Esempio n. 1
void FleetMoveOrder::ExecuteImpl() const {

    TemporaryPtr<Fleet> fleet = GetFleet(FleetID());
    if (!fleet) {
        ErrorLogger() << "Empire with id " << EmpireID() << " ordered fleet with id " << FleetID() << " to move, but no such fleet exists";

    TemporaryPtr<const System> destination_system = GetEmpireKnownSystem(DestinationSystemID(), EmpireID());
    if (!destination_system) {
        ErrorLogger() << "Empire with id " << EmpireID() << " ordered fleet to move to system with id " << DestinationSystemID() << " but no such system is known to that empire";

    // reject empty routes
    if (m_route.empty()) {
        ErrorLogger() << "Empire with id " << EmpireID() << " ordered fleet to move on empty route";

    // verify that empire specified in order owns specified fleet
    if (!fleet->OwnedBy(EmpireID()) ) {
        ErrorLogger() << "Empire with id " << EmpireID() << " order to move but does not own fleet with id " << FleetID();

    // verify fleet route first system
    int fleet_sys_id = fleet->SystemID();
    if (!m_append || fleet->TravelRoute().empty()) {
        if (fleet_sys_id != INVALID_OBJECT_ID) {
            // fleet is in a system.  Its move path should also start from that system.
            if (fleet_sys_id != m_start_system) {
                ErrorLogger() << "Empire with id " << EmpireID() << " ordered a fleet to move from a system with id " << m_start_system <<
                                        " that it is not at.  Fleet is located at system with id " << fleet_sys_id;
        } else {
            // fleet is not in a system.  Its move path should start from the next system it is moving to.
            int next_system = fleet->NextSystemID();
            if (next_system != m_start_system) {
                ErrorLogger() << "Empire with id " << EmpireID() << " ordered a fleet to move starting from a system with id " << m_start_system <<
                                        ", but the fleet's next destination is system with id " << next_system;
    } else {
        // We should append and there is something to append to
        int last_system = fleet->TravelRoute().back();
        if (last_system != m_start_system) {
            ErrorLogger() << "Empire with id " << EmpireID() << " ordered a fleet to continue from system with id " << m_start_system <<
            ", but the fleet's current route won't lead there, it leads to system " << last_system;

    // convert list of ids to list of System
    std::list<int> route_list;
    if(m_append && !fleet->TravelRoute().empty()){
        route_list = fleet->TravelRoute();
        route_list.erase(--route_list.end());// Remove the last one since it is the first one of the other
    std::copy(m_route.begin(), m_route.end(), std::back_inserter(route_list));

    // validate route.  Only allow travel between systems connected in series by starlanes known to this fleet's owner.

    // check destination validity: disallow movement that's out of range
    std::pair<int, int> eta = fleet->ETA(fleet->MovePath(route_list));
    if (eta.first == Fleet::ETA_NEVER || eta.first == Fleet::ETA_OUT_OF_RANGE) {
        DebugLogger() << "FleetMoveOrder::ExecuteImpl rejected out of range move order";
    std::string waypoints;
    for (std::list<int>::iterator it = route_list.begin(); it != route_list.end(); ++it) {
        waypoints += std::string(" ") + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(*it);
    DebugLogger() << "FleetMoveOrder::ExecuteImpl Setting route of fleet " << fleet->ID() << " to " << waypoints;

bool ShipDesign::ProductionLocation(int empire_id, int location_id) const {
    TemporaryPtr<const UniverseObject> location = GetUniverseObject(location_id);
    if (!location)
        return false;

    // currently ships can only be built at planets, and by species that are
    // not planetbound
    TemporaryPtr<const Planet> planet = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Planet>(location);
    if (!planet)
        return false;
    const std::string& species_name = planet->SpeciesName();
    if (species_name.empty())
        return false;
    const Species* species = GetSpecies(species_name);
    if (!species)
        return false;
    if (!species->CanProduceShips())
        return false;
    // also, species that can't colonize can't produce colony ships
    if (this->CanColonize() && !species->CanColonize())
        return false;

