void ColumnCmd::resequence(int index) { if (!canResequence(index)) return; TXsheet *xsh = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(index); assert(column); TXshLevelColumn *lcolumn = column->getLevelColumn(); assert(lcolumn); int r0 = 0, r1 = -1; lcolumn->getRange(r0, r1); assert(r0 <= r1); TXshCell cell = lcolumn->getCell(r0); assert(!cell.isEmpty()); TXshChildLevel *xl = cell.m_level->getChildLevel(); assert(xl); TXsheet *childXsh = xl->getXsheet(); int frameCount = childXsh->getFrameCount(); if (frameCount < 1) frameCount = 1; TUndoManager::manager()->add(new ResequenceUndo(index, frameCount)); lcolumn->clearCells(r0, r1 - r0 + 1); for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) { cell.m_frameId = TFrameId(i + 1); lcolumn->setCell(r0 + i, cell); } xsh->updateFrameCount(); TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->setDirtyFlag(true); TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->notifyXsheetChanged(); }
bool ColumnCmd::canResequence(int index) { TXsheet *xsh = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(index); if (!column) return false; TXshLevelColumn *lcolumn = column->getLevelColumn(); if (!lcolumn) return false; int r0 = 0, r1 = -1; if (lcolumn->getRange(r0, r1) == 0) return false; assert(r0 <= r1); TXshCell cell = lcolumn->getCell(r0); assert(!cell.isEmpty()); TXshLevel *xl = cell.m_level->getChildLevel(); if (!xl) return false; for (int r = r0 + 1; r <= r1; r++) { cell = lcolumn->getCell(r); if (cell.isEmpty()) continue; if (cell.m_level.getPointer() != xl) return false; } return true; }
void ColumnCmd::cloneChild(int index) { if (!canResequence(index)) return; /*-- カラムを取得 --*/ TXsheet *xsh = TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); TXshColumn *column = xsh->getColumn(index); assert(column); // get the subxsheet to clone (childLevel, childXsh) /*-- SubXsheetレベルを取得 --*/ TXshLevelColumn *lcolumn = column->getLevelColumn(); assert(lcolumn); int r0 = 0, r1 = -1; lcolumn->getRange(r0, r1); assert(r0 <= r1); /*-- SubXsheetの一番頭のセル --*/ TXshCell cell = lcolumn->getCell(r0); assert(!cell.isEmpty()); /*- cell内に格納されているLevelを取得 -*/ TXshChildLevel *childLevel = cell.m_level->getChildLevel(); assert(childLevel); /*- SubXsheetのXsheetを取得 -*/ TXsheet *childXsh = childLevel->getXsheet(); // insert a new empty column /*- 隣に空きColumnをInsertしてCloneに備える -*/ int newColumnIndex = index + 1; xsh->insertColumn(newColumnIndex); // create a subxsheet (newChildLevel, newChildXsh) ToonzScene *scene = TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->getScene(); ChildStack *childStack = scene->getChildStack(); TXshChildLevel *newChildLevel = childStack->createChild(0, newColumnIndex); TXsheet *newChildXsh = newChildLevel->getXsheet(); // copy columns. std::set<int> indices; for (int i = 0; i < childXsh->getColumnCount(); i++) indices.insert(i); StageObjectsData *data = new StageObjectsData(); data->storeColumns(indices, childXsh, 0); data->storeColumnFxs(indices, childXsh, 0); std::list<int> restoredSplineIds; data->restoreObjects(indices, restoredSplineIds, newChildXsh, StageObjectsData::eDoClone); delete data; cloneNotColumnLinkedFxsAndOutputsFx(childXsh, newChildXsh); cloneXsheetTStageObjectTree(childXsh, newChildXsh); /*--以下は、Clone SubXsheet するときに、SubXsheet内にある子SubXsheetをクローンする関数 クローンされた中にある子SubXsheetは、同じもので良いので、スキップする --*/ // cloneSubXsheets(newChildXsh); /*-- XSheetノードのFxSchematicでのDagNodePosを再現 FxやColumnノードの位置の再現は上のsetColumnで行っている --*/ newChildXsh->getFxDag()->getXsheetFx()->getAttributes()->setDagNodePos( childXsh->getFxDag()->getXsheetFx()->getAttributes()->getDagNodePos()); newChildXsh->updateFrameCount(); /*-- TXshChildLevel作成時にsetCellした1つ目のセルを消去 --*/ xsh->removeCells(0, newColumnIndex); /*-- CloneしたColumnのセル番号順を再現 --*/ for (int r = r0; r <= r1; r++) { TXshCell cell = lcolumn->getCell(r); if (cell.isEmpty()) continue; cell.m_level = newChildLevel; xsh->setCell(r, newColumnIndex, cell); } TStageObjectId currentObjectId = TApp::instance()->getCurrentObject()->getObjectId(); xsh->getStageObject(TStageObjectId::ColumnId(newColumnIndex)) ->setParent(xsh->getStageObjectParent(currentObjectId)); xsh->updateFrameCount(); TUndoManager::manager()->add( new CloneChildUndo(newChildLevel, newColumnIndex)); // notify changes TApp::instance()->getCurrentScene()->setDirtyFlag(true); TApp::instance()->getCurrentXsheet()->notifyXsheetChanged(); }
