TGraph *MarcosExclusionLine(TH2F *exclusionshape, int scantype) { // write_warning(__FUNCTION__,"USING MARIAS ALGORITHM..."); // return get_exclusion_line(exclusionshape); TH2F *fakehisto = flipth2f(exclusionshape); TGraph *fakegraph = get_mSUGRA_exclusion_line(fakehisto, scantype); TGraph *realgraph = new TGraph(fakegraph->GetN()); double x,y; float last_x=0; float last_y=0; int counter=0; for(int i=0;i<fakegraph->GetN();i++) { fakegraph->GetPoint(i,x,y); if(scantype==PlottingSetup::SMS) { if(y-x<75) { realgraph->SetPoint(counter,last_x,last_y); counter++; continue; } } realgraph->SetPoint(counter,y,x); last_x=y; last_y=x; counter++; } realgraph->SetLineColor(TColor::GetColor("#151515")); //nice black realgraph->SetLineWidth(2); //realgraph->SetLineWidth(4);//paper style delete fakegraph; return realgraph; }
void ButkevichDrawer::adjust_graph(TGraph& graph) { for (int iPoint=0;iPoint<graph.GetN();iPoint++) { double x,y; graph.GetPoint(iPoint,x,y); graph.SetPoint(iPoint,x,y*1.0e-38); } }
std::vector<double> GetCrossings(TGraph const& g, double cross) { std::vector<double> result; unsigned n = g.GetN(); double x1 = 0; double y1 = 0; double x2 = 0; double y2 = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < (n-1); ++i) { g.GetPoint(i, x1, y1); g.GetPoint(i+1, x2, y2); if ( (y2-cross)*(y1-cross) < 0.0 ) { double m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1); double c = (y1 - m * x1); double xc = (cross - c) / m; result.push_back(xc); std::cout << "Crossing at " << xc << std::endl; } } return result; }
void KVIDentifier::CopyGraph(const TGraph& graph) { // Copy coordinates of points from the TGraph Double_t x, y; //change number of points Set(graph.GetN()); for (int i = 0; i < GetN(); i++) { graph.GetPoint(i, x, y); SetPoint(i, x, y); } }
TGraph* ContourGraph( TH2F* hist,double xmin=16, double xmax=90) { //temporary canvas TCanvas* MOO = new TCanvas( TString::Format("dummy_canvas_%s", hist->GetName()), "A scan of m_{0} versus m_{12}", 0, 0, 650,640); MOO->cd(); TGraph* gr0 = new TGraph(); TH2F* h = (TH2F*)hist->Clone(); TGraph* gr = (TGraph*)gr0->Clone(TString::Format("gr_%s", h->GetName())); cout << "==> Will dumb histogram: " << h->GetName() << " into a graph" <<endl; h->SetContour( 1 ); //h->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(250,1200); h->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(xmin, xmax); //h->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(2,50); double pval = CombinationGlob::cl_percent[1]; std::cout << pval << std::endl; double signif = TMath::NormQuantile(1-pval); h->SetContourLevel( 0, signif ); h->Draw("CONT LIST"); h->SetDirectory(0); gPad->Update(); TObjArray *contours = (TObjArray*) gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("contours"); Int_t ncontours = contours->GetSize(); cout << "Found " << ncontours << " contours " << endl; TList *list = (TList*)contours->At(0); contours->Print("v"); if(!list) return NULL; gr = (TGraph*)list->First(); if(!gr) return NULL; gr->SetName(TString::Format("gr_%s", hist->GetName())); //gr->SetName(hist->GetName()); int N = gr->GetN(); double x0, y0; for(int j=0; j<N; j++) { gr->GetPoint(j,x0,y0); cout << j << " : " << x0 << " : "<<y0 << endl; } // // gr->SetMarkerSize(2.0); //gr->Draw("ALP"); delete MOO; cout << "Generated graph " << gr << " with name " << gr->GetName() << endl; return gr; }
void drawtext() { Int_t i,n; Double_t x,y; TLatex *l; TGraph *g = (TGraph*)gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()->FindObject("Graph"); n = g->GetN(); for (i=1; i<n; i++) { g->GetPoint(i,x,y); l = new TLatex(x,y+0.2,Form("%4.2f",y)); l->SetTextSize(0.025); l->SetTextFont(42); l->SetTextAlign(21); l->Paint(); } }
vector< pair <double,double> > getMinMaxOfGraphs (vector<GraphInfo> inputGraphs) { cout << "-----------------Inside minMax -------------------" << endl; pair<double,double> yValMinMax; pair<double,double> xValMinMax; yValMinMax.first = 1000.0; //min yValMinMax.second = -1000.0; //max xValMinMax.first = 1000.0; //min xValMinMax.second = -1000.0; //max for (unsigned iGraph =0; iGraph < inputGraphs.size(); iGraph++){ TGraph * thisGraph = inputGraphs[iGraph].theGraph; double iMinY = 1000.0; double iMaxY = -1000.0; double iMinX = 1000.0; double iMaxX = -1000.0; for (int iPoint =0; iPoint < thisGraph->GetN(); iPoint++){ double xVal, yVal; thisGraph->GetPoint(iPoint, xVal, yVal); cout <<"n = " << iPoint << "x= " << xVal << "y = " << yVal << endl; if (yVal < iMinY ) iMinY = yVal; if (yVal > iMaxY) iMaxY = yVal; if (xVal < iMinX ) iMinX = xVal; if (xVal > iMaxX) iMaxX = xVal; } cout << "New plot minY = " << iMinY << ", maxY = " << iMaxY << endl << " minX = " << iMinX << ", maxX = " << iMaxX << endl ; if (iMinY < yValMinMax.first) yValMinMax.first = iMinY; if (iMaxY > yValMinMax.second) yValMinMax.second = iMaxY; if (iMinX < xValMinMax.first) xValMinMax.first = iMinX; if (iMaxX > xValMinMax.second) xValMinMax.second = iMaxX; } //------------------------ cout << "found min = " << yValMinMax.first << " found max = " << yValMinMax.second << endl; if (yValMinMax.first > 0 ) yValMinMax.first = 0; vector<pair<double,double> > returnValMinMax; returnValMinMax.push_back(xValMinMax); returnValMinMax.push_back(yValMinMax); return returnValMinMax; }
void draw_mSUGRA_exclusion(TH2F *ocrosssection, TH2F *oFilterEfficiency, TH2F *oabsXS, TH2F *limitmap, TH2F *expmap, TH2F *expplusmap, TH2F *expminusmap, TH2F *exp2plusmap, TH2F *exp2minusmap, bool isobserved) { TH2F *crosssection = (TH2F*)ocrosssection->Clone("crosssection"); // TH2F *limitmap = (TH2F*)olimitmap->Clone(((string)olimitmap->GetName()+"clone").c_str()); TH2F *cleanhisto = (TH2F*)limitmap->Clone("clean"); for(int ix=1;ix<=cleanhisto->GetNbinsX();ix++) { for(int iy=1;iy<=cleanhisto->GetNbinsY();iy++) { cleanhisto->SetBinContent(ix,iy,0); } } TH2F *FilterEfficiency; TH2F *absXS; write_warning(__FUNCTION__,"You'll want to switch off 'wrongwaytodothis')"); if(wrongwaytodothis) { //this part is the one you want to remove. TFile *Efficiencies = new TFile("FilterEfficiencyv3.root"); FilterEfficiency = cast_into_shape((TH2F*) Efficiencies->Get("FilterEfficiency"),limitmap); assert(FilterEfficiency); assert(crosssection); absXS=(TH2F*)crosssection->Clone("absXS"); crosssection->Multiply(FilterEfficiency); } else { //this part is the one you want to keep! FilterEfficiency=(TH2F*)oFilterEfficiency->Clone("FilterEfficiency"); absXS=(TH2F*)oabsXS->Clone("absXS"); } TH2F *limits = (TH2F*)limitmap->Clone("limits"); set_range(limits,true,false); limitmap->Divide(crosssection); expminusmap->Divide(crosssection); expplusmap->Divide(crosssection); exp2minusmap->Divide(crosssection); exp2plusmap->Divide(crosssection); expmap->Divide(crosssection); TGraph *observed = get_mSUGRA_exclusion_line(limitmap, PlottingSetup::mSUGRA); observed->SetLineColor(kRed); TGraph *expminus = get_mSUGRA_exclusion_line(expminusmap, PlottingSetup::mSUGRA); TGraph *expplus = get_mSUGRA_exclusion_line(expplusmap, PlottingSetup::mSUGRA); TGraph *exp2minus; if(draw2sigma) exp2minus = get_mSUGRA_exclusion_line(exp2minusmap, PlottingSetup::mSUGRA); TGraph *exp2plus; if(draw2sigma) exp2plus = get_mSUGRA_exclusion_line(exp2plusmap, PlottingSetup::mSUGRA); TGraph *expected = new TGraph(expminus->GetN()+expplus->GetN()); TGraph *expected2; if(draw2sigma) expected2 = new TGraph(exp2minus->GetN()+exp2plus->GetN()); for(int i=0;i<=expminus->GetN();i++) { Double_t x,y; expminus->GetPoint(i,x,y); expected->SetPoint(i,x,y); } for(int i=0;i<=exp2minus->GetN();i++) { Double_t x,y; exp2minus->GetPoint(i,x,y); expected2->SetPoint(i,x,y); } for(int i=exp2plus->GetN()-1;i>=0;i--) { Double_t x,y; exp2plus->GetPoint(i,x,y); expected2->SetPoint(exp2minus->GetN()+(exp2plus->GetN()-i),x,y); } for(int i=expplus->GetN()-1;i>=0;i--) { Double_t x,y; expplus->GetPoint(i,x,y); expected->SetPoint(expminus->GetN()+(expplus->GetN()-i),x,y); } expected->SetFillColor(TColor::GetColor("#9FF781")); if(draw2sigma) expected2->SetFillColor(TColor::GetColor("#F3F781")); smooth_line(observed); smooth_line(expected); if(draw2sigma) smooth_line(expected2); TCanvas *te = new TCanvas("te","te"); te->SetRightMargin(standardmargin); // decorate_mSUGRA(cleanhisto,te,expected,expected2,observed); TH2F *noh = new TH2F("noh","noh",1,1,2,1,1,2); SugarCoatThis(te,10,noh,observed); // expected->Draw("c"); // observed->Draw("c"); stringstream saveas; if((int)((string)limitmap->GetName()).find("limitmap")>0) { saveas << "Limits/"; if(!isobserved) saveas << "expected/expected_"; saveas << "final_exclusion_for_JZB_geq_" << ((string)limitmap->GetName()).substr(((string)limitmap->GetName()).find("limitmap")+8,10); } else { saveas << "Limits/"; if(!isobserved) saveas << "expected/expected"; saveas << "final_exclusion_for_bestlimits"; } CompleteSave(te,saveas.str()); delete te; TCanvas *overview = new TCanvas("overview","overview",1500,1000); set_range(crosssection,true,false); set_range(limits,true,false); set_range(limitmap,true,false); overview->Divide(3,2); overview->cd(1); overview->cd(1)->SetLogz(1); absXS->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0001,100); absXS->Draw("COLZ"); TText *title0 = write_title("Cross Section"); title0->Draw("same"); overview->cd(2); FilterEfficiency->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.01,0.7); FilterEfficiency->Draw("COLZ"); TText *title0aa = write_title("Filter #epsilon"); title0aa->Draw("same"); overview->cd(3); overview->cd(3)->SetLogz(1); crosssection->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0001,100); crosssection->Draw("COLZ"); TText *title0a = write_title("Filter #epsilon x Cross Section"); title0a->Draw("same"); overview->cd(4); overview->cd(4)->SetLogz(1); limits->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.01,100); limits->Draw("COLZ"); TText *title1 = write_title("Cross Section Upper Limit"); title1->Draw("same"); overview->cd(5); limitmap->Draw("COLZ"); TText *title2 = write_title("UL/XS"); title2->Draw("same"); observed->Draw("c"); overview->cd(6); overview->cd(6)->SetRightMargin(standardmargin); // decorate_mSUGRA(cleanhisto,overview->cd(4),expected,expected2,observed); SugarCoatThis(overview->cd(6),10,noh,observed); // observed->Draw("c"); stringstream saveas2; if((int)((string)limitmap->GetName()).find("limitmap")>0) { saveas2 << "Limits/"; if(!isobserved) saveas << "expected/expected_"; saveas2 << "exclusion_overview_for_JZB_geq_" << ((string)limitmap->GetName()).substr(((string)limitmap->GetName()).find("limitmap")+8,10); } else { saveas2 << "Limits/"; if(!isobserved) saveas << "expected/expected_"; saveas2 << "exclusion_overview_for_bestlimits"; } CompleteSave(overview,saveas2.str()); delete overview; delete noh; delete crosssection; delete absXS; delete FilterEfficiency; }
void slopetest(){ string dist = "maos210"; double nevts = 2*50000.0; string dim = "mt"; double p1=0, p2=0, p3=0; double dx = 0; double eps = 0.2; if( dim == "mt" ){ p1 = 172.0; p2 = 172.5, p3 = 173.0; //p1 = 172.5; p2 = 173, p3 = 173.5; //p1 = 166.0; p2 = 166.5, p3 = 167.0; //p1 = 178.0; p2 = 178.5, p3 = 179.0; } if( dim == "jes" ){ p1 = 0.999; p2 = 1.000, p3 = 1.001; } if( dist == "mbl" ){ dx = 2.8; } if( dist == "mt2_221" ){ dx = 1.9; } TFile *f = new TFile("../results/plotsTemplates.root"); TDirectory *d = (TDirectory*)f->Get((dim+"shape_"+dist+"_gp").c_str()); /* TCanvas *ctemp = (TCanvas*)f->Get(("c_"+dist+"_gp_signal_JSF1000").c_str()); TH1 *h = (TH1*)(ctemp->GetListOfPrimitives()->At(1)); dx = h->GetBinWidth(1); delete ctemp; */ dx = 10; TGraph *gslope = new TGraph(); TGraph *gint = new TGraph(); double sig = 0; double d2sig = 0; TIter nextkey(d->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key; while( (key = (TKey*)nextkey()) ){ string name = key->GetName(); string classname = key->GetClassName(); TCanvas *c = (TCanvas*)d->Get(name.c_str()); TGraph *g = (TGraph*)(c->GetListOfPrimitives()->At(1)); double y1=0, y2=0; double ycent = 0; for(int i=0; i < g->GetN(); i++){ double x=0, y=0; g->GetPoint(i, x, y); if( x == p1 ) y1 = y; if( x == p2 ) ycent = y; if( x == p3 ) y2 = y; } double slope = y2-y1; string sbin = name; string ntemp = "c"+dist+"_gp"; sbin.erase(sbin.begin(), sbin.begin()+ntemp.length()); if( dist == "mt2_221" ) sbin.erase(sbin.end(), sbin.end()+1); double dbin = atof(sbin.c_str()); double integrand = slope*slope/ycent; gint->SetPoint(gint->GetN(), dbin, integrand); gslope->SetPoint(gslope->GetN(), dbin, slope); sig += slope*slope*eps*eps*-0.5*dx/ycent; d2sig += integrand*dx; } cout << "Projected S(" << eps << ") = " << sig-2.0*nevts << endl; cout << "Projected sigma = " << sqrt(1.0/(d2sig*nevts)) << endl; TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(); gslope->SetLineWidth(2); gslope->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(GeV)"); gslope->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); gslope->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); gslope->Draw("AC"); TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas(); gint->SetLineWidth(2); gint->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(GeV)"); gint->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); gint->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.8); gint->Draw("AC"); return; }
void alicePlots(){ TFile* alice = new TFile("~/Downloads/HEPData-ins1288320-v1-root.root"); alice->cd("Table 16"); TGraph* aliceData = Graph1D_y1; TH1F* hist = Hist1D_y1; TH1F* stat = Hist1D_y1_e1; TH1F* syst = Hist1D_y1_e2; TGraphAsymmErrors* graph2 = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)aliceData->Clone("graph2"); Int_t numPts = aliceData->GetN(); Double_t x, y; for(int i = 0; i<numPts; i++){ aliceData->GetPoint(i, x, y); aliceData->SetPoint(i, x, (y - 0.89581)); graph2->SetPoint(i, x, (y- 0.89581)); hist->SetBinContent(i+1, hist->GetBinContent(i+1) - 0.89581); hist->SetBinError(i+1, stat->GetBinContent(i+1)); graph2->SetPointEXhigh(i, 0.1); graph2->SetPointEXlow(i, 0.1); } graph2->SetLineColor(kBlue-10); graph2->SetLineWidth(2); graph2->SetMarkerColor(kBlue-10); graph2->SetFillColor(kBlue-10); hist->SetLineColor(kBlue-2); hist->SetLineWidth(2); aliceData->SetTitle(""); aliceData->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mass - Vacuum Mass (GeV/c^{2})"); aliceData->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06); aliceData->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04); aliceData->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.65); aliceData->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(42); aliceData->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(42); aliceData->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T} (GeV/c)"); aliceData->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06); aliceData->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05); aliceData->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(42); aliceData->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(42); aliceData->SetMarkerStyle(29); aliceData->SetMarkerSize(2.5); aliceData->SetMarkerColor(kBlue-2); aliceData->SetLineColor(kBlue-2); aliceData->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.02, 0.015); aliceData->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 5); TFile* phsd = new TFile("~/utaustin/resonancefits/finalplotting/20170721_KKbarAdded2_fixedwidth42_recon_pf100_scaled_error05.root"); TH1D* mass = phsd->Get("kstar0mass"); mass->SetName("mass"); mass->SetMarkerStyle(26); mass->SetMarkerSize(2.5); mass->SetMarkerColor(2); mass->SetLineColor(2); TF1* line = new TF1("line", "[0]", 0.0, 5.0); line->SetParameter(0, 0.0); line->SetLineColor(1); line->SetLineStyle(7); line->SetLineWidth(3); for(int j = 0; j<mass->GetNbinsX(); j++){ mass->SetBinContent(j+1, (mass->GetBinContent(j+1) - 0.892)); } TFile* phsd2 = new TFile("~/utaustin/resonancefits/finalplotting/20170616_KKbarAdded2_fixedwidth_recon_pf100_scaled_error05.root"); TH1D* mass2 = phsd2->Get("kstar0mass"); mass2->SetName("mass2"); mass2->SetMarkerStyle(22); mass2->SetMarkerSize(2.5); mass2->SetMarkerColor(2); mass2->SetLineColor(2); for(int j = 0; j<mass2->GetNbinsX(); j++){ mass2->SetBinContent(j+1, (mass2->GetBinContent(j+1) - 0.892)); } TExec *exec1 = new TExec("exec1", "gStyle->SetErrorX(0.1)"); TExec *exec2 = new TExec("exec2", "gStyle->SetErrorX(0.5)"); TCanvas *c = new TCanvas ("c", "c", 50, 50, 650, 600); c->cd()->SetMargin(0.1997, 0.0369, 0.1396, 0.0681); aliceData->Draw("APX"); //exec1->Draw(); graph2->Draw("SAME P2"); //exec2->Draw(); hist->Draw("SAME E1"); line->Draw("SAME"); mass2->Draw("SAME P E1"); mass->Draw("SAME P E1"); aliceData->Draw("SAME PX"); TLegend* legend = new TLegend(0.5836, 0.1815, 0.9489, 0.3438); legend->SetMargin(0.2); legend->SetTextSizePixels(20); legend->AddEntry(aliceData, "ALICE data, 0-20%", "p"); legend->AddEntry(mass2, "Fit IV to PHSD: w in-med", "p"); legend->AddEntry(mass, "Fit IV to PHSD: w/o in-med", "p"); legend->Draw("SAME"); TPaveText* text = new TPaveText(0.2554, 0.7243, 0.6006, 0.9162, "NDC"); text->AddText("(K*^{0} + #bar{K}*^{0})"); text->AddText("Pb-Pb #sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV"); text->GetLine(0)->SetTextSizePixels(36); text->GetLine(1)->SetTextSizePixels(24); text->SetTextFont(42); text->SetBorderSize(0); text->SetFillStyle(0); text->Draw(); }
