bool UClassThumbnailRenderer::CanVisualizeAsset(UObject* Object)
	if (ThumbnailScene == nullptr)
		ThumbnailScene = new FClassThumbnailScene();

	UClass* Class = Cast<UClass>(Object);

	// Only visualize actor based classes
	if (Class && Class->IsChildOf(AActor::StaticClass()))
		// Try to find any visible primitive components in the class' CDO
		AActor* CDO = Class->GetDefaultObject<AActor>();

		TInlineComponentArray<UActorComponent*> Components;

		for (auto CompIt = Components.CreateConstIterator(); CompIt; ++CompIt)
			if (ThumbnailScene->IsValidComponentForVisualization(*CompIt))
				return true;

	return false;
 * Trys to load the UClass for the commandlet that was requested
 * @param CommandletName the name of the commandlet to load
static UClass* LoadCommandlet(const TCHAR* CommandletName)
	// Try to find the UClass for the commandlet (works for all but script classes)
	UClass* Class = FindObject<UClass>(ANY_PACKAGE,CommandletName,FALSE);

	// Don't accept classes that are not commandlets...
	if (!Class->IsChildOf(UCommandlet::StaticClass()))
		Class = NULL;

	// Name mangle by appending Commandlet
	FString AppendedName(CommandletName);
	AppendedName += TEXT("Commandlet");
	if (Class == NULL)
		Class = FindObject<UClass>(ANY_PACKAGE,*AppendedName,FALSE);
		// Don't accept classes that are not commandlets...
		if (!Class->IsChildOf(UCommandlet::StaticClass()))
			Class = NULL;
	// Let the user know that the commandlet wasn't found
	if (Class == NULL)
		warnf(TEXT("Failed to load commandlet %s"),CommandletName);
	return Class;
const FSlateBrush* FClassIconFinder::FindIconForActors(const TArray< TWeakObjectPtr<AActor> >& InActors, UClass*& CommonBaseClass)
	// Get the common base class of the selected actors
	const FSlateBrush* CommonIcon = nullptr;
	for( int32 ActorIdx = 0; ActorIdx < InActors.Num(); ++ActorIdx )
		TWeakObjectPtr<AActor> Actor = InActors[ActorIdx];
		UClass* ObjClass = Actor->GetClass();

		if (!CommonBaseClass)
			CommonBaseClass = ObjClass;
		while (!ObjClass->IsChildOf(CommonBaseClass))
			CommonBaseClass = CommonBaseClass->GetSuperClass();

		const FSlateBrush* ActorIcon = FindIconForActor(Actor);

		if (!CommonIcon)
			CommonIcon = ActorIcon;
		if (CommonIcon != ActorIcon)
			CommonIcon = FindIconForClass(CommonBaseClass);

	return CommonIcon;
FText FSimpleAssetEditor::GetToolkitName() const
	const TArray<UObject*>& EditingObjs = GetEditingObjects();

	check( EditingObjs.Num() > 0 );

	FFormatNamedArguments Args;
	Args.Add( TEXT("ToolkitName"), GetBaseToolkitName() );

	if( EditingObjs.Num() == 1 )
		const UObject* EditingObject = EditingObjs[ 0 ];

		const bool bDirtyState = EditingObject->GetOutermost()->IsDirty();

		Args.Add( TEXT("ObjectName"), FText::FromString( EditingObject->GetName() ) );
		Args.Add( TEXT("DirtyState"), bDirtyState ? FText::FromString( TEXT( "*" ) ) : FText::GetEmpty() );
		return FText::Format( LOCTEXT("ToolkitTitle", "{ObjectName}{DirtyState} - {ToolkitName}"), Args );
		bool bDirtyState = false;
		UClass* SharedBaseClass = nullptr;
		for( int32 x = 0; x < EditingObjs.Num(); ++x )
			UObject* Obj = EditingObjs[ x ];
			check( Obj );

			UClass* ObjClass = Cast<UClass>(Obj);
			if (ObjClass == nullptr)
				ObjClass = Obj->GetClass();
			check( ObjClass );

			// Initialize with the class of the first object we encounter.
			if( SharedBaseClass == nullptr )
				SharedBaseClass = ObjClass;

			// If we've encountered an object that's not a subclass of the current best baseclass,
			// climb up a step in the class hierarchy.
			while( !ObjClass->IsChildOf( SharedBaseClass ) )
				SharedBaseClass = SharedBaseClass->GetSuperClass();

			// If any of the objects are dirty, flag the label
			bDirtyState |= Obj->GetOutermost()->IsDirty();


