Esempio n. 1
 * Closures are implemented by taking the local variables that
 * need to survive the scope of the function, and copying them
 * into a gc allocated chuck of memory. That chunk, called the
 * closure here, is inserted into the linked list of stack
 * frames instead of the usual stack frame.
 * buildClosure() inserts code just after the function prolog
 * is complete. It allocates memory for the closure, allocates
 * a local variable (sclosure) to point to it, inserts into it
 * the link to the enclosing frame, and copies into it the parameters
 * that are referred to in nested functions.
 * In VarExp::toElem and SymOffExp::toElem, when referring to a
 * variable that is in a closure, takes the offset from sclosure rather
 * than from the frame pointer.
 * getEthis() and NewExp::toElem need to use sclosure, if set, rather
 * than the current frame pointer.
void buildClosure(FuncDeclaration *fd, IRState *irs)
    if (fd->needsClosure())
        // Generate closure on the heap
        // BUG: doesn't capture variadic arguments passed to this function

        /* BUG: doesn't handle destructors for the local variables.
         * The way to do it is to make the closure variables the fields
         * of a class object:
         *    class Closure {
         *        vtbl[]
         *        monitor
         *        ptr to destructor
         *        sthis
         *        ... closure variables ...
         *        ~this() { call destructor }
         *    }
        //printf("FuncDeclaration::buildClosure() %s\n", toChars());

        /* Generate type name for closure struct */
        const char *name1 = "CLOSURE.";
        const char *name2 = fd->toPrettyChars();
        size_t namesize = strlen(name1)+strlen(name2)+1;
        char *closname = (char *) calloc(namesize, sizeof(char));
        strcat(strcat(closname, name1), name2);

        /* Build type for closure */
        type *Closstru = type_struct_class(closname, Target::ptrsize, 0, NULL, NULL, false, false, true);
        symbol_struct_addField(Closstru->Ttag, "__chain", Type_toCtype(Type::tvoidptr), 0);

        Symbol *sclosure;
        sclosure = symbol_name("__closptr", SCauto, type_pointer(Closstru));
        sclosure->Sflags |= SFLtrue | SFLfree;
        irs->sclosure = sclosure;

        unsigned offset = Target::ptrsize;      // leave room for previous sthis
        for (size_t i = 0; i < fd->closureVars.dim; i++)
            VarDeclaration *v = fd->closureVars[i];
            //printf("closure var %s\n", v->toChars());

            if (v->needsAutoDtor())
                /* Because the value needs to survive the end of the scope!
                v->error("has scoped destruction, cannot build closure");
            if (v->isargptr)
                /* See Bugzilla 2479
                 * This is actually a bug, but better to produce a nice
                 * message at compile time rather than memory corruption at runtime
                v->error("cannot reference variadic arguments from closure");
            /* Align and allocate space for v in the closure
             * just like AggregateDeclaration::addField() does.
            unsigned memsize;
            unsigned memalignsize;
            structalign_t xalign;
            if (v->storage_class & STClazy)
                /* Lazy variables are really delegates,
                 * so give same answers that TypeDelegate would
                memsize = Target::ptrsize * 2;
                memalignsize = memsize;
                xalign = STRUCTALIGN_DEFAULT;
            else if (ISWIN64REF(v))
                memsize = v->type->size();
                memalignsize = v->type->alignsize();
                xalign = v->alignment;
            else if (ISREF(v, NULL))
                // reference parameters are just pointers
                memsize = Target::ptrsize;
                memalignsize = memsize;
                xalign = STRUCTALIGN_DEFAULT;
                memsize = v->type->size();
                memalignsize = v->type->alignsize();
                xalign = v->alignment;
            AggregateDeclaration::alignmember(xalign, memalignsize, &offset);
            v->offset = offset;
            offset += memsize;

            /* Set Sscope to closure */
            Symbol *vsym = toSymbol(v);
            assert(vsym->Sscope == NULL);
            vsym->Sscope = sclosure;

            /* Add variable as closure type member */
            symbol_struct_addField(Closstru->Ttag, vsym->Sident, vsym->Stype, v->offset);
            //printf("closure field %s: memalignsize: %i, offset: %i\n", vsym->Sident, memalignsize, v->offset);

