bool PropertiesHandler::handleURI(URI& uri)
    if (uri.action != "properties")
        return false;

    MetadataItemPropertiesPanel* parent = dynamic_cast<
    if (!parent)
        return true;
    DatabasePtr db = parent->getObservedObject()->getDatabase();
    if (!db)
        return true;
    NodeType n = getTypeByName(uri.getParam("object_type"));
    MetadataItem* object = db->findByNameAndType(n,
    if (!object)
            _("Cannot find destination object\nThis should never happen."),
            _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR);
        return true;

    if (uri.getParam("target") == "new_tab")
    else if (uri.getParam("target") == "new")
    return true;
bool PageHandler::handleURI(URI& uri)
    if (uri.action != "page")
        return false;

    MetadataItemPropertiesPanel* mpp = dynamic_cast<
    if (!mpp)
        return true;

    if (uri.getParam("target") == "new")
        mpp = MetadataItemPropertiesFrame::openNewPropertyPageInFrame(
    else if (uri.getParam("target") == "new_tab")
        mpp = MetadataItemPropertiesFrame::openNewPropertyPageInTab(
                  mpp->getObservedObject(), mpp->getParentFrame());

    return true;
bool AddConstraintHandler::handleURI(URI& uri)
    if (uri.action != "add_constraint")
        return false;

    wxString type = uri.getParam("type");    // pk, fk, check, unique
    Table* t = extractMetadataItemFromURI<Table>(uri);
    wxWindow* w = getParentWindow(uri);
    if (!t || !w)
        return true;

    // Find first available constraint name:
    DatabasePtr db = t->getDatabase();
    wxString prefix = type + "_" + t->getName_();
    wxString stmt(
        "select rdb$constraint_name from rdb$relation_constraints "
        "where rdb$relation_name = '" + t->getName_() +
        "' and rdb$constraint_name starting with '" + prefix +
        "' order by 1");
    wxString default_value;
    wxArrayString constraintNames(db->loadIdentifiers(stmt));
    for (int i = 0; ; ++i)
        default_value = prefix + wxString::Format("_%d", i);
        if (constraintNames.Index(default_value, false) == wxNOT_FOUND)

    wxString cname = ::wxGetTextFromUser(_("Enter constraint name"),
        _("Adding new table constraint"), default_value, w);
    if (cname.IsEmpty())    // cancel
        return true;

    wxString sql = "alter table " + t->getQuotedName() +
            "\nadd constraint " + Identifier::userString(cname);

    if (type == "PK")
        wxString columnlist = selectRelationColumns(t, w);
        if (columnlist.IsEmpty())   // cancel
            return true;
        sql += "\nprimary key (" + columnlist + ")";
    else if (type == "FK")
        wxString columnlist = selectRelationColumns(t, w);
        if (columnlist == "")
            return true;
        TablePtr ref = selectTable(t->getDatabase(), w);
        if (!ref)
            return true;
        wxString refcolumnlist = selectRelationColumns(ref.get(), w);
        if (refcolumnlist == "")
            return true;
        sql += "\nforeign key (" + columnlist + ") \nreferences " + ref->getQuotedName()
            + " (" + refcolumnlist + ")";
        wxString action = selectAction(_("update"), w);
        if (action == "CANCEL")
            return true;
        else if (action != "RESTRICT")
            sql += "\non update " + action + " ";

        action = selectAction(_("delete"), w);
        if (action == "CANCEL")
            return true;
        else if (action != "RESTRICT")
            sql += "\non delete " + action + " ";
    else if (type == "CHK")
        wxString source;
        if (!GetMultilineTextFromUser(w, _("Enter check condition"), source))
            return true;
        sql += "\ncheck (" + source + ")";
    else if (type == "UNQ")
        wxString columnlist = selectRelationColumns(t, w);
        if (columnlist.IsEmpty())   // cancel
            return true;
        sql += "\nunique (" + columnlist + ")";
        ::wxMessageBox(_("Unknown constraint type"), _("Error."), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
        return true;

    execSql(w, "", db, sql, true);  // true = commit + close at once
    return true;