hjet_pT->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 50); hjet_pT->Draw(); // hdijet_pT1->Draw("same"); // hdijet_pT2->Draw("same"); // leg_jetpt->Draw("same"); cjet->cd(2); hjet_eta->Draw("HIST"); cjet->cd(3); hjet_phi->Draw("HIST"); // plot dijet eff TCanvas *ceff = new TCanvas("ceff", "eff", 1200, 600); ceff->Divide(2, 1); ceff->GetPad(1)->SetMargin(0.12, 0.02, 0.12, 0.02); ceff->GetPad(1)->SetTicks(1, 1); ceff->GetPad(2)->SetMargin(0.12, 0.02, 0.12, 0.02); ceff->GetPad(2)->SetTicks(1, 1); ceff->cd(1); heff_axis_pt->Draw(); for (int i = 0; i < NETACUT; i++) hdijet_eff_pT1[i]->Draw("L same"); ceff->cd(2); heff_axis_eta->Draw(); for (int i = 0; i < NETACUT; i++) hdijet_eff_eta2[i]->Draw("L same"); // plot dijet checks TCanvas *cdijet2 = new TCanvas("cdijet2", "dijet", 1200, 600); cdijet2->SetMargin(0, 0, 0, 0); cdijet2->Divide(2, 1); cdijet2->GetPad(1)->SetMargin(0.12, 0.02, 0.12, 0.02); cdijet2->GetPad(2)->SetMargin(0.12, 0.02, 0.12, 0.02); cdijet2->cd(1); hdijet_xj->Draw(); ltxt.DrawLatex(0.2, 0.92, "Di b-jets (Pythia8)"); ltxt.DrawLatex(0.2, 0.86, "p + p #sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200 GeV"); ltxt.DrawLatex(0.2, 0.80, "anti - k_ {T}, R = 0.4"); ltxt.DrawLatex(0.2, 0.74, Form("p_{T, 1} > % .0f GeV", pT1min)); ltxt.DrawLatex(0.2, 0.68, Form("p_{T, 2} > % .0f GeV", pT2min)); ltxt.DrawLatex(0.2, 0.62, Form(" | #Delta#phi_{12}| > 2#pi/3")); cdijet2->cd(2); hdijet_dphi->Draw(); // make this one consistent with sPHENIX style TCanvas *cdijet = new TCanvas("cdijet", "dijet", 600, 600); // cdijet->SetMargin(0.12, 0.02, 0.12, 0.02); // cdijet->SetTicks(1, 1); cdijet->cd(); hdijet_xj_fix->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 0.3); hdijet_xj_fix->Draw(); // hdijet_xj->Draw("same"); TLegend *legsphenix = new TLegend(0.15, 0.5, 0.5, 0.9); legsphenix->SetFillStyle(0); legsphenix->SetBorderSize(0); legsphenix->AddEntry("", "#it{#bf{sPHENIX}} Simulation", ""); legsphenix->AddEntry("", "Di b-jets (Pythia8, CTEQ6L)", ""); // if (is_pp) // { // legsphenix->AddEntry("", "p + p #sqrt{s_{_{NN}}} = 200 GeV", ""); // legsphenix->AddEntry("", Form("#int L dt = %.0f pb^{-1} |z| < 10 cm", lumiDesired), ""); // } // else // { // legsphenix->AddEntry("", "0-10% Au + Au #sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200 GeV", ""); // legsphenix->AddEntry("", "10B events |z| < 10 cm", ""); // } legsphenix->AddEntry("", scol.Data(), ""); legsphenix->AddEntry("", slumi.Data(), ""); legsphenix->AddEntry("", "anti-k_{T}, R = 0.4", ""); legsphenix->AddEntry("", Form(" |#eta| < %.1f", etamax), ""); legsphenix->AddEntry("", Form(" |#Delta#phi_{12}| > 2#pi/3"), ""); legsphenix->AddEntry("", Form("p_{T, 1} > % .0f GeV", pT1min), ""); legsphenix->AddEntry("", Form("p_{T, 2} > % .0f GeV", pT2min), ""); legsphenix->AddEntry("", Form("%.0f%% b-jet Eff, %.0f%% b-jet Pur.", bJetEff * 100., bJetPur * 100.), ""); legsphenix->Draw("same"); // ltxt.DrawLatex(0.2, 0.92, "Di b-jets (Pythia8)"); // if (is_pp) // { // ltxt.DrawLatex(0.2, 0.86, "p + p #sqrt{s_{_{NN}}} = 200 GeV"); // ltxt.DrawLatex(0.2, 0.80, "#int L dt = 175 pb^{-1} |z| < 10 cm"); // } // else // { // ltxt.DrawLatex(0.2, 0.86, "0-10% Au + Au #sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=200 GeV"); // ltxt.DrawLatex(0.2, 0.80, "10B events |z| < 10 cm"); // } // ltxt.DrawLatex(0.2, 0.74, "anti-k_{T}, R = 0.4"); // ltxt.DrawLatex(0.2, 0.68, Form("p_{T, 1} > % .0f GeV", pT1min)); // ltxt.DrawLatex(0.2, 0.62, Form("p_{T, 2} > % .0f GeV", pT2min)); // ltxt.DrawLatex(0.2, 0.56, Form(" |#eta| < %.0f", etamax)); // ltxt.DrawLatex(0.2, 0.50, Form(" |#Delta#phi_{12}| > 2#pi/3")); //==========================================================================// // PRINT PLOTS //==========================================================================// if (print_plots) { if (is_pp) { // cjet->Print("bjet_kinematics_pp.pdf"); // cdijet2->Print("dibjet_2panel_pp.pdf"); cdijet->Print("dibjet_imbalance_pp.pdf"); cdijet->Print("dibjet_imbalance_pp.C"); cdijet->Print("dibjet_imbalance_pp.root"); TFile *fout = new TFile("dibjet_imbalance_histos_pp.root","RECREATE"); fout->cd(); hdijet_xj->Write(); hdijet_xj_fix->Write(); fout->Close(); delete fout; } else { cdijet->Print("dibjet_imbalance_AuAu0-10.pdf"); cdijet->Print("dibjet_imbalance_AuAu0-10.C"); cdijet->Print("dibjet_imbalance_AuAu0-10.root"); TFile *fout = new TFile("dibjet_imbalance_histos_AuAu0-10.root","RECREATE"); fout->cd(); hdijet_xj->Write(); hdijet_xj_fix->Write(); fout->Close(); delete fout; } } }
void GetGen(double sampleweight, TH1D* &h_phistar, vector<TH1D*> &h_cteq, vector<TH1D*> &h_fsr_pileup) { gErrorIgnoreLevel = kError; cout << "reading signal gen" << endl; h_phistar = new TH1D("phistar", "phistar", nbins, 0, nbins); h_phistar->Sumw2(); TChain* t = new TChain(gen_name.c_str(), gen_name.c_str()); if (doMG) { if (elec == 0) t->Add(File_Signal_gen.c_str()); else if (elec == 1) t->Add(File_Signal_gen_born.c_str()); else t->Add(File_Signal_gen_bare.c_str()); } else { if (elec == 0) t->Add(File_Powheg_gen.c_str()); else if (elec == 1) t->Add(File_Powheg_gen_born.c_str()); else t->Add(File_Powheg_gen_bare.c_str()); } ///t->SetBranchStatus("event_info", 0); //to disable all branches // t->SetBranchStatus("reco", 0); //to disable all branches TBranch *b_truth = t->GetBranch("truth"); TBranch *b_reco = t->GetBranch("reco"); TLeaf * l_ZY = b_truth->GetLeaf("z_y"); if (elec == 1) l_ZY = b_reco->GetLeaf("z_yBorn"); //TO BE CHANGED if (elec == 2) l_ZY = b_reco->GetLeaf("z_yNaked"); TLeaf *l_phistar = b_truth->GetLeaf("z_phistar_dressed"); if (elec == 1) l_phistar = b_truth->GetLeaf("z_phistar_born"); if (elec == 2) l_phistar = b_truth->GetLeaf("z_phistar_naked"); int nweights; int nwcteq; t->SetBranchAddress("weight_size", &nweights); t->SetBranchAddress("weight_cteq_size", &nwcteq); t->GetEntry(0); double weights[nweights]; int weightid[nweights]; double weights_cteq[nwcteq]; t->SetBranchAddress("weights", &weights); t->SetBranchAddress("weight_ids", &weightid); t->SetBranchAddress("weights_cteq", &weights_cteq); double weight_fsr; t->SetBranchAddress("weight_fsr", &weight_fsr); cout << "Entries: " << t->GetEntries() << endl; h_cteq = EmptyHVec(nwcteq); h_fsr_pileup = EmptyHVec(3); TH1D* h_PDFWeight = new TH1D("h_PDFWeight", "h_PDFWeight", 10000, 0, 100); h_PDFWeight->Sumw2(); // cout << "Nweightcteq=" << nwcteq << endl; for (int i = 0; i < t->GetEntries(); i++) { // for (int i=0; i<50000;i++){ t->GetEntry(i); double weight = sampleweight; double pdfnorm = weights_cteq[0]; double weightpu_0 = 0; double weightpu_p = 0; double weightpu_m = 0; double phistar = l_phistar->GetValue(); double Z_Y = l_ZY->GetValue(); int bin=GetBin(phistar,Z_Y); //cout<<pdfnorm<<" "<<weights_cteq[0]<<endl; for (int w = 0; w < nweights; w++) { if (weightid[w] == 1 || weightid[w] == 2) { weight = weight * weights[w]; } //if (weightid[w]==1) {weight=weight*weights[w];} if (weightid[w] == 2) weightpu_0 = weights[w]; if (weightid[w] == 3) weightpu_p = weights[w]; if (weightid[w] == 4) weightpu_m = weights[w]; } // if (weightpu_0 == 0 || weightpu_p == 0 || weightpu_m == 0) cout << "pile-up weights not there" << endl; h_phistar->Fill(bin, weight); if (pdfnorm != 0) { for (int w = 0; w < nwcteq; w++) { h_cteq[w] ->Fill(bin, weight * weights_cteq[w] / pdfnorm); if (w != 0) { h_PDFWeight->Fill(weights_cteq[w] / pdfnorm, 1); // cout<<weights_cteq[w] / pdfnorm<<endl; } } } if (doMG) weight_fsr = 1; h_fsr_pileup[0]->Fill(bin, weight * weight_fsr); if (weightpu_0 != 0) { h_fsr_pileup[1]->Fill(bin, weight * weightpu_p / weightpu_0); h_fsr_pileup[2]->Fill(bin, weight * weightpu_m / weightpu_0); } } cout << "done reading signal gen" << endl; delete t; return; }