            /* Can't do nrvo if the variable is put in a closure, since
             * what the shidden points to may no longer exist.
            if (fd->nrvo_can && fd->nrvo_var == v)
                fd->nrvo_can = 0;
        // offset is now the size of the closure
        Closstru->Ttag->Sstruct->Sstructsize = offset;

        // Allocate memory for the closure
        elem *e = el_long(TYsize_t, offset);
        e = el_bin(OPcall, TYnptr, el_var(getRtlsym(RTLSYM_ALLOCMEMORY)), e);
        toTraceGC(irs, e, &fd->loc);

        // Assign block of memory to sclosure
        //    sclosure = allocmemory(sz);
        e = el_bin(OPeq, TYvoid, el_var(sclosure), e);

        // Set the first element to sthis
        //    *(sclosure + 0) = sthis;
        elem *ethis;
        if (irs->sthis)
            ethis = el_var(irs->sthis);
            ethis = el_long(TYnptr, 0);
        elem *ex = el_una(OPind, TYnptr, el_var(sclosure));
        ex = el_bin(OPeq, TYnptr, ex, ethis);
        e = el_combine(e, ex);

        // Copy function parameters into closure
        for (size_t i = 0; i < fd->closureVars.dim; i++)
            VarDeclaration *v = fd->closureVars[i];

            if (!v->isParameter())
            tym_t tym = totym(v->type);
            bool win64ref = ISWIN64REF(v);
            if (win64ref)
                if (v->storage_class & STClazy)
                    tym = TYdelegate;
            else if (ISREF(v, NULL))
                tym = TYnptr;   // reference parameters are just pointers
            else if (v->storage_class & STClazy)
                tym = TYdelegate;
            ex = el_bin(OPadd, TYnptr, el_var(sclosure), el_long(TYsize_t, v->offset));
            ex = el_una(OPind, tym, ex);
            elem *ev = el_var(toSymbol(v));
            if (win64ref)
                ev->Ety = TYnptr;
                ev = el_una(OPind, tym, ev);
                if (tybasic(ev->Ety) == TYstruct || tybasic(ev->Ety) == TYarray)
                    ev->ET = Type_toCtype(v->type);
            if (tybasic(ex->Ety) == TYstruct || tybasic(ex->Ety) == TYarray)
                ::type *t = Type_toCtype(v->type);
                ex->ET = t;
                ex = el_bin(OPstreq, tym, ex, ev);
                ex->ET = t;
                ex = el_bin(OPeq, tym, ex, ev);

            e = el_combine(e, ex);

        block_appendexp(irs->blx->curblock, e);
Esempio n. 2
File: toir.c Progetto: dheld/dmd
void FuncDeclaration::buildClosure(IRState *irs)
    if (needsClosure())
    {   // Generate closure on the heap
        // BUG: doesn't capture variadic arguments passed to this function

#if DMDV2
        /* BUG: doesn't handle destructors for the local variables.
         * The way to do it is to make the closure variables the fields
         * of a class object:
         *    class Closure
         *    {   vtbl[]
         *        monitor
         *        ptr to destructor
         *        sthis
         *        ... closure variables ...
         *        ~this() { call destructor }
         *    }
        Symbol *sclosure;
        sclosure = symbol_name("__closptr",SCauto,Type::tvoidptr->toCtype());
        sclosure->Sflags |= SFLtrue | SFLfree;
        irs->sclosure = sclosure;

        unsigned offset = PTRSIZE;      // leave room for previous sthis
        for (size_t i = 0; i < closureVars.dim; i++)
        {   VarDeclaration *v = closureVars[i];

