EXPORT_C TInt CIpuTestHarness::GetSelection(const TDesC& ourPrompt, const TDesC& validChoices)
//	Present the user with a list of options, and get their selection
	// If we're scripting, try reading from script first
	TInt readScriptErr = KErrNotFound;
	if (iScriptRunning)
		TBuf<1> oneCharBuf;
		readScriptErr = ReadLineFromScript(oneCharBuf);
		if (!readScriptErr)
			return validChoices.Locate((TChar)oneCharBuf[0]);

	// Either not scripting, or hit end of script - continue with user input
	TKeyCode key = EKeyNull;
	iTest.Console()->SetPos (0, iTest.Console()->WhereY ());
	iTest.Console()->Printf(_L("%S "), &ourPrompt);
	iTest.Console()->Printf(_L("[%S] :"), &validChoices);
	TInt retVal = KErrNotFound;
	while (retVal == KErrNotFound)
		key = iTest.Getch();

		// Check that key is in the list of valid choices
		retVal = validChoices.Locate((TChar)key);
	iTest.Console()->Printf(_L("%c\n\n"), key);
	return retVal;
Esempio n. 2
LOCAL_C TInt validateName(const TDesC &aName)
// Return KErrBadName if the name is invalid.

	if (aName.Locate('*')!=KErrNotFound || aName.Locate('?')!=KErrNotFound || aName.Locate(':')!=KErrNotFound)
Utility method used to construct physical path for a given file name

@param aPhysicalFileName in/out paramter; file name to which physical path will be append
@param aSecuredFileName secured file name
void CPplContactsFile::GetPhysicalPathL(TDes& aPhysicalFileName, const TDesC& aSecuredFileName)
	const TUint16 KDriveDelimiter = ':';

	// Check for the drive delimiter.
	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aSecuredFileName.Length() > 2 &&
		aSecuredFileName[1] == KDriveDelimiter, User::Leave(KErrBadName)); 

	// Check for malformed file name (path included explicitly).
	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aSecuredFileName.Locate('\\') == KErrNotFound, User::Leave(KErrBadName)); 

	// Get the private path from the file session.
	const TInt KMaxPrivatePathLength = 32;
	TBuf<KMaxPrivatePathLength> privatePath;
	aPhysicalFileName = aSecuredFileName.Left(KDriveNameWidth);
	// Set current drive.
	iDatabaseDrive = aPhysicalFileName;


  	// Make sure private path exists.
  	TInt err = iLocalFs.MkDirAll(aPhysicalFileName);
	if (err != KErrNone && err != KErrAlreadyExists)
Esempio n. 4
static TBuf<20> ExtractInt(const TDesC& aBuf, TInt& aExtractedInt)
	TBuf<20> buf = aBuf.Right(aBuf.Length() - aBuf.Locate(':')-1);
	TBuf<5> handle;
	handle = buf.Left(buf.Locate(':'));
	aExtractedInt = Str2Int(handle);
	return buf;
Esempio n. 5
TPtrC TfrLex::GetL( TLex& aLex, const TDesC& aList )
// Skip spaces and mark the token's start point.
TLexMark mark;

if ( aLex.Peek() == '"' )
	// Skip the " and do find next " followed by eos, space or any char
	// in the aList.
	TChar x;
	while ( x = aLex.Get(), !x.Eos() )
		if ( x == '"' )
			// Found a " character - but is it the end of the token?
			x = aLex.Peek();
			if ( x.Eos() || x.IsSpace() || aList.Locate(x) < 0 )
				// End of token: return token.
				return aLex.MarkedToken(mark);
	// Unget and L E A V E because did not find the end " of token.
	return aLex.MarkedToken(mark); // never reached (l e a v e).
	// Is not a "*" token: find eos or the next space or any char
	// in the aList and return the token.
	TChar x;
	while ( x = aLex.Peek(), !x.Eos() && !x.IsSpace() && aList.Locate(x) < 0 )

