TH2D* GetJetCorrFunc2D_doublegaussian(int itrg, int jass) { TH2D* hcorr = (TH2D*)GetRawCorrFunc2D_ratio(itrg,jass); TH2D* hcorr_clone = (TH2D*)hcorr->Clone(Form("corr_clone_itrg%d_jass%d",itrg,jass)); hcorr_clone->Reset(); for(int ietabin=1;ietabin<=hcorr->GetNbinsX();ietabin++) { TH1D* hcorrphi = (TH1D*)hcorr->ProjectionY(Form("corrphi_%d",ietabin),ietabin,ietabin,"e"); float min = hcorrphi->GetMinimum(); hcorrphi->SetAxisRange(-1,1,"X"); float nearmax = hcorrphi->GetMaximum(); hcorrphi->SetAxisRange(PI-1,PI+1,"X"); float awaymax = hcorrphi->GetMaximum(); TF1* fitfunc = new TF1("fitfunc",doubleGaussian,-PI/2.,3.*PI/2.,5); fitfunc->SetParameters(min,nearmax-min,0.3,awaymax-min,0.5); fitfunc->SetParLimits(0,0,100000); fitfunc->SetParLimits(1,0,100000); fitfunc->SetParLimits(2,0,100000); fitfunc->SetParLimits(3,0,100000); fitfunc->SetParLimits(4,0,100000); for(int ifit=0;ifit<3;ifit++) hcorrphi->Fit(Form("fitfunc_%d",ietabin),"RNO"); float level = fitfunc->GetParameter(0); for(int iphibin=1;iphibin<=hcorr->GetNbinsY();iphibin++) hcorr_clone->SetBinContent(ietabin,iphibin,hcorr->GetBinContent(ietabin,iphibin)-level); delete fitfunc; } float max = hcorr_clone->GetBinContent(hcorr_clone->GetMaximumBin()); hcorr_clone->SetAxisRange(ymin,max*1.3,"Z"); return hcorr_clone; }
void plotgvsr_MC(){ gStyle->SetOptStat(kFALSE); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(); c1->SetLogy(); TH1D* hFrame = new TH1D("","",1000,0,1); hFrame->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(5e-9,1); hFrame->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.15,0.50); hFrame->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("r"); hFrame->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("|G^{#theta}(ir)|^{2}"); hFrame->SetTitle(""); hFrame->Draw(); TGraph *gr[nnu]; double r0[nnu]; double G2[nnu]; TLine *l[nnu]; for(int i=0;i<nnu;i++){ gr[i]=plotGF(i,xtheta,r0+i,G2+i,marker[i],color[i]); gr[i]->Draw("Psame"); } gcl->Draw("same"); TLegend *tg = new TLegend(0.75,0.70-0.10*nnu,0.90,0.70); tg->SetFillColor(0); tg->SetBorderSize(0); tg->SetTextSize(0.04); for(int i=0;i<nnu;i++) if(i==0) tg->AddEntry(gr[i],Form("Prod"),"lp"); else tg->AddEntry(gr[i],Form("Sum"),"lp"); tg->AddEntry(gcl,Form("Theory"),"lp"); tg->Draw("same"); TLatex *t= new TLatex(); t->SetNDC(); t->SetTextSize(0.05); t->SetTextFont(42); if(xtheta==0) t->DrawLatex(0.6,0.2,Form("mult = %d, theta = %d", (trkbin[xbin+1]+trkbin[xbin])/2,xtheta)); else t->DrawLatex(0.6,0.2,Form("mult = %d, theta = #frac{%d}{%d}#pi", (trkbin[xbin+1]+trkbin[xbin])/2,xtheta,ntheta*nn)); for(int i=0;i<nnu;i++){ l[i] = new TLine(r0[i],0,r0[i],G2[i]); l[i]->SetLineStyle(2); l[i]->SetLineColor(color[i]); l[i]->Draw("same"); } linv->SetLineStyle(2); linv->SetLineColor(2); linv->SetY1(hFrame->GetMinimum()); linv->Draw("same"); c1->Print("gvsr_thetas_MC.png"); }
TH1D* GetJetCorrFunc1D_ZYA1(int itrg, int jass) { TH1D* hcorrphi = (TH1D*)GetRawCorrFunc1D_ratio(itrg,jass); TH1D* hcorrphi_clone = (TH1D*)hcorrphi->Clone(Form("corrphi_clone_itrg%d_jass%d",itrg,jass)); hcorrphi->SetAxisRange(0.5,2.0,"X"); double histminY = hcorrphi->GetMinimum(); TF1* fitfunc = new TF1("fitfunc","[0]+[1]*x",0.8,1.2); fitfunc->SetParameters(histminY,0); fitfunc->FixParameter(1,0); for(int ifit=0;ifit<3;ifit++) hcorrphi->Fit("fitfunc","RNO"); float level = fitfunc->GetParameter(0); for(int ibin=1;ibin<=hcorrphi_clone->GetNbinsX();ibin++) hcorrphi_clone->SetBinContent(ibin,hcorrphi_clone->GetBinContent(ibin)-level); float max = hcorrphi_clone->GetBinContent(hcorrphi_clone->GetMaximumBin()); hcorrphi_clone->SetAxisRange(ymin,max*1.3,"Y"); hcorrphi_clone->SetAxisRange(-PI/2.,3.*PI/2.,"X"); delete fitfunc; return hcorrphi_clone; }
TH1D* GetJetCorrFunc1D_doublegaussian(int itrg, int jass) { TH1D* hcorrphi = (TH1D*)GetRawCorrFunc1D_ratio(itrg,jass); TF1* fitfunc = new TF1("fitfunc",doubleGaussian,-PI/2.,3.*PI/2.,5); fitfunc->SetParameters(hcorrphi->GetMinimum(),hcorrphi->GetMaximum()-hcorrphi->GetMinimum(),0.3,hcorrphi->GetMaximum(hcorrphi->GetMaximum())-hcorrphi->GetMinimum(),0.5); fitfunc->SetParLimits(0,0,100000); fitfunc->SetParLimits(1,0,100000); fitfunc->SetParLimits(2,0,100000); fitfunc->SetParLimits(3,0,100000); fitfunc->SetParLimits(4,0,100000); for(int ifit=0;ifit<3;ifit++) hcorrphi->Fit("fitfunc","RNO"); TH1D* hcorrphi_clone = (TH1D*)hcorrphi->Clone(Form("corrphi_clone_itrg%d_jass%d",itrg,jass)); float level = fitfunc->GetParameter(0); for(int ibin=1;ibin<=hcorrphi_clone->GetNbinsX();ibin++) hcorrphi_clone->SetBinContent(ibin,hcorrphi_clone->GetBinContent(ibin)-level); float max = hcorrphi_clone->GetBinContent(hcorrphi_clone->GetMaximumBin()); hcorrphi_clone->SetAxisRange(ymin,max*1.3,"Y"); delete fitfunc; return hcorrphi_clone; }
TH2D* GetJetCorrFunc2D_ZYA1(int itrg, int jass) { TH2D* hcorr = (TH2D*)GetRawCorrFunc2D_ratio(itrg,jass); TH2D* hcorr_clone = (TH2D*)hcorr->Clone(Form("corr_clone_itrg%d_jass%d",itrg,jass)); hcorr_clone->Reset(); for(int ietabin=1;ietabin<=hcorr->GetNbinsX();ietabin++) { TH1D* hcorrphi = (TH1D*)hcorr->ProjectionY(Form("corrphi_%d",ietabin),ietabin,ietabin,"e"); hcorrphi->SetAxisRange(0.5,2.0,"X"); double histminY = hcorrphi->GetMinimum(); fitfunc = new TF1("fitfunc","[0]+[1]*x",0.8,1.2); fitfunc->SetParameters(histminY,0); fitfunc->FixParameter(1,0); for(int ifit=0;ifit<3;ifit++) hcorrphi->Fit(Form("fitfunc_%d",ietabin),"RNO"); float level = fitfunc->GetParameter(0); for(int iphibin=1;iphibin<=hcorrphi->GetNbinsY();iphibin++) hcorr_clone->SetBinContent(ietabin,iphibin,hcorr->GetBinContent(ietabin,iphibin)-level); delete fitfunc; } float max = hcorr_clone->GetBinContent(hcorr_clone->GetMaximumBin()); hcorr_clone->SetAxisRange(ymin,max*1.3,"Z"); return hcorr_clone; }
// Called once for each event in the main event loop // Return non-zero to indicate a problem and terminate the event loop int TemplateCreator::ProcessEntry(TGlobalData* gData, const TSetupData* setup){ // Prepare a few variables std::string bankname, detname; PulseIslandList thePulseIslands; StringPulseIslandMap::const_iterator it; // Loop over each detector for(it = gData->fPulseIslandToChannelMap.begin(); it != gData->fPulseIslandToChannelMap.end(); ++it){ // Get the bank and detector names for this detector bankname = it->first; detname = setup->GetDetectorName(bankname); // See if we already have a converged template for this detector if (fConvergedStatuses[detname] == true) { continue; } // Create the pulse candidate finder for this detector PulseCandidateFinder* pulse_candidate_finder = new PulseCandidateFinder(detname, fOpts); // Create the TemplateFitter that we will use for this channel fTemplateFitter = new TemplateFitter(detname, fRefineFactor); // Get the TPIs thePulseIslands = it->second; if (thePulseIslands.size() == 0) continue; // no pulses here.. // Try and get the template (it may have been created in a previous event) std::string template_name = "hTemplate_" + detname; TH1D* hTemplate = NULL; if (fTemplates.find(detname) != fTemplates.end()) { hTemplate = fTemplates[detname]; } // Store a couple of numbers to get an idea of how many successful fits there are int& n_fit_attempts = fNFitAttempts[detname]; // number of pulses we try to fit to int& n_successful_fits = fNSuccessfulFits[detname]; int& n_pulses_in_template = fNPulsesInTemplate[detname]; // Loop through all the pulses for (PulseIslandList::iterator pulseIter = thePulseIslands.begin(); pulseIter != thePulseIslands.end(); ++pulseIter) { // First we will see how many candidate pulses there are on the TPI pulse_candidate_finder->FindPulseCandidates(*pulseIter); int n_pulse_candidates = pulse_candidate_finder->GetNPulseCandidates(); // only continue if there is one pulse candidate on the TPI if (n_pulse_candidates == 1) { TPulseIsland* pulse = *pulseIter; // Add the first pulse directly to the template (although we may try and choose a random pulse to start with) if (hTemplate == NULL) { std::string histname = "hTemplate_" + detname; std::string histtitle = "Template Histogram for the " + detname + " channel"; int pulse_length = pulse->GetSamples().size(); if (pulse->GetPeakSample() >= pulse_length - pulse_length/5.0) { if (Debug()) { std::cout << "TemplateCreator: Pulse #" << pulseIter - thePulseIslands.begin() << " is too close to one end of the island and so won't be used as the first pulse in the template." << std::endl; } continue; } hTemplate = CreateRefinedPulseHistogram(pulse, histname.c_str(), histtitle.c_str(), true); ++n_pulses_in_template; if (Debug()) { std::cout << "TemplateCreator: Adding " << detname << " Pulse #" << pulseIter - thePulseIslands.begin() << " directly to the template" << std::endl; } fTemplates[detname] = hTemplate; continue; } // Get the samples so we can check for digitiser overflow const std::vector<int>& theSamples = (pulse)->GetSamples(); int n_samples = theSamples.size(); // Calculate the maximum ADC value for this digitiser int n_bits = TSetupData::Instance()->GetNBits(bankname); double max_adc_value = std::pow(2, n_bits); // Loop through the samples and check for digitizer overflow bool overflowed = false; for (int i = 0; i < n_samples; ++i) { int sample_value =; if (sample_value >= max_adc_value-1 && sample_value <= max_adc_value+1) { if (Debug()) { std::cout << "TemplateCreator: Pulse #" << pulseIter - thePulseIslands.begin() << " has overflowed the digitizer and won't be added to the template" << std::endl; } overflowed = true; break; } else if (sample_value == 0) { if (Debug()) { std::cout << "TemplateCreator: Pulse #" << pulseIter - thePulseIslands.begin() << " has underflowed the digitizer and won't be added to the template" << std::endl; } overflowed = true; break; } } if (overflowed) { continue; // skip this pulse } // Create the refined pulse waveform TH1D* hPulseToFit = CreateRefinedPulseHistogram(pulse, "hPulseToFit", "hPulseToFit", false); // Create some histograms that monitor the progression of the template if (fErrorVsPulseAddedHistograms.find(detname) == fErrorVsPulseAddedHistograms.end()) { std::string error_histname = "hErrorVsPulseAdded_" + detname; std::string error_histtitle = "Plot of the Error as each new Pulse is added to the template for the " + detname + " channel"; int n_bins = 10000; TH1D* error_hist = new TH1D(error_histname.c_str(), error_histtitle.c_str(), n_bins,0,n_bins); fErrorVsPulseAddedHistograms[detname] = error_hist; } // all the other pulses will be fitted to the template and then added to it // Get some initial estimates for the fitter double template_pedestal = hTemplate->GetBinContent(1); double template_amplitude; double template_time; double pulse_pedestal = hPulseToFit->GetBinContent(1); double pulse_amplitude; double pulse_time; double pedestal_offset_estimate = pulse_pedestal; // now we're dealing with actual pulses since we subtract the template_pedestal in the transformation double amplitude_scale_factor_estimate; double time_offset_estimate; if (TSetupData::Instance()->GetTriggerPolarity(bankname) == 1) { template_amplitude = (hTemplate->GetMaximum() - template_pedestal); template_time = hTemplate->GetMaximumBin() - 1; // go from bin numbering (1, n_samples) to clock ticks (0, n_samples-1) pulse_amplitude = (hPulseToFit->GetMaximum() - pulse_pedestal); pulse_time = hPulseToFit->GetMaximumBin() - 1; amplitude_scale_factor_estimate = pulse_amplitude / template_amplitude; // estimated scale factor time_offset_estimate = pulse_time - template_time; } else if (TSetupData::Instance()->GetTriggerPolarity(bankname) == -1) { template_amplitude = (template_pedestal - hTemplate->GetMinimum()); template_time = hTemplate->GetMinimumBin() - 1; // go from bin numbering (1, n_samples) to clock ticks (0, n_samples-1) pulse_amplitude = (pulse_pedestal - hPulseToFit->GetMinimum()); pulse_time = hPulseToFit->GetMinimumBin() - 