Esempio n. 1
bool VRect::HitTest (const VPoint& inPoint) const
	return ((inPoint.GetX() - fX) > -kREAL_PIXEL_PRECISION
			&& (inPoint.GetX() - GetRight()) < kREAL_PIXEL_PRECISION
			&& (inPoint.GetY() - fY) > -kREAL_PIXEL_PRECISION
			&& (inPoint.GetY() - GetBottom()) < kREAL_PIXEL_PRECISION);
// JM 201206
Boolean VGraphicPath::ScaledHitTest(const VPoint& inPoint, GReal scale) const
	if (fPathD2D != NULL)
		BOOL bContains = FALSE;
		fPathD2D->StrokeContainsPoint( D2D1::Point2F(inPoint.GetX(), inPoint.GetY()),
		return bContains == TRUE;

	if (!VWinD2DGraphicContext::IsAvailable())
		Gdiplus::Color black_default_color(0,0,0);
		Gdiplus::Pen p(black_default_color);
		p.SetWidth(4 * scale);
		return fPath->IsOutlineVisible((Gdiplus::REAL)inPoint.GetX(), (Gdiplus::REAL)inPoint.GetY(), &p );
	return false;
Esempio n. 3
void VRope::createRope(cocos2d::CCPoint pointA, cocos2d::CCPoint pointB, float ropeLenght) {
    float distance;
    if (ropeLenght < 0) {
        distance = ccpDistance(pointA,pointB);
        distance = ropeLenght;
	int segmentFactor = RopeSegmentFactor; //increase value to have less segments per rope, decrease to have more segments
	numPoints = distance/segmentFactor;
    mRopeLength = segmentFactor * numPoints;
	CCPoint diffVector = ccpSub(pointB,pointA);
	float multiplier = distance / (numPoints-1);
	antiSagHack = 0.1f; //HACK: scale down rope points to cheat sag. set to 0 to disable, max suggested value 0.1
	for(int i=0;i<numPoints;i++) {
		CCPoint tmpVector = ccpAdd(pointA, ccpMult(ccpNormalize(diffVector),multiplier*i*(1-antiSagHack)));
		VPoint* tmpPoint = new VPoint;
        tmpPoint->setPos(tmpVector.x, tmpVector.y);
        vPoints.insert(vPoints.end(), tmpPoint);
	for(int i=0;i<numPoints-1;i++) {
        VStick tmpStick;
        tmpStick.initWith(vPoints[i], vPoints[i+1]);
		vSticks.insert(vSticks.end(), tmpStick);
	if(spriteSheet!=NULL) {
		for(int i=0;i<numPoints-1;i++) {
            VPoint* point1 = vSticks[i].getPointA();
            VPoint* point2 = vSticks[i].getPointB();
			CCPoint stickVector = ccpSub(ccp(point1->x,point1->y),ccp(point2->x,point2->y));
			float stickAngle = ccpToAngle(stickVector);
            CCTexture2D* texture = spriteSheet->getTexture();
            RecordSprite* tmpSprite = new RecordSprite;
			tmpSprite->initWithTexture(texture, CCRectMake(0,0,multiplier,texture->getContentSize().height));
            tmpSprite->setRotation(-1 * CC_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(stickAngle));
            ropeSprites.insert(ropeSprites.end(), tmpSprite);

		//// LiFeng 添加
        CCAssert(false, "not init");
Esempio n. 4
void VRope::resetWithPoints(cocos2d::CCPoint pointA, cocos2d::CCPoint pointB) {
	float distance = ccpDistance(pointA,pointB);
	CCPoint diffVector = ccpSub(pointB,pointA);
	float multiplier = distance / (numPoints - 1);
	for(int i=0;i<numPoints;i++) {
		CCPoint tmpVector = ccpAdd(pointA, ccpMult(ccpNormalize(diffVector),multiplier*i*(1-antiSagHack)));
        VPoint* tmpPoint = vPoints[i];
        tmpPoint->setPos(tmpVector.x, tmpVector.y);
Esempio n. 5
VRope* VRope::cutRopeInStick(int nPoint, VStick* stick, b2Body* newBodyA, b2Body* newBodyB) {
    auto range = NSRange{nPoint, numPoints-nPoint-1};
    std::vector< VStick *> newRopeSticks( vSticks.begin() + range.location, vSticks.begin() + range.location + range.length );
    vSticks.erase(vSticks.begin() + range.location, vSticks.begin() + range.location + range.length);
    std::vector<Sprite*> newRopeSprites(ropeSprites.begin() + range.location, ropeSprites.begin() + range.location + range.length);
    ropeSprites.erase(ropeSprites.begin() + range.location, ropeSprites.begin() + range.location + range.length);
    range.length += 1;

    std::vector<VPoint*> newRopePoints(vPoints.begin() + range.location, vPoints.begin() + range.location + range.length);
    vPoints.erase(vPoints.begin() + range.location, vPoints.begin() + range.location + range.length);