void makePlots( const char * modelA, const char * modelB, const char * modelC, const char * src, const char * config, const char * infileA, const char * infileB, const char * infileC, const char * infileD ) { bool use_color = true; int color[3] = {1, 4, 2}; //black, blue, red int lineStyle[3] = { 1 , 2 , 3}; int lineWidth = 2; //Output path TString path("./paper01-plots/ratio/"); TFile * f1 = new TFile(infileA); TFile * f2 = new TFile(infileB); TFile * f3 = new TFile(infileC); TFile * f4 = new TFile(infileD); // This is the Vacuum model inside Earth TList * v_Data = new TList(); TObjString *data; //Vaccum data = new TObjString( TString( "ZeroPt" ) + TString("_") + TString( src ) + TString("_Pee/data") ); v_Data->Add( data ); //A data = new TObjString( TString( modelA ) + TString("_") + TString( src ) + TString("_Pee/data") ); v_Data->Add( data ); //B data = new TObjString( TString( modelB ) + TString("_") + TString( src ) + TString("_Pee/data") ); v_Data->Add( data ); //anti A data = new TObjString( TString( modelC ) + TString("_") + TString( src ) + TString("_Pee/data") ); v_Data->Add( data ); TList * v_Labels = new TList(); TObjString *label; label = new TObjString( "#phi ( E_{#nu} )" ); v_Labels->Add( label ); label = new TObjString( "#phi ( E_{#nu} )" ); v_Labels->Add( label ); label = new TObjString( "#phi ( E_{#nu} ) " ); v_Labels->Add( label ); label = new TObjString( "#phi ( E_{#nu} ) " ); v_Labels->Add( label ); TList * v_Title = new TList(); label = new TObjString( "(0) Vacuum" ); v_Title->Add( label ); label = new TObjString( "(a) Model A" ); v_Title->Add( label ); label = new TObjString( "(b) Model B" ); v_Title->Add( label ); label = new TObjString( "(c) Model C" ); v_Title->Add( label ); TList * PeeTree = new TList(); TList * PhiGraphs = new TList(); TList * RatioGraphs = new TList(); TList * VacuumGraphs = new TList(); TLegend * leg = new TLegend(0.14,0.69,0.24,0.85); TString treeName = ((TObjString*)v_Data->At(0))->GetString(); f4->cd(); PeeTree->Add( (TTree*)gDirectory->Get( treeName.Data() ) ); std::cout << treeName << " " << (TTree*)gDirectory->Get( treeName.Data() ) << std::endl; treeName = ((TObjString*)v_Data->At(1))->GetString(); f1->cd(); //ModelA PeeTree->Add( (TTree*)gDirectory->Get( treeName.Data() ) ); std::cout << treeName << " " << (TTree*)gDirectory->Get( treeName.Data() ) << std::endl; treeName = ((TObjString*)v_Data->At(2))->GetString(); f2->cd(); //ModelB PeeTree->Add( (TTree*)gDirectory->Get( treeName.Data() ) ); std::cout << treeName << " " << (TTree*)gDirectory->Get( treeName.Data() ) << std::endl; treeName = ((TObjString*)v_Data->At(3))->GetString(); f3->cd(); //ModelC PeeTree->Add( (TTree*)gDirectory->Get( treeName.Data() ) ); std::cout << treeName << " " << (TTree*)gDirectory->Get( treeName.Data() ) << std::endl; for( int k = 0; k < 4; ++k ) { //Branches double xx = 0.0; double phi_e = 0.0; double phi_m = 0.0; double phi_t = 0.0; TTree * currentTree = (TTree*)PeeTree->At(k); currentTree->SetBranchAddress("Ex",&xx); currentTree->SetBranchAddress("Phi_e",&phi_e); currentTree->SetBranchAddress("Phi_m",&phi_m); currentTree->SetBranchAddress("Phi_t",&phi_t); Long64_t nentries = currentTree->GetEntries(); TGraph * g1 = new TGraph(); TGraph * g2 = new TGraph(); TGraph * g3 = new TGraph(); int np = 0; for (Long64_t i=0;i<nentries;i++) { currentTree->GetEntry(i); g1->SetPoint( np, xx, phi_e); g2->SetPoint( np, xx, phi_m); g3->SetPoint( np, xx, phi_t); np++; } PhiGraphs->Add( g1 ); PhiGraphs->Add( g2 ); PhiGraphs->Add( g3 ); std::cout << " * " << g1 << " " << g2 << " " << g3 << std::endl; } int idx = 1; int idxc = 1; int nGraphs = PhiGraphs->GetSize(); //.................................................................................................. TCanvas * c1 = new TCanvas(modelA, "Oscillation probabilities", 184, 60, 861, 670); c1->Divide(1,4); c1->Draw(); for( int k=0; k < nGraphs; ++k) { if ( idx >= 4 ) idx = 1; TGraph * g1 = (TGraph*)PhiGraphs->At(k); g1->SetLineWidth(2); if ( idx == 1 ) { std::cout << idxc << " " << idx << std::endl; c1->cd( idxc ); gPad->SetGridx(); gPad->SetGridy(); gPad->SetLogx(); //gPad->SetLogy(); g1->SetMarkerStyle(1); g1->SetFillColor(10); g1->SetMaximum(1.04); g1->SetMinimum(-0.05); g1->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(504); TString yaxis = ((TObjString*)v_Labels->At( idxc-1))->GetString(); g1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( yaxis.Data() ); g1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("E_{#nu} (eV)"); g1->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(true); g1->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(true); g1->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(0.007); g1->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.10); g1->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.11); g1->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.5); g1->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(22); g1->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(22); g1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelOffset(0.007); g1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.10); g1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.16); g1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.25); g1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(22); g1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(22); g1->SetLineStyle( lineStyle[idx-1] ); g1->SetLineColor( 1 ); if( use_color ) g1->SetLineColor( color[idx-1] ); g1->Draw("AL"); TString title = ((TObjString*)v_Title->At(idxc-1))->GetString(); topTitle(title.Data()); // if ( idxc == 1 ) { char HistoName[20]; sprintf(HistoName,"H1_%d", k); TGraph * h1 = g1->Clone(HistoName); VacuumGraphs->Add( h1 ); std::cout << " graph " << k << " == in vacuum" << h1 << " " << std::string(HistoName) << std::endl; } } else if ( idx == 2 ) { std::cout << " - " << idxc << " " << idx << std::endl; g1->SetLineColor( 1 ); if( use_color ) g1->SetLineColor( color[idx-1] ); g1->SetLineStyle( lineStyle[idx-1] ); g1->Draw("L"); if ( idxc == 1 ) { char HistoName[20]; sprintf(HistoName,"H1_%d", k); TGraph * h1 = g1->Clone(HistoName); VacuumGraphs->Add( h1 ); std::cout << " graph " << k << " == in vacuum" << h1 << " " << std::string(HistoName) << std::endl; } } else if ( idx == 3 ) { std::cout << " -- "<< idxc << " " << idx << std::endl; g1->SetLineColor( 1 ); if( use_color ) g1->SetLineColor( color[idx-1]); g1->SetLineStyle( lineStyle[idx-1] ); g1->Draw("L"); if ( idxc == 1 ) { char HistoName[20]; sprintf(HistoName,"H1_%d", k); TGraph * h1 = g1->Clone(HistoName); VacuumGraphs->Add( h1 ); std::cout << " graph " << k << " == in vacuum" << h1 << " " << std::string(HistoName) << std::endl; } idxc += 1; } else { } TLine *line = new TLine(7.9e+10,0.333,2.25e+14,0.333); line->SetLineColor(3); line->SetLineStyle(2); line->SetLineWidth(2); line->Draw("same"); idx += 1; } c1->cd(); //.................................................................................................. idx = 1; double xp1 = 0.0; double xp2 = 0.0; for( int k = 3; k < nGraphs; ++k) { if ( idx >= 4 ) idx = 1; TGraph * g1 = (TGraph*)PhiGraphs->At(k); int maxpts = g1->GetN(); xx = 0.0; double y1 = 0.0; double y2 = 0.0; double ratio = 1.0; TGraph * r1 = new TGraph(); int np = 0; if( idx == 1 ) { TGraph * denom = (TGraph*)VacuumGraphs->At(0); np = 0; for( int j = 0; j < maxpts; ++j) { g1->GetPoint(j, xp1, y1); denom->GetPoint(j, xp2, y2); if ( y2 <= 1.0e-3 ) continue; ratio = y1/y2; if (ratio > 5 ) std::cout << " nu_e> x1= " << xp1 << " x2= " << xp2 << " num= " << y1 << " den= " << y2 << " num/den= " << ratio << std::endl; r1->SetPoint( np, xp1, ratio ); ++np; } RatioGraphs->Add(r1); std::cout << " ratio added " << std::endl; } else if ( idx == 2 ) { TGraph * denom = (TGraph*)VacuumGraphs->At(1); np = 0; for( int j = 0; j < maxpts; ++j) { g1->GetPoint(j, xp1, y1); denom->GetPoint(j, xp2, y2); if ( y2 <= 1.0e-3 ) continue; ratio = y1/y2; if (ratio > 5 ) std::cout << " nu_e> x1= " << xp1 << " x2= " << xp2 << " num= " << y1 << " den= " << y2 << " num/den= " << ratio << std::endl; r1->SetPoint( np, xp1, ratio ); ++np; } RatioGraphs->Add(r1); std::cout << " ratio added " << std::endl; } else if ( idx == 3 ) { TGraph * denom = (TGraph*)VacuumGraphs->At(2); np = 0; for( int j = 0; j < maxpts; ++j) { g1->GetPoint(j, xp1, y1); denom->GetPoint(j, xp2, y2); if ( y2 <= 1.0e-3 ) continue; ratio = y1/y2; if (ratio > 5 ) std::cout << " nu_e> x1= " << xp1 << " x2= " << xp2 << " num= " << y1 << " den= " << y2 << " num/den= " << ratio << std::endl; r1->SetPoint( np, xp1, ratio ); ++np; } RatioGraphs->Add(r1); std::cout << " ratio added " << std::endl; } else {} idx += 1; } c1->cd(1); TGraph * g1 = (TGraph*)PhiGraphs->At(0); g1->Draw("L"); c1->cd(2); g1 = (TGraph*)PhiGraphs->At(3); g1->Draw("L"); c1->cd(3); g1 = (TGraph*)PhiGraphs->At(6); g1->Draw("L"); c1->cd(4); g1 = (TGraph*)PhiGraphs->At(9); g1->Draw("L"); c1->cd(); std::stringstream saveAs; saveAs.str(""); saveAs << path << modelA << "/pdf/" << "nueosc_flux_" << config << "_Models_ABC_Vac" << ".pdf"; c1->SaveAs( saveAs.str().c_str() ); saveAs.str(""); saveAs << path << modelA << "/png/" << "nueosc_flux_" << config << "_Models_ABC_Vac" << ".png"; c1->SaveAs( saveAs.str().c_str() ); saveAs.str(""); saveAs << path << modelA << "/eps/" << "nueosc_flux_" << config << "_Models_ABC_Vac" << ".eps"; c1->SaveAs( saveAs.str().c_str() ); //.................................................................................................. Float_t small = 1e-5; //Referee request TCanvas * c2 = new TCanvas("Ratios", "Oscillation probabilities - Ratios", 184, 60, 861, 670); c2->Divide(1,3,small,small); c2->Draw(); c2->cd(); // idx = 1; idxc = 1; nGraphs = RatioGraphs->GetSize(); for( int k=0; k < nGraphs; ++k) { if ( idx >= 4 ) idx = 1; TGraph * g1 = (TGraph*)RatioGraphs->At(k); g1->SetLineWidth(lineWidth); std::cout << " g1 " << g1 << std::endl; if ( idx == 1 ) { std::cout << idxc << " " << idx << std::endl; c2->cd( idxc ); //Referee request if ( idxc == 1 ) gPad->SetBottomMargin(small); else if ( idxc == 3) gPad->SetTopMargin(small); else { } if ( idxc == 2 ) { gPad->SetBottomMargin(small); gPad->SetTopMargin(small); } // ...................... gPad->SetGridx(); gPad->SetGridy(); gPad->SetLogx(); //gPad->SetLogy(); g1->SetMarkerStyle(1); g1->SetFillColor(10); g1->SetMaximum(21.00); g1->SetMinimum(-1.05); g1->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(504); TString yaxis = ((TObjString*)v_Labels->At( idxc-1))->GetString(); g1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "#phi/#phi_{vac}" ); g1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("E_{#nu} (eV) "); g1->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(true); g1->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(0.007); g1->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.10); g1->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.11); g1->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.5); g1->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(22); g1->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(22); g1->GetXaxis()->SetTickLength(0.05); g1->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(true); g1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelOffset(0.007); g1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.10); g1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.16); g1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.25); g1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(22); g1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(22); g1->GetYaxis()->SetTickLength(0.05); g1->SetLineStyle( lineStyle[idx-1] ); g1->SetLineColor( 1 ); if( use_color ) g1->SetLineColor( color[idx-1] ); g1->Draw("AL"); TString title = ((TObjString*)v_Title->At(idxc))->GetString(); topTitle(title.Data()); } else if ( idx == 2 ) { std::cout << " - " << idxc << " " << idx << std::endl; g1->SetLineColor( 1 ); if( use_color ) g1->SetLineColor( color[idx-1] ); g1->SetLineStyle( lineStyle[idx-1] ); g1->Draw("L"); } else if ( idx == 3 ) { std::cout << " -- "<< idxc << " " << idx << std::endl; g1->SetLineColor( 1 ); if( use_color ) g1->SetLineColor( color[idx-1]); g1->SetLineStyle( lineStyle[idx-1] ); g1->Draw("L"); idxc += 1; } else { } idx += 1; } c2->cd(1); TGraph * g1 = (TGraph*)RatioGraphs->At(0); g1->Draw("L"); c2->cd(2); g1 = (TGraph*)RatioGraphs->At(3); g1->Draw("L"); c2->cd(3); g1 = (TGraph*)RatioGraphs->At(6); g1->Draw("L"); c2->cd(); // saveAs.str(""); saveAs << path << modelA << "/pdf/" << "nueosc_flux_" << config << "_4x_Ratios_noLog" << ".pdf"; c2->SaveAs( saveAs.str().c_str() ); saveAs.str(""); saveAs << path << modelA << "/png/" << "nueosc_flux_" << config << "_4x_Ratios_noLog" << ".png"; c2->SaveAs( saveAs.str().c_str() ); saveAs.str(""); saveAs << path << modelA << "/eps/" << "nueosc_flux_" << config << "_4x_Ratios_noLog" << ".eps"; c2->SaveAs( saveAs.str().c_str() ); }
TGraph* getContour(TH2D* h, TString name) { TGraph* graph = new TGraph(100); graph->SetName(name); int ip = 0; int nx = h->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); int ny = h->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); // for y>x int ix = -1; for(int j=ny;true; j--) { int k = -1; for(int i=2; i<nx-1; i++) { if(h->GetBinContent(i,j) < 0) { std::cout << "i,j,z : " << i << ", " << j << ", " << h->GetBinContent(i,j) << std::endl; k = i; break; } }// for i if(k<0) continue; double y = h->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(j); double x1 = h->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(k-1); double x2 = h->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(k); double z1 = h->GetBinContent(k-1,j); double z2 = h->GetBinContent(k,j); double x = x1 + (x2-x1)*fabs(z1)/fabs(z2-z1); std::cout << "y, x1, x2, z1, z2, x : " << y << ", " << x1 << ", " << x2 << ", " << x << ", " << z1 << ", " << z2 << std::endl; graph->SetPoint(ip++,x,y); if(h->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(j) < h->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(k)) { ix = k; break; } }// for j if(ix < 0) std::cout << "Something wrong...." << std::endl; // for y<x for(int i=ix; i<=nx; i++) { int k = -1; for(int j=2; j<ny-1; j++) { if(h->GetBinContent(i,j) < 0) { k = j; break; } }// for j if(k<0) continue; double x = h->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(i); double y1 = h->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(k-1); double y2 = h->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(k); double z1 = h->GetBinContent(i,k-1); double z2 = h->GetBinContent(i,k); double y = y1 + (y2-y1)*fabs(z1)/fabs(z2-z1); std::cout << "x, y1, y2, z1, z2, y : " << x << ", " << y1 << ", " << y2 << ", " << y << ", " << z1 << ", " << z2 << std::endl; graph->SetPoint(ip++,x,y); }// for i ip = graph->GetN()-1; while(1) { double x, y; graph->GetPoint(ip,x,y); if(x>1) break; else graph->RemovePoint(ip); ip--; } return graph; }