1; // go from bin numbering (1, n_samples) to clock ticks (0, n_samples-1) amplitude_scale_factor_estimate = pulse_amplitude / template_amplitude; // estimated scale factor time_offset_estimate = pulse_time - template_time; } fTemplateFitter->SetInitialParameterEstimates(pedestal_offset_estimate, amplitude_scale_factor_estimate, time_offset_estimate); if (Debug()) { std::cout << "TemplateCreator: " << detname << "(" << bankname << "): Pulse #" << pulseIter - thePulseIslands.begin() << ": " << std::endl << "TemplateCreator: Template: pedestal = " << template_pedestal << ", amplitude = " << template_amplitude << ", time = " << template_time << std::endl << "TemplateCreator: Pulse: pedestal = " << pulse_pedestal << ", amplitude = " << pulse_amplitude << ", time = " << pulse_time << std::endl << "TemplateCreator: Initial Estimates: pedestal = " << pedestal_offset_estimate << ", amplitude = " << amplitude_scale_factor_estimate << ", time = " << time_offset_estimate << std::endl; } int fit_status = fTemplateFitter->FitPulseToTemplate(hTemplate, hPulseToFit, bankname); ++n_fit_attempts; if (fit_status != 0) { if (Debug()) { std::cout << "TemplateCreator: Problem with fit (status = " << fit_status << ")" << std::endl; } delete hPulseToFit; // delete this here since it is no longer needed continue; } ++n_successful_fits; if (Debug()) { std::cout << "Template Creator: Fitted Parameters: PedOffset = " << fTemplateFitter->GetPedestalOffset() << ", AmpScaleFactor = " << fTemplateFitter->GetAmplitudeScaleFactor() << ", TimeOffset = " << fTemplateFitter->GetTimeOffset() << ", Chi2 = " << fTemplateFitter->GetChi2() << ", NDoF = " << fTemplateFitter->GetNDoF() << ", Prob = " << TMath::Prob(fTemplateFitter->GetChi2(), fTemplateFitter->GetNDoF()) << std::endl << std::endl; } if (fPulseDebug) { // Print out some templates as we go along if (n_pulses_in_template <= 10 || (n_pulses_in_template <= 100 && n_pulses_in_template%10 == 0) || (n_pulses_in_template%100 == 0) ) { std::stringstream newhistname; newhistname << "hTemplate_" << n_pulses_in_template << "Pulses_" << detname; TH1D* new_template = (TH1D*) hTemplate->Clone(newhistname.str().c_str()); } } // Add the pulse to the template (we'll do correct the sample values there) AddPulseToTemplate(hTemplate, hPulseToFit, bankname); ++n_pulses_in_template; if (fPulseDebug) { // Print out the uncorrected and corrected pulse that has been added to the template // Create the histograms that we will use to plot the corrected and uncorrected pulses std::stringstream histname; histname << template_name << "_Event" << EventNavigator::Instance().EntryNo() << "_Pulse" << pulseIter - thePulseIslands.begin() << "_" << n_pulses_in_template << "Added"; TH1D* hUncorrectedPulse = (TH1D*) hPulseToFit->Clone(histname.str().c_str()); histname << "_Corrected"; TH1D* hCorrectedPulse = (TH1D*) hPulseToFit->Clone(histname.str().c_str()); hCorrectedPulse->SetEntries(0); // set entries back to 0 double pedestal_error = SetupNavigator::Instance()->GetNoise(bankname); // Loop through the bins of the uncorrected pulse and set the values in the corrected pulse histogram for (int iPulseBin = 1; iPulseBin <= hPulseToFit->GetNbinsX(); ++iPulseBin) { double uncorrected_value = hPulseToFit->GetBinContent(iPulseBin); double corrected_value = CorrectSampleValue(uncorrected_value, template_pedestal); hCorrectedPulse->SetBinContent(iPulseBin +0.5 - fTemplateFitter->GetTimeOffset(), corrected_value); hCorrectedPulse->SetBinError(iPulseBin +0.5 - fTemplateFitter->GetTimeOffset(), pedestal_error); } } delete hPulseToFit; // we keep on adding pulses until adding pulses has no effect on the template bool converged = CheckConvergence(hTemplate, bankname); if (converged) { fConvergedStatuses[detname] = true; std::cout << "TemplateCreator: " << detname << " template terminated at iteration " << n_pulses_in_template << std::endl; break; // break from the for loop } } // end if only one pulse candidate } //end for loop through channels } return 0; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TCanvas* createPlot( TString path, TString canvas_name, TString name, TString dirmame, int rebin, bool norm, bool log, TDirectory* file ) { // SetSomeStyles(); float lumi = 250.0;// 15.04;//10.9;//6.8; // Create legend TLegend* legend = new TLegend(0.75, 0.6, 0.99, 0.99, "", "brNDC" ); legend->SetFillColor(0); legend->SetLineColor(0); legend->SetShadowColor(0); TLatex* prelim = new TLatex(0.6,0.54,"#scale[0.8]{CMS preliminary 2010}"); prelim->SetNDC(); TLatex* alumi = new TLatex(0.6,.45,"#scale[0.8]{#int L dt = 35 pb^{-1}, #sqrt{s} = 7 TeV}"); alumi->SetNDC(); // Create canvas TCanvas* aCanvas = createCanvas( canvas_name, file, log ); // Create histogram TString aname("nAll"); // TH1D* data1 = getHisto( path+"S14datacleaned/Edward_Data_Skim/",name,"data.root",aname,rebin); // TH1D* data = getHisto( path+"S14datacleaned/Edward_Data_Skim/",name,"data.root",dirmame,rebin); TH1D* data = getHisto( path+"", name, "tt.root", dirmame, rebin ); TH1D* qcd = getHisto( path+"", name, "lm1.root", dirmame, rebin ); TH1D* w_jets = getHisto( path+"", name, "w.root", dirmame, rebin ); TH1D* tt_jets = getHisto( path+"", name, "tt.root", dirmame, rebin ); TH1D* z_jets = getHisto( path+"", name, "z.root", dirmame, rebin ); TH1D* lm3 = getHisto( path+"", name, "lm3.root", dirmame, rebin ); TH1D* lm1 = getHisto( path+"", name, "lm1.root", dirmame, rebin ); TH1D* lm6 = getHisto( path+"", name, "data.root", dirmame, rebin ); TH1D* wm = getHisto( path+"", name, "w.root", dirmame, rebin ); data->Scale(lumi/100.); qcd->Scale(lumi/100.); tt_jets->Scale(lumi/100); w_jets->Scale(lumi/100); // w_jets->Scale(10); // z_inv->Scale(lumi/100); // lm6->Scale(lumi/100); lm1->Scale(lumi/100); lm3->Scale(lumi/100); z_jets->Scale(lumi/100); wm->Scale(lumi/100); // Combine Z+jets and Z->inv // TH1D* z_all = z_inv->Clone(); // z_all->Add(z_jets,1); //z_jets->Add(z_inv,1); TH1D* total = tt_jets->Clone(); total->Add(w_jets); total->Add(z_jets); // total-> Int_t binMax = total->GetNbinsX(); Double_t& err = new Double_t(0.); total->IntegralAndError(10,binMax ,err); Double_t& errW = new Double_t(0.); w_jets->IntegralAndError(10,binMax ,errW); Double_t& errtt = new Double_t(0.); tt_jets->IntegralAndError(10,binMax ,errtt); Double_t& errZ = new Double_t(0.); z_jets->IntegralAndError(10,binMax ,errZ); Double_t& errQCD = new Double_t(0.); qcd->IntegralAndError(10,binMax ,errQCD ); cout <<endl; // cout << "MC:" << total->IntegralAndError(11,binMax ,err) <<" && " << w_jets->Integral(11,binMax)<<" && "<<tt_jets->Integral(11,binMax) << "&& "<<z_jets->Integral(11,binMax)<<" && "<< "\/\ /\hline"<<endl; // cout << total->IntegralAndError(0,binMax ,err) <<" & " << lm1->Integral(0,binMax) <<" & " << lm3->Integral(0,binMax)<<" & " << lm6->Integral(0,binMax) <<"\\\\ \\hline"<<endl; // cout <<"270: " << total->IntegralAndError(27,binMax ,err) <<" & " << lm1->Integral(27,binMax) <<" & " << lm3->Integral(27,binMax)<<" & " << lm6->Integral(27,binMax) <<"\\\\ \\hline"<<endl; cout <<"250& " << total->IntegralAndError(6,binMax ,err) <<" & " << lm1->Integral(6,binMax) <<" & " << lm3->Integral(6,binMax)<<" & " << lm6->Integral(6,binMax) <<"\\\\ \\hline"<<endl; // cout << "300: " << total->IntegralAndError(7,binMax ,err) <<" & " << lm1->Integral(7,binMax) <<" & " << lm3->Integral(7,binMax)<<" &" << lm6->Integral(7,binMax) <<"\\\\ \\hline"<<endl; cout <<"350& " << total->IntegralAndError(8,binMax ,err) <<" & " << lm1->Integral(8,binMax) <<" & " << lm3->Integral(8,binMax)<<" & " << lm6->Integral(8,binMax) <<"\\\\ \\hline"<<endl; // cout << "400: " << total->IntegralAndError(9,binMax ,err) <<" & " << lm1->Integral(9,binMax) <<" & " << lm3->Integral(9,binMax)<<" & " << lm6->Integral(9,binMax) <<"\\\\ \\hline"<<endl; cout << "450& " << total->IntegralAndError(10,binMax ,err) <<" & " << lm1->Integral(10,binMax) <<" & " << lm3->Integral(10,binMax)<<" & " << lm6->Integral(10,binMax) <<"\\\\ \\hline"<<endl; //cout << "500: " << total->IntegralAndError(11,binMax ,err) <<" & " << lm1->Integral(11,binMax) <<" & " << lm3->Integral(11,binMax)<<" & " << lm6->Integral(11,binMax) <<"\\\\ \\hline"<<endl; cout <<"550& " << total->IntegralAndError(12,binMax ,err) <<" & " << lm1->Integral(12,binMax) <<" & " << lm3->Integral(12,binMax)<<" & " << lm6->Integral(12,binMax) <<"\\\\ \\hline"<<endl; /* cout << "MC:" << total->IntegralAndError(7,binMax ,err) <<" && " << lm1->Integral(7,binMax) <<" && " << lm3->Integral(7,binMax)<<" && " << lm6->Integral(6,binMax) <<"/\/\ /\hline"<<endl; cout << "MC:" << total->IntegralAndError(8,binMax ,err) <<" && " << lm1->Integral(8,binMax) <<" && " << lm3->Integral(8,binMax)<<" && " << lm6->Integral(7,binMax) <<"/\/\ /\hline"<<endl; cout << "MC:" << total->IntegralAndError(10,binMax ,err) <<" && " << lm1->Integral(10,binMax) <<" && " << lm3->Integral(10,binMax)<<" && " << lm6->Integral(10,binMax) <<"/\/\ /\hline"<<endl; cout << "MC:" << total->IntegralAndError(11,binMax ,err) <<" && " << lm1->Integral(11,binMax) <<" && " << lm3->Integral(11,binMax)<<" && " << lm6->Integral(11,binMax) <<"/\/\ /\hline"<<endl; cout << "MC:" << total->IntegralAndError(12,binMax ,err) <<" && " << lm1->Integral(12,binMax) <<" && " << lm3->Integral(12,binMax)<<" && " << lm6->Integral(12,binMax) <<"/\/\ /\hline"<<endl; // cout << "MC:" << err <<", W: " << errW<<", tt: "<<errtt << ", Z: "<<errZ<<", QCD: "<< errQCD<< endl; */ // cout << "data:" << data->Integral() << endl; TH1D* hcen = total->Clone(); TH1D* herr = total->Clone(); herr->SetLineColor(kTeal+3); herr->SetMarkerColor(kAzure+6); herr->SetFillColor(kAzure+6); herr->SetLineWidth(3); total->SetLineWidth(3); total->SetFillColor(kAzure+2); total->SetLineColor(kAzure+2); total->SetFillStyle(3245); hcen->SetFillStyle(0); hcen->SetMarkerColor(kTeal+3); hcen->SetLineColor(kTeal+3); hcen->SetLineWidth(3); // Merge Z+jets and Z->inv bool combine = false; // Line colour and fill qcd->SetLineColor(kPink+4); qcd->SetLineWidth(3); tt_jets->SetLineColor(kBlue+1); tt_jets->SetLineWidth(3); w_jets->SetLineColor(kPink+7); w_jets->SetLineWidth(3); z_jets->SetLineWidth(3); z_jets->SetLineColor(kTeal-7); if ( combine ) { z_all->SetLineColor(kBlack); z_all->SetLineStyle(3); z_all->SetLineWidth(1); } else { data->SetLineColor(1); data->SetLineStyle(1); data->SetLineWidth(3); data->SetMarkerStyle(20); data->SetFillColor(0); } // lm0->SetLineColor(kRed); // lm0->SetLineWidth(3); // lm1->SetLineColor(kRed+3); // lm1->SetLineWidth(3); // Populate legend // legend->AddEntry( data, "tt fully leptonic/", "LP" ); legend->AddEntry( herr, "full SM", "LP" ); legend->AddEntry( z_jets, " Z+jets ", "LP" ); legend->AddEntry( w_jets, " W+jets", "LP" ); legend->AddEntry( tt_jets, " t#bar{t}", "LP" ); // legend->AddEntry( lm3, " SUSY LM3", "LP" ); // legend->AddEntry( lm1, " SUSY LM1", "LP" ); legend->AddEntry( lm6, " data", "LP" ); // legend->AddEntry(wm,"W Mad","lp"); // Calc maximum number of entries double aMax = 0.; if( data->GetMaximum() > aMax ) { aMax = data->GetMaximum()+data->GetBinError(data->GetMaximumBin()); } if ( qcd->GetMaximum() > aMax ) { aMax = qcd->GetMaximum(); } // if ( lm0->GetMaximum() > aMax ) { aMax = lm0->GetMaximum(); } // if ( lm1->GetMaximum() > aMax ) { aMax = lm1->GetMaximum(); } if ( tt_jets->GetMaximum() > aMax ) { aMax = tt_jets->GetMaximum(); } if ( w_jets->GetMaximum() > aMax ) { aMax = w_jets->GetMaximum(); } if ( combine ) { if ( z_all->GetMaximum() > aMax ) { aMax = z_all->GetMaximum(); } } else { // if ( data->GetMaximum() > aMax ) { aMax = z_inv->GetMaximum(); } if ( z_jets->GetMaximum() > aMax ) { aMax = z_jets->GetMaximum(); } } // Calc minimum number of entries double aMin = 1.e12; if ( qcd->GetMinimum(1.e-12) < aMin ) { aMin = qcd->GetMinimum(1.e-12); } // if ( lm0->GetMinimum(1.e-12) < aMin ) { aMin = lm0->GetMinimum(1.e-12); } // if ( lm1->GetMinimum(1.e-12) < aMin ) { aMin = lm1->GetMinimum(1.e-12); } if ( tt_jets->GetMinimum(1.e-12) < aMin ) { aMin = tt_jets->GetMinimum(1.e-12); } if ( w_jets->GetMinimum(1.e-12) < aMin ) { aMin = w_jets->GetMinimum(1.e-12); } if ( combine ) { if ( z_all->GetMinimum(1.e-12) < aMin ) { aMin = z_all->GetMinimum(1.e-12); } } else { // if ( data->GetMinimum(1.e-12) < aMin ) { aMin = z_inv->GetMinimum(1.e-12); } if ( z_jets->GetMinimum(1.e-12) < aMin ) { aMin = z_jets->GetMinimum(1.e-12); } } if ( qcd ) qcd->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.43); if ( qcd ) qcd->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06); if ( qcd ) qcd->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06); if ( qcd ) qcd->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.9); if ( log ) { if ( qcd ) herr->SetMaximum( aMax * 10. ); // if ( qcd ) herr->SetMinimum( aMin * 0.1 ); if ( qcd ) herr->SetMinimum( 0.005); } else { if ( qcd ) herr->SetMaximum( aMax * 1.1 ); // if ( qcd ) herr->SetMinimum( aMin * 0.9 ); if ( qcd ) herr->SetMinimum( 0.005); } /* TPad* mainPad = new TPad("","",0.01,0.25,0.99,0.99); mainPad->SetNumber(1); mainPad->SetFillColor(0); // mainPad->Range(-288.2483,-2.138147,1344.235,6.918939); mainPad->SetFillColor(0); mainPad->SetBorderMode(0); mainPad->SetBorderSize(2); if ( log == true)mainPad->SetLogy(); mainPad->SetLeftMargin(0.1765705); mainPad->SetRightMargin(0.05772496); mainPad->SetTopMargin(0.04778761); mainPad->SetBottomMargin(0.1256637); mainPad->SetFrameFillStyle(0); mainPad->SetFrameLineWidth(2); mainPad->SetFrameBorderMode(0); mainPad->SetFrameFillStyle(0); mainPad->SetFrameLineWidth(2); mainPad->SetFrameBorderMode(0); if ( log == true)mainPad->SetLogy(); mainPad->Draw(); TPad* ratioPad = new TPad("","",0.01,0.01,0.99,0.25); ratioPad->SetNumber(2); ratioPad->SetFillColor(0); ratioPad->SetFillColor(0); ratioPad->SetBorderMode(0); ratioPad->SetBorderSize(2); // if ( log == true)ratioPad->SetLogy(); ratioPad->SetLeftMargin(0.1765705); ratioPad->SetRightMargin(0.05772496); ratioPad->SetTopMargin(0.04778761); ratioPad->SetBottomMargin(0.1256637); ratioPad->SetFrameFillStyle(0); ratioPad->SetFrameLineWidth(2); ratioPad->SetFrameBorderMode(0); ratioPad->SetFrameFillStyle(0); ratioPad->SetFrameLineWidth(2); ratioPad->SetFrameBorderMode(0); // if ( log == true)ratioPad->SetLogy(); ratioPad->Draw(); aCanvas->cd(1); */ herr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("events"); if ( norm ) { if ( qcd ) qcd->DrawNormalized("Ehist"); // if ( lm0->GetEntries() > 0. ) { lm0->DrawNormalized("hsame"); } if ( lm1->GetEntries() > 0. ) { lm1->DrawNormalized("hsame"); } if ( tt_jets->GetEntries() > 0. ) { tt_jets->DrawNormalized("hsame"); } if ( w_jets->GetEntries() > 0. ) { w_jets->DrawNormalized("hsame"); } if ( combine ) { if ( z_all->GetEntries() > 0. ) { z_all->DrawNormalized("hsame"); } } else { if ( data->GetEntries() > 0. ) { z_inv->DrawNormalized("hsame"); } if ( z_jets->GetEntries() > 0. ) { z_jets->DrawNormalized("hsame"); } } } else { herr->Draw("hist"); // qcd->SetFillStyle(3240); // qcd->SetFillColor(kPink+4); // qcd->Draw("hist"); w_jets->Draw("hSameh"); z_jets->Draw("9Sameh"); w_jets->Draw("9Sameh"); tt_jets->Draw("9SAMEh"); //data1->Draw("9SAMEh"); //lm0->Draw("9SAMEh"); lm1->SetLineColor(12); lm1->SetLineStyle(2); lm1->SetLineWidth(2); // lm1->Draw("9SAMEh"); lm3->SetLineColor(14); lm3->SetLineStyle(2); lm3->SetLineWidth(2); // lm3->Draw("9SAMEh"); lm6->Draw("9SAMEh"); wm->SetLineStyle(2); wm->SetLineColor(kPink+7); // wm->Draw("9Sameh"); // total->DrawNormalized("9E2same"); // data->Draw("SAMEh"); // tt_jets->Divide(data); // tt_jets->Draw("h"); // data->SetLineColor(kRed); // data->Draw("sameh"); // data1->SetLineColor(kRed); // data1->Draw("9SAMEP"); } legend->Draw(); // prelim->Draw(); // alumi->Draw(); /* TH1D* ratioBottom = total->Clone(); TH1D* ratioTop = data->Clone(); ratioTop->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("data / sim"); ratioTop->Divide(ratioBottom); aCanvas->cd(1)->Update(); aCanvas->cd(2); ratioTop->SetTitleSize(0.1, "XYZ"); ratioTop->SetTitleOffset(0.55, "X"); ratioTop->SetTitleOffset(0.3, "Y"); ratioTop->SetLabelSize(0.06,"XY"); // ratioTop->GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(MinX,MaxX); ratioTop->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.,2.0); ratioTop->Draw();*/ /* TBox* unity = TBox(ratioTop->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(ratioTop->GetXaxis()->GetFirst()), 0.89,ratioTop->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(ratioTop->GetXaxis()->GetLast()), 1.11); unity->SetLineWidth(2); unity->SetLineColor(2); unity->SetFillColor(2); unity->SetFillStyle(3002); unity->Draw(); */ file->cd(); aCanvas->SaveAs( std::string(canvas_name+".pdf").c_str() ); aCanvas->Write(); // aCanvas->Print(".png"); return aCanvas; }
TH1D* readData(TString dataset, TString name, TString wavel, Double_t peak1, Double_t peak2, Double_t intTime, Double_t shift){ TString fileName = "./Data/" + dataset + ".txt"; Double_t histoMin = 99999, histoMax = 0; ifstream ifs(fileName); if(!ifs.is_open()){cout << "Error. File " << fileName << " not found. Exiting...\n"; return NULL;} Double_t entry, wavelength, photons, stepsize; while(ifs >> entry >> wavelength >> photons){ if(entry == 1) stepsize = wavelength; else if(entry == 2) stepsize = wavelength - stepsize; if(wavelength < histoMin) histoMin = wavelength; if(wavelength > histoMax) histoMax = wavelength; } ifs.close(); TH1D *histo = new TH1D(name + wavel + TString::Format(" %1.2f", shift), name + wavel + TString::Format(" %1.2f", shift), Nint(entry), histoMin + shift - stepsize/2.0, histoMax + shift + stepsize/2.0);; if(!ifs.is_open()){cout << "Error. File " << fileName << " not found. Exiting...\n"; return NULL;} while(ifs >> entry >> wavelength >> photons){ for(Int_t x = 0; x< photons/(1000.0/intTime); x++){ histo->Fill(wavelength + shift); } } ifs.close(); TF1 *f; if(peak2 == 0.){ f = new TF1("fit", "[0]+[1]*TMath::Voigt(x-[2],[3],[4])"); f->SetParameter(0, histo->GetMinimum()); f->SetParameter(1, histo->GetMaximum()/25.); f->SetParameter(2, peak1 + shift); f->SetParameter(3, .02); f->SetParameter(4, .02); f->SetParName(0, "Offset"); f->SetParName(1, "Normalization"); f->SetParName(2, "Mean"); f->SetParName(3, "Sigma"); f->SetParName(4, "Gamma"); } else{ f = new TF1("fit", "[0]+[1]*TMath::Voigt(x-[2],[3],[4])+[5]*TMath::Voigt(x-[6],[7],[8])"); f->SetParameter(0, histo->GetMinimum()); f->SetParameter(1, histo->GetMaximum()/20.); f->SetParameter(2, peak1+shift-0.1); f->SetParameter(3, .02); f->SetParameter(4, .02); f->SetParameter(5, histo->GetMaximum()/20.); f->SetParameter(6, peak2+shift+0.1); f->SetParameter(7, .02); f->SetParameter(8, .02); f->SetParName(0, "Offset"); f->SetParName(1, "Normalization 1"); f->SetParName(2, "Mean 1"); f->SetParName(3, "Sigma 1"); f->SetParName(4, "Gamma 1"); f->SetParName(5, "Normalization 2"); f->SetParName(6, "Mean 2"); f->SetParName(7, "Sigma 2"); f->SetParName(8, "Gamma 2"); } histo->SetLineWidth(2); histo->SetMarkerStyle(20); histo->SetMarkerSize(1.5); histo->SetMarkerColor(kRed); histo->SetLineColor(kBlack); histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Wavelength (#AA)"); histo->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.045); histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.00); histo->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(0.010); histo->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.045); histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Photon count"); histo->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.050); histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.95); histo->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.045); gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.070, "t"); if(peak2 == 0.) histo->SetTitle(name + TString::Format(" %4.2f #AA", f->GetParameter(2))); else histo->SetTitle(name + TString::Format(" %4.2f / %4.2f #AA", f->GetParameter(2), f->GetParameter(6))); //histo->SetTitle("Sodium 5890.522 / 5890.567 #AA"); cout << shift << endl; f->SetLineColor(kBlue); f->SetLineWidth(4); cout << "Fitting " << name << endl; histo->Fit(f, "ME"); return histo; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TCanvas* aDrawBkgdPlots( TString path, TString canvas_name, TString name, TString dirmame, int rebin, bool norm, bool log, TDirectory* file ) { // SetSomeStyles(); // Create legend TLegend* legend = new TLegend( 0.75, 0.65, 0.92, 0.92, NULL, "brNDC" ); legend->SetFillColor(0); legend->SetLineColor(0); // Create canvas TCanvas* aCanvas = getaCanvas( canvas_name, file, log ); // Create histograms TH1D* qcd = readHist( path, name, "IC5Calo_QCD_Pythia_Merged.root", dirmame, rebin ); TH1D* tt_jets = readHist( path, name, "IC5Calo_TTbarJets.root", dirmame, rebin ); TH1D* w_jets = readHist( path, name, "IC5Calo_WJets.root", dirmame, rebin ); TH1D* z_inv = readHist( path, name, "IC5Calo_Zinv.root", dirmame, rebin ); TH1D* z_jets = readHist( path, name, "IC5Calo_ZJets.root", dirmame, rebin ); TH1D* lm0 = readHist( path, name, "IC5Calo_LM0.root", dirmame, rebin ); TH1D* lm1 = readHist( path, name, "IC5Calo_LM1.root", dirmame, rebin ); // Combine Z+jets and Z->inv TH1D* z_all = z_inv->Clone(); z_all->Add(z_jets,1); // TH1D* z_all = 0; // if ( z_inv && z_jets ) { // z_all = z_inv->Clone(); // z_all->Add(z_jets,1); // } else if ( z_inv ) { // z_all = z_inv->Clone(); // } else if ( z_jets ) { // z_all = z_jets->Clone(); // } // Select Z+jets and Z->inv separate or not bool combine = true; // Line colour and fill if ( qcd ) qcd->SetLineColor(kGreen+2); if ( qcd ) qcd->SetFillColor(kGreen+2); if ( qcd ) qcd->SetFillStyle(3003); if ( tt_jets ) tt_jets->SetLineColor(kBlue); if ( tt_jets ) tt_jets->SetLineStyle(1); if ( tt_jets ) tt_jets->SetLineWidth(1); w_jets->SetLineColor(kBlue); w_jets->SetLineStyle(3); w_jets->SetLineWidth(1); if ( combine ) { z_all->SetLineColor(kBlack); z_all->SetLineStyle(3); z_all->SetLineWidth(1); } else { z_inv->SetLineColor(kBlack); z_inv->SetLineStyle(1); z_inv->SetLineWidth(1); z_jets->SetLineColor(kBlack); z_jets->SetLineStyle(3); z_jets->SetLineWidth(1); } lm0->SetLineColor(kRed); lm0->SetLineStyle(1); lm0->SetLineWidth(2); lm1->SetLineColor(kRed); lm1->SetLineStyle(3); lm1->SetLineWidth(2); // Populate legend legend->AddEntry( qcd, " QCD", "f" ); legend->AddEntry( lm0, " SUSY LM0", "L" ); legend->AddEntry( lm1, " SUSY LM1", "L" ); legend->AddEntry( tt_jets, " t#bar{t}+jets", "L" ); legend->AddEntry( w_jets, " W+jets", "L" ); if ( combine ) { legend->AddEntry( z_all, " Z", "L" ); } else { legend->AddEntry( z_jets, " Z+jets", "L" ); legend->AddEntry( z_inv, " Z#rightarrow#nu#nu", "L" ); } // Calc maximum number of entries double aMax = 0.; if ( qcd->GetMaximum() > aMax ) { aMax = qcd->GetMaximum(); } if ( lm0->GetMaximum() > aMax ) { aMax = lm0->GetMaximum(); } if ( lm1->GetMaximum() > aMax ) { aMax = lm1->GetMaximum(); } if ( tt_jets->GetMaximum() > aMax ) { aMax = tt_jets->GetMaximum(); } if ( w_jets->GetMaximum() > aMax ) { aMax = w_jets->GetMaximum(); } if ( combine ) { if ( z_all->GetMaximum() > aMax ) { aMax = z_all->GetMaximum(); } } else { if ( z_inv->GetMaximum() > aMax ) { aMax = z_inv->GetMaximum(); } if ( z_jets->GetMaximum() > aMax ) { aMax = z_jets->GetMaximum(); } } // Calc minimum number of entries double aMin = 1.e12; if ( qcd->GetMinimum(1.e-12) < aMin ) { aMin = qcd->GetMinimum(1.e-12); } if ( lm0->GetMinimum(1.e-12) < aMin ) { aMin = lm0->GetMinimum(1.e-12); } if ( lm1->GetMinimum(1.e-12) < aMin ) { aMin = lm1->GetMinimum(1.e-12); } if ( tt_jets->GetMinimum(1.e-12) < aMin ) { aMin = tt_jets->GetMinimum(1.e-12); } if ( w_jets->GetMinimum(1.e-12) < aMin ) { aMin = w_jets->GetMinimum(1.e-12); } if ( combine ) { if ( z_all->GetMinimum(1.e-12) < aMin ) { aMin = z_all->GetMinimum(1.e-12); } } else { if ( z_inv->GetMinimum(1.e-12) < aMin ) { aMin = z_inv->GetMinimum(1.e-12); } if ( z_jets->GetMinimum(1.e-12) < aMin ) { aMin = z_jets->GetMinimum(1.e-12); } } if ( qcd ) qcd->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.43); if ( qcd ) qcd->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06); if ( qcd ) qcd->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06); if ( qcd ) qcd->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.9); if ( log ) { if ( qcd ) qcd->SetMaximum( aMax * 10. ); if ( qcd ) qcd->SetMinimum( aMin * 0.1 ); } else { if ( qcd ) qcd->SetMaximum( aMax * 1.1 ); if ( qcd ) qcd->SetMinimum( aMin * 0.9 ); } if ( norm ) { if ( qcd ) qcd->DrawNormalized("Ehist"); if ( lm0->GetEntries() > 0. ) { lm0->DrawNormalized("hsame"); } if ( lm1->GetEntries() > 0. ) { lm1->DrawNormalized("hsame"); } if ( tt_jets->GetEntries() > 0. ) { tt_jets->DrawNormalized("hsame"); } if ( w_jets->GetEntries() > 0. ) { w_jets->DrawNormalized("hsame"); } if ( combine ) { if ( z_all->GetEntries() > 0. ) { z_all->DrawNormalized("hsame"); } } else { if ( z_inv->GetEntries() > 0. ) { z_inv->DrawNormalized("hsame"); } if ( z_jets->GetEntries() > 0. ) { z_jets->DrawNormalized("hsame"); } } } else { if ( qcd ) qcd->Draw("h"); lm0->Draw("sameH"); lm1->Draw("sameH"); if ( tt_jets ) tt_jets->Draw("sameh"); w_jets->Draw("sameH"); if ( combine ) { z_all->Draw("sameH"); } else { z_inv->Draw("sameH"); z_jets->Draw("sameH"); } } file->cd(); legend->Draw("same"); aCanvas->Write(); return aCanvas; }