#if DMDV2
            if (v->needsAutoDtor())
                /* Because the value needs to survive the end of the scope!
                v->error("has scoped destruction, cannot build closure");
            if (v->isargptr)
                /* See Bugzilla 2479
                 * This is actually a bug, but better to produce a nice
                 * message at compile time rather than memory corruption at runtime
                v->error("cannot reference variadic arguments from closure");
            /* Align and allocate space for v in the closure
             * just like AggregateDeclaration::addField() does.
            unsigned memsize;
            unsigned memalignsize;
            structalign_t xalign;
#if DMDV2
            if (v->storage_class & STClazy)
                /* Lazy variables are really delegates,
                 * so give same answers that TypeDelegate would
                memsize = PTRSIZE * 2;
                memalignsize = memsize;
                xalign = global.structalign;
            else if (v->isRef() || v->isOut())
            {    // reference parameters are just pointers
                memsize = PTRSIZE;
                memalignsize = memsize;
                xalign = global.structalign;
                memsize = v->type->size();
                memalignsize = v->type->alignsize();
                xalign = v->alignment;
            AggregateDeclaration::alignmember(xalign, memalignsize, &offset);
            v->offset = offset;
            offset += memsize;

            /* Can't do nrvo if the variable is put in a closure, since
             * what the shidden points to may no longer exist.
            if (nrvo_can && nrvo_var == v)
                nrvo_can = 0;
        // offset is now the size of the closure

        // Allocate memory for the closure
        elem *e;
        e = el_long(TYsize_t, offset);
        e = el_bin(OPcall, TYnptr, el_var(rtlsym[RTLSYM_ALLOCMEMORY]), e);

        // Assign block of memory to sclosure
        //    sclosure = allocmemory(sz);
        e = el_bin(OPeq, TYvoid, el_var(sclosure), e);

        // Set the first element to sthis
        //    *(sclosure + 0) = sthis;
        elem *ethis;
        if (irs->sthis)
            ethis = el_var(irs->sthis);
            ethis = el_long(TYnptr, 0);
        elem *ex = el_una(OPind, TYnptr, el_var(sclosure));
        ex = el_bin(OPeq, TYnptr, ex, ethis);
        e = el_combine(e, ex);

        // Copy function parameters into closure
        for (size_t i = 0; i < closureVars.dim; i++)
        {   VarDeclaration *v = closureVars[i];

            if (!v->isParameter())
            tym_t tym = v->type->totym();
            if (
                v->type->toBasetype()->ty == Tsarray ||
                v->isOut() || v->isRef())
                tym = TYnptr;   // reference parameters are just pointers
#if DMDV2
            else if (v->storage_class & STClazy)
                tym = TYdelegate;
            ex = el_bin(OPadd, TYnptr, el_var(sclosure), el_long(TYsize_t, v->offset));
            ex = el_una(OPind, tym, ex);
            if (tybasic(ex->Ety) == TYstruct || tybasic(ex->Ety) == TYarray)
                ::type *t = v->type->toCtype();
                ex->ET = t;
                ex = el_bin(OPstreq, tym, ex, el_var(v->toSymbol()));
                ex->ET = t;
                ex = el_bin(OPeq, tym, ex, el_var(v->toSymbol()));

            e = el_combine(e, ex);

        block_appendexp(irs->blx->curblock, e);
Esempio n. 3
static bool checkReturnEscapeImpl(Scope *sc, Expression *e, bool refs, bool gag)
    //printf("[%s] checkReturnEscapeImpl, e = %s\n", e->loc->toChars(), e->toChars());
    EscapeByResults er;

    if (refs)
        escapeByRef(e, &er);
        escapeByValue(e, &er);

    if (!er.byref.dim && !er.byvalue.dim && !er.byexp.dim)
        return false;

    bool result = false;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < er.byvalue.dim; i++)
        VarDeclaration *v = er.byvalue[i];
        //printf("byvalue %s\n", v->toChars());
        if (v->isDataseg())

        Dsymbol *p = v->toParent2();

        if ((v->isScope() || (v->storage_class & STCmaybescope)) &&
            !(v->storage_class & STCreturn) &&
            v->isParameter() &&
            sc->func->flags & FUNCFLAGreturnInprocess &&
            p == sc->func)
            inferReturn(sc->func, v);        // infer addition of 'return'

        if (v->isScope())
            if (v->storage_class & STCreturn)