void countMuonsPerRunD3PD(){ //gInterpreter->GenerateDictionary("map<int, double >","map.h;map"); int cutValue = 11; float ptmin = 10.0; //float ptmin = 4.; //TString fileNameMuonIn = "/afs/cern.ch/user/t/tbalestr/public/"; ///7.3 ub^-1 2010 data //TString fileNameMuonIn = "/tmp/tbalestr/HISingleMuon_Aug4_v2.root"; ///2011 PbPb data //TString fileNameMuonIn = "/tmp/tbalestr/HISingleMuon_DPD_HP_merged_26May.root"; //TString fileNameMuonIn = "/tmp/tbalestr/HISingleMuon_DPD_HP_30May.root"; TString baseString = "/mnt/Lustre/cgrp/atlas_hi/tbalestri/"; TString fileNameMuonIn = baseString+"HardProbesFiles/HISingleMuonHardProbesData.04.17.2013.root"; TFile* fMuIn = new TFile(fileNameMuonIn, "READ"); if ( !fMuIn->IsOpen() ) { std::cout << fMuIn << " not found!" << std::endl; } TFile* outFile = new TFile("muonsPerRun.root","recreate"); ///lumi in ub^-1 std::vector<double> vLumi; vLumi.push_back(0.0137422); vLumi.push_back(0.126333); vLumi.push_back(1.28605451); vLumi.push_back(0.08307752); vLumi.push_back(3.948807); vLumi.push_back(2.766361); vLumi.push_back(3.606919); vLumi.push_back(3.809249); vLumi.push_back(4.11709); vLumi.push_back(4.88581); vLumi.push_back(2.50513); vLumi.push_back(0.0619227); vLumi.push_back(0.9694949); vLumi.push_back(0.582203); vLumi.push_back(5.42834); vLumi.push_back(4.20247); vLumi.push_back(0.38549); vLumi.push_back(5.50425); vLumi.push_back(3.15969); vLumi.push_back(4.19951); vLumi.push_back(5.24396); vLumi.push_back(5.30817); vLumi.push_back(0.0433861); vLumi.push_back(5.29888); vLumi.push_back(5.30346); vLumi.push_back(0.757212); vLumi.push_back(5.985104); vLumi.push_back(5.1515); vLumi.push_back(6.57761); vLumi.push_back(1.75062); vLumi.push_back(5.43771); vLumi.push_back(3.13928); vLumi.push_back(5.14981); vLumi.push_back(4.90751); vLumi.push_back(2.521785); vLumi.push_back(6.45269); vLumi.push_back(3.59951); vLumi.push_back(5.33795); vLumi.push_back(6.16766); vLumi.push_back(1.77379); vLumi.push_back(0.923454); vLumi.push_back(2.07656); std::vector<int> vRun; vRun.push_back(193211); vRun.push_back(193270); vRun.push_back(193291); vRun.push_back(193295); vRun.push_back(193321); vRun.push_back(193403); vRun.push_back(193412); vRun.push_back(193447); vRun.push_back(193463); vRun.push_back(193481); vRun.push_back(193491); vRun.push_back(193492); vRun.push_back(193493); vRun.push_back(193494); vRun.push_back(193546); vRun.push_back(193558); vRun.push_back(193599); vRun.push_back(193604); vRun.push_back(193641); vRun.push_back(193655); vRun.push_back(193662); vRun.push_back(193679); vRun.push_back(193687); vRun.push_back(193718); vRun.push_back(193795); vRun.push_back(193823); vRun.push_back(193825); vRun.push_back(193826); vRun.push_back(193834); vRun.push_back(193890); vRun.push_back(194017); vRun.push_back(194060); vRun.push_back(194061); vRun.push_back(194121); vRun.push_back(194160); vRun.push_back(194163); vRun.push_back(194179); vRun.push_back(194192); vRun.push_back(194193); vRun.push_back(194370); vRun.push_back(194374); vRun.push_back(194382); const int nRuns = vRun.size(); TGraphErrors* grLumi = new TGraphErrors(nRuns); TGraphErrors* grMuPerLumi = new TGraphErrors(nRuns); int valNt[30], EF_mu4_MSonly_L1TE50_Matched20[30],EF_mu4_L1VTE50_Matched20[30],runNt, mu_muid_nNt; int EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1ZDC_Matched20[30], EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1TE10_Matched20[30],EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1TE20_Matched20[30]; int EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1ZDC, EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1TE10, EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1TE20, EF_mu4_MSonly_L1TE50, EF_mu4_L1VTE50; float ptNt[30], centralityNt,etaNt[30],eLossNt[30],scatNt[30]; TChain* tree = new TChain("tree","tree"); std::cout << "Filling the tree for " << fileNameMuonIn << std::endl; tree->Add(fileNameMuonIn); // --- Set branch adresses --- tree->SetBranchAddress("val", &valNt); tree->SetBranchAddress("pt", &ptNt); tree->SetBranchAddress("eta", &etaNt); tree->SetBranchAddress("eLoss",&eLossNt); tree->SetBranchAddress("scat",&scatNt); tree->SetBranchAddress("mu_muid_n", &mu_muid_nNt); tree->SetBranchAddress("run", &runNt); tree->SetBranchAddress("centrality", ¢ralityNt); tree->SetBranchAddress("EF_mu4_MSonly_L1TE50", &EF_mu4_MSonly_L1TE50); tree->SetBranchAddress("EF_mu4_L1VTE50", &EF_mu4_L1VTE50); tree->SetBranchAddress("EF_mu4_MSonly_L1TE50_Matched20", &EF_mu4_MSonly_L1TE50_Matched20); tree->SetBranchAddress("EF_mu4_L1VTE50_Matched20", &EF_mu4_L1VTE50_Matched20); tree->SetBranchAddress("EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1ZDC", &EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1ZDC); tree->SetBranchAddress("EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1TE10", &EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1TE10); tree->SetBranchAddress("EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1TE20", &EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1TE20); tree->SetBranchAddress("EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1ZDC_Matched20", &EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1ZDC_Matched20); tree->SetBranchAddress("EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1TE10_Matched20", &EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1TE10_Matched20); tree->SetBranchAddress("EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1TE20_Matched20", &EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1TE20_Matched20); tree->SetBranchStatus("*",0); tree->SetBranchStatus("val", 1); tree->SetBranchStatus("pt", 1); tree->SetBranchStatus("eta", 1); tree->SetBranchStatus("eLoss",1); tree->SetBranchStatus("scat",1); tree->SetBranchStatus("mu_muid_n", 1); tree->SetBranchStatus("run", 1); tree->SetBranchStatus("centrality", 1); tree->SetBranchStatus("EF_mu4_MSonly_L1TE50", 1); tree->SetBranchStatus("EF_mu4_L1VTE50", 1); tree->SetBranchStatus("EF_mu4_MSonly_L1TE50_Matched20", 1); tree->SetBranchStatus("EF_mu4_L1VTE50_Matched20", 1); tree->SetBranchStatus("EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1ZDC", 1); tree->SetBranchStatus("EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1TE10", 1); tree->SetBranchStatus("EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1TE20", 1); tree->SetBranchStatus("EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1ZDC_Matched20", 1); tree->SetBranchStatus("EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1TE10_Matched20", 1); tree->SetBranchStatus("EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1TE20_Matched20", 1); std::cout << "Number of entries: " << tree->GetEntries() << std::endl; ///map runnumber to #mu ///need to used multimap since >1 muon ///value for each run number key std::multimap < int, int> runMap; ///loop over all events for ( int i = 0; i < tree->GetEntries(); ++i ) { // if(i>10000) break; tree->LoadTree(i); tree->GetEntry(i); if(i%10000==0) std::cout << "Event " << i << std::endl; for(int imu = 0; imu<mu_muid_nNt; imu++){ if ( (valNt[imu]>cutValue) && abs(etaNt[imu])>0.1 && abs(etaNt[imu])<2.4 && ptNt[imu]>ptmin && centralityNt>=0. && centralityNt<=0.8 && ( (EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1ZDC&&EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1ZDC_Matched20[imu]) || (EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1TE10&&EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1TE10_Matched20[imu]) ||(EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1TE20&&EF_mu10_MSonly_EFFS_L1TE20_Matched20[imu]) ) ){ ///count number of muons in this run that