Esempio n. 1
void CMusicInfoLoader::OnLoaderFinish()
  // cleanup last loaded songs from database

  // cleanup cache loaded from HD

  if (!m_bStop)
  { // check for art
    VECSONGS songs;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_pVecItems->Size(); ++i)
      CFileItemPtr pItem = m_pVecItems->Get(i);
      if (pItem->m_bIsFolder || pItem->IsPlayList() || pItem->IsNFO() || pItem->IsInternetStream())
      if (pItem->HasMusicInfoTag() && pItem->GetMusicInfoTag()->Loaded())
        CSong song(*pItem->GetMusicInfoTag());
        song.strThumb = pItem->GetArt("thumb");
        song.idSong = i; // for the lookup below
    VECALBUMS albums;
    CMusicInfoScanner::CategoriseAlbums(songs, albums);
    CMusicInfoScanner::FindArtForAlbums(albums, m_pVecItems->GetPath());
    for (VECALBUMS::iterator i = albums.begin(); i != albums.end(); ++i)
      string albumArt = i->art["thumb"];
      for (VECSONGS::iterator j = i->songs.begin(); j != i->songs.end(); ++j)
        if (!j->strThumb.empty())
          m_pVecItems->Get(j->idSong)->SetArt("thumb", j->strThumb);
          m_pVecItems->Get(j->idSong)->SetArt("thumb", albumArt);

  // Save loaded items to HD
  if (!m_strCacheFileName.IsEmpty())
    SaveCache(m_strCacheFileName, *m_pVecItems);
  else if (!m_bStop && (m_databaseHits > 1 || m_tagReads > 0))

Esempio n. 2
void CMusicInfoScanner::FindArtForAlbums(VECALBUMS &albums, const CStdString &path)
   If there's a single album in the folder, then art can be taken from
   the folder art.
  std::string albumArt;
  if (albums.size() == 1)
    CFileItem album(path, true);
    albumArt = album.GetUserMusicThumb(true);
    if (!albumArt.empty())
      albums[0].art["thumb"] = albumArt;
  for (VECALBUMS::iterator i = albums.begin(); i != albums.end(); ++i)
    CAlbum &album = *i;

    if (albums.size() != 1)
      albumArt = "";

     Find art that is common across these items
     If we find a single art image we treat it as the album art
     and discard song art else we use first as album art and
     keep everything as song art.
    bool singleArt = true;
    CSong *art = NULL;
    for (VECSONGS::iterator k = album.songs.begin(); k != album.songs.end(); ++k)
      CSong &song = *k;
      if (song.HasArt())
        if (art && !art->ArtMatches(song))
          singleArt = false;
        if (!art)
          art = &song;

      assign the first art found to the album - better than no art at all

    if (art && albumArt.empty())
      if (!art->strThumb.empty())
        albumArt = art->strThumb;
        albumArt = CTextureCache::GetWrappedImageURL(art->strFileName, "music");

    if (!albumArt.empty())["thumb"] = albumArt;

    if (singleArt)
    { //if singleArt then we can clear the artwork for all songs
      for (VECSONGS::iterator k = album.songs.begin(); k != album.songs.end(); ++k)
    { // more than one piece of art was found for these songs, so cache per song
      for (VECSONGS::iterator k = album.songs.begin(); k != album.songs.end(); ++k)
        if (k->strThumb.empty() && !k->embeddedArt.empty())
          k->strThumb = CTextureCache::GetWrappedImageURL(k->strFileName, "music");
  if (albums.size() == 1 && !albumArt.empty())
  { // assign to folder thumb as well
    CMusicThumbLoader::SetCachedImage(path, "thumb", albumArt);
Esempio n. 3
int CMusicInfoScanner::RetrieveMusicInfo(CFileItemList& items, const CStdString& strDirectory)
  CSongMap songsMap;

  // get all information for all files in current directory from database, and remove them
  if (m_musicDatabase.RemoveSongsFromPath(strDirectory, songsMap))
    m_needsCleanup = true;

  VECSONGS songsToAdd;

  CStdStringArray regexps = g_advancedSettings.m_audioExcludeFromScanRegExps;