    Empire* empire = GetEmpire(empire_id);
    if (!empire) {
        DebugLogger() << "ShipDesign::ProductionLocation: Unable to get pointer to empire " << empire_id;
        return false;

    // get a source object, which is owned by the empire with the passed-in
    // empire id.  this is used in conditions to reference which empire is
    // doing the producing.  Ideally this will be the capital, but any object
    // owned by the empire will work.
    TemporaryPtr<const UniverseObject> source = SourceForEmpire(empire_id);
    // if this empire doesn't own ANYTHING, then how is it producing anyway?
    if (!source)
        return false;

    // apply hull location conditions to potential location
    const HullType* hull = GetHull();
    if (!hull) {
        ErrorLogger() << "ShipDesign::ProductionLocation  ShipDesign couldn't get its own hull with name " << m_hull;
        return false;
    if (!hull->Location()->Eval(ScriptingContext(source), location))
        return false;

    // apply external and internal parts' location conditions to potential location
    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator part_it = m_parts.begin(); part_it != m_parts.end(); ++part_it) {
        std::string part_name = *part_it;
        if (part_name.empty())
            continue;       // empty slots don't limit build location

        const PartType* part = GetPartType(part_name);
        if (!part) {
            ErrorLogger() << "ShipDesign::ProductionLocation  ShipDesign couldn't get part with name " << part_name;
            return false;
        if (!part->Location()->Eval(ScriptingContext(source), location))
            return false;
    // location matched all hull and part conditions, so is a valid build location
    return true;
Esempio n. 3
void NewFleetOrder::ExecuteImpl() const {

    if (m_system_id == INVALID_OBJECT_ID) {
        ErrorLogger() << "Empire attempted to create a new fleet outside a system";
    TemporaryPtr<System> system = GetSystem(m_system_id);
    if (!system) {
        ErrorLogger() << "Empire attempted to create a new fleet in a nonexistant system";

    if (m_fleet_names.empty())
    if (m_fleet_names.size() != m_fleet_ids.size()
        || m_fleet_names.size() != m_ship_id_groups.size()
        || m_fleet_names.size() != m_aggressives.size())
        ErrorLogger() << "NewFleetOrder has inconsistent data container sizes...";

    std::vector<TemporaryPtr<Fleet> > created_fleets;

    // create fleet for each group of ships
    for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(m_fleet_names.size()); ++i) {
        const std::string&      fleet_name =    m_fleet_names[i];
        int                     fleet_id =      m_fleet_ids[i];
        const std::vector<int>& ship_ids =      m_ship_id_groups[i];
        bool                    aggressive =    m_aggressives[i];

        if (ship_ids.empty())
            continue;   // nothing to do...

        // validate specified ships
        std::vector<TemporaryPtr<Ship> >    validated_ships;
        std::vector<int>                    validated_ships_ids;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ship_ids.size(); ++i) {
            // verify that empire is not trying to take ships from somebody else's fleet
            TemporaryPtr<Ship> ship = GetShip(ship_ids[i]);
            if (!ship) {
                ErrorLogger() << "Empire attempted to create a new fleet with an invalid ship";
            if (!ship->OwnedBy(EmpireID())) {
                ErrorLogger() << "Empire attempted to create a new fleet with ships from another's fleet.";
            if (ship->SystemID() != m_system_id) {
                ErrorLogger() << "Empire attempted to make a new fleet from ship in the wrong system";
        if (validated_ships.empty())

        // create fleet
        TemporaryPtr<Fleet> fleet = GetUniverse().CreateFleet(fleet_name, system->X(), system->Y(),
                                                              EmpireID(), fleet_id);

        // an ID is provided to ensure consistancy between server and client universes
        GetUniverse().SetEmpireObjectVisibility(EmpireID(), fleet->ID(), VIS_FULL_VISIBILITY);


