Esempio n. 1
void UBehaviorTreeManager::DumpUsageStats() const
	FNodeClassCounter AllNodesCounter;
	for (TObjectIterator<UClass> It; It; ++It)
		if (It->IsChildOf(UBTNode::StaticClass()) && It->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Abstract) == false
			&& !(FKismetEditorUtilities::IsClassABlueprintSkeleton(*It)
				|| It->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_NewerVersionExists))


	UE_LOG(LogBehaviorTree, Display, TEXT("----------------------UBehaviorTreeManager::DumpUsageStats----------------------\nBehavior Trees:"));

	// get all BTNode classes
	for (TObjectIterator<UBehaviorTree> It; It; ++It)
		FNodeClassCounter TreeNodeCounter;
		UE_LOG(LogBehaviorTree, Display, TEXT("--- %s ---"), *(It->GetName()));
		StatNodeUsage(It->RootNode, TreeNodeCounter);
	UE_LOG(LogBehaviorTree, Display, TEXT("--- Total Nodes usage:"));
 * Initializes the list of possible level streaming methods.
 * Does nothing if the lists are already initialized.
void InitializeStreamingMethods()
    check( GStreamingMethodStrings.Num() == GStreamingMethodClassList.Num() );
    if ( GStreamingMethodClassList.Num() == 0 )
        // Assemble a list of possible level streaming methods.
        for ( TObjectIterator<UClass> It ; It ; ++It )
            if ( It->IsChildOf( ULevelStreaming::StaticClass() ) &&
                    (It->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_EditInlineNew)) &&
                    !(It->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Hidden | CLASS_Abstract | CLASS_Deprecated | CLASS_Transient)))
                const FString ClassName( It->GetName() );
                // Strip the leading "LevelStreaming" text from the class name.
                // @todo DB: This assumes the names of all ULevelStreaming-derived types begin with the string "LevelStreaming".
                GStreamingMethodStrings.Add( ClassName.Mid( 14 ) );
                GStreamingMethodClassList.Add( *It );
void AssembleListOfExporters(TArray<UExporter*>& OutExporters)
	auto TransientPackage = GetTransientPackage();

	// @todo DB: Assemble this set once.
	for (TObjectIterator<UClass> It; It; ++It)
		if (It->IsChildOf(UExporter::StaticClass()) && !It->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Abstract))
			UExporter* Exporter = NewObject<UExporter>(TransientPackage, *It);
 * Loads all of the code packages completely (for script classes). Then iterates
 * through the UClass-es finding all commandlets and dumping information on them
static void ListAllCommandlets(void)
	warnf(TEXT("%-40s    %s"),TEXT("Commandlet"),TEXT("Description"));
	// Now iterate through all UClass-es looking for commandlets
	for (TObjectIterator<UClass> It; It; ++It)
		UCommandlet* DefObject = Cast<UCommandlet>(It->GetDefaultObject());
		if (DefObject != NULL)
			// Ignore commandlets that can't be created
			if (It->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Abstract) == FALSE)
				const FString& Name = GetCommandletName(DefObject);
				warnf(TEXT("%-40s - %s"),*Name,*DefObject->HelpDescription);