Esempio n. 1
void V3Graph::dumpDotFile(const string& filename, bool colorAsSubgraph) {
    // This generates a file used by graphviz,
    // "hardcoded" parameters:
    const auto_ptr<ofstream> logp (V3File::new_ofstream(filename));
    if (logp->fail()) v3fatalSrc("Can't write "<<filename);

    // Header
    *logp<<"digraph v3graph {\n";
    *logp<<"\t\t labelloc=t, labeljust=l,\n";
    *logp<<"\t\t //size="<<"\"7.5,10\","<<"\n";
    *logp<<"\t\t rankdir="<<dotRankDir()<<"];\n";

    // List of all possible subgraphs
    typedef multimap<string,V3GraphVertex*> SubgraphMmap;
    SubgraphMmap subgraphs;
    for (V3GraphVertex* vertexp = verticesBeginp(); vertexp; vertexp=vertexp->verticesNextp()) {
	string vertexSubgraph = (colorAsSubgraph && vertexp->color()) ? cvtToStr(vertexp->color()) : "";
	subgraphs.insert(make_pair(vertexSubgraph, vertexp));

    // We use a map here, as we don't want to corrupt anything (userp) in the graph,
    // and we don't care if this is slow.
    map<V3GraphVertex*,int>  numMap;

    // Print vertices
    int n=0;
    string subgr;
    for (SubgraphMmap::iterator it = subgraphs.begin(); it!=subgraphs.end(); ++it) {
	string vertexSubgraph = it->first;
	V3GraphVertex* vertexp = it->second;
	numMap[vertexp] = n;
	if (subgr != vertexSubgraph) {
	    if (subgr!="") *logp<<"\t};\n";
	    subgr = vertexSubgraph;
	    if (subgr!="") *logp<<"\tsubgraph cluster_"<<subgr<<" {\n";
	if (subgr!="") *logp<<"\t";
	     <<"\t[fontsize=8 "
	     <<"label=\""<<(vertexp->name()!="" ? vertexp->name() : "\\N");
	if (vertexp->rank()) *logp<<" r"<<vertexp->rank();
	if (vertexp->fanout()) *logp<<" f"<<vertexp->fanout();
	if (vertexp->color()) *logp<<"\\n c"<<vertexp->color();
	*logp<<", color="<<vertexp->dotColor();
	if (vertexp->dotStyle()!="") *logp<<", style="<<vertexp->dotStyle();
	if (vertexp->dotShape()!="") *logp<<", shape="<<vertexp->dotShape();
    if (subgr!="") *logp<<"\t};\n";

    // Print edges
    for (V3GraphVertex* vertexp = verticesBeginp(); vertexp; vertexp=vertexp->verticesNextp()) {
	for (V3GraphEdge* edgep = vertexp->outBeginp(); edgep; edgep=edgep->outNextp()) {
	    if (edgep->weight()) {
		int fromVnum = numMap[edgep->fromp()];
		int toVnum   = numMap[edgep->top()];
		     <<" -> n"<<edgep->top()->dotName()<<toVnum
		     <<" ["
		    //<<"fontsize=8 label=\""<<(edgep->name()!="" ? edgep->name() : "\\E")<<"\""
		     <<"fontsize=8 label=\""<<(edgep->dotLabel()!="" ? edgep->dotLabel() : "")<<"\""
		     <<" weight="<<edgep->weight()
		     <<" color="<<edgep->dotColor();
		if (edgep->dotStyle()!="") *logp<<" style="<<edgep->dotStyle();
		//if (edgep->cutable()) { *logp<<",constraint=false"; }    // to rank without following edges
    // Vertex::m_user end, now unused

    // Trailer
    *logp << "}\n";

    cout << "dot -Tpdf -o ~/a.pdf "<<filename<<endl;