void Tran_to_cm(TLorentzVector e_vec, TLorentzVector d_vec, 
                TLorentzVector &e_cm, TLorentzVector &d_cm){
     //   e_vec - electron 4 vector in some frame
     //   d_vec - ion 4 vector in some frame
     //   e_ft - electron 4 vector in center of mass frame
     //   d_ft - ion 4 vector in center of mass frame
     e_cm = e_vec;
     d_cm = d_vec;

     TLorentzVector cm_vec = e_vec + d_vec;


Esempio n. 2
// This is the pt corrected delta phi between the 2 mega-jets
// P and Q are the 4-vectors for the 2 hemispheres 
// M is the MET 3 vector (don't forget to set the z-component of
// MET to 0)
// This function will do the correct Lorentz transformations of the 
// leptons for you
double HWWKinematics::CalcDeltaPhiNEW(TLorentzVector P, TLorentzVector Q, TVector3 M){
    // first calculate pt-corrected MR
 float mymrnew = CalcMRNEW(L1,L2,MET);

    //Next, calculate the transverse Lorentz transformation
 TVector3 B = P.Vect()+Q.Vect()+MET;
 B = (-1./(sqrt(4.*mymrnew*mymrnew+B.Dot(B))))*B;


    //Now, re-calculate the delta phi
    // in the new reference frame:

 return P.DeltaPhi(Q);

Esempio n. 3
void rochcor::momcor_mc( TLorentzVector& mu, float charge, float sysdev, int runopt){
  //sysdev == num : deviation = num

  float ptmu = mu.Pt();
  float muphi = mu.Phi();
  float mueta = mu.Eta(); // same with mu.Eta() in Root

  float px = mu.Px();
  float py = mu.Py();
  float pz = mu.Pz();
  float e = mu.E();

  int mu_phibin = phibin(muphi);
  int mu_etabin = etabin(mueta);

  //float mptsys = sran.Gaus(0.0,sysdev);
  float dm = (mcor_bf[mu_phibin][mu_etabin] + mptsys_mc_dm[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]*mcor_bfer[mu_phibin][mu_etabin])/mmavg[mu_phibin][mu_etabin];
  float da = mcor_ma[mu_phibin][mu_etabin] + mptsys_mc_da[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]*mcor_maer[mu_phibin][mu_etabin];
  float cor = 1.0/(1.0 + dm + charge*da*ptmu);

  //for the momentum tuning - eta,phi,Q correction
  px *= cor;
  py *= cor;
  pz *= cor;
  e  *= cor;
  float gscler = 0.0;
  float deltaer = 0.0;
  float sfer = 0.0;
  gscler = TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power(mgscl_stat,2) + TMath::Power(mgscl_syst,2) );
  deltaer = TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power(delta_stat,2) + TMath::Power(delta_syst,2) );
  sfer = TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power(sf_stat,2) + TMath::Power(sf_syst,2) );
  float tune = 1.0/(1.0 + (delta + sysdev*deltaer)*sqrt(px*px + py*py)*eran.Gaus(1.0,(sf + sysdev*sfer)));
  px *= (tune); 
  py *= (tune);  
  pz *= (tune);  
  e  *= (tune);   
  float gscl = (genm_smr/mrecm);
  px *= (gscl + gscler_mc_dev*gscler);
  py *= (gscl + gscler_mc_dev*gscler);
  pz *= (gscl + gscler_mc_dev*gscler);
  e  *= (gscl + gscler_mc_dev*gscler);

Esempio n. 4
void rochcor2012::momcor_mc( TLorentzVector& mu, float charge, float sysdev, int runopt, float& qter){
  //sysdev == num : deviation = num

  float ptmu = mu.Pt();
  float muphi = mu.Phi();
  float mueta = mu.Eta(); // same with mu.Eta() in Root

  float px = mu.Px();
  float py = mu.Py();
  float pz = mu.Pz();
  float e = mu.E();

  int mu_phibin = phibin(muphi);
  int mu_etabin = etabin(mueta);