        // new fleet will get same m_arrival_starlane as fleet of the first ship in the list.
        TemporaryPtr<Ship> firstShip = validated_ships[0];
        TemporaryPtr<Fleet> firstFleet = GetFleet(firstShip->FleetID());
        if (firstFleet)

        // remove ships from old fleet(s) and add to new
        for (std::vector<TemporaryPtr<Ship> >::iterator ship_it = validated_ships.begin();
             ship_it != validated_ships.end(); ++ship_it)
            TemporaryPtr<Ship> ship = *ship_it;
            if (TemporaryPtr<Fleet> old_fleet = GetFleet(ship->FleetID()))



Esempio n. 4
boost::shared_ptr<GG::Texture> FleetSizeIcon(TemporaryPtr<const Fleet> fleet, FleetButton::SizeType size_type) {
    if (!fleet)
        return FleetSizeIcon(1u, size_type);
    return FleetSizeIcon(fleet->NumShips(), size_type);
Esempio n. 5
void CombatShip::UpdateMissionQueue()

    const float DEFAULT_MISSION_WEIGHT = 12.0;
    const float MAX_MISSION_WEIGHT = 48.0;

    const float AT_DESTINATION = std::max(3.0f, speed());

    bool print_needed = false;
    if (m_instrument && m_last_mission != m_mission_queue.back().m_type) {
        std::cout << "empire=" << m_empire_id << "\n"
                  << "    prev mission=" << SHIP_MISSION_STRINGS[m_last_mission] << "\n"
                  << "    new mission =" << SHIP_MISSION_STRINGS[m_mission_queue.back().m_type] << "\n";
        print_needed = true;
        m_last_mission = m_mission_queue.back().m_type;

    m_last_queue_update_turn = m_turn;

    m_mission_weight = 0.0;
    m_mission_destination = OpenSteer::Vec3();