  // for every file found, but skip folder
  for (int i = 0; i < items.Size(); ++i)
    CFileItemPtr pItem = items[i];
    CStdString strExtension;
    URIUtils::GetExtension(pItem->GetPath(), strExtension);

    if (m_bStop)
      return 0;

    // Discard all excluded files defined by m_musicExcludeRegExps
    if (CUtil::ExcludeFileOrFolder(pItem->GetPath(), regexps))

    // dont try reading id3tags for folders, playlists or shoutcast streams
    if (!pItem->m_bIsFolder && !pItem->IsPlayList() && !pItem->IsPicture() && !pItem->IsLyrics() )
//      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - Reading tag for: %s", __FUNCTION__, pItem->GetPath().c_str());

      // grab info from the song
      CSong *dbSong = songsMap.Find(pItem->GetPath());

      CMusicInfoTag& tag = *pItem->GetMusicInfoTag();
      if (!tag.Loaded() )
      { // read the tag from a file
        auto_ptr<IMusicInfoTagLoader> pLoader (CMusicInfoTagLoaderFactory::CreateLoader(pItem->GetPath()));
        if (NULL != pLoader.get())
          pLoader->Load(pItem->GetPath(), tag);

      // if we have the itemcount, update our
      // dialog with the progress we made
      if (m_handle && m_itemCount>0)

      if (tag.Loaded())
        CSong song(tag);

        // ensure our song has a valid filename or else it will assert in AddSong()
        if (song.strFileName.IsEmpty())
          // copy filename from path in case UPnP or other tag loaders didn't specify one (FIXME?)
          song.strFileName = pItem->GetPath();

          // if we still don't have a valid filename, skip the song
          if (song.strFileName.IsEmpty())
            // this shouldn't ideally happen!
            CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Skipping song since it doesn't seem to have a filename");

        song.iStartOffset = pItem->m_lStartOffset;
        song.iEndOffset = pItem->m_lEndOffset;
        song.strThumb = pItem->GetUserMusicThumb(true);
        if (dbSong)
        { // keep the db-only fields intact on rescan...
          song.iTimesPlayed = dbSong->iTimesPlayed;
          song.lastPlayed = dbSong->lastPlayed;
          song.iKaraokeNumber = dbSong->iKaraokeNumber;

          if (song.rating == '0') song.rating = dbSong->rating;
          if (song.strThumb.empty())
            song.strThumb = dbSong->strThumb;
//        CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - Tag loaded for: %s", __FUNCTION__, pItem->GetPath().c_str());
        CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - No tag found for: %s", __FUNCTION__, pItem->GetPath().c_str());

  VECALBUMS albums;
  CategoriseAlbums(songsToAdd, albums);
  FindArtForAlbums(albums, items.GetPath());

  // finally, add these to the database
  int numAdded = 0;
  set<int> albumsToScan;
  set<int> artistsToScan;
  for (VECALBUMS::iterator i = albums.begin(); i != albums.end(); ++i)
    vector<int> songIDs;
    int idAlbum = m_musicDatabase.AddAlbum(*i, songIDs);
    numAdded += i->songs.size();
    if (m_bStop)
      return numAdded;

    // Build the artist & album sets
    for (vector<int>::iterator j = songIDs.begin(); j != songIDs.end(); ++j)
      vector<int> songArtists;
      m_musicDatabase.GetArtistsBySong(*j, false, songArtists);
      artistsToScan.insert(songArtists.begin(), songArtists.end());
    std::vector<int> albumArtists;
    m_musicDatabase.GetArtistsByAlbum(idAlbum, false, albumArtists);
    artistsToScan.insert(albumArtists.begin(), albumArtists.end());

  // Download info & artwork
  bool bCanceled;
  for (set<int>::iterator it = artistsToScan.begin(); it != artistsToScan.end(); ++it)
    bCanceled = false;
    if (find(m_artistsScanned.begin(),m_artistsScanned.end(), *it) == m_artistsScanned.end())
      CStdString strArtist = m_musicDatabase.GetArtistById(*it);
      if (!m_bStop && (m_flags & SCAN_ONLINE))
        CStdString strPath;
        strPath.Format("musicdb://2/%u/", *it);

        if (!DownloadArtistInfo(strPath, strArtist, bCanceled)) // assume we want to retry
        map<string, string> artwork = GetArtistArtwork(*it);
        m_musicDatabase.SetArtForItem(*it, "artist", artwork);

  if (m_flags & SCAN_ONLINE)
    for (set<int>::iterator it = albumsToScan.begin(); it != albumsToScan.end(); ++it)
      if (m_bStop)
        return songsToAdd.size();

