Esempio n. 1
void TDrawer::DrawTitleBackground(CWsBitmap* aBackUpBitmap, CWsBitmap* aResourceBitmap)
    TRect resourceRect = ipBitMapPosition->GetPosition(TBitMapPosition::EGameTitle, 0);
    TBitmapUtil objectUtil(aResourceBitmap);
    TBitmapUtil backUpUtil(aBackUpBitmap);
    objectUtil.Begin(TPoint(0, 0));
    backUpUtil.Begin(TPoint(0, 0));
    R8G8B8* addr1 = (R8G8B8*) aResourceBitmap->DataAddress();// 对象
    R8G8B8* addr2 = (R8G8B8*) aBackUpBitmap->DataAddress();// 背景
    TSize desSize = aBackUpBitmap->SizeInPixels();
    TSize sourceSize;
    sourceSize.SetSize(resourceRect.iBr.iX - resourceRect.iTl.iX + 1, resourceRect.iBr.iY - resourceRect.iTl.iY + 1);
    TSize srcSize = aResourceBitmap->SizeInPixels();
    R8G8B8* addr22;
    R8G8B8* addr11;
    //TInt iCounts = desSize.iWidth * sourceSize.iWidth;
    TInt iWidthSpan = srcSize.iWidth - sourceSize.iWidth;
    addr22 = addr2;
    addr11 = addr1 + resourceRect.iTl.iY * srcSize.iWidth + resourceRect.iTl.iX;
    for (TInt j = 0; j < sourceSize.iHeight; j++)
        for (TInt i = 0; i < desSize.iWidth; i++)
            *addr22 = *addr11;
        addr11 = addr11 + iWidthSpan;
Esempio n. 2
/** Gets the character metrics and the glyph bitmap. 
@param aCode The character code in Unicode. 
@param aMetrics On return, contains the character metrics. 
@param aBitmap On return, contains a pointer to the compressed glyph bitmap. 
@param aBitmapSize The size of the returned glyph bitmap in pixels. This is 
not necessarily the same as the size implied by the returned metrics, which 
may incorporate algorithmic multiplication. 
EXPORT_C CFont::TCharacterDataAvailability CFbsFont::DoGetCharacterData(TUint aCode,TOpenFontCharMetrics& aMetrics,
		const TUint8*& aBitmap,TSize& aBitmapSize) const
	aBitmap = NULL;
	if (!iHandle)
		return CFont::ENoCharacterData;

	CBitmapFont* bitmap_font = Address();

	if (!bitmap_font->GetCharacterData(iFbs->ServerSessionHandle(),aCode,aMetrics,aBitmap))
		TPckgBuf<TRasterizeParams> paramsBuf;
		TIpcArgs args(iHandle, aCode, &paramsBuf);
		if(iFbs->SendCommand(EFbsMessRasterize, args))
			// Translate the offsets sent to the server back to pointers relative to
			// the heap base of the current process
			const TOpenFontCharMetrics* metrics = (const TOpenFontCharMetrics*)OffsetToPointer(paramsBuf().iMetricsOffset, iFbs->HeapBase());
			if (metrics)
				aMetrics = *metrics;
			aBitmap = static_cast<TUint8*>(OffsetToPointer(paramsBuf().iBitmapPointerOffset, iFbs->HeapBase()));			
			return CFont::ENoCharacterData;


	if (!bitmap_font->IsOpenFont())
		TAlgStyle null_style;
		if (!(bitmap_font->iAlgStyle == null_style))
			const int width_factor = bitmap_font->iAlgStyle.WidthFactor();
			const int height_factor = bitmap_font->iAlgStyle.HeightFactor();
			const int bold_addition =	bitmap_font->iAlgStyle.IsBold() ? width_factor : 0;
			const int italic_addition = bitmap_font->iAlgStyle.IsItalic() ? width_factor : 0;

			aMetrics.SetWidth(aMetrics.Width() * width_factor + bold_addition + italic_addition);
			aMetrics.SetHeight(aMetrics.Height() * height_factor);
			aMetrics.SetHorizBearingX(aMetrics.HorizBearingX() * width_factor);
			aMetrics.SetHorizBearingY(aMetrics.HorizBearingY() * height_factor);
			aMetrics.SetVertBearingX(aMetrics.VertBearingX() * width_factor);
			aMetrics.SetVertBearingY(aMetrics.VertBearingY() * height_factor);
			if (bitmap_font->iAlgStyle.IsMono())
				aMetrics.SetHorizAdvance(bitmap_font->CBitmapFont::DoMaxNormalCharWidthInPixels() + bold_addition);
				aMetrics.SetHorizAdvance(aMetrics.HorizAdvance() * width_factor + bold_addition);
			aMetrics.SetVertAdvance(aMetrics.VertAdvance() * height_factor);
	return CFont::EAllCharacterData;
Esempio n. 3
//Gets the Size dimension the RWindow is using as per orientation
TSize RWindows::GetOrientedSize()
	TSize orientedSize;
	if (iOrientation&1)
	orientedSize = iEpocBitmapSize;

	return orientedSize;
void CSupImageHandler::LoadFileL(const TFileName& aFileName, TInt aSelectedFrame)
	// create a CImageDecoder to read the specified file
	delete iLoadUtil;
	iLoadUtil = NULL;
	iLoadUtil = CImageDecoder::FileNewL(iFs, aFileName);
	// store the frame information and frame count
	iFrameInfo = iLoadUtil->FrameInfo(aSelectedFrame);
	iFrameCount = iLoadUtil->FrameCount();

