void LHCHiggsExample() { #ifdef __CINT__ gROOT->LoadMacro("LHCHiggsUtils.C"); #endif SetLHCHiggsStyle(); TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Higgs Cross Section",50,50,600,600); TPad* thePad = (TPad*)c1->cd(); thePad->SetLogy(); Double_t ymin=1.e-2; Double_t ymax=1.e2; Double_t xmin=90.00; Double_t xmax=600.; TH1F *h1 = thePad->DrawFrame(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax); h1->SetYTitle("#sigma_{pp #rightarrow H} [pb]"); h1->SetXTitle("M_{H} [GeV]"); h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); //h1->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(5); h1->Draw(); myText(0.2,0.88,1,"#sqrt{s}= 13 TeV"); myBoxText(0.55,0.67,0.05,5,"NNLO QCD"); LHCHIGGS_LABEL(0.98,0.725); myText(0.2,0.2,1,"Preliminary"); c1->Print("LHCHiggsExample.eps"); c1->Print("LHCHiggsExample.png"); c1->Print("LHCHiggsExample.pdf"); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void test() { time_t start = TTimeStamp().GetSec(); set_plot_style(); bool draw = true; //bool debug = true; // Define analysis configuration PSet ps; defaultPSet(ps); // Response plots if (false) { //xSectDistr(ps); responseProfile(); return; } // Print configuration std::stringstream ss; printPSet(ps,ss); std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl; // Params to store DoubleVV ratio, ratio_errh, ratio_errl, pass, pass_err, fail, fail_err; IntV length; clear( ratio, ratio_errh, ratio_errl, pass, pass_err, fail, fail_err, length ); init( ps, ratio, ratio_errh, ratio_errl, pass, pass_err, fail, fail_err, length ); // Loop through Meff bins int loop = 0; int nloops = ps.nmeff; for ( int imeff = 0; imeff < ps.nmeff; ++imeff ) { // Generate numbers in (x1,x2) plane DoubleVV dalitz; generateTruth( ps, imeff, dalitz, true ); // Integrate across dalitz plane integrate( ps, imeff, dalitz, ratio, ratio_errh, ratio_errl, pass, pass_err, fail, fail_err, length ); // Labeling std::stringstream ss; ss << "Meff" << int( ps.meff_bins[imeff] ); // New canvas for plots TCanvas* c1 = 0; if (draw) c1 = new TCanvas( TString("Canvas"+ss.str()), "" ); // Pad for cross-section plot TPad* pad = 0; if (draw) pad = new TPad(TString("Pad"+ss.str()),"",0.,0.,1.,1.); if (pad) { pad->SetGrid(); pad->Draw(); pad->cd(); pad->SetLogz(); } TH1F* hr = 0; if (draw) hr = pad->DrawFrame(ps.min,ps.min,ps.max,ps.max); // Histo title if (hr) { std::stringstream sss; sss << "M_{eff}=" << ps.meff_bins[imeff] << " GeV" << ", p_{T1}=" << dr(ps.pt1_bins[imeff],1) << " GeV" << ", p_{T2}=" << dr(ps.pt2_bins[imeff],1) << " GeV" << ", p_{T3}=" << dr(ps.pt3_bins[imeff],1) << " GeV"; hr->SetTitle( sss.str().c_str() ); hr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "x_{2}" ); hr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "x_{1}" ); } // Create 2D cross-section plot TH2D* his = 0; if (draw) his = new TH2D(TString("Histo"+ss.str()),"", ps.nbins,ps.min,ps.max, ps.nbins,ps.min,ps.max); //double x3 = ( 2. * ps.pt3_bins[imeff] ) / ( ps.meff_bins[imeff] + ps.pt3_bins[imeff] ); // Fill 2D cross-section plot for ( int x2_bin = 0; x2_bin < ps.nbins; ++x2_bin ) { for ( int x1_bin = 0; x1_bin < ps.nbins; ++x1_bin ) { // std::cout << " Fill:" // << " x2_bin: " << x2_bin // << " x2: " << val(x2_bin,nbins) // << " x1_bin: " << x1_bin // << " x1: " << val(x1_bin,nbins) // << " val: " << dalitz[x2_bin][x1_bin] // << std::endl; if (his) his->Fill( val(x2_bin,ps)+ps.width/2., val(x1_bin,ps)+ps.width/2., dalitz[x2_bin][x1_bin] ); } } // Draw 2D cross-section plot gStyle->SetPalette(1); if (his) { //his->SetMaximum( his->GetMaximum()*10. ); //his->SetMinimum( his->GetMinimum(1.e-12)*0.1 ); // his->SetMaximum( 1.e9 ); // his->SetMinimum( 1.e0 ); his->Draw("COLZsame"); } // Pad for AlphaT contours if (c1) c1->cd(); TPad* overlay = 0; if (draw) overlay = new TPad(TString("Overlay"+ss.str()),"",0.,0.,1.,1.); if (overlay) { overlay->SetFillStyle(4000); overlay->SetFillColor(0); overlay->SetFrameFillStyle(4000); overlay->Draw(); overlay->cd(); } //TH1F* hframe = 0; if (draw) overlay->DrawFrame(pad->GetUxmin(), pad->GetUymin(), pad->GetUxmax(), pad->GetUymax()); // Graphs of AlphaT contours TMultiGraph* mg = 0; if (draw) { mg = new TMultiGraph(); for ( Int_t icut = 0; icut < (int)ps.cutValues.size(); icut++ ) { Double_t alpha_t = ps.cutValues[icut]; const Int_t n = ps.nbins; DoubleV x1(n,0.); DoubleV x2(n,0.); for ( Int_t x2_bin = 0; x2_bin < ps.nbins; x2_bin++ ) { x2[x2_bin] = x2_bin * ps.width; x1[x2_bin] = cutAlgoInverse(ps.cutValues[icut],x2[x2_bin],ALGO_TYPE); } TGraph* gr = new TGraph(n,&x2.front(),&x1.front()); mg->Add(gr,"l"); } mg->Draw(); } if (c1) c1->cd(); if (c1) c1->SaveAs(TString(ss.str()+".png")); if (c1) c1->SaveAs(TString(ss.str()+".pdf")); if (c1) c1->SaveAs(TString(ss.str()+".C")); } // Canvas for ratio vs Meff if (false) { TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas( "c2", "" ); c2->SetRightMargin(0.2); c2->SetLogy(); c2->cd(); TMultiGraph* mg2 = new TMultiGraph(); DoubleV err( ps.nmeff, 0. ); for ( Int_t icut = 0; icut < (int)ps.cutValues.size(); icut++ ) { if ( length[icut] == 0 ) { continue; } // TGraphAsymmErrors* gr = new TGraphAsymmErrors( length[icut], // &ps.meff_bins.front(), // &err.front(), // &err.front(), // &ratio[icut].front(), // &ratio_errl[icut].front(), // &ratio_errh[icut].front() ); TGraph* gr = new TGraphAsymmErrors( length[icut], &ps.meff_bins.front(), &ratio[icut].front() ); std::stringstream ss; ss << "a_{T}=" << ps.cutValues[icut]; // << " Meff=" << meff_bins[imeff] // << ", p_{T3}=" << pt3_bins[imeff]; mg2->Add(gr,"lp"); gr->SetTitle(TString(ss.str())); gr->SetLineColor(2+icut); gr->SetLineWidth(2); gr->SetMarkerStyle(20+icut); gr->SetMarkerColor(2+icut); gr->SetMarkerSize(1.5); } mg2->Draw("a"); mg2->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(1.e-6,1.e0); c2->Update(); c2->BuildLegend(0.81,0.1,0.99,0.9); // Save canvases c2->cd(); c2->SaveAs("RatioVsMeff.png"); c2->SaveAs("RatioVsMeff.pdf"); c2->SaveAs("RatioVsMeff.C"); } time_t stop = TTimeStamp().GetSec(); std::cout << " Time taken: " << stop - start << " seconds" << std::endl; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void talk() { time_t start = TTimeStamp().GetSec(); bool draw = true; bool debug = true; // Binning int xbins = 100; int ybins = 100; double xmin = 0.0; double xmax = 1.0; double ymin = 0.0; double ymax = 1.0; double xbin_centre = ( ( xmax - xmin ) / xbins ) / 2.; double ybin_centre = ( ( ymax - ymin ) / ybins ) / 2.; // AlphaT values const int nat = 1; double at[nat]; for ( int ii = 0; ii < nat; ++ii ) { at[ii] = 0.55 + ii * 0.001; } // HT regions const int nht = 3; double ht_min[nht] = { 250., 300., 350. }; // Jet pT thresholds double pt1_min[nht] = { 71.4, 85.7, 100. }; double pt2_min[nht] = { 71.4, 85.7, 100. }; double pt3_min[nht] = { 35.7, 42.9., 50. }; // x fractions double x1_min[nht]; double x2_min[nht]; double x3_max[nht]; for ( int ii = 0; ii < nht; ++ii ) { x1_min[ii] = ( 2. * pt1_min[ii]) / ( ht_min[ii] + pt3_min[ii] ); } for ( int ii = 0; ii < nht; ++ii ) { x2_min[ii] = ( 2. * pt2_min[ii]) / ( ht_min[ii] + pt3_min[ii] ); } for ( int ii = 0; ii < nht; ++ii ) { x3_max[ii] = ( 2. * pt3_min[ii]) / ( ht_min[ii] + pt3_min[ii] ); } // Loop through bins int loop = 0; int nloops = nht; for ( int iht = 0; iht < nht; ++iht ) { std::cout << "Completed " << 100.