/** Retrieves the bounding rectangle for a given band in a rebar control.
	The r VRect object paramater will receive the bounds of the rebar band.
	The rebar band is identified by the ID of the band or by the zero based
	index of the band. This method will first translate the nID parameter to
	the corresponding band index. If there is no corresponding band index,
	the method will assume that nID is a band index.*/
	VBOOL		GetBandRect(VUINT nID, VRect& r) const
		return VWINDOW_SMB2(RB_GETRECT, BandIDToIndexOrID(nID), r.GetPointer());
	/** Attempts to find the best layout of the bands for the given rectangle.
	The r paramater specifies the rectangle to which the rebar control
	should be sized. The rebar bands will be arranged and wrapped as
	necessary to fit the rectangle. Bands that have the RBBS_VARIABLEHEIGHT
	style will be resized as evenly as possible  to fit the rectangle. The
	height of a horizontal rebar or the width of a vertical rebar may change,
	depending on the new layout. Returns VTRUE if a layout change occurred.*/
	VBOOL		SizeToRect(VRect const& r) const
		{ return VWINDOW_SMB2(RB_SIZETORECT, 0, r.GetPointer()); }
	/** Retrieves the borders of a band. The result of this function can be
	used to calculate the usable area in a band. The r VRect object will
	receive the band borders. If the rebar control has the RBS_BANDBORDERS
	style, each member of this structure will receive the number of pixels,
	on the corresponding side  of the band that constitute the border. If
	the rebar control does not have the RBS_BANDBORDERS style, only the left
	value receives valid information. The rebar band is identified by the ID
	of the band or by the zero based index of the band. This method will
	first translate the nID parameter to the corresponding band index. If
	there is no corresponding band index, the method will assume that nID is
	a band index.*/
	void		GetBandBorders(VUINT nID, VRect& r) const