pass runMap.insert(make_pair (runNt,1) ); } } //imu } //i std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "------------------------- " << std::endl; std::cout << " S U M M A R Y " << std::endl; std::cout << "------------------------- " << std::endl; TString spreadSheetName = "muonCountingSpreadSheet.csv"; std::ofstream spreadSheet; spreadSheet.open(spreadSheetName); double totLumi = 0.0, totalMu = 0; for(int iRun = 0; iRun<nRuns; ++iRun){ int muonsPassed = runMap.count( vRun[iRun] ); ///Muons per nb^-1 double muPerLumi = (double)muonsPassed/vLumi[iRun]/1000.0; ///Number of muons passed in run iRun std::cout << "Index: " << iRun+1 << "\tRun: " << vRun[iRun] << "\tLumi: " << vLumi[iRun]/1000.0 << "\tMuons: " << muonsPassed << "\tMuons/nb^-1: " << muPerLumi << std::endl; totLumi += vLumi[iRun]/1000.0; totalMu += muonsPassed; grMuPerLumi->SetPoint(iRun,vRun[iRun],muPerLumi); grMuPerLumi->SetPointError(iRun,0.5, TMath::Sqrt(muonsPassed)/vLumi[iRun]/1000.0); grLumi->SetPoint(iRun,totLumi,totalMu); grLumi->SetPointError(iRun, 0.0, 0.0); writeToSpreadsheet(spreadSheet,iRun+1,vRun[iRun],vLumi[iRun]/1000.,muonsPassed); } grMuPerLumi->Draw("ape"); grLumi->Draw("ape"); outFile->cd(); grLumi->Write("muonLumiDependence"); grMuPerLumi->Write("muonPerLumi"); std::cout << " Total Luminosity: " << totLumi << " nb^-1 " << std::endl; std::cout << " Total Muons passed: " << totalMu << std::endl; spreadSheet.close(); /* cout << "Number of runs: " << runMap.size() << endl; cout << "Run \t" << "Luminosity(ub^-1) \t" << " #muons \t" << "muons/lumi" << endl; ///map run lumi to #mu //std::map < int, double> lumiMap; for (unsigned int j = 0; j<runMap.size(); ++j){ int runTemp = vRun.at(j); double lumiTemp = vLumi.at(j); map <int,int>::const_iterator iPairFound = runMap.find(runTemp); cout << iPairFound->first << " \t " << lumiTemp << " \t " << " \t " << iPairFound->second << " \t " << " \t " << (double)iPairFound->second/lumiTemp << endl; sum += runMap[runTemp]; } cout << "Total Luminosity = " << totLumi << endl; cout << "Total = " << sum << endl; */ }
void frameViewer(char* arg) { //Take the arguments and save them into respective strings std::string infileName; std::string inF; std::string inPrefix; std::string runs, layers; std::string runCount; std::istringstream stm(arg); inPrefix = "/home/p180f/Do_Jo_Ol_Ma/Analysis/MainProcedure/testMain/rawRoot/"; while (true) { if (std::getline(stm, layers, ' ')) { //load the input root files TChain *chain = new TChain("fourChamTree"); for (int i=0; ; i++) { runCount = std::to_string(i); inF = "run" + runCount + "_" + layers + "layers.root"; infileName = inPrefix + inF; ifstream fin; fin.open(infileName.c_str()); if (!fin.fail()) { fin.close(); chain->Add(infileName.c_str()); std::cout << "Got " << inF << std::endl; } else break; } const int width=480; //width of the raw image const int height=640; //height of the raw image int x=-10; //x from file int y=-10; //y from file int intensity=-10; //pixle intensity from file int pNum=0;//a counter of the order in which the frame was processed //the 2d array which will store each frame of image data. int frame[480][640]={0}; //variables int UNIXtime=0; float tdc[2]={-10,-10}; //TTree *T = new TTree("T","TTree of muplus data"); //add the 'branches' to the tree we will now read in chain->SetBranchAddress("pNum",&pNum); //branch for the frame number chain->SetBranchAddress("frame",&frame); //branch for frame data TH2I *frameHisto = new TH2I("Single 4 Spark Event","",width,0,width,height,0,height); //histogram for the stacked images TH1I *chamber1 = new TH1I("chamber1","Chamber 1",width,0,width);//histogram for chamber 1 (the top one) TH1I *chamber2 = new TH1I("chamber2","Chamber 2",width,0,width);//histogram for chamber 2 TH1I *chamber3 = new TH1I("chamber3","Chamber 3",width,0,width);//histogram