Esempio n. 1
void AIMContact::userInfoUpdated( const QString& contact, const UserDetails& details )
    if ( Oscar::normalize( contact ) != Oscar::normalize( contactId() ) )

    kDebug(OSCAR_ICQ_DEBUG) << contact;

    //if they don't have an SSI alias, make sure we use the capitalization from the
    //server so their contact id looks all pretty.
    QString nickname = property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName() ).value().toString();
    if ( nickname.isEmpty() || Oscar::normalize( nickname ) == Oscar::normalize( contact ) )
        setNickName( contact );

    kDebug( OSCAR_ICQ_DEBUG ) << "extendedStatus is " << details.extendedStatus();
    Oscar::Presence presence = mProtocol->statusManager()->presenceOf( details.extendedStatus(), details.userClass() );
    setPresenceTarget( presence );

    m_mobile = ( presence.flags() & Oscar::Presence::Wireless );

    setAwayMessage( details.personalMessage() );
    if ( presence.type() != Oscar::Presence::Online && m_details.awaySinceTime() < details.awaySinceTime() ) //prevent cyclic away message requests
        mAccount->engine()->requestAIMAwayMessage( contactId() );

    OscarContact::userInfoUpdated( contact, details );
Esempio n. 2
bool UserInfoTask::take( Transfer * transfer )
	if ( forMe( transfer ) )
		setTransfer( transfer );
		Oscar::DWORD seq = 0;
		SnacTransfer* st = dynamic_cast<SnacTransfer*>( transfer );
		if ( st )
			seq = st->snacRequest();

		if ( seq != 0 )
			//AFAIK location info packets always have user info
			Buffer* b = transfer->buffer();
			UserDetails ud;
			ud.fill( b );
			m_sequenceInfoMap[seq] = ud;
			emit gotInfo( seq );

			QList<TLV> list = b->getTLVList();
			QList<TLV>::iterator it = list.begin(), itEnd = list.end();
			QString profile;
			QString away;
			for ( ; it != itEnd; ++it )
				switch( ( *it ).type )
				case 0x0001: //profile text encoding
					kDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "text encoding is " << QString( ( *it ).data );
				case 0x0002: //profile text
					kDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "The profile is '" << QString( ( *it ).data ) << "'";
					profile = QString( ( *it ).data ); // aim always seems to use us-ascii encoding
					emit receivedProfile( m_contactSequenceMap[seq], profile );
				case 0x0003: //away message encoding
					kDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "Away message encoding is " << QString( ( *it ).data );
				case 0x0004: //away message
					kDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "Away message is '" << QString( ( *it ).data ) << "'";
					away = QString( (*it ).data ); // aim always seems to use us-ascii encoding
					emit receivedAwayMessage( m_contactSequenceMap[seq], away );
				case 0x0005: //capabilities
				default: //unknown
					kDebug(14151) << "Unknown user info type " << ( *it ).type;
		setTransfer( 0 );
		return true;
	return false;
Esempio n. 3
void AIMContact::userInfoUpdated( const QString& contact, const UserDetails& details )
	if ( Oscar::normalize( contact ) != Oscar::normalize( contactId() ) )

	kDebug(OSCAR_ICQ_DEBUG) << contact;

	setNickName( contact );

	kDebug( OSCAR_ICQ_DEBUG ) << "extendedStatus is " << details.extendedStatus();
	Oscar::Presence presence = mProtocol->statusManager()->presenceOf( details.extendedStatus(), details.userClass() );
	setPresenceTarget( presence );

	m_mobile = ( presence.flags() & Oscar::Presence::Wireless );

	setAwayMessage( details.personalMessage() );
	if ( presence.type() != Oscar::Presence::Online && m_details.awaySinceTime() < details.awaySinceTime() ) //prevent cyclic away message requests
		mAccount->engine()->requestAIMAwayMessage( contactId() );

	OscarContact::userInfoUpdated( contact, details );
Esempio n. 4
void AIMContact::userInfoUpdated( const QString& contact, const UserDetails& details )
	if ( Oscar::normalize( contact ) != Oscar::normalize( contactId() ) )

	kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << contact << endl;