      CStdString strPath;

      CAlbum album;
      m_musicDatabase.GetAlbumInfo(*it, album, NULL);
      bCanceled = false;
      if (find(m_albumsScanned.begin(), m_albumsScanned.end(), *it) == m_albumsScanned.end())
        CMusicAlbumInfo albumInfo;
        if (DownloadAlbumInfo(strPath, StringUtils::Join(album.artist, g_advancedSettings.m_musicItemSeparator), album.strAlbum, bCanceled, albumInfo))
  if (m_handle)

  return songsToAdd.size();
Esempio n. 4
int CMusicInfoScanner::RetrieveMusicInfo(const std::string& strDirectory, CFileItemList& items)
  MAPSONGS songsMap;

  // get all information for all files in current directory from database, and remove them
  if (m_musicDatabase.RemoveSongsFromPath(strDirectory, songsMap))
    m_needsCleanup = true;

  CFileItemList scannedItems;
  if (ScanTags(items, scannedItems) == INFO_CANCELLED || scannedItems.Size() == 0)
    return 0;

  VECALBUMS albums;
  FileItemsToAlbums(scannedItems, albums, &songsMap);
  FindArtForAlbums(albums, items.GetPath());

  int numAdded = 0;
  ADDON::AddonPtr addon;
  ADDON::ScraperPtr albumScraper;
  ADDON::ScraperPtr artistScraper;
  if(ADDON::CAddonMgr::Get().GetDefault(ADDON::ADDON_SCRAPER_ALBUMS, addon))
    albumScraper = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ADDON::CScraper>(addon);

  if(ADDON::CAddonMgr::Get().GetDefault(ADDON::ADDON_SCRAPER_ARTISTS, addon))
    artistScraper = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ADDON::CScraper>(addon);

  // Add each album
  for (VECALBUMS::iterator album = albums.begin(); album != albums.end(); ++album)
    if (m_bStop)

    album->strPath = strDirectory;

    // Yuk - this is a kludgy way to do what we want to do, but it will work to sort
    // out artist fanart until we can restructure the artist fanart to work more
    // like the album fanart. This has to be done after we've added the album so
    // we have the artist IDs to update, but before we call UpdateDatabaseArtistInfo.
    if (albums.size() == 1 &&
        album->artistCredits.size() > 0 &&
        !StringUtils::EqualsNoCase(album->artistCredits[0].GetArtist(), "various artists") &&
        !StringUtils::EqualsNoCase(album->artistCredits[0].GetArtist(), "various"))
      CArtist artist;
      if (m_musicDatabase.GetArtist(album->artistCredits[0].GetArtistId(), artist))
        artist.strPath = URIUtils::GetParentPath(strDirectory);
        m_musicDatabase.SetArtForItem(artist.idArtist, MediaTypeArtist, GetArtistArtwork(artist));

    if ((m_flags & SCAN_ONLINE))
      if (!albumScraper || !artistScraper)

      INFO_RET albumScrapeStatus = INFO_NOT_FOUND;
      if (!m_musicDatabase.HasAlbumBeenScraped(album->idAlbum))
        albumScrapeStatus = UpdateDatabaseAlbumInfo(*album, albumScraper, false);

      if (albumScrapeStatus == INFO_ADDED)
        for (VECARTISTCREDITS::const_iterator artistCredit  = album->artistCredits.begin();
                                              artistCredit != album->artistCredits.end();
          if (m_bStop)

          if (!m_musicDatabase.HasArtistBeenScraped(artistCredit->GetArtistId()))
            CArtist artist;
            m_musicDatabase.GetArtist(artistCredit->GetArtistId(), artist);
            UpdateDatabaseArtistInfo(artist, artistScraper, false);

        for (VECSONGS::iterator song  = album->songs.begin();
                                song != album->songs.end();
          if (m_bStop)

          for (VECARTISTCREDITS::const_iterator artistCredit  = song->artistCredits.begin();
                                                artistCredit != song->artistCredits.end();
            if (m_bStop)