	// resize the destination bitmap to fit the required size
	//TRect bitmapSize = iFrameInfo.iFrameCoordsInPixels;

	TSize bitmapSize = iFrameInfo.iOverallSizeInPixels;

	// Calculate scale factor,
	// if required
	if (bitmapSize.iWidth > KImageWidthThreshold || bitmapSize.iHeight > KImageHeightThreshold)
		TUint hScaleFactor = bitmapSize.iWidth/KImageWidthThreshold;
		TUint vScaleFactor = bitmapSize.iHeight/KImageHeightThreshold;
		// apply the same scale factor to both horizontal and vertical
		TUint scaleFactor = 1;
		if (hScaleFactor <= vScaleFactor)
			scaleFactor = hScaleFactor;
			scaleFactor = vScaleFactor;

		if (scaleFactor >= 4)
			scaleFactor = 4;
		else if (scaleFactor >= 2)
			scaleFactor = 2;
			scaleFactor = 1;

		// we need a correction pixel on each coordinate if the size is not divisible with scale factor; the
		// decoder will not work otherwise
		TUint hCorrection = 0;
		if (bitmapSize.iWidth % scaleFactor)
			hCorrection = 1;
		TUint vCorrection = 0;
		if (bitmapSize.iHeight % scaleFactor)
			vCorrection = 1;
		// the magic formula for calculating the final size
		bitmapSize.SetSize(bitmapSize.iWidth/scaleFactor + hCorrection, bitmapSize.iHeight/scaleFactor + vCorrection);


	// start reading the bitmap: RunL called when complete
	iLoadUtil->Convert(&iStatus, iBitmap, aSelectedFrame);
Esempio n. 5
TBool CDataWrapperBase::GetSizeFromConfig(const TDesC& aSectName, const TDesC& aKeyName, TSize& aResult)
	TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteCommandLength>	tempStore;

	TInt	width;
	tempStore.Format(KFormatEntryField, &aKeyName, &KTagSizeWidth);
	TBool	ret=GetIntFromConfig(aSectName, tempStore, width);

	TInt	height;
	tempStore.Format(KFormatEntryField, &aKeyName, &KTagSizeHeight);
	if ( !GetIntFromConfig(aSectName, tempStore, height) )

	if ( ret )
		aResult.SetSize(width, height);

	return ret;
Esempio n. 6
void TDrawer::DrawLifeValue(CWsBitmap* aBackUpBitmap, CWsBitmap* aResourceBitmap, TInt aLifeValue)
    if (aLifeValue < 1)
    TRect srcRect = ipBitMapPosition->GetPosition(TBitMapPosition::ELifeValue, aLifeValue - 1);
    TBitmapUtil objectUtil(aResourceBitmap);
    TBitmapUtil backUpUtil(aBackUpBitmap);
    objectUtil.Begin(TPoint(0, 0));
    backUpUtil.Begin(TPoint(0, 0));
    R8G8B8* addr1 = (R8G8B8*) aResourceBitmap->DataAddress();// 对象
    R8G8B8* addr2 = (R8G8B8*) aBackUpBitmap->DataAddress();// 背景
    TSize desSize = aBackUpBitmap->SizeInPixels();
    TSize srcSize = aResourceBitmap->SizeInPixels();
    TSize elementSize;
    elementSize.SetSize(srcRect.iBr.iX - srcRect.iTl.iX + 1, srcRect.iBr.iY - srcRect.iTl.iY + 1);
    R8G8B8* addr22;
    R8G8B8* addr11;
    //TInt iCounts = desSize.iWidth * sourceSize.iWidth;
    TInt iWidthSpanSrc = srcSize.iWidth - elementSize.iWidth;
    TInt iWidthSpanDes = desSize.iWidth - elementSize.iWidth;
    addr22 = addr2 + desSize.iWidth * LIFE_BEGIN_Y + LIFE_BEGIN_X;
    addr11 = addr1 + srcRect.iTl.iY * srcSize.iWidth + srcRect.iTl.iX;
    for (TInt j = 0; j < elementSize.iHeight; j++)
        for (TInt i = 0; i < elementSize.iWidth; i++)
            *addr22 = *addr11;
        addr11 = addr11 + iWidthSpanSrc;
        addr22 = addr22 + iWidthSpanDes;