	//if they don't have an SSI alias, make sure we use the capitalization from the
	//server so their contact id looks all pretty.
	QString nickname = property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName() ).value().toString();
	if ( nickname.isEmpty() || Oscar::normalize( nickname ) == Oscar::normalize( contact ) )
		setNickName( contact );

	( details.userClass() & CLASS_WIRELESS ) ? m_mobile = true : m_mobile = false;

	if ( ( details.userClass() & CLASS_AWAY ) == STATUS_ONLINE )
		if ( m_mobile ) 
			kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Contact: " << contact << " is mobile-online." << endl;
			setOnlineStatus( mProtocol->statusWirelessOnline );
			kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Contact: " << contact << " is online." << endl;
			setOnlineStatus( mProtocol->statusOnline ); //we're online
		removeProperty( mProtocol->awayMessage );
		m_haveAwayMessage = false;
	else if ( ( details.userClass() & CLASS_AWAY ) ) // STATUS_AWAY
		if ( m_mobile ) 
			kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Contact: " << contact << " is mobile-away." << endl;
			setOnlineStatus( mProtocol->statusWirelessOnline );
			kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Contact: " << contact << " is away." << endl;
			setOnlineStatus( mProtocol->statusAway ); //we're away
		if ( !m_haveAwayMessage ) //prevent cyclic away message requests
			mAccount->engine()->requestAIMAwayMessage( contactId() );
			m_haveAwayMessage = true;
        kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Contact: " << contact << " class " << details.userClass() << " is unhandled... defaulting to away." << endl;
		setOnlineStatus( mProtocol->statusAway ); //we're away
		if ( !m_haveAwayMessage ) //prevent cyclic away message requests
			mAccount->engine()->requestAIMAwayMessage( contactId() );
			m_haveAwayMessage = true;

	if ( details.buddyIconHash().size() > 0 && details.buddyIconHash() != m_details.buddyIconHash() )
        if ( !mAccount->engine()->hasIconConnection() )
            mAccount->engine()->requestServerRedirect( 0x0010 );

		int time = ( KApplication::random() % 10 ) * 1000;
		kdDebug(OSCAR_ICQ_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "updating buddy icon in " << time/1000 << " seconds" << endl;
		QTimer::singleShot( time, this, SLOT( requestBuddyIcon() ) );

	OscarContact::userInfoUpdated( contact, details );
bool OwnUserInfoTask::take( Transfer* transfer )
	if ( forMe( transfer ) )
		SnacTransfer* st = dynamic_cast<SnacTransfer*>( transfer );
		if ( !st )
			return false;
		Buffer* b = transfer->buffer();
		if ( st->snacSubtype() == 0x0F )
			UserDetails ud;
			ud.fill( b );
			m_details = ud;
			emit gotInfo();
			setSuccess( 0, QString() );
			return true;
			bool needUpload = false;
			Oscar::WORD infoType = b->getWord();
			if ( infoType == 0x0000 || infoType == 0x0001 )
				Oscar::BYTE flags = b->getByte();
				if ( flags == 0x41 )  //we need to do a buddy upload when bit 8 = 1
					needUpload = true;
				QByteArray qba;
				if ( b->bytesAvailable() != 0 )
				{ //buffer might be empty if flags bit 8 = 1
					Oscar::BYTE checksumLength = b->getByte();
					qba = b->getBlock( checksumLength );
					kDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "Self icon checksum: " << qba.toHex();
				if ( needUpload )
					kDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "Buddy icon upload requested";
					emit buddyIconUploadRequested();
					kDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "no item for hash found";
			if ( infoType == 0x0002 )
				QString availableMsg( b->getBSTR() );
				kDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "self available message: ";
			setSuccess( 0, QString() );
			return true;

	return false;
Esempio n. 6
void Client::receivedInfo( Q_UINT16 sequence )
	UserDetails details = d->userInfoTask->getInfoFor( sequence );
	emit receivedUserInfo( details.userId(), details );