    VPoint *pointOfBreak =;
    VPoint *newPoint = new VPoint();
    newPoint->setPos(pointOfBreak->x, pointOfBreak->y);

    VStick *lastStick = vSticks.back();
    float cutRatio = (float)nPoint / (numPoints - 1);
    numPoints = nPoint + 1;

    b2Vec2 newBodiesPosition  = b2Vec2(pointOfBreak->x / PTM_RATIO, pointOfBreak->y / PTM_RATIO);

    b2World *world = newBodyA->GetWorld();

    b2RopeJointDef jd;
    jd.bodyA = joint->GetBodyA();
    jd.bodyB = newBodyB;
    jd.localAnchorA = joint->GetLocalAnchorA();
    jd.localAnchorB = b2Vec2(0, 0);
    jd.maxLength = joint->GetMaxLength() * cutRatio;
    newBodyB->SetTransform(newBodiesPosition, 0.0);
    b2RopeJoint *newJoint1 = (b2RopeJoint *)world->CreateJoint(&jd); //create joint

    jd.bodyA = newBodyA;
    jd.bodyB = joint->GetBodyB();
    jd.localAnchorA = b2Vec2(0, 0);
    jd.localAnchorB = joint->GetLocalAnchorB();
    jd.maxLength = joint->GetMaxLength() * (1 - cutRatio);
    newBodyA->SetTransform(newBodiesPosition, 0.0);
    b2RopeJoint *newJoint2 = (b2RopeJoint *)world->CreateJoint(&jd);
    joint = newJoint1;

    VRope* newRope = new VRope(newJoint2,spriteSheet,newRopePoints,newRopeSticks,newRopeSprites);
    return newRope;
Esempio n. 6
void showpath()
  for(VPoint::iterator it = path.begin(); it != path.end(); ++it)
    highlightCube(it->x, it->y, true);


  for(VPoint::iterator it = path.begin(); it != path.end(); ++it)
    highlightCube(it->x, it->y, false);
Esempio n. 7
void SearchAll(string &word, string &occupy, int row, int col)
  int pos = row * size + col;
  occupy[pos] = OCCUPY;
  path.push_back(SPoint(row, col));
  word += tolower(board[pos]);
    word = word.substr(0, word.size() - 1);
    occupy[pos] = EMPTY;
  if(word.size() >= 4 && InEnglish(word) && !InHumanWord(word))
    recordWordForPlayer(word, COMPUTER);

  //cout << word << ' ' << row << ' ' << col << endl;

  if(row != 0 && occupy[pos - size] == EMPTY)
    SearchAll(word, occupy, row - 1, col);
  if(row != size - 1 && occupy[pos + size] == EMPTY)
    SearchAll(word, occupy, row + 1, col);
  if(col != size - 1 && occupy[pos + 1] == EMPTY)
    SearchAll(word, occupy, row, col + 1);
  if(col != 0 && occupy[pos - 1] == EMPTY)
    SearchAll(word, occupy, row, col - 1);
  if(row != 0 && col != size - 1 && occupy[pos - size + 1] == EMPTY)
    SearchAll(word, occupy, row - 1, col + 1);
  if(row != 0 && col != 0 && occupy[pos - size - 1] == EMPTY)
    SearchAll(word, occupy, row - 1, col - 1);
  if(row != size - 1 && col != 0 && occupy[pos + size - 1] == EMPTY)
    SearchAll(word, occupy, row + 1, col - 1);
  if(row != size - 1 && col != size - 1 && occupy[pos + size + 1] == EMPTY)
    SearchAll(word, occupy, row + 1, col + 1);

  word = word.substr(0, word.size() - 1);
  occupy[pos] = EMPTY;
Esempio n. 8
/*!If more than one logical operatoin has to be executed over the input shapes
the raw data #_shape1 and #_shape2 can be reused, but has to be recycled beforehand
This method is traversing both fields and invokes VPoint::reset_visited() in 
order to reinitialize the CPoint::_visited fields*/
void logicop::logic::reset_visited() {
   VPoint* centinel = _shape1;
   VPoint* looper = centinel;
   do {
      looper = looper->next();
   }  while (centinel != looper);
   centinel = _shape2;
   looper = centinel;
   do {
      looper = looper->next();
   }  while (centinel != looper);
Boolean VRegion::HitTest (const VPoint& inPoint) const
	if (fRegion == NULL) return false;
	VPoint	testPoint(inPoint);
	testPoint -= fOffset;
	if (testPoint.GetX() > kMAX_GDI_RGN_COORD || testPoint.GetY() > kMAX_GDI_RGN_COORD)
		return false;
		return (::PtInRegion(fRegion, testPoint.GetX(), testPoint.GetY()) != 0);
	return fRegion->IsVisible((INT)inPoint.GetX(), (INT)inPoint.GetY());
Esempio n. 10
pointlist* logicop::logic::hole2simple(const pointlist& outside, const pointlist& inside) {
   segmentlist _segl0(outside,0);
   segmentlist _segl1(inside,1);
   EventQueue* _eq = new EventQueue(_segl0, _segl1); // create the event queue
   SweepLine   _sl;
   BindCollection BC;
   _eq->swipe4bind(_sl, BC);
   BindSegment* sbc = BC.get_highest();
   //insert 2 crossing points and link them
   BPoint* cpsegA = _segl0.insertbindpoint(sbc->poly0seg(), sbc->poly0pnt());
   BPoint* cpsegB = _segl1.insertbindpoint(sbc->poly1seg(), sbc->poly1pnt());

