UsdGeomPrimvar UsdGeomPrimvarsAPI::FindPrimvarWithInheritance(const TfToken &name) const { TRACE_FUNCTION(); const TfToken attrName = UsdGeomPrimvar::_MakeNamespaced(name); UsdPrim prim = GetPrim(); if (!prim) { TF_CODING_ERROR("FindPrimvarWithInheritance called on invalid prim: %s", UsdDescribe(prim).c_str()); return UsdGeomPrimvar(); } UsdGeomPrimvar localPv = GetPrimvar(name); if (localPv.HasAuthoredValue()){ return localPv; } for (prim = prim.GetParent(); prim && !prim.IsPseudoRoot(); prim = prim.GetParent()) { UsdAttribute attr = prim.GetAttribute(attrName); if (attr.HasAuthoredValue()) { if (UsdGeomPrimvar pv = UsdGeomPrimvar(attr)) { // Only constant primvars can be inherited. if (pv.GetInterpolation() == UsdGeomTokens->constant) { return pv; } else { // Non-constant interpolation blocks inheritance. return UsdGeomPrimvar(); } } } } return localPv; }
bool UsdGeomPrimvarsAPI::HasPossiblyInheritedPrimvar(const TfToken &name) const { TRACE_FUNCTION(); UsdPrim prim = GetPrim(); if (!prim) { TF_CODING_ERROR("HasPossiblyInheritedPrimvar called on invalid prim: %s", UsdDescribe(prim).c_str()); return false; } UsdGeomPrimvar pv = GetPrimvar(name); if (pv.HasAuthoredValue()){ return true; } const TfToken attrName = UsdGeomPrimvar::_MakeNamespaced(name); if (attrName.IsEmpty()) { return false; } for (prim = prim.GetParent(); prim && !prim.IsPseudoRoot(); prim = prim.GetParent()) { UsdAttribute attr = prim.GetAttribute(attrName); if (attr.HasAuthoredValue() && UsdGeomPrimvar::IsPrimvar(attr)) { // Only constant primvars can be inherited. // Non-constant interpolation blocks inheritance. return UsdGeomPrimvar(attr).GetInterpolation() == UsdGeomTokens->constant; } } return false; }
UsdAttribute PxrUsdMayaWriteUtil::GetOrCreateUsdAttr( const MPlug& plg, const UsdPrim& usdPrim, const std::string &attrName, bool custom) { MObject attrObj(plg.attribute()); TfToken usdAttrName(attrName); if (usdAttrName.IsEmpty()) { printf("Invalid attrName '%s' for %s\n", attrName.c_str(),; return UsdAttribute(); } // See if usdAttr already exists. If so, return. UsdAttribute usdAttr = usdPrim.GetAttribute(usdAttrName); if (usdAttr) { return usdAttr; } SdfValueTypeName attrType = PxrUsdMayaWriteUtil::GetUsdTypeName(plg); // --------------------- // CreateAttribute on USD Prim if specified above if (attrType) { usdAttr = usdPrim.CreateAttribute(usdAttrName, attrType, custom); } else { // Skipping. Unsupported type. } return usdAttr; }
static bool _GatherRibAttributes( const UsdPrim &prim, double currentTime, FnKat::GroupBuilder& attrsBuilder) { bool hasAttrs = false; // USD SHADING STYLE ATTRIBUTES UsdRiStatements riStatements(prim); if (riStatements) { const std::vector<UsdProperty> props = riStatements.GetRiAttributes(); std::string attrName; TF_FOR_ALL(propItr, props) { UsdProperty prop = *propItr; if (!prop) continue; std::string nameSpace = riStatements.GetRiAttributeNameSpace(prop).GetString(); nameSpace = TfStringReplace(nameSpace, ":", ".") + "."; attrName = nameSpace + riStatements.GetRiAttributeName(prop).GetString(); VtValue vtValue; UsdAttribute usdAttr = prim.GetAttribute(prop.GetName()); if (usdAttr) { if (not usdAttr.Get(&vtValue, currentTime)) continue; // XXX asShaderParam really means: // "For arrays, as a single attr vs a type/value pair group" // The type/value pair group is meaningful for attrs who don't // have a formal type definition -- like a "user" RiAttribute. // // However, other array values (such as two-element shadingrate) // are not expecting the type/value pair form and will not // generate rib correctly. As such, we'll handle the "user" // attribute as a special case. bool asShaderParam = true; if (nameSpace == "user.") { asShaderParam = false; } attrsBuilder.set(attrName, PxrUsdKatanaUtils::ConvertVtValueToKatAttr(vtValue, asShaderParam) ); } else { UsdRelationship usdRel = prim.GetRelationship(prop.GetName()); attrsBuilder.set(attrName, PxrUsdKatanaUtils::ConvertRelTargetsToKatAttr(usdRel, /* asShaderParam */ false) ); } hasAttrs = true; } }
