Esempio n. 1
int TGnuPlot::AddPlot(const TIntFltKdV& XYValV, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy, const TStr& Label, const TStr& Style) {
  TFltKdV XYFltValV(XYValV.Len(), 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < XYValV.Len(); i++) {
    XYFltValV.Add(TFltKd(TFlt(XYValV[i].Key), TFlt(XYValV[i].Dat)));
  return AddPlot(XYFltValV, SeriesTy, Label, Style);
Esempio n. 2
void TMultinomial::AddFtr(const TStrV& StrV, const TFltV& FltV, TIntFltKdV& SpV) const {
    // make sure we either do not have explicit values, or their dimension matches with string keys
    EAssertR(FltV.Empty() || (StrV.Len() == FltV.Len()), "TMultinomial::AddFtr:: String and double values not aligned");
    // generate internal feature vector
    SpV.Gen(StrV.Len(), 0);
    for (int StrN = 0; StrN < StrV.Len(); StrN++) {
        const int FtrId = FtrGen.GetFtr(StrV[StrN]);
        // only use features we've seen during updates
        if (FtrId != -1) {
            const double Val = FltV.Empty() ? 1.0 : FltV[StrN].Val;
            if (Val > 1e-16) { SpV.Add(TIntFltKd(FtrId, Val)); }
    // merge elements with the same id
    int GoodSpN = 0;
    for (int SpN = 1; SpN < SpV.Len(); SpN++) {
        if (SpV[GoodSpN].Key == SpV[SpN].Key) {
            // repetition of previous id, sum counts
            SpV[GoodSpN].Dat += SpV[SpN].Dat;
        } else {
            // increase the pointer to the next good position
            // and move the new value down to the good position
            SpV[GoodSpN] = SpV[SpN];
    // truncate the vector
    SpV.Trunc(GoodSpN + 1);
    // replace values with 1 if needed
    if (IsBinary()) { for (TIntFltKd& Sp : SpV) { Sp.Dat = 1.0; } }
    // final normalization, if needed
    if (IsNormalize()) { TLinAlg::Normalize(SpV); }    
Esempio n. 3
void TStrFeatureSpace::ToStr(const TIntFltKdV& FeatureIds, TChA& ChA, int k, char Sep) const {
	TIntSet TakenIndexes(k);
	int Len = TMath::Mn(FeatureIds.Len(), k);
	for (int i = 0; i < Len; i++) {
		double MxVal = TFlt::Mn;
		int MxIndex = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < FeatureIds.Len(); j++) {
			const TIntFltKd& Feature = FeatureIds[j];
			if (Feature.Dat > MxVal) {
				if (!TakenIndexes.IsKey(Feature.Key)) {
					MxVal = Feature.Dat;
					MxIndex = Feature.Key;

		ChA += ISpace.KeyFromOfs(Space[MxIndex]);
		ChA += ':';
		ChA += TFlt::GetStr(MxVal, "%2.6f");
		if (i < Len) {
			ChA += Sep;
Esempio n. 4
void TSparseNumeric::AddFtr(const TIntFltKdV& InSpV, TIntFltKdV& SpV, int& Offset) const {
    for (int SpN = 0; SpN < InSpV.Len(); SpN++) {
        const int Id = InSpV[SpN].Key;
        double Val = FtrGen.GetFtr(InSpV[SpN].Dat);
        SpV.Add(TIntFltKd(Offset + Id, Val));
    Offset += GetVals();
Esempio n. 5
void TGUtil::Normalize(TIntFltKdV& PdfV) {
  double Sum = 0.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < PdfV.Len(); i++) {
    Sum += PdfV[i].Dat; }
  if (Sum <= 0.0) { return; }
  for (int i = 0; i < PdfV.Len(); i++) {
    PdfV[i].Dat /= Sum; }
Esempio n. 6
void TBagOfWords::AddFtr(const TStrV& TokenStrV, TFltV& FullV, int& Offset) const {
    // create sparse vector
    TIntFltKdV ValSpV; AddFtr(TokenStrV, ValSpV);