QString TTool::updateEnabled() { // Disable every tool during playback if (m_application->getCurrentFrame()->isPlaying()) return (enable(false), QString()); // Release Generic tools at once int toolType = getToolType(); int targetType = getTargetType(); if (toolType == TTool::GenericTool) return (enable(true), QString()); // Retrieve vars and view modes TXsheet *xsh = m_application->getCurrentXsheet()->getXsheet(); int rowIndex = m_application->getCurrentFrame()->getFrame(); int columnIndex = m_application->getCurrentColumn()->getColumnIndex(); TXshColumn *column = (columnIndex >= 0) ? xsh->getColumn(columnIndex) : 0; TXshLevel *xl = m_application->getCurrentLevel()->getLevel(); TXshSimpleLevel *sl = xl ? xl->getSimpleLevel() : 0; int levelType = sl ? sl->getType() : NO_XSHLEVEL; TStageObject *obj = xsh->getStageObject(TStageObjectId::ColumnId(columnIndex)); bool spline = m_application->getCurrentObject()->isSpline(); bool filmstrip = m_application->getCurrentFrame()->isEditingLevel(); /*-- MultiLayerStylePickerONのときは、現状に関わらず使用可能 --*/ if (m_name == T_StylePicker && Preferences::instance()->isMultiLayerStylePickerEnabled()) return (enable(true), QString()); // Check against unplaced columns (not in filmstrip mode) if (column && !filmstrip) { if (column->isLocked()) return (enable(false), QObject::tr("The current column is locked.")); else if (!column->isCamstandVisible()) return (enable(false), QObject::tr("The current column is hidden.")); else if (column->getSoundColumn()) return (enable(false), QObject::tr("It is not possible to edit the audio column.")); else if (column->getSoundTextColumn()) return ( enable(false), QObject::tr( "Note columns can only be edited in the xsheet or timeline.")); if (toolType == TTool::ColumnTool) { // Check column target if (column->getLevelColumn() && !(targetType & LevelColumns)) return ( enable(false), QObject::tr("The current tool cannot be used on a Level column.")); if (column->getMeshColumn() && !(targetType & MeshColumns)) return ( enable(false), QObject::tr("The current tool cannot be used on a Mesh column.")); } } // Check column tools if (toolType == TTool::ColumnTool) { if (filmstrip) return ( enable(false), QObject::tr("The current tool cannot be used in Level Strip mode.")); if ((!column || column->isEmpty()) && !(targetType & TTool::EmptyTarget)) return (enable(false), QString()); } // Check LevelRead & LevelWrite tools if (toolType & TTool::LevelTool) { // Check against splines if (spline) { return (targetType & Splines) ? (enable(true), QString()) : (enable(false), QObject::tr("The current tool cannot be " "used to edit a motion path.")); } // Check against empty levels if (!xl) return (targetType & EmptyTarget) ? (enable(true), QString()) : (enable(false), QString()); // Check against simple-level-edness if (!sl) return (enable(false), QObject::tr("The current level is not editable.")); // Does it // happen at // all btw? // Check against level types { if ((levelType == PLI_XSHLEVEL) && !(targetType & VectorImage)) return ( enable(false), QObject::tr("The current tool cannot be used on a Vector Level.")); if ((levelType == TZP_XSHLEVEL) && !(targetType & ToonzImage)) return ( enable(false), QObject::tr("The current tool cannot be used on a Toonz Level.")); if ((levelType == OVL_XSHLEVEL) && !(targetType & RasterImage)) return ( enable(false), QObject::tr("The current tool cannot be used on a Raster Level.")); if ((levelType == MESH_XSHLEVEL) && !(targetType & MeshImage)) return ( enable(false), QObject::tr("The current tool cannot be used on a Mesh Level.")); } // Check against impossibly traceable movements on the column if ((levelType & LEVELCOLUMN_XSHLEVEL) && !filmstrip) { // Test for Mesh-deformed levels const TStageObjectId &parentId = obj->getParent(); if (parentId.isColumn() && obj->getParentHandle()[0] != 'H') { TXshSimpleLevel *parentSl = xsh->getCell(rowIndex, parentId.getIndex()).getSimpleLevel(); if (parentSl && parentSl->getType() == MESH_XSHLEVEL) return ( enable(false), QObject::tr( "The current tool cannot be used on a mesh-deformed level")); } } // Check TTool::ImageType tools if (toolType == TTool::LevelWriteTool) { // Check level against read-only status if (sl->isReadOnly()) { const std::set<TFrameId> &editableFrames = sl->getEditableRange(); TFrameId currentFid = getCurrentFid(); if (editableFrames.find(currentFid) == editableFrames.end()) return ( enable(false), QObject::tr( "The current frame is locked: any editing is forbidden.")); } // Check level type write support if (sl->getPath().getType() == "psd" || // We don't have the API to write psd files sl->is16BitChannelLevel() || // Inherited by previous implementation. // Could be fixed? sl->getProperties()->getBpp() == 1) // Black & White images. Again, could be fixed? return (enable(false), QObject::tr("The current level is not editable.")); } } return (enable(true), QString()); }