    switch (m_mission_queue.back().m_type) {
    case ShipMission::NONE: {
        assert(m_mission_queue.size() == 1u);
        if (print_needed) std::cout << "    [STARTING DEFAULT MISSION]\n";
    case ShipMission::MOVE_TO: {
        if (AT_DEST_SQUARED < (position() - m_mission_queue.back().m_destination).lengthSquared()) {
            m_mission_weight = MAX_MISSION_WEIGHT;
            m_mission_destination = m_mission_queue.back().m_destination;
        } else {
            if (print_needed) std::cout << "    [ARRIVED]\n";
    case ShipMission::ATTACK_THIS_STANDOFF:
    case ShipMission::ATTACK_THIS: {
        if (CombatObjectPtr target = m_mission_queue.back().m_target.lock()) {
            m_mission_weight = DEFAULT_MISSION_WEIGHT;
            OpenSteer::Vec3 target_position = target->position();
            if (target->IsFighter()) {
                CombatFighterPtr f = boost::static_pointer_cast<CombatFighter>(target);
                target_position = f->Formation()->Centroid();
            OpenSteer::Vec3 from_target_vec = position() - target_position;
            float from_target_length = from_target_vec.length();
            from_target_vec /= from_target_length;
            const float WEAPON_RANGE_FACTOR = 0.9f;
            float distance =
                std::min<float>(MaxWeaponRange() * WEAPON_RANGE_FACTOR, from_target_length);
            if (m_mission_queue.back().m_type == ShipMission::ATTACK_THIS_STANDOFF)
                distance = MinNonPDWeaponRange() * WEAPON_RANGE_FACTOR;
            m_mission_destination = target_position + distance * from_target_vec;
        } else {
            if (print_needed) std::cout << "    [ATTACK TARGET GONE]\n";
    case ShipMission::DEFEND_THIS: {
        if (CombatObjectPtr target = m_mission_queue.back().m_target.lock()) {
            m_mission_weight = DEFAULT_MISSION_WEIGHT;
            if (m_is_PD_ship) {
                PathingEngine::ConstAttackerRange attackers =
                CombatShipPtr ship;
                for (PathingEngine::Attackees::const_iterator it = attackers.first;
                     it != attackers.second;
                     ++it) {
                    CombatObjectPtr attacker = it->second.lock();
                    if (attacker && attacker->IsShip()) {
                        CombatShipPtr temp = boost::static_pointer_cast<CombatShip>(attacker);
                        if (!ship || ship->m_raw_LR_strength < temp->m_raw_LR_strength)
                            ship = temp;
                if (ship) {
                    m_mission_weight = MAX_MISSION_WEIGHT;
                    OpenSteer::Vec3 target_position = target->position();
                    OpenSteer::Vec3 attacker_position = ship->position();
                    OpenSteer::Vec3 target_to_attacker =
                        (attacker_position - target_position).normalize();
                    double min_PD_range = GetShip()->Design()->PDWeapons().begin()->first;
                    m_mission_destination =
                        target_position + target_to_attacker * min_PD_range / 2.0;
                } else {
                    // No attacker found; just get close to the target to keep
                    // it blanketted with PD.
                    OpenSteer::Vec3 target_position = target->position();
                    OpenSteer::Vec3 target_to_here =
                        (position() - target->position()).normalize();
                    double min_PD_range = GetShip()->Design()->PDWeapons().begin()->first;
                    m_mission_destination =
                        target_position + target_to_here * min_PD_range / 3.0;
            } else {
                if (m_mission_subtarget.expired()) {
                    m_mission_subtarget = WeakestAttacker(target);
                    if (CombatObjectPtr subtarget = m_mission_subtarget.lock())
                        m_mission_destination = subtarget->position();
                        m_mission_destination = target->position();
        } else {
            if (print_needed) std::cout << "    [DEFEND TARGET GONE]\n";
    case ShipMission::PATROL_TO: {
        // TODO: Consider making the engagement range dynamically adjustable by the user.
        const float PATROL_ENGAGEMENT_RANGE = 50.0;
        if (AT_DEST_SQUARED < (position() - m_mission_queue.back().m_destination).lengthSquared()) {
            m_mission_weight = DEFAULT_MISSION_WEIGHT;
            bool found_target = false;
            if (CombatObjectPtr object =
                m_pathing_engine->NearestHostileNonFighterInRange(position(), m_empire_id,
                                                                  PATROL_ENGAGEMENT_RANGE)) {
                m_mission_destination = object->position();
                PushMission(ShipMission(ShipMission::ATTACK_THIS, object));
                found_target = true;
                if (print_needed) std::cout << "    [ENGAGING HOSTILE SHIP]\n";
            if (!found_target)
                m_mission_destination = m_mission_queue.back().m_destination;
        } else {
            if (print_needed) std::cout << "    [ARRIVED]\n";
    case ShipMission::ATTACK_SHIPS_WEAKEST_FIRST: {
        if (CombatObjectPtr object = WeakestHostileShip()) {
            m_mission_weight = DEFAULT_MISSION_WEIGHT;
            m_mission_destination = object->position();
                    m_mission_queue.back().m_type == ShipMission::ATTACK_SHIPS_WEAKEST_FIRST ?
                    ShipMission::ATTACK_THIS :
            if (print_needed) std::cout << "    [ENGAGING HOSTILE SHIP]\n";
        } else {
            if (print_needed) std::cout << "    [NO TARGETS]\n";
        m_mission_weight = DEFAULT_MISSION_WEIGHT;
    case ShipMission::ATTACK_SHIPS_NEAREST_FIRST: {
        if (CombatObjectPtr object = m_pathing_engine->NearestHostileShip(position(), m_empire_id)) {
            m_mission_weight = DEFAULT_MISSION_WEIGHT;
            m_mission_destination = object->position();
                    m_mission_queue.back().m_type == ShipMission::ATTACK_SHIPS_NEAREST_FIRST ?
                    ShipMission::ATTACK_THIS :
            if (print_needed) std::cout << "    [ENGAGING HOSTILE SHIP]\n";
        } else {
            if (print_needed) std::cout << "    [NO TARGETS]\n";
    case ShipMission::ENTER_STARLANE: {
        TemporaryPtr<System> system = GetSystem(GetShip()->SystemID());
        const std::map<int, bool>& lanes = system->StarlanesWormholes();
        for (std::map<int, bool>::const_iterator it = lanes.begin(); it != lanes.end(); ++it) {
            if (PointInStarlaneEllipse(position().x, position().y, system->ID(), it->first)) {
                m_enter_starlane_start_turn = m_turn;
            assert(!"Illegal ENTER_STARLANE ShipMission was issued -- ship is not within "
                   "minimum distance of any starlane entrance.");