            CMusicArtistInfo musicArtistInfo;
            if (!m_musicDatabase.HasArtistBeenScraped(artistCredit->GetArtistId()))
              CArtist artist;
              m_musicDatabase.GetArtist(artistCredit->GetArtistId(), artist);
              UpdateDatabaseArtistInfo(artist, artistScraper, false);
    numAdded += album->songs.size();

  if (m_handle)

  return numAdded;
Esempio n. 5
void CMusicInfoScanner::FileItemsToAlbums(CFileItemList& items, VECALBUMS& albums, MAPSONGS* songsMap /* = NULL */)
   * Step 1: Convert the FileItems into Songs. 
   * If they're MB tagged, create albums directly from the FileItems.
   * If they're non-MB tagged, index them by album name ready for step 2.
  map<string, VECSONGS> songsByAlbumNames;
  for (int i = 0; i < items.Size(); ++i)
    CMusicInfoTag& tag = *items[i]->GetMusicInfoTag();
    CSong song(*items[i]);

    // keep the db-only fields intact on rescan...
    if (songsMap != NULL)
      MAPSONGS::iterator it = songsMap->find(items[i]->GetPath());
      if (it != songsMap->end())
        song.iTimesPlayed = it->second.iTimesPlayed;
        song.lastPlayed = it->second.lastPlayed;
        song.iKaraokeNumber = it->second.iKaraokeNumber;
        if (song.rating == '0')    song.rating = it->second.rating;
        if (song.strThumb.empty()) song.strThumb = it->second.strThumb;

    if (!tag.GetMusicBrainzAlbumID().empty())
      VECALBUMS::iterator it;
      for (it = albums.begin(); it != albums.end(); ++it)
        if (it->strMusicBrainzAlbumID == tag.GetMusicBrainzAlbumID())

      if (it == albums.end())
        CAlbum album(*items[i]);

   Step 2: Split into unique albums based on album name and album artist
   In the case where the album artist is unknown, we use the primary artist
   (i.e. first artist from each song).
  for (map<string, VECSONGS>::iterator songsByAlbumName = songsByAlbumNames.begin(); songsByAlbumName != songsByAlbumNames.end(); ++songsByAlbumName)
    VECSONGS &songs = songsByAlbumName->second;
    // sort the songs by tracknumber to identify duplicate track numbers
    sort(songs.begin(), songs.end(), SortSongsByTrack);

    // map the songs to their primary artists
    bool tracksOverlap = false;
    bool hasAlbumArtist = false;
    bool isCompilation = true;

    map<string, vector<CSong *> > artists;
    for (VECSONGS::iterator song = songs.begin(); song != songs.end(); ++song)
      // test for song overlap
      if (song != songs.begin() && song->iTrack == (song - 1)->iTrack)
        tracksOverlap = true;

      if (!song->bCompilation)
        isCompilation = false;

      // get primary artist
      string primary;
      if (!song->albumArtist.empty())
        primary = song->albumArtist[0];
        hasAlbumArtist = true;
      else if (!song->artist.empty())
        primary = song->artist[0];

      // add to the artist map

     We have a compilation if
     1. album name is non-empty AND
     2a. no tracks overlap OR
     2b. all tracks are marked as part of compilation AND
     3a. a unique primary artist is specified as "various" or "various artists" OR
     3b. we have at least two primary artists and no album artist specified.
    bool compilation = !songsByAlbumName->first.empty() && (isCompilation || !tracksOverlap); // 1+2b+2a
    if (artists.size() == 1)
      string artist = artists.begin()->first; StringUtils::ToLower(artist);
      if (!StringUtils::EqualsNoCase(artist, "various") &&
          !StringUtils::EqualsNoCase(artist, "various artists")) // 3a
        compilation = false;
    else if (hasAlbumArtist) // 3b
      compilation = false;

    if (compilation)
      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Album '%s' is a compilation as there's no overlapping tracks and %s", songsByAlbumName->first.c_str(), hasAlbumArtist ? "the album artist is 'Various'" : "there is more than one unique artist");
      std::string various = g_localizeStrings.Get(340); // Various Artists
      vector<string> va; va.push_back(various);
      for (VECSONGS::iterator song = songs.begin(); song != songs.end(); ++song)
        song->albumArtist = va;

