Esempio n. 1
double VelocyPackHelper::toDouble(VPackSlice const& slice, bool& failed) {

  failed = false;
  switch (slice.type()) {
    case VPackValueType::None:
    case VPackValueType::Null:
      return 0.0;
    case VPackValueType::Bool:
      return (slice.getBoolean() ? 1.0 : 0.0);
    case VPackValueType::Double:
    case VPackValueType::Int:
    case VPackValueType::UInt:
    case VPackValueType::SmallInt:
      return slice.getNumericValue<double>();
    case VPackValueType::String: {
      std::string tmp(slice.copyString());
      try {
        // try converting string to number
        return std::stod(tmp);
      } catch (...) {
        if (tmp.empty()) {
          return 0.0;
        // conversion failed
    case VPackValueType::Array: {
      VPackValueLength const n = slice.length();

      if (n == 0) {
        return 0.0;
      } else if (n == 1) {
        return VelocyPackHelper::toDouble(, failed);
    case VPackValueType::External: {
      return VelocyPackHelper::toDouble(slice.resolveExternal(), failed);
    case VPackValueType::Illegal:
    case VPackValueType::Object:
    case VPackValueType::UTCDate:
    case VPackValueType::MinKey:
    case VPackValueType::MaxKey:
    case VPackValueType::Binary:
    case VPackValueType::BCD:
    case VPackValueType::Custom:

  failed = true;
  return 0.0;
Esempio n. 2
int VelocyPackHelper::compare(VPackSlice lhs, VPackSlice rhs,
                              bool useUTF8, VPackOptions const* options,
                              VPackSlice const* lhsBase, VPackSlice const* rhsBase) {
    // will resolve externals...
    int lWeight = TypeWeight(lhs);
    int rWeight = TypeWeight(rhs);

    if (lWeight < rWeight) {
      return -1;

    if (lWeight > rWeight) {
      return 1;
    TRI_ASSERT(lWeight == rWeight);
  lhs = lhs.resolveExternal(); // follow externals
  rhs = rhs.resolveExternal(); // follow externals

  // lhs and rhs have equal weights
  if (lhs.isNone() || rhs.isNone()) {
    // either lhs or rhs is none. we cannot be sure here that both are
    // nones.
    // there can also exist the situation that lhs is a none and rhs is a
    // null value
    // (or vice versa). Anyway, the compare value is the same for both,
    return 0;

  auto lhsType = lhs.type();

  switch (lhsType) {
    case VPackValueType::Illegal:
    case VPackValueType::MinKey:
    case VPackValueType::MaxKey:
    case VPackValueType::None:
    case VPackValueType::Null:
      return 0;  
    case VPackValueType::Bool: {
      bool left = lhs.getBoolean();
      bool right = rhs.getBoolean();
      if (left == right) {
        return 0;
      if (!left && right) {
        return -1;
      return 1;
    case VPackValueType::Double:
    case VPackValueType::Int:
    case VPackValueType::UInt:
    case VPackValueType::SmallInt: {
      return compareNumberValues(lhsType, lhs, rhs);
    case VPackValueType::Custom:
    case VPackValueType::String: {
      std::string lhsString;
      VPackValueLength nl;
      char const* left;
      if (lhs.isCustom()) {
        if (lhsBase == nullptr || options == nullptr || options->customTypeHandler == nullptr) {
                                         "Could not extract custom attribute.");
        lhsString.assign(options->customTypeHandler->toString(lhs, options, *lhsBase));
        left = lhsString.c_str();
        nl = lhsString.size();
      } else {
        left = lhs.getString(nl);
      TRI_ASSERT(left != nullptr);

      std::string rhsString;
      VPackValueLength nr;
      char const* right;
      if (rhs.isCustom()) {
        if (rhsBase == nullptr || options == nullptr || options->customTypeHandler == nullptr) {
                                         "Could not extract custom attribute.");
        rhsString.assign(options->customTypeHandler->toString(rhs, options, *rhsBase));
        right = rhsString.c_str();
        nr = rhsString.size();
      } else {
        right = rhs.getString(nr);
      TRI_ASSERT(right != nullptr);