    if (print_needed)
        std::cout << "    position   =" << position() << "\n"
                  << "    destination=" << m_mission_destination << "\n"
                  << "    mission_weight=" << m_mission_weight << "\n"
                  << std::endl;
Esempio n. 6
boost::shared_ptr<GG::Texture> FleetHeadIcon(const std::vector< TemporaryPtr<const Fleet> >& fleets, FleetButton::SizeType size_type) {
    if (size_type == FleetButton::FLEET_BUTTON_NONE || size_type == FleetButton::FLEET_BUTTON_TINY)
        return boost::shared_ptr<GG::Texture>();

    // get file name prefix for appropriate size of icon
    std::string size_prefix = FleetIconSizePrefix(size_type);
    if (size_prefix.empty())
        return boost::shared_ptr<GG::Texture>();

    // the set of fleets is treated like a fleet that contains all the ships
    bool hasColonyShips = false; bool hasOutpostShips = false; bool hasTroopShips = false; bool hasMonsters = false; bool hasArmedShips = false;
    for (std::vector< TemporaryPtr<const Fleet> >::const_iterator fleet_it = fleets.begin(); fleet_it != fleets.end(); ++fleet_it) {
        const TemporaryPtr<const Fleet> fleet = *fleet_it;
        if (!fleet) 
        hasColonyShips  = hasColonyShips  || fleet->HasColonyShips();
        hasOutpostShips = hasOutpostShips || fleet->HasOutpostShips();
        hasTroopShips   = hasTroopShips   || fleet->HasTroopShips();
        hasMonsters     = hasMonsters     || fleet->HasMonsters();
        hasArmedShips   = hasArmedShips   || fleet->HasArmedShips();
    // get file name main part depending on type of fleet
    // symbol type prioritized by the ship type arbitrarily deemed "most important"
    std::string main_filename = "head-scout.png";
    if (hasArmedShips) {
        main_filename = "head-warship.png";
        if (hasTroopShips)
            main_filename = "head-lander.png";
        else if (hasMonsters)
            main_filename = "head-monster.png";
    } else {
        if (hasTroopShips)
            main_filename = "head-lander.png";
        else if (hasColonyShips)
            main_filename = "head-colony.png";
        else if (hasOutpostShips)
            main_filename = "head-outpost.png";
        else if (hasMonsters)
            main_filename = "head-monster-harmless.png";
    // reset to generic icon in cases where the above is too imprecise
    if (hasArmedShips) {
        if (hasColonyShips)
            main_filename = "head-scout.png";
        else if (hasOutpostShips)
            main_filename = "head-scout.png";
        else if (hasMonsters && main_filename != "head-monster.png")
            main_filename = "head-scout.png";
    } else {
        if (hasColonyShips && main_filename != "head-colony.png")
            main_filename = "head-scout.png";
        else if (hasOutpostShips && main_filename != "head-outpost.png")
            main_filename = "head-scout.png";
        else if (hasMonsters && main_filename != "head-monster-harmless.png")
            main_filename = "head-scout.png";
    return ClientUI::GetTexture(ClientUI::ArtDir() / "icons" / "fleet" / (size_prefix + main_filename), false);
Esempio n. 7
void FleetButton::Init(const std::vector<int>& fleet_IDs, SizeType size_type) {
    if (!scanline_shader && GetOptionsDB().Get<bool>("UI.system-fog-of-war")) {
        boost::filesystem::path shader_path = GetRootDataDir() / "default" / "shaders" / "scanlines.frag";
        std::string shader_text;
        ReadFile(shader_path, shader_text);
        scanline_shader = boost::shared_ptr<ShaderProgram>(
            ShaderProgram::shaderProgramFactory("", shader_text));