    // add to the full feature vector and increase offset count
    for (int ValSpN = 0; ValSpN < ValSpV.Len(); ValSpN++) {
        const TIntFltKd& ValSp = ValSpV[ValSpN];
        FullV[Offset + ValSp.Key] = ValSp.Dat;
    // increase the offset by the dimension
    Offset += GetDim();    
Esempio n. 7
void TMultinomial::AddFtr(const TStrV& StrV, const TFltV& FltV, TFltV& FullV, int& Offset) const {
    // generate feature 
    TIntFltKdV ValSpV; AddFtr(StrV, FltV, ValSpV);
    // add to the full feature vector and increase offset count
    for (int ValSpN = 0; ValSpN < ValSpV.Len(); ValSpN++) {
        const TIntFltKd& ValSp = ValSpV[ValSpN];
        FullV[Offset + ValSp.Key] = ValSp.Dat;
    // increase the offset by the dimension
    Offset += GetDim();
Esempio n. 8
PJsonVal TNearestNeighbor::Explain(const TIntFltKdV& Vec) const {
    // if not initialized, return null (JSON)
    if (!IsInit()) { return TJsonVal::NewNull(); }
    // find nearest neighbor
    double NearDist = TFlt::Mx; int NearColN = -1;
    for (int ColN = 0; ColN < Mat.Len(); ColN++) {
        const double Dist = TLinAlg::Norm2(Vec) - 2 * TLinAlg::DotProduct(Vec, Mat[ColN]) + TLinAlg::Norm2(Mat[ColN]);
        if (Dist < NearDist) { NearDist = Dist; NearColN = ColN; }
    const TIntFltKdV& NearVec = Mat[NearColN];
    // generate JSon explanations
    PJsonVal ResVal = TJsonVal::NewObj();
    // id of the nearest element
    ResVal->AddToObj("nearestDat", DatV[NearColN]);
    ResVal->AddToObj("distance", NearDist);
    // element-wise difference
    PJsonVal DiffVal = TJsonVal::NewArr();
    int NearEltN = 0, EltN = 0;
    while (NearEltN < NearVec.Len() || EltN < Vec.Len()) {
        // get the feature ID
        const int VecFtrId = EltN < Vec.Len() ? Vec[EltN].Key.Val : TInt::Mx;
        const int NearFtrId = NearEltN < NearVec.Len() ? NearVec[NearEltN].Key.Val : TInt::Mx;
        const int FtrId = NearFtrId < VecFtrId ? NearFtrId : VecFtrId;
        // get values
        const double VecVal = FtrId < VecFtrId ? 0.0 : Vec[EltN].Dat.Val;
        const double NearVal = FtrId < NearFtrId ? 0.0 : NearVec[NearEltN].Dat.Val;
        // get diff
        const double Diff = TMath::Sqr(NearVal - VecVal) / NearDist;
        // add to json result
        PJsonVal FtrVal = TJsonVal::NewObj();
        //avoid unnecessary fields in the explanation
        if (Diff > 1e-8) {
            FtrVal->AddToObj("id", FtrId);
            FtrVal->AddToObj("val", VecVal);
            FtrVal->AddToObj("nearVal", NearVal);
            FtrVal->AddToObj("contribution", Diff);
        // move to the next feature
        if (VecFtrId <= NearFtrId) {
        if (NearFtrId <= VecFtrId) {
    ResVal->AddToObj("features", DiffVal);
    // first and last record in the buffer
    ResVal->AddToObj("oldestDat", DatV[NextCol]);
    int CurCol = NextCol > 0 ? NextCol - 1 : WindowSize - 1;
    ResVal->AddToObj("newestDat", DatV[CurCol]);
    return ResVal;
Esempio n. 9
void TFtrGenBs::AddBowDoc(const PBowDocBs& BowDocBs,
		const TStr& DocNm, const TStrV& FtrValV) const {

    TIntFltKdV FtrSpV; GenFtrV(FtrValV, FtrSpV);
    // make KdV to PrV