int main(){ system("mkdir -p plots"); RooMsgService::instance().setGlobalKillBelow(RooFit::ERROR); TFile *bkgFile = TFile::Open("comb_svn/hgg.inputbkgdata_8TeV_MVA.root"); TFile *sigFile = TFile::Open("comb_svn/hgg.inputsig_8TeV_nosplitVH_MVA.root"); RooWorkspace *bkgWS = (RooWorkspace*)bkgFile->Get("cms_hgg_workspace"); RooWorkspace *sigWS = (RooWorkspace*)sigFile->Get("wsig_8TeV"); RooRealVar *mass = (RooRealVar*)bkgWS->var("CMS_hgg_mass"); RooRealVar *mu = new RooRealVar("mu","mu",-5.,5.); mass->setBins(320); cout << mass->getBins() << endl; RooDataSet *dataAll; int firstCat=1; int lastCat=1; float mu_low=-1.; float mu_high=3.; float mu_step=0.01; vector<pair<double,TGraph*> > minNlltrack; for (int cat=firstCat; cat<=lastCat; cat++){ RooDataSet *data = (RooDataSet*)bkgWS->data(Form("data_mass_cat%d",cat)); if (cat==firstCat) dataAll = (RooDataSet*)data->Clone("data_mass_all"); else dataAll->append(*data); RooDataHist *dataBinned = new RooDataHist(Form("roohist_data_mass_cat%d",cat),Form("roohist_data_mass_cat%d",cat),RooArgSet(*mass),*data); RooDataSet *sigMC = (RooDataSet*)sigWS->data(Form("sig_mass_m125_cat%d",cat)); if (!dataBinned || !sigMC){ cerr << "ERROR -- one of data or signal is NULL" << endl; exit(1); } // Construct PDFs for this category using PdfModelBuilder PdfModelBuilder modelBuilder; modelBuilder.setObsVar(mass); modelBuilder.setSignalModifier(mu); // For Standard Analysis //if (cat>=0 && cat<=3) modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("Bernstein",5,Form("pol5_cat%d",cat)); //if (cat>=4 && cat<=5) modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("Bernstein",4,Form("pol4_cat%d",cat)); //if (cat>=6 && cat<=8) modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("Bernstein",3,Form("pol3_cat%d",cat)); // To Profile Multiple PDFs if (cat==0 || cat==1 || cat==2 || cat==3){ modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("Bernstein",4,Form("pol4_cat%d",cat)); modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("Bernstein",5,Form("pol5_cat%d",cat)); modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("Bernstein",6,Form("pol6_cat%d",cat)); /* modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("PowerLaw",1,Form("pow1_cat%d",cat)); modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("PowerLaw",3,Form("pow3_cat%d",cat)); modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("PowerLaw",5,Form("pow5_cat%d",cat)); modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("Exponential",1,Form("exp1_cat%d",cat)); modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("Exponential",3,Form("exp3_cat%d",cat)); modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("Exponential",5,Form("exp5_cat%d",cat)); modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("Laurent",1,Form("lau1_cat%d",cat)); modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("Laurent",3,Form("lau3_cat%d",cat)); modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("Laurent",5,Form("lau5_cat%d",cat)); */ } if (cat==4 || cat==5 || cat==6 || cat==7 || cat==8) { modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("Bernstein",3,Form("pol3_cat%d",cat)); modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("Bernstein",4,Form("pol4_cat%d",cat)); /* modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("PowerLaw",1,Form("pow1_cat%d",cat)); modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("PowerLaw",3,Form("pow3_cat%d",cat)); modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("Exponential",1,Form("exp1_cat%d",cat)); modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("Exponential",3,Form("exp3_cat%d",cat)); modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("Laurent",1,Form("lau1_cat%d",cat)); modelBuilder.addBkgPdf("Laurent",3,Form("lau3_cat%d",cat)); */ } map<string,RooAbsPdf*> bkgPdfs = modelBuilder.getBkgPdfs(); modelBuilder.setSignalPdfFromMC(sigMC); modelBuilder.makeSBPdfs(); map<string,RooAbsPdf*> sbPdfs = modelBuilder.getSBPdfs(); modelBuilder.fitToData(dataBinned,true,true); modelBuilder.fitToData(dataBinned,false,true); modelBuilder.throwToy(Form("cat%d_toy0",cat),dataBinned->sumEntries(),true,true); // Profile this category using ProfileMultiplePdfs ProfileMultiplePdfs profiler; for (map<string,RooAbsPdf*>::iterator pdf=sbPdfs.begin(); pdf!=sbPdfs.end(); pdf++) { string bkgOnlyName = pdf->first.substr(pdf->first.find("sb_")+3,string::npos); if (bkgPdfs.find(bkgOnlyName)==bkgPdfs.end()){ cerr << "ERROR -- couldn't find bkg only pdf " << bkgOnlyName << " for SB pdf " << pdf->first << endl; pdf->second->fitTo(*dataBinned); exit(1); } int nParams = bkgPdfs[bkgOnlyName]->getVariables()->getSize()-1; profiler.addPdf(pdf->second,2*nParams); //profiler.addPdf(pdf->second); cout << pdf->second->GetName() << " nParams=" << pdf->second->getVariables()->getSize() << " nBkgParams=" << nParams << endl; } profiler.printPdfs(); //cout << "Continue?" << endl; //string bus; cin >> bus; profiler.plotNominalFits(dataBinned,mass,80,Form("cat%d",cat)); pair<double,map<string,TGraph*> > minNlls = profiler.profileLikelihood(dataBinned,mass,mu,mu_low,mu_high,mu_step); pair<double,map<string,TGraph*> > correctedNlls = profiler.computeEnvelope(minNlls,Form("cat%d",cat),2.); minNlltrack.push_back(make_pair(correctedNlls.first,correctedNlls.second["envelope"])); //minNlls.second.insert(pair<string,TGraph*>("envelope",envelopeNll.second)); //map<string,TGraph*> minNLLs = profiler.profileLikelihoodEnvelope(dataBinned,mu,mu_low,mu_high,mu_step); profiler.plot(correctedNlls.second,Form("cat%d_nlls",cat)); //profiler.print(minNLLs,mu_low,mu_high,mu_step); /* if (minNLLs.find("envelope")==minNLLs.end()){ cerr << "ERROR -- envelope TGraph not found in minNLLs" << endl; exit(1); } */ //minNlltrack.push_back(make_pair(profiler.getGlobalMinNLL(),minNLLs["envelope"])); } //exit(1); TGraph *comb = new TGraph(); for (vector<pair<double,TGraph*> >::iterator it=minNlltrack.begin(); it!=minNlltrack.end(); it++){ if (it->second->GetN()!=minNlltrack.begin()->second->GetN()){ cerr << "ERROR -- unequal number of points for TGraphs " << it->second->GetName() << " and " << minNlltrack.begin()->second->GetName() << endl; exit(1); } } for (int p=0; p<minNlltrack.begin()->second->GetN(); p++){ double x,y,sumy=0; for (vector<pair<double,TGraph*> >::iterator it=minNlltrack.begin(); it!=minNlltrack.end(); it++){ it->second->GetPoint(p,x,y); sumy += (y+it->first); } comb->SetPoint(p,x,sumy); } pair<double,double> globalMin = getGraphMin(comb); for (int p=0; p<comb->GetN(); p++){ double x,y; comb->GetPoint(p,x,y); comb->SetPoint(p,x,y-globalMin.second); } vector<double> fitVal = getValsFromLikelihood(comb); cout << "Best fit.." << endl; cout << "\t mu = " << Form("%4.3f",fitVal[0]) << " +/- (1sig) = " << fitVal[2]-fitVal[0] << " / " << fitVal[0]-fitVal[1] << endl; cout << "\t " << " " << " +/- (2sig) = " << fitVal[4]-fitVal[0] << " / " << fitVal[0]-fitVal[3] << endl; cout << comb->Eval(fitVal[0]) << " " << comb->Eval(fitVal[1]) << " " << comb->Eval(fitVal[2]) << " " << comb->Eval(fitVal[3]) << " " << comb->Eval(fitVal[4]) << endl; double quadInterpVal = ProfileMultiplePdfs::quadInterpMinimum(comb); cout << "quadInterp: mu = " << quadInterpVal << endl; cout << "\t " << comb->Eval(quadInterpVal) << " " << comb->Eval(quadInterpVal-0.005) << " " << comb->Eval(quadInterpVal-0.01) << " " << comb->Eval(quadInterpVal+0.005) << " " << comb->Eval(quadInterpVal+0.01) << endl; comb->SetLineWidth(2); TCanvas *canv = new TCanvas(); comb->Draw("ALP"); canv->Print("plots/comb.pdf"); TFile *tempOut = new TFile("tempOut.root","RECREATE"); tempOut->cd(); comb->SetName("comb"); comb->Write(); tempOut->Close(); return 0; }
void plotMSSM(const TString& what="(ggA+bbA)*BRAZh*BRhbb"){ const double BRZll=0.06726; const double fb2pb=1000; //TString scale(Form("*%f*%f",BRZll,fb2pb)); TString scale(""); TString cname(what); cname.ReplaceAll("*","x"); cname.ReplaceAll("(","U"); cname.ReplaceAll(")","U"); cname+="_MSSM_mhmax"; // TString goodName(what); goodName.ReplaceAll("mh","m_{h}"); goodName.ReplaceAll("ggA","#sigma_{gg#rightarrowA}"); goodName.ReplaceAll("bbA","#sigma_{bb#rightarrowA}"); goodName.ReplaceAll("BRAZh","B(A#rightarrowZh)"); goodName.ReplaceAll("BRhbb","B(h#rightarrowbb)"); //goodName+=("*B(Z#rightarrowll)"); //goodName+=("[pb] "); goodName+=("[GeV] "); TString goodType("MSSM m_{h}^{max}"); //goodName=("#sigma*B(pp#rightarrowA#rightarrowZh#rightarrowllbb) [fb]"); //goodName=("#sigma*B(pp#rightarrowA) [fb]"); //goodName=("BR(A#rightarrowZh)"); //goodName=("BR(h#rightarrowbb)"); //if (m>0) mass=(Form(" * (mA==%d)",m)); //TString ok(" * validity * stability * perturbativity * unitarity "); //TString ok(" * unitarity"); TString ok(""); TChain* ch=new TChain("TreeMSSM"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M225_20636539/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M250_20636540/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M275_20636541/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M300_20636542/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M325_20636543/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M350_20636544/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M400_20636545/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M500_20636546/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M600_20636547/parameter_MSSM.root"); //double tanbeta[30]={1,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,120,140,160,180,200,220,240,260,280,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100,10000}; //double tanbeta[51]={0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,120,140,160,180,200,220,240,260,280,300,320,340,360,380,400,420,440,460,480,500,550,600,650,700,750,800,850,900,950,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000}; double tanbeta[51]={0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,120,140,160,180,200,220,240,260,280,300,320,340,360,380,400,420,440,460,500,550,580,600,650,700,750,800,850,900,950,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000}; Double_t bin_tb[50]; for (unsigned int i=0; i<50; i++) { bin_tb[i]=0.005*(tanbeta[i]+tanbeta[i+1]); //cout << "bin_tb[" << i << "]=" << bin_tb[i] << " " << tanbeta[i+1]/100. << endl; } double mA[11]={200,225,250,275,300,325,350,400,500,600,700}; Double_t bin_mA[10]; for (unsigned int i=0; i<=10; ++i) { bin_mA[i]=0.5*(mA[i]+mA[i+1]); //cout << "bin_mA["<<i<<"]=" << bin_mA[i] << endl; } bin_mA[10]=650; TH2F* hggA=new TH2F("hggA","ggA cross section vs tan#beta,m_{A}; m_{A} GeV; tan#beta",9,bin_mA,49,bin_tb); hggA->Sumw2(); //hggA->Draw(); TString cut=what+scale+ok; cout << "CUT: " << cut << endl; ch->Project("hggA","tb:mA",cut); TStyle *tdrStyle = gROOT->GetStyle("tdrStyle"); // Double_t level[15]={.01,.02,.05,.1,.2,.5,1.,2.,5.,10.,20.,50.,100.,200.,500.}; // hggA->SetContour(14,level); // hggA->SetMinimum(level[0]); // //Double_t level[10]={1.,5.,10.,20.,50.,100.,200.,500.,800.,1000.}; // for x-section //Double_t level[10]={100,105,110.,115.,120.,123,125.7,127,130.,135.}; // for mh Double_t level[10]={1,2,3.,4.,120.,123,125.7,127,130.,135.}; // for mh //Double_t level[10]={.01,.1,.2,0.5,0.6,0.65,0.7,0.75,0.8,0.9}; // for BR //Double_t level[10]={.01,.02,.05,.07,.1,.15,0.2,0.5,0.75,1.}; // for BR hggA->SetContour(9,level); hggA->SetMinimum(level[0]); Double_t level[7]={122.7.,123.7,125.4,126.0,127.7,128.7.,150}; // for mh hggA->SetContour(6,level); hggA->SetMinimum(90); Int_t colors[7] = {kWhite,kGreen,kGreen+2,kBlack,kGreen+2,kGreen,kWhite}; tdrStyle->SetPalette((sizeof(colors)/sizeof(Int_t)), colors); // DRAW tdrStyle->SetOptStat(0); // tdrStyle->SetPadGridX(true); // tdrStyle->SetPadGridY(true); // tdrStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.05); // tdrStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.13); tdrStyle->SetTitleYOffset(1.3); tdrStyle->SetTitleXOffset(1.6); tdrStyle->SetTitleOffset(1.3,"Z"); // tdrStyle->SetOptLogz(1); // tdrStyle->SetOptLogy(1); tdrStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.14); //tdrStyle->SetPalette(1); tdrStyle->cd(); gROOT->ForceStyle(); cout << "Creating canvas " << cname << endl; TCanvas* c1=new TCanvas(cname,goodName,1200,600); cout << " done " << c1->GetName() << endl; c1->Divide(2); c1->cd(1); hggA->DrawCopy("lego2"); gPad->SetLogz(); gPad->SetLogy(); //gPad->SetPhi(120); gPad->SetPhi(-150); //gPad->SetTheta(30); gPad->UseCurrentStyle(); gPad->Update(); TLatex tl; tl.SetTextSize(0.04); tl.SetNDC(); tl.DrawLatex(0.1,0.95,goodName); tl.SetTextAlign(11); tl.DrawLatex(0.1,0.89,goodType); c1->cd(2); // tdrStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.25); gPad->UseCurrentStyle(); gPad->Update(); hggA->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); hggA->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); hggA->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(100); //hggA->Smooth(); gPad->SetLogy(kFALSE); hggA->DrawCopy("zcont1"); tl.DrawLatex(0.15,0.97,goodName); tl.SetTextAlign(11); tl.DrawLatex(0.2,0.9,goodType); TCanvas* ctmp=new TCanvas(cname,goodName,600,600); hggA->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.1,10.); hggA->DrawCopy("zcont1"); tl.DrawLatex(0.83,0.97,goodName); tl.SetTextAlign(11); tl.DrawLatex(0.2,0.9,goodType); pCan(ctmp,cname+"_Lin"); // TH1F* test=new TH1F("test","ggA cross section vs tan#beta; tan#beta",27,bin_tb); // ch->Project("test","tb",what); // test->Draw(); TCanvas* c2=new TCanvas(cname+"Obs",goodName,800,800); gPad->UseCurrentStyle(); gPad->Update(); hggA->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); hggA->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); hggA->DrawCopy("cont list"); gPad->Update(); //return; // Get Contours TObjArray *conts = (TObjArray*)gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("contours"); TList* contLevel = NULL; TGraph* curv = NULL; TGraph* gc = NULL; Int_t nGraphs = 0; Int_t TotalConts = 0; if (conts == NULL){ printf("*** No Contours Were Extracted!\n"); TotalConts = 0; return; } else { TotalConts = conts->GetSize(); } printf("TotalConts = %d\n", TotalConts); for(i = 0; i < TotalConts; i++){ contLevel = (TList*)conts->At(i); printf("Contour %d has %d Graphs\n", i, contLevel->GetSize()); nGraphs += contLevel->GetSize(); } nGraphs = 0; TH2F *hr = new TH2F("hr", ";m_{A};tan#beta", 2, 225, 600, 2, 0.1, 100); hr->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); hr->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(200,650); hr->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); hr->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(110,kFALSE); hr->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(20205,kFALSE); hr->Draw(); Double_t x0, y0, z0; TLatex l; l.SetTextSize(0.03); l.SetTextAlign(32); char val[20]; for(i = 0; i < TotalConts; i++){ contLevel = (TList*)conts->At(i); z0 = level[i]; printf("Z-Level Passed in as: Z = %f\n", z0); // Get first graph from list on curves on this level curv = (TGraph*)contLevel->First(); for(j = 0; j < contLevel->GetSize(); j++){ // last point //curv->GetPoint(curv->GetN()-1, x0, y0); // first point curv->GetPoint(2, x0, y0); // if (z0<0) curv->SetLineColor(kRed); // if (z0>0) curv->SetLineColor(kBlue); nGraphs ++; printf("\tGraph: %d -- %d Elements\n", nGraphs,curv->GetN()); // Draw clones of the graphs to avoid deletions in case the 1st // pad is redrawn. gc = (TGraph*)curv->Clone(); gc->Draw("C"); if (z0>=.01) sprintf(val,"%0.2f",z0); if (z0>=.1) sprintf(val,"%0.2f",z0); if (z0>=1) sprintf(val,"%0.0f",z0); l.DrawLatex(x0*0.99,y0,val); curv = (TGraph*)contLevel->After(curv); // Get Next graph } } gPad->SetLogy(); gPad->SetGridx(); gPad->SetGridy(); gPad->SetRightMargin(0.05); gPad->SetTopMargin(0.10); c2->Update(); printf("\n\n\tExtracted %d Contours and %d Graphs \n", TotalConts, nGraphs ); tl.SetTextAlign(31); tl.DrawLatex(0.8,0.85,goodName); tl.SetTextAlign(31); tl.DrawLatex(0.8,0.77,goodType); pCan(c2,cname+"_BW"); c1->cd(1); gPad->SetLogy(); gPad->SetLogz(); c1->cd(2); gPad->SetLogy(); c1->Update(); pCan(c1,cname); }