*float(loop)/float(nloops) << "%..." << std::endl; loop++; // Labeling std::stringstream ss; ss << "HT" << int(ht_min[iht]); // New canvas for plots TCanvas* c1 = 0; if (draw) c1 = new TCanvas( TString("Canvas"+ss.str()), "" ); // Pad for cross-section plot TPad* pad = 0; if (draw) pad = new TPad(TString("Pad"+ss.str()),"",0.,0.,1.,1.); if (pad) { pad->SetGrid(); pad->Draw(); pad->cd(); pad->SetLogz(); } TH1F* hr = 0; if (draw) hr = pad->DrawFrame(0.,0.,1.,1.); // Histo title if (hr) { std::stringstream sss; sss << "H_{T}=" << ht_min[iht] << "(p_{T1},p_{T2},p_{T3})=" << pt1_min[iht] << "," << pt2_min[iht] << "," << pt3_min[iht] << ")" << ", (x_{1},x_{2},x_{3})=" << x1_min[iht] << "," << x2_min[iht] << "," << x3_max[iht] << ")"; hr->SetTitle( sss.str().c_str() ); hr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "x_{2}" ); hr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "x_{1}" ); } // Create 2D cross-section plot TH2D* his = 0; if (draw) his = new TH2D(TString("Histo"+ss.str()),"", xbins,xmin,xmax, ybins,ymin,ymax); // Fill 2D cross-section plot for ( int xbin = 0; xbin < xbins; ++xbin ) { for ( int ybin = 0; ybin < ybins; ++ybin ) { double x2 = ( ( xmax - xmin ) / xbins ) * xbin + xmin; double x1 = ( ( ymax - ymin ) / ybins ) * ybin + ymin; double val = ( x1*x1 + x2*x2 ) / ( ( 1 - x1 ) * ( 1 - x2 ) ); if ( !constrain( x1, x2, x3 ) ) { continue; } if ( x1 < x1_cut[ix1] ) { continue; } double alpha_t = x2 / ( 2 * sqrt(x1+x2-1) ); if (his) his->Fill( x2+xbin_centre, x1+ybin_centre, val ); } } // Draw 2D cross-section plot gStyle->SetPalette(1); if (his) { his->SetMaximum( his->GetMaximum() ); his->SetMinimum( his->GetMinimum(1.e-12) ); his->Draw("COLZsame"); } // Pad for AlphaT contours if (c1) c1->cd(); TPad* overlay = 0; if (draw) overlay = new TPad(TString("Overlay"+ss.str()),"",0.,0.,1.,1.); if (overlay) { overlay->SetFillStyle(4000); overlay->SetFillColor(0); overlay->SetFrameFillStyle(4000); overlay->Draw(); overlay->cd(); } TH1F* hframe = 0; if (draw) overlay->DrawFrame(pad->GetUxmin(), pad->GetUymin(), pad->GetUxmax(), pad->GetUymax()); // Graphs of AlphaT contours TMultiGraph* mg = 0; if (draw) { mg = new TMultiGraph(); for ( Int_t iat = 0; iat < nat; iat++ ) { Double_t alpha_t = at[iat]; const Int_t n_ = 100; Double_t x1_[n_]; Double_t x2_[n_]; for ( Int_t j = 0; j < 100; j++ ) { x2_[j] = j*0.01; Double_t temp = ( x2_[j] - 2. * alpha_t * alpha_t ) / ( 2. * alpha_t ); x1_[j] = temp * temp + 1 - alpha_t * alpha_t; } TGraph* gr = new TGraph(n_,x2_,x1_); mg->Add(gr,"l"); } mg->Draw(); } if (c1) c1->cd(); if (c1) c1->SaveAs(TString(ss.str()+".png")); } }
void GE11sEfficiencyScan(int RunNumber, string RunName, string path) { ifstream InGE11_IV_GIF, InGE11_IV, InGE11_V; //string path = "/home/ramkrishna/TEMP/LogFiles_TB/LogFiles306To407"; string gif = path+"/Efficiency_LC1_"+std::to_string(RunNumber)+".log"; string IV = path+"/Efficiency_LC2_"+std::to_string(RunNumber)+".log"; string V = path+"/Efficiency_LC3_"+std::to_string(RunNumber)+".log"; cout<<"gif = "<<gif<<endl; InGE11_IV_GIF.open(gif); InGE11_IV.open(IV); InGE11_V.open(V); string rootFile = "Efficiency_Run"+std::to_string(RunNumber)+".root"; const char *CharrootFile = rootFile.c_str(); TFile *f = new TFile(CharrootFile,"RECREATE"); //TTree *tree = new TTree("Run306", "Detector info for Run 306"); TNtuple *GE11_IV_GIF = new TNtuple("GE11_IV_GIF","data from text file LC1","MeanPosOfSector:Efficiency:EfficiencyError:Nevents"); TNtuple *GE11_IV = new TNtuple("GE11_IV","data from text file LC2","MeanPosOfSector:Efficiency:EfficiencyError:Nevents"); TNtuple *GE11_V = new TNtuple("GE11_V","data from text file LC3","MeanPosOfSector:Efficiency:EfficiencyError:Nevents"); Int_t nlines = 0; vector<double> GIF_MeanPosOfSector, GIF_Efficiency, GIF_EfficiencyError; vector<unsigned int> GIF_Nevents; unsigned int temp_Nevents; double temp_MeanPosOfSector, temp_Efficiency, temp_EfficiencyError; vector<double> IV_MeanPosOfSector, IV_Efficiency, IV_EfficiencyError; vector<unsigned int> IV_Nevents; vector<double> V_MeanPosOfSector, V_Efficiency, V_EfficiencyError; vector<unsigned int> V_Nevents; string NameOfDet, xRange; while (1) { InGE11_IV_GIF >> NameOfDet >> xRange >> temp_MeanPosOfSector >> temp_Efficiency >> temp_EfficiencyError >> temp_Nevents; if (!InGE11_IV_GIF.good()) break; GIF_MeanPosOfSector.push_back(temp_MeanPosOfSector+(nlines*5)); GIF_Efficiency.push_back(temp_Efficiency); GIF_EfficiencyError.push_back(temp_EfficiencyError); GIF_Nevents.push_back(temp_Nevents); GE11_IV_GIF->Fill(temp_MeanPosOfSector+(nlines*5),temp_Efficiency,temp_EfficiencyError,temp_Nevents); nlines++; if (nlines > 20) { cout<<"Check the input text file for run number "<< RunNumber << endl; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } InGE11_IV_GIF.close(); nlines=0; while (1) { InGE11_IV >> NameOfDet >> xRange >> temp_MeanPosOfSector >> temp_Efficiency >> temp_EfficiencyError >> temp_Nevents; if (!InGE11_IV.good()) break; IV_MeanPosOfSector.push_back(temp_MeanPosOfSector+(nlines*5)); IV_Efficiency.push_back(temp_Efficiency); IV_EfficiencyError.push_back(temp_EfficiencyError); IV_Nevents.push_back(temp_Nevents); GE11_IV->Fill(temp_MeanPosOfSector+(nlines*5),temp_Efficiency,temp_EfficiencyError,temp_Nevents); nlines++; } InGE11_IV.close(); nlines=0; while (1) { InGE11_V >> NameOfDet >> xRange >> temp_MeanPosOfSector >> temp_Efficiency >> temp_EfficiencyError >> temp_Nevents; if (!InGE11_V.good()) break; V_MeanPosOfSector.push_back(temp_MeanPosOfSector+(nlines*5)); V_Efficiency.push_back(temp_Efficiency); V_EfficiencyError.push_back(temp_EfficiencyError); V_Nevents.push_back(temp_Nevents); GE11_V->Fill(temp_MeanPosOfSector+(nlines*5),temp_Efficiency,temp_EfficiencyError,temp_Nevents); nlines++; } InGE11_V.close(); string CanvasName = "RunNumber"+std::to_string(RunNumber); const char * CharCanvasName = CanvasName.c_str(); TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas(CharCanvasName,"Efficiency Scan Plot",200,10,700,500); TPad *pad = new TPad("pad","",0,0,1,1); //pad->SetFillColor(42); pad->SetGrid(); pad->Draw(); pad->cd(); // draw a frame to define the range TH1F *hr = pad->DrawFrame(0,-0.5,100,1.1); hr->SetXTitle("Detector Position (mm)"); hr->SetYTitle("Efficiency"); //pad->GetFrame()->SetFillColor(21); pad->GetFrame()->SetBorderSize(12); // create first graph TGraphErrors *gr_GIF = new TGraphErrors(V_Efficiency.size()); TGraphErrors *gr_IV = new TGraphErrors(V_Efficiency.size()); TGraphErrors *gr_V = new TGraphErrors(V_Efficiency.size()); for(unsigned int i=0;i<V_Efficiency.size();i++) { gr_GIF->SetPoint(i, GIF_MeanPosOfSector[i], GIF_Efficiency[i]); gr_GIF->SetPointError(i,0, GIF_EfficiencyError[i]); gr_IV->SetPoint(i, IV_MeanPosOfSector[i], IV_Efficiency[i]); gr_IV->SetPointError(i,0, IV_EfficiencyError[i]); gr_V->SetPoint(i, V_MeanPosOfSector[i], V_Efficiency[i]); gr_V->SetPointError(i,0, V_EfficiencyError[i]); } gr_GIF->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); gr_GIF->SetLineColor(kBlue); gr_GIF->SetMarkerStyle(21); gr_GIF->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("dist (mm)"); gr_GIF->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency"); gr_GIF->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,1.2); gr_GIF->SetTitle("Efficiency Scan"); gr_GIF->Draw("ACP"); gr_IV->SetMarkerColor(kGreen-6); gr_IV->SetLineColor(kGreen); gr_IV->SetMarkerStyle(21); gr_IV->Draw("sameCP"); gr_V->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); gr_V->SetLineColor(kBlack); gr_V->SetMarkerStyle(21); gr_V->Draw("sameCP"); //create a transparent pad drawn on top of the main pad c1->cd(); TPad *overlay = new TPad("overlay","",0,0,1,1); overlay->SetFillStyle(4000); overlay->SetFillColor(0); overlay->SetFrameFillStyle(4000); overlay->Draw(); overlay->cd(); // create second graph //TGraphErrors* gr_GIF_Num = new TGraphErrors("data_noerror.dat","%lg %lg"); TGraphErrors *gr_GIF_Num = new TGraphErrors(GIF_Nevents.size()); TGraphErrors *gr_IV_Num = new TGraphErrors(IV_Nevents.size()); TGraphErrors *gr_V_Num = new TGraphErrors(V_Nevents.size()); for(unsigned int i=0;i<V_MeanPosOfSector.size();i++) { gr_GIF_Num->SetPoint(i,GIF_MeanPosOfSector[i],GIF_Nevents[i]); gr_IV_Num->SetPoint(i,IV_MeanPosOfSector[i],IV_Nevents[i]); gr_V_Num->SetPoint(i,V_MeanPosOfSector[i],V_Nevents[i]); } gr_GIF_Num->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); gr_GIF_Num->SetLineColor(kBlue); gr_GIF_Num->SetLineStyle(2); gr_GIF_Num->SetLineWidth(3); gr_GIF_Num->SetMarkerStyle(22); gr_GIF_Num->SetName("gr_GIF_Num"); gr_IV_Num->SetMarkerColor(kGreen-6); gr_IV_Num->SetLineColor(kGreen); gr_IV_Num->SetMarkerStyle(22); gr_IV_Num->SetLineStyle(2); gr_IV_Num->SetLineWidth(3); gr_IV_Num->SetName("gr_IV_Num"); gr_V_Num->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); gr_V_Num->SetLineColor(kBlack); gr_V_Num->SetMarkerStyle(22); gr_V_Num->SetLineStyle(2); gr_V_Num->SetLineWidth(3); gr_V_Num->SetName("gr_V_Num"); Double_t xmin = pad->GetUxmin(); Double_t ymin = 0; Double_t xmax = pad->GetUxmax(); Double_t ymax = 1550; TH1F *hframe = overlay->DrawFrame(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax); hframe->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(99); hframe->GetYaxis()->SetLabelOffset(99); hframe->Draw("Y+"); gr_GIF_Num->Draw("CPY+"); gr_IV_Num->Draw("CPY+"); gr_V_Num->Draw("CPY+"); //Draw the Legend TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.10,0.732,0.40,0.90); leg->AddEntry(gr_GIF,"GE11_IV_GIF eff","LPE"); leg->AddEntry(gr_IV,"GE11_IV eff","LPE"); leg->AddEntry(gr_V,"GE11_V eff","LPE"); leg->AddEntry(gr_GIF_Num,"No of events_GE11_IV_GIF","LPE"); leg->AddEntry(gr_IV_Num,"No of events_GE11_IV","LPE"); leg->AddEntry(gr_V_Num,"No of events_GE11_V","LPE"); leg->Draw("same"); const char *runnum = RunName.c_str(); TLatex *t2a = new TLatex(0.00,0.94, runnum ); t2a->SetNDC(); t2a->SetTextFont(42); t2a->SetTextSize(0.033); t2a->SetTextAlign(13); t2a->Draw("same"); //Draw an axis on the right side TGaxis *axis = new TGaxis(xmax,ymin,xmax, ymax,ymin,ymax,510,"+L"); axis->SetLineColor(kRed); axis->SetLabelColor(kRed); axis->SetTitle("Approx. No. of Events"); axis->Draw(); string OutputFileName = "GE11_Efficiency_Scan_"+std::to_string(RunNumber)+".pdf"; const char *CharOutputFileName = OutputFileName.c_str(); c1->SaveAs(CharOutputFileName); c1->Write(); //tree->Write(); //tree->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite); f->Write(); }
void AtlasExample() { #ifdef __CINT__ gROOT->LoadMacro("AtlasUtils.C"); #endif SetAtlasStyle(); Int_t icol1=5; Int_t icol2=5; TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","single inclusive jets",50,50,600,600); // TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","single inclusive jets"); TPad* thePad = (TPad*)c1->cd(); thePad->SetLogy(); Double_t ymin=1.e-3; Double_t ymax=2e7; Double_t xmin=60.00; Double_t xmax=3500.; TH1F *h1 = thePad->DrawFrame(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax); h1->SetYTitle("d#sigma_{jet}/dE_{T,jet} [fb/GeV]"); h1->SetXTitle("E_{T,jet} [GeV]"); h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); //h1->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(5); h1->Draw(); const Int_t ncut=1; TGraphErrors *data[ncut]; for (Int_t icut=0; icut<ncut; icut++) { // loop over cuts TGraphErrors *g1[nren][ncut]; for (Int_t ir=0; ir<nren; ir++) { // loop over ren scale g1[ir][icut]= GetGraph(ir,ir,icut,0); if (g1[ir][icut]) cout << g1[ir][icut]->GetTitle() << " found " << g1[ir][icut]->GetName() << endl; else { cout << " g1 not found " << endl; return; } g1[ir][icut]->SetLineColor(1); g1[ir][icut]->SetMarkerStyle(0); //g1[ir][icut]->Draw("C"); } char daname[100]; sprintf(daname,"data_%d",icut); data[icut]=(TGraphErrors*)g1[0][icut]->Clone(daname); data[icut]->SetMarkerStyle(20); data[icut]->SetMarkerColor(1); // just invent some data for (Int_t i=0; i< data[icut]->GetN(); i++) { Double_t x1,y1,e,dx1=0.; data[icut]->GetPoint(i,x1,y1); Double_t r1 = 0.4*(gRandom->Rndm(1)+2); Double_t r2 = 0.4*(gRandom->Rndm(1)+2); //cout << " i= " << i << " x1= " << x1 << " y1= " << y1 << " r= " << r << endl; Double_t y; if (icut==0) y=r1*y1+r1*r2*r2*x1/50000.; else y=r1*y1; e=sqrt(y*1000)/200; data[icut]->SetPoint(i, x1,y); data[icut]->SetPointError(i,dx1,e); } //data[icut]->Print(); TGraphAsymmErrors* scale[ncut]; TGraphAsymmErrors* scalepdf[ncut]; scale[icut]= myMakeBand(g1[0][icut],g1[1][icut],g1[2][icut]); //printf(" band1: \n"); //scale->Print(); scalepdf[icut]=(TGraphAsymmErrors* ) scale[icut]->Clone("scalepdf"); TGraphErrors *gpdf[NUMPDF][ncut]; for (Int_t ipdf=0; ipdf<NUMPDF; ipdf++) { gpdf[ipdf][icut]= GetGraph(0,0,icut,ipdf); if (gpdf[ipdf][icut]) cout << gpdf[ipdf][icut]->GetTitle() << " found " << gpdf[ipdf][icut]->GetName() << endl; else { cout << " gpdf not found " << endl; return; } gpdf[ipdf][icut]->SetLineColor(2); gpdf[ipdf][icut]->SetLineStyle(1); gpdf[ipdf][icut]->SetMarkerStyle(0); myAddtoBand(gpdf[ipdf][icut],scalepdf[icut]); } scalepdf[icut]->SetFillColor(icol2); scalepdf[icut]->Draw("zE2"); scale[icut]->SetFillColor(icol1); scale[icut]->Draw("zE2"); g1[0][icut]->SetLineWidth(3); g1[0][icut]->Draw("z"); data[icut]->Draw("P"); } myText( 0.3, 0.85, 1, "#sqrt{s}= 14 TeV"); myText( 0.57, 0.85, 1, "|#eta_{jet}|<0.5"); myMarkerText( 0.55, 0.75, 1, 20, "Data 2009",1.3); myBoxText( 0.55, 0.67, 0.05, icol1, "NLO QCD"); //ATLAS_LABEL(0.2,0.2); myText( 0.37,0.2,1,"Preliminary"); // new method for ATLAS labels. Use this! //ATLASLabel(0.2,0.2); ATLASLabel(0.2,0.2,"Preliminary"); //ATLASLabel(0.2,0.2,"Work in progress"); c1->Print("AtlasExample.eps"); c1->Print("AtlasExample.png"); c1->Print("AtlasExample.pdf"); }
// ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- int main (int argc, char ** argv) { // check number of inpt parameters if(argc < 2){ cerr<<"Forgot to parse the cfg file --> exit "<<endl; return -1; } // Set Root style from global enviroment path string ROOTStyle; if(getenv ("ROOTStyle")!=NULL){ ROOTStyle = getenv ("ROOTStyle"); gROOT->ProcessLine((".x "+ROOTStyle+"/setTDRStyle.C").c_str()); } gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.09); gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.13); gStyle->SetErrorX(0.5); // parse config file parameter if (gConfigParser) return 1 ; gConfigParser = new ConfigParser(); TString config ; config.Form("%s",argv[1]); if(!(gConfigParser->init(config))){ cout << ">>> parseConfigFile::Could not open configuration file " << config << endl; return -1; } // import base directory where samples are located and txt file with the directory name + other info string InputBaseDirectory = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Input::InputBaseDirectory"); // import from cfg file the cross section value for this sample float CrossSection = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Input::CrossSection"); // total number of events int maxEventNumber = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Input::EventsNumber"); // treeName string treeName = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Input::TreeName"); // take the cut list string InputCutList = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Input::InputCutList"); // Read the cut file vector <cutContainer> CutList; if(ReadInputCutFile(InputCutList,CutList) <= 0){ cerr<<" Empty Cut List File or not Exisisting --> Exit "<<endl; return -1;} // take the variable list to be plotted string InputVariableList = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Input::InputVariableList"); vector<variableContainer> variableList; if(ReadInputVariableFile(InputVariableList,variableList) <= 0 ){ cerr<<" Empty Variable List File or not Exisisting --> Exit "<<endl; return -1;} // take lumi and other parameters float lumi = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Option::Lumi"); // fb^(-1) lumi *= 1000. ; // transform into pb^(-1) finalStateString = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Option::finalStateString"); matchingCone = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Option::matchingCone"); minLeptonCleaningPt = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Option::minLeptonCleaningPt"); minLeptonCutPt = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Option::minLeptonCutPt"); minJetCutPt = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Option::minJetCutPt"); usePuppiAsDefault = gConfigParser -> readBoolOption("Option::usePuppiAsDefault"); leptonIsoCut_mu = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Option::leptonIsoCutMu"); leptonIsoCut_el = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Option::leptonIsoCutEl"); leptonIsoCutLoose = gConfigParser -> readFloatOption("Option::leptonIsoCutLoose"); // output directory string outputPlotDirectory = gConfigParser -> readStringOption("Output::outputPlotDirectory"); system(("mkdir -p output/"+outputPlotDirectory).c_str()); system(("rm -r output/"+outputPlotDirectory+"/*").c_str()); system(("mkdir -p output/"+outputPlotDirectory+"/xs").c_str()); system(("mkdir -p output/"+outputPlotDirectory+"/norm").c_str()); ///// Start the analysis map<string,TH1F*> histoCutEff ; TChain* chain = new TChain (treeName.c_str()) ; chain->Add ((InputBaseDirectory+"/*.root").c_str()) ; int totEvent = chain->GetEntries(); readTree* reader = new readTree((TTree*)(chain)); cout<<"Lumi (fb-1) "<<lumi/1000<<" entries before "<<totEvent<<" cross