  //float mptsys = sran.Gaus(0.0,sysdev);
  float Mf = (mcor_bf[mu_phibin][mu_etabin] + mptsys_mc_dm[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]*mcor_bfer[mu_phibin][mu_etabin])/(mpavg[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]+mmavg[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]);
  float Af = ((mcor_ma[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]+mptsys_mc_da[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]*mcor_maer[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]) - Mf*(mpavg[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]-mmavg[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]));     
  float cor = 1.0/(1.0 + 2.0*Mf + charge*Af*ptmu);
  //for the momentum tuning - eta,phi,Q correction
  px *= cor;
  py *= cor;
  pz *= cor;
  e  *= cor;
  float gscler = mgscl_stat;
  float deltaer = delta_stat;
  float sfer = sf_stat;
  float gscl = (genm_smr/mrecm);
  px *= (gscl + gscler_mc_dev*gscler);
  py *= (gscl + gscler_mc_dev*gscler);
  pz *= (gscl + gscler_mc_dev*gscler);
  e  *= (gscl + gscler_mc_dev*gscler);
  float momscl = sqrt(px*px + py*py)/ptmu;
  float tune = 1.0/(1.0 + (delta + sysdev*deltaer)*sqrt(px*px + py*py)*eran.Gaus(1.0,(sf + sysdev*sfer)));
  px *= (tune); 
  py *= (tune);  
  pz *= (tune);  
  e  *= (tune);   
  qter *= (momscl*momscl + (1.0-tune)*(1.0-tune));
Esempio n. 5
double HWWKinematics::CalcUnboostedMTR(TLorentzVector P, TLorentzVector Q, TVector3 M){
    // first calculate pt-corrected MR
 float mymrnew = CalcMRNEW(L1,L2,MET);

    //Next, calculate the transverse Lorentz transformation
 TVector3 B = P.Vect()+Q.Vect()+MET;
 B = (-1./(sqrt(4.*mymrnew*mymrnew+B.Dot(B))))*B;


    //Now, re-calculate MTR in the new reference frame:
 float mymtrnew = CalcMTRNEW(P, Q);

    //R is now just the ratio of mymrnew and mymtrnew;

 return mymtrnew;
Esempio n. 6
TLorentzVector smearMom(TLorentzVector const& b,TF1 const * const fMomResolution)
  float const pt = b.Perp();
  float const sPt = gRandom->Gaus(pt,pt*fMomResolution->Eval(pt));

  TLorentzVector sMom;
  return sMom;
Esempio n. 7
double Delta(double pt1, double eta1, double phi1,double pt2, double eta2, double phi2,double t1pfmetPhi){
  TLorentzVector fLorentzVec1; 
  TLorentzVector fLorentzVec2; 
  TLorentzVector fLorentzVecgg;
  // Fill TLorentzVector
  fLorentzVecgg = fLorentzVec1 + fLorentzVec2;
  double phigg= fLorentzVecgg.Phi();
  double delta = phigg-t1pfmetPhi;
  delta =fabs(delta);
  return delta;
void smearEmEnergy( TLorentzVector& p ) {

    float smearEBlowEta     = 0.013898;
    float smearEBhighEta    = 0.0189895;
    float smearEElowEta     = 0.027686;
    float smearEEhighEta    = 0.031312;
    float theGaussMean      = 1.;
    float pt = p.Pt();
    float eta = p.Eta();
    float phi = p.Phi();
    float mass = p.M();
    float theSmear = 0.;
    if      (fabs(eta)<1.                   )  theSmear = smearEBlowEta;
    else if (fabs(eta)>=1.  && fabs(eta)<1.5)  theSmear = smearEBhighEta;
    else if (fabs(eta)>=1.5 && fabs(eta)<2. )  theSmear = smearEElowEta;
    else if (fabs(eta)>=2.  && fabs(eta)<2.5)  theSmear = smearEEhighEta;
    float fromGauss = myRandom_.Gaus(theGaussMean,theSmear);
    p.SetPtEtaPhiM( fromGauss*pt, eta, phi, mass ); // keep mass and direction same