   // normalize the segment lists
   // dump the new polygons in VList terms
   VPoint* outshape = _segl0.dump_points();
   // traverse and form the resulting shape
   VPoint* centinel = outshape;
   pointlist *shgen = new pointlist();
   bool direction = true; /*next*/
   VPoint* pickup = centinel;
   VPoint* prev = centinel->prev();
   bool modify = false;
   do {
      shgen->push_back(TP(pickup->cp()->x(), pickup->cp()->y()));
      modify = (-1 == prev->visited());
      prev = pickup;
      pickup = pickup->follower(direction, modify);
   } while (pickup != centinel);

   // Validate the resulting polygon
   laydata::valid_poly check(*shgen);
//   delete shgen;
   if (!check.valid()) {
      std::ostringstream ost;
      ost << ": Resulting shape is invalid - " << check.failtype();
      tell_log(console::MT_ERROR, ost.str().c_str());
   else {
      if (laydata::shp_OK != check.status())
         *shgen = check.get_validated();
   return shgen;
Esempio n. 11
void VGraphicPath::BeginSubPathAt(const VPoint& inLocalPoint)
	if (!VWinD2DGraphicContext::IsAvailable())
		fLastPoint = VPoint((GReal)inLocalPoint.GetX(), (GReal)inLocalPoint.GetY());

	if (VWinD2DGraphicContext::IsAvailable())
		if (!fGeomSink)
			if (!fGeomSink)

		if (!fFigureIsClosed)
			//do not forget to close current figure before opening new figure to prevent really nasty artifacts...
			fGeomSink->EndFigure( D2D1_FIGURE_END_OPEN);
		fGeomSink->BeginFigure( D2D1::Point2F( inLocalPoint.GetX(), inLocalPoint.GetY()),
		fFigureIsClosed = false;


	if (fComputeBoundsAccurate)
		_addPointToBounds( inLocalPoint);

	if (fCreateStorageForCrispEdges)
		fDrawCmds.push_back( VGraphicPathDrawCmd( GPDCT_BEGIN_SUBPATH_AT, inLocalPoint));
Esempio n. 12
void VRope::createRope(const CCPoint& pointA, const CCPoint& pointB, float distance)
//    float distance = ccpDistance(pointA,pointB);
    int segmentFactor = 12; // 16; //12; //increase value to have less segments per rope, decrease to have more segments
    numPoints = (int) distance/segmentFactor;

    CCPoint diffVector = ccpSub(pointB,pointA);
    float multiplier = distance / (numPoints-1);
    antiSagHack = 0.1f; //HACK: scale down rope points to cheat sag. set to 0 to disable, max suggested value 0.1
    for(int i=0;i<numPoints;i++) {
            CCPoint tmpVector = ccpAdd(pointA, ccpMult(ccpNormalize(diffVector), multiplier*i*(1-antiSagHack)));		
    VPoint *tmpPoint = new VPoint();
    tmpPoint->setPos(tmpVector.x, tmpVector.y);
    for(int i=0;i<numPoints-1;i++) {
    VStick* tmpStick = new VStick(vPoints[i], vPoints[i+1]);

    if(spriteSheet) {
	for(int i=0;i<numPoints-1;i++) {
            VPoint* point1 = vSticks[i]->getPointA();
            VPoint* point2 = vSticks[i]->getPointB();
            CCPoint stickVector = ccpSub(ccp(point1->x,point1->y),ccp(point2->x,point2->y));
            float stickAngle = ccpToAngle(stickVector);

            float f = spriteSheet->getTextureAtlas()->getTexture()->getPixelsHigh() / CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR();
            CCRect r = CCRectMake(0, 0, multiplier, f);
            Sprite* tmpSprite = Sprite::createWithTexture(spriteSheet->getTexture(), r);
            Texture2D::TexParams params = {GL_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR, GL_REPEAT, GL_REPEAT};
            tmpSprite->setPosition(ccpMidpoint(ccp(point1->x, point1->y), ccp(point2->x, point2->y)));
            tmpSprite->setRotation(-1 * CC_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(stickAngle));
Esempio n. 13
void ComputerTurn()
  string word = "";
  string occupy(size * size, EMPTY);
  for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
    for(int j = 0; j < size; j++)
      SearchAll(word, occupy, i, j);
Esempio n. 14
bool InBoard(const string &word)
  string occupy(size * size, EMPTY);
  for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
    for(int j = 0; j < size; j++)
      if(RInBoard(word, occupy, i, j, 0))
        return true;
  return false;
Esempio n. 15
void VGraphicPath::AddLineTo(const VPoint& inDestPoint)
	if (!VWinD2DGraphicContext::IsAvailable())
		Gdiplus::PointF d = Gdiplus::PointF(inDestPoint.GetX(), inDestPoint.GetY());
		fPath->AddLine(Gdiplus::PointF(fLastPoint.x,fLastPoint.y), d);
		fLastPoint.x = d.X;
		fLastPoint.y = d.Y;