void plot_Comb(void) { gROOT->ProcessLine(".L ../tools/plottools.C"); gStyle->SetPadGridX(kFALSE); gStyle->SetPadGridY(kFALSE); //SET UP FINE THEORY ifstream in_xsec_massNNLO4("../style/DY/root/Plain/NNLO/8TeV_CTEQ12NNLO_41.txt",ios::in); const int nbins4 = 339+179+25; double mass_xbin4[nbins4] = {0.}; double initial = 14.0; for( int i = 0; i < nbins4; i++ ) { if( i >= 0 && i < 11 ) { initial += 1.0; } else if( i >= 11 && i < 18 ) { initial += 5.0; } else if( i >= 18 && i < 118 ) { initial += 1.0; } else if( i >= 118 && i < 338 ) { initial += 2.0; } else if (i >= 338 && i < 542-24) { initial += 5.0; } else { initial += 20.0; } mass_xbin4[i] = initial; } TH1D* h_theory4 = new TH1D("xsec4_NNLO","xsec4_NNLO",nbins4-1,mass_xbin4); TH1D* h_theory4_band = new TH1D("xsec4_bandNNLO","xsec4_bandNNLO",nbins4-1,mass_xbin4); double xsec_mass4[nbins4-1]; double xsec_err_mass4[nbins4-1]; for( int i = 0; i < nbins4-1; i++ ) { double dm_ = mass_xbin4[i+1]-mass_xbin4[i]; //NNLO in_xsec_massNNLO4 >> xsec_mass4[i] >> xsec_err_mass4[i] ; //FIXME fix the kink at high mass, artificially xsec_mass4[i] *= weightProducer(mass_xbin4[i+1]); double peak = 1137.2; if (IS_RSHAPE) { h_theory4_band->SetBinContent(i+1,xsec_mass4[i]/dm_/peak); //controls error band h_theory4_band->SetBinError(i+1,0.1*h_theory4_band->GetBinContent(i+1));///peak); h_theory4->SetBinContent(i+1,xsec_mass4[i]/dm_/peak); h_theory4->SetBinError(i+1,0.0);//sqrt(pow(xsec_mass4[i]*10./peak_val_theory/peak_val_theory,2))); } else { h_theory4_band->SetBinContent(i+1,xsec_mass4[i]/dm_); h_theory4_band->SetBinError(i+1,0.1*h_theory4_band->GetBinContent(i+1)); h_theory4->SetBinContent(i+1,xsec_mass4[i]/dm_); h_theory4->SetBinError(i+1,0.0);//sqrt(pow(xsec_mass4[i]*10./peak_val_theory/peak_val_theory,2))); } } average(h_theory4_band); average(h_theory4); //ACCESS VALUES TFile* f; if (IS_7TEV) f = new TFile("../Inputs/Theory/1Dabsxsec_NNLO_CTEQ12NNLO_7TeV.root"); else f = new TFile("../Inputs/Theory/1Dabsxsec_NNLO_CTEQ12NNLO"+has41+".root"); f->cd(); TH1D* theory = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("invm_FEWZ"+has41); double peak_th = theory->Integral(10,22); for (int i = 0; i < 41; i++) { theory->SetBinContent(i+1,theory->GetBinContent(i+1)/theory->GetBinWidth(i+1)); } TH1D* rshape_theory = (TH1D*)theory->Clone(); for (int i = 0; i < 41; i++) { rshape_theory->SetBinContent(i+1,theory->GetBinContent(i+1)/peak_th); rshape_theory->SetBinError(i+1,theory->GetBinError(i+1)/peak_th); } if (IS_RSHAPE) theory = rshape_theory; TFile* g; if (!IS_RSHAPE) { if (IS_7TEV) g = new TFile("/group/cms/users/asvyatko/CMSSW_4_2_8/src/DYPackage/Outputs/absex_full2011.root"); else g = new TFile("../Outputs/absex_full_comb_PI_Bayesian.root"); } else { if (IS_7TEV) g = new TFile("/group/cms/users/asvyatko/CMSSW_4_2_8/src/DYPackage/Outputs/rshape_full_mumuCurrentMarch.root"); else g = new TFile("../Outputs/absex_full_comb_PI_Bayesian.root"); } g->cd(); TH1D* data = (TH1D*)hxsec->Clone(); double peak = 0; double peak_err = 0.01; //1% approx, for the plot only for (int i = 9; i < 22; i++) { peak += data->GetBinContent(i+1)*data->GetBinWidth(i+1); } cout << "Peak comb data: " << peak<< endl; TH1D* rshape_data = (TH1D*)hxsec->Clone(); for (int i = 0; i < 41; i++) { //Note: it is already pre-divided by the bin width rshape_data->SetBinContent(i+1,data->GetBinContent(i+1)/peak); rshape_data->SetBinError(i+1,sqrt(pow(data->GetBinError(i+1)/peak,2)+pow(peak_err*rshape_data->GetBinContent(i+1),2))); } if (IS_RSHAPE && !IS_7TEV) data = rshape_data; TGraphAsymmErrors* gdata = new TGraphAsymmErrors(nbin-1); for( size_t ii=0; ii<nbin; ii++ ) { double x_ = fake_par[ii]; double y_ = data->GetBinContent(ii+1); double exl_ = fake_par[ii]-mass_xbin[ii]; double exh_ = mass_xbin[ii+1]-fake_par[ii]; double eyl_ = data->GetBinError(ii+1); double eyh_ = eyl_; gdata->SetPoint(ii,x_,y_); gdata->SetPointError(ii,exl_,exh_,eyl_,eyh_); } //FIXME need ratio plots TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("CrossSect1D","CrossSect1D",600,600); c1->Draw(); c1->cd(); TPad *p1 = new TPad("p1", "",0.0,0.25,1.0,0.98,0,0,0); p1->Draw(); p1->cd(); //p1->SetTickx(kFALSE); //TAxis *xaxis = h_theory4->GetXaxis(); //xaxis->SetMoreLogLabels(); //xaxis->SetNoExponent(); TAxis *axis = h_theory4->GetYaxis(); axis->SetTickLength(axis->GetTickLength()/1.35); //axis->SetNdivisions(506); p1->SetRightMargin(0.055); p1->SetBottomMargin(0.01); p1->SetTopMargin(0.1); p1->SetLogy(); p1->SetLogx(); h_theory4->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels(); if (IS_RSHAPE) h_theory4->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("1/#sigma_{Z}d#sigma/dm [GeV^{-1}]"); else h_theory4->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("d#sigma/dm [pb/GeV]"); h_theory4->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{#mu#mu} [GeV]"); h_theory4->SetLineColor(kBlue); h_theory4->SetLineWidth(0.1); h_theory4->SetMarkerSize(0); //h_theory4->SetMaximum(h_theory4->GetMaximum()*100.); h_theory4->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(h_theory4->GetMinimum()/10.,h_theory4->GetMaximum()*10.); h_theory4->SetMinimum(1.5*10E-9); h_theory4->Draw("L"); TH1D* h_theory4_clone = (TH1D*)h_theory4->Clone(); h_theory4_clone->SetLineWidth(1.5); //h_theory4_clone->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(40,180); h_theory4_clone->Draw("Lsame"); h_theory4_band->SetLineColor(kBlue); h_theory4_band->SetLineWidth(3); h_theory4_band->SetMarkerSize(0); h_theory4_band->SetFillColor(kBlue); h_theory4_band->Draw("E3same"); //data->Draw("Psame"); gdata->SetMarkerStyle(20); gdata->SetMarkerSize(0.7); gdata->Draw("Psame"); double yminl_ = h_theory4->GetMinimum(); double ymaxl_ = h_theory4->GetMaximum(); //draw_bin_grid2( yminl_, 1.7*yminl_ ); //draw_bin_grid( yminl_, 1.2*yminl_ ); //draw_bin_grid2( ymaxl_/1.7, ymaxl_ ); //draw_bin_grid( ymaxl_/1.2, ymaxl_ ); // text2 size_t ntxt = 3; TString txt[3]; float txtSize[3]; float txtX[3]; float txtY[3]; int txtAlign[3]; int txtFont[3]; txt[0] = "CMS"; // Preliminary"; txtSize[0] = 0.072; txtX[0] = 0.27; txtY[0] = 0.82; txtAlign[0] = 21; txtFont[0] = 61; //txt[1] = "19.7 fb^{-1} at #sqrt{s} = 8 TeV"; txt[1] = "19.7 fb^{-1} ee and #mu#mu (8 TeV)"; txtSize[1] = 0.042; txtX[1] = 0.79; txtY[1] = 0.91; txtAlign[1] = 21; txtFont[1] = 42; txt[2] = "#gamma*/Z #rightarrow e^{+}e^{-}, #mu^{+}#mu^{-}"; //txt[2] = "#gamma*/Z #rightarrow #font[11]{l#lower[-0.72]{^{#font[122]{+}}}l^{#font[122]{-}}}"); txtSize[2] = 0.05; txtX[2] = 0.80; txtY[2] = 0.82; txtAlign[2] = 21; txtFont[2] = 42; TLatex latex; latex.SetNDC(); for( size_t ii=0; ii<ntxt; ii++ ) { latex.SetTextFont(txtFont[ii]); latex.SetTextSize(txtSize[ii]); latex.SetTextAlign(txtAlign[ii]); latex.DrawLatex(txtX[ii],txtY[ii],txt[ii]); } TLegend *leg= new TLegend(0.21,0.10,0.51,0.30); leg->SetTextFont(42); leg->SetTextSize(0.055); //leg->SetTextAlign(31); leg->SetBorderSize(0); leg->SetFillColor(0); leg->AddEntry(gdata,"data","lp"); leg->AddEntry(h_theory4_band,"FEWZ, NNLO CT10","f"); leg->Draw("same"); TH1D* ratio = (TH1D*)theory->Clone(); ratio->Divide(data,theory); //cout << "XX " << ratio->GetNbinsX() << " " << theory->GetNbinsX() << endl; //for (int i = 0; i < ratio->GetNbinsX(); i++) { // cout << i+1 << ratio->GetBinContent(i+1) << endl; //} //ratio should be a graph TGraphAsymmErrors* gratio = new TGraphAsymmErrors(nbin-1); for( size_t ii=0; ii<nbin; ii++ ) { double x_ = fake_par[ii]; double y_ = ratio->GetBinContent(ii+1); double exl_ = fake_par[ii]-mass_xbin[ii]; double exh_ = mass_xbin[ii+1]-fake_par[ii]; double eyl_ = ratio->GetBinError(ii+1); double eyh_ = eyl_; gratio->SetPoint(ii,x_,y_); gratio->SetPointError(ii,exl_,exh_,eyl_,eyh_); } gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); TPad *p2 = new TPad("p2", "",0.0,0.01,1.0,0.249,0,0,0); c1->cd(); p2->Draw(); p2->cd(); p2->SetLogx(); p2->SetTopMargin(0.007); p2->SetBottomMargin(0.32); p2->SetRightMargin(0.055); //p2->SetTickx(kFALSE); TAxis* ay_ = ratio->GetYaxis(); //ax_->SetNdivisions(0); //ax_->SetTitleOffset(1.15); //ax_->SetLabelOffset(99); //ay_->SetTitle(ytitle); // ay_->CenterTitle(); ay_->SetNdivisions(506); //506); ay_->SetLabelOffset(0.019); ratio->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Data/theory"); ratio->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m [GeV]"); ratio->SetStats(kFALSE); ratio->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.41); ratio->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels(); ratio->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.15); ratio->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.155); ratio->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.15); ratio->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0);//0.15); ratio->GetXaxis()->SetTickLength(0.08); ratio->GetXaxis()->SetNoExponent(kTRUE); ratio->SetMarkerSize(0); ratio->SetMaximum(1.7); //1.48); //1.75); //1.52); ratio->SetMinimum(0.3); ////0.52); //0.25);//0.4); ratio->SetLineColor(kBlack); ratio->Draw("hist"); //draw_bin_grid(ratio->GetMinimum(),ratio->GetMaximum()); yminl_ = ratio->GetMinimum(); ymaxl_ = ratio->GetMaximum(); //draw_bin_grid2( yminl_, 1.5*yminl_ ); //draw_bin_grid( yminl_, 1.2*yminl_ ); //draw_bin_grid2( ymaxl_/1.07, ymaxl_ ); //draw_bin_grid( ymaxl_/1.03, ymaxl_ ); float r0_ = 1.; float dr_ = 0.75; //draw_axis_labels(r0_-1.09*dr_,0.15); draw_axis_labels(r0_-1.0*dr_,0.15); gratio->SetMarkerColor(kViolet); gratio->SetMarkerSize(0.9); gratio->SetLineColor(kBlack); gratio->SetMarkerStyle(20); gratio->Draw("epsame"); p2->Update(); TLine *line=new TLine(); line->SetLineColor(kBlue); line->SetLineWidth(2); line->DrawLine(15,1,2000,1); //c1->SaveAs(etaclass+run+".pdf"); //_DR53X_HCP2012.png"); double chisquared = 0.; for (int i =0; i < data->GetNbinsX(); i++) { chisquared+=pow((data->GetBinContent(i+1)-theory->GetBinContent(i+1)),2)/(data->GetBinError(i+1)*data->GetBinError(i+1)); //std::cout << data->GetBinError(i+1) << " " << theory->GetBinError(i+1) << std::endl; //chisquared+=(ee8->GetBinContent(i+1)-mumu8->GetBinContent(i+1))/sqrt(ee8->GetBinError(i+1)*mumu8->GetBinError(i+1)); } cout << "Full chi2 " << chisquared/double(data->GetNbinsX()) << " " << TMath::Prob(chisquared,data->GetNbinsX())<< endl; }