Esempio n. 9
double Histogrammer::minDrPhoB(int PhoInd, EventTree* tree){
	// find the closest b-jet
	TLorentzVector b;
	TLorentzVector bBar;
	int phoGen=-1;
	double mindr = 999.0;
	for( int mcI = 0; mcI < tree->nMC_; ++mcI){
		if( tree->mcIndex->at(mcI) == tree->phoGenIndex_->at(PhoInd) ) 
		if( tree->mcPID->at(mcI) == 5) 
			b.SetPtEtaPhiM(tree->mcPt->at(mcI), tree->mcEta->at(mcI), tree->mcPhi->at(mcI), tree->mcMass->at(mcI));
		if( tree->mcPID->at(mcI) == -5) 
			bBar.SetPtEtaPhiM(tree->mcPt->at(mcI), tree->mcEta->at(mcI), tree->mcPhi->at(mcI), tree->mcMass->at(mcI));
	if( phoGen > 0 && b.Pt() > 0.0001 && bBar.Pt() > 0.0001 ) {
		mindr = std::min(dR(tree->mcEta->at(phoGen), tree->mcPhi->at(phoGen), b.Eta(), b.Phi()),
						 dR(tree->mcEta->at(phoGen), tree->mcPhi->at(phoGen), bBar.Eta(), bBar.Phi()));
	return mindr;
Esempio n. 10
void Output_Delphes::AnalyseParticles(ExRootTreeBranch *branch, const HepMC::GenEvent& evt)
  TRootC::GenParticle *element;
  TLorentzVector momentum;
  Double_t signPz;
  for(int n=1; n<=evt.particles_size(); n++) {
    int mo1, mo2, da1, da2, status, pid;
    element = static_cast<TRootC::GenParticle*>(branch->NewEntry());
    element->PID = pid;
    element->Status = status;
    element->M1 = mo1 - 1; // added -1 as the numbering in the tree starts from 0
    element->M2 = mo2 - 1;
    element->D1 = da1 - 1;
    element->D2 = da2 - 1;
    element->E = index_to_particle[n]->momentum().e();
    element->Px = index_to_particle[n]->momentum().px();
    element->Py = index_to_particle[n]->momentum().py();
    element->Pz = index_to_particle[n]->momentum().pz();
    element->PT = sqrt(pow(element->Px,2)+pow(element->Py,2));
    momentum.SetPxPyPzE(element->Px, element->Py, element->Pz, element->E);
    signPz = (element->Pz >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
    element->Eta = element->PT < 1e-6 ? signPz*999.9 : momentum.Eta();
    element->Phi = index_to_particle[n]->momentum().phi();
    HepMC::GenVertex* vrtI = (index_to_particle[n])->production_vertex();
    HepMC::GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator partI;
    if(vrtI) {
      element->T = vrtI->position().t();
      element->X = vrtI->position().x();
      element->Y = vrtI->position().y();
      element->Z = vrtI->position().z();
    else {
      element->T = 0.;
      element->X = 0.;
      element->Y = 0.;
      element->Z = 0.;
Esempio n. 11
//This is the function to determine the interaction point in case of a cylinder (case1), for BDXmini.
//The cylinder is with the axis along y(vertical), center at x=0,y=0,z=ldet, radius is R,height is h
double KinUtils::findInteractionPointCylinder1(const TLorentzVector &chi,double ldet,double h,double R,TVector3 &vin,TVector3 &vout,TVector3 &vhit){

	double tIN,tOUT,t2,t3,t,L;

	double px=chi.Px();
	double py=chi.Py();
	double pz=chi.Pz();

	double delta=pz*pz*ldet*ldet-(pz*pz+px*px)*(ldet*ldet-R*R);
	if (delta<0){
		cout<<"KinUtils::findInteractionPointCylinder1 error, the delta is: "<<delta<<endl;
		return 0;

	//entry point
	tIN = (pz*ldet - sqrt(delta))/(px*px+pz*pz);
	t2 = (pz*ldet + sqrt(delta))/(px*px+pz*pz);

	t3 = (h/2)/py;

	if ((t3>0)&&(t3<t2)&&(t3>tIN)){




	L = (vout - vin).Mag();

	return L;
std::vector<double> CalculateDeltaEtaAndPhi(bool possibleMultW, bool possibleMultAntiW, int w1, TLorentzVector TL_munu){

  //Don't take into account the events with multiple W's. Think of something

  double deltaphi, deltaeta;
  if(possibleMultW == false && possibleMultAntiW == false){
    deltaphi = TMath::Abs(TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(TL_munu.Phi() - genPhi[w1]) );
     deltaeta = TMath::Abs(TL_munu.Eta() - genEta[w1] );
  } else {
    deltaphi = 99.;
    deltaeta = 99.;

  std::vector<double> EtaAndPhi;


  return EtaAndPhi;

