void CtrlrMIDILibrary::setCurrentSnapshot(const Uuid &uuid, const MidiProgramChangeControl midiProgramChangeControl) { ValueTree snap = getSnapshots().getChildWithProperty(Ids::uuid, uuid.toString()); if (isProgram(snap)) setCurrentSnapshot (snap,midiProgramChangeControl); else _WRN("CtrlrMIDILibrary::setCurrentSnapshot no snapshot with UUID="+uuid.toString()); }
void CtrlrMIDILibrary::setCurrentProgram(const Uuid &uuid, const MidiProgramChangeControl midiProgramChangeControl, const bool changePanelState, const bool setAsCurrentProgram) { ValueTree program = getCurrentBank().getChildWithProperty(Ids::uuid, uuid.toString()); if (isProgram(program)) setCurrentProgram (program, midiProgramChangeControl, changePanelState, setAsCurrentProgram); else _WRN("CtrlrMIDILibrary::setCurrentProgram no program with UUID="+uuid.toString()); }
void CtrlrMIDILibrary::setCurrentBank(const Uuid &uuid) { _DBG("CtrlrMIDILibrary::setCurrentBank uuid="+uuid.toString()); if (uuid == getUuid(getRoot())) { setCurrentBank (getRoot()); return; } setCurrentBank (getRoot().getChildWithProperty(Ids::uuid, uuid.toString())); }
void CDspIOCtClientHandler::handleToDispatcherPackage ( const IOSender::Handle& h, const SmartPtr<IOPackage>& p ) { if ( p->header.type == PET_IO_CLI_AUTHENTICATE_EXEC_SESSION ) { const PRL_IO_AUTH_EXEC_REQUEST *authRequest = reinterpret_cast<const PRL_IO_AUTH_EXEC_REQUEST*>( p->buffers[0].getImpl() ); if ( p->data[0].bufferSize < sizeof(*authRequest) ) { WRITE_TRACE(DBG_FATAL, "Wrong auth session package!"); CDspService::instance()->getIOServer().disconnectClient( h ); return; } Uuid sessionId = Uuid::toUuid( authRequest->sessionUuid ); if ( sessionId.isNull() ) { WRITE_TRACE(DBG_FATAL, "Wrong auth session package!"); CDspService::instance()->getIOServer().disconnectClient( h ); return; } // Try to find client by auth session SmartPtr<CDspClient> client = CDspService::instance()-> getClientManager().getUserSession( sessionId.toString() ); bool auth = client.isValid(); PRL_IO_AUTH_RESPONSE authResp = { auth }; SmartPtr<IOPackage> pkg = IOPackage::createInstance( PET_IO_AUTH_RESPONSE, IOPackage::RawEncoding, &authResp, sizeof(authResp) ); // Save result QMutexLocker locker( &m_mutex ); ClientInfo cliInfo; m_ioClients[h] = cliInfo; locker.unlock(); // Send package IOSendJob::Handle job = CDspService::instance()->getIOServer().sendPackage( h, pkg ); IOSendJob::Result res = CDspService::instance()->getIOServer().waitForSend( job ); // Close connection if fail if ( ! auth || res != IOSendJob::Success ) { WRITE_TRACE(DBG_FATAL, "Error: %s", (! auth ? "authentication failed!" : "send of authentication pkg failed!")); CDspService::instance()->getIOServer().disconnectClient( h ); } return; } else if (p->header.type == PET_IO_STDIN_PORTION || p->header.type == PET_IO_STDIN_WAS_CLOSED || p->header.type == PET_IO_CLIENT_PROCESSED_ALL_DESCS_DATA) { if (!getIOUserSession(h)) { WRITE_TRACE(DBG_FATAL, "Client '%s' is not authed! Close connection!", QSTR2UTF8(h)); CDspService::instance()->getIOServer().disconnectClient( h ); return; } SmartPtr<CDspCtResponseHandler> hResponse = getResponseHandler(h, Uuid::toString(p->header.parentUuid)); if (!hResponse) { WRITE_TRACE(DBG_FATAL, "Client %s guest session %s is not created pkt.type=%d", QSTR2UTF8(h), QSTR2UTF8((Uuid::toString(p->header.parentUuid))), p->header.type); CDspService::instance()->getIOServer().disconnectClient( h ); return; } hResponse->process(p); } }
ValueTree CtrlrMIDILibrary::getSnapshot(const Uuid &snapshotUuid) { return (getSnapshots().getChildWithProperty(Ids::uuid, snapshotUuid.toString())); }
ValueTree CtrlrMIDILibrary::getProgram(const Uuid &bankUuid, const Uuid &programUuid) { return (getBank(bankUuid).getChildWithProperty(Ids::uuid, programUuid.toString())); }