	return aLex.MarkedToken(mark);
void CRuleManager::TimeSet(const TDesC& aDes,TTime& aTime)
	TTime time;
	TDateTime date;
	date = time.DateTime();
	TInt pos = aDes.Locate(':');
	if (pos != KErrNotFound)
	aTime = TTime(date);
Esempio n. 7
void CUrl::ConstructL(const TDesC& aUrl)
//	Non-trivial c'tor - can be used for all general urls
	// Stripe any leading whitespace
	TPtrC url = aUrl;
	while( url.Locate(' ') == 0 )
		// Remove the leading whitespace -> set pointer to second character
	iUrlDes = url.AllocL();

	// Check to see if there's ':' at start of aUrl
	TInt colonPos = aUrl.Locate(':');
	if (colonPos == 0)
	TPtrC scheme(Component(EUrlScheme));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSensorDataCompensatorItem::TItemType::Set
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSensorDataCompensatorItem::TItemType::Set( const TDesC& aType )

    iType = EUnknownCompensationItem; // Reset
    iNumber = KUndefinedCompensationItemNum;

    TInt ret( KErrNotFound );
    TInt len( aType.Length() );
    TInt splitEndPos( aType.Locate( KDot ) );
    if ( splitEndPos >= 0 && splitEndPos < len )
        TInt splitStartPos( KErrNotFound );
        iType = GetCompensationType( aType );
        if ( iType == EUICompensationItem )
            splitStartPos = KUiText().Length();
            ret = KErrNone;
        else if ( iType == EDeviceCompensationItem )
            splitStartPos = KDeviceText().Length();
            ret = KErrNone;
        if ( ret == KErrNone && splitStartPos >= 0 && splitStartPos < splitEndPos )
            TPtrC num( aType.Mid( splitStartPos, splitEndPos - splitStartPos ) );
            ret = ParseInt( iNumber, num );
    if ( ret != KErrNone )
        iType = EUnknownCompensationItem;
        iNumber = KUndefinedCompensationItemNum;
    ERROR( ret, "CSensorDataCompensatorItem::TItemType::Set() - Fail");
    return ret;
void DegAndMinutesToGeo(const TDesC& aMin, TDes& aInto, TInt aSign)
	if (aMin.Compare(_L("0000.0000"))==0  || aMin.Compare(_L("00000.0000"))==0  || aMin.Length()<3) {
	TInt decpos=aMin.Locate('.');
	if (decpos==KErrNotFound || decpos<3) return;

	TReal deg, min;
		TLex lex(aMin.Left(decpos-2));
		if (lex.Val(deg)!=KErrNone) {

		TLex lex(aMin.Mid(decpos-2));
		if (lex.Val(min)!=KErrNone) {
		if (deg==TReal(0) && min==TReal(0)) return;


	if (deg > TReal(180)) return;

	TRealFormat fmt; fmt.iTriLen=0;
	fmt.iPoint='.'; fmt.iPlaces=8;
	aInto.Num(deg, fmt);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetAttributeL: The implemented function will be called from CSvgContentHandler.
// From CSvgElementImpl
// There will be two attributes been set: begin and xlink:href.
// If xlink:href is not specified, the target element will be parent element
// If begin time is not specifid, the target element will be remove immdeiately.
// Returns: ETrue always in this case.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSvgDiscardElementImpl::SetAttributeL( const TDesC& aName,
                                            const TDesC& aValue )
    _LIT( KTmpXlinkHref, "xlink:href" );
    _LIT( KTmpBegin, "begin" );