		Args.Add( TEXT("NumberOfObjects"), EditingObjs.Num() );
		Args.Add( TEXT("ClassName"), FText::FromString( SharedBaseClass->GetName() ) );
		Args.Add( TEXT("DirtyState"), bDirtyState ? FText::FromString( TEXT( "*" ) ) : FText::GetEmpty() );
		return FText::Format( LOCTEXT("ToolkitTitle_EditingMultiple", "{NumberOfObjects} {ClassName}{DirtyState} - {ToolkitName}"), Args );
bool UBlueprintBoundEventNodeSpawner::IsBindingCompatible(UObject const* BindingCandidate) const
	bool bMatchesNodeType = false;
	if (NodeClass->IsChildOf<UK2Node_ComponentBoundEvent>())
		UObjectProperty const* BindingProperty = Cast<UObjectProperty>(BindingCandidate);
		bMatchesNodeType = (BindingProperty != nullptr);
	else if (NodeClass->IsChildOf<UK2Node_ActorBoundEvent>())
		bMatchesNodeType = BindingCandidate->IsA<AActor>();

	const UMulticastDelegateProperty* Delegate = GetEventDelegate();

	if ( !ensureMsgf(!FBlueprintNodeSpawnerUtils::IsStaleFieldAction(this), 
			TEXT("Invalid BlueprintBoundEventNodeSpawner (for %s). Was the action database properly updated when this class was compiled?"), 
		return false;

	UClass* DelegateOwner = Delegate->GetOwnerClass()->GetAuthoritativeClass();
	UClass* BindingClass  = FBlueprintNodeSpawnerUtils::GetBindingClass(BindingCandidate)->GetAuthoritativeClass();

	return bMatchesNodeType && BindingClass->IsChildOf(DelegateOwner) && !FObjectEditorUtils::IsVariableCategoryHiddenFromClass(Delegate, BindingClass);
UFunction* FindNetServiceFunctionById(int16 RPCId)
	UFunction** Function = RPCFunctionMap.Find(RPCId);
	if (!Function)
		for (TObjectIterator<UClass> ClassIt; ClassIt; ++ClassIt)
			UClass* Class = *ClassIt;
			if (Class->IsChildOf(AActor::StaticClass())
				&& !(Class->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Abstract | CLASS_Deprecated)))
				for (TFieldIterator<UFunction> FuncIt(Class); FuncIt; ++FuncIt) 
					UFunction* CurFunc = *FuncIt;
					if (CurFunc->RPCId > 0)
						RPCFunctionMap.Add(CurFunc->RPCId, CurFunc);
		Function = RPCFunctionMap.Find(RPCId);

	return *Function;
Esempio n. 7
// Looks at the Objects array and returns the best base class.  Called by
// Finalize(); that is, when the list of selected objects is being finalized.
void FObjectPropertyNode::SetBestBaseClass()
	BaseClass = NULL;

	for( int32 x = 0 ; x < Objects.Num() ; ++x )
		UObject* Obj = Objects[x].Get();
		if( Obj )
			UClass* ObjClass = Cast<UClass>(Obj);
			if (ObjClass == NULL)
				ObjClass = Obj->GetClass();
			check( ObjClass );

			// Initialize with the class of the first object we encounter.
			if( BaseClass == NULL )
				BaseClass = ObjClass;

			// If we've encountered an object that's not a subclass of the current best baseclass,
			// climb up a step in the class hierarchy.
			while( !ObjClass->IsChildOf( BaseClass.Get() ) )
				BaseClass = BaseClass->GetSuperClass();
void SMaterialPalette::RefreshAssetInRegistry(const FAssetData& InAddedAssetData)
	// Grab the asset class, it will be checked for being a material function.
	UClass* Asset = FindObject<UClass>(ANY_PACKAGE, *InAddedAssetData.AssetClass.ToString());

	if (Asset->IsChildOf(UMaterialFunction::StaticClass()))
void UK2Node_AddComponent::ValidateNodeDuringCompilation(FCompilerResultsLog& MessageLog) const

	UActorComponent* Template = GetTemplateFromNode();
	if (Template)
		UClass* TemplateClass = Template->GetClass();
		if (!TemplateClass->IsChildOf(UActorComponent::StaticClass()) || TemplateClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Abstract) || !TemplateClass->HasMetaData(FBlueprintMetadata::MD_BlueprintSpawnableComponent) )
			FFormatNamedArguments Args;
			Args.Add(TEXT("TemplateClass"), FText::FromString(TemplateClass->GetName()));
			Args.Add(TEXT("NodeTitle"), GetNodeTitle(ENodeTitleType::FullTitle));
			MessageLog.Error(*FText::Format(NSLOCTEXT("KismetCompiler", "InvalidComponentTemplate_Error", "Invalid class '{TemplateClass}' used as template by '{NodeTitle}' for @@"), Args).ToString(), this);

		if (UChildActorComponent const* ChildActorComponent = Cast<UChildActorComponent const>(Template))
			UBlueprint const* Blueprint = GetBlueprint();

