bool UClassThumbnailRenderer::CanVisualizeAsset(UObject* Object)
	if (ThumbnailScene == nullptr)
		ThumbnailScene = new FClassThumbnailScene();

	UClass* Class = Cast<UClass>(Object);

	// Only visualize actor based classes
	if (Class && Class->IsChildOf(AActor::StaticClass()))
		// Try to find any visible primitive components in the class' CDO
		AActor* CDO = Class->GetDefaultObject<AActor>();

		TInlineComponentArray<UActorComponent*> Components;

		for (auto CompIt = Components.CreateConstIterator(); CompIt; ++CompIt)
			if (ThumbnailScene->IsValidComponentForVisualization(*CompIt))
				return true;

	return false;
void FSCSEditorViewportClient::ProcessClick(class FSceneView& View, class HHitProxy* HitProxy, FKey Key, EInputEvent Event, uint32 HitX, uint32 HitY)
			HInstancedStaticMeshInstance* InstancedStaticMeshInstanceProxy = ( ( HInstancedStaticMeshInstance* )HitProxy );

			TSharedPtr<ISCSEditorCustomization> Customization = BlueprintEditorPtr.Pin()->CustomizeSCSEditor(InstancedStaticMeshInstanceProxy->Component);
			if(Customization.IsValid() && Customization->HandleViewportClick(AsShared(), View, HitProxy, Key, Event, HitX, HitY))
		else if(HitProxy->IsA(HActor::StaticGetType()))
			HActor* ActorProxy = (HActor*)HitProxy;
			AActor* PreviewActor = GetPreviewActor();
			if(ActorProxy && ActorProxy->Actor && ActorProxy->Actor == PreviewActor && ActorProxy->PrimComponent != NULL)
				TInlineComponentArray<USceneComponent*> SceneComponents;
				for(auto CompIt = SceneComponents.CreateConstIterator(); CompIt; ++CompIt)
					USceneComponent* CompInstance = *CompIt;
					TSharedPtr<ISCSEditorCustomization> Customization = BlueprintEditorPtr.Pin()->CustomizeSCSEditor(CompInstance);
					if (Customization.IsValid() && Customization->HandleViewportClick(AsShared(), View, HitProxy, Key, Event, HitX, HitY))

					if (CompInstance == ActorProxy->PrimComponent)
						const bool bIsCtrlKeyDown = Viewport->KeyState(EKeys::LeftControl) || Viewport->KeyState(EKeys::RightControl);
						if (BlueprintEditorPtr.IsValid())
							// Note: This will find and select any node associated with the component instance that's attached to the proxy (including visualizers)
							BlueprintEditorPtr.Pin()->FindAndSelectSCSEditorTreeNode(CompInstance, bIsCtrlKeyDown);


		// Pass to component vis manager
void FSCSEditorViewportClient::RefreshPreviewBounds()
	AActor* PreviewActor = GetPreviewActor();

		// Compute actor bounds as the sum of its visible parts
		TInlineComponentArray<UPrimitiveComponent*> PrimitiveComponents;

		PreviewActorBounds = FBoxSphereBounds(ForceInitToZero);
		for(auto CompIt = PrimitiveComponents.CreateConstIterator(); CompIt; ++CompIt)
			// Aggregate primitive components that either have collision enabled or are otherwise visible components in-game
			UPrimitiveComponent* PrimComp = *CompIt;
			if(PrimComp->IsRegistered() && (!PrimComp->bHiddenInGame || PrimComp->IsCollisionEnabled()) && PrimComp->Bounds.SphereRadius < HALF_WORLD_MAX)
				PreviewActorBounds = PreviewActorBounds + PrimComp->Bounds;
void USimpleConstructionScript::FixupRootNodeParentReferences()
	// Get the BlueprintGeneratedClass that owns the SCS
	UClass* BPGeneratedClass = GetOwnerClass();
	if(BPGeneratedClass == NULL)
		UE_LOG(LogBlueprint, Warning, TEXT("USimpleConstructionScript::FixupRootNodeParentReferences() - owner class is NULL; skipping."));
		// cannot do the rest of fixup without a BPGC

	for (int32 NodeIndex=0; NodeIndex < RootNodes.Num(); ++NodeIndex)
		// If this root node is parented to a native/inherited component template
		USCS_Node* RootNode = RootNodes[NodeIndex];
		if(RootNode->ParentComponentOrVariableName != NAME_None)
			bool bWasFound = false;

			// If the node is parented to a native component
				// Get the Blueprint class default object
				AActor* CDO = Cast<AActor>(BPGeneratedClass->GetDefaultObject(false));
				if(CDO != NULL)
					// Look for the parent component in the CDO's components array
					TInlineComponentArray<UActorComponent*> Components;

					for (auto CompIter = Components.CreateConstIterator(); CompIter && !bWasFound; ++CompIter)
						UActorComponent* ComponentTemplate = *CompIter;
						bWasFound = ComponentTemplate->GetFName() == RootNode->ParentComponentOrVariableName;
					// SCS and BGClass depends on each other (while their construction).
					// Class is not ready, so one have to break the dependency circle.
			// Otherwise the node is parented to an inherited SCS node from a parent Blueprint
				// Get the Blueprint hierarchy
				TArray<const UBlueprintGeneratedClass*> ParentBPClassStack;
				const bool bErrorFree = UBlueprintGeneratedClass::GetGeneratedClassesHierarchy(BPGeneratedClass, ParentBPClassStack);

				// Find the parent Blueprint in the hierarchy
				for(int32 StackIndex = ParentBPClassStack.Num() - 1; StackIndex > 0; --StackIndex)
					const UBlueprintGeneratedClass* ParentClass = ParentBPClassStack[StackIndex];
					if( ParentClass != NULL
						&& ParentClass->SimpleConstructionScript != NULL
						&& ParentClass->GetFName() == RootNode->ParentComponentOwnerClassName)
						// Attempt to locate a match by searching all the nodes that belong to the parent Blueprint's SCS
						for (USCS_Node* ParentNode : ParentClass->SimpleConstructionScript->GetAllNodes())
							if (ParentNode != nullptr && ParentNode->VariableName == RootNode->ParentComponentOrVariableName)
								bWasFound = true;

						// We found a match; no need to continue searching the hierarchy

			// Clear parent info if we couldn't find the parent component instance
				UE_LOG(LogBlueprint, Warning, TEXT("USimpleConstructionScript::FixupRootNodeParentReferences() - Couldn't find %s parent component '%s' for '%s' in BlueprintGeneratedClass '%s' (it may have been removed)"), RootNode->bIsParentComponentNative ? TEXT("native") : TEXT("inherited"), *RootNode->ParentComponentOrVariableName.ToString(), *RootNode->GetVariableName().ToString(), *BPGeneratedClass->GetName());

				RootNode->bIsParentComponentNative = false;
				RootNode->ParentComponentOrVariableName = NAME_None;
				RootNode->ParentComponentOwnerClassName = NAME_None;

	// call this after we do the above ParentComponentOrVariableName fixup, 
	// because this operates differently for root nodes that have their 
	// ParentComponentOrVariableName field cleared
	// repairs invalid scene hierarchies (like when this Blueprint has been 
	// reparented and there is no longer an inherited scene root... meaning one
	// of the scene component nodes here needs to be promoted)