void UmlClass::importIdlConstant(UmlItem * parent, const Q3CString & id, const Q3CString & s, const Q3CString & doc, Q3Dict<Q3CString> & prop) { // use a class to define the constant ! UmlClass * x; if ((x = UmlClass::create(parent, legalName(s))) == 0) { UmlCom::trace("<br>cannot create class '" + s + "' in " + parent->fullName()); throw 0; } newItem(x, id); x->lang = Corba; x->set_Stereotype("constant"); if (!doc.isEmpty()) x->set_Description(doc); Q3CString type; Q3CString value; Q3CString * v; if ((v = prop.find("CORBA/ImplementationType")) != 0) { type = *v; prop.remove("CORBA/ImplementationType"); } if ((v = prop.find("CORBA/ConstValue")) != 0) { if (!v->isEmpty()) value = " = " + *v; prop.remove("CORBA/ConstValue"); } Q3CString d = IdlSettings::constDecl(); int index; if ((index = d.find("${type}")) != -1) d.replace(index, 7, type); if ((index = d.find("${value}")) != -1) d.replace(index, 8, value); x->setProperties(prop); x->set_IdlDecl(d); }
UmlClass * UmlClass::import(File & f, UmlItem * parent, const Q3CString & knd) { Q3CString s; if (f.read(s) != STRING) f.syntaxError(s, "class's name"); Q3CString id; Q3CString ste; Q3CString doc; Q3Dict<Q3CString> prop; Q3CString s2; int k; do { k = f.readDefinitionBeginning(s2, id, ste, doc, prop); } while (id.isEmpty()); if (ste == "CORBAConstant") { // not a class ! if (!scanning) { if (parent->kind() == aClass) UmlAttribute::importIdlConstant((UmlClass *) parent, id, s, doc, prop); else importIdlConstant(parent, id, s, doc, prop); } if (k != ')') f.skipBlock(); return 0; } UmlClass * cl; if (scanning) { if (((cl = UmlBaseClass::create(parent, s)) == 0) && ((cl = UmlBaseClass::create(parent, legalName(s))) == 0)) { UmlCom::trace("<br>cannot create class '" + s + "' in " + parent->fullName()); throw 0; } newItem(cl, id); if (!ste.isEmpty()) { if (ste.left(5) == "CORBA") { if (ste != "CORBAValue") cl->set_Stereotype(ste.mid(5).lower()); } else cl->set_Stereotype(((ste == "Actor") || (ste == "Interface")) ? ste.lower() : ste); } if (!doc.isEmpty()) cl->set_Description(doc); cl->lang = None; } else if ((cl = (UmlClass *) findItem(id, aClass)) == 0) { UmlCom::trace("<br>unknown class '" + s + "' in " + parent->fullName()); throw 0; } Q3CString art_path; for (;;) { switch (k) { case ')': switch (cl->lang) { case Cplusplus: case AnsiCplusplus: case VCplusplus: cl->cplusplus(prop); break; case Oracle8: cl->oracle8(prop); break; case Corba: cl->corba(prop); break; case Java: cl->java(prop); break; default: break; } if (!scanning) { cl->setProperties(prop); cl->unload(TRUE); } return cl; case ATOM: if (s2 == "operations") cl->importOperations(f); else if (s2 == "class_attributes") cl->importAttributes(f); else if (!scanning && ((s2 == "superclasses") || (s2 == "used_nodes") || (s2 == "realized_interfaces"))) cl->importRelations(f); else if (s2 == "nestedClasses") cl->importClasses(f); else if (s2 == "abstract") { if (f.readBool()) cl->set_isAbstract(TRUE); } else if (s2 == "language") cl->lang = f.readLanguage(); else if (s2 == "instantiation_relationship") cl->importInstantiate(f); else if (s2 == "parameters") { if (knd == "Parameterized_Class") cl->importFormals(f); else cl->importActuals(f); } else if (s2 == "module") { if (f.read(art_path) != STRING) f.syntaxError(art_path, "module's name"); } else if (!scanning && (s2 == "quidu")) { f.read(s2); cl->assocArtifact(Artifact::find(s2), art_path); } else f.skipNextForm(); k = f.read(s2); break; default: f.syntaxError(s); } } }