			UClass const* ChildActorClass = ChildActorComponent->GetChildActorClass();
			if (ChildActorClass == Blueprint->GeneratedClass)
				UEdGraph const* ParentGraph = GetGraph();
				UEdGraphSchema_K2 const* K2Schema = GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>();

				if (K2Schema->IsConstructionScript(ParentGraph))
					FFormatNamedArguments Args;
					Args.Add(TEXT("ChildActorClass"), FText::FromString(ChildActorClass->GetName()));
					MessageLog.Error(*FText::Format(NSLOCTEXT("KismetCompiler", "AddSelfComponent_Error", "@@ cannot add a '{ChildActorClass}' component in the construction script (could cause infinite recursion)."), Args).ToString(), this);
			else if (ChildActorClass != nullptr)
				AActor const* ChildActor = Cast<AActor>(ChildActorClass->ClassDefaultObject);
				check(ChildActor != nullptr);
				USceneComponent* RootComponent = ChildActor->GetRootComponent();

				if ((RootComponent != nullptr) && (RootComponent->Mobility == EComponentMobility::Static) && (ChildActorComponent->Mobility != EComponentMobility::Static))
					FFormatNamedArguments Args;
					Args.Add(TEXT("ChildActorClass"), FText::FromString(ChildActorClass->GetName()));
					MessageLog.Error(*FText::Format(NSLOCTEXT("KismetCompiler", "AddStaticChildActorComponent_Error", "@@ cannot add a '{ChildActorClass}' component as it has static mobility, and the ChildActorComponent does not."), Args).ToString(), this);
		FFormatNamedArguments Args;
		Args.Add(TEXT("NodeTitle"), GetNodeTitle(ENodeTitleType::FullTitle));
		MessageLog.Error(*FText::Format(NSLOCTEXT("KismetCompiler", "MissingComponentTemplate_Error", "Unknown template referenced by '{NodeTitle}' for @@"), Args).ToString(), this);
Esempio n. 10
FThumbnailRenderingInfo* UThumbnailManager::GetRenderingInfo(UObject* Object)
	// If something may have been GCed, empty the map so we don't crash
	if (bMapNeedsUpdate == true)
		bMapNeedsUpdate = false;


	TArray<FThumbnailRenderingInfo>& ThumbnailTypes = RenderableThumbnailTypes;

	// Get the class to check against.
	UClass *ClassToCheck = ClassToCheck = Object->GetClass();
	// Search for the cached entry and do the slower if not found
	FThumbnailRenderingInfo* RenderInfo = RenderInfoMap.FindRef(ClassToCheck);
	if (RenderInfo == nullptr)
		// Loop through searching for the right thumbnail entry
		for (int32 Index = ThumbnailTypes.Num() - 1; (Index >= 0) && (RenderInfo == nullptr); Index--)
			RenderInfo = &ThumbnailTypes[Index];

			// See if this thumbnail renderer will work for the specified class or
			// if there is some data reason not to render the thumbnail
			if ((ClassToCheck->IsChildOf(RenderInfo->ClassNeedingThumbnail) == false) || (RenderInfo->Renderer == nullptr))
				RenderInfo = nullptr;

		// Make sure to add it to the cache if it is missing
		RenderInfoMap.Add(ClassToCheck, (RenderInfo != nullptr) ? RenderInfo : &NotSupported);

	if ( RenderInfo && RenderInfo->Renderer )
		if ( !RenderInfo->Renderer->CanVisualizeAsset(Object) )
			// This is an asset with a thumbnail renderer, but it can't visualized (i.e it is something like a blueprint that doesn't contain any visible primitive components)
			RenderInfo = nullptr;

	// Check to see if this object is the "not supported" type or not
	if (RenderInfo == &NotSupported)
		RenderInfo = nullptr;
	return RenderInfo;
bool SPropertyEditorAsset::ShouldDisplayThumbnail( const FArguments& InArgs )
	// Decide whether we should display the thumbnail or not
	bool bDisplayThumbnailByDefault = false;
		UProperty* NodeProperty = PropertyEditor->GetPropertyNode()->GetProperty();
		UClass* Class = GetObjectPropertyClass(NodeProperty);

		bDisplayThumbnailByDefault |= Class->IsChildOf(UMaterialInterface::StaticClass()) ||
									  Class->IsChildOf(UTexture::StaticClass()) ||
									  Class->IsChildOf(UStaticMesh::StaticClass()) ||
									  Class->IsChildOf(UStaticMeshComponent::StaticClass()) ||
									  Class->IsChildOf(USkeletalMesh::StaticClass()) ||
									  Class->IsChildOf(USkeletalMeshComponent::StaticClass()) ||

	bool bDisplayThumbnail = ( bDisplayThumbnailByDefault || InArgs._DisplayThumbnail ) && InArgs._ThumbnailPool.IsValid();