    // get fleets
    std::vector<TemporaryPtr<const Fleet> > fleets;
    for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = fleet_IDs.begin(); it != fleet_IDs.end(); ++it) {
        TemporaryPtr<const Fleet> fleet = GetFleet(*it);
        if (!fleet) {
            Logger().errorStream() << "FleetButton::FleetButton couldn't get fleet with id " << *it;

    // determine owner(s) of fleet(s).  Only care whether or not there is more than one owner, as owner
    // is used to determine colouration
    int owner_id = ALL_EMPIRES;
    int multiple_owners = false;
    if (fleets.empty()) {
        // leave as ALL_EMPIRES
    } else if (fleets.size() == 1) {
        owner_id = (*fleets.begin())->Owner();
    } else {
        owner_id = (*fleets.begin())->Owner();
        // use ALL_EMPIRES if there are multiple owners (including no owner and an owner)
        for (std::vector<TemporaryPtr<const Fleet> >::const_iterator it = fleets.begin(); it != fleets.end(); ++it) {
            TemporaryPtr<const Fleet> fleet = *it;
            if (fleet->Owner() != owner_id) {
                owner_id = ALL_EMPIRES;
                multiple_owners = true;

    // get fleet colour
    if (multiple_owners) {
    } else if (owner_id == ALL_EMPIRES) {
        // all ships owned by now empire
        bool monsters = true;
        // find if any ship in fleets in button is not a monster
        for (std::vector<TemporaryPtr<const Fleet> >::const_iterator it = fleets.begin(); it != fleets.end(); ++it) {
            TemporaryPtr<const Fleet> fleet = *it;
            for (std::set<int>::const_iterator ship_it = fleet->ShipIDs().begin();
                 ship_it != fleet->ShipIDs().end(); ++ship_it)
                if (TemporaryPtr<const Ship> ship = GetShip(*ship_it)) {
                    if (!ship->IsMonster()) {
                        monsters = false;

        if (monsters)

    } else {
        // single empire owner
        if (const Empire* empire = Empires().Lookup(owner_id))
            SetColor(GG::CLR_GRAY); // should never be necessary... but just in case

    // select icon(s) for fleet(s)
    int num_ships = 0;
    for (std::vector<TemporaryPtr<const Fleet> >::const_iterator it = fleets.begin(); it != fleets.end(); ++it) {
        TemporaryPtr<const Fleet> fleet = *it;
        if (fleet)
            num_ships += fleet->NumShips();
    m_size_icon = FleetSizeIcon(num_ships, size_type);
    m_head_icon = FleetHeadIcon(fleets, size_type);

    // resize to fit icon by first determining necessary size, and then resizing
    GG::X texture_width(0);
    GG::Y texture_height(0);

    if (m_head_icon) {
        texture_width = m_head_icon->DefaultWidth();
        texture_height = m_head_icon->DefaultHeight();
    if (m_size_icon) {
        texture_width = std::max(texture_width, m_size_icon->DefaultWidth());
        texture_height = std::max(texture_height, m_size_icon->DefaultHeight());

