bool VisionPerceptor::StaticAxisPercept(boost::shared_ptr<PredicateList> predList) { Predicate& predicate = predList->AddPredicate(); = mPredicateName; predicate.parameter.Clear(); TTeamIndex ti = mAgentState->GetTeamIndex(); salt::Vector3f myPos = mTransformParent->GetWorldTransform().Pos(); TObjectList visibleObjects; SetupVisibleObjects(visibleObjects); for (std::list<ObjectData>::iterator i = visibleObjects.begin(); i != visibleObjects.end(); ++i) { ObjectData& od = (*i); od.mRelPos = SoccerBase::FlipView(od.mRelPos, ti); if (mAddNoise) { od.mRelPos += mError; } if ( (od.mRelPos.Length() <= 0.1) || (CheckOcclusion(myPos,od)) ) { // object is occluded or too close continue; } // theta is the angle in the X-Y (horizontal) plane od.mTheta = salt::gRadToDeg(salt::gArcTan2(od.mRelPos[1], od.mRelPos[0])); // latitude od.mPhi = 90.0 - salt::gRadToDeg(salt::gArcCos(od.mRelPos[2]/od.mDist)); // make some noise ApplyNoise(od); // generate a sense entry AddSense(predicate,od); } if (mSenseMyPos) { Vector3f sensedMyPos = SoccerBase::FlipView(myPos, ti); ParameterList& element = predicate.parameter.AddList(); element.AddValue(std::string("mypos")); element.AddValue(sensedMyPos[0]); element.AddValue(sensedMyPos[1]); element.AddValue(sensedMyPos[2]); } return true; }
bool CLiteObjectMgr::RemoveObjectFromList(TObjectList &aList, GameBaseLite *pObject) { TObjectList::iterator iObj = std::find(aList.begin(), aList.end(), pObject); if (iObj == aList.end()) return false; *iObj = 0; return true; }
void VisionPerceptor::SetupVisibleObjects(TObjectList& visibleObjects) { TLeafList objectList; mActiveScene->ListChildrenSupportingClass<ObjectState>(objectList, true); salt::Vector3f myPos = mTransformParent->GetWorldTransform().Pos(); for (TLeafList::iterator i = objectList.begin(); i != objectList.end(); ++i) { ObjectData od; od.mObj = static_pointer_cast<ObjectState>(*i); if (od.mObj.get() == 0) { GetLog()->Error() << "Error: (VisionPerceptor) skipped: " << (*i)->GetName() << "\n"; continue; // this should never happen } boost::shared_ptr<Transform> j = od.mObj->GetTransformParent(); if (j.get() == 0) { continue; // this should never happen } od.mRelPos = j->GetWorldTransform().Pos() - myPos; od.mDist = od.mRelPos.Length(); visibleObjects.push_back(od); } }
void CLiteObjectMgr::RemoveObjectList(TObjectList &aList) { // Remove the objects in the engine TObjectList::iterator iCurObj = aList.begin(); for (; iCurObj != aList.end(); ++iCurObj) { if (*iCurObj) { GameBaseLite *pObj = *iCurObj; // Clear out the entry in the list so we don't think we have it any more *iCurObj = 0; g_pLTServer->RemoveObject(pObj->GetClass(), pObj); } } // Forget... aList.swap(TObjectList()); }
void CLiteObjectMgr::CleanList(TObjectList &aList) { // Clear nulls from the end of the list while (!aList.empty() && (aList.back() == 0)) aList.pop_back(); // Swap empties to the end of the list and get rid of them TObjectList::iterator iCurObj = aList.begin(); while (iCurObj != aList.end()) { if (!*iCurObj) { *iCurObj = aList.back(); aList.pop_back(); } else ++iCurObj; } }
bool VisionPerceptor::DynamicAxisPercept(boost::shared_ptr<PredicateList> predList) { Predicate& predicate = predList->AddPredicate(); = mPredicateName; predicate.parameter.Clear(); // get the transformation matrix describing the current orientation const Matrix& mat = mTransformParent->GetWorldTransform(); TObjectList visibleObjects; SetupVisibleObjects(visibleObjects); for (std::list<ObjectData>::iterator i = visibleObjects.begin(); i != visibleObjects.end(); ++i) { ObjectData& od = (*i); if (mAddNoise) { od.mRelPos += mError; } if (od.mRelPos.Length() <= 0.1) { // object is too close continue; } // determine position relative to the local reference frame Vector3f localRelPos = mat.InverseRotate(od.mRelPos); // theta is the angle in horizontal plane, with fwAngle as 0 degree od.mTheta = gNormalizeDeg (gRadToDeg(gNormalizeRad( gArcTan2(localRelPos[1],localRelPos[0]) )) -90 ); // latitude with fwPhi as 0 degreee od.mPhi = gRadToDeg(gNormalizeRad( gArcTan2( localRelPos[2], Vector2f(localRelPos[0], localRelPos[1]).Length()) )); // make some noise ApplyNoise(od); // generate a sense entry AddSense(predicate,od); } if (mSenseMyPos) { TTeamIndex ti = mAgentState->GetTeamIndex(); salt::Vector3f myPos = mTransformParent->GetWorldTransform().Pos(); Vector3f sensedMyPos = SoccerBase::FlipView(myPos, ti); ParameterList& element = predicate.parameter.AddList(); element.AddValue(std::string("mypos")); element.AddValue(sensedMyPos[0]); element.AddValue(sensedMyPos[1]); element.AddValue(sensedMyPos[2]); } return true; }