    const int WIds = FtrSpV.Len(); TIntFltPrV WIdWgtPrV(WIds, 0);
    for (int WIdN = 0; WIdN < WIds; WIdN++) {
        WIdWgtPrV.Add(TIntFltPr(FtrSpV[WIdN].Key, FtrSpV[WIdN].Dat));
    // add the feature vector to trainsets
    BowDocBs->AddDoc(DocNm, TStrV(), WIdWgtPrV);
Esempio n. 10
void TJsonVal::GetArrNumSpV(TIntFltKdV& NumSpV) const {
    for (int ElN = 0; ElN < GetArrVals(); ElN++) {
        PJsonVal ArrVal = GetArrVal(ElN);
        EAssert(ArrVal->GetArrVals() ==  2);
        int Idx = ArrVal->GetArrVal(0)->GetInt();
        double Val = ArrVal->GetArrVal(1)->GetNum();
        NumSpV.Add(TIntFltKd(Idx, Val));
Esempio n. 11
void TBagOfWords::AddFtr(const TStr& Val, TIntFltKdV& SpV, int& Offset) const {
    // tokenize
    TStrV TokenStrV(Val.Len() / 5, 0); GetFtr(Val, TokenStrV);
    // create sparse vector
    TIntFltKdV ValSpV; AddFtr(TokenStrV, ValSpV);
    // add to the full feature vector and increase offset count
    for (int ValSpN = 0; ValSpN < ValSpV.Len(); ValSpN++) {
        const TIntFltKd& ValSp = ValSpV[ValSpN];
        SpV.Add(TIntFltKd(Offset + ValSp.Key, ValSp.Dat));
    // increase the offset by the dimension
    Offset += GetDim();
Esempio n. 12
// interpolate effective diameter
double CalcEffDiam(const TIntFltKdV& DistNbrsCdfV, const double& Percentile) {
  const double EffPairs = Percentile * DistNbrsCdfV.Last().Dat;
  int ValN;
  for (ValN = 0; ValN < DistNbrsCdfV.Len(); ValN++) {
    if (DistNbrsCdfV[ValN].Dat() > EffPairs) {  break; }
  if (ValN >= DistNbrsCdfV.Len()) return DistNbrsCdfV.Last().Key;
  if (ValN == 0) return 1;
  // interpolate
  const double DeltaNbrs = DistNbrsCdfV[ValN].Dat - DistNbrsCdfV[ValN-1].Dat;
  if (DeltaNbrs == 0) return DistNbrsCdfV[ValN].Key;
  return DistNbrsCdfV[ValN-1].Key + (EffPairs - DistNbrsCdfV[ValN-1].Dat)/DeltaNbrs;
Esempio n. 13
void TFtrGenToken::Add(const TStr& Val, TIntFltKdV& SpV, int& Offset) const {
    // step (1): tokenize
    TStrV TokenStrV; GetTokenV(Val, TokenStrV);
    // step (2): aggregate token counts
    TIntH TokenFqH;
    for (int TokenStrN = 0; TokenStrN < TokenStrV.Len(); TokenStrN++) {
        const TStr& TokenStr = TokenStrV[TokenStrN];
        if (TokenH.IsKey(TokenStr)) { 
            const int TokenId = TokenH.GetKeyId(TokenStr);
    // step (3): make a sparse vector out of it
    TIntFltKdV ValSpV(TokenFqH.Len(), 0);
    int KeyId = TokenFqH.FFirstKeyId();
    while (TokenFqH.FNextKeyId(KeyId)) {
        const int TokenId = TokenFqH.GetKey(KeyId);
        const int TokenFq = TokenFqH[KeyId];
        const int TokenDocFq = TokenH[TokenId];
        const double IDF = log(double(Docs) / double(TokenDocFq));
        ValSpV.Add(TIntFltKd(TokenId, double(TokenFq) * IDF));
    ValSpV.Sort(); TLinAlg::NormalizeL1(ValSpV);
    // step (4): add the sparse vector to the final feature vector  
    for (int ValSpN = 0; ValSpN < ValSpV.Len(); ValSpN++) {
        const int Key = ValSpV[ValSpN].Key + Offset;
        const double Dat = ValSpV[ValSpN].Dat;
        SpV.Add(TIntFltKd(Key, Dat));
    Offset += TokenH.Len(); 
Esempio n. 14
void TMultinomial::AddFtr(const TStr& Str, TIntFltKdV& SpV, int& Offset) const {
    const int FtrId = FtrGen.GetFtr(Str);