		// also check metadata for thumbnail & text display
			const UProperty* ArrayParent = PropertyEditorHelpers::GetArrayParent( *PropertyEditor->GetPropertyNode() );
			const UProperty* SetParent = PropertyEditorHelpers::GetSetParent( *PropertyEditor->GetPropertyNode() );
			const UProperty* MapParent = PropertyEditorHelpers::GetMapParent( *PropertyEditor->GetPropertyNode() );

			const UProperty* PropertyToCheck = PropertyEditor->GetProperty();
			if( ArrayParent != NULL )
				// If the property is a child of an array property, the parent will have the display thumbnail metadata
				PropertyToCheck = ArrayParent;
			else if ( SetParent != NULL )
				PropertyToCheck = SetParent;
			else if ( MapParent != NULL )
				PropertyToCheck = MapParent;

			FString DisplayThumbnailString = PropertyToCheck->GetMetaData(TEXT("DisplayThumbnail"));
			if(DisplayThumbnailString.Len() > 0)
				bDisplayThumbnail = DisplayThumbnailString == TEXT("true");

	return bDisplayThumbnail;
void FGameplayCueTranslationManager::RefreshNameSwaps()
	TArray<UGameplayCueTranslator*> CDOList;

	// Gather CDOs
	for( TObjectIterator<UClass> It ; It ; ++It )
		UClass* Class = *It;
		if( !Class->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Abstract | CLASS_Deprecated) )
			if( Class->IsChildOf(UGameplayCueTranslator::StaticClass()) )
				UGameplayCueTranslator* CDO = Class->GetDefaultObject<UGameplayCueTranslator>();
				if (CDO->IsEnabled())

	// Sort and get translated names
	CDOList.Sort([](const UGameplayCueTranslator& A, const UGameplayCueTranslator& B) { return (A.GetPriority() > B.GetPriority()); });

	for (UGameplayCueTranslator* CDO : CDOList)
		FNameSwapData& Data = AllNameSwaps[AllNameSwaps.AddDefaulted()];
		if (Data.NameSwaps.Num() > 0)
			Data.ClassCDO = CDO;

	// Give UniqueID to each rule
	int32 ID=1;
	for (FNameSwapData& GroupData : AllNameSwaps)
		for (FGameplayCueTranslationNameSwap& SwapData : GroupData.NameSwaps)
			SwapData.EditorData.UniqueID = ID++;
Esempio n. 13
* Function to handle the projectile hitting something
void AHealthPowerUp::OnHit(AActor* OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, FVector NormalImpulse, const FHitResult& Hit)
	// Only add impulse and destroy projectile if we hit a physics
	if ((OtherActor != NULL) && (OtherActor != this) && (OtherComp != NULL))
		UClass* otherClass = OtherActor->GetClass();

		if (otherClass->IsChildOf(AShip::StaticClass())){
			AShip* otherShip = Cast<AShip>(OtherActor);
Esempio n. 14
 * Function to handle the projectile hitting something
void ABaseProjectile::OnHit(AActor* OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, FVector NormalImpulse, const FHitResult& Hit)

	// Only add impulse and destroy projectile if we hit a physics
	if ((OtherActor != NULL) && (OtherActor != this) && (OtherComp != NULL))
		UClass* otherClass = OtherActor->GetClass();
		/*if (OtherComp->IsSimulatingPhysics()) {
			OtherComp->AddImpulseAtLocation(GetVelocity() * 20.0f, GetActorLocation());

		if (otherClass->IsChildOf(AShip::StaticClass())){
			AShip* otherShip = Cast<AShip>(OtherActor);
		else if (!otherClass->IsChildOf(ABaseProjectile::StaticClass())
			&& !otherClass->IsChildOf(USphereComponent::StaticClass())
			&& !otherClass->IsChildOf(UStaticMeshComponent::StaticClass())){
FText FSimpleAssetEditor::GetToolkitToolTipText() const
	const TArray<UObject*>& EditingObjs = GetEditingObjects();

	check( EditingObjs.Num() > 0 );

	FFormatNamedArguments Args;
	Args.Add( TEXT("ToolkitName"), GetBaseToolkitName() );

	if( EditingObjs.Num() == 1 )
		const UObject* EditingObject = EditingObjs[ 0 ];
		return FAssetEditorToolkit::GetToolTipTextForObject(EditingObject);
		UClass* SharedBaseClass = NULL;
		for( int32 x = 0; x < EditingObjs.Num(); ++x )
			UObject* Obj = EditingObjs[ x ];
			check( Obj );

			UClass* ObjClass = Cast<UClass>(Obj);
			if (ObjClass == nullptr)
				ObjClass = Obj->GetClass();
			check( ObjClass );

			// Initialize with the class of the first object we encounter.
			if( SharedBaseClass == nullptr )
				SharedBaseClass = ObjClass;

			// If we've encountered an object that's not a subclass of the current best baseclass,
			// climb up a step in the class hierarchy.
			while( !ObjClass->IsChildOf( SharedBaseClass ) )
				SharedBaseClass = SharedBaseClass->GetSuperClass();


