bool CreatureDatabase::importXMLFromOT(const FileName& filename, wxString& error, wxArrayString& warnings) { pugi::xml_document doc; pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(filename.GetFullPath().mb_str()); if (!result) { error = wxT("Couldn't open file \"") + filename.GetFullName() + wxT("\", invalid format?"); return false; } pugi::xml_node node; if ((node = doc.child("monsters"))) { for (pugi::xml_node monsterNode = node.first_child(); monsterNode; monsterNode = monsterNode.next_sibling()) { if (as_lower_str( != "monster") { continue; } pugi::xml_attribute attribute; if (!(attribute = monsterNode.attribute("file"))) { continue; } FileName monsterFile(filename); monsterFile.SetFullName(wxString(attribute.as_string(), wxConvUTF8)); pugi::xml_document monsterDoc; pugi::xml_parse_result monsterResult = monsterDoc.load_file(monsterFile.GetFullPath().mb_str()); if (!monsterResult) { continue; } CreatureType* creatureType = CreatureType::loadFromOTXML(monsterFile, monsterDoc, warnings); if (creatureType) { CreatureType* current = (*this)[creatureType->name]; if (current) { *current = *creatureType; delete creatureType; } else { creature_map[as_lower_str(creatureType->name)] = creatureType; Tileset* tileSet = nullptr; if (creatureType->isNpc) { tileSet = materials.tilesets["NPCs"]; } else { tileSet = materials.tilesets["Others"]; } ASSERT(tileSet != nullptr); Brush* brush = newd CreatureBrush(creatureType); brushes.addBrush(brush); TilesetCategory* tileSetCategory = tileSet->getCategory(TILESET_CREATURE); tileSetCategory->brushlist.push_back(brush); } } } } else if ((node = doc.child("monster")) || (node = doc.child("npc"))) { CreatureType* creatureType = CreatureType::loadFromOTXML(filename, doc, warnings); if (creatureType) { CreatureType* current = (*this)[creatureType->name]; if (current) { *current = *creatureType; delete creatureType; } else { creature_map[as_lower_str(creatureType->name)] = creatureType; Tileset* tileSet = nullptr; if (creatureType->isNpc) { tileSet = materials.tilesets["NPCs"]; } else { tileSet = materials.tilesets["Others"]; } ASSERT(tileSet != nullptr); Brush* brush = newd CreatureBrush(creatureType); brushes.addBrush(brush); TilesetCategory* tileSetCategory = tileSet->getCategory(TILESET_CREATURE); tileSetCategory->brushlist.push_back(brush); } } } else { error = wxT("This is not valid OT npc/monster data file."); return false; } return true; }
void Materials::createOtherTileset() { Tileset* others; Tileset* npc_tileset; if(tilesets["Others"] != nullptr) { others = tilesets["Others"]; others->clear(); } else { others = newd Tileset(g_brushes, "Others"); tilesets["Others"] = others; } if(tilesets["NPCs"] != nullptr) { npc_tileset = tilesets["NPCs"]; npc_tileset->clear(); } else { npc_tileset = newd Tileset(g_brushes, "NPCs"); tilesets["NPCs"] = npc_tileset; } // There should really be an iterator to do this for(int32_t id = 0; id <= g_items.getMaxID(); ++id) { ItemType& it = g_items[id]; if( == 0) { continue; } if(!it.isMetaItem()) { Brush* brush; if(it.in_other_tileset) { others->getCategory(TILESET_RAW)->brushlist.push_back(it.raw_brush); continue; } else if(it.raw_brush == nullptr) { brush = it.raw_brush = newd RAWBrush(; it.has_raw = true; g_brushes.addBrush(it.raw_brush); } else if(!it.has_raw) { brush = it.raw_brush; } else continue; brush->flagAsVisible(); others->getCategory(TILESET_RAW)->brushlist.push_back(it.raw_brush); it.in_other_tileset = true; } } for(CreatureMap::iterator iter = g_creatures.begin(); iter != g_creatures.end(); ++iter) { CreatureType* type = iter->second; if(type->in_other_tileset) { if(type->isNpc) { npc_tileset->getCategory(TILESET_CREATURE)->brushlist.push_back(type->brush); } else { others->getCategory(TILESET_CREATURE)->brushlist.push_back(type->brush); } } else if(type->brush == nullptr) { type->brush = newd CreatureBrush(type); g_brushes.addBrush(type->brush); type->brush->flagAsVisible(); type->in_other_tileset = true; if(type->isNpc) { npc_tileset->getCategory(TILESET_CREATURE)->brushlist.push_back(type->brush); } else { others->getCategory(TILESET_CREATURE)->brushlist.push_back(type->brush); } } } }