section "<<CrossSection<<" Nevents before selections "<<lumi*CrossSection<<" weight "<<lumi*CrossSection/float(totEvent)<<endl; float weight = 1.0*lumi*CrossSection/float(totEvent) ; // make the plot container vector<histoContainer> plotVector; for(size_t iCut = 0; iCut < CutList.size(); iCut++){ histoCutEff["WW_EWK_pos_"+to_string(iCut)+"_"+CutList.at(iCut).cutLayerName] = new TH1F(("WW_EWK_pos_"+to_string(iCut)+"_"+CutList.at(iCut).cutLayerName).c_str(),"",15,0,15); for(size_t iVar = 0; iVar < variableList.size(); iVar++){ plotVector.push_back(histoContainer(CutList.at(iCut).cutLayerName,variableList.at(iVar))); } } int passingLHEFilter = 0 ; int maximumEvents = chain->GetEntries () ; if (maxEventNumber > 0 && maxEventNumber < maximumEvents) maximumEvents = maxEventNumber ; // Loop on the events for(int iEvent = 0; iEvent < maximumEvents ; iEvent++){ reader->fChain->GetEntry(iEvent) ; if (iEvent % 100000 == 0) cout << "reading event " << iEvent << "\n" ; // filter LHE level leptons if(TString(finalStateString).Contains("UU")){ if(fabs(reader->leptonLHEpid1) != 13 or fabs(reader->leptonLHEpid2) != 13) continue; } else if(TString(finalStateString).Contains("EE")){ if(fabs(reader->leptonLHEpid1) != 11 or fabs(reader->leptonLHEpid2) != 11) continue; } else if(TString(finalStateString).Contains("EU")){ if(fabs(reader->leptonLHEpid1) != 11 or fabs(reader->leptonLHEpid2) !=13) continue ; } else if(TString(finalStateString).Contains("UE")){ if(fabs(reader->leptonLHEpid1) != 13 or fabs(reader->leptonLHEpid2) !=11) continue ; } else{ cerr<<"problem with lhe level filter definition --> skip event"<<endl; continue; } passingLHEFilter++; // if an event pass the cut, fill the associated map leptonContainer lepton1,lepton2,parton1,parton2,neutrino1,neutrino2,vboson1,vboson2; lepton1.lepton4V_.SetPtEtaPhiM(reader->leptonLHEpt1,reader->leptonLHEeta1,reader->leptonLHEphi1,reader->leptonLHEm1); lepton1.charge_ = reader->leptonLHEch1; lepton1.flavour_ = reader->leptonLHEpid1; lepton2.lepton4V_.SetPtEtaPhiM(reader->leptonLHEpt2,reader->leptonLHEeta2,reader->leptonLHEphi2,reader->leptonLHEm2); lepton2.charge_ = reader->leptonLHEch2; lepton2.flavour_ = reader->leptonLHEpid2; parton1.lepton4V_.SetPtEtaPhiM(reader->jetLHEPartonpt1,reader->jetLHEPartoneta1,reader->jetLHEPartonphi1,0.); parton2.lepton4V_.SetPtEtaPhiM(reader->jetLHEPartonpt2,reader->jetLHEPartoneta2,reader->jetLHEPartonphi2,0.); neutrino1.lepton4V_.SetPtEtaPhiM(reader->neutrinoLHEpt1,reader->neutrinoLHEeta1,reader->neutrinoLHEphi1,0.); neutrino1.charge_ = 0.; neutrino1.flavour_ = reader->neutrinoLHEpid1; neutrino2.lepton4V_.SetPtEtaPhiM(reader->neutrinoLHEpt2,reader->neutrinoLHEeta2,reader->neutrinoLHEphi2,0.); neutrino2.charge_ = 0.; neutrino2.flavour_ = reader->neutrinoLHEpid2; vboson1.lepton4V_.SetPtEtaPhiM(reader->vbosonLHEpt1,reader->vbosonLHEeta1,reader->vbosonLHEphi1,reader->vbosonLHEm1); vboson1.charge_ = reader->vbosonLHEch1; vboson1.flavour_ = reader->vbosonLHEpid1; vboson2.lepton4V_.SetPtEtaPhiM(reader->vbosonLHEpt2,reader->vbosonLHEeta2,reader->vbosonLHEphi2,reader->vbosonLHEm2); vboson2.charge_ = reader->vbosonLHEch2; vboson2.flavour_ = reader->vbosonLHEpid2; float minDR_1 = 999; float minDR_2 = 999; vector<leptonContainer> lepton, neutrino; lepton.push_back(lepton1); lepton.push_back(lepton2); neutrino.push_back(neutrino1); neutrino.push_back(neutrino2); leptonContainer leptFromV1, leptFromV2, neuFromV1, neuFromV2; for(size_t iLep= 0; iLep < lepton.size(); iLep++){ for(size_t iNeu = 0; iNeu < neutrino.size(); iNeu++){ if((lepton.at(iLep).lepton4V_+neutrino.at(iNeu).lepton4V_).DeltaR(vboson1.lepton4V_) < minDR_1 ){ minDR_1 = (lepton.at(iLep).lepton4V_+neutrino.at(iNeu).lepton4V_).DeltaR(vboson1.lepton4V_); leptFromV1 = lepton.at(iLep); neuFromV1 = neutrino.at(iNeu); } if((lepton.at(iLep).lepton4V_+neutrino.at(iNeu).lepton4V_).DeltaR(vboson2.lepton4V_) < minDR_2){ minDR_2 = (lepton.at(iLep).lepton4V_+neutrino.at(iNeu).lepton4V_).DeltaR(vboson2.lepton4V_); leptFromV2 = lepton.at(iLep); neuFromV2 = neutrino.at(iNeu); } } } if(leptFromV1.lepton4V_ == leptFromV2.lepton4V_ or neuFromV1.lepton4V_ == neuFromV2.lepton4V_){ cerr<<" bad matching with gen W "<<endl; continue; } double costheta1 = 0; double costheta2 = 0; double Phi = 0; double costhetastar = 0; double Phi1 = 0; double costheta1_vbf = 0; double costheta2_vbf = 0; double Phi_vbf = 0; double costhetastar_vbf = 0; double Phi1_vbf = 0; TLorentzVector VV = vboson1.lepton4V_ + vboson2.lepton4V_; if(leptFromV1.charge_ > 0 and leptFromV2.charge_ > 0){ computeAnglesResonance(VV,vboson1.lepton4V_,neuFromV1.lepton4V_,leptFromV1.lepton4V_,vboson2.lepton4V_,neuFromV2.lepton4V_,leptFromV2.lepton4V_, costheta1,costheta2,Phi,costhetastar,Phi1); computeAnglesVBF(VV,vboson1.lepton4V_,neuFromV1.lepton4V_,leptFromV1.lepton4V_,vboson2.lepton4V_,neuFromV2.lepton4V_,leptFromV2.lepton4V_,parton1.lepton4V_, parton2.lepton4V_,costheta1_vbf,costheta2_vbf,Phi_vbf,costhetastar_vbf,Phi1_vbf); } else if(leptFromV1.charge_ < 0 and leptFromV2.charge_ < 0){ computeAnglesResonance(VV,vboson1.lepton4V_,leptFromV1.lepton4V_,neuFromV1.lepton4V_,vboson2.lepton4V_,leptFromV2.lepton4V_,neuFromV2.lepton4V_, costheta1,costheta2,Phi,costhetastar,Phi1); computeAnglesVBF(VV,vboson1.lepton4V_,leptFromV1.lepton4V_,neuFromV1.lepton4V_,vboson2.lepton4V_,leptFromV2.lepton4V_,neuFromV2.lepton4V_,parton1.lepton4V_, parton2.lepton4V_,costheta1_vbf,costheta2_vbf,Phi_vbf,costhetastar_vbf,Phi1_vbf); } else if(leptFromV1.charge_ < 0 and leptFromV2.charge_ > 0){ computeAnglesResonance(VV,vboson1.lepton4V_,leptFromV1.lepton4V_,neuFromV1.lepton4V_,vboson2.lepton4V_,neuFromV2.lepton4V_,leptFromV2.lepton4V_, costheta1,costheta2,Phi,costhetastar,Phi1); computeAnglesVBF(VV,vboson1.lepton4V_,leptFromV1.lepton4V_,neuFromV1.lepton4V_,vboson2.lepton4V_,neuFromV2.lepton4V_,leptFromV2.lepton4V_,parton1.lepton4V_, parton2.lepton4V_,costheta1_vbf,costheta2_vbf,Phi_vbf,costhetastar_vbf,Phi1_vbf); } else if(leptFromV1.charge_ > 0 and leptFromV2.charge_ < 0){ computeAnglesResonance(VV,vboson1.lepton4V_,neuFromV1.lepton4V_,leptFromV1.lepton4V_,vboson2.lepton4V_,leptFromV2.lepton4V_,neuFromV2.lepton4V_, costheta1,costheta2,Phi,costhetastar,Phi1); computeAnglesVBF(VV,vboson1.lepton4V_,neuFromV1.lepton4V_,leptFromV1.lepton4V_,vboson2.lepton4V_,leptFromV2.lepton4V_,neuFromV2.lepton4V_,parton1.lepton4V_, parton2.lepton4V_,costheta1_vbf,costheta2_vbf,Phi_vbf,costhetastar_vbf,Phi1_vbf); } else{ cerr<<" wrong charge composition "<<endl; continue; } float mTR = 0; float mR = 0; TLorentzVector L_met ,L_dijet, L_dilepton, L_LLmet; L_met = neutrino1.lepton4V_ + neutrino2.lepton4V_; L_dijet = parton1.lepton4V_ + parton2.lepton4V_; L_dilepton = lepton1.lepton4V_ + lepton2.lepton4V_; L_LLmet = L_dilepton + L_met ; computeRazor(lepton1.lepton4V_,lepton2.lepton4V_,L_met,mTR,mR); if(lepton1.lepton4V_.Pt() < minLeptonCutPt or lepton2.lepton4V_.Pt() < minLeptonCutPt) continue; // Loop on the cut list --> one cut for each polarization for(size_t iCut = 0; iCut < CutList.size(); iCut++){ // cut the events string name = "WW_EWK"; if(!passCutContainerSelection(reader, CutList.at(iCut), name, int(iCut), usePuppiAsDefault, minLeptonCutPt, minLeptonCleaningPt, leptonIsoCut_mu, leptonIsoCut_el, leptonIsoCutLoose, matchingCone, minJetCutPt, histoCutEff, finalStateString)) continue; float asimL = (lepton1.lepton4V_.Pt()-lepton2.lepton4V_.Pt())/(lepton1.lepton4V_.Pt()+lepton2.lepton4V_.Pt()) ; float asimJ = (parton1.lepton4V_.Pt()-parton2.lepton4V_.Pt())/(parton1.lepton4V_.Pt()+parton2.lepton4V_.Pt()) ; float Rvar = (lepton1.lepton4V_.Pt()*lepton2.lepton4V_.Pt())/(parton1.lepton4V_.Pt()*parton2.lepton4V_.Pt()) ; // loop on variables for(size_t iVar = 0; iVar < variableList.size(); iVar++){ histoContainer tmpPlot; tmpPlot.cutName = CutList.at(iCut).cutLayerName; tmpPlot.varName = variableList.at(iVar).variableName; vector<histoContainer>::iterator itVec ; itVec = find(plotVector.begin(),plotVector.end(),tmpPlot); if(itVec == plotVector.end()){ cerr<<"Problem -->plot not found for "<<CutList.at(iCut).cutLayerName<<" "<<variableList.at(iVar).variableName<<endl; continue ; } // vector boson info if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptV1"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(vboson1.lepton4V_.Pt(),1.*weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptV2"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(vboson2.lepton4V_.Pt(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "etaV1"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(vboson1.lepton4V_.Eta(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "etaV2"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(vboson2.lepton4V_.Eta(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptVV"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(L_dijet.Pt(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "mVV"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(L_dijet.M(),weight) ; } // decay information if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "costheta1"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(costheta1),1.*weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "costheta2"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(costheta2),weight) ; } if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "costheta1_vbf"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(costheta1_vbf),1.*weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "costheta2_vbf"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(costheta2_vbf),weight) ; } if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "Phi"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(Phi),1.*weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "Phi1"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(Phi1),weight) ; } if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "Phi_vbf"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(Phi_vbf),1.*weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "Phi1_vbf"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(Phi1_vbf),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "costhetastar"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(costhetastar),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "costhetastar_vbf"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(costhetastar_vbf),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "mTR"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(mTR,weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "mR"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(mR,weight) ; } // jet info if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptj1"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(parton1.lepton4V_.Pt(),1.*weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptj2"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(parton2.lepton4V_.Pt(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "etaj1"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(parton1.lepton4V_.Eta(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "etaj2"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(parton2.lepton4V_.Eta(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "detajj"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(parton1.lepton4V_.Eta()-parton2.lepton4V_.Eta()),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptjj"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(L_dijet.Pt(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "mjj"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(L_dijet.M(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "Asim_j"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(asimJ,weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "DeltaPhi_JJ"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(parton1.lepton4V_.DeltaPhi(parton2.lepton4V_)),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptl1"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(lepton1.lepton4V_.Pt(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptl2"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(lepton2.lepton4V_.Pt(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "etal1"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(lepton1.lepton4V_.Eta(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "etal2"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(lepton2.lepton4V_.Eta(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "mll"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(L_dilepton.M(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptll"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(L_dilepton.Pt(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "DeltaPhi_LL"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(lepton1.lepton4V_.DeltaPhi(lepton2.lepton4V_)),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "Asim_l"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(asimL,weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "met"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(L_met.Pt(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "R"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(Rvar,weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "DeltaPhi_LMet"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(lepton1.lepton4V_.DeltaPhi(L_met)),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptLMet"){ itVec->histogram->Fill((lepton1.lepton4V_ + L_met).Pt(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "DeltaPhi_TLMet"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(lepton1.lepton4V_.DeltaPhi(L_met)),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptTLMet"){ itVec->histogram->Fill((lepton2.lepton4V_ + L_met).Pt(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "DeltaPhi_LLMet"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(L_dilepton.DeltaPhi(L_met)),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptLLMet"){ itVec->histogram->Fill((L_dilepton + L_met).Pt(),weight) ; } /// else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "DeltaPhi_LJL"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(lepton1.lepton4V_.DeltaPhi(parton1.lepton4V_)),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptLJL"){ itVec->histogram->Fill((lepton1.lepton4V_+parton1.lepton4V_).Pt(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "DeltaPhi_TJL"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(lepton1.lepton4V_.DeltaPhi(parton2.lepton4V_)),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptTJL"){ itVec->histogram->Fill((lepton1.lepton4V_+parton2.lepton4V_).Pt(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "DeltaPhi_JJL"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(lepton1.lepton4V_.DeltaPhi(L_dijet)),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptJJL"){ itVec->histogram->Fill((lepton1.lepton4V_+L_dijet).Pt(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "DeltaPhi_LJTL"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(lepton2.lepton4V_.DeltaPhi(parton1.lepton4V_)),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "DeltaPhi_TJTL"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(lepton2.lepton4V_.DeltaPhi(parton2.lepton4V_)),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "DeltaPhi_JJTL"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(lepton2.lepton4V_.DeltaPhi(L_dijet)),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptLJTL"){ itVec->histogram->Fill((lepton2.lepton4V_+parton1.lepton4V_).Pt(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptTJTL"){ itVec->histogram->Fill((lepton2.lepton4V_+parton2.lepton4V_).Pt(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptJJTL"){ itVec->histogram->Fill((lepton2.lepton4V_+L_dijet).Pt(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "DeltaPhi_LJLL"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(L_dilepton.DeltaPhi(parton1.lepton4V_)),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "DeltaPhi_TJLL"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(L_dilepton.DeltaPhi(parton2.lepton4V_)),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "DeltaPhi_JJLL"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(L_dilepton.DeltaPhi(L_dijet)),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptLJLL"){ itVec->histogram->Fill((L_dilepton+parton1.lepton4V_).Pt(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptTJLL"){ itVec->histogram->Fill((L_dilepton+parton2.lepton4V_).Pt(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptJJLL"){ itVec->histogram->Fill((L_dilepton+L_dijet).Pt(),weight) ; } /// else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "DeltaPhi_JJMet"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(L_dijet.DeltaPhi(L_met)),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptJJMet"){ itVec->histogram->Fill((L_dijet+L_met).Pt(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "DeltaPhi_LJMet"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(parton1.lepton4V_.DeltaPhi(L_met)),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptLJMet"){ itVec->histogram->Fill((parton1.lepton4V_+L_met).Pt(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "DeltaPhi_TJMet"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(fabs(parton2.lepton4V_.DeltaPhi(L_met)),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "ptTJMet"){ itVec->histogram->Fill((parton2.lepton4V_+L_met).Pt(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "mlljj"){ itVec->histogram->Fill((L_dilepton+L_dijet).M(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "mlljjmet"){ itVec->histogram->Fill((L_dilepton+L_dijet+L_met).M(),weight) ; } else if(variableList.at(iVar).variableName == "mTH"){ itVec->histogram->Fill(sqrt(2*L_dilepton.Pt()*L_met.Pt()*(1-TMath::Cos(L_dilepton.DeltaPhi(L_met)))),weight) ; } } // loop on variables } // Loop on the cut list } // Loop on the events TFile* outputEfficiency = new TFile(("output/"+outputPlotDirectory+"/outputEfficiency.root").c_str(),"RECREATE"); for(map<string,TH1F*>::const_iterator itMap = histoCutEff.begin(); itMap != histoCutEff.end(); itMap++){ itMap->second->Scale(1./itMap->second->GetBinContent(1)); itMap->second->Write(); } outputEfficiency->Close(); // make the canvas and basic banners TCanvas *cCanvas = new TCanvas("cCanvas","",1,52,550,550); cCanvas->SetTicks(); cCanvas->SetFillColor(0); cCanvas->SetBorderMode(0); cCanvas->SetBorderSize(2); cCanvas->SetTickx(1); cCanvas->SetTicky(1); cCanvas->SetRightMargin(0.05); cCanvas->SetBottomMargin(0.12); cCanvas->SetFrameBorderMode(0); cCanvas->cd(); TPad* upperPad = new TPad("upperPad", "upperPad", .005, .180, .995, .980); TPad* lowerPad = new TPad("lowerPad", "lowerPad", .005, .005, .995, .18); lowerPad->SetGridx(); lowerPad->SetGridy(); upperPad->SetLeftMargin(0.12); upperPad->SetRightMargin(0.1); lowerPad->SetLeftMargin(0.12); lowerPad->SetRightMargin(0.1); lowerPad->SetTopMargin(0.002); lowerPad->Draw(); upperPad->Draw(); TCanvas *cCanvasNorm = new TCanvas("cCanvasNorm","",1,52,550,550); cCanvasNorm->SetTicks(); cCanvasNorm->SetFillColor(0); cCanvasNorm->SetBorderMode(0); cCanvasNorm->SetBorderSize(2); cCanvasNorm->SetTickx(1); cCanvasNorm->SetTicky(1); cCanvasNorm->SetRightMargin(0.05); cCanvasNorm->SetBottomMargin(0.12); cCanvasNorm->SetFrameBorderMode(0); TLatex * tex = new TLatex(0.88,0.92," 14 TeV"); tex->SetNDC(); tex->SetTextAlign(31); tex->SetTextFont(42); tex->SetTextSize(0.045); tex->SetLineWidth(2); TLatex * tex2 = new TLatex(0.14,0.92,"Delphes"); tex2->SetNDC(); tex2->SetTextFont(61); tex2->SetTextSize(0.045); tex2->SetLineWidth(2); TLatex * tex3 = new TLatex(0.295,0.92,"Simulation Preliminary"); tex3->SetNDC(); tex3->SetTextFont(52); tex3->SetTextSize(0.04); tex3->SetLineWidth(2); TLegend* legend = new TLegend(0.55,0.75,0.85,0.89); legend->SetBorderSize(0); legend->SetFillColor(0); legend->SetFillStyle(0); legend->SetTextSize(0.04); legend->SetTextFont(42); legend->SetNColumns (3) ; // make the plot on the same canvas for each variable (legend entry is the cut layer name) vector<TH1F*> numerator ; vector<TH1F*> denominator ; for(size_t iVar = 0; iVar < variableList.size(); iVar++){ // loop on var numerator.clear(); denominator.clear(); for(size_t iCut = 0; iCut < CutList.size(); iCut++){ // loop on cuts histoContainer tmpPlot; tmpPlot.cutName = CutList.at(iCut).cutLayerName; tmpPlot.varName = variableList.at(iVar).variableName; vector<histoContainer>::iterator itVec ; itVec = find(plotVector.begin(),plotVector.end(),tmpPlot); if(itVec == plotVector.end()){ cerr<<"Problem -->plot not found for "<<CutList.at(iCut).cutLayerName<<" "<<variableList.at(iVar).variableName<<endl; } itVec->histogram->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04); itVec->histogram->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.16); itVec->histogram->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04); itVec->histogram->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.001,itVec->histogram->GetMaximum()*1.25); itVec->histogram->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); itVec->histogram->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.20); itVec->histogram->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04); itVec->histogram->SetLineColor(iCut+1); if(iCut %2 == 0) itVec->histogram->SetLineStyle(1); else itVec->histogram->SetLineStyle(2); itVec->histogram->SetLineWidth(2); itVec->histogram->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma x lumi"); upperPad->cd(); if(iCut == 0) itVec->histogram->Draw("hist"); else itVec->histogram->Draw("hist same"); legend->AddEntry(itVec->histogram,CutList.at(iCut).cutLayerName.c_str(),"l"); if(itVec->findCutByLabel("LL")) numerator.push_back(itVec->histogram); denominator.push_back(itVec->histogram); cCanvasNorm->cd(); TH1F* htempNorm = (TH1F*) itVec->histogram->Clone((string(itVec->histogram->GetName())+"_norm").c_str()); htempNorm->Scale(1./itVec->histogram->Integral()); htempNorm->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.,htempNorm->GetMaximum()*1.5); if(iCut == 0) htempNorm->Draw("hist"); else htempNorm->Draw("hist same"); } // make ratio plot lowerPad->cd(); TH1F* numTotal = 0; TH1F* denTotal = 0; TH1F* ratio = 0; TH1F* ratioW = 0; for(size_t itNum = 0; itNum < numerator.size(); itNum ++){ if(itNum == 0 and ratio == 0) numTotal = (TH1F*) numerator.at(itNum)->Clone(("Num_"+string(numerator.at(itNum)->GetName())).c_str()); else if(ratio !=0) numTotal->Add(numerator.at(itNum)); } for(size_t itDen = 0; itDen < denominator.size(); itDen ++){ if(itDen == 0 and denTotal == 0 ) { denTotal = (TH1F*) denominator.at(itDen)->Clone(("Den_"+string(denominator.at(itDen)->GetName())).c_str()); } else if(denTotal !=0){ denTotal->Add(denominator.at(itDen)); } } ratio = new TH1F(("Ratio_"+string(denominator.at(0)->GetName())).c_str(),"",numTotal->GetNbinsX(),numTotal->GetBinLowEdge(1),numTotal->GetBinLowEdge(numTotal->GetNbinsX()+1)); ratio->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("S/(#sqrt{S+B})"); ratio->SetMarkerSize(1.1); ratioW = new TH1F(("ratioW_"+string(denominator.at(0)->GetName())).c_str(),"",numTotal->GetNbinsX(),numTotal->GetBinLowEdge(1),numTotal->GetBinLowEdge(numTotal->GetNbinsX()+1)); ratioW->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("weighted S/(#sqrt{S+B})"); ratioW->SetMarkerSize(1.1); TString name = "norm_" ; name += denTotal->GetName () ; TH1F * norm_denTotal = (TH1F *) denTotal->Clone (name) ; norm_denTotal->Scale (1. / norm_denTotal->GetMaximum ()) ; // weight the S/sqrt (B) by the shape of the total, // so that only bins with a lot of stats become visibly significant for(int iBin = 0; iBin < ratio->GetNbinsX()+1; iBin++){ if(denTotal->GetBinContent(iBin) !