    if (FtrId != -1) {
        SpV.Add(TIntFltKd(Offset + FtrId, 1.0));
    Offset += GetDim();
Esempio n. 15
void TFtrGenNumeric::Add(
        const TStr& Val, TIntFltKdV& SpV, int& Offset) const {

    double Flt = GetFlt(Val);
    SpV.Add(TIntFltKd(Offset, Trans(Flt))); 
Esempio n. 16
void TDateWnd::AddFtr(const TTm& Val, TIntFltKdV& SpV, int& Offset) const {
    const int Ftr = GetFtr(Val);
    for (int FtrN = 0; FtrN < WndSize; FtrN++) {
        SpV.Add(TIntFltKd(Offset + Ftr + FtrN, Wgt));
    Offset += GetDim();
Esempio n. 17
void TGnuPlot::SaveTs(const TIntFltKdV& KdV, const TStr& FNm, const TStr& HeadLn) {
  FILE *F = fopen(FNm.CStr(), "wt");
  if (! HeadLn.Empty()) fprintf(F, "# %s\n", HeadLn.CStr());
  for (int i = 0; i < KdV.Len(); i++)
    fprintf(F, "%d\t%g\n", KdV[i].Key(), KdV[i].Dat());
Esempio n. 18
void TCategorical::AddFtr(const TStr& Val, TIntFltKdV& SpV, int& Offset) const {
    // get dimension to set to 1.0
    const int Dim = GetFtr(Val);
    // set to 1.0 if we get a dimension
    if (Dim != -1) { SpV.Add(TIntFltKd(Offset + Dim, 1.0)); }
    // update offset
    Offset += GetDim();
Esempio n. 19
void TFtrGenNominal::Add(
        const TStr& Val, TIntFltKdV& SpV, int& Offset) const {

    if (ValH.IsKey(Val)) { 
        SpV.Add(TIntFltKd(Offset + ValH.GetKeyId(Val), 1.0)); 
    Offset += ValH.Len(); 
Esempio n. 20
double CalcAvgDiamPdf(const TIntFltKdV& DistNbrsPdfV) {
  double Paths=0, SumLen=0;
  for (int i = 0; i < DistNbrsPdfV.Len(); i++) {
    SumLen += DistNbrsPdfV[i].Key * DistNbrsPdfV[i].Dat;
    Paths += DistNbrsPdfV[i].Dat;
  return SumLen/Paths;
Esempio n. 21
void TStrFeatureSpace::FromAddStr(const TStr& Serialized, TIntFltKdV& Vec, char Sep) {
	TStrV Toks;
	Serialized.SplitOnAllCh(Sep, Toks, true);
	for (int i = 0; i < Toks.Len(); i++) {
		TStr Key, Value;
		Toks[i].SplitOnCh(Key, ':', Value);
		int FeatureId = GetAddId(Key);
		double FeatureWgt;
		if (Value.IsFlt(FeatureWgt)) {
			Vec[i].Key = FeatureId;
			Vec[i].Dat = FeatureWgt;
		} else {
			EFailR((Value + TStr(" is not a valid floating point number.")).CStr());
Esempio n. 22
// Logistic-Regression-Model
double TLogRegMd::GetCfy(const TIntFltKdV& AttrV) {
    int len = AttrV.Len();
    double res = bb.Last();
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (AttrV[i].Key < bb.Len())
            res += AttrV[i].Dat * bb[AttrV[i].Key];
    double mu = 1/(1 + exp(-res));
    return mu;
Esempio n. 23
TStr TStrUtil::GetStr(const TIntFltKdV& IntFltKdV, const TStr& FieldDelimiterStr, 
 const TStr& DelimiterStr, const TStr& FmtStr) {
  TChA ResChA;
  for (int EltN = 0; EltN < IntFltKdV.Len(); EltN++) {
	if (!ResChA.Empty()) { ResChA+=DelimiterStr; }
    ResChA+=TFlt::GetStr(IntFltKdV[EltN].Dat, FmtStr);
  return ResChA;
TStr TAlignPairBs::MapQuery(const TAlignPairMap& Map, const TStr& QueryStr, 
        const int& QueryLangId, const int& TargetLangId, const int& TransQueryMtpy,
        const double& MxWgtPrc) {

    // get alignment corpus
    PAlignPair AlignPair = GetAlignPair(QueryLangId, TargetLangId);
    // get languages
    const TStr& QueryLang = LangH.GetKey(QueryLangId);
    const TStr& TargetLang = LangH.GetKey(TargetLangId);