		Args.Add( TEXT("NumberOfObjects"), EditingObjs.Num() );
		Args.Add( TEXT("ClassName"), FText::FromString( SharedBaseClass->GetName() ) );
		return FText::Format( LOCTEXT("ToolkitTitle_EditingMultipleToolTip", "{NumberOfObjects} {ClassName} - {ToolkitName}"), Args );
Esempio n. 16
TOptional<ECurrentState> FAutoReimportManager::ProcessAdditions(const FTimeLimit& TimeLimit)
	// Override the global feedback context while we do this to avoid popping up dialogs
	TGuardValue<FFeedbackContext*> ScopedContextOverride(GWarn, FeedbackContextOverride.Get());
	TGuardValue<bool> ScopedAssetChangesGuard(bGuardAssetChanges, true);


	TMap<FString, TArray<UFactory*>> Factories;

	TArray<FString> FactoryExtensions;

	// Get the list of valid factories
	for (TObjectIterator<UClass> It ; It ; ++It)
		UClass* CurrentClass = (*It);

		if (CurrentClass->IsChildOf(UFactory::StaticClass()) && !(CurrentClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Abstract)))
			UFactory* Factory = Cast<UFactory>(CurrentClass->GetDefaultObject());
			if (Factory->bEditorImport && Factory->ImportPriority >= 0)

				for (const auto& Ext : FactoryExtensions)
					auto& Array = Factories.FindOrAdd(Ext);

	for (auto& Pair : Factories)
		Pair.Value.Sort([](const UFactory& A, const UFactory& B) { return A.ImportPriority > B.ImportPriority; });

	const IAssetRegistry& Registry = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FAssetRegistryModule>("AssetRegistry").Get();

	for (auto& Monitor : DirectoryMonitors)
		Monitor.ProcessAdditions(Registry, TimeLimit, PackagesToSave, Factories, *FeedbackContextOverride);
		yield TOptional<ECurrentState>();

	return ECurrentState::ProcessModifications;
static UClass* BlueprintActionMenuUtilsImpl::FindCommonBaseClass(TArray<UObject*> const& ObjectSet)
	UClass* CommonClass = UObject::StaticClass();
	if (ObjectSet.Num() > 0)
		CommonClass = ObjectSet[0]->GetClass();
		for (UObject const* Object : ObjectSet)
			UClass* Class = Object->GetClass();
			while (!Class->IsChildOf(CommonClass))
				CommonClass = CommonClass->GetSuperClass();
	return CommonClass;
	/** Callback for creating a new level sequence asset in the level. */
	static void OnCreateActorInLevel()
		// Create a new level sequence
		IAssetTools& AssetTools = FModuleManager::GetModuleChecked<FAssetToolsModule>("AssetTools").Get();

		UObject* NewAsset = nullptr;

		// Attempt to create a new asset
		for (TObjectIterator<UClass> It ; It ; ++It)
			UClass* CurrentClass = *It;
			if (CurrentClass->IsChildOf(UFactory::StaticClass()) && !(CurrentClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Abstract)))
				UFactory* Factory = Cast<UFactory>(CurrentClass->GetDefaultObject());
				if (Factory->CanCreateNew() && Factory->ImportPriority >= 0 && Factory->SupportedClass == ULevelSequence::StaticClass())
					NewAsset = AssetTools.CreateAsset(ULevelSequence::StaticClass(), Factory);

		if (!NewAsset)

		// Spawn an actor at the origin, and either move infront of the camera or focus camera on it (depending on the viewport) and open for edit
		UActorFactory* ActorFactory = GEditor->FindActorFactoryForActorClass(ALevelSequenceActor::StaticClass());
		if (!ensure(ActorFactory))

		ALevelSequenceActor* NewActor = CastChecked<ALevelSequenceActor>(GEditor->UseActorFactory(ActorFactory, FAssetData(NewAsset), &FTransform::Identity));
		if (GCurrentLevelEditingViewportClient != nullptr && GCurrentLevelEditingViewportClient->IsPerspective())
			GEditor->MoveActorInFrontOfCamera(*NewActor, GCurrentLevelEditingViewportClient->GetViewLocation(), GCurrentLevelEditingViewportClient->GetViewRotation().Vector());
			GEditor->MoveViewportCamerasToActor(*NewActor, false);