void makeUnfoldingSystematicsComparisonPlots (int whichobservable, int whichjet, int whichlepton, int inclusive) { //Open the file and form the name string fileSystematics; string suffix="/gpfs/cms/data/2011/Systematics/postApproval_v58_Journal/"; //string suffix="/tmp/"; if (whichlepton==1) suffix=suffix+"ele/"; if (whichlepton==2) suffix=suffix+"muo/"; // setTDRStyle (); gStyle->SetErrorX(0); gStyle->SetPadGridX(0); gStyle->SetPadGridY(0); bool absoluteNormalization = true; int lepton = 3; //1 -> electron, 2-> muon , 3 -> combined reults! bool addLumiUncertainties = true; double lumiError = 0.025; int use_case = whichobservable; int whichjet = whichjet; string version = "_v2_32"; //string s = "/afs/"; string s="/afs/"; // string s = "/gpfs/cms/users/schizzi/EleMuComparisonPlots/PostUnfolding/"; string eleplotpath = "/gpfs/cms/users/schizzi/Systematics/ele/"; string muoplotpath = "/gpfs/cms/users/schizzi/Systematics/muo/"; gStyle->SetOptStat (0); TCanvas *plots = new TCanvas ("plots", "EB", 200, 100, 600, 800); //DATA: //string elepathFile ="/gpfs/cms/data/2011/Unfolding/testReferenceMu.root"; //string muopathFile ="/gpfs/cms/data/2011/Unfolding/testMu.root"; string elepathFile ="/gpfs/cms/data/2011/Unfolding/UnfoldingOfficialV58_afterCWR.root"; string muopathFile ="/gpfs/cms/data/2011/Unfolding/UnfoldingOfficialV58_BinWidth.root"; string thirdpathFile ="/gpfs/cms/data/2011/Unfolding/UnfoldingOfficialV58_SherpaV2.root"; if (whichlepton==2){ elepathFile ="/gpfs/cms/data/2011/Unfolding/UnfoldingOfficialV58_afterCWRMu.root"; muopathFile ="/gpfs/cms/data/2011/Unfolding/UnfoldingOfficialV58_BinWidthMu.root"; thirdpathFile ="/gpfs/cms/data/2011/Unfolding/UnfoldingOfficialV58_SherpaV2Mu.root"; s="/afs/"; } //string elepathFile ="/gpfs/cms/data/2011/Unfolding/UnfoldingOfficialV57_3NoSQRT.root"; //string muopathFile ="/gpfs/cms/data/2011/Unfolding/UnfoldingOfficialV57_3NoMCToy.root"; TFile *histof = TFile::Open (elepathFile.c_str ()); histof->cd (""); TDirectory *dir = gDirectory; TList *mylist = (TList *) dir->GetListOfKeys (); TIter iter (mylist); TObject *tobj = 0; TFile *histof2 = TFile::Open (thirdpathFile.c_str ()); histof2->cd (""); TDirectory *dir2 = gDirectory; TList *mylist2 = (TList *) dir2->GetListOfKeys (); TIter iter2 (mylist); TObject *tobj2 = 0; TFile *histofmuo = TFile::Open (muopathFile.c_str ()); string stringmatch; string systPathFile; string systPathFileMuo; histof->cd (""); int i = 0; // solo di servizio quando debuggo... while ((tobj = iter.Next ())) { string name = tobj->GetName (); if (use_case == 1) { // Jet Multiplicity stringmatch = "JetMultiplicityUnfolded"; systPathFile = eleplotpath + "systematicsEff_jetMult" + version + ".txt"; systPathFileMuo = muoplotpath + "systematicsEff_jetMult" + version + ".txt"; fileSystematics = suffix+"systematicsUnfReweight_jetMult" + version + ".txt"; } if (use_case == 2) { // Jet Pt if (whichjet == 1) { stringmatch = "jReco_leading"; systPathFile = eleplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet1Pt" + version + ".txt"; systPathFileMuo = muoplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet1Pt" + version + ".txt"; fileSystematics = suffix+"systematicsUnfReweight_jet1Pt" + version + ".txt"; } if (whichjet == 2) { stringmatch = "jReco_subleading"; systPathFile = eleplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet2Pt" + version + ".txt"; systPathFileMuo = muoplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet2Pt" + version + ".txt"; fileSystematics = suffix+"systematicsUnfReweight_jet2Pt" + version + ".txt"; } if (whichjet == 3) { stringmatch = "jReco_subsubleading"; systPathFile = eleplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet3Pt" + version + ".txt"; systPathFileMuo = muoplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet3Pt" + version + ".txt"; fileSystematics = suffix+"systematicsUnfReweight_jet3Pt" + version + ".txt"; } if (whichjet == 4) { stringmatch = "jReco_subsubsubleading"; systPathFile = eleplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet4Pt" + version + ".txt"; systPathFileMuo = muoplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet4Pt" + version + ".txt"; fileSystematics = suffix+"systematicsUnfReweight_jet4Pt" + version + ".txt"; } } if (use_case == 3) { // Jet Eta if (whichjet == 1) { stringmatch = "jReco_leadingeta"; systPathFile = eleplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet1Eta" + version + ".txt"; systPathFileMuo = muoplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet1Eta" + version + ".txt"; fileSystematics = suffix+"systematicsUnfReweight_jet1Eta" + version + ".txt"; } if (whichjet == 2) { stringmatch = "jReco_subleadingeta"; systPathFile = eleplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet2Eta" + version + ".txt"; systPathFileMuo = muoplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet2Eta" + version + ".txt"; fileSystematics = suffix+"systematicsUnfReweight_jet2Eta" + version + ".txt"; } if (whichjet == 3) { stringmatch = "jReco_subsubleadingeta"; systPathFile = eleplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet3Eta" + version + ".txt"; systPathFileMuo = muoplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet3Eta" + version + ".txt"; fileSystematics = suffix+"systematicsUnfReweight_jet3Eta" + version + ".txt"; } if (whichjet == 4) { stringmatch = "jReco_subsubsubleadingeta"; systPathFile = eleplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet4Eta" + version + ".txt"; systPathFileMuo = muoplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet4Eta" + version + ".txt"; fileSystematics = suffix+"systematicsUnfReweight_jet4Eta" + version + ".txt"; } } if (use_case == 4) { // Ht if (whichjet == 1) { stringmatch = "HReco_leading"; systPathFile = eleplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet1Ht" + version + ".txt"; systPathFileMuo = muoplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet1Ht" + version + ".txt"; fileSystematics = suffix+"systematicsUnfReweight_jet1Ht" + version + ".txt"; } if (whichjet == 2) { stringmatch = "HReco_subleading"; systPathFile = eleplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet2Ht" + version + ".txt"; systPathFileMuo = muoplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet2Ht" + version + ".txt"; fileSystematics = suffix+"systematicsUnfReweight_jet2Ht" + version + ".txt"; } if (whichjet == 3) { stringmatch = "HReco_subsubleading"; systPathFile = eleplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet3Ht" + version + ".txt"; systPathFileMuo = muoplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet3Ht" + version + ".txt"; fileSystematics = suffix+"systematicsUnfReweight_jet3Ht" + version + ".txt"; } if (whichjet == 4) { stringmatch = "HReco_subsubsubleading"; fileSystematics = suffix+"systematicsUnfReweight_jet4Ht" + version + ".txt"; systPathFile = eleplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet4Ht" + version + ".txt"; systPathFileMuo = muoplotpath + "systematicsEff_jet4Ht" + version + ".txt"; } } if (name == stringmatch) { cout << "CONFIGURATION:" << endl; cout << "stringmatch: " <<stringmatch<< endl; cout << "systPathFile: " <<systPathFile<< endl; TH1D *leading; gDirectory->GetObject (name.c_str (), leading); leading->SetMarkerSize(0.9); leading->Sumw2(); histofmuo->cd (""); TH1D *leadingmuo; gDirectory->GetObject (name.c_str (), leadingmuo); leadingmuo->SetMarkerSize(0.9); leadingmuo->Sumw2(); histof2->cd (""); TH1D *leadingthird; gDirectory->GetObject (name.c_str (), leadingthird); leadingmuo->SetMarkerSize(0.9); leadingmuo->Sumw2(); if (inclusive==1){ TH1D* leadingIncl=turnExclusiveHistoInInclusive(leading); TH1D* leadingmuoIncl=turnExclusiveHistoInInclusive(leadingmuo); TH1D* leadingthirdIncl=turnExclusiveHistoInInclusive(leadingthird); leading=leadingIncl; leadingmuo=leadingmuoIncl; leadingthird=leadingthirdIncl; } // /// EFFICIENCY Systematics: // for (int nnbins=1;nnbins<=leading->GetNbinsX ();nnbins++) { // cout << fabs(leading->GetBinContent(nnbins)-leadingmuo->GetBinContent(nnbins))/(2*leading->GetBinContent(nnbins)) << endl; // cout << leading->GetBinContent(nnbins)-leadingmuo->GetBinContent(nnbins) << endl; // } // read from file --------------------------------------------- double dat; ifstream inM; cout << "reading ... " << systPathFile << endl; (systPathFile.c_str ()); std::vector < double >systTmpM; while (1) { inM >> dat; if (!inM.good ()) break; systTmpM.push_back (dat); } inM.close (); // ------------------------------------------------------------ // read from file --------------------------------------------- ifstream inM2; cout << "reading ... " << systPathFileMuo << endl; (systPathFileMuo.c_str ()); std::vector < double >systTmpMmuo; while (1) { inM2 >> dat; if (!inM2.good ()) break; systTmpMmuo.push_back (dat); } inM2.close (); // ------------------------------------------------------------ TH1D *leadingRatioSystematics; leadingRatioSystematics = (TH1D *) leading->Clone ("leading"); if (systTmpM.size () != leadingRatioSystematics->GetNbinsX ()) cout << "TE SON MONA! WRONG NUMBER OF BINS (# syst from file->" <<systTmpM.size()<<" - # bins->"<<leadingRatioSystematics->GetNbinsX()<<")"<<endl; for (int i = 0; i < leadingRatioSystematics->GetNbinsX (); i++) { //leadingRatioSystematics->SetBinContent(i + 1, 1.0); //leadingRatioSystematics->SetBinError (i + 1,sqrt(systTmpM[i]*systTmpM[i] + systTmpMmuo[i]*systTmpMmuo[i])); // leadingRatioSystematics->SetBinContent(i + 1, 1.0); // leadingRatioSystematics->SetBinError (i + 1,max(systTmpM[i]/100.0,systTmpMmuo[i]/100.0)); } plots->cd (); TPad *pad1 = new TPad("pad1","pad1",0.01,0.3,0.99,0.99); pad1->Draw(); pad1->cd(); pad1->SetTopMargin(0.1); pad1->SetBottomMargin(0.0); pad1->SetLeftMargin(0.2); pad1->SetRightMargin(0.0); pad1->SetFillStyle(0); if (use_case !=3) pad1->SetLogy(1); else pad1->SetLogy(0); if (use_case ==3){ leading->SetMinimum((0.5-0.05*(whichjet-1))*leading->GetMinimum()); leading->SetMaximum((1.25+0.35*(whichjet-1))*leading->GetMaximum()); } leading->SetLineColor (kRed+1); leading->SetMarkerStyle (20); leading->SetFillColor (kRed+1); leading->SetMarkerColor (kRed+1); leading->GetXaxis ()->SetTitleOffset (1.1); leading->GetXaxis ()->SetTitleSize (0.05); leading->GetXaxis ()->SetLabelSize (0.0); leading->GetXaxis ()->SetLabelFont (42); leading->GetXaxis ()->SetTitleFont (42); leading->GetYaxis ()->SetTitleOffset (1.); leading->GetYaxis ()->SetTitleSize (0.07); leading->GetYaxis ()->SetLabelSize (0.06); leading->GetYaxis ()->SetLabelFont (42); leading->GetYaxis ()->SetTitleFont (42); leading->SetTitle (); leading->GetXaxis ()->SetTitle (); if (use_case ==1) { if (absoluteNormalization) leading->GetYaxis ()->SetTitle ("d#sigma/dN [pb]"); else { if (lepton == 1) leading->GetYaxis ()->SetTitle ("(1/#sigma_{Z #rightarrow e^{+}e^{-}}) d#sigma/dN"); if (lepton == 2) leading->GetYaxis ()->SetTitle ("(1/#sigma_{Z #rightarrow #mu^{+}#mu^{-}}) d#sigma/dN"); if (lepton == 3) leading->GetYaxis ()->SetTitle ("(1/#sigma_{Z #rightarrow l^{+}l^{-}}) d#sigma/dN"); } } if (use_case ==2) { if (absoluteNormalization) leading->GetYaxis ()->SetTitle ("d#sigma/dp_{T} [pb/GeV]"); else { if (lepton == 1) leading->GetYaxis ()->SetTitle ("(1/#sigma_{Z #rightarrow e^{+}e^{-}}) d#sigma/dp_{T}"); if (lepton == 2) leading->GetYaxis ()->SetTitle ("(1/#sigma_{Z #rightarrow #mu^{+}#mu^{-}}) d#sigma/dp_{T}"); if (lepton == 3) leading->GetYaxis ()->SetTitle ("(1/#sigma_{Z #rightarrow l^{+}l^{-}}) d#sigma/dp_{T}"); } } if (use_case ==3) { if (absoluteNormalization) leading->GetYaxis ()->SetTitle ("d#sigma/d#eta [pb]"); else { if (lepton == 1) leading->GetYaxis ()->SetTitle ("(1/#sigma_{Z #rightarrow e^{+}e^{-}}) d#sigma/d#eta"); if (lepton == 2) leading->GetYaxis ()->SetTitle ("(1/#sigma_{Z #rightarrow #mu^{+}#mu^{-}}) d#sigma/d#eta"); if (lepton == 3) leading->GetYaxis ()->SetTitle ("(1/#sigma_{Z #rightarrow l^{+}l^{-}}) d#sigma/d#eta"); } } if (use_case ==4) { if (absoluteNormalization) leading->GetYaxis ()->SetTitle ("d#sigma/dH_{T} [pb/GeV]"); else { if (lepton == 1) leading->GetYaxis ()->SetTitle ("(1/#sigma_{Z #rightarrow e^{+}e^{-}}) d#sigma/dH_{T}"); if (lepton == 2) leading->GetYaxis ()->SetTitle ("(1/#sigma_{Z #rightarrow #mu^{+}#mu^{-}}) d#sigma/dH_{T}"); if (lepton == 3) leading->GetYaxis ()->SetTitle ("(1/#sigma_{Z #rightarrow l^{+}l^{-}}) d#sigma/dH_{T}"); } } leading->SetFillColor (kBlack); leading->SetFillStyle (3001); leading->SetMarkerColor (kBlack); leading->SetLineColor (kBlack); leading->SetMarkerStyle (20); leading->Draw ("E1"); leadingmuo->SetFillColor (kBlue); leadingmuo->SetFillStyle (3001); leadingmuo->SetMarkerColor (kBlue); leadingmuo->SetLineColor (kBlue); leadingmuo->SetMarkerStyle (21); leadingmuo->Draw ("E1SAME"); leadingthird->SetFillColor (kRed); leadingthird->SetFillStyle (3001); leadingthird->SetMarkerColor (kRed); leadingthird->SetLineColor (kRed); leadingthird->SetMarkerStyle (21); leadingthird->Sumw2(); //for (int j=1; j<=leadingthird->GetNbinsX();j++){ //leadingmuo->SetBinError(j,leadingmuo->GetBinError(j)/4980.0); //leadingthird->SetBinError(j,sqrt(leadingthird->GetBinContent(j))/(4980.0*100)); //} leadingthird->Draw ("E1SAME"); //------------------------------------------- TLegend *legendsx_d; legendsx_d = new TLegend (0.74, 0.6, 0.98, 0.88); legendsx_d->SetFillColor (kWhite); legendsx_d->SetBorderSize (1); legendsx_d->SetNColumns(1); legendsx_d->SetTextSize(.040); legendsx_d->AddEntry (leading, "Central", "PEL"); legendsx_d->AddEntry (leadingmuo, "Sherpa", "PEL"); legendsx_d->AddEntry (leadingthird, "Reweighting", "PEL"); legendsx_d->Draw ("same"); // Draw the ratio plot: ---------------------- leadingRatio = (TH1D *) leading->Clone ("leading"); leadingRatio->Divide(leadingmuo); leadingRatio2 = (TH1D *) leading->Clone ("leading"); leadingRatio2->Divide(leadingthird); for (int mem=1; mem<=leadingRatio->GetNbinsX(); mem++) { cout << "Syst for bin nr." << mem << ":\t" << fabs(leadingRatio->GetBinContent(mem)-1.0)/2 << endl; } plots->cd(); TPad *pad3 = new TPad("pad3","pad3",0.01,0.01,0.99,0.30); pad3->Draw(); pad3->cd(); pad3->SetTopMargin(0.0); pad3->SetBottomMargin(0.3); pad3->SetLeftMargin(0.2); pad3->SetRightMargin(0); pad3->SetFillStyle(0); leadingRatio->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont (42); leadingRatio->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont (42); leadingRatio->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.11); leadingRatio->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.11); leadingRatio->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset (1.1); leadingRatio->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.11); leadingRatio->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.10); leadingRatio->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.65); leadingRatio->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Ratio"); leadingRatio->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(5); leadingRatio->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.4,1.6); if (use_case ==1) { leadingRatio->GetXaxis ()->SetTitle ("Exclusive jet multiplicity"); } if (use_case ==2) { if (whichjet == 1) leadingRatio->GetXaxis ()->SetTitle ("Leading jet p_{T} [GeV]"); if (whichjet == 2) leadingRatio->GetXaxis ()->SetTitle ("Second jet p_{T} [GeV]"); if (whichjet == 3) leadingRatio->GetXaxis ()->SetTitle ("Third jet p_{T} [GeV]"); if (whichjet == 4) leadingRatio->GetXaxis ()->SetTitle ("Fourth jet p_{T} [GeV]"); } if (use_case ==3) { if (whichjet == 1) leadingRatio->GetXaxis ()->SetTitle ("Leading jet #eta"); if (whichjet == 2) leadingRatio->GetXaxis ()->SetTitle ("Second jet #eta"); if (whichjet == 3) leadingRatio->GetXaxis ()->SetTitle ("Third jet #eta"); if (whichjet == 4) leadingRatio->GetXaxis ()->SetTitle ("Fourth jet #eta"); } if (use_case ==4) { if (whichjet == 1) leadingRatio->GetXaxis ()->SetTitle ("H_{T}, N_{jet} >= 1 [GeV]"); if (whichjet == 2) leadingRatio->GetXaxis ()->SetTitle ("H_{T}, N_{jet} >= 2 [GeV]"); if (whichjet == 3) leadingRatio->GetXaxis ()->SetTitle ("H_{T}, N_{jet} >= 3 [GeV]"); if (whichjet == 4) leadingRatio->GetXaxis ()->SetTitle ("H_{T}, N_{jet} >= 4 [GeV]"); } leadingRatio->SetFillColor (kRed+2); leadingRatio->SetMarkerColor (kRed+2); leadingRatio->SetLineColor (kRed+2); leadingRatio->Draw ("E0"); leadingRatioSystematics->SetFillColor (kGreen+3); leadingRatioSystematics->SetFillStyle (3004); leadingRatioSystematics->SetMarkerColor (kGreen+3); leadingRatioSystematics->SetLineColor (kGreen+3); leadingRatioSystematics->SetMarkerStyle (1); //leadingRatioSystematics->Draw ("E3SAME"); leadingRatio->Draw ("E1SAME"); leadingRatio2->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); leadingRatio2->SetLineColor(kBlue); leadingRatio2->Draw ("E1SAME"); (fileSystematics.c_str()); cout<<"TXT file saved in "<<fileSystematics<<endl; loopAndDumpEntries(leadingRatio,leadingmuo); TLine *OLine2 = new TLine(leading->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),1.,leading->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),1.); OLine2->SetLineColor(kBlack); OLine2->SetLineStyle(2); OLine2->Draw(); //latexLabel->SetTextSize(0.09); // latexLabel->DrawLatex(0.2,0.35,"Ratio"); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// string title1; title1 = s + "DifferentialX" + stringmatch + ".pdf"; cout << title1 << endl; plots->Print (title1.c_str ()); plots->Draw(); return; } }
void MakeMinvMix(Int_t cen=6){ TFile fout("raw_MBmix.root","update") ; TFile * f = new TFile("LHC13bc_MB.root") ; //result of data scan TH1F * hev = (TH1F*)f->Get("hSelEvents") ; TH1F * hCentrality1 = (TH1F*)f->Get("hCentrality") ; printf("TotSelEvents: %f \n",hev->GetBinContent(7)) ; printf("Centrality: %f \n",hCentrality1->Integral()) ; Int_t nbin=33 ; Double_t xa[34] ={0.8,1.0,1.2,1.4,1.6, 1.8,2.0,2.2,2.4,2.6, 2.8,3.0,3.2,3.4,3.6, 3.8,4.0,4.5,5.0,5.5, 6.,7.,8.,10.,12.,16.,20.,22., 24.,26.,28.,30.,35., 40.}; // Int_t nbin=26 ; // Double_t xa[27] ={0.8,1.0,1.2,1.4,1.6, 1.8,2.0,2.2,2.4,2.6, 2.8,3.0,3.2,3.4,3.6, 3.8,4.0,4.5,5.0,5.5, 6.,7.,8.,10.,12.,16.,20.}; const Int_t nPID=4 ; char cPID[14][15] ; snprintf(cPID[0],15,"Emin3_All") ; snprintf(cPID[1],15,"Emin3_Disp"); snprintf(cPID[2],15,"Emin3_CPV") ; snprintf(cPID[3],15,"Emin3_Both"); TH2F * hRe[20] ; TH2F * hMi[20] ; TH2F * tmp = 0x0 ; if(cen==6){ //6:0-20, 7:0-10 for(Int_t iPID=0;iPID<nPID;iPID++){ hRe[iPID] = (TH2F*)f->Get(Form("hInvM_Re_%s_cent0",cPID[iPID])) ; tmp = (TH2F*)f->Get(Form("hInvM_Re_%s_cent1",cPID[iPID])) ; hRe[iPID]->Add(tmp) ;delete tmp ; tmp = (TH2F*)f->Get(Form("hInvM_Re_%s_cent2",cPID[iPID])) ; hRe[iPID]->Add(tmp) ;delete tmp ; tmp = (TH2F*)f->Get(Form("hInvM_Re_%s_cent3",cPID[iPID])) ; hRe[iPID]->Add(tmp) ;delete tmp ; tmp = (TH2F*)f->Get(Form("hInvM_Re_%s_cent4",cPID[iPID])) ; hRe[iPID]->Add(tmp) ;delete tmp ; hRe[iPID]->Sumw2() ; hMi[iPID] = (TH2F*)f->Get(Form("hInvM_Mi_%s_cent0",cPID[iPID])) ; tmp = (TH2F*)f->Get(Form("hInvM_Mi_%s_cent1",cPID[iPID])) ; hMi[iPID]->Add(tmp) ;delete tmp ; tmp = (TH2F*)f->Get(Form("hInvM_Mi_%s_cent2",cPID[iPID])) ; hMi[iPID]->Add(tmp) ;delete tmp ; tmp = (TH2F*)f->Get(Form("hInvM_Mi_%s_cent3",cPID[iPID])) ; hMi[iPID]->Add(tmp) ;delete tmp ; tmp = (TH2F*)f->Get(Form("hInvM_Mi_%s_cent4",cPID[iPID])) ; hMi[iPID]->Add(tmp) ;delete tmp ; hMi[iPID]->Sumw2() ; } } else{ for(Int_t iPID=0;iPID<nPID;iPID++){ hRe[iPID] = (TH2F*)f->Get(Form("hInvM_Re_%s_cent%d",cPID[iPID],cen)) ; hRe[iPID]->Sumw2() ; hMi[iPID] = (TH2F*)f->Get(Form("hInvM_Mi_%s_cent%d",cPID[iPID],cen)) ; hMi[iPID]->Sumw2() ; } } PPRstyle(); gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.14); gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.01); gStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.01); gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.08); //Gaus TH1D *mr1[nPID],*sr1[nPID],*nr1[nPID],*nr1int[nPID] ; for(Int_t iPID=0;iPID<nPID;iPID++){ mr1[iPID] = new TH1D(Form("mass1_GS_%s_cen%d",cPID[iPID],cen),"Mass",nbin,xa) ; sr1[iPID] = new TH1D(Form("width1_GS_%s_cen%d",cPID[iPID],cen),"Width",nbin,xa) ; nr1[iPID] = new TH1D(Form("yeild1_GS_%s_cen%d",cPID[iPID],cen),"Raw yield",nbin,xa) ; nr1int[iPID] = new TH1D(Form("yeild1_int_GS_%s_cen%d",cPID[iPID],cen),"Raw yield, integrated",nbin,xa) ; } //CB TH1D *mr2[nPID],*sr2[nPID],*nr2[nPID],*nr2int[nPID] ; for(Int_t iPID=0;iPID<nPID;iPID++){ mr2[iPID] = new TH1D(Form("mass2_CB_%s_cen%d",cPID[iPID],cen),"Mass",nbin,xa) ; sr2[iPID] = new TH1D(Form("width2_CB_%s_cen%d",cPID[iPID],cen),"Width",nbin,xa) ; nr2[iPID] = new TH1D(Form("yeild2_CB_%s_cen%d",cPID[iPID],cen),"Raw yield",nbin,xa) ; nr2int[iPID] = new TH1D(Form("yeild2_int_CB_%s_cen%d",cPID[iPID],cen),"Raw yield, integrated",nbin,xa) ; } TF1 * fun1 = new TF1("ft1",CB1,0.,1.,8) ; fun1->SetParName(0,"A") ; fun1->SetParName(1,"m_{0}") ; fun1->SetParName(2,"#sigma") ; fun1->SetParName(3,"n") ; fun1->SetParName(4,"#alpha") ; fun1->SetParName(5,"a_{0}") ; fun1->SetParName(6,"a_{1}") ; fun1->SetParName(7,"a_{2}") ; fun1->FixParameter(3,3.28) ; fun1->FixParameter(4,1.56) ; fun1->SetLineWidth(2) ; fun1->SetLineColor(4) ; fun1->SetLineStyle(2) ; TF1 * fun2 = new TF1("ft2",CB2,0.,1.,9) ; fun2->SetParName(0,"A") ; fun2->SetParName(1,"m_{0}") ; fun2->SetParName(2,"#sigma") ; fun2->SetParName(3,"n") ; fun2->SetParName(4,"#alpha") ; fun2->SetParName(5,"a_{0}") ; fun2->SetParName(6,"a_{1}") ; fun2->SetParName(7,"a_{2}") ; fun2->SetParName(8,"a_{3}") ; fun2->FixParameter(3,3.28) ; fun2->FixParameter(4,1.56) ; fun2->SetLineWidth(2) ; fun2->SetLineColor(4) ; fun2->SetLineStyle(2) ; TF1 * funGS1 = new TF1("ft1",GS1,0.,1.,6) ; funGS1->SetParName(0,"A") ; funGS1->SetParName(1,"m_{0}") ; funGS1->SetParName(2,"#sigma") ; funGS1->SetParName(3,"a_{0}") ; funGS1->SetParName(4,"a_{1}") ; funGS1->SetParName(5,"a_{2}") ; funGS1->SetLineWidth(2) ; funGS1->SetLineColor(8) ; // funGS1->SetLineStyle(2) ; TF1 * funGS2 = new TF1("ft2",GS2,0.,1.,7) ; funGS2->SetParName(0,"A") ; funGS2->SetParName(1,"m_{0}") ; funGS2->SetParName(2,"#sigma") ; funGS2->SetParName(3,"a_{0}") ; funGS2->SetParName(4,"a_{1}") ; funGS2->SetParName(5,"a_{2}") ; funGS2->SetParName(6,"a_{3}") ; funGS2->SetLineWidth(2) ; funGS2->SetLineColor(8) ; // funGS2->SetLineStyle(2) ; TF1 * fit1=0x0 ; TF1 * fit2=0x0 ; TF1 * fbgP0 = new TF1("bg",BG,0.,1.,2) ; TF1 * fbgP1 = new TF1("bg1",BG1,0.,1.,3) ; TF1 * fbgP2 = new TF1("bg2",BG2,0.,1.,4) ; TF1 * fbg1=0x0 ; TF1 * fbg2=0x0 ; TF1 * fgs = new TF1("gs",GSs,0.,1.,4) ; TF1 * fcb = new TF1("cb",CBs,0.,1.,6) ; fgs->SetLineColor(8) ; fgs->SetLineWidth(2) ; fcb->SetLineColor(4) ; fcb->SetLineWidth(2) ; fcb->SetLineStyle(2) ; fcb->FixParameter(3,3.28) ; fcb->FixParameter(4,1.56) ; TCanvas * c1[nPID] ; TCanvas * c2[nPID] ; TCanvas * c1b[nPID] ; TCanvas * c2b[nPID] ; for(Int_t iPID=0;iPID<nPID;iPID++){ c1[iPID] = new TCanvas(Form("Ratio_%s",cPID[iPID]),Form("Ratio_%s",cPID[iPID]),10+10*iPID,10,1200+10*iPID,800) ; c1[iPID]->Divide(4,4) ; c2[iPID] = new TCanvas(Form("Signal_%s",cPID[iPID]),Form("Signal_%s",cPID[iPID]),10+10*iPID,10,1200+10*iPID,800) ; c2[iPID]->Divide(4,4) ; c1b[iPID] = new TCanvas(Form("RatioB_%s",cPID[iPID]),Form("Ratio_%s",cPID[iPID]),10+10*iPID,10,1200+10*iPID,800) ; c1b[iPID]->Divide(4,3) ; c2b[iPID] = new TCanvas(Form("SignalB_%s",cPID[iPID]),Form("Signal_%s",cPID[iPID]),10+10*iPID,10,1200+10*iPID,800) ; c2b[iPID]->Divide(4,3) ; } c1[0]->cd(0) ; TAxis * pta=hRe[0]->GetYaxis() ; TAxis * ma=hRe[0]->GetXaxis() ; for(Int_t i=1;i<=nbin;i++){ Int_t imin=pta->FindBin(xa[i-1]+0.0001); Int_t imax=pta->FindBin(xa[i]-0.0001) ; TH1D *hp; Double_t pt=(xa[i]+xa[i-1])/2. ; for(Int_t iPID=0;iPID<nPID;iPID++){ if(i<17) c1[iPID]->cd(i) ; else c1b[iPID]->cd(i-16) ; hp = hRe[iPID]->ProjectionX(Form("re%d_%d",i,iPID),imin,imax) ; // hp->Sumw2() ; hpm= hMi[iPID]->ProjectionX(Form("mi%d_%d",i,iPID),imin,imax) ; // hpm->Sumw2() ; if(pt>12.){ hp ->Rebin(2) ; hpm->Rebin(2) ; } if(pt<2.){ //2pol,3pol fit1=funGS2 ; fit2=fun2 ; fbg1=fbgP2 ; fbg2=fbgP2 ; } else{ //pol1,pol2 fit1=funGS1 ; fit2=fun1 ; fbg1=fbgP1 ; fbg2=fbgP1 ; } // for(Int_t ib=1; ib<=hp->GetNbinsX();ib++){if(hp ->GetBinContent(ib)==0)hp ->SetBinError(ib,1.);} // for(Int_t ib=1; ib<=hp->GetNbinsX();ib++){if(hpm->GetBinContent(ib)==0)hpm->SetBinError(ib,1.);} TH1D * hpm2 = (TH1D*)hpm->Clone(Form("Bg1_%d",iPID)) ; TH1D * hpcopy = (TH1D*)hp ->Clone(Form("hpcopy_%d",iPID)) ; TH1D * hp2 = (TH1D*)hp ->Clone(Form("hp2_%d",iPID)) ; hpcopy->SetXTitle("M_{#gamma#gamma} (GeV/c^{2})"); hp2 ->SetXTitle("M_{#gamma#gamma} (GeV/c^{2})"); hpcopy->Divide(hpm) ; hpcopy->SetTitle(Form("%3.1f<p_{T}<%3.1f GeV/c",xa[i-1],xa[i])) ; hpcopy->SetMarkerStyle(20) ; hpcopy->SetMarkerSize(0.7) ; hpcopy->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.05,0.25) ; // fit1->SetParameters(0.0002+0.0001*i*i,0.136,0.011,0.0002,-0.002,0.0) ; fit1->SetParameters(0.0002+0.0001*i*i,0.136,0.005,0.0002,-0.002,0.0) ; // fit1->SetParameters(0.0002,0.136,0.011,0.0002,-0.002,0.0) ; if(cen==0) fit1->SetParameters(0.001,0.146,0.005,0.12,-0.002,0.0) ; fit1->SetParLimits(0,0.000,2.