for chamber 3 TH1I *chamber4 = new TH1I("chamber4","Chamber 4",width,0,width);//histogram for chamber 4 (the bottom one) TH1I *chamber1y = new TH1I("chamber1y","Chamber 1",height,0,height);//histogram for chamber 1 (the top one) TH1I *chamber2y = new TH1I("chamber2y","Chamber 2",height,0,height);//histogram for chamber 2 TH1I *chamber3y = new TH1I("chamber3y","Chamber 3",height,0,height);//histogram for chamber 3 TH1I *chamber4y = new TH1I("chamber4y","Chamber 4",height,0,height);//histogram for chamber 4 (the bottom one) //output the plot of the stacked images TCanvas *fH2 = new TCanvas("fH2", "Single 4 Spark Event", 0, 0, 800, 800); fH2->cd(); frameHisto->Draw(); frameHisto->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X position (px)"); frameHisto->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); frameHisto->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Intensity"); frameHisto->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); frameHisto->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); TCanvas *pc2 = new TCanvas("pc2","Frame",0,0,800,800); pc2->Divide(2,2); pc2->cd(1); chamber1->Draw(); chamber1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X position (px)"); chamber1->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); chamber1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Intensity"); chamber1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); chamber1->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); pc2->cd(2); chamber2->Draw(); chamber2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X position (px)"); chamber2->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); chamber2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Intensity"); chamber2->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); chamber2->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); pc2->cd(3); chamber3->Draw(); chamber3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X position (px)"); chamber3->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); chamber3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Intensity"); chamber3->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); chamber3->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); pc2->cd(4); chamber4->Draw(); chamber4->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X position (px)"); chamber4->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); chamber4->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Intensity"); chamber4->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); chamber4->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); //TFile myF("trackTree.root","RECREATE"); //loop over all data in chain Int_t nevent = chain->GetEntries(); //get the number of entries in the TChain for (Int_t i=0;i<nevent;i++) { chain->GetEntry(i); //put the frame data into the histogram for this event for(int x=0;x<width;x++){ for(int y=0;y<height;y++){ if(frame[x][y]>0){ frameHisto->Fill(x,y,frame[x][y]); if(y>580 && y<610){ chamber1->Fill(x,frame[x][y]); chamber1y->Fill(y,frame[x][y]); } else if(y>400 && y<440){ chamber2->Fill(x,frame[x][y]); chamber2y->Fill(y,frame[x][y]); } else if(y>240 && y<280){ chamber3->Fill(x,frame[x][y]); chamber3y->Fill(y,frame[x][y]); } else if(y>50 && y<100){ chamber4->Fill(x,frame[x][y]); chamber4y->Fill(y,frame[x][y]); } } } } double x12[2]; double y12[2]; double x34[2]; double y34[2]; x12[0] = chamber1->GetMean(); y12[0] = chamber1y->GetMean(); //593.3; x12[1] = chamber2->GetMean(); y12[1] = chamber2y->GetMean(); //424.7; x34[0] = chamber3->GetMean(); y34[0] = chamber3y->GetMean(); //262.5; x34[1] = chamber4->GetMean(); y34[1] = chamber4y->GetMean(); //69.33; cout << "Chamber1x: " << chamber1->GetMean() << endl; cout << "Chamber1y: " << chamber1y->GetMean() << endl; cout << "Chamber2x: " << chamber2->GetMean() << endl; cout << "Chamber2y: " << chamber2y->GetMean() << endl; cout << "Chamber3x: " << chamber3->GetMean() << endl; cout << "Chamber3y: " << chamber3y->GetMean() << endl; cout << "Chamber4x: " << chamber4->GetMean() << endl; cout << "Chamber4y: " << chamber4y->GetMean() << endl; pc2->cd(1); chamber1->Draw(); gPad->Update(); pc2->cd(2); chamber2->Draw(); gPad->Update(); pc2->cd(3); chamber3->Draw(); gPad->Update(); pc2->cd(4); chamber4->Draw(); gPad->Update(); fH2->cd(); frameHisto->Draw(); gPad->Update(); //wait for user input to advance to next event cout << "Frame Number=" << pNum<<endl; cout << "Press enter to advance to the next frame" << endl; cin.ignore(); //clear the old frame from the histogram frameHisto->Reset(); chamber1->Reset(); chamber2->Reset(); chamber3->Reset(); chamber4->Reset(); } } else break; } }
void getSkimCutflow(TString files) { TChain *fChain = new TChain("cutFlow"); //!pointer to the analyzed TTree or TChain // Declaration of leaf types UInt_t startCount_; UInt_t met200Count_; UInt_t numJetsCount_; UInt_t numCSVMCount_; UInt_t minDeltaPhiCount_; UInt_t muonVetoCount_; UInt_t electronVetoCount_; // List of branches TBranch *b_startCount; //! TBranch *b_met200Count; //! TBranch *b_numJetsCount; //! TBranch *b_numCSVMCount; //! TBranch *b_minDeltaPhiCount; //! TBranch *b_muonVetoCount; //! TBranch *b_electronVetoCount; //! fChain->SetBranchAddress("startCount", &startCount_, &b_startCount); fChain->SetBranchAddress("met200Count", &met200Count_, &b_met200Count); fChain->SetBranchAddress("numJetsCount", &numJetsCount_, &b_numJetsCount); fChain->SetBranchAddress("numCSVMCount", &numCSVMCount_, &b_numCSVMCount); fChain->SetBranchAddress("minDeltaPhiCount", &minDeltaPhiCount_, &b_minDeltaPhiCount); fChain->SetBranchAddress("muonVetoCount", &muonVetoCount_, &b_muonVetoCount); fChain->SetBranchAddress("electronVetoCount", &electronVetoCount_, &b_electronVetoCount); fChain->Add(files); int startCount(0); int met200Count(0); int numJetsCount(0); int numCSVMCount(0); int minDeltaPhiCount(0); int muonVetoCount(0); int electronVetoCount(0); for (unsigned int entry=0; entry<fChain->GetEntries(); entry++) { fChain->GetEntry(entry); startCount+=startCount_; met200Count+=met200Count_; numJetsCount+=numJetsCount_; numCSVMCount+=numCSVMCount_; minDeltaPhiCount+=minDeltaPhiCount_; muonVetoCount+=muonVetoCount_; electronVetoCount+=electronVetoCount_; } printf("*****Cutflow*****\n"); printf("startCount\t\t\t%d\n",startCount); printf("met200Count\t\t\t%d\n",met200Count); printf("numJetsCount\t\t\t%d\n",numJetsCount); printf("numCSVMCount\t\t\t%d\n",numCSVMCount); printf("minDeltaPhiCount\t\t%d\n",minDeltaPhiCount); printf("muonVetoCount\t\t\t%d\n",muonVetoCount); printf("electronVetoCount\t\t%d\n",electronVetoCount); return; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { // load silly ROOT thing gROOT->ProcessLine("#include <vector>"); gROOT->ProcessLine(".L loader.C+"); // output TFile * output_file = new TFile("output_file.root", "RECREATE"); TTree * jet_tree = new TTree("jet_tree", "jet_tree"); float jet_pt = 0; float jet_eta = 0; float jet_phi = 0; float jet_m = 0; jet_tree->Branch("jet_pt", &jet_pt); jet_tree->Branch("jet_eta", &jet_eta); jet_tree->Branch("jet_phi", &jet_phi); jet_tree->Branch("jet_m", &jet_m); TTree * event_tree = new TTree("event_tree", "event_tree"); int n = 0; int us = 0; event_tree->Branch("n", &n); event_tree->Branch("us", &us); // input tracks TChain * tree = new TChain("tree"); tree->Add("mc15_13TeV.301523.RS_G_hh_bbbb_c20_M2000.track_ntuple.root"); int number_of_events = tree->GetEntries(); int track_number = 0; vector<float> * track_pt = 0; vector<float> * track_eta = 0; vector<float> * track_phi = 