Esempio n. 1
 * Returns the fully qualified name, i.e. all package prefixes and then m_name.
 * @param separator  The separator string to use (optional.)
 *                   If not given then the separator is chosen according
 *                   to the currently selected active programming language
 *                   of import and code generation.
 * @param includeRoot  Whether to prefix the root folder name to the FQN.
 *                     See UMLDoc::getRootFolder(). Default: false.
 * @return  The fully qualified name of this UMLObject.
QString UMLObject::fullyQualifiedName(const QString& separator,
        bool includeRoot /* = false */) const
    QString fqn;
    if (m_pUMLPackage && m_pUMLPackage != this) {
        bool skipPackage = false;
        if (!includeRoot) {
            UMLDoc *umldoc = UMLApp::app()->document();
            if (umldoc->rootFolderType(m_pUMLPackage) != Uml::ModelType::N_MODELTYPES ||
                    m_pUMLPackage == umldoc->datatypeFolder())
                skipPackage = true;
        if (!skipPackage) {
            QString tempSeparator = separator;
            if (tempSeparator.isEmpty())
                tempSeparator = UMLApp::app()->activeLanguageScopeSeparator();
            fqn = m_pUMLPackage->fullyQualifiedName(tempSeparator, includeRoot);
    return fqn;
Esempio n. 2
 * Resolve referenced objects (if any.)
 * Needs to be called after all UML objects are loaded from file.
 * This needs to be done after all model objects are loaded because
 * some of the's might be forward references, i.e. they may
 * identify model objects which were not yet loaded at the point of
 * reference.
 * The default implementation attempts resolution of the m_SecondaryId.
 * @return   True for success.
bool UMLObject::resolveRef()
    if (m_pSecondary || (m_SecondaryId.isEmpty() && m_SecondaryFallback.isEmpty())) {
        return true;
    uDebug() << m_name << ": m_SecondaryId is " << m_SecondaryId;
    UMLDoc *pDoc = UMLApp::app()->document();
    // In the new, XMI standard compliant save format,
    // the type is the of a UMLClassifier.
    if (! m_SecondaryId.isEmpty()) {
        m_pSecondary = pDoc->findObjectById(Uml::ID::fromString(m_SecondaryId));
        if (m_pSecondary != NULL) {
            if (m_pSecondary->baseType() == ot_Stereotype) {
                m_pStereotype = dynamic_cast<UMLStereotype*>(;
                m_pSecondary = NULL;
            m_SecondaryId = QString();
            return true;
        if (m_SecondaryFallback.isEmpty()) {
            uDebug() << "object with" << m_SecondaryId << " not found, setting to undef";
            UMLFolder *datatypes = pDoc->datatypeFolder();
            m_pSecondary = Object_Factory::createUMLObject(ot_Datatype, QLatin1String("undef"), datatypes, false);
            return true;
    if (m_SecondaryFallback.isEmpty()) {
        uError() << m_name << ": cannot find type with id " << m_SecondaryId;
        return false;
    uDebug() << m_name << ": could not resolve secondary ID " << m_SecondaryId
             << ", using secondary fallback " << m_SecondaryFallback;
    m_SecondaryId = m_SecondaryFallback;
    // Assume we're dealing with the older Umbrello format where
    // the type name was saved in the "type" attribute rather
    // than the of the model object of the attribute type.
    m_pSecondary = pDoc->findUMLObject(m_SecondaryId, ot_UMLObject, this);
    if (m_pSecondary) {
        m_SecondaryId = QString();
        return true;
    // Work around Object_Factory::createUMLObject()'s incapability
    // of on-the-fly scope creation:
    if (m_SecondaryId.contains(QLatin1String("::"))) {
        // TODO: Merge Import_Utils::createUMLObject() into Object_Factory::createUMLObject()
        m_pSecondary = Import_Utils::createUMLObject(ot_UMLObject, m_SecondaryId, m_pUMLPackage);
        if (m_pSecondary) {
            if (Import_Utils::newUMLObjectWasCreated()) {
                uDebug() << "Import_Utils::createUMLObject() created a new type for "
                         << m_SecondaryId;
            } else {
                uDebug() << "Import_Utils::createUMLObject() returned an existing type for "
                         << m_SecondaryId;
            m_SecondaryId = QString();
            return true;
        uError() << "Import_Utils::createUMLObject() failed to create a new type for "
                 << m_SecondaryId;
        return false;
    uDebug() << "Creating new type for " << m_SecondaryId;
    // This is very C++ specific - we rely on  some '*' or
    // '&' to decide it's a ref type. Plus, we don't recognize
    // typedefs of ref types.
    bool isReferenceType = (m_SecondaryId.contains(QLatin1Char('*')) ||
    ObjectType ot = ot_Class;
    if (isReferenceType) {
        ot = ot_Datatype;
    } else {
        if (Model_Utils::isCommonDataType(m_SecondaryId))
            ot = ot_Datatype;
    m_pSecondary = Object_Factory::createUMLObject(ot, m_SecondaryId, NULL);
    if (m_pSecondary == NULL)
        return false;
    m_SecondaryId = QString();
    return true;