Esempio n. 13
void getKinematics(TLorentzVector& b, double const mass)
   float const pt = gRandom->Uniform(momentumRange.first, momentumRange.second);
   float const y = gRandom->Uniform(-acceptanceRapidity, acceptanceRapidity);
   float const phi = TMath::TwoPi() * gRandom->Rndm();

   float const mT = sqrt(mass * mass + pt * pt);
   float const pz = mT * sinh(y);
   float const E = mT * cosh(y);

   b.SetPxPyPzE(pt * cos(phi), pt * sin(phi) , pz, E);
Esempio n. 14
// // //
double analysisClass::RecoHLTdeltaRmin_SingleMu24Trigger( unsigned int iReco ){
  TLorentzVector HLTLep;
  TLorentzVector RecoLep;
  double deltaRmin=999999.9;
  RecoLep.SetPtEtaPhiM( muPtcorr(iReco),   MuonEta->at(iReco),   MuonPhi->at(iReco),   0);
  for(unsigned int ifilter=0; ifilter<HLTFilterName->size(); ifilter++){  
    // HLT_Mu24_eta2p1_v*
    if( HLTFilterName->at(ifilter) == "hltL3fL1sMu16Eta2p1L1f0L2f16QL3Filtered24Q" //V3,V4,V5
      // -----  extract TrigObject 4-vector  -----
      std::vector<std::vector<float> > * TrigObjectPt_TrigArray;  vector<float> trigObjPtArray;  float trigObjPt_;
      std::vector<std::vector<float> > * TrigObjectEta_TrigArray; vector<float> trigObjEtaArray; float trigObjEta_;
      std::vector<std::vector<float> > * TrigObjectPhi_TrigArray; vector<float> trigObjPhiArray; float trigObjPhi_;
      TrigObjectPt_TrigArray  = HLTFilterObjPt;    trigObjPtArray  = (*TrigObjectPt_TrigArray)[ifilter];
      TrigObjectEta_TrigArray = HLTFilterObjEta;   trigObjEtaArray = (*TrigObjectEta_TrigArray)[ifilter];
      TrigObjectPhi_TrigArray = HLTFilterObjPhi;   trigObjPhiArray = (*TrigObjectPhi_TrigArray)[ifilter];
      // ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
      for(unsigned int iobj=0; iobj<trigObjPtArray.size(); iobj++){//loop over all trigObjects of selected Filter
	trigObjPt_ = (trigObjPtArray)[iobj];  trigObjEta_= (trigObjEtaArray)[iobj];  trigObjPhi_= (trigObjPhiArray)[iobj];
	HLTLep.SetPtEtaPhiM( trigObjPt_, trigObjEta_, trigObjPhi_, 0 );
	if(RecoLep.DeltaR(HLTLep)<deltaRmin) deltaRmin = RecoLep.DeltaR(HLTLep);
  return deltaRmin;
Esempio n. 15
double PTCut::HistResp(TLorentzVector tmpP, double respHCAL, double respECAL,
                         double respEHHCAL, double respEHECAL)
    double respSum = 0;
    // In case of inconsistensies in binning, the bins are checked explicitely
    int binHadrf = 0;
    int binEcalf = 0;
    double trueFracECAL = 0;
    double fE = 0;
    // H: all energy in HCAL; this is multiplied with HCAL response
    binHadrf = pfh->FindBin(tmpP.Perp());
    respSum += (pfh->GetBinContent(binHadrf))*respHCAL; 
    // E: energy only in ECAL, fraction multiplied with ECAL response
    binHadrf = pfe->FindBin(tmpP.Perp());
    respSum += (pfe->GetBinContent(binHadrf))*respECAL; 
    // pf0: nothing is added for the lost hadrons, effectively:
    // respSum += (pf0->GetBinContent(binHadrf))*0;
    // eH: energy in both ECAL and HCAL, mostly HCAL. Does not work
    // intuitively (compared to EH). First, approximate H by HCAL
    // resp. times tot energy - 0.3 GeV. Move 0.3 GeV to ECAL and
    // use response for this.
    binHadrf = pfe0h->FindBin(tmpP.Perp());
    respSum += (pfe0h->GetBinContent(binHadrf))*( 0.3*(respECAL-1)
        + respHCAL );

    // EH: energy in both ECAL and HCAL
    binHadrf = pfe1h->FindBin(tmpP.Perp());
    binEcalf = pef1->FindBin(tmpP.Perp());

    fE = pef1->GetBinContent(binEcalf); 
    trueFracECAL = fE/((1-fE)*respEHECAL/respEHHCAL+1); 
    respSum += (pfe1h->GetBinContent(binHadrf))*(trueFracECAL*respEHECAL

    return respSum;
HHKinFit2::HHKinFitMasterSingleHiggs::HHKinFitMasterSingleHiggs(TLorentzVector const& tauvis1,
                                                                TLorentzVector const& tauvis2,
                                                                TVector2 const& met, 
                                                                TMatrixD const& met_cov, 
                                                                bool istruth,
                                                                TLorentzVector const& higgsgen)
  m_tauvis1 = HHLorentzVector(tauvis1.Px(), tauvis1.Py(), tauvis1.Pz(), tauvis1.E());  
  m_tauvis2 = HHLorentzVector(tauvis2.Px(), tauvis2.Py(), tauvis2.Pz(), tauvis2.E());
  m_MET = met;
  m_MET_COV = met_cov;

  m_chi2_best = pow(10,10);
  m_bestHypo = 0;