=0){ ratioW->SetBinContent(iBin, norm_denTotal->GetBinContent (iBin) * numTotal->GetBinContent(iBin) / sqrt(denTotal->GetBinContent(iBin))); ratio->SetBinContent(iBin, numTotal->GetBinContent(iBin) / sqrt(denTotal->GetBinContent(iBin))); } else ratio->SetBinContent(iBin,0.); } ratio->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(""); ratio->SetLineColor(kBlue); ratio->SetLineStyle(2); ratio->SetLineWidth(2); ratio->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(999); ratio->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0); ratio->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.15); ratio->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.15); ratio->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.30); ratio->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(504); ratioW->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(""); ratioW->SetLineColor(kBlack); ratioW->SetLineWidth(2); ratioW->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(999); ratioW->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0); ratioW->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.15); ratioW->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.15); ratioW->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.30); ratioW->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(504); ratio->GetYaxis()->SetRange(min(ratio->GetMinimum(),ratioW->GetMinimum())*0.9,max(ratio->GetMaximum(),ratioW->GetMaximum())*1.1); TH1F * frame = lowerPad->DrawFrame (ratio->GetXaxis ()->GetXmin (), 0., ratio->GetXaxis ()->GetXmax (), 2.) ; frame->GetXaxis()->SetTitle (ratio->GetXaxis ()->GetTitle ()) ; frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitle (ratio->GetYaxis ()->GetTitle ()) ; frame->GetXaxis()->SetLabelOffset(999); frame->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0); frame->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.15); frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.15); frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.30); frame->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(504); ratio->Draw("P"); ratioW->Draw("Lsame"); upperPad->cd(); tex->Draw("same"); tex2->Draw("same"); tex3->Draw("same"); legend->Draw("same"); cCanvas->SaveAs(string("output/"+outputPlotDirectory+"/xs/"+variableList.at(iVar).variableName+".pdf").c_str(),"pdf"); cCanvas->SaveAs(string("output/"+outputPlotDirectory+"/xs/"+variableList.at(iVar).variableName+".png").c_str(),"png"); cCanvas->SaveAs(string("output/"+outputPlotDirectory+"/xs/"+variableList.at(iVar).variableName+".root").c_str(),"root"); cCanvasNorm->cd(); tex->Draw("same"); tex2->Draw("same"); tex3->Draw("same"); legend->Draw("same"); cCanvasNorm->SaveAs(string("output/"+outputPlotDirectory+"/norm/"+variableList.at(iVar).variableName+".pdf").c_str(),"pdf"); cCanvasNorm->SaveAs(string("output/"+outputPlotDirectory+"/norm/"+variableList.at(iVar).variableName+".png").c_str(),"png"); cCanvasNorm->SaveAs(string("output/"+outputPlotDirectory+"/norm/"+variableList.at(iVar).variableName+".root").c_str(),"root"); legend->Clear(); } // loop on var cout<<"LHE filter efficiency : "<<passingLHEFilter<<" totEvent "<<totEvent<<" efficiency "<<float(passingLHEFilter)/float(totEvent)*100<<" % "<<endl; //Normalize histograms for(size_t ihisto = 0; ihisto < plotVector.size(); ihisto++){ if(plotVector.at(ihisto).varName == "DeltaPhi_LL") cout<<"Events Histo "<<plotVector.at(ihisto).histogram->GetName()<<" unweighted "<<plotVector.at(ihisto).histogram->GetEntries()<<" weighted "<<plotVector.at(ihisto).histogram->Integral(0,plotVector.at(ihisto).histogram->GetNbinsX()+1)<<endl; } return 0 ; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void rob() { // Binning int xbins = 100; int ybins = 100; double xmax = 1.0; double xmin = 0.0; // double xrange = xmax - xmin; // xmax += xrange / xbins / 2; // xmin -= xrange / xbins / 2; // //xbins++; double ymax = 1.0; double ymin = 0.0; // double yrange = ymax - ymin; // ymax += yrange / ybins / 2; // ymin -= yrange / ybins / 2; // //ybins++; std::cout << " Binning: " << " xbins: " << xbins << " ybins: " << xbins << " xmin: " << xmin << " xmax: " << xmax << " ymin: " << ymin << " ymax: " << ymax << std::endl; // Examples values of pt1, pt2, mht, x1, x2, x3, sigma and alpha_t // double pt1 = 50.; // double pt2 = 50.; // double mht = 50.; // double x1 = ( 2. * pt1 ) / ( pt1 + pt2 + mht ); // double x2 = ( 2. * pt2 ) / ( pt1 + pt2 + mht ); // double x3 = 2 - x1 - x2; // double sigma = ( x1*x1 + x2*x2 ) / ( (1-x1) * (1-x2) ); // double alpha_t = x2 / ( 2 * sqrt(x1+x2-1) ); // std::cout << " pt1: " << pt1 // << " pt2: " << pt2 // << " mht: " << mht // << " x1: " << x1 // << " x2: " << x2 // << " x3: " << x3 // << " sigma: " << sigma // << " alpha_t: " << alpha_t // << std::endl; // Cross section TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas( "Contours", "" ); //c1->SetGridx(1); //c1->SetGridy(1); TPad* pad = new TPad("pad","",0.,0.,1.,1.); pad->SetGrid(); pad->Draw(); pad->cd(); pad->SetLogz(1); TH1F* hr = pad->DrawFrame(0.,0.,1.,1.); const int nx = 3; const int ny = 10; double pt[nx] = { 30., 50., 100. }; double ht[ny]; for ( int ii = 0; ii < ny; ++ii ) { ht[ii] = 150. + ii * 50.; } double ratio[nx][ny]; double xbin_centre = ( ( xmax - xmin ) / xbins ) / 2.; double ybin_centre = ( ( ymax - ymin ) / ybins ) / 2.; TH2D* his = new TH2D("Contours","",xbins,xmin,xmax,ybins,ymin,ymax); for ( int ii = 0; ii < nx; ++ii ) { for ( int jj = 0; jj < ny; ++jj ) { double x3 = ( 2. * pt[ii] ) / ( ht[jj] + pt[ii] ); double n = 0.; double d = 0.; for ( int xbin = 0; xbin < xbins; ++xbin ) { for ( int ybin = 0; ybin < ybins; ++ybin ) { double x2 = ( ( xmax - xmin ) / xbins ) * xbin + xmin; double x1 = ( ( ymax - ymin ) / ybins ) * ybin + ymin; double val = ( x1*x1 + x2*x2 ) / ( ( 1 - x1 ) * ( 1 - x2 ) ); if ( x1 < x2 || // jet ordering by Pt x1 + x2 > 2. || // from relation "x1 + x2 + x3 = 2" x1 > 1.0 || // from "lost jet" and relation "xmiss = -x1 -x2" x1 + x2 < 1. // from "lost jet" and relation "xmiss = -x1 -x2" ) { continue; } if ( ( x1 + x2 ) < ( 2 - x3 ) ) { continue; } d += val; double alpha_t = x2 / ( 2 * sqrt(x1+x2-1) ); if ( alpha_t > 0.5 ) n+= val; if ( ii == 2 && jj == 9 ) { his->Fill( x2+xbin_centre, x1+ybin_centre, val ); } } } double r = 0.; if ( d > 0. ) { r = n/d; } ratio[ii][jj] = r; std::cout << " Pt: " << pt[ii] << " ht: " << ht[jj] << " x3: " << x3 << " r: " << r << " n: " << n << " d: " << d << std::endl; } } gStyle->SetPalette(1); his->SetMaximum( his->GetMaximum() ); his->SetMinimum( his->GetMinimum(1.e-12) ); his->Draw("COLZsame"); // c1->cd(); // TPad* overlay = new TPad("overlay","",0.,0.,1.,1.); // overlay->SetFillStyle(4000); // overlay->SetFillColor(0); // overlay->SetFrameFillStyle(4000); // overlay->Draw(); // overlay->cd(); // Double_t pxmin = pad->GetUxmin(); // Double_t pymin = pad->GetUymin(); // Double_t pxmax = pad->GetUxmax(); // Double_t pymax = pad->GetUymax(); // TH1F* hframe = overlay->DrawFrame(pxmin,pymin,pxmax,pymax); // TMultiGraph* mg = new TMultiGraph(); // for ( Int_t i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { // Double_t alpha_t = 0.5 + i*0.01; // const Int_t n_ = 100; // Double_t x1_[n_]; // Double_t x2_[n_]; // for ( Int_t j = 0; j < 100; j++ ) { // x2_[j] = j*0.01; // Double_t temp = ( x2_[j] - 2. * alpha_t * alpha_t ) / ( 2. * alpha_t ); // x1_[j] = temp * temp + 1 - alpha_t * alpha_t; // } // TGraph* gr = new TGraph(n_,x2_,x1_); // mg->Add(gr,"l"); // } // mg->Draw(); // TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas( "Contours1", "" ); // c2->cd(); // TMultiGraph* mg2 = new TMultiGraph(); // for ( Int_t ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++ ) { // TGraph* gr = new TGraph(ny,ht,ratio[ii]); // mg2->Add(gr,"l"); // } // mg2->Draw("a"); // c1->cd(); // c1->SaveAs("c1.png"); // c2->cd(); // c2->SaveAs("c2.png"); }
void QA_Draw_Jet_Summary(const char *jet_family = "AntiKt_Tower", const char *qa_file_name_new = "data/G4sPHENIXCells_2000jets25GeV.root_qa.root", const char *qa_file_name_ref = "data/G4sPHENIXCells_250jets25GeV.root_qa.root") { //! drawing energy range const double min_Et = 10; const double max_Et = 80; SetsPhenixStyle(); TVirtualFitter::SetDefaultFitter("Minuit2"); // file IO TFile *qa_file_new = new TFile(qa_file_name_new); assert(qa_file_new->IsOpen()); // buffer for results vector<float> vec_radius; vector<TGraphErrors *> vec_phi_res; vector<TGraphErrors *> vec_eta_res; vector<TGraphErrors *> vec_e_res; vector<TGraphErrors *> vec_et_res; vector<TGraphErrors *> vec_reco_eff; vector<TGraphErrors *> vec_purity; // list and process all jets TList *hist_key_list = qa_file_new->GetListOfKeys(); for (int i = 0; i < hist_key_list->GetSize(); ++i) { TString key_name = hist_key_list->At(i)->GetName(); TString s_re_fullname = Form( "h_QAG4SimJet_.