TStageObjectId TColumnDataElement::restoreColumn(TXsheet *xsh, int index, int fxFlags, bool copyPosition) const
	bool doClone = (fxFlags & eDoClone);
	bool resetFxDagPositions = (fxFlags & eResetFxDagPositions);

	TXshColumn *column = m_column.getPointer();

	// The xsheet 'changes' if a new column is inserted. If it was already there, no.
	bool xsheetChange = false;
	if (column && column->getXsheet() && column->getXsheet() != xsh)
		xsheetChange = true;

	// Insert a column at the specified index. If a column was stored, insert that one.
	TPointD dagPos = TConst::nowhere;
	if (column) {
		if (column->getFx())
			dagPos = column->getFx()->getAttributes()->getDagNodePos();
		if (doClone)
			column = column->clone();
		xsh->insertColumn(index, column);
	} else
		xsh->insertColumn(index); // Create a new one otherwise

	if (!resetFxDagPositions && dagPos != TConst::nowhere) {
		// Don't accept the default position (fx object)
		TXshColumn *restoredColumn = xsh->getColumn(index);

	// Retrieve the newly inserted column stage object
	TStageObject *obj = xsh->getStageObject(TStageObjectId::ColumnId(index));
	obj->assignParams(m_params, doClone); // Assign the stored params

	if (copyPosition)

	// Clone the associated curve if any
	if (xsheetChange && obj->getSpline()) {
		TStageObjectSpline *srcSpl = obj->getSpline();
		TStageObjectSpline *dstSpl = xsh->getStageObjectTree()->createSpline();
		dstSpl->setStroke(new TStroke(*srcSpl->getStroke()));

	int gridType = xsh->getStageObjectTree()->getDagGridDimension();
	obj->setIsOpened(gridType == 0); // gridType is 0 if the node is opened, 1 if closed
									 // see StageSchematicScene::GridDimension
									 // TODO: Should be made PUBLIC!!

	return obj->getId();
Esempio n. 2
  if (m_subXSheetStack.empty())
    cameraPlacement = m_cameraPlacement;
    cameraPlacement = m_subXSheetStack.back().m_camera;
  TAffine columnZaff;
  bool columnBehindCamera = TStageObject::perspective(
      columnZaff, cameraPlacement.m_aff, cameraPlacement.m_z, columnAff,
      columnZ, columnNoScaleZ);

  if (!columnBehindCamera) return;

  TXshSimpleLevel *sl = xl->getSimpleLevel();

  bool storePlayer =
      sl || (xl->getChildLevel() &&
             locals::applyPlasticDeform(column.getPointer(), m_vs) &&
             locals::isMeshDeformed(xsh, pegbar, m_vs));

  if (storePlayer) {
    // Build and store a player

    Player player;
    player.m_sl     = sl;
    player.m_fid    = cell.m_frameId;
    player.m_xsh    = xsh;
    player.m_column = col;
    player.m_frame  = row;
    player.m_dpiAff = sl ? getDpiAffine(sl, cell.m_frameId) : TAffine();
    player.m_onionSkinDistance   = m_onionSkinDistance;
    player.m_isCurrentColumn     = (m_currentColumnIndex == col);
    player.m_ancestorColumnIndex = m_ancestorColumnIndex;