TCanvas *ContourList(){ const Double_t PI = TMath::Pi(); TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("c","Contour List",0,0,600,600); c->SetRightMargin(0.15); c->SetTopMargin(0.15); Int_t i, j, TotalConts; Int_t nZsamples = 80; Int_t nPhiSamples = 80; Double_t HofZwavelength = 4.0; // 4 meters Double_t dZ = HofZwavelength/(Double_t)(nZsamples - 1); Double_t dPhi = 2*PI/(Double_t)(nPhiSamples - 1); TArrayD z(nZsamples); TArrayD HofZ(nZsamples); TArrayD phi(nPhiSamples); TArrayD FofPhi(nPhiSamples); // Discretized Z and Phi Values for ( i = 0; i < nZsamples; i++) { z[i] = (i)*dZ - HofZwavelength/2.0; HofZ[i] = SawTooth(z[i], HofZwavelength); } for(Int_t i=0; i < nPhiSamples; i++){ phi[i] = (i)*dPhi; FofPhi[i] = sin(phi[i]); } // Create Histogram TH2D *HistStreamFn = new TH2D("HstreamFn", "#splitline{Histogram with negative and positive contents. Six contours are defined.}{It is plotted with options CONT LIST to retrieve the contours points in TGraphs}", nZsamples, z[0], z[nZsamples-1], nPhiSamples, phi[0], phi[nPhiSamples-1]); // Load Histogram Data for (Int_t i = 0; i < nZsamples; i++) { for(Int_t j = 0; j < nPhiSamples; j++){ HistStreamFn->SetBinContent(i,j, HofZ[i]*FofPhi[j]); } } gStyle->SetPalette(1); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetTitleW(0.99); gStyle->SetTitleH(0.08); Double_t contours[6]; contours[0] = -0.7; contours[1] = -0.5; contours[2] = -0.1; contours[3] = 0.1; contours[4] = 0.4; contours[5] = 0.8; HistStreamFn->SetContour(6, contours); // Draw contours as filled regions, and Save points HistStreamFn->Draw("CONT Z LIST"); c->Update(); // Needed to force the plotting and retrieve the contours in TGraphs // Get Contours TObjArray *conts = (TObjArray*)gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("contours"); TList* contLevel = NULL; TGraph* curv = NULL; TGraph* gc = NULL; Int_t nGraphs = 0; Int_t TotalConts = 0; if (conts == NULL){ printf("*** No Contours Were Extracted!\n"); TotalConts = 0; return; } else { TotalConts = conts->GetSize(); } printf("TotalConts = %d\n", TotalConts); for(i = 0; i < TotalConts; i++){ contLevel = (TList*)conts->At(i); printf("Contour %d has %d Graphs\n", i, contLevel->GetSize()); nGraphs += contLevel->GetSize(); } nGraphs = 0; TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Contour List",610,0,600,600); c1->SetTopMargin(0.15); TH2F *hr = new TH2F("hr", "#splitline{Negative contours are returned first (highest to lowest). Positive contours are returned from}{lowest to highest. On this plot Negative contours are drawn in red and positive contours in blue.}", 2, -2, 2, 2, 0, 6.5); hr->Draw(); Double_t x0, y0, z0; TLatex l; l.SetTextSize(0.03); char val[20]; for(i = 0; i < TotalConts; i++){ contLevel = (TList*)conts->At(i); if (i<3) z0 = contours[2-i]; else z0 = contours[i]; printf("Z-Level Passed in as: Z = %f\n", z0); // Get first graph from list on curves on this level curv = (TGraph*)contLevel->First(); for(j = 0; j < contLevel->GetSize(); j++){ curv->GetPoint(0, x0, y0); if (z0<0) curv->SetLineColor(kRed); if (z0>0) curv->SetLineColor(kBlue); nGraphs ++; printf("\tGraph: %d -- %d Elements\n", nGraphs,curv->GetN()); // Draw clones of the graphs to avoid deletions in case the 1st // pad is redrawn. gc = (TGraph*)curv->Clone(); gc->Draw("C"); sprintf(val,"%g",z0); l.DrawLatex(x0,y0,val); curv = (TGraph*)contLevel->After(curv); // Get Next graph } } c1->Update(); printf("\n\n\tExtracted %d Contours and %d Graphs \n", TotalConts, nGraphs ); gStyle->SetTitleW(0.); gStyle->SetTitleH(0.); return c1; }
/// /// Make a plot out of a 1D histogram holding a 1-CL curve. /// The strategy is to always convert the 1-CL histogram (hCL) into /// a TGraph. This way we can add known points (solutions, points /// at end of scan range) and also have a filled area without line /// smoothing. This is not possible with histograms due to a Root bug. /// /// The function draws the TGraphs, and returns a pointer to the /// TGraph object that can be used in the TLegend. /// /// Markers are plotted if the method name of the scanner is "Plugin" or "BergerBoos" or "DatasetsPlugin". /// One can plot a line instead of points even for the Plugin method by /// using setPluginMarkers(). /// /// For the angle variables, a new axis is painted that is in Deg. /// /// \param s The scanner to plot. /// \param first /// \param last /// \param filled /// TGraph* OneMinusClPlot::scan1dPlot(MethodAbsScan* s, bool first, bool last, bool filled, int CLsType) { if ( arg->debug ){ cout << "OneMinusClPlot::scan1dPlot() : plotting "; cout << s->getName() << " (" << s->getMethodName() << ")" << endl; } if ( m_mainCanvas==0 ){ m_mainCanvas = newNoWarnTCanvas(name+getUniqueRootName(), title, 800, 600); } m_mainCanvas->cd(); bool plotPoints = ( s->getMethodName()=="Plugin" || s->getMethodName()=="BergerBoos" || s->getMethodName()=="DatasetsPlugin" ) && plotPluginMarkers; TH1F *hCL = (TH1F*)s->getHCL()->Clone(getUniqueRootName()); if (CLsType==1) hCL = (TH1F*)s->getHCLs()->Clone(getUniqueRootName()); else if (CLsType==2) hCL = (TH1F*)s->getHCLsFreq()->Clone(getUniqueRootName()); // fix inf and nan entries for ( int i=1; i<=s->getHCL()->GetNbinsX(); i++ ){ if ( s->getHCL()->GetBinContent(i)!=s->getHCL()->GetBinContent(i) || std::isinf(s->getHCL()->GetBinContent(i)) ) s->getHCL()->SetBinContent(i, 0.0); } // remove errors the hard way, else root ALWAYS plots them if ( !plotPoints ) hCL = histHardCopy(hCL, true, true); // disable any statistics box hCL->SetStats(0); // Convert the histogram into a TGraph so we can add the solution. // Also, the lf2 drawing option is broken in latest root versions. TGraph *g; if ( plotPoints ) g = new TGraphErrors(hCL->GetNbinsX()); else g = new TGraph(hCL->GetNbinsX()); g->SetName(getUniqueRootName()); for ( int i=0; i<hCL->GetNbinsX(); i++ ){ g->SetPoint(i, hCL->GetBinCenter(i+1), hCL->GetBinContent(i+1)); if ( plotPoints ) ((TGraphErrors*)g)->SetPointError(i, 0.0, hCL->GetBinError(i+1)); } // add solution if ( ! s->getSolutions().empty() ){ TGraphTools t; TGraph *gNew = t.addPointToGraphAtFirstMatchingX(g, s->getScanVar1Solution(0), 1.0); delete g; g = gNew; } // // set last point to the same p-value as first point by hand // // some angle plots sometimes don't manage to do it by themselves... // if ( arg->isQuickhack(XX) ) // { // Double_t pointx0, pointy0, err0; // Double_t pointx1, pointy1, err1; // g->GetPoint(0, pointx0, pointy0); // g->GetPoint(g->GetN()-1, pointx1, pointy1); // g->SetPoint(g->GetN()-1, pointx1, pointy0); // if ( plotPoints ) err0 = ((TGraphErrors*)g)->GetErrorY(0); // if ( plotPoints ) ((TGraphErrors*)g)->SetPointError(g->GetN()-1, 0.0, err0); // } // add end points of scan range if ( !plotPoints ) { Double_t pointx0, pointy0; TGraph *gNew = new TGraph(g->GetN()+4); gNew->SetName(getUniqueRootName()); for ( int i=0; i<g->GetN(); i++) { g->GetPoint(i, pointx0, pointy0); gNew->SetPoint(i+2, pointx0, pointy0); } // add origin gNew->SetPoint(0, hCL->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), 0); // add a point at first y height but at x=origin. g->GetPoint(0, pointx0, pointy0); gNew->SetPoint(1, hCL->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), pointy0); // add a point at last y height but at x=xmax. g->GetPoint(g->GetN()-1, pointx0, pointy0); gNew->SetPoint(gNew->GetN()-2, hCL->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(), pointy0); // add a point at xmax, 0 gNew->SetPoint(gNew->GetN()-1, hCL->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(), 0); g = gNew; } int color = s->getLineColor(); if(CLsType>0 && s->getMethodName().Contains("Plugin") && !arg->plotpluginonly) { if (CLsType==1) color = kBlue-7; else if (CLsType==2) color = kBlue+2; } else if(CLsType>0) { if (CLsType==1) color = s->getLineColor() - 5; if (CLsType==2) color = s->getLineColor() - 4; } g->SetLineColor(color); if ( filled ){ g->SetLineWidth(2); double alpha = arg->isQuickhack(12) ? 0.4 : 1.; if ( arg->isQuickhack(24) ) alpha = 0.; g->SetFillColorAlpha(color,alpha); g->SetLineStyle(1); g->SetFillStyle( s->getFillStyle() ); } else{ g->SetLineWidth(2); g->SetLineStyle(s->getLineStyle()); if ( last && arg->isQuickhack(25) ) g->SetLineWidth(3); } if ( plotPoints ){ g->SetLineWidth(1); g->SetMarkerColor(color); g->SetMarkerStyle(8); g->SetMarkerSize(0.6); if(CLsType==1) { g->SetMarkerStyle(33); g->SetMarkerSize(1); } if(CLsType==2) { g->SetMarkerStyle(21); } } // build a histogram which holds the axes float min = arg->scanrangeMin == arg->scanrangeMax ? hCL->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() : arg->scanrangeMin; float max = arg->scanrangeMin == arg->scanrangeMax ? hCL->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() : arg->scanrangeMax; TH1F *haxes = new TH1F("haxes"+getUniqueRootName(), "", 100, min, max); haxes->SetStats(0); haxes->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(s->getScanVar1()->GetTitle()); haxes->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("1-CL"); haxes->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(font); haxes->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(font); haxes->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(font); haxes->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(font); haxes->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.9); haxes->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.85); haxes->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(labelsize); haxes->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(labelsize); haxes->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(titlesize); haxes->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(titlesize); int xndiv = arg->ndiv==-1 ? 407 : abs(arg->ndiv); bool optimizeNdiv = arg->ndiv<0 ? true : false; haxes->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(xndiv, optimizeNdiv); haxes->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(407, true); // plot y range float plotYMax; float plotYMin; if ( plotLegend && !arg->isQuickhack(22) ) { if ( arg->plotlog ) { plotYMin = 1.e-3; plotYMax = 10.; } else { plotYMin = 0.0 ; plotYMax = 1.3; } } else { if ( arg->plotlog ) { plotYMin = 1.e-3; plotYMax = 1.0; } else { plotYMin = 0.0 ; plotYMax = 1.0; } } // change if passed as option plotYMin = arg->plotymin > 0. ? arg->plotymin : plotYMin; plotYMax = arg->plotymax > 0. ? arg->plotymax : plotYMax; haxes->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser( plotYMin, plotYMax ); haxes->Draw("axissame"); g->SetHistogram(haxes); TString drawOption = ""; if ( plotPoints ) drawOption += " pe"; else if ( filled ) drawOption += " F"; else drawOption += " L"; if ( first ) drawOption += " A"; g->Draw(drawOption); //if ( drawOption.Contains("F") ) ((TGraph*)g->Clone())->Draw("L"); gPad->Update(); float ymin = gPad->GetUymin(); float ymax = gPad->GetUymax(); float xmin = gPad->GetUxmin(); float xmax = gPad->GetUxmax(); // for the angles, draw a new axis in units of degrees if ( isAngle(s->getScanVar1()) ){ haxes->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(s->getScanVar1()->GetTitle() + TString(" [#circ]")); haxes->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(0); // disable old axis if ( last ){ // new top axis TString chopt = "-U"; // - = downward ticks, U = unlabeled, if ( !optimizeNdiv ) chopt += "N"; // n = no bin optimization TGaxis *axist = new TGaxis(xmin, 1, xmax, 1, RadToDeg(xmin), RadToDeg(xmax), xndiv, chopt); axist->SetName("axist"); axist->Draw(); // new bottom axis float axisbMin = RadToDeg(xmin); float axisbMax = RadToDeg(xmax); if ( arg->isQuickhack(3) ){ ///< see documentation of --qh option in OptParser.cpp axisbMin += 180.; axisbMax += 180.; } chopt = ""; // - = downward ticks, U = unlabeled, if ( !optimizeNdiv ) chopt += "N"; // n = no bin optimization TGaxis *axisb = new TGaxis(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymin, axisbMin, axisbMax, xndiv, chopt); axisb->SetName("axisb"); axisb->SetLabelFont(font); axisb->SetLabelSize(labelsize); axisb->Draw(); } } else { if ( last ){ // add top axis TString chopt = "-U"; // - = downward ticks, U = unlabeled, if ( !optimizeNdiv ) chopt += "N"; // n = no bin optimization TGaxis *axist = new TGaxis(xmin, 1.0, xmax, 1.0, xmin, xmax, xndiv, chopt); axist->SetName("axist"); axist->SetLineWidth(1); axist->Draw(); } } if ( last ) { // add right axis TGaxis *axisr = 0; if ( arg->plotlog ){ float f3min = 1e-3; float f3max = (plotLegend && !arg->isQuickhack(22)) ? 10. : 1.; TF1 *f3 = new TF1("f3","log10(x)",f3min,f3max); axisr = new TGaxis(xmax, f3min, xmax, f3max, "f3", 510, "G+"); } else{ axisr = new TGaxis(xmax, ymin, xmax, ymax, 0, (plotLegend && !arg->isQuickhack(22)) ? 1.3 : 1.0, 407, "+"); } axisr->SetLabelSize(0); axisr->SetLineWidth(1); axisr->SetName("axisr"); axisr->SetLabelColor(kWhite); axisr->SetTitleColor(kWhite); axisr->Draw(); // redraw right axis as well because the 1-CL graph can cover the old one haxes->Draw("axissame"); } return g; }
/// /// Make a plot for the CLs stuff. /// The strategy is to convert the hCLExp and hCLErr histogrms /// into TGraphs and TGraphAsymmErrors /// We can then provide some smoothing options as well /// /// \param s The scanner to plot. /// \param smooth /// void OneMinusClPlot::scan1dCLsPlot(MethodAbsScan *s, bool smooth, bool obsError) { if ( arg->debug ){ cout << "OneMinusClPlot::scan1dCLsPlot() : plotting "; cout << s->getName() << " (" << s->getMethodName() << ")" << endl; } m_mainCanvas->cd(); s->checkCLs(); TH1F *hObs = (TH1F*)s->getHCLsFreq()->Clone(getUniqueRootName()); TH1F *hExp = (TH1F*)s->getHCLsExp()->Clone(getUniqueRootName()); TH1F *hErr1Up = (TH1F*)s->getHCLsErr1Up()->Clone(getUniqueRootName()); TH1F *hErr1Dn = (TH1F*)s->getHCLsErr1Dn()->Clone(getUniqueRootName()); TH1F *hErr2Up = (TH1F*)s->getHCLsErr2Up()->Clone(getUniqueRootName()); TH1F *hErr2Dn = (TH1F*)s->getHCLsErr2Dn()->Clone(getUniqueRootName()); if ( !hObs ) cout << "OneMinusClPlot::scan1dCLsPlot() : problem - can't find histogram hObs" << endl; if ( !hExp ) cout << "OneMinusClPlot::scan1dCLsPlot() : problem - can't find histogram hExp" << endl; if ( !hErr1Up ) cout << "OneMinusClPlot::scan1dCLsPlot() : problem - can't find histogram hErr1Up" << endl; if ( !hErr1Dn ) cout << "OneMinusClPlot::scan1dCLsPlot() : problem - can't find histogram hErr1Dn" << endl; if ( !hErr2Up ) cout << "OneMinusClPlot::scan1dCLsPlot() : problem - can't find histogram hErr2Up" << endl; if ( !hErr2Dn ) cout << "OneMinusClPlot::scan1dCLsPlot() : problem - can't find histogram hErr2Dn" << endl; // convert obs to graph TGraph *gObs = convertTH1ToTGraph(hObs,obsError); // convert others to raw graphs TGraph *gExpRaw = convertTH1ToTGraph(hExp); TGraph *gErr1UpRaw = convertTH1ToTGraph(hErr1Up); TGraph *gErr1DnRaw = convertTH1ToTGraph(hErr1Dn); TGraph *gErr2UpRaw = convertTH1ToTGraph(hErr2Up); TGraph *gErr2DnRaw = convertTH1ToTGraph(hErr2Dn); // smoothing if needed TGraph *gExp; TGraph *gErr1Up; TGraph *gErr1Dn; TGraph *gErr2Up; TGraph *gErr2Dn; TGraphSmooth *smoother = new TGraphSmooth(); if (smooth) { if ( arg->debug ) cout << "OneMinusClPlot::scan1dCLsPlot() : smoothing graphs" << endl; gExp = (TGraph*)smoother->SmoothSuper( gExpRaw )->Clone("gExp"); gErr1Up = (TGraph*)smoother->SmoothSuper( gErr1UpRaw )->Clone("gErr1Up"); gErr1Dn = (TGraph*)smoother->SmoothSuper( gErr1DnRaw )->Clone("gErr1Dn"); gErr2Up = (TGraph*)smoother->SmoothSuper( gErr2UpRaw )->Clone("gErr2Up"); gErr2Dn = (TGraph*)smoother->SmoothSuper( gErr2DnRaw )->Clone("gErr2Dn"); if ( arg->debug ) cout << "OneMinusClPlot::scan1dCLsPlot() : done smoothing graphs" << endl; } else { gExp = gExpRaw; gErr1Up = gErr1UpRaw; gErr1Dn = gErr1DnRaw; gErr2Up = gErr2UpRaw; gErr2Dn = gErr2DnRaw; } if ( !gObs ) cout << "OneMinusClPlot::scan1dCLsPlot() : problem - null graph gObs" << endl; if ( !gExp ) cout << "OneMinusClPlot::scan1dCLsPlot() : problem - null graph gExp" << endl; if ( !gErr1Up ) cout << "OneMinusClPlot::scan1dCLsPlot() : problem - null graph gErr1Up" << endl; if ( !gErr1Dn ) cout << "OneMinusClPlot::scan1dCLsPlot() : problem - null graph gErr1Dn" << endl; if ( !gErr2Up ) cout << "OneMinusClPlot::scan1dCLsPlot() : problem - null graph gErr2Up" << endl; if ( !gErr2Dn ) cout << "OneMinusClPlot::scan1dCLsPlot() : problem - null graph gErr2Dn" << endl; gObs->SetName("gObs"); gExp->SetName("gExp"); gErr1Up->SetName("gErr1Up"); gErr1Dn->SetName("gErr1Dn"); gErr2Up->SetName("gErr2Up"); gErr2Dn->SetName("gErr2Dn"); // now make the graphs for the error bands TGraphAsymmErrors *gErr1 = new TGraphAsymmErrors( gExp->GetN() ); gErr1->SetName("gErr1"); TGraphAsymmErrors *gErr2 = new TGraphAsymmErrors( gExp->GetN() ); gErr2->SetName("gErr2"); double x,y,yerrUp,yerrDn; double xerr = (hExp->GetBinCenter(2)-hExp->GetBinCenter(1))/2.; // protect against smoothing over 1 for (int i=0; i<gExp->GetN(); i++) { gExp->GetPoint(i,x,y); gExp->SetPoint(i,x,TMath::Min(y,1.)); gErr1Up->GetPoint(i,x,y); gErr1Up->SetPoint(i,x,TMath::Min(y,1.)); gErr1Dn->GetPoint(i,x,y); gErr1Dn->SetPoint(i,x,TMath::Min(y,1.)); gErr2Up->GetPoint(i,x,y); gErr2Up->SetPoint(i,x,TMath::Min(y,1.)); gErr2Dn->GetPoint(i,x,y); gErr2Dn->SetPoint(i,x,TMath::Min(y,1.)); } for (int i=0; i<gExp->GetN(); i++) { gExp->GetPoint(i,x,y); gErr1->SetPoint(i,x,y); gErr2->SetPoint(i,x,y); gErr1Up->GetPoint(i,x,yerrUp); gErr1Dn->GetPoint(i,x,yerrDn); gErr1->SetPointError(i, xerr, xerr, y-yerrDn, yerrUp-y ); gErr2Up->GetPoint(i,x,yerrUp); gErr2Dn->GetPoint(i,x,yerrDn); gErr2->SetPointError(i, xerr, xerr, y-yerrDn, yerrUp-y ); } gErr2->SetFillColor( TColor::GetColor("#3182bd") ); gErr2->SetLineColor( TColor::GetColor("#3182bd") ); gErr1->SetFillColor( TColor::GetColor("#9ecae1") ); gErr1->SetLineColor( TColor::GetColor("#9ecae1") ); gExp->SetLineColor(kRed); gExp->SetLineWidth(3); gObs->SetLineColor(kBlack); gObs->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); gObs->SetLineWidth(3); gObs->SetMarkerSize(1); gObs->SetMarkerStyle(20); float min = arg->scanrangeMin == arg->scanrangeMax ? hObs->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() : arg->scanrangeMin; float max = arg->scanrangeMin == arg->scanrangeMax ? hObs->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() : arg->scanrangeMax; TH1F *haxes = new TH1F("haxes"+getUniqueRootName(), "", 100, min, max); haxes->SetStats(0); haxes->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(s->getScanVar1()->GetTitle()); haxes->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("CL_{S}"); haxes->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(font); haxes->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(font); haxes->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(font); haxes->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(font); haxes->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.9); haxes->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.85); haxes->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(labelsize); haxes->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(labelsize); haxes->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(titlesize); haxes->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(titlesize); int xndiv = arg->ndiv==-1 ? 