/// Fetch the properties and set the appropriate member variables
void AbsorptionCorrection::retrieveBaseProperties() {
  double sigma_atten = getProperty("AttenuationXSection"); // in barns
  double sigma_s = getProperty("ScatteringXSection");      // in barns
  double rho = getProperty("SampleNumberDensity");         // in Angstroms-3
  const Material &sampleMaterial = m_inputWS->sample().getShape().material();
  if (sampleMaterial.totalScatterXSection(NeutronAtom::ReferenceLambda) !=
      0.0) {
    if (rho == EMPTY_DBL())
      rho = sampleMaterial.numberDensity();
    if (sigma_s == EMPTY_DBL())
      sigma_s =
    if (sigma_atten == EMPTY_DBL())
      sigma_atten = sampleMaterial.absorbXSection(NeutronAtom::ReferenceLambda);
  } else // Save input in Sample with wrong atomic number and name
    NeutronAtom neutron(0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, sigma_s, 0.0, sigma_s, sigma_atten);

    auto shape = boost::shared_ptr<IObject>(
            Material("SetInAbsorptionCorrection", neutron, rho)));
  rho *= 100; // Will give right units in going from
              // mu in cm^-1 to m^-1 for mu*total flight path( in m )

  // NOTE: the angstrom^-2 to barns and the angstrom^-1 to cm^-1
  // will cancel for mu to give units: cm^-1
  m_refAtten = -sigma_atten * rho / NeutronAtom::ReferenceLambda;
  m_scattering = -sigma_s * rho;

  n_lambda = getProperty("NumberOfWavelengthPoints");

  std::string exp_string = getProperty("ExpMethod");
  if (exp_string == "Normal") // Use the system exp function
    EXPONENTIAL = exp;
  else if (exp_string == "FastApprox") // Use the compact approximation
    EXPONENTIAL = fast_exp;

  // Get the energy mode
  const std::string emodeStr = getProperty("EMode");
  // Convert back to an integer representation
  m_emode = 0;
  if (emodeStr == "Direct")
    m_emode = 1;
  else if (emodeStr == "Indirect")
    m_emode = 2;
  // If inelastic, get the fixed energy and convert it to a wavelength
  if (m_emode) {
    const double efixed = getProperty("Efixed");
    Unit_const_sptr energy = UnitFactory::Instance().create("Energy");
    double factor, power;
                            factor, power);
    m_lambdaFixed = factor * std::pow(efixed, power);

  // Call the virtual function for any further properties
Esempio n. 2
/** Calculate and show the full (integrated) line, using the latest
 * integrated workspace. The apply() method must have been called
 * before calling this. */
void LineViewer::showFull()
  if (!m_sliceWS) return;
  MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr sliceMatrix = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const MatrixWorkspace>(m_sliceWS);
  if (sliceMatrix)
    MantidQwtMatrixWorkspaceData curveData(sliceMatrix, 0, false /*not logScale*/);
    Unit_const_sptr unit = sliceMatrix->getAxis(0)->unit();
    std::string title = unit->caption() + " (" + unit->label() + ")";
    m_plot->setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::xBottom, QString::fromStdString(title));;
    title = sliceMatrix->YUnit() + " (" + sliceMatrix->YUnitLabel() + ")";
    m_plot->setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::yLeft, QString::fromStdString(title));;
    MantidQwtIMDWorkspaceData curveData(m_sliceWS, false,
        VMD(), VMD(), m_lineOptions->getNormalization());
    m_plot->setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::xBottom, QString::fromStdString( curveData.getXAxisLabel() ));;
    m_plot->setAxisTitle( QwtPlot::yLeft, QString::fromStdString( curveData.getYAxisLabel() ));;

  if (m_previewCurve->isVisible())
  m_plot->setTitle("Integrated Line Plot");
Esempio n. 3
/// Run ConvertUnits as a sub-algorithm to convert to dSpacing
MatrixWorkspace_sptr DiffractionFocussing::convertUnitsToDSpacing(const API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr& workspace)
  const std::string CONVERSION_UNIT = "dSpacing";

  Unit_const_sptr xUnit = workspace->getAxis(0)->unit();

  g_log.information() << "Converting units from "<< xUnit->label() << " to " << CONVERSION_UNIT<<".\n";

  API::IAlgorithm_sptr childAlg = createSubAlgorithm("ConvertUnits", 0.34, 0.66);
  childAlg->setProperty("InputWorkspace", workspace);

  return childAlg->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
Esempio n. 4
/** Checks that the input workspace and table have compatible dimensions
 * @return a map where: Key = string name of the the property; Value = string
 * describing the problem with the property.
std::map<std::string, std::string> PhaseQuadMuon::validateInputs() {

  std::map<std::string, std::string> result;

  // Check that input ws and table ws have compatible dimensions
  API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
  API::ITableWorkspace_const_sptr tabWS = getProperty("PhaseTable");
  if (!inputWS) {
    result["InputWorkspace"] = "InputWorkspace is of Incorrect type. Please "
                               "provide a MatrixWorkspace as the "
    return result;
  size_t nspec = inputWS->getNumberHistograms();
  size_t ndet = tabWS->rowCount();

  if (tabWS->columnCount() == 0) {
    result["PhaseTable"] = "Please provide a non-empty PhaseTable.";

  if (nspec != ndet) {
    result["PhaseTable"] = "PhaseTable must have one row per spectrum";

  // PhaseTable should have three columns: (detector, asymmetry, phase)
  if (tabWS->columnCount() != 3) {
    result["PhaseTable"] = "PhaseTable must have three columns";

