Esempio n. 1
UT_uint32 PD_DocIterator::find(UT_TextIterator & text, UT_uint32 iLen, bool bForward)
	if(text.getStatus() != UTIter_OK)
		m_status = UTIter_OutOfBounds;
		return 0;
	UT_sint32 iInc = bForward ? 1 : -1;
	UT_uint32 iOrigPos = text.getPosition();
	while(getStatus() == UTIter_OK)
		UT_UCS4Char What = text.getChar();
		// find the first character ...
		while(getStatus() == UTIter_OK && getChar() != What)
			(*this) += iInc;

		if(getStatus() != UTIter_OK) // we are past the end
			return 0; 

		UT_uint32 i = 1;
		while(i < iLen)
			// cmp next pair
			text += iInc;
			if(text.getStatus() != UTIter_OK)
				// there are fewer chars then we were led to believe
				m_status = UTIter_OutOfBounds;
				return 0;
			What = text.getChar();

			(*this) += iInc;
			if(getStatus() != UTIter_OK) // we are past the end
				return 0;
			if(getChar() != What) //hard luck, try again

			// good, lets try the next pair

		if(i == iLen) // that was the last char, return ...
			return getPosition() - iLen + 1;

		// too bad, start over again
		UT_return_val_if_fail ( i < iLen,0 );
		(*this) += iInc;

	UT_return_val_if_fail (getStatus() != UTIter_OK , 0);
	return 0;
bool GR_Graphics::itemize(UT_TextIterator & text, GR_Itemization & I)
	UT_return_val_if_fail(text.getStatus() == UTIter_OK, false);
	UT_uint32 iCurOffset = 0, iLastOffset = 0;
	UT_uint32 iPosStart = text.getPosition();

	// the main loop that will span the whole text of the iterator
	while(text.getStatus() == UTIter_OK)
		UT_BidiCharType iPrevType, iLastStrongType = UT_BIDI_UNSET, iType;
		UT_UCS4Char c = text.getChar();
		UT_return_val_if_fail(text.getStatus() == UTIter_OK, false);

		iType = UT_bidiGetCharType(c);
#if 0
		// this branch of code breaks at all direction bounaries
		// it is disabled because doing that causes bug 8099
		iCurOffset = iLastOffset = text.getPosition();
		// this loop will cover a single homogenous item
		while(text.getStatus() == UTIter_OK)
			iPrevType = iType;

			c = text.getChar();
			UT_return_val_if_fail(text.getStatus() == UTIter_OK, false);

			// remember the offset
			iLastOffset = text.getPosition();
			iType = UT_bidiGetCharType(c);
			if(iType != iPrevType)

		//we have to break the text into chunks that each will go into a
		//separate run in a manner that will ensure that the text will
		//be correctly processed later. The most obvious way is to
		//break every time we encounter a change of directional
		//properties. Unfortunately that means breaking at each white
		//space, which adds a huge amount of processing due to
		//allocating and deleting runs when loading a
		//document. The following code tries to catch out the obvious
		//cases when the span can remain intact. Tomas, Jan 28, 2003

		// remember where we are ...
		iCurOffset = iLastOffset = text.getPosition();

		UT_BidiCharType iNextType;
		// this loop will cover a single homogenous item
		while(text.getStatus() == UTIter_OK)
			iPrevType = iType;
				iLastStrongType = iType;
			c = text.getChar();
			UT_return_val_if_fail(text.getStatus() == UTIter_OK, false);

			// remember the offset
			iLastOffset = text.getPosition();
			iType = UT_bidiGetCharType(c);
			if(iType != iPrevType)
				// potential direction boundary see if we can ignore
				// it
				bool bIgnore = false;
#if 0
				// this assumption is not true; for instance in the
				// sequence ") " the parenthesis and the space can
				// resolve to different directions
				// I am leaving it here so that I do not add it one
				// day again (Tomas, Apr 10, 2003)
				if(UT_BIDI_IS_NEUTRAL(iPrevType) && UT_BIDI_IS_NEUTRAL(iType))
					// two neutral characters in a row will have the same
					// direction
					xxx_UT_DEBUGMSG(("GR_Graphics::itemize: ntrl->ntrl (c=0x%04x)\n",c));
					bIgnore = true;
				if(UT_BIDI_IS_STRONG(iPrevType) && UT_BIDI_IS_NEUTRAL(iType))
					// we can ignore a neutral character following a
					// strong one if it is followed by a strong
					// character of identical type to the previous one
					xxx_UT_DEBUGMSG(("GR_Graphics::itemize: strong->ntrl (c=0x%04x)\n",c));
					// take a peek at what follows
					UT_uint32 iOldPos = text.getPosition();
					while(text.getStatus() == UTIter_OK)
						UT_UCS4Char c2 = text.getChar();
						UT_return_val_if_fail(text.getStatus() == UTIter_OK, false);

						iNextType = UT_bidiGetCharType(c2);
						xxx_UT_DEBUGMSG(("GR_Graphics::itemize: iNextType 0x%04x\n", iNextType));
						if(iNextType == iPrevType)
							bIgnore = true;

						// if the next character is strong, we cannot
						// ignore the boundary

					// restore position
				else if(UT_BIDI_IS_NEUTRAL(iPrevType) && UT_BIDI_IS_STRONG(iType))
					// a neutral character followed by a strong one -- we
					// can ignore it, if the neutral character was
					// preceeded by a strong character of the same
					// type
					if(iType == iLastStrongType)
						bIgnore = true;
					xxx_UT_DEBUGMSG(("GR_Graphics::itemize: ntrl->strong (c=0x%04x)\n",c));
					// in all other cases we will split
					xxx_UT_DEBUGMSG(("GR_Graphics::itemize: other (c=0x%04x)\n",pSpan[i]));

				xxx_UT_DEBUGMSG(("GR_Graphics::itemize: bIgnore %d\n",static_cast<UT_uint32>(bIgnore)));
		I.addItem(iCurOffset - iPosStart, new GR_XPItem(GRScriptType_Undefined));

	// add an extra record of type Void to allow for calculation of
	// length of the last item
	// iLastOffset is the offset of the last valid character; the Void
	// offset is one beyond that
	I.addItem(iLastOffset - iPosStart + 1, new GR_XPItem(GRScriptType_Void));
	return true;