INT_PTR SetUpdateOptions(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { char *szComponentName = (char *)wParam; UpdateOptions *uo = (UpdateOptions *)lParam; TCHAR *temp1 = 0; bool found = false; EnterCriticalSection(&list_cs); for (int i=0; i<update_list.getCount(); ++i) { if(strcmp(update_list[i].update.szComponentName, szComponentName) == 0 || _tcscmp(temp1 = GetTString(update_list[i].update.szComponentName), (TCHAR *)szComponentName) == 0) // when set via options, szComponentName is translated and potentially already converted to unicode { found = true; update_list[i].update_options = *uo; SaveUpdateOptions(update_list[i].update.szComponentName, &update_list[i].update_options); if(update_list[i].file_id == -1 && !uo->use_beta) { update_list[i].file_id = CheckForFileID(update_list[i].update.szUpdateURL, update_list[i].update.szVersionURL, update_list[i].update.szComponentName); } break; } } LeaveCriticalSection(&list_cs); mir_free(temp1); return found ? 0 : 1; }
void UpdateFLIDs(UpdateList &update_list) { for (int i = 0; i < update_list.getCount(); ++i) { if(update_list[i].file_id == -1 && update_list[i].update.szUpdateURL && strcmp(update_list[i].update.szUpdateURL, UPDATER_AUTOREGISTER) == 0) { int file_id = FindFileID(update_list[i].update.szComponentName, MC_PLUGINS, 0); if (file_id == -1) file_id = FindFileID(update_list[i].update.szComponentName, MC_LOCALIZATION, 0); if (file_id != -1) { update_list[i].file_id = file_id; char *buff = (char *)safe_alloc((int)strlen(MIM_DOWNLOAD_URL_PREFIX) + 9); sprintf(buff, MIM_DOWNLOAD_URL_PREFIX "%d", file_id); update_list[i].update.szUpdateURL = buff; update_list[i].shortName = safe_strdup(update_list[i].update.szComponentName); if(update_list[i].update.szBetaVersionURL) { update_list[i].update_options.fixed = false; LoadUpdateOptions(update_list[i].update.szComponentName, &update_list[i].update_options); } } } } }
INT_PTR EnumerateUpdates(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { UpdateEnumerateFunc func = (UpdateEnumerateFunc)wParam; EnterCriticalSection(&list_cs); for(int i=0; i<update_list.getCount(); ++i) { func(update_list[i].update.szComponentName, &(update_list[i].update_options), lParam); } LeaveCriticalSection(&list_cs); return 0; }
int FindFileInList(const char *name) { int res = -1; for (int i=0; i < update_list.getCount(); ++i) { if (strcmp(update_list[i].update.szComponentName, name) == 0) { res = i; break; } } return res; }
bool IsRegistered(int file_id) { EnterCriticalSection(&list_cs); for (int i=0; i<update_list.getCount(); ++i) { if (update_list[i].file_id == file_id) { LeaveCriticalSection(&list_cs); return true; // plugin already registered } } LeaveCriticalSection(&list_cs); return false; }
INT_PTR GetUpdateOptions(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { char *szComponentName = (char *)wParam; UpdateOptions *uo = (UpdateOptions *)lParam; TCHAR *temp1 = 0; bool found = false; EnterCriticalSection(&list_cs); for (int i=0; i<update_list.getCount(); ++i) { if(strcmp(update_list[i].update.szComponentName, szComponentName) == 0 || _tcscmp((temp1 = GetTString(update_list[i].update.szComponentName)), (TCHAR *)szComponentName) == 0) // when set via options, szComponentName is translated and potentially already converted to unicode { found = true; *uo = update_list[i].update_options; break; } } LeaveCriticalSection(&list_cs); mir_free(temp1); return found ? 0 : 1; }
// returns true if any downloaded dll is active bool DownloadUpdates(UpdateList &todo, FilenameMap *map, bool dlls_only) { bool dll_enabled_or_langpack = false; bool use_popup = options.popup_notify && ArePopupsEnabled(); // iterate through the updates we need to check if (use_popup) { ShowPopup(0, TranslateT("Downloading Updates"), _T(""), POPFLAG_SAVEHWND, -1); } else { CreateProgressWindow(); SendMessage(hwndProgress, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)TranslateT("Progress - Downloading updates...")); SendMessage(hwndProgress, WMU_SETMESSAGE, (WPARAM)TranslateT("Downloading"), 0); } TCHAR msg[512]; TCHAR *temp_str; bool a_download_succeeded = false; for (int index = 0; index < todo.getCount(); index++) { // remember if the user has decided not to install this version char stored_setting[256]; mir_snprintf(stored_setting, SIZEOF(stored_setting), "DisabledVer%s", todo[index].update.szComponentName); DBVARIANT