	if (VWinD2DGraphicContext::IsAvailable())
		if (!fGeomSink)
			if (!fGeomSink)

		fGeomSink->AddLine( D2D1::Point2F( inDestPoint.GetX(), inDestPoint.GetY()));


	if (fComputeBoundsAccurate)
		_addPointToBounds( inDestPoint);

	if (fCreateStorageForCrispEdges)
		fDrawCmds.push_back( VGraphicPathDrawCmd( GPDCT_ADD_LINE_TO, inDestPoint));
Esempio n. 16
/*!The method uses #_shape1 and #_shape2 structure as an input data and produces
one or more polygons representing the result of the logical ANDNOT between the 
input polygons. Method returns false if no output shapes are generated, and
true otherwise*/
bool logicop::logic::ANDNOT(pcollection& plycol) {
   bool result = false;
   VPoint* centinel = NULL;
   if (0 == _crossp) {
      // If there are no crossing points found, this still does not mean
      // that the operation will fail. Polygons might be overlapping...
      // if poly1 is inside poly2, or both are non overlapping -> 
      //      resulting shape is null
      // if poly2 is inside poly1, then we have to generate a polygon
      // combining both shapes
      if (_shape2->inside(_poly1)) {
         plycol.push_back(hole2simple(_poly1, _poly2));
         return true;
      else return false;
   //if crossing points exists, get first external and non crossing  point
   bool direction;
   centinel = getFirstOutside(_poly1, _shape2);
   if (NULL == centinel) {
      centinel = getFirstOutside(_poly2, _shape1);
      direction = false; /*prev*/
   else direction = true; /*next*/
   VPoint* collector = centinel;
   do {
      if (0 == collector->visited()) {
         pointlist *shgen = new pointlist();
         VPoint* pickup = collector;
         do {
            pickup = pickup->follower(direction, true);
            shgen->push_back(TP(pickup->cp()->x(), pickup->cp()->y()));
         } while (pickup != collector);
         result = true;
      collector = collector->prev();
   } while (collector != centinel);
   return result;
	/** Returns VTRUE if an existing VPoint object has the same
	coordinates as this point, VFALSE otherwise.*/
	VBOOL		IsEqual(VPoint const& pt) const
		return	(pt.GetX() == m_Point.x && pt.GetY() == m_Point.y)
				? VTRUE
				: VFALSE;
Esempio n. 18
bool RInBoard(const string &word, string &occupy, int row, int col, int index)
  //cout << word << ' ' << row << ' ' << col << ' ' << index << endl;
  int pos = row * size + col;
  occupy[pos] = OCCUPY;
  path.push_back(SPoint(row, col));
  if(tolower(word[index]) != tolower(board[pos]))
    //cout << word[index] << ' ' << board[pos] << endl;
    occupy[pos] = EMPTY;
    return false;
  //cout << word << endl;
  if(index == word.size() - 1)
    return true;
  if(row != 0 && occupy[pos - size] == EMPTY)
    bool res = RInBoard(word, occupy, row - 1, col, index + 1);
    if(res) return true;
  if(row != size - 1 && occupy[pos + size] == EMPTY)
    bool res = RInBoard(word, occupy, row + 1, col, index + 1);
    if(res) return true;
  if(col != 0 && occupy[pos - 1] == EMPTY)
    bool res = RInBoard(word, occupy, row, col - 1, index + 1);
    if(res) return true;
  if(col != size - 1 && occupy[pos + 1] == EMPTY)
    bool res = RInBoard(word, occupy, row, col + 1, index + 1);
    if(res) return true;
  if(row != 0 && col != size - 1 && occupy[pos - size + 1] == EMPTY)
    bool res = RInBoard(word, occupy, row - 1, col + 1, index + 1);
    if(res) return true;
  if(row != 0 && col != 0 && occupy[pos - size - 1] == EMPTY)
    bool res = RInBoard(word, occupy, row - 1, col - 1, index + 1);
    if(res) return true;
  if(row != size - 1 && col != 0 && occupy[pos + size - 1] == EMPTY)
    bool res = RInBoard(word, occupy, row + 1, col - 1, index + 1);
    if(res) return true;
  if(row != size - 1 && col != size - 1 && occupy[pos + size + 1] == EMPTY)
    bool res = RInBoard(word, occupy, row + 1, col + 1, index + 1);
    if(res) return true;