bool CLiteObjectMgr::IsObjectInList(TObjectList &aList, GameBaseLite *pObject) { return std::find(aList.begin(), aList.end(), pObject) != aList.end(); }
void RestrictedVisionPerceptor::AddSense(Predicate& predicate, boost::shared_ptr<BaseNode> node, TObjectList& objectList) const { if (objectList.empty()) { return; } boost::shared_ptr<AgentAspect> agent_aspect = dynamic_pointer_cast<AgentAspect>(node); if (agent_aspect != 0) { boost::shared_ptr<AgentAspect> aspect = agent_aspect->FindParentSupportingClass<AgentAspect>().lock(); if (aspect != 0) { agent_aspect = aspect; } boost::shared_ptr<AgentState> agent_state = static_pointer_cast<AgentState> (agent_aspect->GetChildOfClass("AgentState",true)); if (agent_state.get() == 0 || (agent_state->GetPerceptName(ObjectState::PT_Player).empty()) ) { return; } ParameterList& element = predicate.parameter.AddList(); element.AddValue(std::string("P")); ParameterList player; player.AddValue(std::string("team")); player.AddValue (std::string (agent_state->GetPerceptName(ObjectState::PT_Player) ) ); element.AddValue(player); if (! agent_state->GetID().empty()) { ParameterList id; id.AddValue(std::string("id")); id.AddValue(agent_state->GetID()); element.AddValue(id); } for (TObjectList::iterator j = objectList.begin(); j != objectList.end(); ++j) { ObjectData& od = (*j); if (!od.mObj->GetID().empty()) { ParameterList id; id.AddValue(od.mObj->GetID()); ParameterList position; position.AddValue(std::string("pol")); position.AddValue(od.mDist); position.AddValue(od.mTheta); position.AddValue(od.mPhi); id.AddValue(position); element.AddValue(id); } } } else { for (TObjectList::iterator j = objectList.begin(); j != objectList.end(); ++j) { ObjectData& od = (*j); ParameterList& element = predicate.parameter.AddList(); element.AddValue(od.mObj->GetPerceptName()); ParameterList& position = element.AddList(); position.AddValue(std::string("pol")); position.AddValue(od.mDist); position.AddValue(od.mTheta); position.AddValue(od.mPhi); } } }
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { //1.图像数组 Byte *data ; // data[] 处理一行数据 this->Image2->Picture->Bitmap->PixelFormat = pf8bit ; Graphics::TBitmap * bitmap = this->Image2->Picture->Bitmap ; //2.计算差值 DynamicArray< DynamicArray <int> > h ; TObjectList *positionXY = new TObjectList(true); TObjectList *map = new TObjectList(true); h.Length = height; for(int i = 0 ; i < height ; i++) { h[i].Length = width /2 ; data = static_cast<Byte *> (this->Image2->Picture->Bitmap->ScanLine[i]) ; for(int j = 0 ; j < width /2 ; j++) { //compute the difference h[i][j] = data[2*j] - data[2*j+1] ; //averate int average = (data[2*j] + data[2*j+1]) /2 ; //judge Expandable //3.把差值分类 统计可以差值的位置 if( ( h[i][j] < 2*(255-average) )&&( h[i][j] > -2*(255-average)) && ( h[i][j] < 2*average+1 )&& ( h[i][j] > -(2*average+1) ) ) { TPoint *p = new TPoint; p->x = i ; p->y = j ; //map the pair(a,b) a{x,y} //4.嵌入数据 if( embedCount <= embedSize ) { //expand difference if( embeddata.operator [](embedCount) == '1') { h[i][j] = 2*h[i][j]+ 1 ; } embedCount++ ; //recaculate x y data[2*j] = average + (h[i][j]+1)/2 ; data[2*j+1] = average - h[i][j]/2 ; map->Add((TObject *)p); TPoint *pair = new TPoint(data[2*j],data[2*j+1]); positionXY->Add((TObject *)pair); } else { //5.存储map if(this->SaveDialog1->Execute()) { //保存map AnsiString FileName = this->SaveDialog1->FileName; int handle = FileCreate(FileName); for(int a = 0 ; a < map->Count ; a++) { TPoint * p = (TPoint *)map->Items[a] ; FileWrite(handle,p,sizeof(TPoint)); } FileClose(handle); this->Image2->Canvas->Draw(0,0,bitmap) ; //保存h[i][j]; AnsiString strH = ""; for(int a = 0 ; a <= i ; a++) { for(int b = 0 ; b <= j ; b++) { strH +=AnsiString(h[a][b])+";"; } } AnsiString dirFileName = ExtractFilePath(FileName) +"difference.txt"; int difHandle = FileCreate(dirFileName); FileWrite(difHandle,strH.c_str(),strH.Length()); FileClose(difHandle); //保存修改坐标值 AnsiString valueFileName = ExtractFilePath(FileName) + "value.txt" ; int valueHandle = FileCreate(valueFileName); AnsiString pairStr = "" ; for(int x = 0 ; x < positionXY->Count ; x++) { TPoint *pair = (TPoint *)positionXY->Items[x] ; pairStr += AnsiString(pair->x) + "," + AnsiString(pair->y) + ";" ; } FileWrite(valueHandle,pairStr.c_str(),pairStr.Length()); FileClose(valueHandle) ; return ; } } } } } //6. 清理 delete map ; }