  // Check units, should be microseconds
  Unit_const_sptr unit = inputWS->getAxis(0)->unit();
  if ((unit->caption() != "Time") || (unit->label().ascii() != "microsecond")) {
    result["InputWorkspace"] = "InputWorkspace units must be microseconds";

  return result;
Esempio n. 5
/** Checks that the input workspace and table have compatible dimensions
 * @return a map where: Key = string name of the the property; Value = string
 * describing the problem with the property.
std::map<std::string, std::string> PhaseQuadMuon::validateInputs() {

  std::map<std::string, std::string> result;

  // Check that input ws and table ws have compatible dimensions
  API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
  API::ITableWorkspace_const_sptr tabWS = getProperty("PhaseTable");
  if (!inputWS) {
    result["InputWorkspace"] = "InputWorkspace is of Incorrect type. Please "
                               "provide a MatrixWorkspace as the "
    return result;
  size_t nspec = inputWS->getNumberHistograms();
  size_t ndet = tabWS->rowCount();

  if (tabWS->columnCount() == 0) {
    result["PhaseTable"] = "Please provide a non-empty PhaseTable.";

  if (nspec != ndet) {
    result["PhaseTable"] = "PhaseTable must have one row per spectrum";

  // PhaseTable should have three columns: (detector, asymmetry, phase)
  if (tabWS->columnCount() != 3) {
    result["PhaseTable"] = "PhaseTable must have three columns";
  auto names = tabWS->getColumnNames();
  for (auto &name : names) {
    std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), ::tolower);
  int phaseCount = 0;
  int asymmetryCount = 0;
  for (const std::string &name : names) {
    for (const std::string &goodName : phaseNames) {
      if (name == goodName) {
        phaseCount += 1;
    for (const std::string &goodName : asymmNames) {
      if (name == goodName) {
        asymmetryCount += 1;
  if (phaseCount == 0) {
    result["PhaseTable"] = "PhaseTable needs phases column";
  if (asymmetryCount == 0) {
    result["PhaseTable"] = "PhaseTable needs a asymmetry/asymm/asym column";
  if (phaseCount > 1) {
    result["PhaseTable"] =
        "PhaseTable has " + std::to_string(phaseCount) + " phase columns";
  if (asymmetryCount > 1) {
    result["PhaseTable"] = "PhaseTable has " + std::to_string(asymmetryCount) +
                           " asymmetry/asymm/asym columns";
  // Check units, should be microseconds
  Unit_const_sptr unit = inputWS->getAxis(0)->unit();
  if ((unit->caption() != "Time") || (unit->label().ascii() != "microsecond")) {
    result["InputWorkspace"] = "InputWorkspace units must be microseconds";

  return result;
/** Perform transmission correction by running 'CreateTransmissionWorkspace' on
 * the input workspace
 * @param detectorWS :: the input workspace
 * @param detectorWSReduced:: whether the input detector workspace has been
 * reduced
 * @return :: the input workspace normalized by transmission
MatrixWorkspace_sptr ReflectometryReductionOne2::transmissionCorrection(
    MatrixWorkspace_sptr detectorWS, const bool detectorWSReduced) {

  MatrixWorkspace_sptr transmissionWS = getProperty("FirstTransmissionRun");

  // Reduce the transmission workspace, if not already done (assume that if
  // the workspace is in wavelength then it has already been reduced)
  Unit_const_sptr xUnit = transmissionWS->getAxis(0)->unit();
  if (xUnit->unitID() == "TOF") {

    // If TransmissionProcessingInstructions are not passed then use
    // passed processing instrucions
    std::string transmissionCommands = "";
    if (getPointerToProperty("TransmissionProcessingInstructions")
            ->isDefault()) {
      transmissionCommands = m_processingInstructions;
    } else {
      transmissionCommands =

    MatrixWorkspace_sptr secondTransmissionWS =
    auto alg = this->createChildAlgorithm("CreateTransmissionWorkspace");
    alg->setProperty("FirstTransmissionRun", transmissionWS);
    alg->setProperty("SecondTransmissionRun", secondTransmissionWS);
    alg->setPropertyValue("Params", getPropertyValue("Params"));
    alg->setPropertyValue("StartOverlap", getPropertyValue("StartOverlap"));
    alg->setPropertyValue("EndOverlap", getPropertyValue("EndOverlap"));
    alg->setPropertyValue("I0MonitorIndex", getPropertyValue("I0MonitorIndex"));
    alg->setPropertyValue("WavelengthMin", getPropertyValue("WavelengthMin"));
    alg->setPropertyValue("WavelengthMax", getPropertyValue("WavelengthMax"));
    alg->setProperty("ProcessingInstructions", transmissionCommands);
    alg->setPropertyValue("Debug", getPropertyValue("Debug"));
    transmissionWS = alg->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");

  // Rebin the transmission run to be the same as the input.
  auto rebinToWorkspaceAlg = this->createChildAlgorithm("RebinToWorkspace");
  rebinToWorkspaceAlg->setProperty("WorkspaceToMatch", detectorWS);
  rebinToWorkspaceAlg->setProperty("WorkspaceToRebin", transmissionWS);
  transmissionWS = rebinToWorkspaceAlg->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");

  // If the detector workspace has been reduced then the spectrum maps
  // should match AFTER reducing the transmission workspace
  if (detectorWSReduced) {
    verifySpectrumMaps(detectorWS, transmissionWS);

  MatrixWorkspace_sptr normalized = divide(detectorWS, transmissionWS);
  return normalized;