    // determine if fleet icon should be rotated.  this should be done if the fleet is moving along
    // a starlane, which is the case if the fleet is not in a system and has a valid next system
    GG::Pt direction_vector(GG::X(0), GG::Y(1));    // default, unrotated button orientation

    TemporaryPtr<const Fleet> first_fleet;
    if (!m_fleets.empty())
        first_fleet = *fleets.begin();
    if (first_fleet && first_fleet->SystemID() == INVALID_OBJECT_ID) {
        int next_sys_id = first_fleet->NextSystemID();
        if (TemporaryPtr<const UniverseObject> obj = GetUniverseObject(next_sys_id)) {
            // fleet is not in a system and has a valid next destination, so can orient it in that direction
            // fleet icons might not appear on the screen in the exact place corresponding to their 
            // actual universe position, but if they're moving along a starlane, this code will assume
            // their apparent position will only be different from their true position in a direction
            // parallel with the starlane, so the direction from their true position to their destination
            // position can be used to get a direction vector to orient the icon
            double dest_x = obj->X(), dest_y = obj->Y();
            double cur_x = first_fleet->X(), cur_y = first_fleet->Y();
            const MapWnd* map_wnd = ClientUI::GetClientUI()->GetMapWnd();
            GG::Pt dest = map_wnd->ScreenCoordsFromUniversePosition(dest_x, dest_y);
            GG::Pt cur = map_wnd->ScreenCoordsFromUniversePosition(cur_x, cur_y);
            direction_vector = dest - cur;

    // check for unrotated texture
    if (Value(direction_vector.x) == 0) {
        // not rotated.  can do simple texture blits
    } else {
        // texture is rotated, so need some extra math
        // get rotated corner vetex x and y components (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) for texture of appropriate size
        m_vertex_components = VectorAlignedQuadVertices(direction_vector, Value(texture_height), Value(texture_width));

    // size icon according to texture size (average two dimensions)
    int diameter = static_cast<int>((Value(texture_width) + Value(texture_height)) / 2.0);
    Resize(GG::Pt(GG::X(diameter), GG::Y(diameter)));

    // get selection indicator texture
    m_selection_texture = ClientUI::GetTexture(ClientUI::ArtDir() / "icons" / "fleet" / "fleet_selection.png", true);
Esempio n. 8
bool Field::InField(TemporaryPtr<const UniverseObject> obj) const
{ return obj && InField(obj->X(), obj->Y()); }
Esempio n. 9
    int IssueInvadeOrder(int ship_id, int planet_id) {
        int empire_id = AIClientApp::GetApp()->EmpireID();

        // make sure ship_id is a ship...
        TemporaryPtr<const Ship> ship = GetShip(ship_id);
        if (!ship) {
            ErrorLogger() << "IssueInvadeOrder : passed an invalid ship_id";
            return 0;

        // get fleet of ship
        TemporaryPtr<const Fleet> fleet = GetFleet(ship->FleetID());
        if (!fleet) {
            ErrorLogger() << "IssueInvadeOrder : ship with passed ship_id has invalid fleet_id";
            return 0;

        // make sure player owns ship and its fleet
        if (!fleet->OwnedBy(empire_id)) {
            ErrorLogger() << "IssueInvadeOrder : empire does not own fleet of passed ship";
            return 0;
        if (!ship->OwnedBy(empire_id)) {
            ErrorLogger() << "IssueInvadeOrder : empire does not own passed ship";
            return 0;