  //  if (istruth){
  //    TRandom3 r(0);
  //    HHLorentzVector recoil;
  //    if(heavyhiggsgen != NULL){
  //       Double_t pxRecoil = r.Gaus(-(heavyhiggsgen->Px() ), 10.0);
  //       Double_t pyRecoil = r.Gaus(-(heavyhiggsgen->Py() ), 10.0);
  //       recoil = HHLorentzVector(pxRecoil, pyRecoil, 0,
  //				sqrt(pxRecoil*pxRecoil+pyRecoil*pyRecoil));
  //    }
  //    else{
  //      recoil = HHLorentzVector(0,0,0,0);
  //      std::cout << "WARNING! Truthinput mode active but no Heavy Higgs gen-information given! Setting Recoil to Zero!" << std::endl;
  //    }
  //    TMatrixD recoilCov(2,2);
  //    recoilCov(0,0)=100;  recoilCov(0,1)=0;
  //    recoilCov(1,0)=0;    recoilCov(1,1)=100;
  //    HHLorentzVector recoHH = m_bjet1 + m_bjet2 + m_tauvis1 + m_tauvis2 + recoil;
  //    m_MET = TVector2(-recoHH.Px(), -recoHH.Py() );
  //    m_MET_COV = TMatrixD(2,2);
  //    m_MET_COV = recoilCov + bjet1Cov + bjet2Cov;
  //  }
Esempio n. 17
void DalitzChiSq2::setap3(TLorentzVector vec){
	//em & ep
    	    double cos12 = (ap1.v.Px()*ap2.v.Px() + ap1.v.Py()*ap2.v.Py() + ap1.v.Pz()*ap2.v.Pz())/(ap1.v.P()*ap2.v.P());
    	   //em & gm
   	    double cos23 = (ap2.v.Px()*ap3.v.Px() + ap2.v.Py()*ap3.v.Py() + ap2.v.Pz()*ap3.v.Pz())/(ap3.v.P()*ap2.v.P());
            //ep & gm
            double cos13 = (ap1.v.Px()*ap3.v.Px() + ap1.v.Py()*ap3.v.Py() + ap1.v.Pz()*ap3.v.Pz())/(ap1.v.P()*ap3.v.P());
		double beta1 = ap1.v.P()/ap1.v.E();
		double beta2 = ap2.v.P()/ap2.v.E();

	    double z12 = 2*((1/(beta1*beta2)) -cos12);
	    double z23 = 2*((1/beta2)-cos23);
	    double z13 = 2*((1/beta1)-cos13);
	double topterm =   M*M - 2*m_e*m_e - ( z12/(TMath::Sin(ap1.theta) * TMath::Sin(ap2.theta) *ap1.x_m*ap2.x_m));
	double bottomterm = ( (z13/(TMath::Sin(ap1.theta) * ap1.x_m)) + (z23/(TMath::Sin(ap2.theta) * ap2.x_m)) );

Esempio n. 18
void ptLooper::doLoop() {

  for (int i = ievent_; i < max_entry; i++) {
    if (i % 100000 == 0) cout << i << " / " << max_entry << endl;

    TLorentzVector muPN;
    muPN = *muonP_p4 + *muonN_p4;



    dimuonpteta_h.Fill(dimuon_p4->Eta(), dimuon_p4->Pt());

    muonpteta_h.Fill(muonP_p4->Eta(), muonP_p4->Pt());
    muonpteta_h.Fill(muonN_p4->Eta(), muonN_p4->Pt());

    if (muonP_p4->Pt() > 4. && muonN_p4->Pt()>4.) {

    if (simul_Jpsi_trigger(muonP_p4, muonN_p4, dimuon_p4)) {


Esempio n. 19
bool KinUtils::intersectsCylinder1(const TLorentzVector &chi,double ldet,double h,double R){

	double t1,y;

	double px=chi.Px();
	double py=chi.Py();
	double pz=chi.Pz();

	double delta=pz*pz*ldet*ldet-(pz*pz+px*px)*(ldet*ldet-R*R);
	if (delta<0) return false;

	t1 = (pz*ldet - sqrt(delta))/(px*px+pz*pz); //this is where it enters

	y = t1*py;
	if ((y>h/2)||(y<-h/2)) return false;

	return true;

