Esempio n. 1
void perform_smart_fit(TGraphErrors * gabscor, TF1 * fabscor) {

  int maxFitIter = 50;
  int fitIter = 0;
  vector<double> bestPars;
  double bestRChi2 = 0;
  do {
    // do the fit, get the results and the parameters of the fitted function

    TFitResultPtr fitResPtr = gabscor->Fit(fabscor,"RQ0S");
    vector<double> auxPars = fitResPtr.Get()->Parameters();

    // compute the reduced chi2 of this fit and if it is the best fit so far
    // then save the parameters
    double rchi2 = fitResPtr.Get()->Chi2()/ fitResPtr.Get()->Ndf();
    if (fitResPtr.Get()->Ndf() == 0) rchi2 = 0;
    if (rchi2 > 0 && (rchi2<bestRChi2 || bestRChi2==0)){
      bestRChi2 = rchi2;
      bestPars  = auxPars;
    // increment the counter
  }while(( bestRChi2 > 2 || bestRChi2 == 0 ) && fitIter < maxFitIter);
  // set the best parameters and chi2 to the fit function

  TF1 * ffh = gabscor->GetFunction("fit");
  for (unsigned int np=0;np < bestPars.size() ; np++){
  fabscor->SetChisquare(bestRChi2 * fabscor->GetNDF());
  ffh->SetChisquare(bestRChi2 * fabscor->GetNDF());

  // warn if the fit diverges at low pt
  //if (fabscor->Integral(0,10) > 25)
  //cout << "\t***ERROR***, fit for histo " << gabscor->GetName() << " diverges at low pt (<10 GeV/c)" << endl;
  // check for failed fits
  // a chi2 of zero is symptomatic of a failed fit.
if (bestRChi2 < 0.001){
    cout<<"\t***ERROR***, FIT HAS FAILED for histo "<<gabscor->GetName()
        <<" which has a reduced chi2="<<bestRChi2
        <<" after "<<fitIter<<" iterations. "<<endl;

  // check for large reduced chi2's
  // above 10 is a plain error; between 5 and 10 is a warning

 if (bestRChi2 > 5){
    if (bestRChi2 > 10)

    cout<<" fit for histo "<<gabscor->GetName()
        <<" has a reduced chi2="<<bestRChi2
        <<" after "<<fitIter<<" iterations"<<endl;