void UsdImagingPointsAdapter::_GetPoints(UsdPrim const& prim, VtValue* value, UsdTimeCode time) { HD_TRACE_FUNCTION(); if (!prim.GetAttribute(UsdGeomTokens->points).Get(value, time)) { *value = VtVec3fArray(); } }
UsdShadeParameter::UsdShadeParameter( UsdPrim prim, TfToken const &name, SdfValueTypeName const &typeName) { // XXX what do we do if the type name doesn't match and it exists already? _attr = prim.GetAttribute(name); if (!_attr) { _attr = prim.CreateAttribute(name, typeName, /* custom = */ false); } }
UsdShadeInterfaceAttribute::UsdShadeInterfaceAttribute( const UsdPrim& prim, TfToken const& interfaceAttrName, SdfValueTypeName const& typeName) : _name(interfaceAttrName) { TfToken attrName = _GetName(interfaceAttrName); _attr = prim.GetAttribute(attrName); if (not _attr) { _attr = prim.CreateAttribute(attrName, typeName, /* custom = */ false); } }
UsdShadeOutput::UsdShadeOutput( UsdPrim prim, TfToken const &name, SdfValueTypeName const &typeName) { // XXX what do we do if the type name doesn't match and it exists already? TfToken attrName = _GetOutputAttrName(name); _prop = prim.GetAttribute(attrName); if (!_prop) { _prop = prim.CreateAttribute(attrName, typeName, /* custom = */ false); } }
/* static */ UsdAttribute PxrUsdMayaWriteUtil::GetOrCreateUsdRiAttribute( const MPlug& attrPlug, const UsdPrim& usdPrim, const std::string& attrName, const std::string& nameSpace, const bool translateMayaDoubleToUsdSinglePrecision) { UsdAttribute usdAttr; if (!usdPrim) { return usdAttr; } MObject attrObj(attrPlug.attribute()); TfToken riAttrNameToken(attrName); if (riAttrNameToken.IsEmpty()) { MGlobal::displayError( TfStringPrintf("Invalid UsdRi attribute name '%s' for Maya plug '%s'", attrName.c_str(),; return usdAttr; } UsdRiStatements riStatements(usdPrim); if (!riStatements) { return usdAttr; } // See if a UsdRi attribute with this name already exists. If so, return it. // XXX: There isn't currently API for looking for a specific UsdRi attribute // by name, so we have to get them all and then see if one matches. const std::vector<UsdProperty>& riAttrs = riStatements.GetRiAttributes(nameSpace); TF_FOR_ALL(iter, riAttrs) { if (iter->GetBaseName() == riAttrNameToken) { // Re-get the attribute from the prim so we can return it as a // UsdAttribute rather than a UsdProperty. return usdPrim.GetAttribute(iter->GetName()); } } const SdfValueTypeName& typeName = PxrUsdMayaWriteUtil::GetUsdTypeName(attrPlug, translateMayaDoubleToUsdSinglePrecision); if (typeName) { usdAttr = riStatements.CreateRiAttribute(riAttrNameToken, typeName.GetType(), nameSpace); } return usdAttr; }
/* static */ UsdAttribute UsdGeomXformOp::_GetXformOpAttr(UsdPrim const& prim, const TfToken &opName, bool *isInverseOp) { *isInverseOp = _IsInverseOp(opName); // Is it is an inverse operation, strip off the "invert:" at the beginning // of opName to get the associated attribute's name. const TfToken &xformOpAttrName = *isInverseOp ? TfToken(opName.GetString().substr( _tokens->invertPrefix.GetString().size())) : opName; return prim.GetAttribute(xformOpAttrName); }