  occupy[pos] = EMPTY;
  return false;  
Esempio n. 19
void VGraphicPath::AddBezierTo(const VPoint& inStartControl, const VPoint& inDestPoint, const VPoint& inDestControl)
	if (!VWinD2DGraphicContext::IsAvailable())
		Gdiplus::PointF d = Gdiplus::PointF(inDestPoint.GetX(), inDestPoint.GetY());
		Gdiplus::PointF c1 = Gdiplus::PointF(inStartControl.GetX(), inStartControl.GetY());
		Gdiplus::PointF c2 = Gdiplus::PointF(inDestControl.GetX(), inDestControl.GetY());
		fPath->AddBezier(Gdiplus::PointF(fLastPoint.x,fLastPoint.y), c1, c2, d);
		fLastPoint.x = d.X;
		fLastPoint.y = d.Y;

	if (VWinD2DGraphicContext::IsAvailable())
		if (!fGeomSink)
			if (!fGeomSink)

		D2D1_POINT_2F c1 = D2D1::Point2F(inStartControl.GetX(), inStartControl.GetY());
		D2D1_POINT_2F c2 = D2D1::Point2F(inDestControl.GetX(), inDestControl.GetY());
		D2D1_POINT_2F d = D2D1::Point2F(inDestPoint.GetX(), inDestPoint.GetY());

		fGeomSink->AddBezier( D2D1::BezierSegment(c1, c2, d));


	if (fComputeBoundsAccurate)
		_addBezierToBounds( inStartControl, inDestControl, inDestPoint);

	fHasBezier = true;
	if (fCreateStorageForCrispEdges)
		fDrawCmds.push_back( VGraphicPathDrawCmd( GPDCT_ADD_BEZIER_TO, inStartControl, inDestPoint, inDestControl));
Esempio n. 20
/* add arc to the specified graphic path
@param inCenter
	arc ellipse center
@param inDestPoint
	dest point of the arc
@param inRX
	arc ellipse radius along x axis
@param inRY
	arc ellipse radius along y axis
	if inRY <= 0, inRY = inRX
@param inLargeArcFlag (default false)
	true for draw largest arc
@param inXAxisRotation (default 0.0f)
	arc x axis rotation in degree
	this method add a arc starting from current pos to the dest point 

	use MeasureArc method to get start & end point from ellipse start & end angle in degree
void VGraphicPath::AddArcTo(const VPoint& inCenter, const VPoint& inDestPoint, GReal _inRX, GReal _inRY, bool inLargeArcFlag, GReal inXAxisRotation)
	//we need double precision here
	Real inRx = _inRX, inRy = _inRY; 
	Real inX = fLastPoint.x, inY = fLastPoint.y;
	Real inEX = inDestPoint.GetX(), inEY = inDestPoint.GetY();
	Real sin_th, cos_th;
    Real a00, a01, a10, a11;
    Real x0, y0, x1, y1, xc, yc;
    Real d, sfactor, sfactor_sq;
    Real th0, th1, th_arc;
    sLONG i, n_segs;
    Real dx, dy, dx1, dy1, Pr1, Pr2, Px, Py, check;

    inRx = fabs(inRx);
    inRy = fabs(inRy);

    sin_th = sin(inXAxisRotation * (PI / 180.0));
    cos_th = cos(inXAxisRotation * (PI / 180.0));

    dx = (inX - inEX) / 2.0;
    dy = (inY - inEY) / 2.0;
    dx1 =  cos_th * dx + sin_th * dy;
    dy1 = -sin_th * dx + cos_th * dy;
    Pr1 = inRx * inRx;
    Pr2 = inRy * inRy;
    Px = dx1 * dx1;
    Py = dy1 * dy1;
    /* Spec : check if radii are large enough */
    check = Px / Pr1 + Py / Pr2;
    if (check > 1) {
        inRx = inRx * sqrt(check);
        inRy = inRy * sqrt(check);

    a00 =  cos_th / inRx;
    a01 =  sin_th / inRx;
    a10 = -sin_th / inRy;
    a11 =  cos_th / inRy;
    x0 = a00 * inX + a01 * inY;
    y0 = a10 * inX + a11 * inY;
    x1 = a00 * inEX + a01 * inEY;
    y1 = a10 * inEX + a11 * inEY;
    xc = a00 * inCenter.GetX() + a01 * inCenter.GetY();
    yc = a10 * inCenter.GetX() + a11 * inCenter.GetY();

    /* (x0, y0) is current point in transformed coordinate space.
       (x1, y1) is new point in transformed coordinate space.
       (xc, yc) is new center in transformed coordinate space.

