Esempio n. 1
void KOTodoView::changeIncidenceDisplay(Incidence *incidence, int action)
  // The todo view only displays todos, so exit on all other incidences
  if ( incidence->type() != "Todo" )
  CalFilter *filter = calendar()->filter();
  bool isFiltered = filter && !filter->filterIncidence( incidence );
  Todo *todo = static_cast<Todo *>(incidence);
  if ( todo ) {
    KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = 0;
    if ( mTodoMap.contains( todo ) ) {
      todoItem = mTodoMap[todo];
    switch ( action ) {
      case KOGlobals::INCIDENCEADDED:
      case KOGlobals::INCIDENCEEDITED:
        // If it's already there, edit it, otherwise just add
        if ( todoItem ) {
          if ( isFiltered ) {
            scheduleRemoveTodoItem( todoItem );
          } else {
            // correctly update changes in relations
            Todo*parent = dynamic_cast<Todo*>( todo->relatedTo() );
            KOTodoViewItem*parentItem = 0;
            if ( parent && mTodoMap.contains(parent) ) {
              parentItem = mTodoMap[ parent ];
            if ( todoItem->parent() != parentItem ) {
              // The relations changed
              if ( parentItem ) {
                parentItem->insertItem( todoItem );
              } else {
                mTodoListView->insertItem( todoItem );
        } else {
          if ( !isFiltered ) {
            insertTodoItem( todo );
      case KOGlobals::INCIDENCEDELETED:
        if ( todoItem ) {
          scheduleRemoveTodoItem( todoItem );
        QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( updateView() ) );
  } else {
    // use a QTimer here, because when marking todos finished using
    // the checkbox, this slot gets called, but we cannot update the views
    // because we're still inside KOTodoViewItem::stateChange
Esempio n. 2
void HtmlExport::createTodoList ( QTextStream *ts )
    Todo::List rawTodoList = mCalendar->todos();

    Todo::List::Iterator it = rawTodoList.begin();
    while ( it != rawTodoList.end() ) {
        Todo *ev = *it;
        Todo *subev = ev;
        if ( ev->relatedTo() ) {
            if ( ev->relatedTo()->type()=="Todo" ) {
                if ( rawTodoList.find( static_cast<Todo *>( ev->relatedTo() ) ) ==
                        rawTodoList.end() ) {
                    rawTodoList.append( static_cast<Todo *>( ev->relatedTo() ) );
        it = rawTodoList.find( subev );

    // FIXME: Sort list by priorities. This is brute force and should be
    // replaced by a real sorting algorithm.
    Todo::List todoList;
    for ( int i = 1; i <= 9; ++i ) {
        for( it = rawTodoList.begin(); it != rawTodoList.end(); ++it ) {
            if ( (*it)->priority() == i && checkSecrecy( *it ) ) {
                todoList.append( *it );
    for( it = rawTodoList.begin(); it != rawTodoList.end(); ++it ) {
        if ( (*it)->priority() == 0 && checkSecrecy( *it ) ) {
            todoList.append( *it );

    int columns = 3;
    *ts << "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"3\">\n";
    *ts << "  <tr>\n";
    *ts << "    <th class=\"sum\">" << i18n("Task") << "</th>\n";
    *ts << "    <th>" << i18n("Priority") << "</th>\n";
    *ts << "    <th>" << i18n("Completed") << "</th>\n";
    if ( mSettings->taskDueDate() ) {
        *ts << "    <th>" << i18n("Due Date") << "</th>\n";
    if ( mSettings->taskLocation() ) {
        *ts << "    <th>" << i18n("Location") << "</th>\n";
    if ( mSettings->taskCategories() ) {
        *ts << "    <th>" << i18n("Categories") << "</th>\n";
    if ( mSettings->taskAttendees() ) {
        *ts << "    <th>" << i18n("Attendees") << "</th>\n";
    *ts << "  </tr>\n";

    // Create top-level list.
    for( it = todoList.begin(); it != todoList.end(); ++it ) {
        if ( !(*it)->relatedTo() ) createTodo( ts, *it );

    // Create sub-level lists
    for( it = todoList.begin(); it != todoList.end(); ++it ) {
        Incidence::List relations = (*it)->relations();
        if (relations.count()) {
            // Generate sub-task list of event ev
            *ts << "  <tr>\n";
            *ts << "    <td class=\"subhead\" colspan=";
            *ts << "\"" << QString::number(columns) << "\"";
            *ts << "><a name=\"sub" << (*it)->uid() << "\"></a>"
                << i18n("Sub-Tasks of: ") << "<a href=\"#"
                << (*it)->uid() << "\"><b>" << cleanChars( (*it)->summary())
                << "</b></a></td>\n";
            *ts << "  </tr>\n";

            Todo::List sortedList;
            // FIXME: Sort list by priorities. This is brute force and should be
            // replaced by a real sorting algorithm.
            for ( int i = 1; i <= 9; ++i ) {
                Incidence::List::ConstIterator it2;
                for( it2 = relations.begin(); it2 != relations.end(); ++it2 ) {
                    Todo *ev3 = dynamic_cast<Todo *>( *it2 );
                    if ( ev3 && ev3->priority() == i ) sortedList.append( ev3 );
            Incidence::List::ConstIterator it2;
            for( it2 = relations.begin(); it2 != relations.end(); ++it2 ) {
                Todo *ev3 = dynamic_cast<Todo *>( *it2 );
                if ( ev3 && ev3->priority() == 0 ) sortedList.append( ev3 );

            Todo::List::ConstIterator it3;
            for( it3 = sortedList.begin(); it3 != sortedList.end(); ++it3 ) {
                createTodo( ts, *it3 );

    *ts << "</table>\n";