/**Predict data from 'data_file' using model from 'model_file' and save predictions to 'prediction_file'
void PredictData(const string& data_file,
                 const string& model_file,
                 const string& prediction_file, bool sse_on) {
        // List of image file names and its labels
    TFileList file_list;
        // Structure of images and its labels
    TDataSet data_set;
        // Structure of features of images and its labels
    TFeatures features;
        // List of image labels
    TLabels labels;

        // Load list of image file names and its labels
    LoadFileList(data_file, &file_list);
        // Load images
    LoadImages(file_list, &data_set);
        // Extract features from images
    ExtractFeatures(data_set, &features, sse_on);

        // Classifier
    TClassifier classifier = TClassifier(TClassifierParams());
        // Trained model
    TModel model;
        // Load model from file
        // Predict images by its features using 'model' and store predictions
        // to 'labels'
    classifier.Predict(features, model, &labels);

        // Save predictions
    SavePredictions(file_list, labels, prediction_file);
        // Clear dataset structure
	HOGFeatureClassifier::TModel OptimizeThresholdsInModel(const string &images_list, const string& model_file, RecognitionStatistics &stat)
		TModel model;

		float model_threshold = ImageRecognition::FindOptimalThresholdForModel(images_list, model, stat);
		return model;
	void ResponseImage(vector<ImageRecognition::SlidingRect> &rects, const Mat &image, const string &model_filename, RecognitionStatistics &stat)
		TModel model;
		ResponseImage(rects, image, model, stat);