// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RArray compare function to compare strings
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TInt CompareString(const TPath& aFirst,
                          const TPath& aSecond)
    return aFirst.Compare( aSecond );
void T_CntImageRescaler::testRescaleUtility()
    // delete the possible image directory, it must not leave
    // even if the folder was not found. 
    TRAPD( err, TCntImageRescaleUtility::DeleteImageDirectoryL() );
    test( err == KErrNone );
    // path for image directory, existense of the directory is not
    // checked
    TPath path = TCntImageRescaleUtility::ImageDirectoryL();
    test( path.Length() > 0 );
    test( path.Find(KImagesFolder) != KErrNotFound );
    TPath dir = TCntImageRescaleUtility::CreateImageDirectoryL();
    test( dir.Length() > 0 );
    test( dir.Find( KImagesFolder) != KErrNotFound );
    // make a test image file (empty file) 
    RFs fs;
    CleanupClosePushL( fs );
    User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() );
    TPath imagePath;
    imagePath.Append( dir );
    imagePath.Append( KImageName );
    RFile file;
    User::LeaveIfError(file.Create( fs, imagePath, EFileWrite ));
    CContactItem* item  = CContactItem::NewLC(KUidContactCard);
    CContactItemField* field = CContactItemField::NewL( KStorageTypeText, KUidContactFieldCodImage );
    field->SetMapping( KUidContactFieldVCardMapUnknown );
    item->AddFieldL( *field );

    // add image without GUID
    TRAPD( err2, TCntImageRescaleUtility::StoreImageFieldL( *item, imagePath ) );
    test( err2 == KErrNone );
    // then update with GUID value
    _LIT(KGuid, "guid");
    TBufC<4> buffer ( KGuid );
    item->SetUidStringL( buffer );
    TRAPD( err3, TCntImageRescaleUtility::UpdateImageNameL( *item ) );
    test( err3 == KErrNone );
    CContactItemFieldSet& fields = item->CardFields();
    TInt privateImageIndex = fields.Find( KUidContactFieldCodImage, KUidContactFieldVCardMapUnknown );
    test( privateImageIndex != KErrNotFound );
    TPtrC fieldText = fields[privateImageIndex].TextStorage()->Text();
    // how it should look like
    TPath newPath;
    newPath.Append( TCntImageRescaleUtility::ImageDirectoryL() );
    newPath.Append( buffer );
    newPath.Append( KImageName );
    RDebug::Print( _L("%S"), &newPath );
    RDebug::Print( _L("%S"), &fieldText );
    test( newPath.Compare(fieldText) == 0 );
    BaflUtils::DeleteFile( fs, newPath );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // item, RFs