inline void MetadataNodeImpl::setValue(const Uuid& u) { m_type = "uuid"; m_value = u.toString(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void KTasksComboBox::select ( Uuid const& id ) { int index = findData ( QVariant ( id.toString() ) ); setCurrentIndex ( index ); }
void IdTest::testUuids() { Uuid rootId; Uuid node1Id; Uuid node2Id; Uuid node2IdCopy; rootId = 0; node1Id = 1; node2Id = 2; node2IdCopy = node2Id; /* test (in-) equality relations */ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(rootId != node1Id); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(node1Id != node2Id); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(node2Id == node2IdCopy); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(node1Id < node2Id); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(node1Id <= node2Id); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(node2Id > node1Id); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(node2Id >= node1Id); /* Test in a map */ std::map<Uuid, std::string> someMapWithIds; someMapWithIds.clear(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0u , static_cast<unsigned int>(someMapWithIds.size())); Uuid someId; // = 0 someId = 0; someMapWithIds.insert(std::make_pair(someId, "hello")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1u , static_cast<unsigned int>(someMapWithIds.size())); /* Test UUID specifics */ Uuid anotherId; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(anotherId.isNil()); anotherId = 1; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!anotherId.isNil()); Uuid nullId = 0; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(nullId.isNil()); Uuid anotherIdCopy (anotherId); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(anotherIdCopy == anotherIdCopy); /* Test constness */ const Uuid node3Id; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(node3Id.isNil()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(node1Id != node3Id); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(node3Id != node1Id); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!(node1Id == node3Id)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!(node3Id == node1Id)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!(node1Id < node3Id)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!(node1Id <= node3Id)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(node2Id > node3Id); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(node2Id >= node3Id); /* test swapping */ Uuid node4Id = 4; Uuid node5Id = 5; // node4Id = 4; // node5Id = 5; Uuid node4IdCopy(node4Id); Uuid node5IdCopy(node5Id); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(node4IdCopy == node4Id); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(node5IdCopy == node5Id); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(node4IdCopy < node5IdCopy); node4IdCopy.swap(node5IdCopy); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(node4IdCopy == node5Id); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(node5IdCopy == node4Id); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(node4IdCopy > node5IdCopy); LOG(DEBUG) << "rootId as UUID = " << rootId.toString(); LOG(DEBUG) << "node1Id as UUID = " << node1Id.toString(); LOG(DEBUG) << "node2Id as UUID = " << node2Id.toString(); LOG(DEBUG) << "node2IdCopy as UUID = " << node2IdCopy.toString(); LOG(DEBUG) << "node3Id as UUID = " << node3Id.toString(); LOG(DEBUG) << "node4Id as UUID = " << node4Id; LOG(DEBUG) << "node5Id as UUID = " << node5Id; Uuid node6Id; unsigned int idValue = 513; node6Id = idValue; LOG(DEBUG) << "node6Id as UUID = " << node6Id; unsigned int node6IdAsInt = uuidToUnsignedInt(node6Id); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(idValue, node6IdAsInt); }