     Step 3: Find the common albumartist for each song and assign
     albumartist to those tracks that don't have it set.
    for (map<string, vector<CSong *> >::iterator j = artists.begin(); j != artists.end(); ++j)
      // find the common artist for these songs
      vector<CSong *> &artistSongs = j->second;
      vector<string> common = artistSongs.front()->albumArtist.empty() ? artistSongs.front()->artist : artistSongs.front()->albumArtist;
      for (vector<CSong *>::iterator k = artistSongs.begin() + 1; k != artistSongs.end(); ++k)
        unsigned int match = 0;
        vector<string> &compare = (*k)->albumArtist.empty() ? (*k)->artist : (*k)->albumArtist;
        for (; match < common.size() && match < compare.size(); match++)
          if (compare[match] != common[match])
        common.erase(common.begin() + match, common.end());

       Step 4: Assign the album artist for each song that doesn't have it set
       and add to the album vector
      CAlbum album;
      album.strAlbum = songsByAlbumName->first;
      album.artist = common;
      for (vector<string>::iterator it = common.begin(); it != common.end(); ++it)
        std::string strJoinPhrase = (it == --common.end() ? "" : g_advancedSettings.m_musicItemSeparator);
        CArtistCredit artistCredit(*it, strJoinPhrase);
      album.bCompilation = compilation;
      for (vector<CSong *>::iterator k = artistSongs.begin(); k != artistSongs.end(); ++k)
        if ((*k)->albumArtist.empty())
          (*k)->albumArtist = common;
        // TODO: in future we may wish to union up the genres, for now we assume they're the same
        album.genre = (*k)->genre;
        //       in addition, we may want to use year as discriminating for albums
        album.iYear = (*k)->iYear;
Esempio n. 6
void CMusicInfoScanner::FileItemsToAlbums(CFileItemList& items, VECALBUMS& albums, MAPSONGS* songsMap /* = NULL */)
   * Step 1: Convert the FileItems into Songs. 
   * If they're MB tagged, create albums directly from the FileItems.
   * If they're non-MB tagged, index them by album name ready for step 2.
  std::map<std::string, VECSONGS> songsByAlbumNames;
  for (int i = 0; i < items.Size(); ++i)
    CMusicInfoTag& tag = *items[i]->GetMusicInfoTag();
    CSong song(*items[i]);

    // keep the db-only fields intact on rescan...
    if (songsMap != NULL)
      MAPSONGS::iterator it = songsMap->find(items[i]->GetPath());
      if (it != songsMap->end())
        song.iTimesPlayed = it->second.iTimesPlayed;
        song.lastPlayed = it->second.lastPlayed;
        if (song.rating == 0)    song.rating = it->second.rating;
        if (song.userrating == 0)    song.userrating = it->second.userrating;
        if (song.strThumb.empty()) song.strThumb = it->second.strThumb;

    if (!tag.GetMusicBrainzAlbumID().empty())
      VECALBUMS::iterator it;
      for (it = albums.begin(); it != albums.end(); ++it)
        if (it->strMusicBrainzAlbumID == tag.GetMusicBrainzAlbumID())

      if (it == albums.end())
        CAlbum album(*items[i]);

   Step 2: Split into unique albums based on album name and album artist
   In the case where the album artist is unknown, we use the primary artist
   (i.e. first artist from each song).
  for (std::map<std::string, VECSONGS>::iterator songsByAlbumName = songsByAlbumNames.begin(); songsByAlbumName != songsByAlbumNames.end(); ++songsByAlbumName)
    VECSONGS &songs = songsByAlbumName->second;
    // sort the songs by tracknumber to identify duplicate track numbers
    sort(songs.begin(), songs.end(), SortSongsByTrack);