407 : abs(arg->ndiv); bool optimizeNdiv = arg->ndiv<0 ? true : false; haxes->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(xndiv, optimizeNdiv); haxes->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(407, true); haxes->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.,1.); // Legend: // make the legend short, the text will extend over the boundary, but the symbol will be shorter float legendXmin = 0.68 ; float legendYmin = 0.58 ; float legendXmax = legendXmin + 0.25 ; float legendYmax = legendYmin + 0.22 ; TLegend* leg = new TLegend(legendXmin,legendYmin,legendXmax,legendYmax); leg->SetFillColor(kWhite); leg->SetFillStyle(0); leg->SetLineColor(kWhite); leg->SetBorderSize(0); leg->SetTextFont(font); leg->SetTextSize(legendsize*0.75); if (obsError) leg->AddEntry( gObs, "Observed", "LEP" ); else leg->AddEntry( gObs, "Observed", "LP" ); leg->AddEntry( gExp, "Expected", "L" ); leg->AddEntry( gErr1, "#pm 1#sigma", "F"); leg->AddEntry( gErr2, "#pm 2#sigma", "F"); haxes->Draw("AXIS+"); gErr2->Draw("E3same"); gErr1->Draw("E3same"); gExp->Draw("Lsame"); if (obsError) gObs->Draw("LEPsame"); else gObs->Draw("LPsame"); leg->Draw("same"); drawCLguideLine(0.1); double yGroup = 0.83; if ( arg->plotprelim || arg->plotunoff ) yGroup = 0.8; drawGroup(yGroup); m_mainCanvas->SetTicks(); m_mainCanvas->RedrawAxis(); m_mainCanvas->Update(); m_mainCanvas->Modified(); m_mainCanvas->Show(); savePlot( m_mainCanvas, name+"_cls"+arg->plotext ); m_mainCanvas->SetTicks(false); }
void createNNLOplot(TString theory="ahrens") { // theory="ahrens", "kidonakis" TString outputRootFile="test.root"; // NB: add new datset name here if(theory.Contains("ahrens") ){ outputRootFile="AhrensNLONNLL"; //if(theory.Contains("mtt") ) outputRootFile+="mttbar" ; //else if(theory.Contains("pt")) outputRootFile+="pTttbar"; outputRootFile+=".root"; } else if(theory=="kidonakis") outputRootFile="KidonakisAproxNNLO.root"; // general options gStyle->SetOptStat(0); bool usequad=true; bool divideByBinwidth=true; // list of variables std::vector<TString> xSecVariables_, xSecLabel_; // NB: add variables for new datset name here TString xSecVariablesUsedAhrens[] ={"ttbarMass", "ttbarPt"}; TString xSecVariablesUsedKidonakis[] ={"topPt" , "topY" }; if( theory.Contains("ahrens") ) xSecVariables_ .insert( xSecVariables_.begin(), xSecVariablesUsedAhrens , xSecVariablesUsedAhrens + sizeof(xSecVariablesUsedAhrens )/sizeof(TString) ); else if(theory=="kidonakis") xSecVariables_ .insert( xSecVariables_.begin(), xSecVariablesUsedKidonakis, xSecVariablesUsedKidonakis + sizeof(xSecVariablesUsedKidonakis)/sizeof(TString) ); // get variable binning used for final cross sections std::map<TString, std::vector<double> > bins_=makeVariableBinning(); //std::vector<double> tempbins_; //double ttbarMassBins[]={345,445,545,745, 1045}; //tempbins_.insert( tempbins_.begin(), ttbarMassBins, ttbarMassBins + sizeof(ttbarMassBins)/sizeof(double) ); //bins_["ttbarMass"]=tempbins_; // loop all variables for(unsigned var=0; var<xSecVariables_.size(); ++var){ TString variable=xSecVariables_[var]; std::cout << "----------" << std::endl; std::cout << theory << ": " << variable << std::endl; // get bin boundaries double low =bins_[variable][0]; double high=bins_[variable][bins_[variable].size()-1]; // -------------------------- // get raw nnlo theory points // -------------------------- // NB: add new datset file names here TGraph * rawHist; TString predictionfolder="/afs/"; if(theory=="ahrens" ){ if(variable.Contains("ttbarMass")) rawHist= new TGraph(predictionfolder+"AhrensTheory_Mttbar_8000_172.5_NLONNLL_norm.dat");//AhrensTheory_Mtt_7000_172.5_Mtt_fin.dat if(variable.Contains("ttbarPt" )) rawHist= new TGraph(predictionfolder+"AhrensTheory_pTttbar_8000_172.5_NLONNLL_abs.dat");//AhrensTheory_pTttbar_7000_172.5_NLONNLL_abs.dat } else if(theory=="kidonakis"){ if(variable.Contains("topPt")) rawHist= new TGraph(predictionfolder+"pttopnnloapprox8lhc173m.dat");//"ptnormalNNLO7lhc173m.dat" //"pttopnnloapprox8lhc173m.dat" if(variable.Contains("topY" )) rawHist= new TGraph(predictionfolder+"ytopnnloapprox8lhc173m.dat" );//"ynormalNNLO7lhc173m.dat" //"ytopnnloapprox8lhc173m.dat" } // NB: say if points should be interpreted as single points with // nothing in between or as integrated value over the range bool points=true; if(theory.Contains("ahrens")) points=false; else if(theory=="kidonakis") points=true; std::cout << "input: " << rawHist->GetTitle() << std::endl; std::cout << "interprete values as points?: " << points << std::endl; // -------------------- // convertion to TH1F* // -------------------- double *Xvalues = rawHist->GetX(); int Nbins=rawHist->GetN(); //double *Yvalues = rawHist->GetY(); // not working double xmax=-1; double xmin=-1; double binwidth=-1; // TH1F* hist; // NB: add additional binning for new theory here // NB: if loaded data should be interpreted as points with // nothing in between (like kidonakis), make suree you // choose a binning that is fine enough for the // data points loaded if(theory=="ahrens"){ if(variable.Contains("ttbarMass")){ xmin= 345.; xmax=2720.; binwidth=25.;// 5 for 8TeV, 25 for 7TeV if(TString(rawHist->GetTitle()).Contains("8000")) binwidth=5.; } else if(variable.Contains("ttbarPt")){ xmin= 0.; xmax=1300.; binwidth=5.; } } else if(theory=="kidonakis"){ if(variable.Contains("topPt")){ xmin= 0.; xmax=1500.; binwidth=1.; } else if(variable.Contains("topY")){ xmin=-3.8; xmax= 3.8; binwidth=0.01; } } // fill data in binned TH1F hist= new TH1F ( variable, variable, (int)((xmax-xmin)/binwidth), xmin, xmax); TH1F* ori=(TH1F*)hist->Clone("original points"); std::cout << "fine binned theory prediction has " << hist->GetNbinsX() << " bins" << std::endl; std::cout << "loaded values from .dat file: " << std::endl; // list all data values loaded and the corresponding bin for(int bin=1; bin<=Nbins; ++bin){ double x=-999; double y=-999; // NB: choose if loaded data is interpreted as points with nothing // between (like kidonakis) or as integrated over the bin range (like ahrens) if(points){ // check if you are still inside the array //std::cout << "data point " << bin-1 << "/" << sizeof(Xvalues)/sizeof(double) << std::endl; if(rawHist->GetPoint(bin-1, x, y)!=-1){ //x=Xvalues[bin-1]; // get value from data points x+=0.5*binwidth; // add half the binwidth to get the center of the bin } } else{ x=hist->GetBinCenter(bin); // get bin center y=rawHist->GetY()[bin-1]; } if(x!=-999){ std::cout << "data point: " << bin; std::cout << "(<x>=" << x << ")-> bin"; // get bin in target (fine binned) plot int bin2=bin; if(points) bin2=hist->FindBin(x); //double y=Yvalues[bin2-1]; std::cout << bin2 << " ("; std::cout << hist->GetBinLowEdge(bin2) << ".." << hist->GetBinLowEdge(bin2+1); std::cout << "): " << y << std::endl; // fill target (fine binned) plot if(!points) hist->SetBinContent(bin2, y); // mark bins coming from the original prediction ori->SetBinContent(bin2, 1.); // ------------------------------- // fit range without data entries // ------------------------------- // NB: needed if loaded data is interpreted as points with nothing // between (like kidonakis) if(points){ // perform a linear fit wrt previous point // get the two points (this bin and the previous one) int binPrev= (bin==1&&variable=="topPt") ? 0 : hist->FindBin(Xvalues[bin-2]+0.5*binwidth); double x2=-1; double x1= 0; double y2=-1; double y1= 0.; rawHist->GetPoint(bin-1, x2, y2); x2+=0.5*binwidth; if(bin==1&&variable=="topPt"){ y1=0; x1=0; } else{ rawHist->GetPoint(bin-2, x1, y1); x1+=0.5*binwidth; } // calculate linear funtion double a=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1); double b=y1-a*x1; TF1* linInterpol=new TF1("linInterpol"+getTStringFromInt(bin), "[0]*x+[1]", x1, x2); linInterpol->SetParameter(0,a); linInterpol->SetParameter(1,b); double xlow = (bin==1&&variable=="topPt") ? 0. : hist->GetBinLowEdge(binPrev+1); double xhigh = hist->GetBinLowEdge(bin2+1); std::cout << " lin. interpolation [ (" << x1 << "," << y1 << ") .. (" << x2 << "," << y2 << ") ]: " << a << "*x+" << b << std::endl; linInterpol->SetRange(xlow, xhigh); hist->Add(linInterpol); } } } // check theory curve std::cout << std::endl << "analyze theory curve:" << std::endl; double integralRawTheory=hist->Integral(0.,hist->GetNbinsX()+1); std::cout << "Integral: " << integralRawTheory << std::endl; if(integralRawTheory==0.){ std::cout << "ERROR: Integral can not be 0!" << std::endl; exit(0); } std::cout << "binwidth: " << binwidth << std::endl; std::cout << "Integral*binwidth: " << integralRawTheory*binwidth << std::endl; std::cout << "binRange: " << xmin << ".." << xmax << std::endl; std::cout << " -> reco range: " << low << ".." << high << std::endl; std::vector<double> recoBins_=bins_[variable]; for(unsigned int i=0; i<recoBins_.size(); ++i){ i==0 ? std::cout << "(" : std::cout << ", "; std::cout << recoBins_[i]; if(i==recoBins_.size()-1) std::cout << ")" << std::endl; } // check if you need to divide by binwidth if(std::abs(1.-integralRawTheory)<0.03){ std::cout << "Integral is approx. 1 -> need to divide by binwidth!" << std::endl; hist->Scale(1./binwidth); } else if(std::abs(1-integralRawTheory*binwidth)<0.03){ std::cout << "Integral*binwidth is approx. 1 -> no scaling needed!" << std::endl; } else{ std::cout << "need to normalize and divide by binwidth"; hist->Scale(1./(binwidth*integralRawTheory)); } // styling hist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(low,high); hist->SetMarkerColor(kMagenta); hist->SetLineColor( kMagenta); hist->SetMarkerStyle(24); // create canvas std::cout << std::endl << "create canvas " << std::endl; TCanvas *canv = new TCanvas(variable,variable,800,600); canv->cd(); std::cout << "draw original theory curve " << std::endl; //temp->Draw("axis"); hist->Draw("p"); //hist->Draw("hist same"); // draw original points if(points){ for(int bin=1; bin<ori->GetNbinsX(); ++bin){ // create copy of original data points with the normalized values if(ori->GetBinContent(bin)!=0) ori->SetBinContent(bin, hist->GetBinContent(bin)); ori->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); ori->SetMarkerStyle(29); ori->SetMarkerSize(1); ori->Draw("p same"); } } // -------------------- // create rebinned plot // -------------------- std::cout << std::endl << "create rebinned curve:" << std::endl; TString name=""; // NB: add name for dataset here name=variable; if( theory=="kidonakis") name+="approxnnlo"; else if(theory=="ahrens" ) name+="nlonnll" ; TH1F* binnedPlot=new TH1F(name, name, bins_[variable].size()-1, &bins_[variable][0]); for(int bin=1; bin<=hist->GetNbinsX(); ++bin){ double y=hist->GetBinContent(bin)*hist->GetBinWidth(bin); double xlow =hist->GetBinLowEdge(bin); double xhigh=hist->GetBinLowEdge(bin+1); // search corresponding bin in rebinned curve bool found=false; //std::cout << "xlow: " << xlow << ", xhigh: " << xhigh << std::endl; // FIXME for(int binRebinned=0; binRebinned<=binnedPlot->GetNbinsX()+1; ++binRebinned){ if(binnedPlot->GetBinLowEdge(binRebinned)<=xlow&&binnedPlot->GetBinLowEdge(binRebinned+1)>=xhigh){ found=true; binnedPlot->SetBinContent(binRebinned, binnedPlot->GetBinContent(binRebinned)+y); break; } //else{ // std::cout << "not in: " << binnedPlot->GetBinLowEdge(binRebinned) << ".." << binnedPlot->GetBinLowEdge(binRebinned+1)<< std::endl; //} } // -------------------- // use linear interpolation for edge bins // -------------------- if(hist->GetBinCenter(bin)<high&&!found){ std::cout << "need interpolation for bin" << bin << "(<x>=" << hist->GetBinCenter(bin) << ")!"<< std::endl; // search for the two bins involved double binLow=0; double binHigh=0; for(int binRebinned=1; binRebinned<=binnedPlot->GetNbinsX(); ++binRebinned){ // search for bin in binned histo where upper border of is close to lower border of unbinned histo if(std::abs(binnedPlot->GetBinLowEdge(binRebinned+1)-xlow)<binwidth){ binLow =binRebinned; binHigh=binRebinned+1; break; } } std::cout << "theory bin " << xlow << ".." << xhigh << "-> reco bins "; std::cout << binnedPlot->GetBinLowEdge(binLow) << ".." << binnedPlot->GetBinLowEdge(binLow+1) << " & "; std::cout << binnedPlot->GetBinLowEdge(binHigh) << ".." << binnedPlot->GetBinLowEdge(binHigh+1) << std::endl; // get the two points (this bin and the previous one) double x2=hist->GetBinCenter (bin ); double x1=hist->GetBinCenter (bin-1); double x3=hist->GetBinCenter (bin+1); double y2=hist->GetBinContent(bin ); double y1=hist->GetBinContent(bin-1); double y3=hist->GetBinContent(bin+1); // calculate linear funtion double a=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1); double b=y1-a*x1; TF1* linInterpol=new TF1("linInterpol"+getTStringFromInt(bin), "[0]*x+[1]", x1, x2); linInterpol->SetParameter(0,a); linInterpol->SetParameter(1,b); // calculate the corresponding area of linear function to binned curve double contributionLowerBin=linInterpol->Integral(xlow,binnedPlot->GetBinLowEdge(binHigh)); double contributionUpperBin=linInterpol->Integral(binnedPlot->GetBinLowEdge(binHigh),xhigh); // draw interpolation function for checking linInterpol->SetRange(xlow,xhigh); linInterpol->SetLineColor(kMagenta); linInterpol->DrawClone("same"); // eventually use quadratic interpolation for the first harens m(ttbar) bin if(theory=="ahrens"&&variable.Contains("ttbarMass")&&usequad&&x2<450){ // calculate quadratic funtion double a2=(y2-((y3-y1))*(x2-x1)/(x3-x1))/(x2*x2-x1*x1-(x2-x1)*(x3*x3+x1*x1)/(x3-x1)); double b2=((y3-y1)-a2*(x3*x3-x1*x1))/(x3-x1); double c2=y1-a2*x1*x1-b*x1; TF1* quadInterpol=new TF1("quadInterpol"+getTStringFromInt(bin), "[0]*x*x+[1]*x+[2]", x1, x2); quadInterpol->SetParameter(0,a2); quadInterpol->SetParameter(1,b2); quadInterpol->SetParameter(2,c2); // draw quad interpolation function for checking quadInterpol->SetRange(xlow,xhigh); quadInterpol->SetLineColor(kGreen); quadInterpol->SetLineStyle(2); hist->Fit(quadInterpol, "", "same", x1, x3); // calculate the corresponding area of linear function to binned curve quadInterpol->DrawClone("same"); double areaLow =quadInterpol->Integral(xlow,binnedPlot->GetBinLowEdge(binHigh) ); double areaHigh=quadInterpol->Integral(binnedPlot->GetBinLowEdge(binHigh),xhigh); std::cout << "ratio(high/low) linear/quadratic: " << contributionUpperBin/contributionLowerBin << "/"<< areaHigh/areaLow << std::endl; contributionLowerBin=y2*binwidth*areaLow /(areaLow+areaHigh); contributionUpperBin=y2*binwidth*areaHigh/(areaLow+areaHigh); } // add fitted result binnedPlot->SetBinContent(binLow , binnedPlot->GetBinContent(binLow )+contributionLowerBin); binnedPlot->SetBinContent(binHigh, binnedPlot->GetBinContent(binHigh)+contributionUpperBin); } } // ensure