dbv; bool download = todo[index].update_options.enabled; if(!DBGetContactSettingString(0, "Updater", stored_setting, &dbv)) { if(dbv.pszVal && strcmp(dbv.pszVal, todo[index].newVersion) == 0) download = false; else DBDeleteContactSetting(0, "Updater", stored_setting); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } if(download) { mir_sntprintf(msg, SIZEOF(msg), TranslateT("Downloading plugin: %s"), (temp_str = GetTString(todo[index].update.szComponentName))); mir_free(temp_str); } else { mir_sntprintf(msg, SIZEOF(msg), TranslateT("Skipping plugin: %s"), (temp_str = GetTString(todo[index].update.szComponentName))); mir_free(temp_str); } if (!use_popup) { SendMessage(hwndProgress, WMU_SETMESSAGE, (WPARAM)msg, 0); PostMessage(hwndProgress, WMU_SETPROGRESS, (WPARAM)(int)(index * 100.0 / todo.getCount()), 0); } //else if(hwndPop) // disabled - just annoying //ChangePopupText(hwndPop, msg); if (download) { bool got_file = false; if(todo[index].update_options.use_beta) { // download from i->update.szBetaUpdateURL to temp folder got_file = GetFile(todo[index].update.szBetaUpdateURL, options.temp_folder, todo[index].update.szComponentName, todo[index].newVersion, dlls_only); } else { got_file = GetFile(todo[index].update.szUpdateURL, options.temp_folder, todo[index].update.szComponentName, todo[index].newVersion, dlls_only); } if(got_file) { a_download_succeeded = true; if (todo[index].file_id != -1) { FileNameStruct* fns = map->find((FileNameStruct*)&todo[index].file_id); if (todo[index].cat == MC_PLUGINS || todo[index].cat == MC_UNKNOWN) dll_enabled_or_langpack |= RearrangeDlls(todo[index].shortName, fns->list); else if(todo[index].cat == MC_LOCALIZATION) { RearrangeLangpacks(todo[index].shortName, fns->list); dll_enabled_or_langpack = true; } } else { dll_enabled_or_langpack = true; } } } if (!use_popup && hwndProgress == 0) { RemoveFolder(options.temp_folder); break; // user closed progress window - cancel } } ProgressWindowDone(); // postmessage here causes a lockup on exit! bah popups!! //if(hwndPop) PostMessage(hwndPop, WMU_CLOSEPOP, 0, 0); if (hwndPop) SendMessage(hwndPop, WMU_CLOSEPOP, 0, 0); if(!a_download_succeeded) { for(int i = 0; i < todo.getCount(); ++i) free(todo[i].newVersion); todo.destroy(); } return dll_enabled_or_langpack; }
void CheckForUpdatesWorker(void *param) { if (checking) return; /* // this check doesn't work on some systems - not sure which or why if(!(GetSystemMetrics(SM_NETWORK) & 1)) { ShowError(TranslateT("No network - aborting update check")); NLog("worker thread aborting - no network"); return 1; // no network } */ NLog("CheckForUpdatesWorker thread starting"); checking = true; WriteLastCheckTime(); bool confirm = !(((DWORD)param & 1) == 1); bool restart = !(((DWORD)param & 2) == 2); // if restart is false, then we're doing an 'update and shutdown' if(hwndOptions) PostMessage(hwndOptions, WMU_CHECKING, 0, 0); bool use_popup = options.popup_notify && ArePopupsEnabled(); FilenameMap fn_map(5, CompareFileNameStruct); if (use_popup) { ShowPopup(0, TranslateT("Checking for Updates"), _T(""), POPFLAG_SAVEHWND, -1); } else { CreateProgressWindow(); SendMessage(hwndProgress, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)TranslateT("Progress - Checking for updates...")); if (options.use_xml_backend) SendMessage(hwndProgress, WMU_SETMESSAGE, (WPARAM)TranslateT("Downloading XML data"), 0); else SendMessage(hwndProgress, WMU_SETMESSAGE, (WPARAM)TranslateT("Checking for updates"), 0); } EnterCriticalSection(&list_cs); if (options.use_xml_backend) { if (UpdateXMLData(MC_PLUGINS)) // prevent double error messages (in some cases) { // iterate through the registered plugins if (!use_popup) SendMessage(hwndProgress, WMU_SETMESSAGE, (WPARAM)TranslateT("Scanning plugins folder"), 0); ScanPlugins(&fn_map, &update_list); if (UpdateXMLData(MC_LOCALIZATION)) { if (!use_popup) SendMessage(hwndProgress, WMU_SETMESSAGE, (WPARAM)TranslateT("Scanning language packs"), 0); ScanLangpacks(&fn_map, &update_list); } if(!use_popup) SendMessage(hwndProgress, WMU_SETMESSAGE, (WPARAM)TranslateT("Updating component file listing ids"), 0); UpdateFLIDs(update_list); } if (!use_popup) SendMessage(hwndProgress, WMU_SETMESSAGE, (WPARAM)TranslateT("Checking for updates"), 0); } UpdateList update_list2(update_list); LeaveCriticalSection(&list_cs); int count = update_list2.getCount(), index = 