    // map the songs to their primary artists
    bool tracksOverlap = false;
    bool hasAlbumArtist = false;
    bool isCompilation = true;

    std::map<std::string, std::vector<CSong *> > artists;
    for (VECSONGS::iterator song = songs.begin(); song != songs.end(); ++song)
      // test for song overlap
      if (song != songs.begin() && song->iTrack == (song - 1)->iTrack)
        tracksOverlap = true;

      if (!song->bCompilation)
        isCompilation = false;

      // get primary artist
      std::string primary;
      if (!song->GetAlbumArtist().empty())
        primary = song->GetAlbumArtist()[0];
        hasAlbumArtist = true;
      else if (!song->artistCredits.empty())
        primary = song->artistCredits.begin()->GetArtist();

      // add to the artist map

    We have a Various Artists compilation if
    1. album name is non-empty AND
    2a. no tracks overlap OR
    2b. all tracks are marked as part of compilation AND
    3a. a unique primary artist is specified as "various", "various artists" or the localized value
    3b. we have at least two primary artists and no album artist specified.
    std::string various = g_localizeStrings.Get(340); // Various Artists
    bool compilation = !songsByAlbumName->first.empty() && (isCompilation || !tracksOverlap); // 1+2b+2a
    if (artists.size() == 1)
      std::string artist = artists.begin()->first; StringUtils::ToLower(artist);
      if (!StringUtils::EqualsNoCase(artist, "various") &&
        !StringUtils::EqualsNoCase(artist, "various artists") &&
        !StringUtils::EqualsNoCase(artist, various)) // 3a
        compilation = false;
    else if (hasAlbumArtist) // 3b
      compilation = false;

    //Such a compilation album is stored with the localized value for "various artists" as the album artist
    if (compilation)
      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Album '%s' is a compilation as there's no overlapping tracks and %s", songsByAlbumName->first.c_str(), hasAlbumArtist ? "the album artist is 'Various'" : "there is more than one unique artist");
      std::vector<std::string> va; va.push_back(various);
      for (VECSONGS::iterator song = songs.begin(); song != songs.end(); ++song)

    We also have a compilation album when album name is non-empty and ALL tracks are marked as part of
    a compilation even if an album artist is given, or all songs have the same primary artist. For
    example an anthology - a collection of recordings from various old sources
    combined together such as a "best of", retrospective or rarities type release.

    Such an anthology compilation will not have been caught by the previous tests as it fails 3a and 3b.
    The album artist can be determined just like any normal album.
    if (!compilation && !songsByAlbumName->first.empty() && isCompilation)
      compilation = true;
      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Album '%s' is a compilation as all songs are marked as part of a compilation", songsByAlbumName->first.c_str());

     Step 3: Find the common albumartist for each song and assign
     albumartist to those tracks that don't have it set.
    for (std::map<std::string, std::vector<CSong *> >::iterator j = artists.begin(); j != artists.end(); ++j)
      // find the common artist for these songs
      std::vector<CSong *> &artistSongs = j->second;
      std::vector<std::string> common = artistSongs.front()->GetAlbumArtist().empty() ? artistSongs.front()->GetArtist() : artistSongs.front()->GetAlbumArtist();
      for (std::vector<CSong *>::iterator k = artistSongs.begin() + 1; k != artistSongs.end(); ++k)
        unsigned int match = 0;
        std::vector<std::string> compare = (*k)->GetAlbumArtist().empty() ? (*k)->GetArtist() : (*k)->GetAlbumArtist();
        for (; match < common.size() && match < compare.size(); match++)
          if (compare[match] != common[match])
        common.erase(common.begin() + match, common.end());

       Step 4: Assign the album artist for each song that doesn't have it set
       and add to the album vector
      CAlbum album;
      album.strAlbum = songsByAlbumName->first;
      for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = common.begin(); it != common.end(); ++it)
      album.bCompilation = compilation;
      for (std::vector<CSong *>::iterator k = artistSongs.begin(); k != artistSongs.end(); ++k)
        if ((*k)->GetAlbumArtist().empty())
        //! @todo in future we may wish to union up the genres, for now we assume they're the same
        album.genre = (*k)->genre;
        //       in addition, we may want to use year as discriminating for albums
        album.iYear = (*k)->iYear;
        album.strLabel = (*k)->strRecordLabel;
        album.strType = (*k)->strAlbumType;