Esempio n. 1
// File-Download-Function
void TSASFunFile::LoadFunFileV(const TStr& FPath, TSAppSrvFunV& SrvFunV) {
	TFFile File(FPath, "", false); TStr FNm;
	while (File.Next(FNm)) {
		TStr FExt = FNm.GetFExt();
		TStr FUrl = FNm.GetSubStr(FPath.Len());
		FUrl.ChangeChAll('\\', '/');
		printf("%s %s %s\n", FNm.CStr(), FExt.CStr(), FUrl.CStr());
		if (FExt == ".htm") { SrvFunV.Add(TSASFunFile::New(FUrl, FNm, THttp::TextHtmlFldVal)); }
		else if (FExt == ".html") { SrvFunV.Add(TSASFunFile::New(FUrl, FNm, THttp::TextHtmlFldVal)); }
		else if (FExt == ".js") { SrvFunV.Add(TSASFunFile::New(FUrl, FNm, THttp::TextJavaScriptFldVal)); }
		else if (FExt == ".css") { SrvFunV.Add(TSASFunFile::New(FUrl, FNm, THttp::TextCssFldVal)); }
		else if (FExt == ".jpg") { SrvFunV.Add(TSASFunFile::New(FUrl, FNm, THttp::ImageJpgFldVal)); }
		else if (FExt == ".jpeg") { SrvFunV.Add(TSASFunFile::New(FUrl, FNm, THttp::ImageJpgFldVal)); }
		else if (FExt == ".gif") { SrvFunV.Add(TSASFunFile::New(FUrl, FNm, THttp::ImageGifFldVal)); }
		else {
			printf("Unknown MIME type for extension '%s' for file '%s'", FExt.CStr(), FNm.CStr());
			SrvFunV.Add(TSASFunFile::New(FUrl, FNm, THttp::AppOctetFldVal)); 
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
    // report we are running with all Asserts turned on
    printf("*** Running in debug mode ***\n");
	try {
		// initialize QMiner environment

		// create app environment
		Env = TEnv(argc, argv, TNotify::StdNotify);
		Env.SetNoLine(); // making output prettier
		// command line parameters
		Env.PrepArgs("QMiner " + TQm::TEnv::GetVersion(), 0);
		// read the action
		const bool ConfigP = Env.IsArgStr("config");
		const bool CreateP = Env.IsArgStr("create");
		const bool StartP = Env.IsArgStr("start");
		const bool StopP = Env.IsArgStr("stop");
		//const bool ReloadP = Env.IsArgStr("reload");
		const bool DebugP = Env.IsArgStr("debug");
		// stop if no action given
		const bool ActionP = (ConfigP || CreateP || StartP || StopP /*|| ReloadP*/ || DebugP);
		// provide basic instruction when no action given
		if (!ActionP) {
			printf("Usage: qm ACTION [OPTION]...\n");
			printf("Actions: config, create, start, stop, reload, debug\n");			
		} else {
		// configuration file
		const TStr ConfFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-conf=", "qm.conf", "Configration file");
		// read config-specific parameters
		if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nConfiguration parameters:\n"); }
		const int PortN = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-port=", 8080, "Port number");
		const int CacheSizeMB = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-cache=", 1024, "Cache size");
		const bool OverwriteP = Env.IsArgStr("-overwrite", "Overwrite existing configuration file");
		// read create-specific parameters
		if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nCreate parameters:\n"); }
		const TStr SchemaFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-def=", "", "Store definition file");
		// read start-specific parameters
		if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nStart parameters:\n"); }
		const bool RdOnlyP = Env.IsArgStr("-rdonly", "Open database in Read-only mode");
		const bool NoLoopP = Env.IsArgStr("-noserver", "Do not start server after script execution");
		TStr OnlyScriptNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-script=", "", "Only run this script");
		// read stop-specific parameters
		if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nStop parameters:\n"); }
		const int ReturnCode = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-return=", 0, "Return code");
		// read reload-specific parameters
		//if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nReload parameters:\n"); }
		//TStrV ReloadNmV = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStrV("-name=", "Script name");
		// read debug request parameters
		if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nDebug parameters:\n"); }
		TStr DebugFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-prefix=", "Debug-", "Prefix of debug output files");
		TStrV DebugTaskV = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStrV("-task=", "Debug tasks [indexvoc, index, stores, <store>, <store>_ALL]");
		const int JsStatRate = Env.GetIfArgPrefixInt("-jsmemstat=", 0, "Frequency of JavaScript memory statistics");        
		// read logging specific parameters
		if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nLogging parameters:\n"); }
		TStr LogFPath = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-log=", "std", "Log Folder (std for standard output, null for silent)");
		const bool Verbose = Env.IsArgStr("-v", "Verbose output (used for debugging)");
		if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\nPre-run file:\n"); }		
		const TStr PreRunFNm = Env.GetIfArgPrefixStr("-prerun=", "", "Pre-run file name");
		if (!Env.IsSilent()) { printf("\n"); }

        // execute pre-run command when provided
		if (!PreRunFNm.Empty()) { 
            const int ReturnCd = system(PreRunFNm.CStr());
            if (ReturnCd != 0) { 
                TQm::ErrorLog(TStr::Fmt("Error running prerun script: %d", ReturnCd)); 

		// stop if no action specified
		if (!ActionP) { return 0; }

		// initialize notifier
		TQm::TEnv::InitLogger(Verbose ? 2 : 1, LogFPath, true);