Esempio n. 19
const TCHAR* UClassProperty::ImportText_Internal( const TCHAR* Buffer, void* Data, int32 PortFlags, UObject* Parent, FOutputDevice* ErrorText ) const
	const TCHAR* Result = UObjectProperty::ImportText_Internal( Buffer, Data, PortFlags, Parent, ErrorText );
	if( Result )
		// Validate metaclass.
		UClass* C = (UClass*)GetObjectPropertyValue(Data);
		if (C && (!dynamic_cast<UClass*>(C) || !C->IsChildOf(MetaClass)))
			// the object we imported doesn't implement our interface class
			ErrorText->Logf(TEXT("Invalid object '%s' specified for property '%s'"), *C->GetFullName(), *GetName());
			SetObjectPropertyValue(Data, NULL);
			Result = NULL;
	return Result;
void FClassBrowseHelper::BuildClassGraph()
	UClass* RootNodeClass = UBTNode::StaticClass();

	TArray<TSharedPtr<FClassDataNode> > NodeList;

	// gather all native classes
	for (TObjectIterator<UClass> It; It; ++It)
		UClass* TestClass = *It;
		if (TestClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Native) && TestClass->IsChildOf(RootNodeClass))
			TSharedPtr<FClassDataNode> NewNode = MakeShareable(new FClassDataNode);
			NewNode->ParentClassName = TestClass->GetSuperClass()->GetName();
			FClassData NewData(TestClass);
			NewNode->Data = NewData;

			if (TestClass == RootNodeClass)
				RootNode = NewNode;


	// gather all blueprints
	FAssetRegistryModule& AssetRegistryModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FAssetRegistryModule>(TEXT("AssetRegistry"));
	TArray<FAssetData> BlueprintList;

	FARFilter Filter;
	AssetRegistryModule.Get().GetAssets(Filter, BlueprintList);

	for (int32 i = 0; i < BlueprintList.Num(); i++)
		TSharedPtr<FClassDataNode> NewNode = CreateClassDataNode(BlueprintList[i]);

	// build class tree
	AddClassGraphChildren(RootNode, NodeList);
void UObjectPropertyBase::CheckValidObject(void* Value) const
	UObject *Object = GetObjectPropertyValue(Value);
	if (Object)
		// here we want to make sure the the object value still matches the 
		// object type expected by the property...

		UClass* ObjectClass = Object->GetClass();
		// we could be in the middle of replacing references to the 
		// PropertyClass itself (in the middle of an FArchiveReplaceObjectRef 
		// pass)... if this is the case, then we might have already replaced 
		// the object's class, but not the PropertyClass yet (or vise-versa)... 
		// so we use this to ensure, in that situation, that we don't clear the 
		// object value (if CLASS_NewerVersionExists is set, then we are likely 
		// in the middle of an FArchiveReplaceObjectRef pass)
		bool bIsReplacingClassRefs = PropertyClass && PropertyClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_NewerVersionExists) != ObjectClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_NewerVersionExists);
		FLinkerLoad* PropertyLinker = GetLinker();
		bool const bIsDeferringValueLoad = ((PropertyLinker == nullptr) || (PropertyLinker->LoadFlags & LOAD_DeferDependencyLoads)) &&
			(Object->IsA<ULinkerPlaceholderExportObject>() || Object->IsA<ULinkerPlaceholderClass>());

		check( bIsDeferringValueLoad || (!Object->IsA<ULinkerPlaceholderExportObject>() && !Object->IsA<ULinkerPlaceholderClass>()) );

		bool const bIsDeferringValueLoad = false;

		if ((PropertyClass != nullptr) && !ObjectClass->IsChildOf(PropertyClass) && !bIsReplacingClassRefs && !bIsDeferringValueLoad)
			UE_LOG(LogProperty, Warning,
				TEXT("Serialized %s for a property of %s. Reference will be NULLed.\n    Property = %s\n    Item = %s"),
			SetObjectPropertyValue(Value, NULL);
bool UBlueprintBoundEventNodeSpawner::IsBindingCompatible(UObject const* BindingCandidate) const
	bool bMatchesNodeType = false;
	if (NodeClass->IsChildOf<UK2Node_ComponentBoundEvent>())
		UObjectProperty const* BindingProperty = Cast<UObjectProperty>(BindingCandidate);
		bMatchesNodeType = (BindingProperty != nullptr);
	else if (NodeClass->IsChildOf<UK2Node_ActorBoundEvent>())
		bMatchesNodeType = BindingCandidate->IsA<AActor>();

	const UMulticastDelegateProperty* Delegate = GetEventDelegate();
	UClass* DelegateOwner = Delegate->GetOwnerClass()->GetAuthoritativeClass();
	UClass* BindingClass  = FBlueprintNodeSpawnerUtils::GetBindingClass(BindingCandidate)->GetAuthoritativeClass();

	return bMatchesNodeType && BindingClass->IsChildOf(DelegateOwner) && !FObjectEditorUtils::IsVariableCategoryHiddenFromClass(Delegate, BindingClass);
Esempio n. 23
void UEdGraphSchema::GetGraphContextActions(FGraphContextMenuBuilder& ContextMenuBuilder) const
	// Run thru all nodes and add any menu items they want to add
	for (TObjectIterator<UClass> ClassIt; ClassIt; ++ClassIt)
		UClass* Class = *ClassIt;
		if (Class->IsChildOf(UEdGraphNode::StaticClass()) && !Class->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Abstract | CLASS_Deprecated))
			const UEdGraphNode* ClassCDO = Class->GetDefaultObject<UEdGraphNode>();