            if (sc->_module && sc->_module->isRoot() &&
                /* This case comes up when the ReturnStatement of a __foreachbody is
                 * checked for escapes by the caller of __foreachbody. Skip it.
                 * struct S { static int opApply(int delegate(S*) dg); }
                 * S* foo() {
                 *    foreach (S* s; S) // create __foreachbody for body of foreach
                 *        return s;     // s is inferred as 'scope' but incorrectly tested in foo()
                 *    return null; }
                !(!refs && p->parent == sc->func))
                // Only look for errors if in module listed on command line
                if (global.params.vsafe) //
                    if (!gag)
                        error(e->loc, "scope variable %s may not be returned", v->toChars());
                    result = true;
        else if (v->storage_class & STCvariadic && p == sc->func)
            Type *tb = v->type->toBasetype();
            if (tb->ty == Tarray || tb->ty == Tsarray)
                if (!gag)
                    error(e->loc, "returning `%s` escapes a reference to variadic parameter `%s`", e->toChars(), v->toChars());
                result = false;
            //printf("no infer for %s\n", v->toChars());
            v->doNotInferScope = true;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < er.byref.dim; i++)
        VarDeclaration *v = er.byref[i];
        //printf("byref %s\n", v->toChars());
        if (v->isDataseg())

        Dsymbol *p = v->toParent2();

        if ((v->storage_class & (STCref | STCout)) == 0)
            if (p == sc->func)
                escapingRef(v, e, result, gag);
            FuncDeclaration *fd = p->isFuncDeclaration();
            if (fd && sc->func->flags & FUNCFLAGreturnInprocess)
                /* Code like:
                 *   int x;
                 *   auto dg = () { return &x; }
                 * Making it:
                 *   auto dg = () return { return &x; }
                 * Because dg.ptr points to x, this is returning dt.ptr+offset
                if (global.params.vsafe)
                    sc->func->storage_class |= STCreturn;

        /* Check for returning a ref variable by 'ref', but should be 'return ref'
         * Infer the addition of 'return', or set result to be the offending expression.
        if ( (v->storage_class & (STCref | STCout)) &&
             !(v->storage_class & (STCreturn | STCforeach)))
            if ((sc->func->flags & FUNCFLAGreturnInprocess) && p == sc->func)
                inferReturn(sc->func, v);        // infer addition of 'return'
            else if (global.params.useDIP25 &&
                     sc->_module && sc->_module->isRoot())
                // Only look for errors if in module listed on command line

                if (p == sc->func)
                    //printf("escaping reference to local ref variable %s\n", v->toChars());
                    //printf("storage class = x%llx\n", v->storage_class);
                    escapingRef(v, e, result, gag);
                // Don't need to be concerned if v's parent does not return a ref
                FuncDeclaration *fd = p->isFuncDeclaration();
                if (fd && fd->type && fd->type->ty == Tfunction)
                    TypeFunction *tf = (TypeFunction *)fd->type;
                    if (tf->isref)
                        if (!gag)
                            error(e->loc, "escaping reference to outer local variable %s", v->toChars());
                        result = true;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < er.byexp.dim; i++)
        Expression *ee = er.byexp[i];
        //printf("byexp %s\n", ee->toChars());
        if (!gag)
            error(ee->loc, "escaping reference to stack allocated value returned by %s", ee->toChars());
        result = true;

    return result;
Esempio n. 4
void DtoCreateNestedContext(FuncDeclaration* fd) {
    Logger::println("DtoCreateNestedContext for %s", fd->toChars());


    // construct nested variables array
    if (!fd->nestedVars.empty())
        IrFunction* irfunction = fd->ir.irFunc;
        unsigned depth = irfunction->depth;
        LLStructType *frameType = irfunction->frameType;
        // Create frame for current function and append to frames list
        // FIXME: alignment ?
        LLValue* frame = 0;
        if (fd->needsClosure())
            frame = DtoGcMalloc(frameType, ".frame");
            frame = DtoRawAlloca(frameType, 0, ".frame");