/* static */ UsdAttribute PxrUsdMayaWriteUtil::GetOrCreateUsdAttr( const MPlug& attrPlug, const UsdPrim& usdPrim, const std::string& attrName, const bool custom, const bool translateMayaDoubleToUsdSinglePrecision) { UsdAttribute usdAttr; if (!usdPrim) { return usdAttr; } MObject attrObj(attrPlug.attribute()); TfToken usdAttrNameToken(attrName); if (usdAttrNameToken.IsEmpty()) { MGlobal::displayError( TfStringPrintf("Invalid USD attribute name '%s' for Maya plug '%s'", attrName.c_str(),; return usdAttr; } // See if the USD attribute already exists. If so, return it. usdAttr = usdPrim.GetAttribute(usdAttrNameToken); if (usdAttr) { return usdAttr; } const SdfValueTypeName& typeName = PxrUsdMayaWriteUtil::GetUsdTypeName(attrPlug, translateMayaDoubleToUsdSinglePrecision); if (typeName) { usdAttr = usdPrim.CreateAttribute(usdAttrNameToken, typeName, custom); } return usdAttr; }
void UsdImagingGprimAdapter::_DiscoverPrimvarsDeprecated(UsdGeomGprim const& gprim, SdfPath const& cachePath, UsdPrim const& shaderPrim, UsdTimeCode time, UsdImagingValueCache* valueCache) { UsdImagingValueCache::PrimvarInfo primvar; std::vector<UsdProperty> const& props = shaderPrim.GetProperties(); TF_FOR_ALL(propIt, props) { UsdAttribute attr = propIt->As<UsdAttribute>(); if (not attr) { continue; } if (attr.GetPath().IsNamespacedPropertyPath()) { continue; } // Ok this is a parameter, check source input. if (UsdAttribute texAttr = shaderPrim.GetAttribute( TfToken(attr.GetPath().GetName() + ":texture"))) { TfToken t; SdfAssetPath ap; VtValue v; UsdGeomPrimvar primvarAttr; texAttr.Get(&ap, UsdTimeCode::Default()); bool isPtex = GlfPtexTexture::IsPtexTexture(TfToken(ap.GetAssetPath())); if (isPtex) { t = UsdImagingTokens->ptexFaceIndex; // Allow the client to override this name texAttr.GetMetadata(UsdImagingTokens->faceIndexPrimvar, &t); primvarAttr = gprim.GetPrimvar(t); if (primvarAttr) { if (primvarAttr.ComputeFlattened(&v, time)) { = t; primvar.interpolation = primvarAttr.GetInterpolation(); valueCache->GetPrimvar(cachePath, t) = v; _MergePrimvar(primvar, &valueCache->GetPrimvars(cachePath)); } } t = UsdImagingTokens->ptexFaceOffset; // Allow the client to override this name texAttr.GetMetadata(UsdImagingTokens->faceOffsetPrimvar, &t); primvarAttr = gprim.GetPrimvar(t); if (primvarAttr) { = t; primvar.interpolation = primvarAttr.GetInterpolation(); if (primvarAttr.ComputeFlattened(&v, time)) { valueCache->GetPrimvar(cachePath, t) = v; _MergePrimvar(primvar, &valueCache->GetPrimvars(cachePath)); } } } else { texAttr.GetMetadata(UsdImagingTokens->uvPrimvar, &t); primvarAttr = gprim.GetPrimvar(t); if (TF_VERIFY(primvarAttr, "%s\n", t.GetText())) { if (TF_VERIFY(primvarAttr.ComputeFlattened(&v, time))) { = t; // does not include primvars: primvar.interpolation = primvarAttr.GetInterpolation(); // Convert double to float, we don't need double precision. if (v.IsHolding<VtVec2dArray>()) { v = VtValue::Cast<VtVec2fArray>(v); } valueCache->GetPrimvar(cachePath, t) = v; _MergePrimvar(primvar, &valueCache->GetPrimvars(cachePath)); } } } } else if (UsdAttribute pvAttr = shaderPrim.GetAttribute( TfToken(attr.GetPath().GetName() + ":primvar"))) { TfToken t; VtValue v; UsdGeomPrimvar primvarAttr; if (TF_VERIFY(pvAttr.Get(&t, UsdTimeCode::Default()))) { primvarAttr = gprim.GetPrimvar(t); if (TF_VERIFY(primvarAttr.ComputeFlattened(&v, time))) { = t; // does not include primvars: primvar.interpolation = primvarAttr.GetInterpolation(); valueCache->GetPrimvar(cachePath, t) = v; _MergePrimvar(primvar, &valueCache->GetPrimvars(cachePath)); } } } }