		// Create directory structure with basic qm.conf file
		if (ConfigP) {
			// check so we don't overwrite any existing configuration file
			if (TFile::Exists(ConfFNm) && ! OverwriteP) {
				TQm::InfoLog("Configuration file already exists (" + ConfFNm + ")");
				TQm::InfoLog("Use -overwrite to force overwrite");
				return 2;
			// create configuration file
			PJsonVal ConfigVal = TJsonVal::NewObj();
			ConfigVal->AddToObj("port", PortN);
			PJsonVal CacheVal = TJsonVal::NewObj();
			CacheVal->AddToObj("index", CacheSizeMB);
			CacheVal->AddToObj("store", CacheSizeMB);
			ConfigVal->AddToObj("cache", CacheVal);
			// save configuration file
			// make folders if needed
			if (!TFile::Exists("db")) { TDir::GenDir("db"); }
			if (!TFile::Exists("src")) { TDir::GenDir("src"); }
			if (!TFile::Exists("src/lib")) { TDir::GenDir("src/lib"); }
			if (!TFile::Exists("sandbox")) { TDir::GenDir("sandbox"); }			

		// parse configuration file
		TQmParam Param(ConfFNm);
		// prepare lock
		TFileLock Lock(Param.LockFNm);

		// Initialize empty database
		if (CreateP) {
			// do not mess with folders with existing running qminer instance
                // parse schema (if no given, create an empty array)
                PJsonVal SchemaVal = SchemaFNm.Empty() ? TJsonVal::NewArr() :
                // initialize base
                TQm::PBase Base = TQm::TStorage::NewBase(Param.DbFPath, SchemaVal, 16, 16);
                // save base
			// remove lock

		// Start QMiner engine
		if (StartP) {
			// do not mess with folders with running qminer instance
			// load database and start the server
				// resolve access type
				TFAccess FAccess = RdOnlyP ? faRdOnly : faUpdate;
				// load base
				TQm::PBase Base = TQm::TStorage::LoadBase(Param.DbFPath, FAccess, 
                    Param.IndexCacheSize, Param.DefStoreCacheSize, Param.StoreNmCacheSizeH);
				// initialize javascript contexts
				TVec<TQm::PScript> ScriptV; InitJs(Param, Base, OnlyScriptNm, ScriptV);
				// start server
				if (!NoLoopP) {
                    // prepare server functions 
                    TSAppSrvFunV SrvFunV;
                    // used to stop the server
                    // admin webservices
                    TQm::TSrvFun::RegDefFun(Base, SrvFunV);
                    // initialize static content serving thingies
                    for (int WwwRootN = 0; WwwRootN < Param.WwwRootV.Len(); WwwRootN++) {
                        const TStrPr& WwwRoot = Param.WwwRootV[WwwRootN];
                        const TStr& UrlPath = WwwRoot.Val1, FPath = WwwRoot.Val2;
                        TQm::TEnv::Logger->OnStatusFmt("Registering '%s' at '/%s/'", FPath.CStr(), UrlPath.CStr());
                        SrvFunV.Add(TSASFunFPath::New(UrlPath, FPath));
                    // register admin services
                    SrvFunV.Add(TQm::TJsAdminSrvFun::New(ScriptV, "qm_status"));
					// register javascript contexts
					for (int ScriptN = 0; ScriptN < ScriptV.Len(); ScriptN++) {
						// register server function
					// start server
					PWebSrv WebSrv = TSAppSrv::New(Param.PortN, SrvFunV, TQm::TEnv::Logger, true, true);
					// report we started
					TQm::TEnv::Logger->OnStatusFmt("Server started on port %d", Param.PortN);
					// wait for the end
                // save base
			// remove lock

		// Stop QMiner engine
		if (StopP) {
			ExecUrl(TStr::Fmt("", Param.PortN, ReturnCode),
                "Server stop procedure initiated", "Error stopping server: ");

		// Reload QMiner script
		//if (ReloadP) {
		//	for (int ReloadNmN = 0; ReloadNmN < ReloadNmV.Len(); ReloadNmN++) {
		//		TStr ScriptNm = ReloadNmV[ReloadNmN];
		//		ExecUrl(TStr::Fmt("", Param.PortN, ScriptNm.CStr()), 
		//			"Initializing reload of script '" + ScriptNm + "'", 
		//			"Error reloading script '" + ScriptNm + "': ");
		//	}

		// Debug dumps of database and index
		if (DebugP) {
			// do not mess with folders with existing running qminer instance
                // load base
                TQm::PBase Base = TQm::TStorage::LoadBase(Param.DbFPath, faRdOnly, 
                    Param.IndexCacheSize, Param.DefStoreCacheSize, Param.StoreNmCacheSizeH);
                // go over task lists and prepare outputs
                for (int TaskN = 0; TaskN < DebugTaskV.Len(); TaskN++) {
                    TStr Task = DebugTaskV[TaskN];
                    if (Task == "index") {
                        Base->PrintIndex(DebugFNm + "index.txt", true);
                    } else if (Task == "indexvoc") {
                        Base->PrintIndexVoc(DebugFNm + "indexvoc.txt");
                    } else if (Task == "stores") {
                        Base->PrintStores(DebugFNm + "stores.txt");
                    } else if (Task.IsSuffix("_ALL")) {
                        TStr StoreNm = Task.LeftOfLast('_');
                        Base->GetStoreByStoreNm(StoreNm)->PrintAll(Base, DebugFNm + Task + ".txt");
                    } else if (Base->IsStoreNm(Task)) {
                        Base->GetStoreByStoreNm(Task)->PrintTypes(Base, DebugFNm + Task + ".txt");
                    } else {
                        TQm::InfoLog("Unkown debug task '" + Task + "'");
			// remove lock
	} catch (const PExcept& Except) {
		// GLib exception
		TQm::ErrorLog("Error: " + Except->GetMsgStr());
		return 2;
	} catch (...) {
		// other exceptions
		TQm::ErrorLog("Unknown error");
		return 1;
	return TQm::TEnv::ReturnCode.Val;