over/underflow is 0 binnedPlot->SetBinContent(0, 0.); binnedPlot->SetBinContent(binnedPlot->GetNbinsX()+1, 0.); // ensure normalization binnedPlot->Scale(1./(binnedPlot->Integral(0.,binnedPlot->GetNbinsX()+1))); // divide by binwidth if(divideByBinwidth){ for(int bin=1; bin<=binnedPlot->GetNbinsX(); ++bin){ binnedPlot->SetBinContent(bin, binnedPlot->GetBinContent(bin)/binnedPlot->GetBinWidth(bin)); } } std::cout << "-------------------------------------------" << std::endl; std::cout << "result: binned output histo" << std::endl; for(int bin=1; bin<=binnedPlot->GetNbinsX(); ++bin){ std::cout << "content bin " << bin << " (" << binnedPlot->GetBinLowEdge(bin) << ".." << binnedPlot->GetBinLowEdge(bin+1) << ")= " << binnedPlot->GetBinContent(bin) << std::endl; } // styling binnedPlot->SetLineColor(kBlue); binnedPlot->SetLineWidth(2); std::cout << "draw rebinned theory curve " << std::endl; binnedPlot->Draw("hist same"); // draw bin boundaries std::cout << "draw bin boundaries " << std::endl; int binColor=kRed; int binWidth=2; int binStyle=6; for(int bin=0; bin<(int)bins_.size(); ++bin){ if(!variable.Contains("ttbarMass")||bins_[variable][bin]>=345.) drawLine(bins_[variable][bin], 0, bins_[variable][bin], hist->GetMaximum(), binColor, binWidth, binStyle); } TH1F* line=(TH1F*)hist->Clone("line"); line->SetLineColor(binColor); line->SetLineWidth(binWidth); line->SetLineStyle(binStyle); // legend TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.7, 0.6, 0.95, 0.9); legendStyle(*leg,theory); if(points) leg ->AddEntry(ori, "original data points","P"); leg ->AddEntry(hist , "theory prediction" ,"P"); leg ->AddEntry(line , "reco binning" ,"L"); leg ->AddEntry(hist , "linear interpolation" ,"L"); leg ->AddEntry(binnedPlot, "rebinned curve" ,"L"); leg->Draw("same"); std::cout << "done" << std::endl; // save in png and rootfile std::cout << std::endl << "do saving..." << std::endl; canv->SaveAs(variable+"Norm_Theory.png"); TH1F* out=(TH1F*)binnedPlot->Clone(); out->SetTitle(variable); out->SetName (variable); out->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xSecLabelName(variable)); TString yTile="#frac{1}{#sigma} #frac{d#sigma}{d"; if(variable=="ttbarMass") yTile+="m^{t#bar{t}}} [GeV^{-1}]"; if(variable=="ttbarPt") yTile+="p_{T}^{t#bar{t}}} [GeV^{-1}]"; if(variable=="topPt") yTile+="p_{T}^{t}} [GeV^{-1}]"; if(variable=="topY" ) yTile+="y^{t}}"; out->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yTile); out->SetLineColor(kOrange+2); out->SetLineStyle(2); std::cout << std::endl << "draw final result " << std::endl; TCanvas *canv2 = new TCanvas(variable+"Rebinned",variable+"Rebinned",800,600); canv2->cd(); out->Draw(); saveToRootFile(outputRootFile, out , true, 0,"" ); saveToRootFile(outputRootFile, rawHist, true, 0,"graph" ); saveToRootFile(outputRootFile, canv , true, 0,"detail"); std::cout << "done!" << std::endl; } }
void V_t_continuous_grp7() { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "Vxt", 800, 600); TGraph *gr; //TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","A Simple Graph Example",200,10,700,500); c1->SetFillColor(42); c1->SetGrid(); const Int_t n = 20; Double_t x[n], y[n]; //10 for -5 to +5V, 1 to -500mV to + 500 mV, 100 to -50 mv to + 50 mV int scale = 1; char FileName[200]; char ErrFile[200]; char Command[300]; //string err; // Sweep timer: time_t start; bool started; while(1) { //Need to be fixed to use the driver example program we adapted //sprintf(Command,"./fald-acq -a 400000 -b 0 -n 1 -l 1 -g 1 -e -t 10 0100 > Data.txt"); sprintf(FileName,"%s/Data.txt",gSystem->pwd()); sprintf(ErrFile,"%s/Err.txt",gSystem->pwd()); gSystem->Exec("echo 0 > /sys/devices/hw-adc-100m14b-0100/adc-100m14b-0100/enable"); gSystem->Exec("echo 1 > /sys/devices/hw-adc-100m14b-0100/adc-100m14b-0100/enable"); //sleep(1); //system("program args 1>/tmp/program.stdout 2>/tmp/program.stderr as in // //sprintf(Command,"%s/fald-acq -a 1000 -b 0 -n 1 -l 1 -g 1 -e -r 10 0100 1> %s 2> %s",gSystem->pwd(), FileName,ErrFile ); //sprintf(Command,"./fald-acq -a 100 -b 0 -n 1 -l 1 -g 1 -c 1 -t 10000 -r 10 0100 > %s",FileName); //sprintf(Command,"%s/fald-acq -a 1000 -b 0 -n 1 -l 1 -g 1 -e -r 10 0100",gSystem->pwd()); //gSystem->Exec(Command); sprintf(Command,"%s/fald-acq -a 500 -b 0 -n 1 -l 1 -g 1 -e -r 1 0100 1> %s 2> %s",gSystem->pwd(), FileName,ErrFile ); FILE *test = gSystem->OpenPipe(Command,"r"); gSystem->ClosePipe(test); //gr = new TGraph("/tmp/fmcadc.0x0100.ch1.dat", "%lg %lg %*lg %*lg %*lg"); //gSystem->Sleep(100); //if (TFile::SizeOf(FileName)<=0) break; //cin >> err; //cout << err << endl; //strcmp(err,"./fald-acq: cannot start acquisition: Input/output error"); //cout <<"running" <<endl; //cout << "TGraph *G1 = new TGraph(FileName = " << FileName << ") , loop i = " << i << endl; //See the columns configuration in FileName gr = new TGraph("/tmp/fmcadc.0x0100.ch1.dat", "%lg %lg"); //c1->cd(); // Get very first point of graph: #define THRESHOLD 0.1 Double_t sample, value1, value2; gr->GetPoint(0,sample,value1); gr->GetPoint(3,sample,value2); if(value1 < 0 && value2 > 0) { std::cout << "Triggered!" << std::endl; if(!started) { // FIXME: use nicer timing function! start = time(NULL); started = true; } else { double diff = time(NULL) - start; started = false; std::cout << "dT: " << diff << " / " << (1/diff) << "Hz" << std::endl; } } gSystem->ProcessEvents(); //TGraph *G2 = new TGraph(); //cout <<"2" <<endl; gr->SetLineColor(2); gr->SetLineWidth(4); gr->SetMarkerColor(4); gr->SetMarkerStyle(21); //cout <<"a simple graph" <<endl; gr->SetTitle("Vxt"); gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("time sample"); gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Volts"); //cout <<"3" <<endl; gr->Draw("ACP"); gSystem->ProcessEvents(); //cout << "Draw" << endl; //cout <<"4" <<endl; // TCanvas::Update() draws the frame, after which one can change it c1->Update(); c1->GetFrame()->SetFillColor(21); c1->GetFrame()->SetBorderSize(12); c1->Modified(); //cout <<"5" <<endl; gSystem->ProcessEvents(); } //gr = new TGraph(n,x,y); delete gr; cout << "Bye" << endl; delete c1; // return; }
bool check(int n = 2) { TFile *file = TFile::Open(TString::Format("merged%d.root",n)); bool result = true; TH1F *h; file->GetObject("h1",h); if (!h) { Error("execFileMerger","h1 is missing\n"); result = false; } if (h->GetBinContent(2) != n || h->GetBinContent(3) != n) { Error("execFileMerger","h1 not added properly"); result = false; } THnSparseF *sparse; file->GetObject("sparse",sparse); if (!sparse) { Error("execFileMerger","sparse is missing\n"); result = false; } else { Int_t coordIdx[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; Double_t cont = sparse->GetBinContent(coordIdx); if (cont > n + 0.4 || cont < n - 0.4) { Error("execFileMerger","sparse merge failed: expected bin content %g, read %g\n", (Double_t)n, cont); result = false; } Double_t entries = sparse->GetEntries(); if (entries > n + 0.4 || entries < n - 0.4) { Error("execFileMerger","sparse merge failed: expected %g entries, read %g\n", (Double_t)n, entries); result = false; } } THStack *stack; file->GetObject("stack",stack); if (!stack) { Error("execFileMerger","stack is missing\n"); result = false; } h = (TH1F*)stack->GetHists()->FindObject("hs_1"); if (!h) { Error("execFileMerger","hs_1 is missing\n"); result = false; } if (h->GetBinContent(2) != n || h->GetBinContent(3) != n) { Error("execFileMerger","hs_1 not added properly"); result = false; } h = (TH1F*)stack->GetHists()->FindObject("hs_2"); if (!h) { Error("execFileMerger","hs_2 is missing\n"); result = false; } if (h->GetBinContent(4) != n || h->GetBinContent(5) != n) { Error("execFileMerger","hs_2 not added properly"); result = false; } TGraph *gr; file->GetObject("exgraph",gr); if (!gr) { Error("execFileMerger","exgraph is missing\n"); result = false; } if (gr->GetN() != ( n * 3)) { Error("execFileMerger","exgraph not added properly n=%d rather than %d",gr->GetN(),n*3); result = false; } else { for(Int_t k = 0; k < gr->GetN(); ++k) { double x,y; gr->GetPoint(k,x,y); if ( x != ( (k%3)+1 ) || y != ( (k%3)+1 ) ) { Error("execFileMerger","exgraph not added properly"); result = false; } } } TTree *tree; file->GetObject("tree",tree); if (!tree) { Error("execFileMerger","tree is missing\n"); result = false; } if (tree->GetEntries() != n*2) { Error("execFileMerger","tree does not have the expected number of entries: %lld rather than %d",tree->GetEntries(),n*2); result = false; } else { if ( tree->GetEntries("data==1") != n ) { Error("execFileMerger","tree does not have the expected data. We got %lld entries with 'data==1' rather than %d",tree->GetEntries("data==1"),n); tree->Scan(); result = false; } } return result; }
void get_results(){ gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); printf("\n"); printf(" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf(" Sensitivity vs. nSig and Sigma in Fit\n"); printf(" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf(" nSig / SigFit--> | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.3 | 0.4 | W. Avg (val) \n"); printf(" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); Double_t p1x, p1y; Double_t p2x, p2y; Double_t ix, iy; TObjArray *a1 = new TObjArray(0); TGraph *graph0130 = new TGraph(5); graph0130->SetTitle("Sensitivity vs. Sig-fit"); graph0130->SetName("graph0130"); TGraph *graph1 = new TGraph(5); graph1->SetTitle("Sensitivity vs. Sig-fit"); graph1->SetName("graph1"); TGraph *graph0196 = new TGraph(5); graph0196->SetTitle("Sensitivity vs. Sig-fit"); graph0196->SetName("graph0196"); TCanvas *can1 = new TCanvas("can1", "varfits1", 1500, 900); can1->Divide(5,3); /*************************************************************************** nSig = 0.130 ****************************************************************************/ // =================== nsig=0.130, tSig=0.1 Sig-fit=0.1 ================== can1->cd(1); gPad->SetGrid(); TFile lhns("varsig0130_1.root"); TGraph *gs130_1 = (TGraph*)lhns.Get("DilErrvsdm"); gs130_1->SetTitle("nSig=0.130, tSig=0.1, Sig-fit=0.1"); gs130_1->SetName("gs130_1"); gs130_1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dm"); gs130_1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("95% CL"); lhns.Close(); gs130_1->Draw("AP*"); gs130_1->GetPoint(16, p1x, p1y); gs130_1->GetPoint(17, p2x, p2y); Double_t vs130_1 = (((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))*p2x - p1x)/(((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))-1); graph0130->SetPoint(0,0.1,vs130_1); a1.Add(gs130_1); // =================== nsig=0.130, tSig=0.1 Sig-fit=0.2 ================== can1->cd(2); gPad->SetGrid(); TFile lhns("varsig0130_2.root"); TGraph *gs130_2 = (TGraph*)lhns.Get("DilErrvsdm"); gs130_2->SetTitle("nSig=0.130, tSig=0.1, Sig-fit=0.2"); gs130_2->SetName("gs130_2"); gs130_2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dm"); gs130_2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("95% CL"); lhns.Close(); gs130_2->Draw("AP*"); gs130_2->GetPoint(14, p1x, p1y); gs130_2->GetPoint(15, p2x, p2y); Double_t vs130_2 = (((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))*p2x - p1x)/(((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))-1); graph0130->SetPoint(1,0.2,vs130_2); a1.Add(gs130_2); // =================== nsig=0.130, tSig=0.1 Sig-fit=0.3 ==================== can1->cd(3); gPad->SetGrid(); TFile lhns("varsig0130_3.root"); TGraph *gs130_3 = (TGraph*)lhns.Get("DilErrvsdm"); gs130_3->SetTitle("nSig=0.130, tSig=0.1, Sig-fit=0.3"); gs130_3->SetName("gs130_3"); gs130_3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dm"); gs130_3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("95% CL"); lhns.Close(); gs130_3->Draw("AP*"); gs130_3->GetPoint(10, p1x, p1y); gs130_3->GetPoint(11, p2x, p2y); Double_t vs130_3 = (((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))*p2x - p1x)/(((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))-1); graph0130->SetPoint(2,0.3,vs130_3); a1.Add(gs130_3); // =================== nsig=0.130, tSig=0.1 Sig-fit=0.4 ==================== can1->cd(4); gPad->SetGrid(); TFile lhns("varsig0130_4.root"); TGraph *gs130_4 = (TGraph*)lhns.Get("DilErrvsdm"); gs130_4->SetTitle("nSig=0.130, tSig=0.1, Sig-fit=0.4"); gs130_4->SetName("gs130_4"); gs130_4->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dm"); gs130_4->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("95% CL"); lhns.Close(); gs130_4->Draw("AP*"); gs130_4->GetPoint(13, p1x, p1y); gs130_4->GetPoint(14, p2x, p2y); Double_t vs130_4 = (((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))*p2x - p1x)/(((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))-1); graph0130->SetPoint(3,0.4,vs130_4); a1.Add(gs130_4); // =================== nsig=0.130, tSig=0.1 Sig-fit=Avg ===================== can1->cd(5); gPad->SetGrid(); TFile lhns("varsig0130_a.root"); TGraph *gs130_a = (TGraph*)lhns.Get("DilErrvsdm"); gs130_a->SetTitle("nSig=0.130, tSig=0.1, Sig-fit=Avg"); gs130_a->SetName("gs130_a"); gs130_a->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dm"); gs130_a->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("95% CL"); TGraph *gs130_sf = (TGraph*)lhns.Get("SigFit"); gs130_sf->SetTitle("Sigma_Avg in Fit vs. dm , nSig=0.130"); gs130_sf->SetName("gs130_sf"); gs130_sf->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dm"); gs130_sf->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Sigma in Fit"); lhns.Close(); gs130_a->Draw("AP*"); gs130_a->GetPoint(12, p1x, p1y); gs130_a->GetPoint(13, p2x, p2y); Double_t vs130_a = (((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))*p2x - p1x)/(((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))-1); graph0130->SetPoint(4,0.270111,vs130_a); a1.Add(gs130_a); a1.Add(gs130_sf); printf(" 0.130 | %5.3f | %5.3f | %5.3f | %5.3f | %5.3f (0.270) \n",vs130_1,vs130_2,vs130_3,vs130_4,vs130_a); //----------- plot the sig-fit vs. dm; histogram sig-fit ----- TCanvas *c0130sf = new TCanvas("Sigfit_vs_dm_0130", "graph0130sf", 800, 400); c0130sf->Divide(2,1); c0130sf->cd(1); gPad->SetGrid(); gs130_sf->Draw("AP*"); c0130sf->cd(2); TH1F *hs0130_sf = new TH1F("hs0130_sf", "SigFit spread, nSig=0.130", 10, 0.26, 0.28); for (Int_t i=0.; i<20.; i++){ gs130_sf->GetPoint(i,ix,iy); //cout << i << ", "<< ix << ", "<< iy <<endl; hs0130_sf->Fill(iy); } gPad->SetGrid(); hs0130_sf->Draw(); a1.Add(hs0130_sf); a1.Add(c0130sf); //--------------- plot the sensitivity vs sig-fit ----------- TCanvas *c0130 = new TCanvas("Sens_vs_sigfit_0130", "graph0130", 400, 400); c0130->SetGrid(); graph0130->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Sigma in fit"); graph0130->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Sensitivity"); graph0130->Draw("AP*"); a1.Add(graph0130); a1.Add(c0130); /*************************************************************************** nSig = 0.163 **************************************************************************/ // ================== nsig=0.163, tSig=0.1 Sig-fit=0.1 ================== can1->cd(6); gPad->SetGrid(); TFile lhns("varsigma_1.root"); TGraph *gs1 = (TGraph*)lhns.Get("DilErrvsdm"); gs1->SetTitle("nSig=0.163, tSig=0.1, Sig-fit=0.1"); gs1->SetName("gs1"); gs1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dm"); gs1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("95% CL"); lhns.Close(); gs1->Draw("AP*"); gs1->GetPoint(16, p1x, p1y); gs1->GetPoint(17, p2x, p2y); Double_t vs1 = (((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))*p2x - p1x)/(((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))-1); graph1->SetPoint(0,0.1,vs1); a1.Add(gs1); // ================== nsig=0.163, tSig=0.1 Sig-fit=0.2 ================== can1->cd(7); gPad->SetGrid(); TFile lhns("varsigma_2.root"); TGraph *gs2 = (TGraph*)lhns.Get("DilErrvsdm"); gs2->SetTitle("nSig=0.163, tSig=0.1, Sig-fit=0.2"); gs2->SetName("gs2"); gs2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dm"); gs2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("95% CL"); lhns.Close(); gs2->Draw("AP*"); gs2->GetPoint(14, p1x, p1y); gs2->GetPoint(15, p2x, p2y); Double_t vs2 = (((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))*p2x - p1x)/(((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))-1); graph1->SetPoint(1,0.2,vs2); a1.Add(gs2); // ================== nsig=0.163, tSig=0.1 Sig-fit=0.3 ================== can1->cd(8); gPad->SetGrid(); TFile lhns("varsigma_3.root"); TGraph *gs3 = (TGraph*)lhns.Get("DilErrvsdm"); gs3->SetTitle("nSig=0.163, tSig=0.1, Sig-fit=0.3"); gs3->SetName("gs3"); gs3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dm"); gs3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("95% CL"); lhns.Close(); gs3->Draw("AP*"); gs3->GetPoint(10, p1x, p1y); gs3->GetPoint(11, p2x, p2y); Double_t vs3 = (((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))*p2x - p1x)/(((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))-1); graph1->SetPoint(2,0.3,vs3); a1.Add(gs3); // ================== nsig=0.163, tSig=0.1 Sig-fit=0.4 ================== can1->cd(9); gPad->SetGrid(); TFile lhns("varsigma_4.root"); TGraph *gs4 = (TGraph*)lhns.Get("DilErrvsdm"); gs4->SetTitle("nSig=0.163, tSig=0.1, Sig-fit=0.4"); gs4->SetName("gs4"); gs4->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dm"); gs4->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("95% CL"); lhns.Close(); gs4->Draw("AP*"); gs4->GetPoint(13, p1x, p1y); gs4->GetPoint(14, p2x, p2y); Double_t vs4 = (((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))*p2x - p1x)/(((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))-1); graph1->SetPoint(3,0.4,vs4); a1.Add(gs4); // ================== nsig=0.163, tSig=0.1 Sig-fit=Avg ================== can1->cd(10); gPad->SetGrid(); TFile lhns("varsigma_a.root"); TGraph *gsa = (TGraph*)lhns.Get("DilErrvsdm"); gsa->SetTitle("nSig=0.163, tSig=0.1, Sig-fit=Avg"); gsa->SetName("gsa"); gsa->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dm"); gsa->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("95% CL"); TGraph *gs_sf = (TGraph*)lhns.Get("SigFit"); gs_sf->SetTitle("Sigma_Avg in Fit vs. dm , nSig=0.163"); gs_sf->SetName("gs_sf"); gs_sf->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dm"); gs_sf->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Sigma in Fit"); lhns.Close(); gsa->Draw("AP*"); gsa->GetPoint(11, p1x, p1y); gsa->GetPoint(12, p2x, p2y); Double_t vsa = (((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))*p2x - p1x)/(((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))-1); graph1->SetPoint(4,0.313349,vsa); a1.Add(gsa); a1.Add(gs_sf); printf(" 0.163 | %5.3f | %5.3f | %5.3f | %5.3f | %5.3f (0.313) \n",vs1,vs2,vs3,vs4,vsa); //----------- plot the sig-fit vs. dm; histogram sig-fit ----- TCanvas *csf = new TCanvas("Sigfit_vs_dm_0163", "graphsf", 800, 400); csf->Divide(2,1); csf->cd(1); gPad->SetGrid(); gs_sf->Draw("AP*"); csf->cd(2); TH1F *hs_sf = new TH1F("hs_sf", "SigFit spread, nSig=0.163", 10, 0.3, 0.325); for (Int_t i=0.; i<20.; i++){ gs_sf->GetPoint(i,ix,iy); //cout << i << ", "<< ix << ", "<< iy <<endl; hs_sf->Fill(iy); } gPad->SetGrid(); hs_sf->Draw(); a1.Add(hs_sf); a1.Add(csf); //--------------- plot the sensitivity vs sig-fit ----------- TCanvas *can2 = new TCanvas("Sens_vs_sigfit_0163", "graph1", 400, 400); can2->SetGrid(); graph1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Sigma in fit"); graph1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Sensitivity"); graph1->Draw("AP*"); a1.Add(graph1); a1.Add(can2); /*************************************************************************** nSig = 0.196 **************************************************************************/ // ================== nsig=0.196, tSig=0.1 Sig-fit=0.1 ================== can1->cd(11); gPad->SetGrid(); TFile lhns("varsig0196_1.root"); TGraph *gs196_1 = (TGraph*)lhns.Get("DilErrvsdm"); gs196_1->SetTitle("nSig=0.196, tSig=0.1, Sig-fit=0.1"); gs196_1->SetName("gs196_1"); gs196_1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dm"); gs196_1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("95% CL"); lhns.Close(); gs196_1->Draw("AP*"); gs196_1->GetPoint(16, p1x, p1y); gs196_1->GetPoint(17, p2x, p2y); Double_t vs196_1 = (((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))*p2x - p1x)/(((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))-1); graph0196->SetPoint(0,0.1,vs196_1); a1.Add(gs196_1); // ================== nsig=0.196, tSig=0.1 Sig-fit=0.2 ==================== can1->cd(12); gPad->SetGrid(); TFile lhns("varsig0196_2.root"); TGraph *gs196_2 = (TGraph*)lhns.Get("DilErrvsdm"); gs196_2->SetTitle("nSig=0.196, tSig=0.1, Sig-fit=0.2"); gs196_2->SetName("gs196_2"); gs196_2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dm"); gs196_2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("95% CL"); lhns.Close(); gs196_2->Draw("AP*"); gs196_2->GetPoint(14, p1x, p1y); gs196_2->GetPoint(15, p2x, p2y); Double_t vs196_2 = (((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))*p2x - p1x)/(((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))-1); graph0196->SetPoint(1,0.2,vs196_2); a1.Add(gs196_2); // ================== nsig=0.196, tSig=0.1 Sig-fit=0.3 ================== can1->cd(13); gPad->SetGrid(); TFile lhns("varsig0196_3.root"); TGraph *gs196_3 = (TGraph*)lhns.Get("DilErrvsdm"); gs196_3->SetTitle("nSig=0.196, tSig=0.1, Sig-fit=0.3"); gs196_3->SetName("gs196_3"); gs196_3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dm"); gs196_3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("95% CL"); lhns.Close(); gs196_3->Draw("AP*"); gs196_3->GetPoint(10, p1x, p1y); gs196_3->GetPoint(11, p2x, p2y); Double_t vs196_3 = (((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))*p2x - p1x)/(((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))-1); graph0196->SetPoint(2,0.3,vs196_3); a1.Add(gs196_3); // ================== nsig=0.196, tSig=0.1 Sig-fit=0.4 ================== can1->cd(14); gPad->SetGrid(); TFile lhns("varsig0196_4.root"); TGraph *gs196_4 = (TGraph*)lhns.Get("DilErrvsdm"); gs196_4->SetTitle("nSig=0.196, tSig=0.1, Sig-fit=0.4"); gs196_4->SetName("gs196_4"); gs196_4->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dm"); gs196_4->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("95% CL"); lhns.Close(); gs196_4->Draw("AP*"); gs196_4->GetPoint(13, p1x, p1y); gs196_4->GetPoint(14, p2x, p2y); Double_t vs196_4 = (((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))*p2x - p1x)/(((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))-1); graph0196->SetPoint(3,0.4,vs196_4); a1.Add(gs196_4); // ================== nsig=0.196, tSig=0.1 Sig-fit=Avg ================== can1->cd(15); gPad->SetGrid(); TFile lhns("varsig0196_a.root"); TGraph *gs196_a = (TGraph*)lhns.Get("DilErrvsdm"); gs196_a->SetTitle("nSig=0.196, tSig=0.1, Sig-fit=Avg"); gs196_a->SetName("gs196_a"); gs196_a->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dm"); gs196_a->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("95% CL"); TGraph *gs196_sf = (TGraph*)lhns.Get("SigFit"); gs196_sf->SetTitle("Sigma(Avg) in Fit vs. dm (nSig=0.196)"); gs196_sf->SetName("gs196_sf"); gs196_sf->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dm"); gs196_sf->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Sigma in Fit"); lhns.Close(); gs196_a->Draw("AP*"); gs196_a->GetPoint(10, p1x, p1y); gs196_a->GetPoint(11, p2x, p2y); Double_t vs196_a = (((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))*p2x - p1x)/(((1-p1y)/(1-p2y))-1); graph0196->SetPoint(4,0.356301,vs196_a); a1.Add(gs196_a); a1.Add(gs196_sf); printf(" 0.196 | %5.3f | %5.3f | %5.3f | %5.3f | %5.3f (0.270) \n",vs196_1,vs196_2,vs196_3,vs196_4,vs196_a); //----------- plot the sig-fit vs. dm; histogram sig-fit ----- TCanvas *c0196sf = new TCanvas("Sigfit_vs_dm_0196", "graph0196sf", 800, 400); c0196sf->Divide(2,1); c0196sf->cd(1); gPad->SetGrid(); gs196_sf->Draw("AP*"); c0196sf->cd(2); TH1F *hs0196_sf = new TH1F("hs0196_sf", "SigFit spread, nSig=0.196", 10, 0.34, 0.37); for (Int_t i=0.; i<20.; i++){ gs196_sf->GetPoint(i,ix,iy); //cout << i << ", "<< ix << ", "<< iy <<endl; hs0196_sf->Fill(iy); } gPad->SetGrid(); hs0196_sf->Draw(); a1.Add(hs0196_sf); a1.Add(c0196sf); //--------------- plot the sensitivity vs sig-fit ----------- TCanvas *c0196 = new TCanvas("Sens_vs_sigfit_0196", "graph0196", 400, 400); c0196->SetGrid(); graph0196->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Sigma in fit"); graph0196->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Sensitivity"); graph0196->Draw("AP*"); a1.Add(graph0196); a1.Add(c0196); a1.Add(can1); //can1->Close(); /*************************************************************************** **************************************************************************/ printf(" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("\n"); TCanvas *combined = new TCanvas("Sens_vs_dm_combined", "combined", 400, 400); combined->SetGrid(); graph0130->SetMarkerColor(4); graph0130->SetMarkerStyle(4); graph0130->Draw("AP"); graph1->SetMarkerColor(2); graph1->SetMarkerStyle(22); graph1->Draw("P"); graph0196->SetMarkerColor(8); graph0196->SetMarkerStyle(28); graph0196->Draw("P"); a1.Add(combined); TFile file1("get_results.root", "recreate"); a1.Write(); file1.Close(); }
void Polarization(){ TGraph *gObs; TGraph *gExp; TGraph *gObsL; TGraph *gExpL; TGraph *gObsR; TGraph *gExpR; TFile *fc = TFile::Open("Limits2DHistograms_T2tt_postfit.root"); TFile *fl = TFile::Open("Limits2DHistograms_T2tt_lefthanded_postfit.root"); TFile *fr = TFile::Open("Limits2DHistograms_T2tt_righthanded_postfit.root"); TGraph *g; fc->cd(); g = (TGraph*)fc->Get("gObs"); gObs = (TGraph*)g->Clone("Obs"); g = (TGraph*)fc->Get("gExp"); gExp = (TGraph*)g->Clone("Exp"); fl->cd(); g = (TGraph*)fl->Get("gObs_2"); gObsL = (TGraph*)g->Clone("ObsL"); g = (TGraph*)fl->Get("gExp_2"); gExpL = (TGraph*)g->Clone("ExpL"); fr->cd(); g = (TGraph*)fr->Get("gObs"); gObsR = (TGraph*)g->Clone("ObsR"); g = (TGraph*)fr->Get("gExp"); gExpR = (TGraph*)g->Clone("ExpR"); gObs->SetLineWidth(4); gExp->SetLineWidth(4); gObsL->SetLineWidth(2); gExpL->SetLineWidth(2); gObsR->SetLineWidth(2); gExpR->SetLineWidth(2); gObs->SetLineStyle(1); gExp->SetLineStyle(7); gObsL->SetLineStyle(1); gExpL->SetLineStyle(7); gObsR->SetLineStyle(1); gExpR->SetLineStyle(7); gObs->SetLineColor(kBlack); gExp->SetLineColor(kBlack); gObsL->SetLineColor(kBlue); gExpL->SetLineColor(kBlue); gObsR->SetLineColor(kRed); gExpR->SetLineColor(kRed); if(killlowdiag){ for( int i = gObs->GetN()-1; i>=0;--i){ double x,y; gObs->GetPoint(i,x,y); if(x-y<172.5) gObs->RemovePoint(i); } for( int i = gExp->GetN()-1; i>=0;--i){ double x,y; gExp->GetPoint(i,x,y); if(x-y<172.5) gExp->RemovePoint(i); } } for( int i = gObsL->GetN()-1; i>=0;--i){ double x,y; gObsL->GetPoint(i,x,y); if(x-y<172.5) gObsL->RemovePoint(i); } for( int i = gObsR->GetN()-1; i>=0;--i){ double x,y; gObsR->GetPoint(i,x,y); if(x-y<172.5) gObsR->RemovePoint(i); } for( int i = gExpL->GetN()-1; i>=0;--i){ double x,y; gExpL->GetPoint(i,x,y); if(x-y<172.5) gExpL->RemovePoint(i); } for( int i = gExpR->GetN()-1; i>=0;--i){ double x,y; gExpR->GetPoint(i,x,y); if(x-y<172.5) gExpR->RemovePoint(i); } TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "c1",50,50,600,600); gStyle->SetOptFit(1); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); gStyle->SetErrorX(0.5); //c1->Range(-6.311689,-1.891383,28.75325,4.56342); c1->SetFillColor(0); c1->SetBorderMode(0); c1->SetBorderSize(2); //c1->SetLogy(); c1->SetTickx(1); c1->SetTicky(1); c1->SetLeftMargin(0.15); c1->SetRightMargin(0.05); c1->SetTopMargin(0.07); c1->SetBottomMargin(0.15); c1->SetFrameFillStyle(0); c1->SetFrameBorderMode(0); c1->SetFrameFillStyle(0); c1->SetFrameBorderMode(0); gStyle->SetHatchesLineWidth(0); TH1F *hSum = new TH1F("hSum","",10,150,950); hSum->SetMinimum(0.); hSum->SetMaximum(550); hSum->SetDirectory(0); hSum->SetStats(0); hSum->Draw(); hSum->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,500); hSum->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(150,950); Int_t ci; // for color index setting ci = TColor::GetColor("#000099"); hSum->SetLineColor(ci); hSum->SetLineStyle(0); hSum->SetMarkerStyle(20); hSum->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{#tilde{t}} [GeV]"); //hSum->GetXaxis()->SetBit(TAxis::kLabelsVert); hSum->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(42); //hSum->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(0.005); hSum->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.035); hSum->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06); hSum->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); hSum->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(42); hSum->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("m_{#tilde{#chi}}_{1}^{0} [GeV]"); hSum->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(42); //hSum->GetYaxis()->SetLabelOffset(0.007); hSum->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.035); hSum->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); hSum->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3); hSum->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(42); //TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.4992416,0.4811189,0.898906,0.7503497,NULL,"brNDC"); //TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.4992416,0.4811189,0.698906,0.7503497,NULL,"brNDC"); //TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.6992416,0.2811189,0.898906,0.4503497,NULL,"brNDC"); //TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.6992416,0.3311189,0.898906,0.7903497,NULL,"brNDC"); //TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.7582416,0.4211189,0.912,0.8043497,NULL,"brNDC"); TLegend *legE = new TLegend(0.51,0.675,0.81,0.855,NULL,"brNDC"); //leg-> SetNColumns(2); legE->SetBorderSize(0); legE->SetTextSize(0.04); legE->SetTextFont(42); legE->SetLineColor(1); legE->SetLineStyle(1); legE->SetLineWidth(2); legE->SetFillColor(0); legE->SetFillStyle(1001); legE->SetHeader("Expected"); legE->AddEntry(gExp, "unpolarized","l"); legE->AddEntry(gExpR, "right-handed","l"); legE->AddEntry(gExpL, "left-handed","l"); TLegend *legO = new TLegend(0.175,0.675,0.50,0.855,NULL,"brNDC"); //legO-> SetNColumns(2); legO->SetBorderSize(0); legO->SetTextSize(0.04); legO->SetTextFont(42); legO->SetLineColor(1); legO->SetLineStyle(1); legO->SetLineWidth(2); legO->SetFillColor(0); legO->SetFillStyle(1001); legO->SetHeader("Observed"); legO->AddEntry(gObs, "unpolarized","l"); legO->AddEntry(gObsR, "right-handed","l"); legO->AddEntry(gObsL, "left-handed","l"); TGraph* graphWhite = new TGraph(5); graphWhite->SetName("white"); graphWhite->SetTitle("white"); graphWhite->SetFillColor(kWhite); graphWhite->SetFillStyle(1001); graphWhite->SetLineColor(kBlack); graphWhite->SetLineStyle(1); graphWhite->SetLineWidth(3); graphWhite->SetPoint(0,150, 500); graphWhite->SetPoint(1,950, 500); graphWhite->SetPoint(2,950, 500*0.6666666667); graphWhite->SetPoint(3,150, 500*0.6666666667); graphWhite->SetPoint(4,150, 500); Float_t diagX[4] = {175.+25.,175.+25.+5000,175.-25.+5000,175.-25.}; Float_t diagY[4] = {0,5000,5000,0}; TGraph *gdiagonal = new TGraph(4, diagX, diagY); gdiagonal->SetName("MtopDiagonal"); gdiagonal->SetFillColor(kWhite); //#gdiagonal->SetFillColor(18); TLine* ldiagonal = new TLine(175,0.,650-25.,450); //TLine* ldiagonal = new TLine(175.,25,175+500,500); ldiagonal->SetLineColor(kGray); ldiagonal->SetLineStyle(2); TLatex* tdiagonal = new TLatex(400-2.5, 400-172.5,"m_{#tilde{t}} = m_{t} + m_{#tilde{#chi}_{1}^{0}}"); //tdiagonal->SetTextAngle(TMath::RadToDeg()*TMath::ATan(float(800)/float(500))); tdiagonal->SetTextAngle(56.31); tdiagonal->SetTextColor(kGray+2); tdiagonal->SetTextAlign(11); tdiagonal->SetTextSize(0.025); TLine* l2 = new TLine(150,75,585,500); l2->SetLineColor(kGray); l2->SetLineStyle(2); if(killlowdiag){ l2->SetX1(200); l2->SetY1(0); l2->SetX2(600); l2->SetY2(400); } TLatex *t2 = new TLatex(300, 300-72.5,"m_{#tilde{t}} = m_{W} + m_{#tilde{#chi}_{1}^{0}}"); //t2->SetTextAngle(TMath::RadToDeg()*TMath::ATan(float(800)/float(500))); t2->SetTextAngle(56.31); t2->SetTextColor(kGray+2); t2->SetTextAlign(11); t2->SetTextSize(0.025); hSum->Draw("axis"); gExpR->Draw("c"); gExpL->Draw("c"); gExp->Draw("c"); gObsR->Draw("c"); gObsL->Draw("c"); gObs->Draw("c"); gdiagonal->Draw("FSAME"); ldiagonal->Draw("LSAME"); l2->Draw(); if(!killlowdiag) t2->Draw(); tdiagonal->Draw("SAME"); graphWhite->Draw("FSAME"); graphWhite->Draw("LSAME"); legE->Draw(); legO->Draw(); TLatex* textModelLabel= new TLatex(0.175,0.92,"pp #rightarrow #tilde{t} #tilde{t}*, #tilde{t} #rightarrow t #tilde{#chi}^{0}_{1} NLO+NLL exclusion"); //TLatex* textModelLabel= new TLatex(0.175,0.92,"pp #rightarrow #tilde{t} #tilde{t}*, #tilde{t} #rightarrow t #tilde{#chi}^{0}_{1}"); //TLatex* textModelLabel= new TLatex(0.175,0.92,"#tilde{#chi} "); textModelLabel->SetNDC(); textModelLabel->SetTextAlign(13); textModelLabel->SetTextFont(42); textModelLabel->SetTextSize(0.042); textModelLabel->Draw(); //final CMS style TLatex *tLumi = new TLatex(0.95,0.944,"2.3 fb^{-1} (13 TeV)"); tLumi->SetNDC(); tLumi->SetTextAlign(31); tLumi->SetTextFont(42); tLumi->SetTextSize(0.042); tLumi->SetLineWidth(2); tLumi->Draw(); TLatex *tCMS = new TLatex(0.152,0.944,"CMS"); tCMS->SetNDC(); tCMS->SetTextAlign(11); tCMS->SetTextFont(61); tCMS->SetTextSize(0.0525); tCMS->SetLineWidth(2); tCMS->Draw(); TLatex *tPrel = new TLatex(0.265,0.944,"Preliminary"); tPrel->SetNDC(); tPrel->SetTextAlign(11); tPrel->SetTextFont(52); tPrel->SetTextSize(0.042); tPrel->SetLineWidth(2); tPrel->Draw(); c1->Modified(); c1->cd(); c1->Update(); c1->SetSelected(c1); }
