void SIM_PLOT_PANEL::EnableCursor( const wxString& aName, bool aEnable )
    TRACE* t = GetTrace( aName );

    if( t == nullptr || t->HasCursor() == aEnable )

    if( aEnable )
        CURSOR* c = new CURSOR( t );
        int plotCenter = GetMarginLeft() + ( GetXScreen() - GetMarginLeft() - GetMarginRight() ) / 2;
        c->SetX( plotCenter );
        t->SetCursor( c );
        AddLayer( c );
        CURSOR* c = t->GetCursor();
        t->SetCursor( NULL );
        DelLayer( c, true );

    // Notify the parent window about the changes
    wxQueueEvent( GetParent(), new wxCommandEvent( EVT_SIM_CURSOR_UPDATE ) );