    // If not xlink:href, it must be attribute "begin"
     if ( aName == KTmpXlinkHref )
		// STEP 1 - Get the reference element
		// If the first char is '#' then remove it
		// This is possible if coming from cXML parser and not the Decoder
		iHrefValueDefined = ETrue;
		TInt pos = aValue.Locate( '#' );
		if ( pos == 0 )
			if (iTargetId)
				delete iTargetId;
				iTargetId = NULL;
			iTargetId = aValue.AllocL();
	    	TPtr tPtr = iTargetId->Des();
			tPtr.Delete(pos, 1);
    else if ( aName == KTmpBegin )
        CSvgAnimTimingParser* atParser = CSvgAnimTimingParser::NewLC( aValue, this );
        TInt32     clockValue;
        TReal32    lRepeatBeginValue;
        atParser->Parse( iBeginSyncElementId,

   		iAbsoluteBeginTime = clockValue;

        if ( iBeginSyncElementId.Size() != 0 )
        	iSyncValueDefined = ETrue;

        if ( iBeginReferenceEvent != ESvgEventNone )
        	iEventValueDefined = ETrue;
        	iRefBeginTime = clockValue;
	   		iAbsoluteBeginTime = KTimeIndefinite;
        	if (iBeginReferenceEvent == ESvgEventKey)
        		iKeyValue = atParser->AccekeyValue();

        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );     // atParser
    return KErrNone;
Esempio n. 11
 * Checks if @c aItemText matches @c aSearchText in the sense described in
 * S60.  Calls UpdateNextCharsL() if findutil is not supported.
 * @since 5.0
 * @param aItemText list box item text.
 * @param aSearchText search text.
 * @param aNextChars reference to the next characters for the adaptive search grid
 * @param aDigraphs digraphs and trigraph text.
 * @return @c ETrue if list box item text matches aSearchText EFalse otherwise.
inline TBool IsAdaptiveFindMatch( const TDesC& aItemString, 
	const TDesC& aSearchText, HBufC*& aNextChars, TInt /*aInputLang*/, const TDesC& aDigraphs )
	HBufC16* searchText = NULL;
	TRAPD( error, searchText = HBufC16::NewL( KMatchingBufferLength ) );
	TBool wildchar = EFalse;
	if ( error == KErrNone )
	    TInt itemStringLength = aItemString.Length();
        TInt searchTextLength = aSearchText.Length();    
        if ( searchTextLength < KMatchingBufferLength )
        	searchText->Des().Append( aSearchText );
        	searchText->Des().Append( aSearchText.Left(KMatchingBufferLength-1) );
         // To disable the wildchar matching provided by MatchC
        if ( aSearchText.Locate( KLitQuestion ) != KErrNotFound || 
             aSearchText.Locate( KLitStar ) != KErrNotFound )
            wildchar = IsAdaptiveFindMatchClassic( aItemString, aSearchText );
            if ( wildchar == EFalse )
                delete searchText;
                return wildchar;
                TInt val;      
                searchText->Des().Append( KLitStar );
                for( TInt i = 0; i < itemStringLength; i++ )
                    if ( i == 0 || IsFindWordSeparator( aItemString[i-1] ) )
                        val = MyFindC(  aItemString, aSearchText );                    
                        if( (val == i) && (i < (itemStringLength-searchTextLength))) 
                            if( !(IsThaiSpecialCharacter(aItemString[i+searchTextLength])) && !(IsVietnameseSpecialCharacter( aItemString[i+searchTextLength]) ))
                                TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateNextCharsL( aNextChars, aItemString[i+searchTextLength]) );   
              	    } // for
              	delete searchText;
                return wildchar;	 
        searchText->Des().Append( KLitStar );