        // verify that planet exists and is occupied by another empire
        TemporaryPtr<const Planet> planet = GetPlanet(planet_id);
        if (!planet) {
            ErrorLogger() << "IssueInvadeOrder : no planet with passed planet_id";
            return 0;
        bool owned_by_invader = planet->OwnedBy(empire_id);
        bool unowned = planet->Unowned();
        bool populated = planet->CurrentMeterValue(METER_POPULATION) > 0.;
        bool visible = GetUniverse().GetObjectVisibilityByEmpire(planet_id, empire_id) >= VIS_PARTIAL_VISIBILITY;
        bool vulnerable = planet->CurrentMeterValue(METER_SHIELD) <= 0.;
        float shields = planet->CurrentMeterValue(METER_SHIELD);
        std::string this_species = planet->SpeciesName();
        //bool being_invaded = planet->IsAboutToBeInvaded();
        bool invadable = !owned_by_invader && vulnerable && (populated || !unowned) && visible ;// && !being_invaded; a 'being_invaded' check prevents AI from invading with multiple ships at once, which is important
        if (!invadable) {
            ErrorLogger() << "IssueInvadeOrder : planet with passed planet_id " << planet_id
                          << " and species " << this_species << " is not invadable due to one or more of: owned by invader empire, "
                          << "not visible to invader empire, has shields above zero, or is already being invaded.";
            if (!unowned) 
                ErrorLogger() << "IssueInvadeOrder : planet (id " << planet_id << ") is not unowned";
            if (!visible)
                ErrorLogger() << "IssueInvadeOrder : planet (id " << planet_id << ") is not visible";
            if (!vulnerable)
                ErrorLogger() << "IssueInvadeOrder : planet (id " << planet_id << ") is not vulnerable, shields at "<<shields;
            return 0;

        // verify that planet is in same system as the fleet
        if (planet->SystemID() != fleet->SystemID()) {
            ErrorLogger() << "IssueInvadeOrder : fleet and planet are not in the same system";
            return 0;
        if (ship->SystemID() == INVALID_OBJECT_ID) {
            ErrorLogger() << "IssueInvadeOrder : ship is not in a system";
            return 0;

        AIClientApp::GetApp()->Orders().IssueOrder(OrderPtr(new InvadeOrder(empire_id, ship_id, planet_id)));

        return 1;
Esempio n. 10
    int IssueColonizeOrder(int ship_id, int planet_id) {
        int empire_id = AIClientApp::GetApp()->EmpireID();

        // make sure ship_id is a ship...
        TemporaryPtr<const Ship> ship = GetShip(ship_id);
        if (!ship) {
            ErrorLogger() << "IssueColonizeOrder : passed an invalid ship_id";
            return 0;

        // get fleet of ship
        TemporaryPtr<const Fleet> fleet = GetFleet(ship->FleetID());
        if (!fleet) {
            ErrorLogger() << "IssueColonizeOrder : ship with passed ship_id has invalid fleet_id";
            return 0;

        // make sure player owns ship and its fleet
        if (!fleet->OwnedBy(empire_id)) {
            ErrorLogger() << "IssueColonizeOrder : empire does not own fleet of passed ship";
            return 0;
        if (!ship->OwnedBy(empire_id)) {
            ErrorLogger() << "IssueColonizeOrder : empire does not own passed ship";
            return 0;

        // verify that planet exists and is un-occupied.
        TemporaryPtr<const Planet> planet = GetPlanet(planet_id);
        if (!planet) {
            ErrorLogger() << "IssueColonizeOrder : no planet with passed planet_id";
            return 0;
        if ((!planet->Unowned()) && !( planet->OwnedBy(empire_id) && planet->CurrentMeterValue(METER_POPULATION)==0)) {
            ErrorLogger() << "IssueColonizeOrder : planet with passed planet_id "<<planet_id<<" is already owned, or colonized by own empire";
            return 0;

        // verify that planet is in same system as the fleet
        if (planet->SystemID() != fleet->SystemID()) {
            ErrorLogger() << "IssueColonizeOrder : fleet and planet are not in the same system";
            return 0;
        if (ship->SystemID() == INVALID_OBJECT_ID) {
            ErrorLogger() << "IssueColonizeOrder : ship is not in a system";
            return 0;

        AIClientApp::GetApp()->Orders().IssueOrder(OrderPtr(new ColonizeOrder(empire_id, ship_id, planet_id)));

        return 1;