        // copy parent frames into beginning
        if (depth != 0) {
            LLValue* src = irfunction->nestArg;
            if (!src) {
                LLValue* thisval = DtoLoad(irfunction->thisArg);
                AggregateDeclaration* cd = fd->isMember2();
                Logger::println("Indexing to 'this'");
                if (cd->isStructDeclaration())
                    src = DtoExtractValue(thisval, cd->vthis->ir.irField->index, ".vthis");
                    src = DtoLoad(DtoGEPi(thisval, 0, cd->vthis->ir.irField->index, ".vthis"));
            } else {
                src = DtoLoad(src);
            if (depth > 1) {
                src = DtoBitCast(src, getVoidPtrType());
                LLValue* dst = DtoBitCast(frame, getVoidPtrType());
                DtoMemCpy(dst, src, DtoConstSize_t((depth-1) * PTRSIZE),
            // Copy nestArg into framelist; the outer frame is not in the list of pointers
            src = DtoBitCast(src, frameType->getContainedType(depth-1));
            LLValue* gep = DtoGEPi(frame, 0, depth-1);
            DtoAlignedStore(src, gep);

        // store context in IrFunction
        irfunction->nestedVar = frame;

        // go through all nested vars and assign addresses where possible.
        for (std::set<VarDeclaration*>::iterator i=fd->nestedVars.begin(); i!=fd->nestedVars.end(); ++i)
            VarDeclaration* vd = *i;

            LLValue* gep = DtoGEPi(frame, 0, vd->ir.irLocal->nestedIndex, vd->toChars());
            if (vd->isParameter()) {
                Logger::println("nested param: %s", vd->toChars());
                IrParameter* parm = vd->ir.irParam;

                if (parm->arg->byref)
                    storeVariable(vd, gep);
                    Logger::println("Copying to nested frame");
                    // The parameter value is an alloca'd stack slot.
                    // Copy to the nesting frame and leave the alloca for
                    // the optimizers to clean up.
                    DtoStore(DtoLoad(parm->value), gep);
                    parm->value = gep;
            } else {
                Logger::println("nested var:   %s", vd->toChars());
                vd->ir.irLocal->value = gep;

            if (global.params.symdebug) {
                LLSmallVector<LLValue*, 2> addr;
                dwarfOpOffset(addr, frameType, vd->ir.irLocal->nestedIndex);
                DtoDwarfLocalVariable(frame, vd, addr);
Esempio n. 5
static void DtoCreateNestedContextType(FuncDeclaration* fd) {
    Logger::println("DtoCreateNestedContextType for %s", fd->toChars());


    if (fd->ir.irFunc->nestedContextCreated)
    fd->ir.irFunc->nestedContextCreated = true;

    if (fd->nestedVars.empty()) {
        // fill nestedVars
        size_t nnest = fd->closureVars.dim;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < nnest; ++i)
            VarDeclaration* vd = static_cast<VarDeclaration*>(fd->[i]);

    // construct nested variables array
    if (!fd->nestedVars.empty())
        Logger::println("has nested frame");
        // start with adding all enclosing parent frames until a static parent is reached

        LLStructType* innerFrameType = NULL;
        unsigned depth = -1;
        if (!fd->isStatic()) {
            if (FuncDeclaration* parfd = getParentFunc(fd, true)) {
                // Make sure the parent has already been analyzed.

                innerFrameType = parfd->ir.irFunc->frameType;
                if (innerFrameType)
                    depth = parfd->ir.irFunc->depth;
        fd->ir.irFunc->depth = ++depth;

        Logger::cout() << "Function " << fd->toChars() << " has depth " << depth << '\n';

        typedef std::vector<LLType*> TypeVec;
        TypeVec types;
        if (depth != 0) {
            // Add frame pointer types for all but last frame
            if (depth > 1) {
                for (unsigned i = 0; i < (depth - 1); ++i) {
            // Add frame pointer type for last frame

        if (Logger::enabled() && depth != 0) {
            Logger::println("Frame types: ");
            for (TypeVec::iterator i = types.begin(); i != types.end(); ++i)
                Logger::cout() << **i << '\n';