       The arc fits a unit-radius circle in this space.

    d = (x1 - x0) * (x1 - x0) + (y1 - y0) * (y1 - y0);
    sfactor_sq = 1.0 / d - 0.25;
    if (sfactor_sq < 0) sfactor_sq = 0;
    sfactor = sqrt(sfactor_sq);
    if (inSweepFlag == inLargeArcFlag) sfactor = -sfactor;

    xc = 0.5 * (x0 + x1) - sfactor * (y1 - y0);
    yc = 0.5 * (y0 + y1) + sfactor * (x1 - x0);
    /* (xc, yc) is center of the circle. */

    th0 = atan2(y0 - yc, x0 - xc);
    th1 = atan2(y1 - yc, x1 - xc);

    th_arc = th1 - th0;
	if (th0 <= 0.0 && th1 > 0.0 && fabs(th_arc-PI) <= 0.00001)
		th_arc = -th_arc;	//ensure we draw counterclockwise if angle delta = 180°
	else if (fabs(th_arc)-PI > 0.00001 && !inLargeArcFlag)
		if (th_arc > 0)
			th_arc -= 2 * PI;
			th_arc += 2 * PI;
	else if (fabs(th_arc) <= PI && inLargeArcFlag)
		if (th_arc > 0)
			th_arc -= 2 * PI;
			th_arc += 2 * PI;