			if (ClassCDO->CanCreateUnderSpecifiedSchema(this))
bool SPropertyEditorAsset::CanSetBasedOnCustomClasses( const FAssetData& InAssetData ) const
	bool bAllowedToSetBasedOnFilter = true;
	if( InAssetData.IsValid() && CustomClassFilters.Num() > 0 )
		bAllowedToSetBasedOnFilter = false;
		UClass* AssetClass = InAssetData.GetClass();
		for( const UClass* AllowedClass : CustomClassFilters )
			if( AssetClass->IsChildOf( AllowedClass ) )
				bAllowedToSetBasedOnFilter = true;

	return bAllowedToSetBasedOnFilter;
void SGAAttributeWidget::Construct(const FArguments& InArgs)
	OnAttributeSelected = InArgs._OnAttributeSelectedIn;

	for (TObjectIterator<UClass> ClassIt; ClassIt; ++ClassIt)
		UClass* Class = *ClassIt;
		if (Class->IsChildOf(UGAAttributesBase::StaticClass())
			&& !FKismetEditorUtilities::IsClassABlueprintSkeleton(Class))
			FString className = Class->GetName();
			if (!className.Contains(TEXT("REINST_")))
				TSharedPtr<FGAAttributeNode> attributeNode = MakeShareable(new FGAAttributeNode());
				attributeNode->Attribute = className;
				for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> PropertyIt(Class, EFieldIteratorFlags::ExcludeSuper); PropertyIt; ++PropertyIt)
					UProperty* Prop = *PropertyIt;

					//I need array within array, one for list of attributes, and one for class names.
					//	TSharedPtr<FString> attribute = MakeShareable(new FString(Prop->GetName()));

		SAssignNew(AttributeTreeWidget, STreeView<TSharedPtr<FGAAttributeNode>>)
		.OnSelectionChanged(this, &SGAAttributeWidget::OnItemSelected)
		.OnGenerateRow(this, &SGAAttributeWidget::OnGenerateRow)
		.OnGetChildren(this, &SGAAttributeWidget::OnGetChildren)
		.OnExpansionChanged(this, &SGAAttributeWidget::OnExpansionChanged)
bool SPropertyEditorAsset::CanSetBasedOnCustomClasses( const FAssetData& InAssetData ) const
	bool bAllowedToSetBasedOnFilter = true;
	if( InAssetData.IsValid() && CustomClassFilters.Num() > 0 )
		bAllowedToSetBasedOnFilter = false;
		UClass* AssetClass = InAssetData.GetClass();
		for( const UClass* AllowedClass : CustomClassFilters )
			const bool bAllowedClassIsInterface = AllowedClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Interface);
			if( AssetClass->IsChildOf( AllowedClass ) || (bAllowedClassIsInterface && AssetClass->ImplementsInterface(AllowedClass)) )
				bAllowedToSetBasedOnFilter = true;

	return bAllowedToSetBasedOnFilter;
void FAssetTypeActions_EditorUtilityBlueprint::ExecuteGlobalBlutility(TWeakObjectPtr<UEditorUtilityBlueprint> InObject)
	if (auto Object = InObject.Get())
		// The menu option should ONLY be available if there is only one blueprint selected, validated by the menu creation code
		UBlueprint* TargetBP = Object;
		UClass* TargetClass = TargetBP->GeneratedClass;

		if (!TargetClass->IsChildOf(UGlobalEditorUtilityBase::StaticClass()))
			FMessageDialog::Open(EAppMsgType::Ok, LOCTEXT("GlobalBlUtilitiesOnly", "Can only invoke global blutilities."));

		// Launch the blutility
		TArray<UObject*> ObjList;
		OpenAssetEditor(ObjList, NULL);
bool FLinkerPlaceholderBase::AddReferencingPropertyValue(const UObjectProperty* ReferencingProperty, void* DataPtr)
	TArray<UObject*>& PossibleReferencers = FPlaceholderContainerTracker::Get().PerspectiveReferencerStack;

	UObject* FoundReferencer = nullptr;
	// iterate backwards because this is meant to act as a stack, where the last
	// entry is most likely the one we're looking for
	for (int32 CandidateIndex = PossibleReferencers.Num() - 1; CandidateIndex >= 0; --CandidateIndex)
		UObject* ReferencerCandidate = PossibleReferencers[CandidateIndex];