*hpcopy->GetMaximum()) ; fit1->SetParLimits(1,0.125,0.145) ; fit1->SetParLimits(2,0.0045,0.010) ; Double_t rangeMin=0.07 ;//TMath::Max(0.06,0.11-0.01*i) ; Double_t rangeMax=0.22; //TMath::Min(0.25,0.18+0.01*i) ; // if(pt>10){ // rangeMax=0.18; // rangeMin=0.10; // } // Double_t rangeMin=TMath::Max(0.06,0.12-0.01*i) ; // Double_t rangeMax=TMath::Min(0.25,0.16+0.01*i) ; hpcopy->Fit(fit1,"Q","",rangeMin,rangeMax) ; hpcopy->Fit(fit1,"MQ","",rangeMin,rangeMax) ; fit2->SetParameters(fit1->GetParameters()) ; fit2->SetParameter(3,3.2) ; fit2->SetParameter(4,1.56) ; fit2->SetParameter(5,fit1->GetParameter(3)) ; fit2->SetParameter(6,fit1->GetParameter(4)) ; fit2->SetParameter(7,fit1->GetParameter(5)) ; fit2->SetParLimits(0,0.000,2.*hpcopy->GetMaximum()) ; fit2->SetParLimits(1,0.125,0.145) ; fit2->SetParLimits(2,0.0045,0.010) ; hpcopy->Fit(fit2,"+QN","",rangeMin,rangeMax) ; hpcopy->Fit(fit2,"+MQ","",rangeMin,rangeMax) ; c1[iPID]->cd(i) ; hpcopy->Draw() ; if(i<17) c1[iPID]->Update() ; else c1b[iPID]->Update() ; if(i<17) c2[iPID]->cd(i) ; else c2b[iPID]->cd(i-16) ; fbg1->SetParameters(fit1->GetParameter(3),fit1->GetParameter(4),fit1->GetParameter(5),fit1->GetParameter(6)); fbg2->SetParameters(fit2->GetParameter(5),fit2->GetParameter(6),fit2->GetParameter(7),fit2->GetParameter(8)); Double_t intRangeMin = PeakPosition(pt)-3.*PeakWidth(pt) ; Double_t intRangeMax = PeakPosition(pt)+3.*PeakWidth(pt) ; Int_t intBinMin = hp->GetXaxis()->FindBin(intRangeMin) ; Int_t intBinMax = hp->GetXaxis()->FindBin(intRangeMax) ; Double_t errStat = hpm->Integral(intBinMin,intBinMax); hpm ->Multiply(fbg1) ; hpm2->Multiply(fbg2) ; if(pt<10.){ hp ->Add(hpm ,-1.) ; hp2 ->Add(hpm2,-1.) ; } Int_t binPi0 = hp->FindBin(kMean); fgs->SetParameters(hp->Integral(binPi0-1,binPi0+1)/3.,fit1->GetParameter(1),0.006) ; fgs->SetParLimits(0,0.000,10.*hp->GetMaximum()) ; fgs->SetParLimits(1,0.120,0.175) ; fgs->SetParLimits(2,0.0055,0.010) ; hp->Fit(fgs,"QL","",rangeMin,rangeMax) ; hp->Fit(fgs,"QML","",rangeMin,rangeMax) ; hp->SetMaximum(hp->GetMaximum()*1.4) ; hp->SetMinimum(hp->GetMinimum()*1.1) ; hp->SetMarkerStyle(20) ; hp->SetMarkerSize(0.7) ; mr1[iPID]->SetBinContent(i,fgs->GetParameter(1)) ; mr1[iPID]->SetBinError (i,fgs->GetParError(1) ) ; sr1[iPID]->SetBinContent(i,TMath::Abs(fgs->GetParameter(2))) ; sr1[iPID]->SetBinError (i,fgs->GetParError(2) ) ; Double_t y=fgs->GetParameter(0)/hp->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1) ; nr1[iPID]->SetBinContent(i,y) ; Double_t ey=fgs->GetParError(0)/hp->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1) ; nr1[iPID]->SetBinError(i,ey) ; Double_t npiInt = hp->Integral(intBinMin,intBinMax)-(intBinMax-intBinMin)*fgs->GetParameter(3) ; Double_t norm = fbg1->GetParameter(0) ; Double_t normErr= fbg1->GetParError(0) ; if(npiInt>0.){ nr1int[iPID]->SetBinContent(i,npiInt) ; nr1int[iPID]->SetBinError(i,TMath::Sqrt(npiInt + norm*errStat + normErr*normErr*errStat*errStat + norm*norm*errStat)) ; } //printf(" Nint1 =%f+-%f \n",npiInt,TMath::Sqrt(npiInt + norm*errStat + normErr*normErr*errStat*errStat + norm*norm*errStat)) ; hp2->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(rangeMin,rangeMax) ; hp2->SetMaximum(hp2->GetMaximum()*1.4) ; hp2->SetMinimum(hp2->GetMinimum()*1.1) ; hp2->SetMarkerStyle(24) ; hp2->SetMarkerSize(0.8) ; fcb->SetParameters(hp->Integral(binPi0-1,binPi0+1)/3.,fit2->GetParameter(1),0.006,fit2->GetParameter(3),fit2->GetParameter(4)) ; fcb->SetParLimits(0,0.000,10.*hp->GetMaximum()) ; fcb->SetParLimits(1,0.120,0.175) ; fcb->SetParLimits(2,0.005,0.010) ; hp2->Fit(fcb,"QL","",rangeMin,rangeMax) ; hp2->Fit(fcb,"QML","",rangeMin,rangeMax) ; mr2[iPID]->SetBinContent(i,fcb->GetParameter(1)) ; mr2[iPID]->SetBinError (i,fcb->GetParError(1)) ; sr2[iPID]->SetBinContent(i,TMath::Abs(fcb->GetParameter(2))) ; sr2[iPID]->SetBinError (i,fcb->GetParError(2)) ; y=(fcb->Integral(0.05,0.25)-fcb->GetParameter(5)*(0.25-0.05))/hp->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1) ; nr2[iPID]->SetBinContent(i,y) ; Double_t ey=fcb->IntegralError(0.05,0.25)/hp->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1) ; nr2[iPID]->SetBinError(i,ey) ; npiInt=hp2->Integral(intBinMin,intBinMax)-(intBinMax-intBinMin)*fgs->GetParameter(3) ; norm=fbg2->GetParameter(0) ; normErr=fbg2->GetParError(0) ; if(npiInt>0.){ nr2int[iPID]->SetBinContent(i,npiInt) ; nr2int[iPID]->SetBinError(i,TMath::Sqrt(npiInt + norm*errStat + normErr*normErr*errStat*errStat + norm*norm*errStat)) ; } //printf(" Nint2 =%f+-%f \n",npiInt,TMath::Sqrt(npiInt + norm*errStat + normErr*normErr*errStat*errStat + norm*norm*errStat)) ; hp2->SetTitle(Form("%3.1f<p_{T}<%3.1f GeV/c",xa[i-1],xa[i])) ; hp2->Draw() ; hp->SetMarkerColor(6) ; hp->Draw("same") ; hp2->Draw("same") ; c2[iPID]->Update() ; // delete hp ; // delete hp2 ; // delete hpcopy ; delete hpm ; // delete hpm2 ; } } /* for(Int_t iPID=0; iPID<4; iPID++){ c1[iPID]->Print(Form("Ratio_%s_cen%d.eps",cPID[iPID],cen)) ; c2[iPID]->Print(Form("Signal_%s_cen%d.eps",cPID[iPID],cen)) ; } */ //Normalize by the number of events Int_t cMin,cMax; if (cen == 0) { cMin=1; cMax=20; } else if (cen == 1) { cMin=21; cMax=40; } else if (cen == 2) { cMin=41; cMax=60; } else if (cen == 3) { cMin=61; cMax=80; } else if (cen == 4) { cMin=81; cMax=100; } else if (cen == 5) { cMin=61; cMax=80; } else if (cen == 6) { cMin=1; cMax=100; } else if (cen == 7) { cMin=1; cMax=10; } else if (cen == 8) { cMin=41; cMax=80; } else if (cen == 9) { cMin=1; cMax=40; } Double_t nevents = hCentrality1->Integral(cMin,cMax); printf("Nevents=%f \n",nevents) ; for(Int_t iPID=0;iPID<nPID;iPID++){ nr1[iPID] ->Scale(1./nevents) ; nr1int[iPID]->Scale(1./nevents) ; nr2[iPID] ->Scale(1./nevents) ; nr2int[iPID]->Scale(1./nevents) ; nr1[iPID]->SetMarkerStyle(20) ; nr1[iPID]->SetMarkerColor(2) ; nr1[iPID]->SetTitle("#pi^{0} raw yield per event") ; nr2[iPID]->SetTitle("#pi^{0} raw yield per event") ; } ; for(Int_t iPID=0;iPID<nPID;iPID++){ nr1[iPID]->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite) ; nr2[iPID]->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite) ; nr1int[iPID]->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite) ; nr2int[iPID]->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite) ; mr1[iPID]->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite) ; mr2[iPID]->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite) ; sr1[iPID]->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite) ; sr2[iPID]->Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite) ; } fout.Close() ; }
int compare(int centbin, int type, int isjf, const string frun10, const string fout)//frun10:"run10_output_old.lst" { string frun11; if(isjf){ if(type == 0) frun11 = "/direct/phenix+u/hge/offline/AnalysisTrain/Correlation/macros/makejfs_inc_fold_taxi5286.root"; if(type == 1) frun11 = "/direct/phenix+u/hge/offline/AnalysisTrain/Correlation/macros/makejfs_pi0_fold_taxi5286.root"; if(type == 2) frun11 = "/direct/phenix+u/hge/offline/AnalysisTrain/Correlation/macros/makejfs_dec_fold_taxi5286.root"; if(type == 3) frun11 = "/direct/phenix+u/hge/offline/AnalysisTrain/Correlation/macros/makedirs_taxi5286.root"; } else{ if(type == 0) frun11 = "/direct/phenix+u/hge/offline/AnalysisTrain/Correlation/macros/makecfs_inc_fold_taxi5286.root"; if(type == 1) frun11 = "/direct/phenix+u/hge/offline/AnalysisTrain/Correlation/macros/makecfs_pi0_fold_taxi5286.root"; if(type == 2) frun11 = "/direct/phenix+u/hge/offline/AnalysisTrain/Correlation/macros/makecfs_dec_fold_taxi5286.root"; } TFile* f11 = new TFile(frun11.c_str()); vector<string> Run10FileList; char buffer[256]; cout<<"opening run10 input file list: " << frun10.c_str() << endl; ifstream flist(frun10.c_str()); if( !flist.is_open()) return -1; while (flist.getline(buffer, 256, '\n')){ cout<<"in the while loop"<<endl; char this_file[512]; strcpy(this_file, buffer); cout<<"this_file: "<<this_file<<endl; string s (this_file); cout<<"s: "<<s.c_str()<<endl; Run10FileList.push_back(s); } cout << "Done making Run10FileList vector." << endl; const int Nfiles = Run10FileList.size(); cout<<"Nfiles = "<<Nfiles<<endl; TFile* foutput = new TFile(fout.c_str(), "recreate"); foutput->cd(); TH1D *my_corr; TH1D *corr; TH1D *ratio; string file_string; string photon_bin_string; string hadron_bin_string; int photon_bin; int hadron_bin; ostringstream bin; ostringstream cbin; ostringstream cfname; ostringstream jfname; ostringstream dirname; ostringstream can_name; ostringstream latex_name; string ratio_name; cout<<"define canvases."<<endl; TCanvas *can[4]; TCanvas *can_ratio[4]; for(int i=0; i<4; i++){ can_name.str(""); can_name << "can_p"<<i; can[i] = new TCanvas(can_name.str().c_str(),can_name.str().c_str()); can[i]->Divide(3,2); can_name.str(""); can_name << "can_ratio_p"<<i; can_ratio[i] = new TCanvas(can_name.str().c_str(),can_name.str().c_str()); can_ratio[i]->Divide(3,2); } TH1D* ttest_CF = new TH1D("ttest_CF","ttest_CF",50,-5,5); ttest_CF->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("t"); TH1D* tprob_CF = new TH1D("tprob_CF","tprob_CF",50,0,1); tprob_CF->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("prob"); TH1D* chitest_CF = new TH1D("chitest_CF","chitest_CF",50,0,5); chitest_CF->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#chi^{2}/NDF"); TH1D* chiprob_CF = new TH1D("chiprob_CF","chiprob_CF",50,0,1); chiprob_CF->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("prob"); cout<<"start looping run10 files."