Esempio n. 20
void rochcor2012::momcor_data( TLorentzVector& mu, float charge, int runopt, float& qter){
  float ptmu = mu.Pt();

  float muphi = mu.Phi();
  float mueta = mu.Eta(); // same with mu.Eta() in Root

  float px = mu.Px();
  float py = mu.Py();
  float pz = mu.Pz();
  float e = mu.E();
  int mu_phibin = phibin(muphi);
  int mu_etabin = etabin(mueta);

  float Mf = 0.0;
  float Af = 0.0;

    Mf = (dcor_bf[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]+mptsys_da_dm[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]*dcor_bfer[mu_phibin][mu_etabin])/(dpavg[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]+dmavg[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]);
    Af = ((dcor_ma[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]+mptsys_da_da[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]*dcor_maer[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]) - Mf*(dpavg[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]-dmavg[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]));     
  }else if(runopt==1){
    Mf = (dcor_bfD[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]+mptsys_da_dm[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]*dcor_bfDer[mu_phibin][mu_etabin])/(dpavgD[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]+dmavgD[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]);
    Af = ((dcor_maD[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]+mptsys_da_da[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]*dcor_maDer[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]) - Mf*(dpavgD[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]-dmavgD[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]));     
  float cor = 1.0/(1.0 + 2.0*Mf + charge*Af*ptmu);
  px *= cor;
  py *= cor;
  pz *= cor;
  e  *= cor;
  //after Z pt correction
  float gscler = dgscl_stat;
  float gscl = (genm_smr/drecm);
  px *= (gscl + gscler_da_dev*gscler);
  py *= (gscl + gscler_da_dev*gscler);
  pz *= (gscl + gscler_da_dev*gscler);
  e  *= (gscl + gscler_da_dev*gscler);
  float momscl = sqrt(px*px + py*py)/ptmu;
  qter *= momscl;
Esempio n. 21
TLorentzVector muon_pog::Plotter::muonTk(const muon_pog::Muon & muon)
  std::string & trackType = m_config.muon_trackType;

  TLorentzVector result; 
  if (trackType == "PF")
  else if (trackType == "TUNEP")
  else if (trackType == "GLB")
  else if (trackType == "INNER")
      std::cout << "[Plotter::muonTk]: Invalid track type: "
		<< trackType << std::endl;

  return result;
Esempio n. 22
void countDoubles(RhoCandList &l, int &n1, int &n2, int &n3)
	int n_smc  = 0;
	int n_strk = 0;
	int n_both = 0;
	double d = 0.00001;
	for (int i=0;i<l.GetLength()-1;++i)
		for (int j=i+1;j<l.GetLength();++j)
			TLorentzVector dl = l[i]->P4() - l[j]->P4();
			bool chkmc = (l[i]->GetMcTruth()==l[j]->GetMcTruth());
			bool chktrk = (fabs(dl.X())<d) && (fabs(dl.Y())<d) && (fabs(dl.Z())<d) && (fabs(dl.E())<d);
			if (chkmc) n_smc++;
			if (chktrk) n_strk++;
			if (chktrk && chkmc) n_both++;
	n1 = n_strk;
	n2 = n_smc;
	n3 = n_both;
Esempio n. 23
TLorentzVector selectPhoton( const ZGConfig& cfg, const ZGTree& myTree, int index, const TLorentzVector& lept0, const TLorentzVector& lept1, EnergyScaleCorrection_class egcor ) {

    TLorentzVector photon;
    if( myTree.ngamma<=index ) {
        photon.SetPtEtaPhiM( 0.01, 0., 0., 0. );
        return photon;
    photon.SetPtEtaPhiM( myTree.gamma_pt[index], myTree.gamma_eta[index], myTree.gamma_phi[index], myTree.gamma_mass[index] );