TGraph* DrawExpectedBand( TGraph* gr1, TGraph* gr2, Int_t fillColor, Int_t fillStyle, Int_t cut = 0) { // TGraph* gr1 = new TGraph( *graph1 ); // TGraph* gr2 = new TGraph( *graph2 ); int number_of_bins = max(gr1->GetN(),gr2->GetN()); const Int_t gr1N = gr1->GetN(); const Int_t gr2N = gr2->GetN(); const Int_t N = number_of_bins; Double_t x1[N], y1[N], x2[N], y2[N]; Double_t xx0, yy0; for(int j=0; j<gr1N; j++) { gr1->GetPoint(j,xx0,yy0); x1[j] = xx0; y1[j] = yy0; } if (gr1N < N) { for(int i=gr1N; i<N; i++) { x1[i] = x1[gr1N-1]; y1[i] = y1[gr1N-1]; } } Double_t xx1, yy1; for(int j=0; j<gr2N; j++) { gr2->GetPoint(j,xx1,yy1); x2[j] = xx1; y2[j] = yy1; } if (gr2N < N) { for(int i=gr2N; i<N; i++) { x2[i] = x2[gr1N-1]; y2[i] = y2[gr1N-1]; } } TGraph *grshade = new TGraphAsymmErrors(2*N); for (int i=0;i<N;i++) { if (x1[i] > cut) grshade->SetPoint(i,x1[i],y1[i]); //cout<<"grshade x1="<< x1[i] <<" y1="<<y1[i]<<endl; if (x2[N-i-1] > cut) grshade->SetPoint(N+i,x2[N-i-1],y2[N-i-1]); } // Apply the cut in the shade plot if there is something that doesn't look good... int Nshade = grshade->GetN(); double x0, y0; double x00, y00; for(int j=0; j<Nshade; j++) { grshade->GetPoint(j,x0,y0); if ((x0 != 0) && (y0 != 0)) { x00 = x0; y00 = y0; break; } } for(int j=0; j<Nshade; j++) { grshade->GetPoint(j,x0,y0); if ((x0 == 0) && (y0 == 0)) grshade->SetPoint(j,x00,y00); } // Now draw the plot... grshade->SetFillStyle(fillStyle); grshade->SetFillColor(fillColor); grshade->SetMarkerStyle(21); grshade->Draw("F"); return grshade; }
/// /// Find an interpolated x value near a certain bin position of a histogram that is the /// best estimate for h(x)=y. Interpolates by means of fitting a second grade polynomial /// to up to five adjacent points. Because that's giving us two solutions, we use the central /// value and knowledge about if it is supposed to be an upper or lower boundary to pick /// one. /// /// \param h - the histogram to be interpolated /// \param i - interpolate around this bin. Must be a bin such that i and i+1 are above and below val /// \param y - the y position we want to find the interpolated x for /// \param central - Central value of the solution we're trying to get the CL interval for. /// \param upper - Set to true if we're computing an upper interval boundary. /// \param val - Return value: interpolated x position /// \param err - Return value: estimated interpolation error /// \return true, if inpterpolation was performed, false, if conditions were not met /// bool CLIntervalMaker::interpolatePol2fit(const TH1F* h, int i, float y, float central, bool upper, float &val, float &err) const { // cout << "CLIntervalMaker::interpolatePol2fit(): i=" << i << " y=" << y << " central=" << central << endl; // check if too close to border so we don't have enough bins to fit if ( !( 2 <= i && i <= h->GetNbinsX()-1 ) ) return false; // check if all necessary bins are on the same side. They are not always, // if e.g. in a plugin there's statistical fluctuations if ( binsOnSameSide(i-1, y) && binsOnSameSide(i, y) ){ //cout << "CLIntervalMaker::interpolatePol2fit() : ERROR : bins i-1, i, and i+1 on same side of y" << endl; return false; } // create a TGraph that we can fit TGraph *g = new TGraph(3); g->SetPoint(0, h->GetBinCenter(i-1), h->GetBinContent(i-1)); g->SetPoint(1, h->GetBinCenter(i), h->GetBinContent(i)); g->SetPoint(2, h->GetBinCenter(i+1), h->GetBinContent(i+1)); // see if we can add a 4th and 5th point: if ( 3 <= i && i <= h->GetNbinsX()-2 ){ // add a point to the beginning if ( (h->GetBinContent(i-2) < h->GetBinContent(i-1) && h->GetBinContent(i-1) < h->GetBinContent(i)) || (h->GetBinContent(i-2) > h->GetBinContent(i-1) && h->GetBinContent(i-1) > h->GetBinContent(i)) ){ TGraph *gNew = new TGraph(g->GetN()+1); gNew->SetPoint(0, h->GetBinCenter(i-2), h->GetBinContent(i-2)); Double_t pointx, pointy; for ( int i=0; i<g->GetN(); i++ ){ g->GetPoint(i, pointx, pointy); gNew->SetPoint(i+1, pointx, pointy); } delete g; g = gNew; } // add a point to the end if ( (h->GetBinContent(i+2) < h->GetBinContent(i+1) && h->GetBinContent(i+1) < h->GetBinContent(i)) || (h->GetBinContent(i+2) > h->GetBinContent(i+1) && h->GetBinContent(i+1) > h->GetBinContent(i)) ){ g->Set(g->GetN()+1); g->SetPoint(g->GetN()-1, h->GetBinCenter(i+2), h->GetBinContent(i+2)); } } // debug: show fitted 1-CL histogram // if ( y<0.1 ) // // if ( methodName == TString("Plugin") && y<0.1 ) // { // // TString debugTitle = methodName + Form(" y=%.2f ",y); // // debugTitle += upper?Form("%f upper",central):Form("%f lower",central); // TString debugTitle = "honk"; // TCanvas *c = newNoWarnTCanvas(getUniqueRootName(), debugTitle); // g->SetMarkerStyle(3); // g->SetHistogram(const_cast<TH1F*>(h)); // const_cast<TH1F*>(h)->Draw(); // g->DrawClone("p"); // } // fit TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1", "pol2", h->GetBinCenter(i-2), h->GetBinCenter(i+2)); g->Fit("f1", "q"); // fit linear to get decent start parameters g->Fit("f1", "qf+"); // refit with minuit to get more correct errors (TGraph fit errors bug) float p[3], e[3]; for ( int ii=0; ii<3; ii++ ){ p[ii] = f1->GetParameter(ii); e[ii] = f1->GetParError(ii); } // get solution by solving the pol2 for x float sol0 = pq(p[0], p[1], p[2], y, 0); float sol1 = pq(p[0], p[1], p[2], y, 1); // decide which of both solutions to use based on the position of // the central value // \todo we probably don't need the central value to decide which solution // to use. Just take the one closest to the original bin! Can't think of a // situation where this should fail. So we don't need the central value in // this method at all, to be removed. int useSol = 0; //if ( (sol0<central && sol1>central) || (sol1<central && sol0>central) ){ //if ( upper ){ //if ( sol0<sol1 ) useSol = 1; //else useSol = 0; //} //else{ //if ( sol0<sol1 ) useSol = 0; //else useSol = 1; //} //} //else{ if ( fabs(h->GetBinCenter(i)-sol0) < fabs(h->GetBinCenter(i)-sol1) ) useSol = 0; else useSol = 1; //} if ( useSol==0 ) val = sol0; else val = sol1; // try error propagation: sth is wrong in the formulae // float err0 = TMath::Max(sq(val-pq(p[0]+e[0], p[1], p[2], y, useSol)), sq(val-pq(p[0]-e[0], p[1], p[2], y, useSol))); // float err1 = TMath::Max(sq(val-pq(p[0], p[1]+e[1], p[2], y, useSol)), sq(val-pq(p[0], p[1]-e[1], p[2], y, useSol))); // float err2 = TMath::Max(sq(val-pq(p[0], p[1], p[2]+e[2], y, useSol)), sq(val-pq(p[0], p[1], p[2]-e[2], y, useSol))); // err = sqrt(err0+err1+err2); // printf("%f %f %f\n", val, pq(p[0]+e[0], p[1], p[2], y, useSol), pq(p[0]-e[0], p[1], p[2], y, useSol)); // printf("%f %f %f\n", val, pq(p[0], p[1]+e[1], p[2], y, useSol), pq(p[0], p[1]-e[1], p[2], y, useSol)); // printf("%f %f %f\n", val, pq(p[0], p[1], p[2]+e[2], y, useSol), pq(p[0], p[1], p[2]-e[2], y, useSol)); err = 0.0; delete g; return true; }
//____________________________________________________________________________________ // Plot blue band (SM Higgs curve) void blueBand( ) { double zerror = 4; double xmin = 76; int npoints = 31; double x[] = { 10.000000, 11.392849, 12.979700, 14.787576, 16.847262, 19.193831, 21.867241, 24.913018, 28.383024, 32.336350, 36.840315, 41.971614, 47.817625, 54.477897, 62.065844, 70.710678, 76, 80.559606, 91.780341, 104.563955, 119.128133, 135.720881, 154.624747, 176.161637, 200.698289, 228.652526, 260.500365, 296.784127, 338.121669, 385.216905, 438.871795, 500.000000 }; double y[] = { 20.929260, 18.757168, 16.647426, 14.611732, 12.661571, 10.808107, 9.062193, 7.434501, 5.935701, 4.576664, 3.368675, 2.323612, 1.454084, 0.776111, 0.300018, 0.042673, 0.0001, 0.020469, 0.251087, 0.750519, 1.538231, 2.633789, 4.056692, 5.826546, 7.962673, 10.483595, 13.406320, 16.745357, 20.511276, 24.717583, 29.345917, 34.380810 }; TGraph* smGraph = new TGraph( npoints, x, y ); if ( npoints > MAXPOINTS ) { std::cerr << "FATAL: npoints = " << npoints << " is greater than MAXPOINTS" << std::endl; exit(-1); } double x1[2*MAXPOINTS], y1[2*MAXPOINTS]; double x2[MAXPOINTS], y2[MAXPOINTS]; // Find mH at minimum int i1=0; // iterator for upper curve int i2=0; // iterator for lower curve double x0,y0; double step = 5; smGraph->GetPoint( 0, x0, y0 ); for ( int i=0; i<100; ++i ) { double ix = x0+i*step; double iy = smGraph->Eval( ix, 0, "S" ); double error = TMath::Log( ix/12. )*3.; if ( ix<=xmin-error ) { x1[i1] = ix+error; y1[i1]=iy; ++i1; x2[i2] = ix-error; y2[i2]=iy; ++i2; } else if ( ix>=xmin+error) { x1[i1] = ix-error; y1[i1]=iy; ++i1; x2[i2] = ix+error; y2[i2]=iy; ++i2; } else {//if ( iy>0. ) { x2[i2] = (ix<=xmin)?ix-error:ix+error; y2[i2]=iy; ++i2; } } // Merge arrays for ( int i=0; i<i2; ++i ) { x1[i+i1] = x2[i2-i-1]; y1[i+i1] = y2[i2-i-1]; } if ( doBands ) { TGraph* blueBand = new TGraph( i1+i2, x1, y1 ); blueBand->SetFillColor(7); blueBand->SetLineColor(7); blueBand->Draw("LF"); blueBand->Draw("C"); } else { smGraph->SetLineWidth(5); } smGraph->SetLineColor(4); smGraph->Draw("C"); double chi2limit = smGraph->Eval( LEPLIMIT, 0, "S" ); std::cout << "Value at limit (" << LEPLIMIT << "): " << chi2limit << std::endl; TGraph* lowband = new TGraph( i2, x2, y2 ); std::cout << "Value of (low) blueband at limit: " << lowband->Eval( LEPLIMIT, 0, "S" ) << std::endl; }
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { if( argc!=3 && argc!=4 ) { std::cout << "USAGE: ./draw_golfcourse [(string)data_dataset] [data_mc] [nbtags=\"ALL\"]" << std::endl; exit(23); } std::string data_dataset(argv[1]); std::string data_mc(argv[2]); int nbtags=-1; if( argc==4 ) { nbtags = atoi(argv[3]); } TString data_dataset_tstr(data_dataset); std::string PUType = "Run2011A"; float lumi = 2100.; if( data_dataset=="HR11" ) { PUType = "HR11"; lumi = 4200.; } else if( data_dataset=="HR11_v2" ) { PUType = "HR11_73pb"; lumi = 4600.; } if( data_dataset_tstr.BeginsWith("Run2011B") ) { PUType = "Run2011B"; } DrawBase* db = new DrawBase("Golfcourse"); db->set_lumiNormalization(lumi); std::string dataFileName = "HZZlljjRM_DATA_" + data_dataset + "_optLD_looseBTags_v2_ALL.root"; TFile* file_data = TFile::Open(dataFileName.c_str()); db->add_dataFile( file_data, "data" ); //db->set_isCMSArticle(true); TGraph* graphObserved = get_observedLimit( data_dataset, data_mc, nbtags ); graphObserved->SetMarkerStyle(21); graphObserved->SetMarkerSize(.85); graphObserved->SetLineWidth(3.); //graphObserved->SetMarkerColor(kGreen+4); //graphObserved->SetMarkerSize(1.); std::pair<TGraphAsymmErrors*,TGraphAsymmErrors*> graphs_expected = get_expectedLimit( data_dataset, data_mc, nbtags ); TGraphAsymmErrors* graphExpected68 = graphs_expected.first; TGraphAsymmErrors* graphExpected95 = graphs_expected.second; TGraphAsymmErrors* graphExpected68_forLegend = new TGraphAsymmErrors(*graphExpected68); graphExpected68_forLegend->SetFillColor(kGreen); graphExpected68->SetFillColor(kGreen); graphExpected68->SetLineColor(kBlack); graphExpected68->SetLineStyle(2); graphExpected68->SetLineWidth(2); graphExpected68->SetFillStyle(1001);//solid graphExpected95->SetFillColor(kYellow); graphExpected95->SetFillStyle(1001);//solid float xmin = 180.; float xmax = 620.; float yMax = 8.; if( data_dataset=="Run2011A_FULL" ) yMax = 10.; if( nbtags!=-1 ) yMax=12.; TH2D* axes = new TH2D("axes", "", 10, xmin, xmax, 10, 0., yMax ); axes->SetXTitle("m_{H} [GeV]"); axes->SetYTitle("#sigma_{95%} / #sigma_{SM}"); //TPaveText* labelCMS = get_labelCMS(db); TPaveText* labelCMS = db->get_labelCMS(); TPaveText* labelSqrt = db->get_labelSqrt(); TLine* line_one = new TLine( xmin, 1., xmax, 1.); line_one->SetLineColor(kRed); line_one->SetLineWidth(2); char legendTitle[200]; sprintf( legendTitle, "%d b-tag Category", nbtags ); TLegend* legend; if( nbtags!=-1 ) legend = new TLegend( 0.35, 0.6, 0.85, 0.90, legendTitle ); else legend = new TLegend( 0.35, 0.6, 0.85, 0.90); legend->SetFillColor(10); legend->SetFillStyle(1001); legend->SetBorderSize(1); legend->SetTextSize(0.034); legend->SetTextFont(42); legend->AddEntry( graphExpected68, "Bayesian Expected", "L" ); legend->AddEntry( graphExpected68_forLegend, "Expected #pm 1#sigma", "F" ); legend->AddEntry( graphExpected95, "Expected #pm 2#sigma", "F" ); legend->AddEntry( line_one, "SM", "L" ); TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "", 630, 600); c1->SetGrid(true); c1->cd(); axes->Draw("AXIS"); labelCMS->Draw("same"); labelSqrt->Draw("same"); graphExpected95->Draw("3same"); graphExpected68->Draw("3same"); graphExpected68->Draw("LXsame"); gPad->RedrawAxis(); line_one->Draw("same"); legend->Draw("same"); char canvasName[500]; if( nbtags>=0 ) sprintf( canvasName, "datacards_%s_fit%s/upperLimitExpected_%s_%dbtag.eps", data_dataset.c_str(), data_mc.c_str(), data_dataset.c_str(), nbtags ); else sprintf( canvasName, "datacards_%s_fit%s/upperLimitExpected_%s.eps", data_dataset.c_str(), data_mc.c_str(), data_dataset.c_str() ); c1->SaveAs(canvasName); c1->Clear(); // now also observed: TLegend* legend2; if( nbtags!=-1 ) legend2 = new TLegend( 0.35, 0.6, 0.85, 0.90, legendTitle ); else legend2 = new TLegend( 0.35, 0.6, 0.85, 0.90); legend2->SetFillColor(10); legend2->SetFillStyle(1001); legend2->SetBorderSize(1); legend2->SetTextSize(0.034); legend2->SetTextFont(42); legend2->AddEntry( graphObserved, "Bayesian Observed", "LP" ); legend2->AddEntry( graphExpected68, "Bayesian Expected", "L" ); legend2->AddEntry( graphExpected68_forLegend, "Expected #pm 1#sigma", "F" ); legend2->AddEntry( graphExpected95, "Expected #pm 2#sigma", "F" ); legend2->AddEntry( line_one, "SM", "L" ); axes->Draw(); labelCMS->Draw("same"); labelSqrt->Draw("same"); graphExpected95->Draw("3same"); graphExpected68->Draw("3same"); graphExpected68->Draw("LXsame"); gPad->RedrawAxis(); line_one->Draw("same"); graphObserved->Draw("PLsame"); legend2->Draw("same"); if( nbtags>=0 ) sprintf( canvasName, "datacards_%s_fit%s/upperLimit_%s_%dbtag.eps", data_dataset.c_str(), data_mc.c_str(), data_dataset.c_str(), nbtags ); else sprintf( canvasName, "datacards_%s_fit%s/upperLimit_%s.eps", data_dataset.c_str(), data_mc.c_str(), data_dataset.c_str() ); c1->SaveAs(canvasName); char expectedLimitFileName[300]; if( nbtags>=0 ) sprintf( expectedLimitFileName, "datacards_%s_fit%s/expectedLimit_%s_%dbtag.txt", data_dataset.c_str(), data_mc.c_str(), data_dataset.c_str(), nbtags ); else sprintf( expectedLimitFileName, "datacards_%s_fit%s/expectedLimit_%s.txt", data_dataset.c_str(), data_mc.c_str(), data_dataset.c_str() ); ofstream ofs_expected(expectedLimitFileName); ofs_expected << "mH\tmedian\tlow95\tlow68\tup68\tup95" << std::endl; for( unsigned imass=0; imass<graphExpected95->GetN(); ++imass ) { Double_t mass, expectedUL; graphExpected95->GetPoint( imass, mass, expectedUL ); float up95 = graphExpected95->GetErrorYhigh( imass ); float up68 = graphExpected68->GetErrorYhigh( imass ); float low95 = graphExpected95->GetErrorYlow( imass ); float low68 = graphExpected68->GetErrorYlow( imass ); ofs_expected << mass << "\t" << expectedUL << "\t" << low95 << "\t" << low68 << "\t" << up68 << "\t" << up95 << std::endl; } ofs_expected.close(); char observedLimitFileName[300]; if( nbtags>=0 ) sprintf( observedLimitFileName, "datacards_%s_fit%s/observedLimit_%s_%dbtag.txt", data_dataset.c_str(), data_mc.c_str(), data_dataset.c_str(), nbtags ); else sprintf( observedLimitFileName, "datacards_%s_fit%s/observedLimit_%s.txt", data_dataset.c_str(), data_mc.c_str(), data_dataset.c_str() ); ofstream ofs_observed(observedLimitFileName); ofs_observed << "mH\tobservedLimit" << std::endl; for( unsigned imass=0; imass<graphObserved->GetN(); ++imass ) { Double_t mass, observedUL; graphObserved->GetPoint( imass, mass, observedUL ); ofs_observed << mass << "\t" << observedUL << std::endl; } ofs_observed.close(); return 0; }