0; TCHAR msg[512]; TCHAR *temp_str; UpdateList todo; for(index = 0; index < count; index++) { if(update_list2[index].update_options.enabled) { mir_sntprintf(msg, SIZEOF(msg), TranslateT("Checking plugin: %s"), (temp_str = GetTString(update_list2[index].update.szComponentName))); mir_free(temp_str); } else { mir_sntprintf(msg, SIZEOF(msg), TranslateT("Skipping plugin: %s"), (temp_str = GetTString(update_list2[index].update.szComponentName))); mir_free(temp_str); } if(!use_popup) { SendMessage(hwndProgress, WMU_SETMESSAGE, (WPARAM)msg, 0); SendMessage(hwndProgress, WMU_SETPROGRESS, (WPARAM)(int)(index * 100.0 / count), 0); } //else if(hwndPop) // disabled - just annoying //ChangePopupText(hwndPop, msg); if (update_list2[index].update_options.enabled) { char *nv; bool beta; if (nv = UpdateRequired(update_list2[index], &beta)) { todo.insert(new UpdateInternal(update_list2[index])); todo[todo.getCount()-1].newVersion = nv; todo[todo.getCount()-1].update_options.use_beta = beta; } } if (!use_popup && hwndProgress == NULL) { RemoveFolder(options.temp_folder); break; // user closed progress window - cancel } } ProgressWindowDone(); if (hwndPop) PostMessage(hwndPop, WMU_CLOSEPOP, 0 , 0); if(options.use_xml_backend) { FreeXMLData(MC_PLUGINS); FreeXMLData(MC_LOCALIZATION); } bool restore_status = true; if (todo.getCount()) { int cd_ret = CD_OK; if (confirm) { if (use_popup) { ShowPopup(0, TranslateT("Updates Available"), TranslateT("Updated Miranda components detected.\nClick here to install."), POPFLAG_SAVEHWND, -1); DWORD ret; while ((ret = WaitForSingleObject(hEventPop, 200)) == WAIT_TIMEOUT && !Miranda_Terminated()); if (!pop_cancelled && ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0 && !Miranda_Terminated()) { cd_ret = DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CONFIRMUPDATES), GetDesktopWindow(), DlgProcConfirm, (LPARAM)&todo); } else { if(hwndOptions) PostMessage(hwndOptions, WMU_DONECHECKING, 0, 0); RestoreStatus(); for(int i=0; i<todo.getCount(); ++i) free(todo[i].newVersion); checking = false; Netlib_CloseHandle(hNetlibHttp); hNetlibHttp = NULL; return; } } else cd_ret = DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CONFIRMUPDATES), GetDesktopWindow(), DlgProcConfirm, (LPARAM)&todo); } if (!confirm || cd_ret == CD_CONFALL || cd_ret == CD_NOINSTALL || cd_ret == CD_OK) { bool conf_all = (cd_ret == CD_CONFALL), no_install = (cd_ret == CD_NOINSTALL); // ensure the backup folder exists (either create it or return non-zero signifying error) if (options.backup && !CreatePath(options.backup_folder)) { //MessageBox(0, Translate("Could not create backup folder"), Translate("Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); ShowError(TranslateT("Could not create backup folder")); if (hwndOptions) PostMessage(hwndOptions, WMU_DONECHECKING, 0, 0); RestoreStatus(); for (int i=0; i<todo.getCount(); ++i) free(todo[i].newVersion); checking = false; Netlib_CloseHandle(hNetlibHttp); hNetlibHttp = NULL; return; } bool dll_enabled_or_langpack = DownloadUpdates(todo, &fn_map, confirm ? false : options.auto_dll_only); if (todo.getCount() && !no_install) { if (!conf_all || DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CONFIRMCOMPONENTS), GetDesktopWindow(), DlgProcConfirmComponents) == IDOK) { if (!dll_enabled_or_langpack && restart) { // we're not doing an 'update and shutdown', and we're not updating any active just install // get folders TCHAR root_folder[MAX_PATH], plugins_folder[MAX_PATH]; GetRootDir(root_folder); _tcscpy(plugins_folder, root_folder); _tcscat(plugins_folder, _T("\\Plugins")); // move files MoveFiles(0, options.temp_folder, plugins_folder, options.backup_folder, root_folder); // rescan to get correct version numbers ScanPlugins(0, 0); } else { if (ExternProcess(restart) == 0) // if restarting, don't restore status restore_status = false; } } } } for (int i=0; i<todo.getCount(); ++i) free(todo[i].newVersion); } else if (!restart) { PostMessage((HWND)CallService(MS_CLUI_GETHWND, 0, 0), WM_COMMAND, ID_ICQ_EXIT, 0); } if (restore_status && restart) // restore status if we're not doing an 'update and shutdown', and the update was unsuccessful (or there was nothing to update, or no need to shutdown) { checking = false; if (hwndOptions) PostMessage(hwndOptions, WMU_DONECHECKING, 0, 0); RestoreStatus(); } Netlib_CloseHandle(hNetlibHttp); hNetlibHttp = NULL; }