      int res;
      if (useUTF8) {
        res = TRI_compare_utf8(left, static_cast<size_t>(nl), right, static_cast<size_t>(nr));
      } else {
        size_t len = static_cast<size_t>(nl < nr ? nl : nr);
        res = memcmp(left, right, len);
      if (res < 0) {
        return -1;
      if (res > 0) {
        return 1;
      // res == 0
      if (nl == nr) {
        return 0;
      // res == 0, but different string lengths
      return nl < nr ? -1 : 1;
    case VPackValueType::Array: {
      VPackValueLength const nl = lhs.length();
      VPackValueLength const nr = rhs.length();
      VPackValueLength const n = (std::max)(nr, nl);
      for (VPackValueLength i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        VPackSlice lhsValue;
        if (i < nl) {
          lhsValue =;
        VPackSlice rhsValue;
        if (i < nr) {
          rhsValue =;

        int result = compare(lhsValue, rhsValue, useUTF8, options, &lhs, &rhs);
        if (result != 0) {
          return result;
      return 0;
    case VPackValueType::Object: {
      std::set<std::string, AttributeSorterUTF8> keys;
      VPackCollection::keys(lhs, keys);
      VPackCollection::keys(rhs, keys);
      for (auto const& key : keys) {
        VPackSlice lhsValue = lhs.get(key).resolveExternal();
        if (lhsValue.isNone()) {
          // not present => null
          lhsValue = VPackSlice::nullSlice();
        VPackSlice rhsValue = rhs.get(key).resolveExternal();
        if (rhsValue.isNone()) {
          // not present => null
          rhsValue = VPackSlice::nullSlice();

        int result = compare(lhsValue, rhsValue, useUTF8, options, &lhs, &rhs);
        if (result != 0) {
          return result;

      return 0;
      // Contains all other ValueTypes of VelocyPack.
      // They are not used in ArangoDB so this cannot occur
      return 0;
Esempio n. 3
void RestWalHandler::flush() {
  std::shared_ptr<VPackBuilder> parsedRequest;
  VPackSlice slice;
  try {
    slice = _request->payload();
  } catch (...) {
    generateError(rest::ResponseCode::BAD, TRI_ERROR_HTTP_BAD_PARAMETER,
                  "invalid body value. expecting object");
  if (!slice.isObject() && !slice.isNone()) {
    generateError(rest::ResponseCode::BAD, TRI_ERROR_HTTP_BAD_PARAMETER,
                  "invalid body value. expecting object");
  bool waitForSync = false;
  bool waitForCollector = false;

  if (slice.isObject()) {
    // got a request body
    VPackSlice value = slice.get("waitForSync");
    if (value.isString()) {
      waitForSync = (value.copyString() == "true");
    } else if (value.isBoolean()) {
      waitForSync = value.getBoolean();
    value = slice.get("waitForCollector");
    if (value.isString()) {
      waitForCollector = (value.copyString() == "true");
    } else if (value.isBoolean()) {
      waitForCollector = value.getBoolean();
  } else {
    // no request body
    bool found;
      std::string const& v = _request->value("waitForSync", found);
      if (found) {
        waitForSync = (v == "1" || v == "true");
      std::string const& v = _request->value("waitForCollector", found);
      if (found) {
        waitForCollector = (v == "1" || v == "true");
  int res;
  if (ServerState::instance()->isCoordinator()) {
    res = flushWalOnAllDBServers(waitForSync, waitForCollector);
  } else {
    res = arangodb::wal::LogfileManager::instance()->flush(
        waitForSync, waitForCollector, false);

  if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {

  generateResult(rest::ResponseCode::OK, basics::VelocyPackHelper::EmptyObjectValue());