Esempio n. 1
// Returns the nth token past the current position.
inline Token
Token_stream::peek(int n) const
  // Get the nth token, but restore the stream position
  // afterwards. Note that this will gracefully handle
  // an eof during lookahead.
  Position i = pos_;
  while (i != buf_.end() && n) {
  if (i == buf_.end())
    return Token();
    return *i;
Esempio n. 2
// Puts the given token at the end of the stream.
inline void
Token_stream::put(Token tok)

  // Make sure that the pos_ isn't pointing past
  // then end after insertion into an empty list.
  if (pos_ == buf_.end())
    pos_ = buf_.begin();
Esempio n. 3
// Returns true if the stream is at the end of the file.
inline bool
Token_stream::eof() const
  return pos_ == buf_.end();