Esempio n. 1
void FInputBindingManager::CreateInputCommand( const TSharedRef<FBindingContext>& InBindingContext, TSharedRef<FUICommandInfo> InCommandInfo )
	check( InCommandInfo->BindingContext == InBindingContext->GetContextName() );

	// The command name should be valid
	check( InCommandInfo->CommandName != NAME_None );

	// Should not have already created a gesture for this command
	check( !InCommandInfo->ActiveGesture->IsValidGesture() );
	const FName ContextName = InBindingContext->GetContextName();

	FContextEntry& ContextEntry = ContextMap.FindOrAdd( ContextName );
	// Our parent context must exist.
	check( InBindingContext->GetContextParent() == NAME_None || ContextMap.Find( InBindingContext->GetContextParent() ) != NULL );

	FCommandInfoMap& CommandInfoMap = ContextEntry.CommandInfoMap;

	if( !ContextEntry.BindingContext.IsValid() )
		ContextEntry.BindingContext = InBindingContext;

	if( InBindingContext->GetContextParent() != NAME_None  )
		check( InBindingContext->GetContextName() != InBindingContext->GetContextParent() );
		// Set a mapping from the parent of the current context to the current context
		ParentToChildMap.AddUnique( InBindingContext->GetContextParent(), InBindingContext->GetContextName() );

	if( InCommandInfo->DefaultGesture.IsValidGesture() )
		CheckForDuplicateDefaultGestures( *InBindingContext, InCommandInfo );
		TSharedPtr<FUICommandInfo> ExistingInfo = CommandInfoMap.FindRef( InCommandInfo->CommandName );
		ensureMsgf( !ExistingInfo.IsValid(), TEXT("A command with name %s already exists in context %s"), *InCommandInfo->CommandName.ToString(), *InBindingContext->GetContextName().ToString() );

	// Add the command info to the list of known infos.  It can only exist once.
	CommandInfoMap.Add( InCommandInfo->CommandName, InCommandInfo );

	// See if there are user defined gestures for this command
	FInputGesture UserDefinedGesture;
	bool bFoundUserDefinedGesture = GetUserDefinedGesture( ContextName, InCommandInfo->CommandName, UserDefinedGesture );

	if( !bFoundUserDefinedGesture && InCommandInfo->DefaultGesture.IsValidGesture() )
		// Find any existing command with the same gesture 
		// This is for inconsistency between default and user defined gesture.  We need to make sure that if default gestures are changed to a gesture that a user set to a different command, that the default gesture doesn't replace
		// the existing commands gesture. Note: Duplicate default gestures are found above in CheckForDuplicateDefaultGestures
		FName ExisingCommand = ContextEntry.GestureToCommandInfoMap.FindRef( InCommandInfo->DefaultGesture );

		if( ExisingCommand == NAME_None )
			// No existing command has a user defined gesture and no user defined gesture is available for this command 
			TSharedRef<FInputGesture> NewGesture = MakeShareable( new FInputGesture( InCommandInfo->DefaultGesture ) );
			InCommandInfo->ActiveGesture = NewGesture;

	else if( bFoundUserDefinedGesture )
		// Find any existing command with the same gesture 
		// This is for inconsistency between default and user defined gesture.  We need to make sure that if default gestures are changed to a gesture that a user set to a different command, that the default gesture doesn't replace
		// the existing commands gesture.
		FName ExisingCommandName = ContextEntry.GestureToCommandInfoMap.FindRef( UserDefinedGesture );

		if( ExisingCommandName != NAME_None )
			// Get the command with using the same gesture
			TSharedPtr<FUICommandInfo> ExistingInfo = CommandInfoMap.FindRef( ExisingCommandName );
			if( *ExistingInfo->ActiveGesture != ExistingInfo->DefaultGesture )
				// two user defined gestures are the same within a context.  If the keybinding editor was used this wont happen so this must have been directly a modified user setting file
				UE_LOG(LogSlate, Error, TEXT("Duplicate user defined gestures found: [%s,%s].  Gesture for %s being removed"), *InCommandInfo->GetLabel().ToString(), *ExistingInfo->GetLabel().ToString(), *ExistingInfo->GetLabel().ToString() );
			ContextEntry.GestureToCommandInfoMap.Remove( *ExistingInfo->ActiveGesture );
			// Remove the existing gesture. 
			ExistingInfo->ActiveGesture = MakeShareable( new FInputGesture() );

		TSharedRef<FInputGesture> NewGesture = MakeShareable( new FInputGesture( UserDefinedGesture ) );
		// Set the active gesture on the command info
		InCommandInfo->ActiveGesture = NewGesture;

	// If the active gesture is valid, map the gesture to the map for fast lookup when processing bindings
	if( InCommandInfo->ActiveGesture->IsValidGesture() )
		checkSlow( !ContextEntry.GestureToCommandInfoMap.Contains( *InCommandInfo->GetActiveGesture() ) );
		ContextEntry.GestureToCommandInfoMap.Add( *InCommandInfo->GetActiveGesture(), InCommandInfo->GetCommandName() );