	//split arc in small arcs <= 90°

    n_segs = int(ceil(fabs(th_arc / (PI * 0.5 + 0.001))));
    for (i = 0; i < n_segs; i++) 
        _PathAddArcSegment(	xc, yc,
							th0 + i * th_arc / n_segs,
							th0 + (i + 1) * th_arc / n_segs,
							inRx, inRy, 
Esempio n. 21
void VRect::SetPosTo (const VPoint& inPos)
	SetPosBy(inPos.GetX() - fX, inPos.GetY() - fY);
Esempio n. 22
/*! This method returns properly sorted dual linked list of all vertices 
(including crossing ones) of this segment collection. The method should be 
called after normalize(). The list created here is used as a source data when
the new polygons are generated. All logic operations are using this data. This
is effectively the input polygon vertices and the crossing points lined-up
logicop::VPoint* logicop::segmentlist::dump_points() {
   logicop::VPoint* vlist = NULL;
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < _segs.size(); i++)
   logicop::VPoint* lastV = vlist;
   VPoint* centinel = NULL;
   while (vlist->prev())  {
      if (-1 == vlist->visited()) centinel = vlist;
      vlist = vlist->prev();
   if (NULL != centinel) {
      VPoint* vwork = centinel;
      do {
         if (-1 == vwork->visited()) {
            //here visited == 0 means only that the object is Cpoint.
            VPoint* tbdel = NULL;
            if ((*vwork->cp()) == (*vwork->prev()->cp())) {
               tbdel = vwork->prev();
            else if ((*vwork->cp()) == (*vwork->next()->cp())) {
               tbdel = vwork->next();
            vwork = vwork->next();
            if (tbdel) delete tbdel;   
         else vwork = vwork->next();
      } while (centinel != vwork);
   return vlist;
Esempio n. 23
/*!The method uses #_shape1 and #_shape2 structure as an input data and produces
one or more polygons representing the result of the logical OR between the 
input polygons. Method returns false if no output shapes are generated, and
true otherwise*/
bool logicop::logic::OR(pcollection& plycol) {
   bool result = false;
   VPoint* centinel = NULL;
   if (0 == _crossp) {
      // If there are no crossing points found, this still does not mean
      // that the operation will fail. Polygons might be fully overlapping...
      // Check that a random point from poly1 is inside poly2 ...
      if       (_shape1->inside(_poly2)) centinel = _shape2;
      // ... if not, check that a random point from poly2 is inside poly1 ...
      else if (_shape2->inside(_poly1)) centinel = _shape1;
      // ... if not - polygons does not have any common area
      else return false;
      // If we've got here means that one of the polygons is completely 
      // overlapped by the other one. So we need to return the outer one
      pointlist *shgen = new pointlist();
      VPoint* vpnt = centinel;
      do {
         shgen->push_back(TP(vpnt->cp()->x(), vpnt->cp()->y()));
         vpnt = vpnt->next();
      }while (centinel != vpnt);
      return true;
   pcollection lclcol; // local collection of the resulting shapes
   // get first external and non crossing  point
   centinel = getFirstOutside(_poly2, _shape1);
   if (NULL == centinel) centinel = getFirstOutside(_poly1, _shape2);
   VPoint* collector = centinel;
   bool direction = true; /*next*/
   do {
      if (0 == collector->visited()) {
         pointlist *shgen = new pointlist();
         VPoint* pickup = collector;
         direction = (0 == lclcol.size());
         do {
            pickup = pickup->follower(direction);
            shgen->push_back(TP(pickup->cp()->x(), pickup->cp()->y()));
         } while (pickup != collector);
         direction = true;
         result = true;
      collector = collector->next();
   } while (collector != centinel);
   if (!result) return result;
   // Convert all collected shapes to a single normalized polygon
   pointlist* respoly = lclcol.front();lclcol.pop_front();
   while (0 < lclcol.size()) {
      respoly = hole2simple(*respoly, *(lclcol.front()));
   return result;
Esempio n. 24
/*!The method uses #_shape1 and #_shape2 structure as an input data and produces
one or more polygons representing the result of the logical AND between the 
input polygons. Method returns false if no output shapes are generated, and
true otherwise*/
bool logicop::logic::AND(pcollection& plycol) {
   bool result = false;
   VPoint* centinel = NULL;
   if (0 == _crossp) {
      // If there are no crossing points found, this still does not mean
      // that the operation will fail. Polygons might be fully overlapping...
      // Check that a random point from poly1 is inside poly2 ...
      if       (_shape1->inside(_poly2)) centinel = _shape1;
      // ... if not, check that a random point from poly2 is inside poly1 ...
      else if (_shape2->inside(_poly1)) centinel = _shape2;
      // ... if not - polygons does not have any common area
      else return false;
      // If we've got here means that one of the polygons is completely 
      // overlapped by the other one. So we need to return the inner one
      pointlist *shgen = new pointlist();
      VPoint* vpnt = centinel;
      do {
         shgen->push_back(TP(vpnt->cp()->x(), vpnt->cp()->y()));
         vpnt = vpnt->next();
      }while (centinel != vpnt);
      return true;
   bool direction = true; /*next*/
   //if crossing points exists, get first external and non crossing  point
   centinel = getFirstOutside(_poly2, _shape1);
   if (NULL == centinel) centinel = getFirstOutside(_poly1, _shape2);
   VPoint* collector = centinel;
   do {
      if (0 == collector->visited()) {
         pointlist *shgen = new pointlist();
         VPoint* pickup = collector;
         do {
            pickup = pickup->follower(direction);
            shgen->push_back(TP(pickup->cp()->x(), pickup->cp()->y()));
         } while (pickup != collector);
         result = true;
      collector = collector->prev();
   } while (collector != centinel);
   return result;
Esempio n. 25
void VRadialGradientPattern::_ComputeFactors()
	//ensure that focal point lies inside exterior radius
	//(otherwise gradient drawing is undeterminate)
	if (fEndRadiusX != 0 && fEndRadiusY != 0 && (fStartPoint.x != fEndPoint.x || fStartPoint.y != fEndPoint.y))
		//map focal to circle coordinate space with center at end point and radius equal to fEndRadiusX
		GReal fx = fStartPoint.x-fEndPoint.x;
		GReal fy = (fStartPoint.y-fEndPoint.y)*fEndRadiusX/fEndRadiusY;
		if ((fx*fx+fy*fy) > fEndRadiusX*fEndRadiusX*(GReal) 0.9999*(GReal) 0.9999) //radius*0.9999 in order to avoid math discrepancy errors
			//set focal to intersection with circle
			GReal angle = atan2(fy,fx);
			fy = sin(angle)*fEndRadiusX*(GReal) 0.9999;
			fx = cos(angle)*fEndRadiusX*(GReal) 0.9999;
			//map focal from circle coordinate space to user coordinate space 
			fStartPoint.x = fx+fEndPoint.x;
			fStartPoint.y = fy*fEndRadiusY/fEndRadiusX+fEndPoint.y;
	//here end point and radius need to be adjusted for reflect and repeat wrapping modes
	if (GetWrapMode() != ePatternWrapClamp)
		VPoint startPoint	= fStartPoint;
		VPoint endPoint		= fEndPoint;	
		//map radius and focal coordinates from ellipsoid coordinate space (user space) to circular coordinate space centered on end point
		//(more easy to work with circular coordinate space)
		GReal endRadius = xbox::Max( fEndRadiusX, fEndRadiusY);
		if (startPoint != endPoint
			fEndRadiusX != fEndRadiusY
			fEndRadiusX != 0
			fEndRadiusY != 0)
			VPoint focal = startPoint-endPoint;
			if (fEndRadiusX >= fEndRadiusY)
				focal.y *= fEndRadiusX/fEndRadiusY;
				focal.x *= fEndRadiusY/fEndRadiusX;
			startPoint = endPoint + focal;
		//if focal is not centered and as radius is enlarged for tiling wrapping modes, 
		//we must modify center point to ensure ratio (dist focal to radius)/radius keep the same
		//otherwise drawing will not be correct
		if (startPoint != endPoint && endRadius != 0)
			VPoint vFocalToCenter = endPoint-startPoint;
			GReal distFocalToCenter = vFocalToCenter.GetLength();
			if (distFocalToCenter > endRadius)
				distFocalToCenter = endRadius;
			GReal distFocalToRadius = endRadius-distFocalToCenter;
			endPoint += vFocalToCenter*(endRadius-distFocalToRadius*kPATTERN_GRADIENT_TILE_MAX_COUNT);
			//ensure that focal still lies in exterior circle :
			//because of math discrepancy errors (especially near end radius border) we need to check that to avoid Quartz2D artifacts
			//map focal to circle coordinate space with center at new end point
			GReal fx = startPoint.x-endPoint.x;
			GReal fy = startPoint.y-endPoint.y;
			while ((fx*fx+fy*fy) > endRadius*endRadius*(GReal) 0.9999*(GReal) 0.9999)	//radius*0.9999 to deal with math discrepancy errors (value 0.9999 determined by experimentation)
				endRadius *= (GReal) 1.01; 
			//focal is centered: only enlarge radius
		//update tiling datas
		fEndRadiusTiling = endRadius;
		if (endPoint != fEndPoint)
			//adjust new end point position (to take account ellipsoid shape)
			if (fEndRadiusX >= fEndRadiusY)
				GReal ratio = fEndRadiusY/fEndRadiusX;
				startPoint -= endPoint;
				//map new end point from circular coordinate space centered on last end point to user space
				//(this will be new origin for circular coordinate space)
				endPoint -= fEndPoint;
				endPoint.y *= ratio;
				fEndPointTiling = fEndPoint+endPoint;
				startPoint += fEndPointTiling;	//keep start point in circular coordinate space whom origin is equal to end point
												//(transform to user space is delayed to gradient transform)
				//map start point to user space (ellipsoid coordinate space)
				startPoint.y *= ratio;
				startPoint += fEndPointTiling;
				fStartPointTiling = startPoint;
				GReal ratio = fEndRadiusX/fEndRadiusY;
				startPoint -= endPoint;
				//map new end point from circular coordinate space centered on last end point to user space
				//(this will be new origin for circular coordinate space)
				endPoint -= fEndPoint;
				endPoint.x *= ratio;
				fEndPointTiling = fEndPoint+endPoint;
				startPoint += fEndPointTiling;	//keep start point in circular coordinate space whom origin is equal to end point
												//(transform to user space is delayed to gradient transform)
				//map start point to user space (ellipsoid coordinate space)
				startPoint.x *= ratio;
				startPoint += fEndPointTiling;
				fStartPointTiling = startPoint;
				fEndPointTiling = endPoint;
				fStartPointTiling = startPoint;
		//compute radial gradient transform matrix
		//remark: we must remap input coordinates if the radial gradient is ellipsoid and not strictly circular
		if (fEndRadiusX != fEndRadiusY && fEndRadiusX != 0 && fEndRadiusY != 0)
			fMat.Translate( -fEndPointTiling.GetX(), -fEndPointTiling.GetY(), VAffineTransform::MatrixOrderAppend);
			if (fEndRadiusX > fEndRadiusY)
				fMat.Scale( 1, fEndRadiusY/fEndRadiusX, VAffineTransform::MatrixOrderAppend); 
				fMat.Scale( fEndRadiusX/fEndRadiusY, 1, VAffineTransform::MatrixOrderAppend);
			fMat.Translate( fEndPointTiling.GetX(), fEndPointTiling.GetY(), VAffineTransform::MatrixOrderAppend);
		//compute radial gradient transform matrix
		//remark: we must remap input coordinates if the radial gradient is ellipsoid and not strictly circular
		if (fEndRadiusX != fEndRadiusY && fEndRadiusX != 0 && fEndRadiusY != 0)
			fMat.Translate( -fEndPoint.GetX(), -fEndPoint.GetY(), VAffineTransform::MatrixOrderAppend);
			if (fEndRadiusX > fEndRadiusY)
				fMat.Scale( 1, fEndRadiusY/fEndRadiusX, VAffineTransform::MatrixOrderAppend); 
				fMat.Scale( fEndRadiusX/fEndRadiusY, 1, VAffineTransform::MatrixOrderAppend);
			fMat.Translate( fEndPoint.GetX(), fEndPoint.GetY(), VAffineTransform::MatrixOrderAppend);