    // photon energy corrections/smearing
    if( !myTree.isData ) {
        if( cfg.smearing() ) {
            smearEmEnergy( egcor, photon, myTree, myTree.gamma_r9[0] );
    } else {
        if( cfg.smearing() ) {
            applyEmEnergyScale( egcor, photon, myTree, myTree.gamma_r9[0] );

    bool goodPhoton = true;
    if( photon.Pt()<40. ) goodPhoton=false;
    if( fabs(photon.Eta())>1.4442 && fabs(photon.Eta())<1.566 ) goodPhoton=false;
    if( fabs(photon.Eta())>2.5 ) goodPhoton=false;
    if( myTree.gamma_idCutBased[index]==0 ) goodPhoton=false;
    if( myTree.gamma_chHadIso[index]>2.5 ) goodPhoton=false;
    if( fabs(myTree.gamma_eta[index])<1.44 ) {
        if( myTree.gamma_sigmaIetaIeta[index]>0.0102 ) goodPhoton=false;
    } else {
        if( myTree.gamma_sigmaIetaIeta[index]>0.0274 ) goodPhoton=false;
    float deltaR_thresh = 0.4;
    if( photon.DeltaR(lept0)<deltaR_thresh || photon.DeltaR(lept1)<deltaR_thresh ) goodPhoton=false;

    if( !goodPhoton )
        photon.SetPtEtaPhiM( 0.01, 0., 0., 0. );

    return photon;

Esempio n. 24
double CosThetaStar(TLorentzVector p1, TLorentzVector p2){
	TLorentzVector p = p1 + p2;
	TVector3 theBoost = p.BoostVector();
	TVector3 bostDir;
	if ( theBoost.Mag() != 0 ) bostDir = theBoost.Unit(); // / theBoost.Mag());
	else return -1;
	if (p1.Vect().Mag()!=0) return p1.Vect().Dot(bostDir) / p1.Vect().Mag();
	else return -1;	
Esempio n. 25
inline float kinematics::cosThetaBoost( TLorentzVector* pa, float ca,
										TLorentzVector* pb, float cb )
	// http://xrootd.slac.stanford.edu/BFROOT/www/doc/workbook_backup_010108/analysis/analysis.html
	// A useful quantity in many analyses is the helicity angle.
	// In the reaction Y -> X -> a + b, the helicity angle of 
	// particle a is the angle measured in the rest frame of the
	//decaying parent particle, X, between the direction of the
	// decay daughter a and the direction of the grandparent particle Y.

	TLorentzVector pTmp = (*pa)+(*pb); // this is the mumu system (Z) 4vector
	TVector3 ZboostVector = pTmp.BoostVector(); // this is the 3vector of the Z
	TLorentzVector p; // this is the muon 4vector
	if(ca<0)      p.SetPxPyPzE(pa->Px(),pa->Py(),pa->Pz(),pa->E());
	else if(cb<0) p.SetPxPyPzE(pb->Px(),pb->Py(),pb->Pz(),pb->E());
	p.Boost( -ZboostVector ); // boost p to the dimuon CM (rest) frame
	float cosThetaB = p.Vect()*pTmp.Vect()/(p.P()*pTmp.P());
	//if (ySystem(pa,pb) < 0) cosThetaB *= -1.; // reclassify ???
	return cosThetaB;
Esempio n. 26
    // Reset all private to false/zwwDefault/null vector/etc.
void ZWW::reset(){
        // For checker
    isAllOk_ = false;
    isLepOk_ = false;
    isJetOk_ = false;
    isMETOk_ = false;

        // For setter
    lepPt_. clear();
    lepFl_. clear();
    lepCh_. clear();
    lepId_. clear();
    jetPt_. clear();
    jetM_.  clear();
    met_          = zwwDefault;
    metPhi_       = zwwDefault;
    njet_         = zwwDefault;
    nbjet_        = zwwDefault;
    st_           = zwwDefault;
    minMt_        = zwwDefault;
    minDeltaPhi_  = zwwDefault;

        // Buffer
//    TLorentzVector metVec_.SetXYZM(0.,0.,0.,0.);
    z0LepIdx_[0] = zwwDefault;
    z0LepIdx_[1] = zwwDefault;
    z1LepIdx_[0] = zwwDefault;
    z1LepIdx_[1] = zwwDefault;
    zaLepIdx_[0] = zwwDefault;
    zaLepIdx_[1] = zwwDefault;
    zbLepIdx_[0] = zwwDefault;
    zbLepIdx_[1] = zwwDefault;
    flagZ1SF_    = zwwDefault;

        // All other variables
    outPreSelection_ = false;