		UClass* CandidateClass = ReferencerCandidate->GetClass();
		UClass* PropOwnerClass = ReferencingProperty->GetOwnerClass();

		if (CandidateClass->IsChildOf(PropOwnerClass))
			FoundReferencer = ReferencerCandidate;

	check(ReferencingProperty->GetObjectPropertyValue(DataPtr) == GetPlaceholderAsUObject());
	check(FoundReferencer != nullptr);

	if (FoundReferencer != nullptr)
		// @TODO: verify that DataPtr belongs to FoundReferencer
// 		uint8* ContainerStart = (uint8*)FoundReferencer;
// 		uint8* ContainerEnd   = ContainerStart + FoundReferencer->GetClass()->GetStructureSize();
// 		// check that we picked the right container object, and that DataPtr exists within it 
// 		check(DataPtr >= ContainerStart && DataPtr <= ContainerEnd);

	return (FoundReferencer != nullptr);
void UActorAnimationPlayer::SpawnActorsForMovie(TSharedRef<FMovieSceneSequenceInstance> MovieSceneInstance)
	UWorld* WorldPtr = World.Get();

	if (WorldPtr == nullptr)

	UMovieScene* MovieScene = MovieSceneInstance->GetSequence()->GetMovieScene();

	if (MovieScene == nullptr)

	TArray<FSpawnedActorInfo>* FoundSpawnedActors = InstanceToSpawnedActorMap.Find(MovieSceneInstance);

	if (FoundSpawnedActors != nullptr)
		// Remove existing spawned actors for this movie
		DestroyActorsForMovie( MovieSceneInstance );

	TArray<FSpawnedActorInfo>& SpawnedActorList = InstanceToSpawnedActorMap.Add(MovieSceneInstance, TArray<FSpawnedActorInfo>());

	for (auto SpawnableIndex = 0; SpawnableIndex < MovieScene->GetSpawnableCount(); ++SpawnableIndex)
		auto& Spawnable = MovieScene->GetSpawnable(SpawnableIndex);
		UClass* GeneratedClass = Spawnable.GetClass();
		if ((GeneratedClass == nullptr) || !GeneratedClass->IsChildOf(AActor::StaticClass()))

		AActor* ActorCDO = CastChecked<AActor>(GeneratedClass->ClassDefaultObject);
		const FVector SpawnLocation = ActorCDO->GetRootComponent()->RelativeLocation;
		const FRotator SpawnRotation = ActorCDO->GetRootComponent()->RelativeRotation;

		FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
			SpawnInfo.ObjectFlags = RF_NoFlags;

		AActor* NewActor = WorldPtr->SpawnActor(GeneratedClass, &SpawnLocation, &SpawnRotation, SpawnInfo);

		if (NewActor)
			// Actor was spawned OK!
			FSpawnedActorInfo NewInfo;
				NewInfo.RuntimeGuid = Spawnable.GetGuid();
				NewInfo.SpawnedActor = NewActor;
void URuntimeMovieScenePlayer::SpawnActorsForMovie( TSharedRef<FMovieSceneInstance> MovieSceneInstance  )
	UWorld* WorldPtr = World.Get();
	if( WorldPtr != NULL && MovieSceneBindings != NULL )
		UMovieScene* MovieScene = MovieSceneInstance->GetMovieScene();
		if( MovieScene != NULL )
			TArray<FSpawnedActorInfo>* FoundSpawnedActors = InstanceToSpawnedActorMap.Find( MovieSceneInstance );
			if( FoundSpawnedActors )
				// Remove existing spawned actors for this movie
				DestroyActorsForMovie( MovieSceneInstance );

			TArray<FSpawnedActorInfo>& SpawnedActorList = InstanceToSpawnedActorMap.Add( MovieSceneInstance, TArray<FSpawnedActorInfo>() );

			for( auto SpawnableIndex = 0; SpawnableIndex < MovieScene->GetSpawnableCount(); ++SpawnableIndex )
				auto& Spawnable = MovieScene->GetSpawnable( SpawnableIndex );

				UClass* GeneratedClass = Spawnable.GetClass();
				if ( GeneratedClass != NULL )
					const bool bIsActorBlueprint = GeneratedClass->IsChildOf( AActor::StaticClass() );
					if ( bIsActorBlueprint )
						AActor* ActorCDO = CastChecked< AActor >( GeneratedClass->ClassDefaultObject );

						const FVector SpawnLocation = ActorCDO->GetRootComponent()->RelativeLocation;
						const FRotator SpawnRotation = ActorCDO->GetRootComponent()->RelativeRotation;

						FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
						SpawnInfo.ObjectFlags = RF_NoFlags;
						AActor* NewActor = WorldPtr->SpawnActor( GeneratedClass, &SpawnLocation, &SpawnRotation, SpawnInfo );
						if( NewActor )
							// Actor was spawned OK!
							FSpawnedActorInfo NewInfo;
							NewInfo.RuntimeGuid = Spawnable.GetGuid();
							NewInfo.SpawnedActor = NewActor;
							SpawnedActorList.Add( NewInfo );