	//concat with user transform if any (append in order to allow gradient shearing for instance)
	if (!fTransform.IsIdentity())
		fMat *= fTransform;
	if (fGradientStyle == GRAD_STYLE_LUT 
		fGradientStyle == GRAD_STYLE_LUT_FAST)

	GReal	startComponent[4];
	GReal	endComponent[4];
	//compute radial gradient factors
	startComponent[0] = fStartColor.GetRed() / 255.0f;
	startComponent[1] = fStartColor.GetGreen() / 255.0f;
	startComponent[2] = fStartColor.GetBlue() / 255.0f;
	startComponent[3] = fStartColor.GetAlpha() / 255.0f;
	endComponent[0] = fEndColor.GetRed() / 255.0f;
	endComponent[1] = fEndColor.GetGreen() / 255.0f;
	endComponent[2] = fEndColor.GetBlue() / 255.0f;
	endComponent[3] = fEndColor.GetAlpha() / 255.0f;
	for (sLONG index = 0; index < 4; index++)
		fSpreadFactor[index] = (endComponent[index] - startComponent[index]);
		fStartComponent[index] = startComponent[index];
	/** Set the coordinates of this point to be the values from an
	existing VPoint object.*/
	void		Set(VPoint const& pt)
		{ Set(pt.GetPOINT()); }