        TBool isCommonChars = EFalse;
        TInt all_result = KErrNotFound;
        TLanguage lang = User::Language();
        for( TInt i = 0; i < itemStringLength; i++ )
            if ( i == 0 || IsFindWordSeparator( aItemString[i-1] ) )
                TInt result = KErrNotFound;
                //Some vowels of Thai can not be searched with MatchC(). 
                if( aDigraphs.Length() != 0 || lang == ELangThai )
                    result = aItemString.Mid(i).Match( searchText->Des() );
                    result = aItemString.Mid(i).MatchC( searchText->Des() );
                if( result != KErrNotFound ) 
                    all_result = result;
                    if( i < (itemStringLength-searchTextLength) )                	   	       	   		
                        if( !(IsThaiSpecialCharacter( aItemString[i+searchTextLength])) && !(IsVietnameseSpecialCharacter( aItemString[i+searchTextLength]) ))
                            TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateNextCharsL( aNextChars, aItemString[i+searchTextLength]) );

                            if ( aDigraphs.Length() != 0 )
                                TBuf<2> digraph;
                                digraph.Append( aItemString[i+searchTextLength-1] );
                                digraph.Append( aItemString[i+searchTextLength] );

                                if( searchTextLength == 1 )
                                    if( aDigraphs.Find( digraph ) == KErrNotFound )
                                        isCommonChars = ETrue;
                                    TBuf<3> trigraph;
                                    trigraph.Append( aItemString.Mid(i+searchTextLength-2,3) );
                                    if( digraph[0] == KLitSpace 
                                        || ( aDigraphs.Find( digraph ) == KErrNotFound
                                        && aDigraphs.Find( trigraph ) == KErrNotFound ) )
                                        isCommonChars = ETrue;
                        isCommonChars = ETrue;
                } // if (i==0 ..)  
      	    } // for	 
        if(aDigraphs.Length() != 0 && !isCommonChars )   
            all_result = KErrNotFound;
  	    if( all_result != KErrNotFound )
            delete searchText;
            return ETrue;
            delete searchText;
            return EFalse;
         } // if (error == KErrNone)   
    delete searchText;                 
    return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ContainsWildCards
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TBool ContainsWildCards( const TDesC& aString )
    return ( aString.Locate( KWild1 ) != KErrNotFound ||
             aString.Locate( KWild2 ) != KErrNotFound );
Finds the keystring from the source string and replaces it with the
replacement string. The formated string is stored in the destination
TInt CResourceLoader::Formater(TDes& aDest, const TDesC& aSource, const TDesC& aKey, const TDesC& aSubs, TBidiText::TDirectionality aDirectionality)    
    // substitute string must not contain KSubStringSeparator, 
    // or results will be unpredictable 
    __ASSERT_DEBUG(aSubs.Locate(KSubStringSeparator) == KErrNotFound, 
        User::Panic(KPanicCategory, EInvalidSubstitute));

    TInt keylength(aKey.Length());

    //aDest must be empty.

    // offset indicates end of last handled key in source
    TInt offset(0);

    // offset in destination string
    TInt desOffset(0);

    // Substring directionalities are adjusted after all changes are done.
    TBool checkSubstringDirectionalities(EFalse);

    // count is the position in the source from which the substring starts
    TInt count(0);

    // Replaced parameters count
    TInt replaceCount(0);

    while (count != KErrNotFound)
        // desCount is the position of the substring starts in destination.
        TInt desCount(0);

        TPtrC remainder = aSource.Right(aSource.Length() - offset);
        count = remainder.Find(aKey);

        TInt maxSubLength = -1;
        if (count != KErrNotFound)
            desOffset += count;
            offset += count;
            count = offset;
            desCount = desOffset;

            // copy source to destination if first time
            if (aDest.Length() == 0)

            // delete found key from destination
            aDest.Delete(desCount, keylength);

            offset += keylength; // increase offset by key length

            if (count + keylength < (aSource.Length()-1)) // aKey is not at the end of string
                if (aSource[count+keylength] == '[') // Key includes max datalength
                    maxSubLength = 10*(aSource[count+keylength+1]-'0') 
                                   + (aSource[count+keylength+2]-'0');
                    aDest.Delete(desCount,4); // Length information stored->delete from descriptor
                    offset += 4; // increase offset by max sub length indicator
            aDest.Insert(desCount, aSubs);
            desOffset = desCount + aSubs.Length();

            if (maxSubLength > 0 && aSubs.Length() > maxSubLength)
                aDest.Delete(desCount+maxSubLength-1, aSubs.Length()+1-maxSubLength);     
                TText ellipsis(KEllipsis);
                aDest.Insert(desCount+maxSubLength-1, TPtrC(&ellipsis,1));
                desOffset = desCount + maxSubLength;