    // get sparse vector from the query
    TIntFltKdV InSpV; AlignPair->GetSpV(QueryStr, QueryLang, InSpV);
    // get sparse matrices with aligned columns
    const TMatrix& QueryMatrix = AlignPair->GetMatrix(QueryLang);
    const TMatrix& TargetMatrix = AlignPair->GetMatrix(TargetLang);
    // map the query
    TIntFltKdV OutSpV; Map(InSpV, QueryMatrix, TargetMatrix, OutSpV);
    // make query back to string
    return AlignPair->GetSpVStr(OutSpV, TargetLang, 
        InSpV.Len() * TransQueryMtpy, MxWgtPrc);
Esempio n. 25
void TStrFeatureSpace::FromStr(const TStr& Serialized, TIntFltKdV& Vec, char Sep) const {
	TStrV Toks;
	Serialized.SplitOnAllCh(Sep, Toks, true);
	for (int i = 0; i < Toks.Len(); i++) {
		TStr Key, Value;
		Toks[i].SplitOnCh(Key, ':', Value);
		TStrFSSize FeatureId;
		if (GetIfExistsId(Key, FeatureId)) {
			double FeatureWgt;
			if (Value.IsFlt(FeatureWgt)) {
				TIntFltKd& Kv = Vec[Vec.Add()];
				Kv.Key = FeatureId;
				Kv.Dat = FeatureWgt;
			} else {
				EFailR((Value + TStr(" is not a valid floating point number.")).CStr());

Esempio n. 26
double TBowLinAlg::DotProduct(const TIntFltKdV& x, PBowSpV y) {
    TBowWIdWgtKd* vec2 = y->BegI();
    int len1 = x.Len(), len2 = y->Len();
    double res = 0.0; int j1 = 0, j2 = 0;

    while (j1 < len1 && j2 < len2) {
        if (x[j1].Key < vec2[j2].Key) { j1++; } 
        else if (x[j1].Key > vec2[j2].Key) { j2++; } 
        else { res += x[j1].Dat * vec2[j2].Dat; j1++; j2++; }

    return res;
Esempio n. 27
void TBagOfWords::AddFtr(const TStrV& TokenStrV, TIntFltKdV& SpV) const {
    // aggregate token counts
    TIntH TermFqH;
	TStrV NgramStrV;
    GenerateNgrams(TokenStrV, NgramStrV);	
    for (int TokenStrN = 0; TokenStrN < NgramStrV.Len(); TokenStrN++) {
        const TStr& TokenStr = NgramStrV[TokenStrN];
        // get token ID
        const int TokenId = IsHashing() ?
            (TokenStr.GetHashTrick() % HashDim) : // hashing
            TokenSet.GetKeyId(TokenStr); // vocabulary
        // add if known token
        if (TokenId != -1) {
    // make a sparse vector out of it
    SpV.Gen(TermFqH.Len(), 0);
    int KeyId = TermFqH.FFirstKeyId();
    while (TermFqH.FNextKeyId(KeyId)) {
        const int TermId = TermFqH.GetKey(KeyId);
        double TermVal = 1.0;
        if (IsTf()) { TermVal *= double(TermFqH[KeyId]); }
        if (IsIdf()) {
            if (ForgetP) {
                const double DocFq = double(DocFqV[TermId]) + OldDocFqV[TermId];
                if (DocFq > 0.1) { TermVal *= log((double(Docs) + OldDocs) / DocFq); }
            } else {
                TermVal *= log(double(Docs) / double(DocFqV[TermId]));
        SpV.Add(TIntFltKd(TermId, TermVal));
    // step (4): normalize the vector if so required
    if (IsNormalize()) { TLinAlg::Normalize(SpV); }
Esempio n. 28
PJsonVal TNearestNeighbor::Explain(const TIntFltKdV& Vec) const {
	// if not initialized, return null (JSON)
	if (!IsInit()) { return TJsonVal::NewNull(); }
	// find nearest neighbor
	double NearDist = TFlt::Mx;
	int NearColN = -1;
	TIntFltKdV DiffV;
	for (int ColN = 0; ColN < Mat.Len(); ColN++) {		