        // Add the direct nested variables of this function, and update their indices to match.
        // TODO: optimize ordering for minimal space usage?
        for (std::set<VarDeclaration*>::iterator i=fd->nestedVars.begin(); i!=fd->nestedVars.end(); ++i)
            VarDeclaration* vd = *i;
            if (!vd->ir.irLocal)
                vd->ir.irLocal = new IrLocal(vd);

            vd->ir.irLocal->nestedIndex = types.size();
            vd->ir.irLocal->nestedDepth = depth;
            if (vd->isParameter()) {
                // Parameters will have storage associated with them (to handle byref etc.),
                // so handle those cases specially by storing a pointer instead of a value.
                const IrParameter* irparam = vd->ir.irParam;
                const bool refout = vd->storage_class & (STCref | STCout);
                const bool lazy = vd->storage_class & STClazy;
                const bool byref = irparam->arg->byref;
                const bool isVthisPtr = irparam->isVthis && !byref;
                if (!(refout || (byref && !lazy)) || isVthisPtr) {
                    // This will be copied to the nesting frame.
                    if (lazy)
                } else {
            } else if (isSpecialRefVar(vd)) {
            } else {
            if (Logger::enabled()) {
                Logger::cout() << "Nested var '" << vd->toChars() <<
                    "' of type " << *types.back() << "\n";

        LLStructType* frameType = LLStructType::create(gIR->context(), types,
                                                       std::string("nest.") + fd->toChars());

        Logger::cout() << "frameType = " << *frameType << '\n';

        // Store type in IrFunction
        fd->ir.irFunc->frameType = frameType;
    } else if (FuncDeclaration* parFunc = getParentFunc(fd, true)) {
        // Propagate context arg properties if the context arg is passed on unmodified.
        fd->ir.irFunc->frameType = parFunc->ir.irFunc->frameType;
        fd->ir.irFunc->depth = parFunc->ir.irFunc->depth;
Esempio n. 6
File: nested.cpp Progetto: torje/ldc
void DtoCreateNestedContext(FuncDeclaration* fd) {
    Logger::println("DtoCreateNestedContext for %s", fd->toChars());


    if (nestedCtx == NCArray) {
        // construct nested variables array
        if (!fd->nestedVars.empty())
            Logger::println("has nested frame");
            // start with adding all enclosing parent frames until a static parent is reached
            int nparelems = 0;
            if (!fd->isStatic())
                Dsymbol* par = fd->toParent2();
                while (par)
                    if (FuncDeclaration* parfd = par->isFuncDeclaration())
                        nparelems += parfd->nestedVars.size();
                        // stop at first static
                        if (parfd->isStatic())
                    else if (par->isClassDeclaration())
                        // nothing needed

                    par = par->toParent2();
            int nelems = fd->nestedVars.size() + nparelems;

            // make array type for nested vars
            LLType* nestedVarsTy = LLArrayType::get(getVoidPtrType(), nelems);

            // alloca it
            // FIXME align ?
            LLValue* nestedVars = DtoRawAlloca(nestedVarsTy, 0, ".nested_vars");

            IrFunction* irfunction = fd->ir.irFunc;

            // copy parent frame into beginning
            if (nparelems)
                LLValue* src = irfunction->nestArg;
                if (!src)
                    LLValue* thisval = DtoLoad(irfunction->thisArg);
                    ClassDeclaration* cd = fd->isMember2()->isClassDeclaration();
                    src = DtoLoad(DtoGEPi(thisval, 0,cd->vthis->ir.irField->index, ".vthis"));
                } else {
                    src = DtoLoad(src);
                DtoMemCpy(nestedVars, src, DtoConstSize_t(nparelems*PTRSIZE),

            // store in IrFunction
            irfunction->nestedVar = nestedVars;

            // go through all nested vars and assign indices
            int idx = nparelems;
            for (std::set<VarDeclaration*>::iterator i=fd->nestedVars.begin(); i!=fd->nestedVars.end(); ++i)
                VarDeclaration* vd = *i;
                if (!vd->ir.irLocal)
                    vd->ir.irLocal = new IrLocal(vd);

                if (vd->isParameter())
                    Logger::println("nested param: %s", vd->toChars());
                    LLValue* gep = DtoGEPi(nestedVars, 0, idx);
                    LLValue* val = DtoBitCast(vd->ir.irLocal->value, getVoidPtrType());
                    DtoAlignedStore(val, gep);
                    Logger::println("nested var:   %s", vd->toChars());

                vd->ir.irLocal->nestedIndex = idx++;
    else if (nestedCtx == NCHybrid) {
        // construct nested variables array
        if (!fd->nestedVars.empty())
            IrFunction* irfunction = fd->ir.irFunc;
            unsigned depth = irfunction->depth;
            LLStructType *frameType = irfunction->frameType;
            // Create frame for current function and append to frames list
            // FIXME: alignment ?
            LLValue* frame = 0;
#if DMDV2
            if (fd->needsClosure())
                frame = DtoGcMalloc(frameType, ".frame");
            frame = DtoRawAlloca(frameType, 0, ".frame");