            TBidiText::TDirectionality subsDir =
                TBidiText::TextDirectionality(aDest.Mid(desCount, desOffset - desCount));

            // If inserted string has different directionality,
            // insert directionality markers so that bidi algorithm works in a desired way.
            if (aDirectionality != subsDir)
                checkSubstringDirectionalities = ETrue;

                TInt freeSpace = aDest.MaxLength() - aDest.Length();

                // Protect the directionality of the inserted string.
                if (freeSpace >= KExtraSpaceForSubStringDirMarkers)
                    TBuf<1> subsMarker;
                    subsMarker.Append(subsDir == TBidiText::ELeftToRight ?
                        KLRMarker : KRLMarker);

                    aDest.Insert(desOffset, subsMarker);
                    aDest.Insert(desCount, subsMarker);
                    desOffset += KExtraSpaceForSubStringDirMarkers;

    // Adjust substring directionality markers if necessary
    // and if there is enough room in destination string
    if (checkSubstringDirectionalities)
        TText mainMarker = (aDirectionality == TBidiText::ELeftToRight ? 
            KLRMarker : KRLMarker);

        TInt freeSpace = aDest.MaxLength() - aDest.Length();

        // If not already done, protect the directionality of the original string
        // and all of the KSubStringSeparator separated substrings.
        if (freeSpace > 0 
            && aDest.Length()
            && aDest[0] != mainMarker 
            && aDest[0] != KSubStringSeparator
            && aDest[0] != KDirNotFound)  
            aDest.Insert(0, TPtrC(&mainMarker, 1));

        // Find and protect KSubStringSeparator separated substrings.
        // Go through string backwards so that any changes will not affect indexes 
        // that are not yet checked.
        TInt j(aDest.Length()-1);
        while (freeSpace > 0 && j >= 0) 
            if (aDest[j] == KSubStringSeparator && j < (aDest.Length() - 1) 
                && aDest[j+1] != mainMarker && aDest[j+1] != KDirNotFound)
                aDest.Insert(j+1, TPtrC(&mainMarker, 1));

    return replaceCount;
Esempio n. 14
void CUrl::Part(TComponent aComponent, const TDesC& aUrl, TInt& aStartPos, TInt& aEndPos) const
// Takes a descriptor as a url and parses it for the start and end positions of a particular component. 
// KCUrlInvalidCharPos is used to indicate that component is not in url.
// Based on RFC2396
	aStartPos = aEndPos = KCUrlInvalidCharPos;

	TPtrC url = aUrl;
	// search for first of ':' | '/' | '?' | '#'
	TInt stripped =0;

	TInt colonPos = aUrl.Locate(':');
	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(colonPos != 0,Panic(EInvalidUrl));		// if ':' is first character then it is invalid
	TInt hashPos = aUrl.Locate('#');
	TInt slashPos = aUrl.Locate('/');
	TInt queryPos = aUrl.Locate('?');

	colonPos = colonPos == KErrNotFound ? KMaxTInt : colonPos;
	hashPos = hashPos == KErrNotFound ? KMaxTInt : hashPos;
	slashPos = slashPos == KErrNotFound ? KMaxTInt : slashPos;
	queryPos = queryPos == KErrNotFound ? KMaxTInt : queryPos;