*_r[0-9]*_%s_r[0-9]*_Matching_Count_Truth_Et", jet_family); // regular expression for search TRegexp re_fullname(s_re_fullname, false); if (key_name.Index(re_fullname) == kNPOS) continue; // cout << " key_name = " << key_name << endl; TString jet_pair_name = key_name(0, key_name.Length() - TString("_Matching_Count_Truth_Et").Length()); // remove suffix // cout << " jet_pair_name = " << jet_pair_name << endl; //get jet radius TRegexp re_jetradius("_r[0-9]*", false); Ssiz_t index_radius = key_name.Index(re_jetradius); // first radius index_radius = key_name.Index(re_jetradius, index_radius + 1); // second radius assert(index_radius != kNPOS); float radius = 0; sscanf(key_name(index_radius, 100).Data(), "_r%f", &radius); // cout << " index_radius = " << index_radius << endl; assert(radius != 0); radius /= 10; // jet radius convention in DST names cout << "QA_Draw_Jet_Summary - process jet pair " << jet_pair_name << " with radius = " << radius << endl; vector<TGraphErrors *> resolution_efficiency_summary( QA_Draw_Jet_TruthMatching(jet_pair_name, qa_file_name_new, qa_file_name_ref)); //save results vec_radius.push_back(radius); vec_phi_res.push_back(resolution_efficiency_summary[0]); vec_eta_res.push_back(resolution_efficiency_summary[1]); vec_e_res.push_back(resolution_efficiency_summary[2]); vec_et_res.push_back(resolution_efficiency_summary[3]); vec_reco_eff.push_back(resolution_efficiency_summary[4]); vec_purity.push_back(resolution_efficiency_summary[5]); // break; } // plot TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas( TString("QA_Draw_Jet_Summary_") + TString(jet_family), TString("QA_Draw_Jet_Summary_") + TString(jet_family), 1800, 900); c1->Divide(3, 2); int idx = 1; TPad *p; // ------------------------------------ p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); // p->SetLogz(); TH1 *h_frame = p->DrawFrame(min_Et, -.1, max_Et, .1, TString(jet_family) + " #phi Reconstruction;E_{T, Truth} (GeV);#phi_{Reco} - #phi_{Truth} (rad)"); // h_frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.01); TLine *l = new TLine(min_Et, 0, max_Et, 0); l->Draw(); p->SetGridx(0); p->SetGridy(0); TLegend *legend = new TLegend(0.7, 0.2, .95, 0.5); legend->SetFillColor(kWhite); legend->SetFillStyle(1001); legend->SetLineWidth(2); legend->SetLineColor(kBlack); legend->SetLineStyle(kSolid); for (int i = 0; i < vec_radius.size(); ++i) { const float radius = vec_radius[i]; TGraphErrors *ge = vec_phi_res[i]; assert(ge); ge = new TGraphErrors(*ge); // make a copy ge->SetLineColor(i + 2); // automatic color scheme from ROOT ge->SetMarkerColor(i + 2); // automatic color scheme from ROOT for (int idata = 0; idata < ge->GetN(); ++idata) { (ge->GetX())[idata] += i * 0.5; // shift x a little bit (ge->GetEX())[idata] = 0; // no x error bar } ge->Draw("p E l"); legend->AddEntry(ge, Form("r = %.1f", radius), "elp"); } legend->Draw(); // ------------------------------------ p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); // p->SetLogz(); h_frame = p->DrawFrame(min_Et, -.1, max_Et, .1, TString(jet_family) + " #eta Reconstruction;E_{T, Truth} (GeV);#eta_{Reco} - #eta_{Truth}"); // h_frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.01); l = new TLine(min_Et, 0, max_Et, 0); l->Draw(); p->SetGridx(0); p->SetGridy(0); legend = new TLegend(0.7, 0.2, .95, 0.5); legend->SetFillColor(kWhite); legend->SetFillStyle(1001); legend->SetLineWidth(2); legend->SetLineColor(kBlack); legend->SetLineStyle(kSolid); for (int i = 0; i < vec_radius.size(); ++i) { const float radius = vec_radius[i]; TGraphErrors *ge = vec_eta_res[i]; assert(ge); ge = new TGraphErrors(*ge); // make a copy ge->SetLineColor(i + 2); // automatic color scheme from ROOT ge->SetMarkerColor(i + 2); // automatic color scheme from ROOT for (int idata = 0; idata < ge->GetN(); ++idata) { (ge->GetX())[idata] += i * 0.5; // shift x a little bit (ge->GetEX())[idata] = 0; // no x error bar } ge->Draw("p E l"); legend->AddEntry(ge, Form("r = %.1f", radius), "elp"); } legend->Draw(); // ------------------------------------ p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); // p->SetLogz(); h_frame = p->DrawFrame(min_Et, 0, max_Et, 2, TString(jet_family) + " Jet Energy Reconstruction;E_{Truth} (GeV);E_{Reco} / E_{Truth}"); // h_frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.01); l = new TLine(min_Et, 1, max_Et, 1); l->Draw(); p->SetGridx(0); p->SetGridy(0); legend = new TLegend(0.7, 0.2, .95, 0.5); legend->SetFillColor(kWhite); legend->SetFillStyle(1001); legend->SetLineWidth(2); legend->SetLineColor(kBlack); legend->SetLineStyle(kSolid); for (int i = 0; i < vec_radius.size(); ++i) { const float radius = vec_radius[i]; TGraphErrors *ge = vec_e_res[i]; assert(ge); ge = new TGraphErrors(*ge); // make a copy ge->SetLineColor(i + 2); // automatic color scheme from ROOT ge->SetMarkerColor(i + 2); // automatic color scheme from ROOT for (int idata = 0; idata < ge->GetN(); ++idata) { (ge->GetX())[idata] += i * 0.5; // shift x a little bit (ge->GetEX())[idata] = 0; // no x error bar } ge->Draw("p E l"); legend->AddEntry(ge, Form("r = %.1f", radius), "elp"); } legend->Draw(); // ------------------------------------ p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); // p->SetLogz(); h_frame = p->DrawFrame(min_Et, 0, max_Et, 2, TString(jet_family) + " Jet E_{T} Reconstruction;E_{T, Truth} (GeV);E_{T, Reco} / E_{T, Truth}"); // h_frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.01); l = new TLine(min_Et, 1, max_Et, 1); l->Draw(); p->SetGridx(0); p->SetGridy(0); legend = new TLegend(0.7, 0.2, .95, 0.5); legend->SetFillColor(kWhite); legend->SetFillStyle(1001); legend->SetLineWidth(2); legend->SetLineColor(kBlack); legend->SetLineStyle(kSolid); for (int i = 0; i < vec_radius.size(); ++i) { const float radius = vec_radius[i]; TGraphErrors *ge = vec_et_res[i]; assert(ge); ge = new TGraphErrors(*ge); // make a copy ge->SetLineColor(i + 2); // automatic color scheme from ROOT ge->SetMarkerColor(i + 2); // automatic color scheme from ROOT for (int idata = 0; idata < ge->GetN(); ++idata) { (ge->GetX())[idata] += i * 0.5; // shift x a little bit (ge->GetEX())[idata] = 0; // no x error bar } ge->Draw("p E l"); legend->AddEntry(ge, Form("r = %.1f", radius), "elp"); } legend->Draw(); // ------------------------------------ p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); // p->SetLogz(); h_frame = p->DrawFrame(min_Et, 0, max_Et, 1.2, TString(jet_family) + " Reco Efficiency;E_{T, Truth} (GeV);Reco efficiency"); // h_frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.01); l = new TLine(min_Et, 1, max_Et, 1); l->Draw(); p->SetGridx(0); p->SetGridy(0); legend = new TLegend(0.7, 0.2, .95, 0.5); legend->SetFillColor(kWhite); legend->SetFillStyle(1001); legend->SetLineWidth(2); legend->SetLineColor(kBlack); legend->SetLineStyle(kSolid); for (int i = 0; i < vec_radius.size(); ++i) { const float radius = vec_radius[i]; TGraphErrors *ge = vec_reco_eff[i]; assert(ge); ge = new TGraphErrors(*ge); // make a copy ge->SetLineColor(i + 2); // automatic color scheme from ROOT ge->SetMarkerColor(i + 2); // automatic color scheme from ROOT for (int idata = 0; idata < ge->GetN(); ++idata) { (ge->GetX())[idata] += i * 0.5; // shift x a little bit (ge->GetEX())[idata] = 0; // no x error bar } ge->Draw("p E l"); legend->AddEntry(ge, Form("r = %.1f", radius), "elp"); } legend->Draw(); // ------------------------------------ p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); // p->SetLogz(); h_frame = p->DrawFrame(min_Et, 0, max_Et, 1.2, TString(jet_family) + " Reconstruction Purity;E_{T, Reco} (GeV);Reconstruction Purity"); // h_frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.01); l = new TLine(min_Et, 1, max_Et, 1); l->Draw(); p->SetGridx(0); p->SetGridy(0); legend = new TLegend(0.7, 0.2, .95, 0.5); legend->SetFillColor(kWhite); legend->SetFillStyle(1001); legend->SetLineWidth(2); legend->SetLineColor(kBlack); legend->SetLineStyle(kSolid); for (int i = 0; i < vec_radius.size(); ++i) { const float radius = vec_radius[i]; TGraphErrors *ge = vec_purity[i]; assert(ge); ge = new TGraphErrors(*ge); // make a copy ge->SetLineColor(i + 2); // automatic color scheme from ROOT ge->SetMarkerColor(i + 2); // automatic color scheme from ROOT for (int idata = 0; idata < ge->GetN(); ++idata) { (ge->GetX())[idata] += i * 0.5; // shift x a little bit (ge->GetEX())[idata] = 0; // no x error bar } ge->Draw("p E l"); legend->AddEntry(ge, Form("r = %.1f", radius), "elp"); } legend->Draw(); // PutInputFileName(c1, .03, qa_file_name_new, qa_file_name_ref); SaveCanvas(c1, TString(qa_file_name_new) + TString(c1->GetName()), true); }