		const double Dist = TLinAlg::Norm2(Vec) - 2 * TLinAlg::DotProduct(Vec, Mat[ColN]) + TLinAlg::Norm2(Mat[ColN]);
		if (Dist < NearDist) { NearDist = Dist; NearColN = ColN; }
    const TIntFltKdV& NearVec = Mat[NearColN];
	// generate JSon explanations
	PJsonVal ResVal = TJsonVal::NewObj();
    // id of the nearest element
	ResVal->AddToObj("nearestID", IDVec[NearColN]);
	ResVal->AddToObj("distance", NearDist);
    // element-wise difference
    PJsonVal DiffVal = TJsonVal::NewArr();
    int NearEltN = 0, EltN = 0;
    while (NearEltN < NearVec.Len() && EltN < Vec.Len()) {
        // get values
        const int FtrId =      (NearVec[NearEltN].Key < Vec[EltN].Key) ? NearVec[NearEltN].Key     : Vec[EltN].Key;
        const double Val =     (NearVec[NearEltN].Key >= Vec[EltN].Key) ? Vec[EltN].Dat.Val : 0.0;
        const double NearVal = (NearVec[NearEltN].Key <= Vec[EltN].Key) ? NearVec[NearEltN].Dat.Val : 0.0;
        const double Diff    = TMath::Sqr(NearVal - Val) / NearDist;
        // add to json result
        PJsonVal FtrVal = TJsonVal::NewObj();
        FtrVal->AddToObj("id", FtrId);
        FtrVal->AddToObj("val", Val);
        FtrVal->AddToObj("nearVal", NearVal);
        FtrVal->AddToObj("contribution", Diff);
        // move to the next feature
        if (NearVec[NearEltN].Key > Vec[EltN].Key) {
        } else if (NearVec[NearEltN].Key < Vec[EltN].Key) {
        } else {
            NearEltN++; EltN++;
    ResVal->AddToObj("features", DiffVal);
	return ResVal;
void TFtrGenMultiNom::AddFtr(const TStrV& StrV, TIntFltKdV& SpV, int& Offset) const {
    // generate feature vector just for this feature generate
    TIntFltKdV MultiNomSpV(StrV.Len(), 0);
    for (int StrN = 0; StrN < StrV.Len(); StrN++) {
        const int FtrId = FtrGen.GetFtr(StrV[StrN]);
        // only use features we've seen during updates
        if (FtrId != -1) {
            MultiNomSpV.Add(TIntFltKd(Offset + FtrId, 1.0));
    // merge elements with same id
    double NormSq = 0.0;
    int GoodSpN = 0;
    for (int SpN = 1; SpN < MultiNomSpV.Len(); SpN++) {
        if (MultiNomSpV[GoodSpN].Key == MultiNomSpV[SpN].Key) {
            // repeatition of previous id
            MultiNomSpV[GoodSpN].Dat += MultiNomSpV[SpN].Dat;
        } else { // new id
            // keep track of norm
            NormSq += TMath::Sqr(MultiNomSpV[GoodSpN].Dat);
            // increase the pointer to the next good position
            // and move the new value down to the good position
            MultiNomSpV[GoodSpN] = MultiNomSpV[SpN];
    // only bother if there is something to add
    if (MultiNomSpV.Len() > 0) {
        // update the norm with the last element
        NormSq += TMath::Sqr(MultiNomSpV[GoodSpN].Dat);
        // truncate the vector
        // normalize
        double Norm = TMath::Sqrt(NormSq);
        TLinAlg::MultiplyScalar(1.0 / Norm, MultiNomSpV, MultiNomSpV);
        // add the the full feature vector and increase offset count
    // increase the offset by the dimension
    Offset += GetVals();
Esempio n. 30
void TGUtil::GetPdf(const TIntFltKdV& CdfV, TIntFltKdV& PdfV) {
  PdfV = CdfV;
  for (int i = PdfV.Len()-1; i > 0; i--) {
    PdfV[i].Dat = PdfV[i].Dat - PdfV[i-1].Dat; }