	// if ':' is before others then there is a scheme so extract it
	if (colonPos < hashPos && colonPos < slashPos && colonPos < queryPos)
		if (aComponent == EUrlScheme)
			aStartPos = stripped;
			aEndPos = colonPos -1;

		if (url.Length() == colonPos + 1) // reached the end of the url
		stripped += colonPos+1;
		hashPos -= colonPos+1;
		slashPos -= colonPos+1;
		queryPos -= colonPos+1;

	// if first 2 characters are '//' then a host exists, 
	if (url.Find(KUrlLoc) == 0)
		TInt urlLocLength = KUrlLoc().Length();
		if (url.Length() == urlLocLength) // reached the end of the url
		// extract '//' and rescan for '/'
		stripped += urlLocLength;
		hashPos -= urlLocLength;
		queryPos -= urlLocLength;
		slashPos = url.Locate('/');
		slashPos = slashPos == KErrNotFound ? KMaxTInt : slashPos;

		// host is ended by first of '#' | '?' | '/' | end of url
		TInt hostEndCharPos = slashPos;
		hostEndCharPos = hashPos < hostEndCharPos ? hashPos : hostEndCharPos;
		hostEndCharPos = queryPos < hostEndCharPos ? queryPos : hostEndCharPos;
		hostEndCharPos = url.Length() < hostEndCharPos ? url.Length() : hostEndCharPos;
		if (aComponent == EUrlAuthority)
			aStartPos = stripped;
			aEndPos = hostEndCharPos+stripped-1;
		if (aComponent == EUrlLocation ||
			aComponent == EUrlUsername ||
			aComponent == EUrlPassword)
			aStartPos = stripped;
			aEndPos = hostEndCharPos+stripped-1;
			// We need part of the authority. Extract it
			PartOfAuthority(aComponent, aUrl, aStartPos, aEndPos);
		//	Have we reached the end of the url
		if (url.Length() == hostEndCharPos)
		// extract host	
		stripped += hostEndCharPos;
		slashPos -= hostEndCharPos;
		hashPos -= hostEndCharPos;
		queryPos -= hostEndCharPos;		

	//	If first character is '/' | this is the start of a relative url | there is no authority then path exists
	//	as long as it isn't just a query or fragment
	if ((slashPos == 0 || stripped == 0 || stripped == colonPos +1 ) && hashPos != 0 && queryPos !=0)
		TInt pathEndCharPos = queryPos;
		pathEndCharPos = hashPos < pathEndCharPos ? hashPos : pathEndCharPos;
		pathEndCharPos = url.Length() < pathEndCharPos ? url.Length() : pathEndCharPos;
		if (aComponent == EUrlPath)
			aStartPos = stripped;
			aEndPos = pathEndCharPos+stripped-1;
		if (url.Length() == pathEndCharPos) // reached the end of the url
		//	extractPath
		stripped += pathEndCharPos ;
		queryPos -= pathEndCharPos ;
		hashPos -= pathEndCharPos ;

	// if first is '?' then query exists
	if (queryPos == 0) 	
		// extract ?, query is ended by '#' | end of url
		if (url.Length() == 1)	// reached the end of the url
		stripped += 1;
		hashPos -= 1;
		// extract query
		TInt queryEndCharPos = hashPos;
		queryEndCharPos = url.Length() < queryEndCharPos ? url.Length() : queryEndCharPos;
		if (aComponent == EUrlQuery)
			aStartPos = stripped;
			aEndPos = queryEndCharPos+stripped-1;
		if (url.Length() == queryEndCharPos) // reached the end of the url
		stripped += queryEndCharPos;
		hashPos -= queryEndCharPos;

	if (hashPos == 0)
		if (url.Length() == 1)	// reached the end of the url
		// extract hash
		stripped += 1;
		// fragment left
		if (aComponent == EUrlFragment)
			aStartPos = stripped;
			aEndPos = stripped + url.Length() -1;
	__ASSERT_DEBUG(	aStartPos == aEndPos && aEndPos == KCUrlInvalidCharPos, Panic(EInvalidUrl));