            // copy parent frames into beginning
            if (depth != 0) {
                LLValue* src = irfunction->nestArg;
                if (!src) {
                    LLValue* thisval = DtoLoad(irfunction->thisArg);
#if DMDV2
                    AggregateDeclaration* cd = fd->isMember2();
                    ClassDeclaration* cd = fd->isMember2()->isClassDeclaration();
                    Logger::println("Indexing to 'this'");
#if DMDV2
                    if (cd->isStructDeclaration())
                        src = DtoExtractValue(thisval, cd->vthis->ir.irField->index, ".vthis");
                    src = DtoLoad(DtoGEPi(thisval, 0, cd->vthis->ir.irField->index, ".vthis"));
                } else {
                    src = DtoLoad(src);
                if (depth > 1) {
                    src = DtoBitCast(src, getVoidPtrType());
                    LLValue* dst = DtoBitCast(frame, getVoidPtrType());
                    DtoMemCpy(dst, src, DtoConstSize_t((depth-1) * PTRSIZE),
                // Copy nestArg into framelist; the outer frame is not in the list of pointers
                src = DtoBitCast(src, frameType->getContainedType(depth-1));
                LLValue* gep = DtoGEPi(frame, 0, depth-1);
                DtoAlignedStore(src, gep);

            // store context in IrFunction
            irfunction->nestedVar = frame;

            // go through all nested vars and assign addresses where possible.
            for (std::set<VarDeclaration*>::iterator i=fd->nestedVars.begin(); i!=fd->nestedVars.end(); ++i)
                VarDeclaration* vd = *i;

                LLValue* gep = DtoGEPi(frame, 0, vd->ir.irLocal->nestedIndex, vd->toChars());
                if (vd->isParameter()) {
                    Logger::println("nested param: %s", vd->toChars());
                    LLValue* value = vd->ir.irLocal->value;
                    if (llvm::isa<llvm::AllocaInst>(llvm::GetUnderlyingObject(value))) {
                        Logger::println("Copying to nested frame");
                        // The parameter value is an alloca'd stack slot.
                        // Copy to the nesting frame and leave the alloca for
                        // the optimizers to clean up.
                        DtoStore(DtoLoad(value), gep);
                        vd->ir.irLocal->value = gep;
                    } else {
                        Logger::println("Adding pointer to nested frame");
                        // The parameter value is something else, such as a
                        // passed-in pointer (for 'ref' or 'out' parameters) or
                        // a pointer arg with byval attribute.
                        // Store the address into the frame.
                        storeVariable(vd, gep);
                } else if (vd->isRef() || vd->isOut()) {
                    // This slot is initialized in DtoNestedInit, to handle things like byref foreach variables
                    // which move around in memory.
                } else {
                    Logger::println("nested var:   %s", vd->toChars());
                    if (vd->ir.irLocal->value)
                        Logger::cout() << "Pre-existing value: " << *vd->ir.irLocal->value << '\n';
                    vd->ir.irLocal->value = gep;

                if (global.params.symdebug) {
                    LLSmallVector<LLValue*, 2> addr;
                    dwarfOpOffset(addr, frameType, vd->ir.irLocal->nestedIndex);
                    DtoDwarfLocalVariable(frame, vd, addr);
        } else if (FuncDeclaration* parFunc = getParentFunc(fd, true)) {
            // Propagate context arg properties if the context arg is passed on unmodified.
            fd->ir.irFunc->frameType = parFunc->ir.irFunc->frameType;
            fd->ir.irFunc->depth = parFunc->ir.irFunc->depth;
    else {
        assert(0 && "Not implemented yet");