<<endl; for(int ifile = 0; ifile < Nfiles; ifile++){ cout<<"Run10FileList ["<<ifile<<"] = "<<Run10FileList[ifile]<<endl; file_string = Run10FileList[ifile]; int p1 = file_string.find_last_of("/"); cout<<"p1 = "<<p1<<endl; photon_bin_string = file_string.substr(p1+6,1); photon_bin = atoi(photon_bin_string.c_str()); int p2 = file_string.find_last_of("."); cout<<"p2 = "<<p2<<endl; hadron_bin_string = file_string.substr(p2-1,1); hadron_bin = atoi(hadron_bin_string.c_str()); cout<<"photon_bin: "<<photon_bin<<" hadron_bin: "<<hadron_bin<<endl; cbin.str(""); cbin << centbin; cfname.str(""); jfname.str(""); dirname.str(""); can_name.str(""); switch(photon_bin){ case 5: cout<<"photon case 5"<<endl; latex_name.str(""); latex_name << "5-7 #times "; switch(hadron_bin){ case 1: latex_name << "0.5-1 GeV/c"; cfname << "CF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p0_h0"; jfname << "JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p0_h0"; dirname << "DIR_JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p0_h0"; can[0]->cd(1); break; case 2: latex_name << "1-2 GeV/c"; cfname << "CF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p0_h1"; jfname << "JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p0_h1"; dirname << "DIR_JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p0_h1"; can[0]->cd(2); break; case 3: latex_name << "2-3 GeV/c"; cfname << "CF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p0_h2"; jfname << "JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p0_h2"; dirname << "DIR_JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p0_h2"; can[0]->cd(3); break; case 5: latex_name << "3-5 GeV/c"; cfname << "CF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p0_h3"; jfname << "JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p0_h3"; dirname << "DIR_JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p0_h3"; can[0]->cd(4); break; case 0: latex_name << "5-7 GeV/c"; cfname << "CF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p0_h4"; jfname << "JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p0_h4"; dirname << "DIR_JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p0_h4"; can[0]->cd(5); break; } break; case 7: cout<<"photon case 7"<<endl; latex_name.str(""); latex_name << "7-9 #times "; switch(hadron_bin){ case 1: latex_name << "0.5-1 GeV/c"; cfname << "CF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p1_h0"; jfname << "JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p1_h0"; dirname << "DIR_JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p1_h0"; can[1]->cd(1); break; case 2: latex_name << "1-2 GeV/c"; cfname << "CF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p1_h1"; jfname << "JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p1_h1"; dirname << "DIR_JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p1_h1"; can[1]->cd(2); break; case 3: latex_name << "2-3 GeV/c"; cfname << "CF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p1_h2"; jfname << "JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p1_h2"; dirname << "DIR_JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p1_h2"; can[1]->cd(3); break; case 5: latex_name << "3-5 GeV/c"; cfname << "CF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p1_h3"; jfname << "JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p1_h3"; dirname << "DIR_JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p1_h3"; can[1]->cd(4); break; case 0: latex_name << "5-7 GeV/c"; cfname << "CF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p1_h4"; jfname << "JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p1_h4"; dirname << "DIR_JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p1_h4"; can[1]->cd(5); break; } break; case 9: cout<<"photon case 9"<<endl; latex_name.str(""); latex_name << "9-12 #times "; switch(hadron_bin){ case 1: latex_name << "0.5-1 GeV/c"; cfname << "CF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p2_h0"; jfname << "JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p2_h0"; dirname << "DIR_JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p2_h0"; can[2]->cd(1); break; case 2: latex_name << "1-2 GeV/c"; cfname << "CF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p2_h1"; jfname << "JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p2_h1"; dirname << "DIR_JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p2_h1"; can[2]->cd(2); break; case 3: latex_name << "2-3 GeV/c"; cfname << "CF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p2_h2"; jfname << "JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p2_h2"; dirname << "DIR_JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p2_h2"; can[2]->cd(3); break; case 5: latex_name << "3-5 GeV/c"; cfname << "CF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p2_h3"; jfname << "JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p2_h3"; dirname << "DIR_JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p2_h3"; can[2]->cd(4); break; case 0: latex_name << "5-7 GeV/c"; cfname << "CF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p2_h4"; jfname << "JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p2_h4"; dirname << "DIR_JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p2_h4"; can[2]->cd(5); break; } break; case 1: cout<<"photon case 12"<<endl; latex_name.str(""); latex_name << "12-15 #times "; switch(hadron_bin){ case 1: latex_name << "0.5-1 GeV/c"; cfname << "CF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p3_h0"; jfname << "JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p3_h0"; dirname << "DIR_JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p3_h0"; can[3]->cd(1); break; case 2: latex_name << "1-2 GeV/c"; cfname << "CF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p3_h1"; jfname << "JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p3_h1"; dirname << "DIR_JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p3_h1"; can[3]->cd(2); break; case 3: latex_name << "2-3 GeV/c"; cfname << "CF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p3_h2"; jfname << "JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p3_h2"; dirname << "DIR_JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p3_h2"; can[3]->cd(3); break; case 5: latex_name << "3-5 GeV/c"; cfname << "CF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p3_h3"; jfname << "JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p3_h3"; dirname << "DIR_JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p3_h3"; can[3]->cd(4); break; case 0: latex_name << "5-7 GeV/c"; cfname << "CF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p3_h4"; jfname << "JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p3_h4"; dirname << "DIR_JF_c"<<cbin.str()<<"_p3_h4"; can[3]->cd(5); break; } break; default: cout << "no such photon bin!" << endl; } TFile* file = new TFile(file_string.c_str()); if (! file->IsOpen() ) { cout << "cannot open file '" << file_string << "'\n"; continue; } cout<<"f11 CF: "<<cfname.str().c_str()<<endl; cout<<"f11 JF: "<<jfname.str().c_str()<<endl; cout<<"f11 DIR: "<<dirname.str().c_str()<<endl; cout<<"f10: "<<file_string.c_str()<<endl; if(isjf){ if(type==3) my_corr = new TH1D (*(TH1D*)f11->Get(dirname.str().c_str())); else my_corr = new TH1D (*(TH1D*)f11->Get(jfname.str().c_str())); if(type == 0) corr = new TH1D (*(TH1D*)file->Get("JF_INC")); if(type == 1) corr = new TH1D (*(TH1D*)file->Get("JF_PI0")); if(type == 2) corr = new TH1D (*(TH1D*)file->Get("JF_DEC")); if(type == 3) corr = new TH1D (*(TH1D*)file->Get("JF_DIR")); } else{ my_corr = new TH1D (*(TH1D*)f11->Get(cfname.str().c_str())); if(type == 0) corr = new TH1D (*(TH1D*)file->Get("hDPHI_INC")); if(type == 1) corr = new TH1D (*(TH1D*)file->Get("hDPHI_PI0")); if(type == 2) corr = new TH1D (*(TH1D*)file->Get("hDPHI_DEC")); } int nReb; if(photon_bin == 5) nReb = 3; else if(photon_bin == 7) nReb = 5; else nReb = 6; corr->Rebin(nReb); my_corr->Rebin(nReb); // if(!isjf){ double my_R = my_corr->Integral("width")/PI; cout<<"my_R = "<<my_R<<endl; my_corr->Scale(1./my_R); double R = corr->Integral("width")/PI; cout<<"R = "<<R<<endl; //corr->Sumw2(); cout<<"my_R/R = "<<my_R/R<<endl; corr->Scale(1./R); // } corr->SetMarkerStyle(20); corr->SetMarkerSize(0.8); my_corr->SetMarkerColor(1); my_corr->SetLineColor(1); if(isjf){ double ymin = corr->GetMinimum(); double ymax = corr->GetMaximum(); if(my_corr->GetMaximum() > ymax) ymax = my_corr->GetMaximum(); if(my_corr->GetMinimum() < ymin) ymin = my_corr->GetMinimum(); corr->SetAxisRange(ymin-0.01, 1.2*ymax,"Y"); } corr->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.9); corr->Draw(); my_corr->Draw("same"); TLegend *l1 = new TLegend(0.7,0.7,0.9,0.9,"","brNDC"); l1->AddEntry(my_corr,"Run11","lpf"); l1->AddEntry(corr,"Run10","lpf"); if(hadron_bin==0) l1->Draw("same"); TLatex *la = new TLatex(0.3, 0.75, latex_name.str().c_str()); la->SetNDC(); la->Draw("same"); string pbin_string = cfname.str().substr(7,1); string hbin_string = cfname.str().substr(10,1); if("0") == 0){ if("0") == 0) can_ratio[0]->cd(1); if("1") == 0) can_ratio[0]->cd(2); if("2") == 0) can_ratio[0]->cd(3); if("3") == 0) can_ratio[0]->cd(4); if("4") == 0) can_ratio[0]->cd(5); } if("1") == 0){ if("0") == 0) can_ratio[1]->cd(1); if("1") == 0) can_ratio[1]->cd(2); if("2") == 0) can_ratio[1]->cd(3); if("3") == 0) can_ratio[1]->cd(4); if("4") == 0) can_ratio[1]->cd(5); } if("2") == 0){ if("0") == 0) can_ratio[2]->cd(1); if("1") == 0) can_ratio[2]->cd(2); if("2") == 0) can_ratio[2]->cd(3); if("3") == 0) can_ratio[2]->cd(4); if("4") == 0) can_ratio[2]->cd(5); } if("3") == 0){ if("0") == 0) can_ratio[3]->cd(1); if("1") == 0) can_ratio[3]->cd(2); if("2") == 0) can_ratio[3]->cd(3); if("3") == 0) can_ratio[3]->cd(4); if("4") == 0) can_ratio[3]->cd(5); } if(isjf) ratio_name = "ratio_" + jfname.str(); else ratio_name = "ratio_" + cfname.str(); ratio = new TH1D (*(TH1D*)my_corr); ratio->SetName(ratio_name.c_str()); cout<<"before dividing"<<endl; ratio->Divide(corr); if(isjf) ratio->SetAxisRange(-3.0, 5.0, "Y"); ratio->Draw(); la->Draw("same"); if(isjf){ ratio_name = "ratio_fit_" + jfname.str(); /* ratio_fit = new TF1(ratio_name.c_str(),"pol0(0)"); ratio->Fit(ratio_name.c_str(),"BQ"); double fitconst = Round(ratio_fit->GetParameter(0)); bin.str(""); bin << "ratio #approx "<<fitconst; TLatex *la_const = new TLatex(0.6, 0.25, bin.str().c_str()); la_const->SetNDC(); la_const->Draw("same"); double fit_chi2 = ratio_fit->GetChisquare(); int fit_ndf = ratio_fit->GetNDF(); double chi2 = Round(fit_chi2/fit_ndf); bin.str(""); bin << "#chi^{2} = "<<chi2; TLatex *la_chi2 = new TLatex(0.6, 0.2, bin.str().c_str()); la_chi2->SetNDC(); la_chi2->Draw("same"); */ } // if(!isjf){ //Do a chisquare test for CF comparison. double prob = 0; double t = 0; double chi2 = 0; double nbins = (double)corr->GetNbinsX(); double ncounts1 = my_corr->GetEntries(); double ncounts2 = corr->GetEntries(); double var1 = 0; double var2 = 0; double mean1 = 0; double mean2 = 0; double sumw7 = 0; double sumw10 = 0; my_corr->IntegralAndError(1,nbins,sumw7); my_corr->IntegralAndError(1,nbins,sumw10); for( int ib = 1; ib <= nbins; ib++ ) { double err1 = my_corr->GetBinError(ib); mean1 += my_corr->GetBinContent(ib); double err2 = corr->GetBinError(ib); mean2 += corr->GetBinContent(ib); chi2 += GetChiSquare(my_corr->GetBinContent(ib),corr->GetBinContent(ib),err1,err2); var1 += err1*err1; var2 += err2*err2; } std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "t-test for " << ncounts1 << "," << ncounts2 << " counts with means of " << mean1/nbins << "," << mean2/nbins << " and uncertainties of " << sqrt(var1) << "," << sqrt(var2) << std::endl; //var1 += pow(JF_INC_run7->GetMeanError(),2); //var2 += pow(JF_INC_run10->GetMeanError(),2); DoTtest(nbins,nbins,mean1/nbins,mean2/nbins,sqrt(var1),sqrt(var2),t,prob); ttest_CF->Fill(t); tprob_CF->Fill(prob); double cprob = GetChiSquareProb(nbins,chi2); double reducedchi2 = chi2/nbins; cout<<"reducedchi2 = "<<reducedchi2<<endl; reducedchi2 = Round(reducedchi2); cout<<reducedchi2<<endl; cprob = Round(cprob); latex_name.str(""); latex_name << "#chi^{2} = "<<reducedchi2; TLatex *la_chi2 = new TLatex(0.6, 0.2, latex_name.str().c_str()); la_chi2->SetNDC(); la_chi2->Draw("same"); latex_name.str(""); latex_name << "p = "<<cprob; TLatex *la_cprob = new TLatex(0.6, 0.15, latex_name.str().c_str()); la_cprob->SetNDC(); la_cprob->Draw("same"); chitest_CF->Fill(chi2/nbins); chiprob_CF->Fill(cprob); // } } foutput->cd(); for(int i=0; i<4; i++){ can[i]->Write(); can_ratio[i]->Write(); } if(!isjf){ ttest_CF->Write(); tprob_CF->Write(); chitest_CF->Write(); chiprob_CF->Write(); } cout<<"finish writing out."<<endl; return 0; }