0; tree->SetBranchAddress("track_number", &track_number); tree->SetBranchAddress("track_pt", &track_pt); tree->SetBranchAddress("track_eta", &track_eta); tree->SetBranchAddress("track_phi", &track_phi); vector<PseudoJet> particles; // variables for timing struct timeval start; struct timeval end; struct timeval duration; // TH2F * h_timing = new TH2F("timing", "timing; # Tracks; #mus", 1000, 0, 1000, 100, 1, 10000); // TH2F * h_log_timing = new TH2F("log_timing", "log_timing; # Tracks; log_{10}(#mus)", 1000, 0, 1000, 100, log10(1), log10(10000)); // TH2F * h_timing = new TH2F("timing", "timing; # Tracks; #mus", 1000, 0, 1000, 100, 1, 10000); // TH2F * h_log_timing = new TH2F("log_timing", "log_timing; # Tracks; log_{10}(#mus)", 1000, 0, 1000, 100, log10(1), log10(10000)); // TH2F * h_timing = new TH2F("timing", "timing; # Tracks; #mus", 1000, 0, 1000, 100, 1, 10000); // TH2F * h_log_timing = new TH2F("log_timing", "log_timing; # Tracks; log_{10}(#mus)", 1000, 0, 1000, 100, log10(1), log10(10000)); TH2F * h_timing = new TH2F("timing", "timing; # Tracks; #mus", 1000, 0, 1000, 100, 1, 5000); // N2Tiled TH2F * h_log_timing = new TH2F("log_timing", "log_timing; # Tracks; log_{10}(#mus)", 1000, 0, 1000, 100, log10(1), log10(5000)); // N2Tiled for (int event = 0; event < number_of_events; event++) { // print a sexy load bar loadBar(event, number_of_events, 100, 50); tree->GetEntry(event); for (int track = 0; track < track_number; track++) { TLorentzVector trackLorentzVector; trackLorentzVector.SetPtEtaPhiM(track_pt->at(track) / 1000.0, track_eta->at(track), track_phi->at(track), 0); particles.push_back(PseudoJet(trackLorentzVector.Px(), trackLorentzVector.Py(), trackLorentzVector.Pz(), trackLorentzVector.E())); } // get the start time gettimeofday(&start, NULL); // not vrplugin double R = 0.4; // JetDefinition jet_def(antikt_vr, R, N3Dumb, E_scheme, 1, 60); // JetDefinition jet_def(antikt_vr, R, N2Plain, E_scheme, 1, 60); JetDefinition jet_def(antikt_vr, R, N2Tiled, E_scheme, 1, 60); ClusterSequence cs(particles, jet_def); vector<PseudoJet> jets = sorted_by_pt(cs.inclusive_jets()); // vrplugin // double rho = 60; // double min_r = 0; // double max_r = 0.4; // VariableRPlugin vrplugin(rho, min_r, max_r, VariableRPlugin::AKTLIKE); // JetDefinition jet_def_vrplugin(&vrplugin); // ClusterSequence cs_vrplugin(particles, jet_def_vrplugin); // vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> jets = sorted_by_pt(cs_vrplugin.inclusive_jets()); // get the final time gettimeofday(&end, NULL); // get the duration timersub(&end, &start, &duration); h_timing->Fill(track_number, (long int) duration.tv_sec * 1000000 + (long int) duration.tv_usec); h_log_timing->Fill(track_number, log10((long int) duration.tv_sec * 1000000 + (long int) duration.tv_usec)); n = track_number; us = (long int) duration.tv_sec * 1000000 + (long int) duration.tv_usec; event_tree->Fill(); for (int jet = 0; jet < jets.size(); jet++) { // printf("jets[jet].pt() = %f\n", jets[jet].pt()); // printf("jets[jet].eta() = %f\n", jets[jet].eta()); // printf("jets[jet].phi() = %f\n", jets[jet].phi()); // printf("jets[jet].m() = %f\n", jets[jet].m()); jet_pt = jets[jet].pt(); jet_eta = jets[jet].eta(); jet_phi = jets[jet].phi(); jet_m = jets[jet].m(); jet_tree->Fill(); } particles.clear(); } TProfile * pr_timing = h_timing->ProfileX(); TF1 * f_timing_n2 = new TF1("f_timing_n2", "pol2", 0, 1000); TF1 * f_timing_n3 = new TF1("f_timing_n3", "pol3", 0, 1000); pr_timing->Fit(f_timing_n2); pr_timing->Fit(f_timing_n3); TProfile * pr_log_timing = h_log_timing->ProfileX(); TF1 * f_log_timing = new TF1("f_log_timing", "pol1", 0, 1000); pr_log_timing->Fit(f_log_timing); output_file->Write(); h_timing->Write(); pr_timing->Write(); f_timing_n2->Write(); f_timing_n3->Write(); h_log_timing->Write(); pr_log_timing->Write(); f_log_timing->Write(); delete(jet_tree); delete(event_tree); return 0; }