Esempio n. 27
void rochcor::momcor_data( TLorentzVector& mu, float charge, float sysdev, int runopt){
  float ptmu = mu.Pt();

  float muphi = mu.Phi();
  float mueta = mu.Eta(); // same with mu.Eta() in Root

  float px = mu.Px();
  float py = mu.Py();
  float pz = mu.Pz();
  float e = mu.E();
  int mu_phibin = phibin(muphi);
  int mu_etabin = etabin(mueta);
  //float mptsys1 = sran.Gaus(0.0,sysdev);
  float dm = (dcor_bf[mu_phibin][mu_etabin] + mptsys_da_dm[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]*dcor_bfer[mu_phibin][mu_etabin])/dmavg[mu_phibin][mu_etabin];
  float da = dcor_ma[mu_phibin][mu_etabin] + mptsys_da_da[mu_phibin][mu_etabin]*dcor_maer[mu_phibin][mu_etabin];
  float cor = 1.0/(1.0 + dm + charge*da*ptmu);
  px *= cor;
  py *= cor;
  pz *= cor;
  e  *= cor;
  //after Z pt correction
  float gscler = 0.0;
  gscler = TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Power(dgscl_stat,2) + TMath::Power(dgscl_syst,2) );
  float gscl = (genm_smr/drecm);
  px *= (gscl + gscler_da_dev*gscler);
  py *= (gscl + gscler_da_dev*gscler);
  pz *= (gscl + gscler_da_dev*gscler);
  e  *= (gscl + gscler_da_dev*gscler);
void AnalyseParticles(LHEF::Reader *reader, ExRootTreeBranch *branch)
  const LHEF::HEPEUP &hepeup = reader->hepeup;

  Int_t particle;
  Double_t signPz, cosTheta;

  TLorentzVector momentum;

  TRootLHEFParticle *element;

  for(particle = 0; particle < hepeup.NUP; ++particle)
    element = (TRootLHEFParticle*) branch->NewEntry();

    element->PID = hepeup.IDUP[particle];
    element->Status = hepeup.ISTUP[particle];
    element->Mother1 = hepeup.MOTHUP[particle].first;
    element->Mother2 = hepeup.MOTHUP[particle].second;
    element->ColorLine1 = hepeup.ICOLUP[particle].first;
    element->ColorLine2 = hepeup.ICOLUP[particle].second;
    element->Px = hepeup.PUP[particle][0];
    element->Py = hepeup.PUP[particle][1];
    element->Pz = hepeup.PUP[particle][2];
    element->E = hepeup.PUP[particle][3];
    element->M = hepeup.PUP[particle][4];

    momentum.SetPxPyPzE(element->Px, element->Py, element->Pz, element->E);

    cosTheta = TMath::Abs(momentum.CosTheta());
    signPz = (momentum.Pz() >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;

    element->PT = momentum.Perp();
    element->Eta = (cosTheta == 1.0 ? signPz*999.9 : momentum.Eta());
    element->Phi = (cosTheta == 1.0 ? signPz*999.9 : momentum.Rapidity());
    element->Rapidity = (cosTheta == 1.0 ? signPz*999.9 : momentum.Rapidity());

    element->LifeTime = hepeup.VTIMUP[particle];
    element->Spin = hepeup.SPINUP[particle];
Esempio n. 29
float getMT(TLorentzVector pZ, TLorentzVector pH)
  //take MET from pZ
  float myMET = pZ.Pt();
  float myMETx = pZ.Px();
  float myMETy = pZ.Py();

  float Et = pH.Et();
  float px = pH.Px();
  float py = pH.Py();
  float m  = pH.M();

  float MT = -99;
  float MT2 = m*m + 2*( Et * myMET - (px*myMETx + py*myMETy) ); 
  if(MT2>0.) {MT=sqrt(MT2);}
  return MT;
Esempio n. 30
// // //
bool analysisClass::isRecoTauMatchedTO( double genPt , double genEta , double genPhi , double dRcut ){
  double  deltaR=999;
  TLorentzVector RecoTau;
  TLorentzVector GenTau;
  GenTau.SetPtEtaPhiM( genPt, genEta, genPhi, 0 );
  for(unsigned int iTauR=0;  iTauR<HPSTauPt->size();     iTauR++){
    if( !tauRCheck( iTauR )    ) continue;
    RecoTau.SetPtEtaPhiM( tauPtcorr(iTauR) , HPSTauEta->at(iTauR) , HPSTauPhi->at(iTauR) , 0 );
    if( fabs(RecoTau.DeltaR(GenTau))<deltaR ) deltaR=fabs(RecoTau.DeltaR(GenTau));
  if( deltaR<dRcut ) return true;
  return false;